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Search results for: COLLECTOR ITEMS
Examples of Original Descriptive Geometry Task Items
PublicationThe paper presents several descriptive geometry drawing tasks and a comprehensive approach to their evaluation. The results as the task profile include the most important features and enable interpretation of the tasks in the educational system.
Clustering Context Items into User Trust Levels
PublicationAn innovative trust-based security model for Internet systems is proposed. The TCoRBAC model operates on user profiles built on the history of user with system interaction in conjunction with multi-dimensional context information. There is proposed a method of transforming the high number of possible context value variants into several user trust levels. The transformation implements Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering strategy....
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Recognition of input items to the logistic operations in accommodation services
PublicationIn this study the authors set themselves the aim to analyze the elements of the entrance to the accommodation services in terms of logistics. Therefore, providers of this type of services were examined. This allowed to carry out analyses also with including the variety of accommodation services
Mechanical strength of stems in aquatic macrophytes
PublicationSummary: In populations of submerged macrophytes, individuals are selected in terms of resistance to the effect of hydrodynamic forces. The aim of this study was to check whether individuals growing in river water are more tensile and bending resistant than plants occurring in places not exposed to flow stress. We determined the ultimate tensile strength of stems in four macrophyte species, Potamogeton natans, P. pectinatus, Batrachium...
The role of hydrodynamic cavitation in tuning physicochemical properties of food items: A comprehensive review
PublicationBackground: Today, food processing industries are looking for alternative technologies with an eco-friendly character for the processing of food, beverages and agricultural crops. Ideally, such technologies may preserve the original properties of the food products while reaching their primary target of application. Scope and approach: At this point, hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) is recognized as one of the potential technologies...
Membrane distillation assisting food production processes of thermally sensitive food liquid items: a review
PublicationPhysical separation technologies have become important tool for processing in the current food manufacturing industries, especially for the products containing bioactive compounds thanks to their health benefits in costumers. As for the processing of bioactive food ingredients implies the implementation of integrated systems oriented to their separation, fractionation, and recovery. In this field, membrane distillation (MD), which...
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Collection and Curation
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Collection Management
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Collection Building
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Monitoring of current collectors on the railway line
PublicationProper cooperation the current collectors and the overhead line is a pre-requisite for reliable and safe operation of railway transport. Instances of maladjustment and, in some cases, damage to the current collectors, occur between periodic inspections of the rolling stock. In order to detect such anomalies quickly, the test stand was developed, with the aim of monitoring the technical state of the current collectors under operating...
Green Sample Collection
PublicationThe term of “green sample collection” is directly associated with both passive and dynamic analytical tools which allow for simultaneous management of the stage of collection and isolation and/or enrichment of a broad spectrum of chemical compounds from environmental samples. The use of passive sampling techniques at the stage of sample collection makes it possible to obtain in a simple yet inexpensive manner an analytical information...
PublicationAn experimental investigation of the hybrid module photovoltaic panel -solar collector (PVT) cooled by water-Al2O3 nanofluids has been conducted. The weight fractions of the nanoparticles were 1% and 3%. Thermal efficiency, power efficiency and overall efficiency have been determined for artificial source of light and sunlight. No noticeable effect of the nanoparticle concentration on the overall efficiency of the PVT module has...
3D scanning system for railway current collector contact strips
PublicationUndisturbed collection of current from a contact wire of the catenary constitutes one of the basic elements in reliable operation of electrified rail transport, particularly when vehicles move at high speed. Quality of current collection is influenced by the construction of catenary and current collectors, as well as by the technical condition and regulation of these two elements. Total contact force of a current collector head...
Performance of the PVT solar collector operated with water-Al2O3 nanofluid
PublicationAn experimental investigation of the hybrid module photovoltaic panel -solar collector (PVT) cooled by water-Al2O3 nanofluids has been conducted. The weight fractions of the nanoparticles were 1% and 3%. Thermal efficiency, power efficiency and overall efficiency have been determined for artificial source of light and sunlight. No noticeable effect of the nanoparticle concentration on the overall efficiency of the PVT module has...
Technical diagnostics and monitoring of traction current collectors
PublicationNew evaluation methods of the technical condition of rolling stock current collectors are proposed in this paper. The method of automatic measurement of the pantograph static force characteristic, realized when the vehicle runs through the test section of the track with especially prepared overhead line height distribution, has been practically implemented by the Polish Railways. The method of testing the slipper spring suspension...
