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Search results for: biogenic aminesfood sampleschromatographic techniquescapillary electrophoresisgreen assessment
Characterizing pollution indices and children health risk assessment of potentially toxic metal(oid)s in school dust of Lahore, Pakistan
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Interactive assessment of lignite and bamboo-biochar for geochemical speciation, modulation and uptake of Cu and other heavy metals in the copper mine tailing
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Assessment of Surface Water Resources Based on Different Growth Scenarios, for Borkena River Sub-basin, Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
PublicationThe total annual river flow at the Awash Kombolcha sub-basin of the Borkena river station was estimated to be 4.6 billion cubic meters by 2019-2030. The current average annual flow at the exit measurement station is 544.5Mm3 of the water resources available in the study area. The monthly peak flow of the Borkena River occurs from July to September. In addition, the highest monthly average flow is in August and the lowest is...
Efficient synthesis of PMMA@Co0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4 organic-inorganic hybrids containing hyamine 1622 – Physicochemical properties, cytotoxic assessment and antimicrobial activity
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A raising alarm on the current global electronic waste situation through bibliometric analysis, life cycle, and techno-economic assessment: a review
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Physics-based protein-structure prediction using a hierarchical protocol based on the UNRES force field: Assessment in two blind tests
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Comparison of different one-parameter damage laws and local stress-strain approaches in multiaxial fatigue life assessment of notched components
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Spatial distribution and correlations among elements in smaller than 75 μm street dust: ecological and probabilistic health risk assessment
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Assessment of heat stress in a hot environment using the WBGTeff index according to the standard PN-EN ISO 7243:2018-01
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Assessment of the structural evolution of polyimide-derived carbons obtained by phosphoric acid activation using Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopy
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Assessment of potentially cutting GHG emissions from shipping in relation to energy consumption trends using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
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Oxidative stability assessment of industrial and laboratory-pressed fresh raspberry seed oil (Rubus idaeus L.) by differential scanning calorimetry
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Assessment of Hemp Seed Oil Quality Pressed from Fresh and Stored Seeds of Henola Cultivar Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry
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Indirect Determination of MCPD Fatty Acid Esters in Lipid Fractions of Commercially Available Infant Formulas for the Assessment of Infants’ Health Risk
PublicationMCPD esters are intensively investigated food lipid contaminants for over a decade. Concern related to their presence in various types of food products is related to the fact that possible free MCPD release from its esterified form during digestion may lead to elevated daily intake of these toxicants.Special attention should be devoted into powdered infant formulas, which contain significant amounts of refined vegetable oils, likely...
Occurrence and levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in house dust and hair samples from Northern Poland; an assessment of human exposure
PublicationPolybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are among most ubiquitous compounds to be found in indoor environment and ingestion of household dust is considered an important route of exposure to PBDEs, especially in toddlers and young children. The present work reported concentration levels of PBDE congeners (PBDE-28, -47, -99, -100, -153, -154, -183 and -209) in hair and dust samples from selected households from Northern Poland. The...
The method for determining the theoretical operation of ship diesel engines in terms of energy and assessment of the real operation of such engines, including indicators of their performance
PublicationDziałanie dowolnego silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym rozumiane jest jako przekazywanie odbiornikowi energii w ustalonym czasie, w którym energia jest przetwarzana i przenoszona na sposób (w formie) pracy i ciepła. Wartościowanie działania silników spalinowych instalowanych w siłowniach okrętowych, zaproponowane przez autora tego artykułu, polega na przyrównaniu działania tego rodzaju silników do wielkości fizycznej, której jednostką...
Electrochemical oxidation of landfill leachate using boron-doped diamond anodes: pollution degradation rate, energy efficiency and toxicity assessment
PublicationElectrochemical oxidation (EO), due to high efficiency and small carbon footprint, is regarded as an attractive option for on-site treatment of highly contaminated wastewater. This work shows the effectiveness of EO using three boron-doped diamond electrodes (BDDs) in sustainable management of landfill leachate (LL). The effect of the applied current density (25–100 mA cm−2) and boron doping concentration (B/C ratio: 500 ppm, 10,000...
