total: 18527
- Publications 14114 available results
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- Inventions 22 available results
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- e-Learning Courses 322 available results
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- Open Research Data 3137 available results
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Development of a Response Assessment Tool for a Floating Dock System
PublicationDocking operations of ships require a response assessment to ensure structural and personnel safety. Environmental loads and improper ballast adjustments are the main threats to the docking operations. They can cause severe structural damages and stability loss to a floating dock system which includes a floating dock and a docked vessel, even if the velocities of the dock and the vessel are very low during the docking process....
Comparative study of numerical modelling and experimental investigation for vessel-docking operations
PublicationA comparative study between numerical modelling and experimental investigation is performed to validate the developed numerical method for simulating floating dock operations with a vessel on board. Both model-scale and full-scale experimental tests are performed on floating docks with a vessel on board, and the draughts using draught meters, floating positions and bending of the floating dock are measured. The present numerical...
Wiktoria Wojnicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleDSc in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2019 PhD in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2009 (with distinction) List of papers (2009 - ) Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of muscles' behaviour. Part I. The computational model of muscle. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No.4, 2009, p. 15-21 Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of...
Preliminary analysis of proposed ship docking systems for a designed floating dock
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono alternatywne koncepcje, wraz z ich analizą porównawczą, urządzeń dokujących statek na doku pływającym. Dok ten projektowany był na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa Politechniki Gdańskiej w ramach projektu ECOLOGICAL DOCK E!2968. Zaprezentowane rozwiązania różnią się głównie rodzajem zastosowanych w nich urządzeń: w pierwszym przypadku są to przewijarki i wózki dokujące, zaś w drugim - wciągarki...
Strenght analysis of the floating dock-ship system.
PublicationOmówiono krytycznie wymagania przepisów towarzystw klasyfikacyjnych dotyczące wytrzymałości doków pływających. Przedstawiono wyniki analizy MES sił wewnętrznych i naprężeń w kadłubie doku o długości podporowej 255m, obciążonego ciężarem masowca o długości między pionami 252m i masie 20900 ton. Pokazano wpływ na wartość sił redukcji w kilblokach i naprężenia takich czynników jak: rozłożenie balastu wyrównwczego w zbiornikach doku,...
Przemysław Krata dr hab. inż.
People -
Towards an Understanding of the Stability Assessment of Floating Buildings
PublicationOne of the most important aspects of the design of floating facilities such as ships, floating offshore structures or floating houses is stability. Its impact on both general safety and operational aspects renders it a fundamental consideration already in preliminary design stages. Usually, the concept of sufficient stability of floating buildings is associated with the ability to keep an allowed heel angle and residual freeboard,...
A methodology for ultimate strength assessment of ship hull girder accounting for enhanced corrosion degradation modelling
PublicationThe presented work shows a methodology for the ultimate strength assessment of a ship hull, considering enhanced corrosion modelling. The approach is based on the classical Smith method. However, the recent findings regarding the impact of corrosion degradation on ultimate strength are incorporated. To this end, the stress–strain relationships for particular elements composing ship hull cross-section are modified using a specially...
Advances in Modelling and Analysis of Strength of Corroded Ship Structures
PublicationThe present study reviews the recent advances in modelling and analyses the strength of corroded ship structures. Firstly, the time-variant methodologies that consider only the mean structural element thickness loss due to corrosion degradation are identified. Corrosion degradation is regarded as the phenomenon that causes uneven thinning of specimens. This has been captured by various researchers as the loss of mechanical properties...
Structural Reliability Assessment Of Corroded Tanker Ship Based On Experimentally Estimated Ultimate Strength
PublicationThis work deals with the reliability assessment of a tanker ship hull structure subjected to a vertical bending moment and corrosion degradation. The progressive collapse and ultimate load carrying capacity are estimated based on experimentally tested scaled box-shaped-specimens. The translation of the strength estimate of the scaled specimen to the real tanker ship hull structure is performed based on the dimensional theory developing...
