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Positive solutions to fractional differential equations involving Stieltjes integral conditions
PublicationIn this paper, we investigate nonlocal boundary value problems for fractional differential equations with dependence on the first-order derivatives and deviating arguments. Sufficient conditions which guarantee the existence of at least three positive solutions are new and obtained by using the Avery–Peterson theorem. We discuss problems (1) and (2) when argument b can change the character on [0, 1], so in some subinterval I of...
Positive solutions for second order impulsive differential equations involving Stieltjes integral conditions
PublicationIn this paper we investigate integral boundary value problems for fourth order differentialequations with deviating arguments.Wediscuss our problem both for advanced or delayedarguments. We establish sufficient conditions under which such problems have positivesolutions. To obtain the existence of multiple (at least three) positive solutions, we use afixed point theorem due to Avery and Peterson. An example is also included to...
Successive Iterative Method for Higher-Order Fractional Differential Equations Involving Stieltjes Integral Boundary Conditions
PublicationIn this paper, the existence of positive solutions to fractional differential equations with delayed arguments and Stieltjes integral boundary conditions is discussed. The convergence of successive iterative method of solving such problems is investigated. This allows us to improve some recent works. Some numerical examples illustrate the results.
Monotone iterative method to second order differential equations with deviating arguments involving Stieltjes integral boundary conditions
PublicationWe use a monotone iterative method for second order differential equations with deviating arguments and boundary conditions involving Stieltjes integrals. We establish sufficient conditions which guarantee that such problems have extremal solutions in the corresponding region bounded by lower and upper solutions. We also discuss the situation when problems have coupled quasi-solutions. We illustrate our results by three examples.
Differential equations with integral boundary conditions
PublicationStosuje się metodę iteracji monotonicznych opartą na dolnym i górnym rozwiązaniu. Przy jednostronnym warunku Lipschitza uzyskano pewne wyniki dotyczące rozwiązań zwyczajnych równań różniczkowych z całkowym warunkiem brzegowym. Sformułowano warunki dostateczne na istnienie jedynego rozwiązania (lub rozwiązań ekstremalnych) w pewnym segmencie. Podano przykłady ilustrujące przyjęte założenia.
Extensions of Quasilinearization Method for Differential Equations with Integral Boundary Conditions
PublicationPraca dotyczy równań różniczkowych z warunkami brzegowymi typu całkowego. Podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie jedynego rozwiązania takiego zagadnienia i pokazano, że odpowiednio konstruowane ciągi monotoniczne są zbieżne do tego rozwiązania i jest to zbieżność kwadratowa. Te monotoniczne ciągi są przybliżonymi rozwiązaniami problemu wyjściowego i obustronnie szacują szukane rozwiązanie.
Samoilenko`s method to differential algebraic systems with integral boundary conditions.
PublicationProblemy różniczkowo-algebraiczne z warunkami brzegowymi (typu całkowego) są przedmiotem badań. Zastosowano metodę Samoilenki w powiązaniu z metodą porównawczą. O prawych stronach zagadnienia zakładano, że spełniają warunek Lipschitza oraz promień spektralny odpowiedniej macierzy jest mniejszy od 1.Podane zostały warunki dostateczne na istnienie rozwiązania omawianego zagadnienia.
Positive solutions for fourth-order differential equations with deviating arguments and integral boundary conditions
PublicationBadane są problemy brzegowe dla równań różniczkowych rzędu czwartego z odchylonymi argumentami i z warunkami brzegowymi typu całkowego. Sformułowano twierdzenie dotyczące istnienia dodatnich rozwiązań takich problemów. W dowodzie korzystano z tw. Avery-Petersona o punktach stałych dla stożków. Podano przykład ilustrujący otrzymane wyniki.
Multiple solutions for a class of boundary-value problems with deviating arguments and integral boundary conditions
PublicationPraca dotyczy istnienia dodatnich rozwiązań dla równań różniczkowych rzędu drugiego z całkowymi warunkami brzegowymi i z odchylonymi argumentami typu wyprzedzonego. Korzystając z tw. Avery-Petersona dla stożków, podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie trzech dodatnich rozwiazań w/w problemów. Podano przykład pokazujący iż przyjęte załozenia są spełnione.
