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Search results for: MAXIMUM RESPONSE TIME
Application of Maximum-Length Sequences to impulse response measurement of hydroacoustic communications systems
PublicationThere is a growing interest in digital transmission of telemetry data on ultrasonic waves. The dependence of signal attenuation on squared frequency, specific to the hy-droacoustic systems, induces problems that do not exist in monochromatic, narrowband radio communications systems. For adapting the transmission parameters to current propagation conditions, a precise knowledge of instantaneous changes of channel performances is...
Maximum vertex occupation time and inert fugitive: recontamination does help [online]
PublicationRozważamy problem przeszukania danego grafu prostego G w celu przechwycenia niewidocznego i leniwego uciekiniera. Parametrem optymalizacyjnym, który minimalizujemy jest maksymalny czas (liczba tur strategii przeszukiwania), podczas których wierzchołek może być strzeżony (okupowany przez strażnika). Strategia monotoniczna to taka, która nie dopuszcza sytuacji, w której uciekinier dociera do wierzchołka, który wcześniej został oczyszczony....
Non-causal final impulse response filters for the maximum return from capital markets
PublicationW artykule rozważa się strategię operacji na rynkach kapitałowych, która polega na kupowaniu lub sprzedawaniu instrumentu finansowego, kiedy sygnał wyjściowy nie-przyczynowego filtru o skończonej odpowiedzi impulsowej osiąga odpowiednio minimum lub maksimum. Celem artykułu jest wyznaczenie "najlepszego" nie-przyczynowego filtru o skończonej odpowiedzi impulsowej (FIR), który zapewnia maksymalną stopę zwrotu z rynku przy użyciu...
CMOS Low-Dropout Regulator With Improved Time Response
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową konfigurację regulatora o obniżonym spadku napięcia, w którym wykorzystano stopień wyjściowy z równoległym sprzężeniem napięciowym. Dzięki obniżonej rezystancji wyjściowej stopnia, uzyskano poprawę odpowiedzi impulsowej regulatora na szybką zmianę prądu wyjściowego.
On time-dependent nonlinear dynamic response of micro-elastic solids
PublicationA new approach to the mechanical response of micro-mechanic problems is presented using the modified couple stress theory. This model captured micro-turns due to micro-particles' rotations which could be essential for microstructural materials and/or at small scales. In a micro media based on the small rotations, sub-particles can also turn except the whole domain rotation. However, this framework is competent for a static medium....
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR): The time perception approach
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PublicationThe transmission properties of underwater acoustic communication channel can change dynamically due to the movement of acoustic system transmitter and receiver or underwater objects reflecting transmitted signal. The time-varying impulse response measurement and estimation are necessary to match the physical layer of data transmission to instantaneous channel propagation conditions. Using the correlative measurement method, impulse...
Influence of Analyte Flow Rate on Signal and Response Time of the Amperometric Gas Sensor with Nafion Membrane
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono rezultaty badań nad wpływem zmian objętościowego natężenia przepływu gazu na sygnał i czas odpowiedzi prototypowego czujnika ditlenku siarki z membraną nafionową. Porównywano właściwości czujników różniących się materiałem elektrody pracującej oraz składem roztworu elektrolitu wewnętrznego. Zastosowano elektrody pracujące wykonane z napylonych próżniowo na powierzchnię membrany nafionowej złota i platyny....
PublicationThis paper describes the two methods of determining the time constant of type K thermocouple, for two construction solutions: the exposed weld and the mantle fillet weld. This is an important parameter indicating the response time of the thermocouple on the recorded signal. The first method consists of determining the value of τ in the way of numerical simulation of heat exchange between the thermocouple and the current of gas...
Using Statistical Methods to Estimate The Worst Case Response Time of Network Software Running on Indeterministic Hardware Platforms
PublicationIn this paper we investigate whether the statistical Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) estimation methods devised for embedded platforms can be successfully applied to find the Worst Case Response Time (WCRT) of a network application running on a complex hardware platform such as a contemporary commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) system. Establishing easy-to-use timing validation techniques is crucial for real-time applications and...