Potentiometric sensor containing set of ion selective electrodes with lipid modified membranes for quality assessment of tested non-alcoholic beverages
PublicationPotentiometric sensors may be a good tool for fast quality control of commercial drinks. In this work, such a sensor, containing a set of ion-selective electrodes with lipid-modified membranes (benzylhexadecyldimethylammonium chloride monohydrate, hexadecylamine, 1-dodecanol, elaidic acid, cholesterol) was used for discrimination and quality control of non-alcoholic beverages, mainly composed of sugar and citric acid. It was found...
Comparison of different one-parameter damage laws and local stress-strain approaches in multiaxial fatigue life assessment of notched components
PublicationThis paper aims to compare the predictive capabilities of different one-parameter damage laws and local stress-strain approaches to assess the fatigue lifetime in notched components subjected to proportional bending-torsion loading. The tested fatigue damage parameters are defined using well-known stress-based, strain-based, SWT-based and energy-based relationships. Multiaxial cyclic plasticity at the notch-controlled process zone...
Unconventional and user-friendly sampling techniques of semi-volatile organic compounds present in an indoor environment: An approach to human exposure assessment
PublicationThe commonly applied solutions used to assess the potential risk of human exposure to semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) are based on the investigation of biological samples collected in an invasive or non-invasive manner. For SVOCs, which are typically introduced to humans through the respiratory system, dermal adsorption, or digestive system, sampling solutions generally used in the indoor environments are classified as...
Assessment of the Steering Precision of a Hydrographic USV along Sounding Profiles Using a High-Precision GNSS RTK Receiver Supported Autopilot
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Direct determination of cadaverine in the volatile fraction of aerobically stored chicken breast samples
PublicationTo supplement the currently used methods for poultry meat shelf life assessment, it might be necessary to develop a technique for rapid headspace analysis of volatiles with no prior sample preparation step. Biogenic amines, in particular cadaverine, are considered meat spoilage indicators. Described in this article are the results of a preliminary investigation of the applicability of proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry...
Origin and fate of nanoparticles in marine water – Preliminary results
PublicationThe number, morphology and elemental composition of nanoparticles (<100 nm) in marine water was investigated using Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy (VP-SEM) and Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Preliminary research conducted in the Baltic Sea showed that the number of nanoparticles in seawater varied from undetectable to 380 (x102) cm-3. Wind mixing and density barriers (thermocline) had a significant impact...
Profiling and Qualitative Assessment of Enzymatically and Thermally Oxidized Egg Yolk Phospholipids using a Two‐Step High‐Performance Liquid Chromatography Protocol
PublicationA two‐step high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the profiling and qualitative assessment of oxidized phospholipids (oxPL) present in foods was developed. The applicability of the investigated two‐step HPLC protocol was verified for separation of enzymatically and thermally oxidized hen egg yolk phospholipids (PL) as a relevant food model. In the first step, seven individual PL classes were separated using hydrophilic...
Assessment of the Effective Variants Leading to Higher Efficiency for the Geothermal Doublet, Using Numerical Analysis‒Case Study from Poland (Szczecin Trough)
PublicationNumerical models of geothermal doublet allows us to reduce the high risk associated with the selection of the most eective location of a production well. Furthermore, modeling is a suitable tool to verify possible changes in operational geothermal parameters, which guarantees liveliness of the system. An appropriate selection of software as well as the methodology used to generate numerical models significantly aects the quality...
PublicationPaper presents short operat ional a nd engineering analysis of underpowered propulsion in small electrically propelled small inland passenger ships. There is evidence that in certain weather conditions the phenomena of added aerodynamic resistance of small water crafts may have serious influence on their speed and manoeuvrability. Existing regulations like class societies rules for ship classification and construction or EU Directive 2006/87/EC do...
