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Search results for: SIDESCAN SONAR IMAGES
Reversible data hiding in encrypted DICOM images using sorted binary sequences of pixels
PublicationIn this paper, a novel reversible data hiding method for encrypted DICOM images is proposed. The method utilizes binary decomposition of the input data paired with a sorting process of the obtained binary sequences to ensure efficient data embedding in each predefined data block for specific most significant bit (MSB) planes while exploiting the properties of run-length encoding. The proposed scheme is lossless, and based on the...
A novel method for archiving multibeam sonar data with emphasis on efficient record size reduction and storage
PublicationOver the past few years considerable advances in sonar technology, spatial positioning capabilities and computer processing power have lead to significant improvements in mapping, imaging and technologies of seafloor exploration. Recently, modern multibeam echosounder systems (MBES) capable of recording backscatter data for the whole water column, not just for the seabed, have become available thus providing data allowing for...
Reconstruction of thin films polyazomethine based on microscopic images
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this paper was to investigate changes in surface morphology of thin films ofpolyazomethine PPI. Thin films were prepared using low-temperature chemical vapor deposition (CVD)method.Design/methodology/approach: The changes in surface topography was observed by the atomicforce microscope AFM and scanning electron microscope SEM. The results of roughness have beenprepared in the software WSxM NanoTec Spanish...
Analysis of the objects images on the sea using Dempster-Shafer Theory
PublicationThe paper presents the concept of using aerial and satellite imagery or images coming from the marine radar to identify and track vessels at sea. The acquired data were subjected to a highly advanced image analysis. The development of remote sensing techniques allows to gain a huge amount of data. These data are useful information source however usually we have to use different data mining methods to gain interested information....
Voix & Images: Littérature Québécoise
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Using Disparity Map for Moving Object Position Estimation in Pan Tilt Camera Images
PublicationIn this paper we present the algorithm for rapid moving object position estimation in an images acquired from pan tilt camera. Detection of a moving object in a image acquired from a moving camera might be quite challenging. Standard methods that relay on analyzing two consecutive frames are not applicable due to the changing background. To overtake this problem we decided to evaluate the possibility of calculating a disparity...
Visualisation forms in MCM Side Scan Sonar
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy organizacji zobrazowań na monitorach zmodernizowanych w Katedrze Systemów Elektroniki Morskiej a przeznaczonych do poszukiwania min sonarów bocznych z holowanymi nośnikami anten. We wprowadzeniu opisano strukturę takiego sonaru oraz sposób pozyskiwania i charakter odbieranych sygnałów jako podstawę organizowania zobrazowań efektów nasłuchu. Dalej opisano inne czynniki wpływające na organizację obrazów na monitorach...
Electronic stabilization of beams in sonar with cylindrical array
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje podstawy opisu beamformera dla sonaru z antena cylindryczną. Artykuł pokazuje, że zmodyfikowany beamformer może zostać użyty do stabilizacji osi wiązki w horyzontalnej płaszczyźnie, gdy znany jest przechył i zanurzenie statku. Artykuł przedstawia także problem elektronicznego odchylania wiązki.
Visualisation forms in passive sonar with towed array
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy organizacji zobrazowań na monitorach modernizowanego w KSEM sonaru pasywnego z długą, holowaną za rufą okrętu, anteną akustyczną. We wprowadzeniu opisano strukturę takiego sonaru oraz sposób pozyskiwania i charakter odbieranych sygnałów jako podstawę organizowania zobrazowań efektów nasłuchu. Dalej opisano inne czynniki wpływające na organizację obrazów na monitorach sonaru tzn. zadania operatorów, organizację i...
Selected problems of high-power sonar sources
PublicationSpecyfika pracy współczesnych sonarów aktywnych wymaga cyklicznego wypełnienia energią szerokiego sektora sondowania. W przypadku użycia płaskich anten nadawczych oznacza to zwykle konieczność skupienia energii akustycznego impulsu nadawczego na stosunkowo małej powierzchni czynnej przetwornika elektroakustycznego (kluczowe znaczenie odgrywa tu częstotliwość pracy systemu). Zjawiska towarzyszące dużym poziomom źródła mogą powodować...
