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Search results for: WELDING WIRE
Fire Rescue Magazine
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Safety & Fire Technology
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Journal of Wine Research
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Tire Science and Technology
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WIREs Mechanisms of Disease
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Wine Economics and Policy
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PublicationWaste car tires are burdensome waste, and their utilization is crucial for the natural environment. In many countries, the primary method of their recycling is energy recovery, performed by simple combustion. However, material recycling is much more effective and significantly more beneficial for the natural environment. It results in the generation of ground tire rubber, which can be used to produce polymerrubber composites. It...
Type of surface and tire rolling resistance
Methods of Tire Rolling Resistance Measurements
PublicationTire rolling resistance is one of the factors related to tire/road interaction that has important influence on road vehicles performance. Raising fuel price and increased concern related to the environmental changes result in growing interest in reduction of tire rolling resistance that influences fuel consumption, especially in free-flowing highway traffic with moderate speeds. There are several methods of tire rolling resistance measurements....
Asynchronous Wide Area Multilateration System
PublicationA new method for a location service in the wide area multilateration (WAM) system is outlined. This method, which is called asynchronous WAM (AWAM), enables calculation of the geographical position of an aircraft without knowledge of relative time differences (RTDs) between measuring ground stations (sensors). The AWAM method is based on the measurement of round trip times (RTTs) between the aircraft and the serving ground station,...
4D Models in World Wide Web
PublicationThe paper presents some results of research curried out within the framework of the European project named "Cultural Heritage Through Time" (CHT2). One of the main project aims were to develop a methodology for sharing multi-temporal information via the Internet (webGIS) for remote analysis of structures and landscapes over time. Reported in this paper results are focused on testing two technologies (Hexagon and Esri) for online...
PublicationChapter presents different aspects of fire risk assessment in industrial sites
PublicationChapter presents common causes of fires in industrial places
Intensification of fire-fighting wastewater biotreatment
PublicationDuża ilość ścieków pożarniczych powstała w trakcie akcji gaśniczej w jednej z rafinerii w północnej Polsce w 2003 roku. Bakterie wyizolowane ze ścieków pożarniczych dodano do osadu czynnego w celu zintensyfikowania procesów biologicznych. Zbadano efektywność biologicznego oczyszczania tychże ścieków, uwzględniając nitryfikację, w laboratoryjnym reaktorze z osadem czynnym. Ok. 50 % lepszy efekt redukcji ChZT oraz ok. 40 % zmniejszenie...
The analysis of the mechanical properties of welding joints of high-strength steels for offshore and ships structures
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono równania korelacyjne właściwości mechanicznych złaczy spawanych stali wysokiej wytrzymałości, które umożliwiają ocenę wpływu technologii spawania tych stali.W pracy zaproponowana dwa równania. Pierwsze umożliwa wstępną ocenę spawalności obecnie produkowanych stali wysokiej wytrzymałości, natomiast równania korelacyjne pozwalają obliczyć maksymalną twardość strefy wpływu ciepła materiału.
Effect of shielded electrode wet welding conditions on diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublicationWet welding is the most popular method of joining in water enviroment. During underwater welding, the weldability of steel is limited by the higher cooling rates and hydrogen content in weld metal. Article presents results of preliminary tests on the effects of wet welding conditions on diffusible hydrogen amount. Seven parameters were optimized using a Plackett-Burman plan to get the most relevant variables. These parameters were:...
Testing of PTA automatic braze-welding technology for producing absorber joints of solar collectors
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Technology of braze welding absorber tubes to copper foil in solar collectors by the GTA method
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Modifications of the heat source model in numerical analyses of the metal-cored arc welding process
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Study of Heat Source Model and Residual Stress Caused by Welding in GMAW of Al Alloy
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The influence of the welding environment on the properties of Tekken joints made from S355J2C+N steel
PublicationThere are three main methods of underwater welding: dry, wet and intermediate between them, by using the local dry chamber. Due to low costs, the most common method is the wet welding with the use of covered electrodes. Water as a welding environment carries out a lot of problems. The first is limited visibility and instability of the welding arc. The biggest problem during underwater welding is high susceptibility to cold cracking,...
Application of the Mathar method to identify internal stress variation in steel as a welding process result
PublicationThe paper deals with the method to identify internal stresses in two-dimensional steel members. Steel members were investigated in the delivery stage and after assembly, by means of electric-arc welding. In order to perform the member assessment two methods to identify the stress variation were applied. The first is a non-destructive measurement method employing local external magnetic field and to detecting the induced voltage,...