Quantitative assessment of the main antioxidant compounds, antioxidant activities and FTIR spectra from commonly consumed fruits, compared to standard kiwi fruit
PublicationBioactive compounds (polyphenols and ascorbic acid) and dietary fibers, and related antioxidant activities of commonly consumed apples, bananas, peaches, pears, blond and red grapefruits, pomelos, oranges, lemons, red plums, white grapes, mango, persimmon and strawberries grown in the same geographical and climatic conditions were compared with standard kiwi fruit. The presence of polyphenols was studied by Fourier transform infrared...
PM10 concentration and microbiological assessment of air in relation to the number of acute cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. Preliminary report
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An assessment of regulated emissions and CO2 emissions from a European light-duty CNG-fueled vehicle in the context of Euro 6 emissions regulations
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Urinary Measurement of Epigenetic DNA Modifications: A Non-Invasive Assessment of the Whole-Body Epigenetic Status in Healthy Subjects and Colorectal Cancer Patients
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Zastosowanie techniki dozymetrii pasywnej do oceny jakości powietrza wewnętrznego. Application of passive sampling technique for assessment of indoor air quality
PublicationJakość powietrza wewnętrznego jest istotnym parametrem wpływającym na dobre samopoczucie i zdrowie człowieka. Kluczowego znaczenia nabiera więc jego nieustanna kontrola i oznaczanie zawartości zanieczyszczeń, które występują w nim na bardzo niskich poziomach stężeń. Do pomiarów jakości powietrza wewnętrznego często wykorzystywana jest (znana od ponad pół wieku) technika dozymetrii pasywnej. W literaturze nadal pojawiają się doniesienia...
Assessment of High-Temperature Oxidation Properties of 316L Stainless Steel Powder and Sintered Porous Supports for Potential Solid Oxide Cells Applications
PublicationIn this work, oxidation properties of austenitic 316L stainless steel powder and sintered porous support were investigated at the temperature range of ~600-750 °C for 100 hours in ambient air. Oxidation kinetics was determined by continuous thermogravimetry and analyzed employing parabolic rate law. It was observed that oxidation leads to the formation of an oxide scale, with substantial oxidation occurring at ≥ 650 °C in the powder....
New aspects in assessment of changes in width of subarachnoid space with near-infrared transillumination/backscattering sounding, part 2: clinical verification in the patient
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono porównanie wyników symulacji propagacji promieniowania z zakresu bliskiej podczerwieni z danymi uzyskanymi na drodze pomiarów wykonanych w warunkach klinicznych. Różnice między nimi nie przekraczały 4 dB, co potwierdziło słuszność przyjętych założeń w procesie symulacji. W pomiarach wykorzystano unikatowy zetstaw nadajników i odbiorników promieniowania podczerwonego, pozwalającego prowadzenie pomiarów transmisji...
Electrochromic foil-based devices: optical transmittance and modulation range, effect of ultraviolet irradiation,and quality assessment by 1/f current noise
PublicationPrzedstawiono technologię wytwarzania elementów wykazujących zjawisko elektrochromizmu - zmiany transmitancji optycznej pod wpływem gromadzenia ładunku. Pokazano, że zastosowanie warstwy odbijającej może poprawić stopień zmian transmitancji optycznej. Ponadto, pokazano, że zjawiska losowe generujące szum typu 1/f w tych elementach może być wykorzystane do oceny ich jakości.
Assessment of the application of selected metal-organic frameworks as advanced sorbents in passive extraction used in the monitoring of contaminants of emerging concern in surface waters
PublicationWater pollution has become a critical global concern requiring effective monitoring techniques and robust protection strategies. Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) are increasingly detected in various water sources, with their harmful effects on humans and ecosystems continually evolving. Based on literature reports highlighting the promising sorption properties of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), the aim of this study was...