Selected problems concerning strength of a floating dock with roof
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono modele i wyniki analizy wytrzymałości konstrukcji zadaszonego doku pływającego. Obliczono, że ścianki wiązarów zadaszenia, aby mogły przenieść obciążenia środowiskowe, muszą mieć grubość 24 mm. Ciężkie przesuwne segmenty zadaszenia generują w dennikach pontonu doku naprężenia sięgające 25% wartości dopuszczalnych. Wytężenie konstrukcji pontonu doku i podbudowy, obciążonych ciężarem zadaszenia i dokowanego...
A Method of Assessment of the Liquid Sloshing Impact on Ship Transverse Stability
PublicationLiquid sloshing phenomenon taking place in partly filled ships? tanks directly affects the stability of a vessel. However, only static calculations are carried out onboard ships nowadays and static transfer of liquid weight is taken into account in the course of routine stability calculation. The paper is focused on a dynamic heeling moment due to liquid sloshing in tanks onboard ships. The set of numerical simulations of liquid...
Jakub Montewka prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJakub Montewka is an associate professor at Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland and visiting processor at Aalto University in Espoo, Finland and Wuhan University of Technology in China. Jakub is researching in the field of maritime traffic risk and safety. His primary interests lie in the risk assessment of maritime transportation, quantification of safety of maritime navigation, route optimization for ships in ice-covered...
A comparative analysis of numerically simulated and experimentally measured static responses of a floating dock
PublicationTwo numerical methods, dynamic and static analyses, are proposed to calculate the static responses of a floating dock under different ballast water distributions. Model-scale experimental tests were conducted to compare with these numerical methods. The dynamic analysis includes a 6-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) model, a hydrostatic force model and a hydrodynamic force model to simulate the dock's freely floating processes. The dock's...
Simplified approach to assess the dynamic response of a container ship subjected to bow slamming load
PublicationSimplified approach to assess the dynamic response of a container ship subjected to the bow slamming load, resulting in a transient vibratory response, typically called a 'whip-ping', is presented. The accurate numerical modelling is very complex and involves cou-pling of the hydrodynamic and structural solution at every time step, leading to huge com-putational and workload cost. Thus, the one-way coupling methodology is adopted,...
Ecological floating dock
PublicationZaprezentowano efekt końcowy projektu europejskiego grupy EUREKA pn. ''Przyjazne środowiskowo doki pływające''. Przedstawiono konsorcjum realizacyjne projektu, scharakteryzowano zagrożenia ekologiczne, wskazano najważniejsze uregulowania prawne oraz scharakteryzowano projekt proekologicznego doku pływającego SINE 212CD i koncepcję przebudowy doku istniejącego SINE 126 CD. Artykuł zawiera też kompletną bibliografię prac wykonanych...
Stability & Dynamics of Ship and Offshore Structures II W2021/22
e-Learning CoursesLecture and Lab classes - Stability & Dynamics of Ship and Offshore Structures II W2021/22
Stability of free floating ship. Part II
PublicationJest to część II artykułu, którego I część ukazała się w PMR 2/2005. Ramiona prostujące są niejednoznaczne dla statku swobodnego, bowiem zależą od sposobu działania momentu przechylającego. Omówiono dwa przypadki, gdy moment przechylający jest równoległy do płaszczyzny symetrii statku oraz gdy wykonuje najmniejszą pracę, czyli gdy jest równoległy do głównej osi bezwładności wodnicy pływania. Pokazano, że przemieszczenia kątowe...
Stability of free floating ship. Part I
PublicationSformułowano problem obliczeń ramion prostujących statku swobodnie pływającego, tj. wzdłużnie zrównoważonego przy każdym kącie przechyłu. Ramiona prostujące są niejednoznaczne w takim wypadku, zależą bowiem od sposobu działania momentu przechylającego. Omówiono dwa przypadki, gdy moment przechylający jest równoległy do płaszczyzny symetrii statku, oraz gdy wykonuje najmniejszą pracę, czyli gdy jest równoległy do głównej osi bezwładności...
Dynamic Positioning Capability Assessment for Ship Design Purposes
PublicationThe article focuses on solving a problem of optimal thrust distribution over the actuators in a ship Dynamic Positioning, according to DNV-ST-0111 standard, Level 1. The classic Quadratic Programming approach is combined with the numerical solusion used to handle the propeller with the rudder constraints in the optimization task and the influence between thrusters and skeg. It is presented as an efficient method of minimizing the...