Method for improving multibeam sonar bearing accuracy
PublicationPrzedstawiono prostą metodę poprawy dokładności namiarów w sonarach wielowiązkowych. Zasada zaproponowanej metoda jest zbliżona do metody monopulsowej stosowanej powszechnie w radarach i sonarach. Nie wymaga jednak ręcznego lub automatycznego obracania wiązek, co wydatnie zmniejsza potrzebne nakłady obliczeniowe procesorów sonaru Stosowanie metody daje znaczne zmniejszenie błędów namiarów przy względnie dużym wyjściowym stosunku...
Combined No-Reference Image Quality Metrics for Visual Quality Assessment Optimized for Remote Sensing Images
PublicationNo-reference image quality assessment is one of the most demanding areas of image analysis for many applications where the results of the analysis should be strongly correlated with the quality of an input image and the corresponding reference image is unavailable. One of the examples might be remote sensing since the transmission of such obtained images often requires the use of lossy compression and they are often distorted,...
Selection of an artificial pre-training neural network for the classification of inland vessels based on their images
PublicationArtificial neural networks (ANN) are the most commonly used algorithms for image classification problems. An image classifier takes an image or video as input and classifies it into one of the possible categories that it was trained to identify. They are applied in various areas such as security, defense, healthcare, biology, forensics, communication, etc. There is no need to create one’s own ANN because there are several pre-trained...
Intelligent Lossy Compression Method of Providing a Desired Visual Quality for Images of Different Complexity
PublicationLossy compression plays a vital role in modern digital image processing for producing a high compression ratio. However, distortion is unavoidable, which affects further image processing and must be handled with care. Providing a desired visual quality is an efficient approach for reaching a trade-off between introduced distortions and compression ratio; it aims to control the visual quality of the decompressed images and make...
Analyzing the Impact of Simulated Multispectral Images on Water Classification Accuracy by Means of Spectral Characteristics
PublicationRemote sensing is widely applied in examining the parameters of the state and quality of water. Spectral characteristics of water are strictly connected with the dispersion of electromagnetic radiation by suspended matter and the absorp-tion of radiation by water and chlorophyll a and b.Multispectral sensor ALI has bands within the ranges of electromagnetic radia-tion: blue and infrared, absent in sensors such as Landsat, SPOT,...
Receiver-side fingerprinting method for color images based on a series of quaternion rotations
PublicationThe proposed method is a new Joint Fingerprinting and Decryption (JFD) method that uses a cipher based on quaternion rotation to encrypt color images that are then sent to all users via multicast transmission. Individual encryption keys depend on the users’ fingerprints, so that a unique fingerprint is introduced into the image during decryption for each decryption key. A simulation-based research was conducted to examine the method’s...
Layered background modeling for automatic detection of unattended objects in camera images
PublicationAn algorithm for automatic detection of unattended objects in video camera images is presented. First, background subtraction is performed, using an approach based on the codebook method. Results of the detection are then processed by assigning the background pixels to time slots, based on the codeword age. Using this data, moving objects detected during a chosen period may be extracted from the background model. The proposed approach...
Combined Full-Reference Image Quality Metrics for Objective Assessment of Multiply Distorted Images
PublicationIn the recent years, many objective image quality assessment methods have been proposed by different researchers, leading to a significant increase in their correlation with subjective quality evaluations. Although many recently proposed image quality assessment methods, particularly full-reference metrics, are in some cases highly correlated with the perception of individual distortions, there is still a need for their verification...
Artificial intelligence support for disease detection in wireless capsule endoscopy images of human large bowel
PublicationIn the work the chosen algorithms of disease recognition in endoscopy images were described and compared for theirs efficiency. The algorithms were estimated with regard to utility for application in computer system's support for digestive system's diagnostics. Estimations were achieved in an advanced testing environment, which was built with use of the large collection of endoscopy movies received from Medical University in Gdańsk....