Positive solutions to advanced fractional differential equations with nonlocal boundary conditions
PublicationWe study the existence of positive solutions for a class of higher order fractional differential equations with advanced arguments and boundary value problems involving Stieltjes integral conditions. The fixed point theorem due to Avery-Peterson is used to obtain sufficient conditions for the existence of multiple positive solutions. Certain of our results improve on recent work in the literature.
Monotone iterative method for first-order differential equations at resonance
PublicationThis paper concerns the application of the monotone iterative technique for first-order differential equations involving Stieltjes integrals conditions. We discuss such problems at resonance when the measure in the Stieltjes integral is positive and also when this measure changes the sign. Sufficient conditions which guarantee the existence of extremal, unique and quasi-solutions are given. Three examples illustrate the results.
Multiple Solutions to Third-Order Differential Equations with Derivative Dependence and Deviating Arguments
PublicationIn this paper, we give some new results for multiplicity of positive (nonnegative) solutions for third-order differential equations with derivative dependence, deviating arguments and Stieltjes integral boundary conditions. We discuss our problem with advanced argument α and arbitrary β ∈ C([0,1],[0,1]), see problem (2). It means that argument β can change the character on [0,1], so β can be delayed in some set J ⊂ [0,1] and advanced...
Etyka - o konieczności dyskursu etycznego w organizacjach
PublicationDo budowania zasad dobrego funkcjonowania organizacji, do odkrywania mechanizmów jej funkcjonowania, analizowania ludzkich potrzeb i możliwości ich realizowania, do wpływu warunków ekonomicznych i kulturowych na sposób funkcjonowania organizacji – do tych problemów przywiązuje się wielką wagę w naukach o zarządzaniu. Czy równie dużą wagę przykłada się – i docenia – rangę zachowań ludzkich w sferze moralnej, wpływ zasad etycznych...
Monotone method to Volterra and Fredholm integral equations with deviating arguments
PublicationPraca dotyczy problemów istnienia rozwiązań równań całkowych typu Volterry i Fredholma z odchylonymi argumentami. Podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie rozwiązań w odpowiedniej klasie. Pewne nierówności całkowe typu opóźnionego są również przedmiotem badań.
Pediatria Integral
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Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...
Solution of coupled integral equations for quantum scattering in the presence of complex potentials
PublicationIn this paper, we present a method to compute solutions of coupled integral equations for quantum scattering problems in the presence of a complex potential. We show how the elastic and absorption cross sections can be obtained from the numerical solution of these equations in the asymptotic region at large radial distances.
Epilepsy and Paroxysmal Conditions
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First-order differential equations with nonlocal boundary conditions
PublicationWe study a first-order boundary value problem subject to some boundary conditions given by Riemann-Stieltjes integrals. Using a monotone iterative method, we formulate sufficient conditions which guarantee the existence of extremal or quasi-solutions in the corresponding region bounded by upper and lower solutions of our problems. The case when a unique solution exists is also investigated. Some examples are given to illustrate...
M-integral for finite anti-plane shear of a nonlinear elastic matrix with rigid inclusions
PublicationThe path-independent M-integral plays an important role in analysis of solids with inhomogeneities. However, the available applications are almost limited to linear-elastic or physically non-linear power law type materials under the assumption of infinitesimal strains. In this paper we formulate the M-integral for a class of hyperelastic solids undergoing finite anti-plane shear deformation. As an application we consider the problem...
Convergence of Monte Carlo algorithm for solving integral equations in light scattering simulations
PublicationThe light scattering process can be modeled mathematically using the Fredholm integral equation. This equation is usually solved after its discretization and transformation into the system of algebraic equations. Volume integral equations can be also solved without discretization using the Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm, but its application to the light scattering simulations has not been sufficiently studied. Here we present implementation...
