Structural phase transitions and photoluminescence properties of oxonitridosilicate phosphors under high hydrostatic pressure
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CPLFD-GDPT5: High-resolution gridded daily precipitation and temperature data set for two largest Polish river basins
PublicationThe CHASE-PL (Climate change impact assessment for selected sectors in Poland) Forcing Data–Gridded Daily Precipitation & Temperature Dataset–5 km (CPLFD-GDPT5) consists of 1951–2013 daily minimum and maximum air temperatures and precipitation totals interpolated onto a 5 km grid based on daily meteorological observations from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW-PIB; Polish stations), Deutscher Wetterdienst...
Process Scale-up for the Application of Fish Protein Isolate Obtained from Processing Co-products by Isoelectric Solubilization/Precipitation
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The impact of precipitation and external carbon source addition on biological nutrient removal in activated sludge systems - experimentalinvestigation and mathematical modeling
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine the effects of chemical precipitation and addition of external carbonsources on the denitrification capability and enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) interactions atthe 'Wschod' WWTP (600,000 PE) in Gdansk (northern Poland). For this purpose, different kinds of batch experimentswere carried out with the settled wastewater (without pretreatment and after coagulation-flocculation)and...
Carbonized Metal-Organic Frameworks-based strucutres with aluminium, phosphorus and nitrogen
Open Research DataThe dataset includes Raman spectra of carbonized Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF) [acquired on Renishaw] and electrochemical properties of the materials [acquired on EC Lab], which includes techniques such as Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LCV), Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), Taffel slope and Chronopotentiometry (CP).
The XRD diffraction patterns of Ce0.9Gd0.1O2 prepared using soft template precipitation method
Open Research DataThe dataset includes XRD patterns of Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-s nanopowder (nanoparticles) prepared using soft template precipitation method. CTAB was used as a micelle-based templating agent. The powders were precipitated from aqueous nitrate solution using NaOH solution and 25xCMC (critcal micelle concentration) of CTAB. Precipitates were heated up to 90oC,...
Reaction of thio and seleno phosphoric acid derivatives with O-thioacylated hydroxylamine
PublicationZbadano reakcję siarkowych i selenowych analogów kwasu O,O-neopentylidenofosforowego z O-tiopiwaloilo-N-tert-butylohydroksyloaminą, w której to następuje rozszczepienie wiązania N-O. Znaleziono korelację pomiędzy potencjałem utleniającym anionu pochodnej kwasu fosforowego a przebiegiem badanej reakcji.
Influence of the particle size of carbonate-siliceous rock on the efficiency of phosphorous removal from domestic wastewater
PublicationtThe aim of the study was to determine the influence of the particle size of carbonate–silica rock (opoka)used in rock filters on the efficiency of phosphorus removal from domestic wastewater. The investigationswere carried out in a laboratory using a model consisting of three vertical flow filters with carbonate–silicarock of different particle sizes (G1= 1–2 mm; G2= 2–5 mm; G3= 5–10 mm). The tested rock was subjectedto decarbonising...
Phosphorus, nitrogen and oxygen co-doped polymer-based core-shell carbon sphere for high-performance hybrid supercapacitors
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Red phosphorus as self-template to hierarchical nanoporous nickel phosphides toward enhanced electrocatalytic activity for oxygen evolution reaction
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Beer as a potential source of macroelements in a diet: the analysis of calcium, chlorine, potassium, and phosphorus content in a popular low-alcoholic drink
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The impact of potential leakage from the sub-seabed CO2 storage site on the phosphorus transformation in marine sediments – An experimental study
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The influence of phosphorus fractions in bottom sediments on phosphate removal in semi-natural systems as the 3rd stage of biological wastewater treatment
PublicationThe research was carried out in two semi-natural systems (the polishing ponds in Swarzewo and the free water surface constructed wetland in Zarnowiec) in Poland. They were built as the 3rd stage of a conventional mechanical–biological wastewater treatment plant. These systems were built to improve the quality of the effluent of treated wastewater. In the polishing ponds and FWS wetland system, suspended solids, organic matter as...
Tailoring optical constants of few-layer black phosphorus coatings: Spectroscopic ellipsometry approach supported by ab-initio simulation
Publication2D black phosphorus (BP) has attracted extensive attention as an anisotropic platform for novel optoelectronic and polarizing optics applications. Insight into the factors that tune the optical and polarizing properties of 2D BP reveals their essential influence on BP-based photonic and optoelectronic devices. In this work, studies of the optical constants of few-layer black phosphorus coatings are studied and discussed, with particular...