Detection of moving objects in images combined from video and thermal cameras
PublicationAn algorithm for detection of moving objects in video streams from the monitoring cameras is presented. A system composed of a standard video camera and a thermal camera, mounted in close proximity to each other, is used for object detection. First, a background subtraction is performed in both video streams separately, using the popular Gaussian Mixture Models method. For the next processing stage, the authors propose an algorithm...
Colour Terms in Five Linguistic Images of the World: The Semantic Perspective
PublicationSocial and cultural factors shape the linguistic perception of colour. At the same time, colour terms co-create the linguistic image of the world, which allows us to interpret reality and profile our statements and beliefs. This paper presents six basic colour terms: white, black, red, green, yellow, and blue (both as adjectives and as nouns) in the five different linguistic images of the world of the following languages: English,...
Thermal Images Analysis Methods using Deep Learning Techniques for the Needs of Remote Medical Diagnostics
PublicationRemote medical diagnostic solutions have recently gained more importance due to global demographic shifts and play a key role in evaluation of health status during epidemic. Contactless estimation of vital signs with image processing techniques is especially important since it allows for obtaining health status without the use of additional sensors. Thermography enables us to reveal additional details, imperceptible in images acquired...
Use of radiography images and gray level co-occurrence matrix to investigate gravitational granular flow
PublicationThe paper presents analysis of granular gravitational flow based on radiography images processing. The investigations were conducted for silo model geometry with concentric/eccentric discharging modes. The continuous X-ray radiography scans of granular material distribution, acquired during flow, were obtained by means of an especially designed model silo with rectangular bin and different settings of hopper angles. Image processing...
Bearing errors passive sonar stationary target location
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodę wyznaczania współrzędnych nieruchomego celu na podstawie namiarów wykonywanych w sonarze pasywnym. Określono wymagania odnośnie ruchu sonaru, przy których błędy wyznaczania współrzędnych są minimalne. Podano zależności umożliwiające analityczne wyznaczanie błędów współrzędnych. Poprawność wyników analizy potwierdzono eksperymentami numerycznymi.
3d imaging software tools for multibeam sonar data
PublicationArtykuł porusza problem trójwymiarowej wizualizacji dna morskiego na podstawie danych pochodzących z systemu wielowiązkowego. W prezentowanym systemie wykorzystano trzy technologie programistyczne do wytwarzania grafiki 3D (C++ OpenGL, Java 3D, Java OpenGL). W artykule przedstawiono problemy, na które natknięto się podczas tworzenia systemu coraz omówiono sposoby ich rozwiązywania.
Quality Control for the BPG Lossy Compression of Three-Channel Remote Sensing Images
PublicationThis paper deals with providing the desired quality in the Better Portable Graphics (BPG)-based lossy compression of color and three-channel remote sensing (RS) images. Quality is described by the Mean Deviation Similarity Index (MDSI), which is proven to be one of the best metrics for characterizing compressed image quality due to its high conventional and rank-order correlation with the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) values. The...
PublicationIn this paper we discuss the comparison of point cloud filters focusing on their applicability for streaming optimization. For the filtering stage within a stream pipeline processing we evaluate three filters: Voxel Grid, Pass Through and Statistical Outlier Removal. For the filters we perform series of the tests aiming at evaluation of changes of point cloud size and transmitting frequency (various fps ratio). We propose a distributed...
Depth Images Filtering In Distributed Streaming
PublicationIn this paper, we propose a distributed system for point cloud processing and transferring them via computer network regarding to effectiveness-related requirements. We discuss the comparison of point cloud filters focusing on their usage for streaming optimization. For the filtering step of the stream pipeline processing we evaluate four filters: Voxel Grid, Radial Outliner Remover, Statistical Outlier Removal and Pass Through....
Registration and normalization of MRI/PET images
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono technikę rejestracji i normalizacji obrazów MRI/PET. Zawiera on porównanie sztywnej i elastycznej transformacji gemotrycznej. Porownano w nim rowniez manualne i proponowane automatyczne podejscie do problemu rejestracji i normalizacji obrazow.