Równania całkowe (Integral equations) 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesWFTIMS, studia II stopnia, kierunek: Matematyka, specjalność: Geometria i grafika komputerowa, sem. 3
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Some integral transforms and their applications
PublicationMotywacją napisania pracy były równania różniczkowe cząstkowe z odchyleniem przy pochodnych. Ponieważ w tym przypadku nie funkcjonuje teoria charakterystyk, więc badamy nowe przekształcenia całkowe w celu znalezienia odpowiedniej aproksymacji jednostajnej lub średniokwadratowej dla zagadnienia Cauchy`ego. Przedstawiamy również eksperymenty numeryczne oparte na zmodyfikowanej metodzie Galerkina.
Observation Value Analysis – Integral Part of Bayesian Diagnostics
PublicationThe decision making process, in general, is understood as a process of selecting one of the available solutions to the problem. One of possible approaches supporting the process is Bayesian statistical decision theory providing a mathematical model to make decisions of a technical nature in conditions of uncertainty. Regarding above, a detailed subject of the research is to analyze the value of the observation, which is a part...
Application of the Monte Carlo algorithm for solving volume integral equation in light scattering simulations
PublicationVarious numerical methods were proposed for analysis of the light scattering phenomenon. Important group of these methods is based on solving the volume integral equation describing the light scattering process. The popular method from this group is the discrete dipole approximation (DDA). DDA uses various numerical algorithms to solve the discretized integral equation. In the recent years, the application of the Monte Carlo (MC)...
Minimization of integral functionals in Sobolev spaces
PublicationPraca ma charakter przeglądowy i jest skierowana do młodych matematyków i doktorantów. Dotyczy problematyki omawianej przeze mnie na Zimowej Szkole Centrum Badań Nieliniowych im. J.P. Schaudera w Toruniu w roku 2009. Zawarłam w niej wybrane, znane wyniki dotyczące problemu minimalizacji funkcjonałów całkowych w przestrzeniach Sobolewa funkcji jednej zmiennej.
Study of Aliphatic Polyurethanes by the Low-Field 1H NMR Relaxometry Method with the Inversion of the Integral Transformation
PublicationIn this paper, the distributions of the 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin–lattice and spin–spin relaxation times are used to characterize the mobility of different sections of macromolecules of aliphatic polyurethanes and the cross-linking density of polymer chains. The NMR relaxometry method with inversion of integral transformation is applied to study the effect of poly (ethylene glycol) and glycerol phosphate calcium...
International Journal on Working Conditions
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Robustly feasible integral LQ-MPC controller for output tracking in constrained linear systems
PublicationW pracy rozważany jest regulator predykcyjny typu dual-mode MPC z liniowo kwadratowym wskaźnikiem jakości w aplikacji do krzepkiego śledzenia wyjść liniowego obiektu dyskretnego w obecności addytywnych zakłóceń. W celu zapewnienia dopuszczalności sterowań regulatora wykorzystano teorię zbiorów niezmienniczych. W celu polepszenia śledzenia wyjść i odrzucenia zakłóceń w regulatorze wykorzystano działanie całkujące (integral control)....
Inspirations Of Pope Francis’ Concept Of Integral Ecology
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Proportional-Integral-Resonant AC Current Controller
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Simulating propagation of coherent light in random media using the Fredholm type integral equation
PublicationStudying propagation of light in random scattering materials is important for both basic and applied research. Such studies often require usage of numerical method for simulating behavior of light beams in random media. However, if such simulations require consideration of coherence properties of light, they may become a complex numerical problems. There are well established methods for simulating multiple scattering of light (e.g....
An integral-differential method for impedance determination of the hydrogen oxidation process in the presence of carbon monoxide in the proton exchange membrane fuel cell
PublicationThe impedance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell powered by hydrogen contaminated with carbon monoxide, ranging from 150 to 300 ppb, is measured and discussed. The tested range of CO concentration complied with the fuel standard specified in the ISO standards. Studies of influence of CO contamination on operation of PEMFC are crucial for further development and commercialization of fuel cells for automotive applications. Based...