A fault diagnosis method for analog parts of embedded systems based on time response and identification curves in the 3-D space
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową wersję 3-D nowej metody diagnostycznej części analogowych w mieszanych sygnałowo systemach wbudowanych bazujących na mikrokontrolerach. Bazuje ona na krzywych identyfikacyjnych w przestrzeni 3-D i pomiarze próbek napięcia odpowiedzi układu badanego na pobudzenie impulsem prostokątnym. Zalety metody: pomiary są wykonywane wyłącznie za pomocą urządzeń peryferyjnych popularnych mikrokontrolerów, procedura diagnostyczna...
Response to the letter to the Editor regarding the article “Vaccine versus infection - COVID-19-related loss of training time in elite athletes”
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Seismic response and performance prediction of steel buckling-restrained braced frames using machine-learning methods
PublicationNowadays, Buckling-Restrained Brace Frames (BRBFs) have been used as lateral force-resisting systems for low-, to mid-rise buildings. Residual Interstory Drift (RID) of BRBFs plays a key role in deciding to retrofit buildings after seismic excitation; however, existing formulas have limitations and cannot effectively help civil engineers, e.g., FEMA P-58, which is a conservative estimation method. Therefore, there is a need to...
Optimization of adsorption of methyl orange from aqueous solution by magnetic CoFe2O4/ZnAl-layered double hydroxide composite using response surface methodology
PublicationThe CoFe2O4/ZnAl-layered double hydroxide (LDH) composite was successfully developed through a facile co-precipitation method, characterized, and applied as an effective adsorbent for the removal of methyl orange (MO) dye from aqueous solutions. The central composite design (CCD) of the response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to estimate and optimize process variables such as initial MO concentrations, solution pH, adsorbent...
Applying response surface method to optimize the performance of a divergent-chimney solar power plant
PublicationOne of the effective tools to generate electricity from solar energy is Divergent-chimney solar power plant (DSPP). Divergent and cylindrical chimneys of solar power plants have different performances considering turbine pressure drop ratio (ft). For the first time, the divergent angle (DA) and solar radiation (SR) interaction effects on 〖ft〗_opt are discussed through applying the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Response...
Modeling and optimization of chemical-treated torrefaction of wheat straw to improve energy density by response surface methodology
PublicationToday, torrefaction is important technique for extending the potential of biomass for improvement of energy density. The independent variables investigated for torrefaction study were temperature, retention time, acid concentration, and particle size. The experiment was designed by central composite design (CCD) method using design expert (version 11). The three dependent variables were higher heating value (HHV), energy enhancement...
Shaking table experimental study on pounding between adjacent structures founded on different soil types
PublicationThe aim of this study is to extensively investigate the effect of the soil type on the response of colliding structures based on shaking table experimental tests. Two single-storey models of steel buildings with different dynamic parameters were considered in this study. Three pounding scenarios were taken into account by applying different seismic gaps (0.5 cm, 1 cm and 1.5 cm as well as the no pounding case). First, the effect...
Predicting seismic response of SMRFs founded on different soil types using machine learning techniques
PublicationPredicting the Maximum Interstory Drift Ratio (M-IDR) of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames (SMRFs) is a useful tool for designers to approximately evaluate the vulnerability of SMRFs. This study aims to explore supervised Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to build a surrogate prediction model for SMRFs to reduce the need for complex modeling. For this purpose, twenty well-known ML algorithms implemented in Python software are trained...
Simplified, multiregional fuzzy model of a nuclear power plant steam turbine
PublicationPower systems, including steam turbines and synchronous generators, are complex nonlinear systems with parameters varying over time. The paper presents the developed simplified, multiregional fuzzy model of the steam turbine of a nuclear power plant turbine generator set and compares the results with a full nonlinear model and commonly used linear input-output model of a steam turbine. The proposed model consist of series of linear...
New insights into modeling two-step nitrification in activated sludge systems – The effects of initial biomass concentrations, comammox and heterotrophic activities
PublicationIn this study, the conventional two-step nitrification model was extended with complete ammonia oxidation (comammox) and heterotrophic denitrification on soluble microbial products. The data for model calibration/validation were collected at four long-term washout experiments when the solid retention time (SRT) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) were progressively reduced from 4 d to 1 d, with mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS)...