Age Prediction from Low Resolution, Dual-Energy X-ray Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
PublicationAge prediction from X-rays is an interesting research topic important for clinical applications such as biological maturity assessment. It is also useful in many other practical applications, including sports or forensic investigations for age verification purposes. Research on these issues is usually carried out using high-resolution X-ray scans of parts of the body, such as images of the hands or images of the chest. In this...
Feature Weighted Attention-Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory Model for Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images
PublicationIn remote sensing images, change detection (CD) is required in many applications, such as: resource management, urban expansion research, land management, and disaster assessment. Various deep learning-based methods were applied to satellite image analysis for change detection, yet many of them have limitations, including the overfitting problem. This research proposes the Feature Weighted Attention (FWA) in Bidirectional Long...
Respiratory Rate Estimation Based on Detected Mask Area in Thermal Images
PublicationThe popularity of non-contact methods of measuring vital signs, particularly respiratory rate, has increased during the SARS-COV-2 pandemic. Breathing parameters can be estimated by analysis of temperature changes observed in thermal images of nostrils or mouth regions. However, wearing virus-protection face masks prevents direct detection of such face regions. In this work, we propose to use an automatic mask detection approach...
Automatic Detection of Nerves in Confocal Corneal Images with Orientation-Based Edge Merging
PublicationThe paper presents an algorithm for improving results of automatic nerve detections in confocal microscopy images of human corneal. The method is designed as a postprocessing step of regular detection. After the nerves are initially detected, the algorithms attempts to improve the results by filling unde-sired gaps between single nerves detections in order to correctly mark the entire nerve instead of only parts of it. This approach...
Underground Water Level Prediction in Remote Sensing Images Using Improved Hydro Index Value with Ensemble Classifier
PublicationThe economic sustainability of aquifers across the world relies on accurate and rapid estimates of groundwater storage changes, but this becomes difficult due to the absence of insitu groundwater surveys in most areas. By closing the water balance, hydrologic remote sensing measures offer a possible method for quantifying changes in groundwater storage. However, it is uncertain to what extent remote sensing data can provide an...
Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted DICOM Images Using Cyclic Binary Golay (23, 12) Code
PublicationIn this paper, a novel reversible data hiding method for encrypted images (RDHEI) is proposed. An efficient coding scheme based on cyclic binary Golay (23, 12) code is designed to embed additional data into the least significant bits (LSBs) of the encrypted image. The most significant bits (MSBs) are used to ensure the reversibility of the embedding process. The proposed scheme is lossless, and based on the receiver’s privileges,...
Disegnare Idee Immagini-Ideas Images
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Ekphrasis-Images Cinema Theory Media
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Applications of compression techniques for reducing the size of multibeam sonar records
PublicationJednym z najczęściej używanych urządzeń służących do szeroko rozumianego telemonitoringu morskiego są sonary wielowiązkowe (ang. Multibeam systems - MBS). Ich wysoka wydajność w tworzeniu informacji o obiektach znajdujących się pod wodą skutkuje w dużych ilościach danych pozyskiwanych podczas rejsów badawczych i pomiarowych. W tym kontekście, proces przechowywania i zarządzania takim magazynem danych staje się istotnym problemem...
Acoustic signal processing in passive sonar system with towed array
PublicationW referacie opisano przetwarzanie sygnałów akustycznych w pasywnym systemie hydrolokacyjnym. W pojęciu ''przetwarzanie sygnałów akustycznych'' mieszczą się wszelkie operacje wykonywane na sygnałach analogowych tj. wzmacnianie, filtracja i próbkowanie, jak również operacje na sygnałach cyfrowych uzyskanych w procesie próbkowania. Do operacji cyfrowych wykonywanych w systemie zalicza się synchronizację, konwersję, sortowanie, wytwarzanie...
Special forms of echo visual representation in an ahead looking sonar.
PublicationThe paper discusses ways to organise visual representation in a multi-beam ahead looking sonars whose function is to detect objects on the bottom and in pelagic zones. Forms of visual representation are shown and illustrated on the basic screen (panoramic representation and setting, alarms) and on the auxiliary screen (type A, B and special). Special forms of visual representation are mainly used in detecting objects in difficult...