Incremental Dynamic Analysis and Fragility Assessment of Buildings with Different Structural Arrangements Experiencing Earthquake-Induced Structural Pounding
PublicationStructural pounding is considered as one of the most critical phenomena occurring during earthquakes. This paper presents the incremental dynamic analysis and fragility assessment of buildings experiencing earthquake-induced pounding. Three 3-D buildings with different number of storeys and under different structural arrangements have been considered. Three pounding scenarios have been taken into account, i.e. pounding between...
A design concept of fire protection system for an ecological floating dock
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono możliwe do wystąpienia na doku pływającym zagrożenie pożarowe oraz projekt koncepcyjny systemu zabezpieczenia przeciwpożarowego. Projekt ten obejmuje: istalację gaśniczą wodno-hydrantową i pianową do ochrony pokładu głównego oraz instalację CO2 do ochrony siłowni, rozdzielni elektrycznej i tunelu kablowego, a także instalację wykrywania i sygnalizacji pożaru.
ANALYSIS OF IMPACT of SHIP model parameters on changes of control quality index in ship dynamic positioning system
PublicationIn this work there is presented an analysis of impact of ship model parameters on changes of control quality index in a ship dynamic positioning system designed with the use of a backstepping adaptive controller. Assessment of the impact of ship model parameters was performed on the basis of Pareto-Lorentz curves and ABC method in order to determine sets of the parameters which have either crucial, moderate or low impact on objective...
Stability & Dynamics of Ship and Offshore Structures I S2020/21
e-Learning CoursesLectures and exercises from the course "Stability & Dynamics of Ship and Offshore Structures I"
The Influence of the Cuboid Float’s Parameters on the Stability of a Floating Building
PublicationUsually, the concept of sufficient stability of a floating structure is connected with the capacity to keep a small heel angle despite the moment of heeling. The variable responsible for these characteristics is the initial metacentric height, which is the relation between the hydrostatic features of the pontoon and the mass properties of the entire object. This article answers the questions of how heavy the floating system should...
Fatigue strength determination of ship structural joints. Part I - Analytical methods for determining fatigue strength of ship tructures
PublicationSpectacular accidents at sea which have happened for a few last years show that hull structures of contemporary sea-going ships are not perfect and must be systematically improved. Fatigue strength is one of the groups of strength problems which affect design of contemporary ship's structures and greatly contribute in their improvement process. In this paper several approaches to estimation of fatigue life of hull structural...
On reliability assessment of ship machinery system in different autonomy degree; A Bayesian-based approach
PublicationAnalyzing the reliability of autonomous ships has recently attracted attention mainly due to epistemic uncertainty (lack of knowledge) integrated with automatic operations in the maritime sector. The advent of new random failures with unrecognized failure patterns in autonomous ship operations requires a comprehensive reliability assessment specifically aiming at estimating the time in which the ship can be trusted to be left unattended....
The Impact of Sloshing Liquids on Ship Stability for Various Dimensions of Partly Filled Tanks
PublicationLiquid sloshing phenomenon taking place in partly filled ships' tanks directly affects the stability of a vessel. However, only static calculations are carried out onboard ships nowadays and static transfer of liquid weight is taken into account in the course of routine stability calculation. The paper is focused on a dynamic heeling moment due to liquid sloshing in tanks onboard ships. A number of numerical simulations of liquid...
Structural Dynamics and Stability of Composite Structures
PublicationThis an editorial for a special Issue devoted to the application of dynamic and stability analysis of composite structures. In structural applications, past few decades have seen outstanding advances in the use of composite materials including Functionally Graded Materials (FGM). Most structures, whether they are used in civil, marine, or aerospace engineering, are subjected to dynamic loads during their operation.Therefore, dynamic...
A design proposal of driving system for roof segments and gantry crane of ecological floating dock
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono propozycję napędu segmentów przesuwnego zadaszenia oraz suwnicy ekologicznego doku pływającego. Proponowany układ napędowy oparto na zastosowaniu elektrycznych silników asynchronicznych z zewnętrznym sterowaniem częstotliwościowym prędkości obrotowej.