Time series analysis and impact assessment of the temperature changes on the vegetation and the water availability: A case study of Bakun-Murum Catchment Region in Malaysia
PublicationThe Bakun-Murum (BM) catchment region of the Rajang River Basin (RRB), Sarawak, Malaysia, has been under severe threat for the last few years due to urbanization, global warming, and climate change. The present study aimed to evaluate the time series analysis and impact assessment of the temperature changes on the vegetation/agricultural lands and the water availability within the BM region. For this purpose, the Landsat data for...
Modeling and Accuracy Assessment of Determining the Coastline Course Using Geodetic, Photogrammetric and Satellite Measurement Methods: Case Study in Gdynia Beach in Poland
PublicationThe coastal environment represents a resource from both a natural and economic point of view, but it is subject to continuous transformations due to climate change, human activities, and natural risks. Remote sensing techniques have enormous potential in monitoring coastal areas. However, one of the main tasks is accurately identifying the boundary between waterbodies such as oceans, seas, lakes or rivers, and the land surface....
Corrigendum to “An investigation on residual stress and fatigue life assessment of T-shape welded joints” [Eng. Fail. Anal. 141 (2022) 106685]
PublicationThis paper aims to quantitatively evaluate the residual stress and fatigue life of T-type welded joints with a multi-pass weld in different direction. The main research objectives of the experimental test were to test the residual stress by changing direction along with multiple wielding passes and determine the fatigue life of the welded joints. The result shows that compressive residual stress increases in the sample gradually...
Machine learning-based prediction of residual drift and seismic risk assessment of steel moment-resisting frames considering soil-structure interaction
PublicationNowadays, due to improvements in seismic codes and computational devices, retrofitting buildings is an important topic, in which, permanent deformation of buildings, known as Residual Interstory Drift Ratio (RIDR), plays a crucial role. To provide an accurate yet reliable prediction model, 32 improved Machine Learning (ML) algorithms were considered using the Python software to investigate the best method for estimating Maximum...
Artificial Neural Network based fatigue life assessment of riveted joints in AA2024 aluminum alloy plates and optimization of riveted joints parameters
PublicationThe objective of this paper is to provide the fatigue life of riveted joints in AA2024 aluminum alloy plates and optimization of riveted joints parameters. At first, the fatigue life of the riveted joints in AA2024 aluminum alloy plates is obtained by experimental tests. Then, an artificial neural network is applied to estimate the fatigue life of riveted lap joints based on the number of lateral and longitudinal holes, punch pressure,...
Quality Assessment of 3D Printed Surfaces Using Combined Metrics Based on Mutual Structural Similarity Approach Correlated with Subjective Aesthetic Evaluation
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Corrigendum: Assessment of the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-aging properties and possible use on the skin of hydrogels containing Epilobium angustifolium L. extracts
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Ecological risk assessment and spatial distribution of heavy metals in surface sediments. A case study of two small storage reservoirs, SE Poland
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Which Suture to Choose in Hepato-Pancreatic-Biliary Surgery? Assessment of the Influence of Pancreatic Juice and Bile on the Resistance of Suturing Materials—In Vitro Research
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High-Speed Videoendoscopy Enhances the Objective Assessment of Glottic Organic Lesions: A Case-Control Study with Multivariable Data-Mining Model Development
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Value of Perfusion-Weighted MR Imaging in the Assessment of Early Cerebral Alterations in Neurologically Asymptomatic HIV-1-Positive and HCV-Positive Patients
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Regional and sectoral assessment on climate-change in Pakistan: Social norms and indigenous perceptions on climate-change adaptation and mitigation in relation to global context
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Assessment of the Suitability of Aromatic and High-Bitter Hop Varieties (Humulus lupulus L.) for Beer Production in the Conditions of the Małopolska Vistula Gorge Region
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Photocatalytic Degradation of 4,4′-Isopropylidenebis(2,6-dibromophenol) on Magnetite Catalysts vs. Ozonolysis Method: Process Efficiency and Toxicity Assessment of Disinfection By-Products
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Assessment of Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV) prevalence in feral American mink in Iceland. Case study of a pending epizootiological concern in Europe