Observation value analysis - integral part of Bayesian diagnostics
PublicationDetailed subject of the research is to analyse the value of the observation, which is a part of preposterior analysis. For the presented network, the main objective was to determine, conducting of which of three tests is the most valuable from the perspective of determining possible need or possibility to omission expensive technical expertise. The main advantage of preposterior analysis is answering the question which of the considered...
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications
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Analysis of Selected Approaches to the Integral Pedagogy in Polish Pedagogical Thought
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Green analytical chemistry as an integral part of sustainable education development
PublicationGreen chemistry is an important way of thinking in the field of chemistry and aims to conduct processes in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. It is the application of a wide range of principles that minimize the impact of both chemical processes and products on the environment. And what about analytical chemistry? Without a doubt, analytical chemistry plays an important role in the sustainable development...
Implementation of non-local integral models into commercial FE methods
PublicationArtykuł omawia implementacje nielokalnych modeli typu całkowego do komercyjnych programów MES. Implementacje pokazano na przykładzie programu Abaqus.
Grzegorz Boczkaj dr hab. inż.
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Evaluation of possibilities in identification and susceptibility testing for Candida glabrata clinical isolates with the Integral System Yeast Plus (ISYP)
PublicationThe aim of this study was to evaluate possibilities of correct identification and susceptibility testing of C. glabrata clinical isolates with Integral System Yeast Plus (ISYP). For species identification, as the reference method, API Candida test and species-specific PCR reactions were used. The potential of antifungal susceptibility testing by the ISYP test was compared with the Sensititre Yeast One. Whilst the reference methods...
On Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equations With State Dependent Delays in Several Variables
PublicationW pracy badane jest istnienie i jednoznaczność rozwiązań nieliniowego równania całkowego typu Volterry z opóźnionym argumentem zależnym od funkcji niewiadomej wielu zmiennych. Poszukiwane są ciągłe rozwiązania lipschitzowskie. Rozwiązania są poszukiwane metodą porównawczą z zastosowaniem twierdzenia Banacha o punkcie stałym.
The analysis of the conditions for best practices’ transfer
PublicationOne of the tasks of the Project Partners was identifying best practices in strengthening the economic activity of women and older people in the context of developing the competitiveness and innovation of SMEs, as well as determining the possibilities and conditions of their transfer. Transfer in this case is understood as the implementation of selected and described solutions in enterprises and public organizations from all the...
Different types of solvability conditions for differential operators
PublicationSolvability conditions for linear differential equations are usually formulated in terms of orthogonality of the right-hand side to solutions of the homogeneous adjoint equation. However, if the corresponding operator does not satisfy the Fredholm property such solvability conditions may be not applicable. For this case, we obtain another type of solvability conditions, for ordinary differential equations on the real axis, and...
Structured populations with diffusion and Feller conditions
PublicationWe prove a weak maximum principle for structured population models with dynamic boundary conditions. We establish existence and positivity of solutions of these models and investigate the asymptotic behaviour of solutions. In particular, we analyse so called size profile.
Analytical solution of non-stationary heat conduction problem for two sliding layers with time-dependent friction conditions
PublicationIn this article we conduct an overview of various types of thermal contact conditions at the sliding interface. We formulate a problem of non-stationary heat conduction in two sliding layers with generalized thermal contact conditions allowing for dependence of the heat-generation coefficient and contact heat transfer coefficient on time. We then derive an analytical solution of the problem by constructing a special coordinate...
PublicationThis paper presents analysis of hydraulic conditions of sewage flow down the slipway (ramp) in the collecting sanitary chamber connecting 3 collectors on the inlet: ⌀600, ⌀800 and ⌀1400 and one on the outlet ⌀1600 mm, with a maximum difference of elevation 5 m. The mathematical model has been made and hydraulic calculations were carried out in steady flow conditions. Then wastewater surface elevation, energy grade line elevation,...
The Use of Raman Spectroscopy to Monitor Changes in the Intensity of Ratio of Integral Unsaturated Bands in Bio-Greases