Overhead wires detection by FPGA real-time image processing
PublicationThe paper presents design and hardware implementation of real-time image filtering for overhead wires detection divided on image processing and results presentation blocks. The image processing block was separated from the whole implementation, and its delay and hardware complexity was analysed. Also the maximum frequency of image processing of the proposed implementation was estimated.
Total Completion Time Minimization for Scheduling with Incompatibility Cliques
PublicationThis paper considers parallel machine scheduling with incompatibilities between jobs. The jobs form a graph equivalent to a collection of disjoint cliques. No two jobs in a clique are allowed to be assigned to the same machine. Scheduling with incompatibilities between jobs represents a well-established line of research in scheduling theory and the case of disjoint cliques has received increasing attention in recent...
On DoA estimation for rotating arrays using stochastic maximum likelihood approach
PublicationThe flexibility needed to construct DoA estimators that can be used with rotating arrays subject to rapid variations of the signal frequency is offered by the stochastic maximum likelihood approach. Using a combination of analytic methods and Monte Carlo simulations, we show that for low and moderate source correlations the stochastic maximum likelihood estimator that assumes noncorrelated sources has accuracy comparable to the...
Photovoltaic Maximum Power Point Technique based on Incremental Conductance (INCON) control algorithm
PublicationMaximum output power status can significantly improve the deployment rate of solar energy system. In order to get the maximum power output, issue of tracking maximum power point (MPP), reduced harmonics around MPP and improve efficiency of the solar power energy system, this paper presents the improved maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control...
Parametric method applicable in assessing breakout force and time for lifting slender bodies from seabed
PublicationThe article presents a parametric method applicable in assessing the suction force of a slender body to the seabed, and prognosing the body extrication time. Along with the body weight in water, the information on the suction force is essential for assessing the force needed to lift the object from the seabed. Based on the Foda theory and the resulting integral equation, which relates the maximum suction force with basic parameters...
PublicationThanks to the ability to collect information about large areas and with high frequency in time areas threatened by floods can be closely monitored. The effects of flooding are socio-economic losses. In order to reduce those losses, actions related to the determination of building zones are taken. Moreover, the conditions to be met by facilities approved for implementation in such areas are determined. Therefore, satellite data...
Application capabilities of the maximum distributed generation estimate methodology
PublicationThe paper presents application capabilities of the maximum distributed generation estimate methodology. This subject is an example of solutions to the problem that today face the transmission system operator and distribution system operators, which is related to the high saturation with wind power generation predicted for the near future.
Influence of the Delay in Monitor System on the Motor Coordination of Musicians while Performing
PublicationThis paper provides a description and results of measurements of the maximum acceptable value of delay tolerated by a musician, while playing an instrument, that does not cause de-synchronization and discomfort. First, methodology of measurements comprising audio recording and a fast camera is described. Then, themeasurement procedure for acquiring the maximum value of delay conditioning...
A multiparameter simulation-driven analysis of ship response when turning concerning a required number of irregular wave realizations
PublicationThe growing implementation of Decision Support Systems on modern ships, digital-twin technology, and the introduction of autonomous vessels cause the marine industry to seek accurate modeling of vessel response. Despite the contemporary 6DOF models can be used to predict ship motions in irregular waves, the impact of their stochastic realization is usually neglected and remains under-investigated. Especially in the case of turning, differences...
GreedyMAX-type Algorithms for the Maximum Independent Set Problem
PublicationA maximum independent set problem for a simple graph G = (V,E) is to find the largest subset of pairwise nonadjacent vertices. The problem is known to be NP-hard and it is also hard to approximate. Within this article we introduce a non-negative integer valued functionp defined on the vertex set V(G) and called a potential function of agraph G, while P(G) = max{vinV(G)| p(v)} is called a potential of G. For any graph P(G) <= D(G),...
Issues of Estimating the Maximum Distributed Generation at High Wind Power Participation
PublicationThis paper presents the methods of estimating the maximum power that can be connected to the power system in distributed generation sources. Wind turbine generator systems (WTGS) were selected as the subject for analysis. Nonetheless, the considerations presented in this paper are only general and also apply to other types of power sources, including the sources that are not considered part of distributed generation.