Voiceless Stop Consonant Modelling and Synthesis Framework Based on MISO Dynamic System
PublicationA voiceless stop consonant phoneme modelling and synthesis framework based on a phoneme modelling in low-frequency range and high-frequency range separately is proposed. The phoneme signal is decomposed into the sums of simpler basic components and described as the output of a linear multiple-input and single-output (MISO) system. The impulse response of each channel is a third order quasi-polynomial. Using this framework, the...
A probabilistic-driven framework for enhanced corrosion estimation of ship structural components
PublicationThe work proposes a probabilistic-driven framework for enhanced corrosion estimation of ship structural components using Bayesian inference and limited measurement data. The new approach for modelling measurement uncertainty is proposed based on the results of previous corrosion tests that incorporate the non-uniform character of the corroded surface of structural components. The proposed framework's basic features are outlined,...
New Concept of Numerical Ship Motion Modelling for Total Ship Operability Analysis by Integrating Ship and Environment Under One Overall System
PublicationThe paper presents a new concept of overall ship motion modelling for application to total ship operability. The delivered model is a multi-phase and includes both submerged part of ship’s hull and the surrounding water as a unique body. The Discrete Finite Element Method is applied. The model is successfully examined and illustrated for a selected AHTS.
Hydrodynamical loads on a floating dock towed in sea conditions
PublicationPrzedstawiono i analizowano charakterystyki amplitudowe (RAO) oraz prognozy krótko i długoterminowe hydrodynamicznych reakcji doku pływającego holowanego w warunkach morskich na akwenach Bałtyku i Morza Północnego. Przedmiotem badań były: nurzania i kołysania wzdłużne, ciśnienia dynamiczne indukowane w różnych częściach dna doku, pionowy moment gnący i opór doku holowanego na falach czołowych. Charakterystyki RAO rozpatrywanych...
Monitoring of Ship Operations in Seaport Areas in the Sustainable Development of Ocean–Land Connections
PublicationThe paper is devoted to underlining the important role of monitoring systems in the sustainable development of seaport areas—sensitive ocean–land connections exposed to the harmful effects of multimodal transport. The study concerns the existing monitoring possibilities of the environmental factors and ship traffic near port infrastructure. The main aim of the study is presenting the example of solutions, supporting the sustainable...
Strength analysis of container ship subjected to torsional loading
PublicationThe objective of this work is to investigate the torsional response of a container ship, with particular consideration of the warping effect. Two different models are investigated. In the first case, the full length model of a ship is analyzed and a distributed load is applied with the use of a novel approach. The model is supported in the torsional centre of the cross-section, which is derived analytically. In the second case,...
Numerical modelling of moored floating structures using SPH. Preliminary results
PublicationThis article presents partial results of the works carried out under the research project "The development of the methodof modeling the dynamics of the floating (offshore) objects subjected to the environment influence", which aims at developing computational methods for modeling the dynamics of offshore structures.The article contains the description of the method of modeling the hydrodynamic impacts using SPH method and the description...
Biochemical, Structural Analysis, and Docking Studies of Spiropyrazoline Derivatives
PublicationIn this study, we evaluated the antiproliferative potential, DNA damage, crystal struc‐ tures, and docking calculation of two spiropyrazoline derivatives. The main focus of the research was to evaluate the antiproliferative potential of synthesized compounds towards eight cancer cell lines. Compound I demonstrated promising antiproliferative properties, especially toward the HL60 cell line, for which IC50 was equal to 9.4 μM/L....
Janusz Kozak prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJanusz KOZAK Born 04.07.1953 Puck, Poland Intermediate school” Technikum Budowy Okrętów „Conradinum” Gdansk, 1973. Graduated on Faculty of Shipbuilding of Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland, 1978. Employed: From 1978 - Gdynia Shipyard 1978 as designer, from 1980 as a specialist in Chair of Technology in Faculty of Shipbuilding of Gdańsk University of Technology, 1993 as assistant, PhD (1993), “Method for assessment...