The analysis of the mechanical properties of welding joints of high-strength steels for offshore and ships structures
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono równania korelacyjne właściwości mechanicznych złaczy spawanych stali wysokiej wytrzymałości, które umożliwiają ocenę wpływu technologii spawania tych stali. W pracy zaproponowana dwa równania. Pierwsze umożliwa wstępną ocenę spawalności obecnie produkowanych stali wysokiej wytrzymałości, natomiast równania korelacyjne pozwalają obliczyć maksymalną twardość strefy wpływu ciepła materiału.
Problems of Determination of Welding Angular Distortions of T-fillet Joints in Ship Hull Structures
PublicationShip hull structure elements are in majority joined by welding. Welding distortions can cause a lot of problems during the manufacturing process. In the literature it is proposed wide spectrum of suggestions for a correct estimation of welding deformation in particular angular deformation in the fillet welded T joint. In the work verification of selected methods is proposed basing upon of the results of the laboratory measurements....
Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum in the Aerospace Industry: The Current Progress and State-of-the-Art Review
PublicationThe use of the friction stir welding (FSW) process as a relatively new solid-state welding technology in the aerospace industry has pushed forward several developments in different related aspects of this strategic industry. In terms of the FSW process itself, due to the geometric limitations involved in the conventional FSW process, many variants have been required over time to suit the different types of geometries and structures,...
Influence of friction stir welding technological parameters on the properties of the joints of selected aluminum alloys
PublicationThe purpose of this dissertation was to determine the effect of friction stir welding technological parameters on the properties of selected aluminum alloy joints, with consideration of the residual stresses and dislocation density in the joints. The goal of the present work was also to produce defect-free joints with high mechanical and electrochemical properties. In the dissertation, similar welds of AA6082 alloy and dissimilar...
Effect of underwater friction stir welding parameters on AA5754 alloy joints: experimental studies
PublicationThe water as a welding environment may generate serious technological and metallurgical problems but in certain cases, the physicochemical properties of water can be used effectively, e.g., to impart the specific properties of welded materials. The purpose of the work was verification of effectiveness of the water cooling of aluminium alloy AA5754 for various sets of technological parameters of underwater friction stir welding...
PublicationIn this paper the influence of tack welds distribution and welding sequence on angular distortion of the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welded joint was tested. Additionally, the effect of welding current on angular distortion was assessed. For research X2CrTiNb18 (AISI 441) stainless steel (2.5 mm thick) was chosen. During research specimens were prepared with different distributionsof tack...
Effect of the welding environment and storage time of electrodes on the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublicationIn the study the glycerin displacement method was used for determination of diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal. Specimens were welded in the air and in the water with covered rutile electrodes. The first part of the specimens was made immediately after opening the package of the electrodes. The electrodes were then stored in opened packages in laboratory conditions that allowed for contact with the air for three years....
Diffusible hydrogen management in underwater wet self-shielded flux cored arc welding
PublicationThis article reports the effect of underwater wet welding parameters and conditions on the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal for welding with a self-shielded flux cored wire. The diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal was determined using the glycerin method according to the Plackett-Burman design determining the significance of the effect of the stick out length, welding current, arc voltage, travel speed...
Autogenous Fiber Laser Welding of 316L Austenitic and 2304 Lean Duplex Stainless Steels
PublicationThis study presents results of experimental tests on quality of dissimilar welded joints between 316L austenitic and 2304 lean duplex stainless steels, welded without ceramic backing. Fiber laser welded butt joints at a thickness of 8 mm were subjected to non‐destructive testing (visual and penetrant), destructive testing (static tensile test, bending test, and microhardness measurements) and structure observations (macro‐ and...
Effects of nordic pole walking on oxidative stress and walking abilities in patients with intermittent claudication
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Wetting of surfaces with ionic liquids
PublicationW pracy skupiono się na ocenie zwilżalności wybranych powierzchni stałych cieczami jonowymi. Jako związki testowe zastosowano chlorki dialkiloimidazoliowe. Porównano kąty zwilżania wybranych cieczy jonowych stosując metodę wzniesienia kapilarnego oraz metodę siedzącej kropli. Podczas testu zaobserwowano obniżanie wartości współczynnika lepkości cieczy jonowych wynikającą z ekspozycji płynu na parę wodną zawartą w powietrzu atmosferycznym....
Code Obfuscation. Where is it Heading?
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An investigation on wetting of porous materials
PublicationPośrednie metody oceny zdolności zwilŜania drobnych cząstek lub materiałów porowatych wymagają wyboru cieczy odniesienia, dla której kąt zwilŜania jest równy zeru. W badaniach własnych zastosowanometodę wzniesienia kapilarnego oraz metodę flotacji filmowej dla układów mikrokulki szklane-woda i mikrokulki szklane-dekan. Uzyskane dane dla cieczy odniesienia i dla cieczy badanej wprowadzano dozmodyfikowanego równania Washburn'a i...