Investigation of noises in the EPN weekly time series
PublicationThe constantly growing needs of permanent stati ons’ velocities users cause their stability level to increase. To this research we included more than 150 stations located across Europe operating within the EUREF Permanent Network (EPN) w ith weekly changes in the ITRF2005 reference frame. The obvious long-range dependencies in the stochastic part of GPS time series were p roven by Ljung-Box...
Pulse Transit Time - Fiducial Points Accuracy Determination as Examined by Means of Synthetic Signals
PublicationThere are many approaches to non-invasively deter-mine blood pressure. Among them there are methods based on utilizing pulse transit time measured by means of photoplethys-mography. The variability of the blood pressure drop between two measurement sensors placed along the artery and its dependence on the selected parameters describing the cardiovascular system is presented in the paper. This pressure drop modifies the pressure...
Highly efficient maximum power point tracking control technique for PV system under dynamic operating conditions
PublicationThe application of small-scale electrical systems is widespread and the integration of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) control for Photovoltaic systems with battery applications further enhances the techno-economic feasibility of renewable systems. For this purpose, a novel MPPT control system using Dynamic Group based cooperation optimization (DGBCO) algorithm is utilized for PV systems. The population in the DGBCO is divided...
A Diagnostic Method Based on Deflection Analysis for Monitoring Post-elastic Response of Beams
PublicationA non-destructive diagnostic method based on deflection analysis for monitoring the post-elastic response of beams was developed, and a diagnostic indicator was proposed. The indicator was defined as the second moment of the normalised curvature function about the mid-span, where the curvature was computed from the normalised deflection function. Elastic reference values of the indicator were computed for simply supported beams...
Prediction of maximum tensile stress in plain-weave composite laminates with interacting holes via stacked machine learning algorithms: A comparative study
PublicationPlain weave composite is a long-lasting type of fabric composite that is stable enough when being handled. Open-hole composites have been widely used in industry, though they have weak structural performance and complex design processes. An extensive number of material/geometry parameters have been utilized for designing these composites, thereby an efficient computational tool is essential for that purpose. Different Machine Learning...
Modelling Wetland Growing Season Rainfall Interception Losses Based on Maximum Canopy Storage Measurements
PublicationThis study estimates rainfall interception losses from natural wetland ecosystems based on maximum canopy storage measurements. Rainfall interception losses play an important role in water balance, which is crucial in wetlands, and has not yet been thoroughly studied in relation to this type of ecosystem. Maximum canopy storage was measured using the weight method. Based on these measurements, daily values of interception losses...
Investigation of the Effects of Tool Positioning Factors on Peak Temperature in Dissimilar Friction Stir Welding of AA6061-T6 and AA7075-T6 Aluminum Alloys
PublicationAmong the emerging new welding techniques, friction stir welding (FSW) is used frequently for welding high-strength aluminum alloys that are difficult to weld by conventional fusion-welding techniques. This paper investigated the effects of tool-positioning factors on the maximum temperature generated in the dissimilar FSW joint of AA6061-T6 and AA7075-T6 aluminum alloys. Three factors of plunge depth, tool offset, and tilt angle...
Application of Maximum Lenght Sequence in Silent Sonar
PublicationSilent sonars are designed to reduce the distance over which their sounding pulses can be detected by intercept sonars. In order to meet this objective, we can use periodical sounding signals that have low power, a very long duration and wide spectrum. If used in the silent sonar's receiver, matched filtration ensures very good detection of motionless or slow moving targets. However, it is more difficult to detect echo signals...
Analog fault signature based on sigma-delta modulation and oscillation-test methodology.
PublicationW artykule dokonano przeglądu prac z zakresu testowania układów elektronicznych metodą oscylacyjną. Wskazując na niedostatki aktualnie stosowanej techniki testowania oscylacyjnego zaproponowano nową sygnaturę uszkodzeń dla układów analogowych. Proponowany parametr diagnostyczny jest wydobywany z odpowiedzi czasowej oscylatora testującego, w układzie złożonym z detektora szczytowego, modulatora sigma-delta oraz licznika rewersyjnego....