Anisotropic optical properties of few-layer black phosphorus coatings: from fundamental insights to opto-electrochemical sensor design
PublicationFew-layer black phosphorus (FLBP) is characterised by a tuneable bandgap, high carrier mobility and anisotropic optical properties. It therefore has the potential to find applications in electronics and photonics. FLBP oxidizes upon exposure to air, limiting its utility in devices and components. To address this issue, the thesis introduces methods and tools developed for studying FLBP's optical parameters, with a particular emphasis...
The Effects of Host Plant Genotype and Environmental Conditions on Fungal Community Composition and Phosphorus Solubilization in Willow Short Rotation Coppice
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Enhanced stability of electrochemical performance of few-layer black phosphorus electrodes by noncovalent adsorption of 1,4-diamine-9,10-anthraquinone
PublicationIn this paper, the novel noncovalent functionalisation strategy of few-layer black phosphorus by 1,4-diamine-9,10-anthraquinone electrode was proposed and studied. The degradation of few-layer black phosphorus under exposure to oxygen and water is a significant obstacle to its use as an electroanalytical electrode. The anthraquinone compound adsorbed at black phosphorus flakes results in improved prevention of the phosphorus surface...
Linking Macro- and Micro-structural Analysis with Luminescence Control in Oxynitride Phosphors for Light-Emitting Diodes
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Hidden Structural Evolution and Bond Valence Control in Near-Infrared Phosphors for Light-Emitting Diodes
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Dual-emission Eu-doped Ca2−xSrxPN3 nitridophosphate phosphors prepared by hot isostatic press
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Structural, luminescence and photoconversion properties of Lu3Al5O12:Ce single crystalline film phosphors for WLED application
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The Research of the Contamination Levels present in Samples of Precipitation and Surface Waters Collected from the Catchment Area Fuglebekken (Hornsund, Svalbard Archipelago)
PublicationPersistent organic pollutants (POPs) are contaminants that may appear in polar regions. In present work surface water was collected from the main stream water in the Fuglebekken basin. The precipitationsamples was collected from the near area by Polish Polar Station in Hornsund. The present investigationreveals the results of the analysis of these samples for their total phenols, formaldehyde, TOC, PAHs and PCBs content. The...
Pesticides in precipitation - a review of data from 1975 to 2001 = Stężenia pestycydów w opadach atmosferycznych w latach 1975-2001
PublicationZebrano i opracowano dane literaturowe dotyczące trwałości w środowisku, metodyki analitycznej i przede wszystkim wyników badań pestycydów występujących w próbkach opadów atmosferycznych w różnych regionach. Przeprowadzono analizę danych i przedstawiono stan zanieczyszczenia wód opadowych pestycydami w okresie 1975-2001 na terenie Europy i Ameryki Północnej. Z zebranych danych wynika, że pestycydy występują wszędzie, nie tylko...
Zastosowanie chromatografii jonowej w analityce opadów i osadów atmosferycznych = Application of ion chromatography in atmospheric precipitation and deposit analysis
PublicationNajwiększy udział w dostawie zanieczyszczeń z atmosfery do powierzchni ziemi w regionach położonych w znacznych odległościach od źródeł emisji ma depozycja mokra (opady i osady atmosferyczne). Wody opadowe i wody spływne (również powstające z osadów atmosferycznych) dostają się wraz z zawartymi w nich związkami toksycznymi do wód powierzchniowych i gruntowych, które stanowią źródło wody pitnej. Pojawiła się więc konieczność stałego...
The research of the contamination levels present in samples of precipitation and surface waters collected from the catchment area Fuglebekken (Hornsund, Svalbard Archipelago)
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Pobieranie próbek opadów atmosferycznych do analizy. Opis stosowanych próbników. Sampling of atmospheric precipitation for the analysis. Description applied samplers
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono opis podstawowych typów próbników wykorzystywanych do pobierania próbek opadów atmosferycznych (woda deszczowa, wody spływne, mgła) oraz tok postępowania analitycznego z pobranymi próbkami w celu oznaczenia szerokiego spektrum składników śladowych.