The Challenge of Quantification: An Interdisciplinary Reading
PublicationThe present work looks at what we call “the multiverse of quantification”, where visible and invisible numbers permeate all aspects and venues of life. We review the contributions of different authors who focus on the roles of quantification in society, with the aim of capturing different and sometimes separate voices. Several scholars, including economists, jurists, philosophers, sociologists, communication and data scientists,...
EHD Flow Measured by 2D PIV in a Narrow Electrostatic Precipitator with Longitudinally-to-flow Wire Electrode
PublicationIn this paper, results of the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flow patterns in two narrow ESPs with longitudinally-to-flow wire electrode are presented. The influence of the ESP geometry on the EHD flow generated in the ESP was investigated. The results obtained from 2 dimensional (2D) Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) showed similarities and differences of the particle flow in the wire-plate and wire-cylinder type ESP.
Electrohydrodynamic Flow Patterns in a Narrow Electrostatic Precipitator with Longitudinal Wire Electrode for Various Electrode Geometries
PublicationRecently narrow electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have become a subject of interest because of their possible application in diesel engines. In this paper results of 2-dimensional (2D) Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements of the flow patterns in a narrow ESP for a various electrode geometries are presented. The PIV measurements were carried out in the observation plane that is perpendicular to the ESP duct. The ESP was...
Hanjie Xuebao/Transactions of the China Welding Institution
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A Study on Deformation According to Steel Constraints During Thick-Plate Fillet Welding and Line Heating
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Review the Ultimate Strength According to Welding Deformation Criteria of Thin Plates Under In-plane Compression
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Effect of underwater local cavity welding method conditions on diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublicationOne of the methods with great potential for applications in underwater repairs is local cavity welding. In local cavity method, cooling conditions and diffusible hydrogen amount in weld metal are nearly the same as those existed during welding in the air. This paper presents the results of literature survey and preliminary tests of the effect of local cavity welding conditions on diffusible hydrogen amount in a deposited metal....
Analysis of Residual Stresses and Dislocation Density of AA6082 Butt Welds Produced by Friction Sir Welding
PublicationThe Friction Stir Welding (FSW) method was employed to join AA6082 sheets. The welds were produced with different tool traverse speed (200 and 250 mm/min), rotational speed (1000 and 1250 RPM) and tool tilt angle (0 and 2 deg). Based on the analysis of XRD patterns, the total precipitation volume fractions in the nugget zones and the base material were calculated. The FSW process resulted in a reduction in the fraction of precipitates...
Impact of selected parameters of the fermentation process of wine and wine itself on the biogenic amines content: Evaluation by application of chemometric tools
PublicationThe demand for safer foods has promoted more research into biogenic amines (BAs) over the past few years, however, there are still some questions that remain unanswered. Despite the fact that BAs are present in wine and can cause toxic effect to the body, a shared regulation limiting the amounts of BAs in wine is still lacking. A detailed understanding of their presence in wine is also important for the food trade sector. Therefore,...
Dynamic mechanical properties and flexing fatigue resistance of tire sidewall rubber as function of waste tire rubber reclaiming degree
PublicationA stepwise downsizing method of gel particles in reclaimed rubber to a micro-nano scale and its excellent dynamic performance in tire sidewall were introduced by this work. The results showed that the size of gel particles decreased from several micrometers to micro-nanometers with the increase of reclaiming degree, accompanied by reduced molecular weight and widened molecular weight distribution of sol fraction. The addition of...
Highly linear self-assembled porphyrin wires
PublicationAn efficient noncovalent assembly process involving high geometrical control was applied to a linear bis(imidazolyl zinc porphyrin) 7Zn, bearing C18 substitutents, to generate linear multiporphyrin wires. The association process is based on imidazole recognition within the cavity of the phenanthroline-strapped zinc porphyrin. In chlorinated solvents, discrete soluble oligomers were obtained after (7Zn)n was end-capped with a terminal...
Tire/road noise - generation, measurement, and abatement
PublicationPodano określenia i definicje dotyczące hałasu opon samochodowych. Omówiono mechanizmy generowania tego hałasu oraz zasady modelowania. Przedstawiono metody pomiaru hałasu opon oraz stosowane systemy pomiarowe. Podano normy dotyczące hałasu opon. Omówiono wpływ opony i nawierzchni na hałas generowany przez toczące się koło ogumione. Zaprezentowano koła kompozytowe oraz opony z bieżnikiem poroelastycznym generujące niski poziom...
Mycotoxins in red wine: Occurrence and risk assessment
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Modeling of the process of selected fire signaling systems