Systematic approach to binary classification of images in video streams using shifting time windows
Publicationin the paper, after pointing out of realistic recordings and classifications of their frames, we propose a new shifting time window approach for improving binary classifications. We consider image classification in tewo steps. in the first one the well known binary classification algorithms are used for each image separately. In the second step the results of the previous step mare analysed in relatively short sequences of consecutive...
Predicting emotion from color present in images and video excerpts by machine learning
PublicationThis work aims at predicting emotion based on the colors present in images and video excerpts using a machine-learning approach. The purpose of this paper is threefold: (a) to develop a machine-learning algorithm that classifies emotions based on the color present in an image, (b) to select the best-performing algorithm from the first phase and apply it to film excerpt emotion analysis based on colors, (c) to design an online survey...
Facial features extraction for color, frontal images
PublicationThe problem of facial characteristic features extraction is discussed. Several methods of features extraction for color en--face photographs are discussed. The methods are based mainly on the colors features related to the specific regions of the human face. The usefulness of presented methods was tested on a database of en--face photographs consisting of 100 photographs.
Similarity Measures for Face Images: An Experimental Study
PublicationThis work describes experiments aimed at finding a straightforward but effective way of comparing face images.We discuss properties of the basic concepts, such as the Euclidean, cosine and correlation metrics, test the simplest version of elastic templates, and compare these solutions with distances based on texture descriptors (Local Ternary Patterns). The influence of selected image processing methods (e.g. bilateral ltering)...
Synthesis of parametric images in the medical active thermography
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia zastosowanie nowej metody syntezy obrazów w termografii dla potrzeb opisu ilościowego właściwości termicznych tkanek. opis taki umożliwia różnicowanie przypadków medycznych. Metodę zastosowania dla licznych pomiarów fantomowych oraz in vitro. Przedstawiono i omówiono rezultaty prac.
Particle Filter Modification using Kalman Optimal Filtering Method as Applied to Road Detection from Satellite Images
PublicationIn the paper recursive state estimation approach is presented as applied to satellite images. Especially, a model of dynamic systems of the non-linear and non-Gaussian systems is presented, and finally the Kalman filter and particle filter and an integration of both is figured out. Special attention is paid to the application for satellite image analysis.
PublicationThe paper describes two-dimensional meso-scale numerical results of fracture in notched concrete beams under quasi-static three-point bending. Concrete was modelled as a random heterogeneous 4-phase material composed of aggregate particles, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones (ITZs) and air voids. As a numerical approach, the discrete element method (DEM) was used. The concrete micro-structure in calculations was directly...
UAV-Based Hyperspectral Ultraviolet-Visible Interpolated Reflectance Images for Remote Sensing of Leaf Area Index
PublicationDespite its relation to a number of environmental parameters, ultraviolet (UV) reflectance is rarely used in remote sensing. In this study, we investigate the applicability of UV-vis reflectance for vegetation monitoring with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). We measure point reflectance over the study area using a UAV-borne spectrometer, project the points onto the Earth's surface, and interpolate them to obtain continuous reflectance...
Computer-Aided Diagnosis of COVID-19 from Chest X-ray Images Using Hybrid-Features and Random Forest Classifier
PublicationIn recent years, a lot of attention has been paid to using radiology imaging to automatically find COVID-19. (1) Background: There are now a number of computer-aided diagnostic schemes that help radiologists and doctors perform diagnostic COVID-19 tests quickly, accurately, and consistently. (2) Methods: Using chest X-ray images, this study proposed a cutting-edge scheme for the automatic recognition of COVID-19 and pneumonia....
Time variable gain for long range sonar with chirp sounding signal
PublicationThe main purpose of applaying Time Variable Gain (TVG) in active sonars with digital signal processing is to reduce dynamic range of echo signal and adapt it to the dynamic range of the analogue to digital conversion. With high transmission losses level, the dynamic range of the input signal in long range sonars can be very high and even exceed 200dB. When chirp sounding signals with matched filtration are used, sonars can raech...