The impact of precipitation and external carbon source addition on biological nutrient removal in activated sludge systems – experimental investigation and mathematical modeling
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine the effects of chemical precipitation and addition of external carbonsources on the denitrification capability and enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) interactions atthe ‘Wschod’ WWTP (600,000 PE) in Gdansk (northern Poland). For this purpose, different kinds of batch experimentswere carried out with the settled wastewater (without pretreatment and after coagulation-flocculation)and...
Electrohydrodynamic flow patterns and collection efficiency in narrow wire-cylinder type electrostatic precipitator
PublicationRecently, narrow electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have become a subject of interest because of their possible application for the cleaning of the exhaust gases emitted by diesel engines. Diesel engines emit fine particles, which are harmful to human and animal health. There are several methods for decrease particulate emission from a diesel engines, but up to now, these methods are not enough effective or very expensive. Therefore,...
EHD Flow Measured by 2D PIV in a Narrow Electrostatic Precipitator with Longitudinal Wire Electrode
PublicationIn this paper, results of the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flow patterns in two narrow ESPs with longitudinally-to-flow wire electrode arepresented. The influence of the ESP geometry on the EHD flow generated in the ESP was investigated. The results obtained from 2-dimensional(2D) Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) showed similarities and differences of the particle flow in the wire-plate and wire-cylinder type ESP.
Enhancement of SrSi2O2N2:Eu2+ phosphor by means of oxygen to nitrogen control
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Spectroscopic properties and energy level location of Eu2+ in Sr2Si5N8 phosphor
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The XRD diffraction patterns of Ce0.9Gd0.1O2 prepared using soft template precipitation method - 50xCMC
Open Research DataThe dataset includes XRD patterns of Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-s nanopowder (nanoparticles) prepared using soft template precipitation method. CTAB was used as a micelle-based templating agent. The powders were precipitated from aqueous nitrate solution using NaOH solution and 50xCMC (critcal micelle concentration) of CTAB. Precipitates were heated up to 90oC,...
Phosphorus removal by application of natural and semi-natural materials for possible recovery according to assumptions of circular economy and closed circuit of P
PublicationIn the last fewyears the idea of circular economy has become essential. Thus, designing methods of nutrients removal should be based on usingmaterials that make it possible to recover those nutrients. Recently,methods applied in wastewater treatment plants cannot provide optimal results; moreover, the application of commercial coagulants like ferric chloride and polyaluminumchloride can cause difficulties in potential recovery...
Seasonal changes of the concentrations of mineral forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in watercourses in the agricultural catchment area (Bay of Puck, Baltic Sea, Poland)
PublicationThe Baltic Region countries are obliged to meet the stringent limits of N and P discharge set by HELCOM for 2021. Area sources of pollution, including agriculture, are considered the main contributors of biogenic compounds. The Bay of Puck as an inner part of the Baltic Sea is particularly sensitive to eutrophication caused by nutrient in flow from agricultural lands. Rivers and streams inflowing to the Bay of Puck transport nitrogen...
Simple and novel synthesis of 3-(thio)phosphoryl-β-lactams by radical cyclization
PublicationRadical cyclization of phosphono-acetenamides promoted by manganese(III) acetate leads exclusively to the formation of 3-phosphoryl-β-lactams. The thiophosphoryl analogues were also prepared using this method. In particular, the presented protocol does not require the use of noble metals, while comparable methods do.
Optimisation of conditions for precipitation of collagen from solution using kappa-carrageenan. Studies on collagen from the skin of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua)
PublicationZbadano wpływ stężenia kolagenu (0,012-3%) wyekstrahowanego ze skór dorsza bałtyckiego (Gadus morhua) i stężenia kappa-karagenu w obecności NaCl (0-5%) na wydajność strącania włókien kolagenowych z roztworu przy pH 2,2-8. Stwierdzono, że wydajność strącania włókien jest wprost proporcjonalna do masowego stosunku kappa-karagen : kolagen w zakresie niższym od 0,4. Kolagen rozpuszczony w kwasie cytrynowym jest całkowicie strącony,...