Dynamic Response of the Suspended on a Single Cable Footbridge
PublicationThe article presents numerical simulations, dynamic in situ load tests and a structural health monitoring (SHM) system installed in a suspended on a single cable footbridge. Numerical simulations performed prior to construction indicated the possibility of structural dynamics problems, finally confirmed in the course of dynamic test loading. In the dynamic load course the bridge deck developed vibrations displaying accelerations...
Applying artificial neural networks for modelling ship speed and fuel consumption
PublicationThis paper deals with modelling ship speed and fuel consumption using artificial neural network (ANN) techniques. These tools allowed us to develop ANN models that can be used for predicting both the fuel consumption and the travel time to the destination for commanded outputs (the ship driveline shaft speed and the propeller pitch) selected by the ship operator. In these cases, due to variable environmental conditions, making...
Dynamic Signal Strength Mapping and Analysis by Means of Mobile Geographic Information System
PublicationBluetooth beacons are becoming increasingly popular for various applications such as marketing or indoor navigation. However, designing a proper beacon installation requires knowledge of the possible sources of interference in the target environment. While theoretically beacon signal strength should decay linearly with log distance, on-site measurements usually reveal that noise from objects such as Wi-Fi networks operating in...
Study of a plate modelling a dock gate
Publication -
Stability Analysis of the Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structure of Cell Spar Type During its Installation
PublicationThe article presents the results of selected works related to the wider subject of the research conducted at the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology of the Gdansk University of Technology, which concerns design and technology of construction, towing, and settlement on the seabed, or anchoring, of supporting structures for offshore wind farms. As a result of this research, several designs of this type of objects were...
Mariusz Kaczmarek dr hab. inż.
PeopleReceived M.Sc., Eng. in Electronics in 1995 from Gdansk University of Technology, Ph.D. in Medical Electronics in 2003 and habilitation in Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering in 2017. He was an investigator in about 13 projects receiving a number of awards, including four best papers, practical innovations (7 medals and awards) and also the Andronicos G. Kantsios Award and Siemens Award. Main research activities: the issues...
Design of Inner Gate for CRIST Shipyard Dry Dock
PublicationThe paper deals with a removable steel inner gate which was designed to separate two parts of a dry dock of about 70 m in width and 380 m in length. The gate allows for independent assembly of ship structures in two separated parts of the dock. The fore part of the dock can be flooded while the after part is dry. Tthe gate was designed by IDEK Company Ltd in 2011 and it was soon constructed and used by CRIST Shipyard in Gdynia.
Modelling of some stealth features for a small navy ship at the concept design stage.
PublicationIn this paper the basic research problems associated with modelling the basic stealth features for a small navy ship at the concept design stage are introduced. Amongst the major stealth features considered are: the modification of the immersed ship hull form by a rapid change of the ship loading condition, and modification of the ship boundary layer by the hull skin cover. The other stealth features of the ship are not presented...
Data fusion of GPS sensors using Particle Kalman Filter for ship dynamic positioning system
PublicationDepending on standards and class, dynamically positioned ships make use of different numbers of redundant sensors to determine current ship position. The paper presents a multi-sensor data fusion algorithm for the dynamic positioning system which allows it to record the proper signal from a number of sensors (GPS receivers). In the research, the Particle Kalman Filter with data fusion was used to estimate the position of the vessel....
Modelling of Ship’s Heeling and Rolling for the Purpose of Gantry Control Improvement in the Course of Cargo Handling Operations in Sea Ports
PublicationThe paper presents two proposals of models of interaction between a ship and cargo being loaded or discharged by a gantry in port, in terms of heeling and rolling of the vessel. The main purpose of such modelling is the need for improvement of gantry control with regard to faster operations thanks to more accurate estimation of level and moment of cargo release from a gantry hook or spreader. The study may be the contribution to...
Numerical evaluation of dynamic response of an experimentally tested base-isolated and fixed-base steel structure model
PublicationSeismic isolation is recognized as one of the most popular and effective methods of protecting structures during earthquake. The present paper is focused on the comparison be-tween the dynamic responses of buildings with fixed and isolated bases exposed to seismic exci-tations. The aim of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of a simplified base isolation numerical modelling technique using the linear springs. One-storey...