Performance of the flat plate solar collector operated with water-Al2O3 nanofluid
PublicationThis paper shows the experimental results of the performance a flat plate solar collector with water-Al2O3 nanofluid as a working fluid. The weight fractions of nanoparticles were 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.4%. The volume flow rate of nanofluid varied from 60 l/h to 170 l/h. The results show that application of nanofluids instead of pure water resulted in higher efficiency of the tested flat plate solar collector for given range of thermal...
Performance of the flat plate solar collector operated with water-Al2O3 nanofluid
PublicationThe paper discusses the effect of application of water-Al2O3 nanofluid, as a working fluid, on the efficiency of a flat plate solar collector. The mass concentration of nanoparticles was 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.4%. The tests were conducted for two values of radiation of about 1050 W/m2 and 400 W/m2, and volume flow rates of 60 l/h, 120 l/h and 170 l/h. The efficiency was calculated according to recommendations of the Polish Standard....
The low energy house using an air solar collector - a case study
PublicationCelem tego artykułu jest przedstawienie możliwości ogrzewania i chłodzenia domu jednorodzinnego przy wykorzystaniu słonecznych kolektorów powietrznych. W analizie uwzględniono dom energooszczędny, którego wskaźnik sezonowego zapotrzebowania na ciepło wynosi 40kWh/m2/a. Do obliczeń przyjęto kolektory powietrzne dostępne na rynku o powierzchni 60m2 i wydajności wynoszącej 70%. W analizowanym budynku występuje prawie pełne pokrycie...
Visual measurement system for chosen parameters of current collectors
PublicationA current collector is an element in a traction vehicle, used for movable, contact con-nection between the main circuit of this vehicle and the contact line. Bad technical condi-tion of these important elements in the main circuit of the vehicle result in its incorrect cooperation with contact line. Periodic control of technical condition of current collectors ensures infallible current collection. The pantograph diagnostics consists...
Operational Properties Investigation of The Flat-Plate Solar Collector with Poliuretane Foam Insulation
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Research into GTA automatic soft soldering technology for solar energy collector components
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Reducing noise equivalent power in InP DHBT terahertz detector by biasing the collector
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Wear estimation of current collector contact strips by analysis of a 3D scanning results
PublicationThe technical condition of current collector contact strips is very important when operational reliability of railway transportation is considered. The authors proposed a novel measurement system based on a 3D camera to register the shape and dimensions of the current collector contact strips surface. The system was installed above the railway track for tests in target ambient. During the trial operation a few dozen of contact...
A new approach to determination of the two-mass model parameters of railway current collector
PublicationThe paper presents two mathematical models of railway current collectors both with two degrees of freedom. The first one, hereinafter Pantograph Articulated Model (PAM), has one degree of freedom in rotational motion and the second degree of freedom in translational motion. The second model, called henceforth as Pantograph Reference Model (PRM), has both degrees of freedom in translational motion. Differential equations of the...
A new approach to determination of the two-mass model parameters of railway current collector
PublicationThe paper presents two mathematical models of railway current collectors both with two degrees of freedom. The first one, hereinafter Pantograph Articulated Model (PAM), has one degree of freedom in rotational motion and the second degree of freedom in translational motion. The second model, called henceforth as Pantograph Reference Model (PRM), has both degrees of freedom in translational motion. Differential equations of the...
Journal of the David Collection
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JBJS Case Connector
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Modal analysis of railway current collectors using Autodesk Inventor
PublicationThe paper presents the results of modal analysis of railway current collector type 160EC. In the first place, the analysis was carried out analytically for a simplified two lumped mass pantograph model. Then numerical analysis was conducted in the Autodesk Inventor (AI) on the prepared multibody model using the AI modal analysis algorithm, which is based on the finite element method (FEM). Model elements which are most relevant...
From the Concept to Results: A Case Study on the Collection Development for the ODC–Opening Day Collection at Qatar National Library
Publication"A library collection should fit the mission for which it is created. The number of books it holds does not determine its worth." (E. J. Loveland, 2000) If so, how do we create a national library, and how do we build its collection from scratch without making many mistakes? Since 2012, when the plans for the new national library were announced, Qatar National Library (QNL) envisioned as carrying out its mission to "spread knowledge,...