Control of Luminescence by Tuning of Crystal Symmetry and Local Structure in Mn4+ -Activated Narrow Band Fluoride Phosphors
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Multi-Site Cation Control of Ultra-Broadband Near-Infrared Phosphors for Application in Light-Emitting Diodes
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Super Broadband Near-Infrared Phosphors with High Radiant Flux as Future Light Sources for Spectroscopy Applications
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Electrohydrodynamic secondary flow and particle collection efficiency in spike-plate multi-electrode electrostatic precipitator
PublicationIn this work the results of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) secondary flow measurements in a spike-plate type electrostatic precipitator (ESP) are presented. In the investigated ESP two-sided and one-sided spike electrodes were used as a discharge electrodes. The results of 2D PIV measurements showed that flow pattern obtained for a different spike tips positions in respect to the primary flow direction significantly changing the flow...
Electrohydrodynamic Flow Patterns in a Narrow Electrostatic Precipitator with Longitudinal Wire Electrode for Various Electrode Geometries
PublicationRecently narrow electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have become a subject of interest because of their possible application in diesel engines. In this paper results of 2-dimensional (2D) Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements of the flow patterns in a narrow ESP for a various electrode geometries are presented. The PIV measurements were carried out in the observation plane that is perpendicular to the ESP duct. The ESP was...
Electrohydrodynamic Secondary Flow and Particle Collection Efficiency in Spike-Plate Multi-Electrode Electrostatic Precipitator
PublicationIn this work the results of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) secondary flowmeasurements in a spike-plate type electrostatic precipitator (ESP) are presented. In the investigated ESP two-sided and one-sided spike electrodes were used as a discharge electrodes. The results of 2D PIVmeasurements showed that flow pattern obtained for a different spike tips positions in respect to the primary flow direction significantly changing the flow...
EHD Flow Measured by 2D PIV in a Narrow Electrostatic Precipitator with Longitudinally-to-flow Wire Electrode
PublicationIn this paper, results of the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flow patterns in two narrow ESPs with longitudinally-to-flow wire electrode are presented. The influence of the ESP geometry on the EHD flow generated in the ESP was investigated. The results obtained from 2 dimensional (2D) Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) showed similarities and differences of the particle flow in the wire-plate and wire-cylinder type ESP.
Electrohydrodynamic flow and particle collection efficiency in a one-sided spike-plate type electrostatic precipitator
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Disentangling Red Emission and Compensatory Defects in Sr[LiAl3N4]:Ce3+ Phosphor
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Concentration‐Induced Hetero‐Valent Partial‐Inverse Occupation of Infrared Phosphor
PublicationInfrared luminescent materials have evoked much attention from chemists and material scientists. Although substantial progress is made in materials design, the luminescent mechanism remains ambiguous in the complex structures, presenting major barriers to developing novel infrared luminescent materials. Herein, this study aims to deliberate a complete discussion on infrared phosphors with concentration-induced hetero-valent partial-inverse...
Broadband Near-Infrared Cr4+-Doped Garnet Phosphors through Divalent Calcium Charge Compensation for Advanced Crystal Fiber Amplifiers
Open Research DataNear-infrared-II (NIR-II) phosphors are extensively used as NIR phosphor-converted light-emitting diodes across various applications. Nonetheless, their application in fiber communication remains underexplored. Furthermore, efficiency challenges persist in developing broadband NIR crystal fiber amplifiers. A series of the Y3−yAl5−xO12:xCr,yCa2+ phosphors...
The luminescence study ofNaK2Li[Li3SiO4]4:Eu coumpounds.
Open Research DataNarrowband green phosphors with high quantum efficiency are required for backlighting white light-emitting diode (WLED) devices. Materials from the A[Li3SiO4]4:Eu2+ family have recently been proposed as having superior properties to industry-standard β-SiAlON green phosphors. Here, we show that a cheap, easily synthesized host NaK2Li[Li3SiO4]4 (NKLLSO)...
Strategies for mitigating nitrous oxide production and decreasing the carbon footprint of a full-scale combined nitrogen and phosphorus removal activated sludge system
PublicationNitrous oxide (N2O) emitted from biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems contributes significantly to the total carbon footprint of modern wastewater treatment plants. In the present study, N2O production and emissions were experimentally determined in a large-scale plant (220,000 PE) employing combined nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) removal. As a modelling tool, the Activated Sludge Model 2d (ASM2d) was extended...
Nitrogen and phosphorus as the factors affecting ginsenoside production in hairy root cultures of Panax quinquefolium cultivated in shake flasks and nutrient sprinkle bioreactor