On the Handling of Outliers in the GNSS Time Series by Means of the Noise and Probability Analysis
PublicationThe data pre-analysis plays a significant role in the noise determination. The most important issue is to find an optimum criterion for outliers removal, since their existence can affect any further analysis. The noises in the GNSS time series are characterized by spectral index and amplitudes that can be determined with a few different methods. In this research, the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) was used. The noise amplitudes...
Recovery of Anammox Biomass at Short Hydraulic Retention Time in a MBR Reactor
PublicationThe anammox system has been consider as an economical option for treating high concentration of nitrogen and poor in biodegradable orgaednic carbon wastewaters. This process is attractive option compared with conventional nitrogen removal because it provides a significant saving in aeration and organic addition for denitrification. The anammox technology has been applied mostly for concentrated nitrogenous wastewater containing...
Interspecies distances between propionic acid degraders and methanogens in syntrophic consortia for optimal hydrogen transfer
PublicationA mixed culture from an anaerobic biowaste digester was enriched on propionate and used to investigate interspecies hydrogen transfer in dependence of spatial distances between propionate degraders and methanogens. From 20.3 mM propionate, 20.8 mM acetate and 15.5 mM methane were formed. Maximum specific propionate oxidation and methane formation rates were 49 and 23 mmol mg−1day−1, respectively. Propionate oxidation was inhibited by...
Estimation of the Maximum Permissible PV Power to be Connected to the MV Grid
PublicationIn recent decades, a significant increase in the share of renewable energy sources in power grids at various voltage levels has been observed. A number of articles have been published highlighting emerging problems in low-voltage grids with a large share of prosumers and in medium- and high-voltage grids to which photovoltaic (PV) plants are connected. The article analyzes the medium-voltage grid in terms of the possibility of...
Optimal bandgap of a single-junction photovoltaic cell for the mobile Internet-of-Things
PublicationThe procedure for determining the maximum power of a single-junction photovoltaic cell operating in various types of lighting is presented. This is a key issue for photovoltaics powering the mobile Internet-of-Things (IoTs). The simulations performed are based on the detailed balance principle, without any of simplifying assumptions included in the Shockley-Queisser model. Optimal energy bandgap for diffuse solar light was found...
Maximum Power Point Technique (MPPT) for PV System Based on Improved Pert and Observe (P&O) Method with PI Controller
PublicationPhotovoltaic power generation system has key rule in electricity production. Although, it is clean renewable energy with unlimited resources but it has some drawbacks in efficiency. In order to maximize the efficiency, PV array must drive at maximum power point. For the reason so, several algorithms are used in PV system to track MPP and reduce the...
Tuning the photocatalytic performance through magnetization in Co-Zn ferrite nanoparticles
PublicationIn this work, the link between the photocatalytic performance of Co-Zn ferrite nanoparticles and the net magnetic moment is analyzed. CoxZn1-xFe2O4 nanoparticles (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) were synthesized by co-precipitation method and different physicochemical techniques were employed to characterize the samples (X-ray diffraction, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), BET surface area, Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (DRS), Photoluminescence spectroscopy,...
Machine learning-based seismic response and performance assessment of reinforced concrete buildings
PublicationComplexity and unpredictability nature of earthquakes makes them unique external loads that there is no unique formula used for the prediction of seismic responses. Hence, this research aims to implement the most well-known Machine Learning (ML) methods in Python software to propose a prediction model for seismic response and performance assessment of Reinforced Concrete Moment-Resisting Frames (RC MRFs). To prepare 92,400 data...
Planar Microwave Bragg Reflector Resonant Dielectric Sensor
PublicationIn this paper, a periodic structure is used to design a microwave Bragg reflector with the help of hexagonal lattice, which provides a 5 GHz wide stopband between the low-pass band with cut-off frequency 2.6 GHz and the bandpass response with start and stop frequency 7.8 GHz and 10.5 GHz, respectively. A defect in lattice allows passing a narrowband signal at 6 GHz which is found, from the dispersion relation, to be in the region...
Quasi-Global Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Principal Components and Affine Subspace-Spanned Surrogates
PublicationParametric optimization is a mandatory step in the design of contemporary antenna structures. Conceptual development can only provide rough initial designs that have to be further tuned, often extensively. Given the topological complexity of modern antennas, the design closure necessarily involves full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations and—in many cases—global search procedures. Both factors make antenna optimization a computationally...