Significant Parameters Identification for Optimal Modelling of the Harp-Type Flat-Plate Solar Collector
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Experimental investigations of prototype od solar collector on the rig equipped with artificial source of illumination
PublicationW pracy opisano badania eksperymentalne prowadzone w Katedrze Techniki Cieplnej Politechniki Gdańskiej, dotyczące prototypowego cieczowego kolektora słonecznego, wykonanego z organicznego tworzywa sztucznego. Badania cieplne przeprowadzono metodą porównanwczą, przy czym kolektorem odniesienia był kolektor słoneczny Aparel produkowany na rynku krajowym. W artykule opisano też stanowisko badawcze zaprojektowane i zbudowane jako moblina...
A boost topology active power factor corrector.
PublicationPrzedstawiono układ analogowego aktywnego korektora zbudowanego na układzie scalonym kontrolera PWM oraz tranzystorem MOS jako okresowo przełączonym kluczem. Układ korektora zapewnia pobór prądu z sieci energetycznej w postaci przebiegu prawie sinusoidalnego o małych zniekształceniach i w fazie z sinusoidalnym napięciem sieci.
System of breath collection and analysis for diseases detection
PublicationCollection and study of composition of the exhaled air is now intensively investigated to develop non-invasive medical diagnostics based on presence of metabolic compounds in the exhaled air. The process of collecting and processing of the exhaled air must fulfill relevant conditions to achieve satisfactory results. The paper presents the system of collecting samples of exhaled breath and the proposed methods of its analysis, using...
Storing thermal energy from solar collectors for the needs of a detached house
PublicationThis work evaluates the possibility of meeting a single familu household's need for hot water and heat year round, using solar collectors as the sole energy sourse. The main flaw of energetic systems based on solar energy is that the energy supply is usually insufficient in winter, when it is most needed. This work is going to show thatm for a house surface of 150 m2 and base dimension of 10x10m, it is possible to supply sufficient...
Age, frequency of volunteering, and Present-Hedonistic time perspective predict donating items to people in need, but not money to combat COVID-19 during lock-down
PublicationRestrictions due to COVID-19 necessitated staying at home, but in some cases, encouraged charitable behavior, e.g., donating items to people in need (e.g., clothes, food), or money to support combatting COVID-19. Drawing on the previous findings regarding helping during disastrous situations and roles of time perspective in helping behaviors, the study tested the predictive value of age, gender, previous volunteering, altruistic...
A new approach to chronotype measurement - the Polish version of the Single Item Chronotyping (SIC) tool
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Psychometric assessment of the Internet Gaming Disorder diagnostic criteria: An Item Response Theory study
PublicationInternet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has been recognized by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) as a tentative disorder in the latest fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). In order to advance research on IGD, the APA has suggested that further research on the nine IGD criteria to investigate its clinical and empirical feasibility is necessary. The aim of the present study was to...
Psychometric assessment of the Internet Gaming Disorder diagnostic criteria: An Item Response Theory study
PublicationInternet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has been recognized by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) as a tentative disorder in the latest fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). In order to advance research on IGD, the APA has suggested that further research on the nine IGD criteria to investigate its clinical and empirical feasibility is necessary. The aim of the present study was to develop...
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Psychometric properties of the Bern illegitimate tasks scale using classical test and item response theories
PublicationCombining a classical test theory and an item response theory (IRT), this study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of the Bern Illegitimate Tasks Scale (BITS) by measuring two conceptually separate dimensions capturing unnecessary tasks (perceived by employees as pointless) and unreasonable tasks (perceived as unfairly or inappropriately assigned). Data collected among Polish employees in two samples (N= 965 and N=...
The tawny owl Strix aluco as a material collector in faunistic investigations: the case study of small mammals in NE Poland
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Modifications and Improvements to the Collector Metal Method Using an mhd Pump for Recovering Platinum from Used Car Catalysts
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Detection and removal of priority substances and emerging pollutants from stormwater: case study of the Kołobrzeska collector, Gdańsk, Poland
PublicationProgressive urban development affects environmental balance and disrupts the hydrologic cycle, in which rainfall plays a significant role. Since rainwater is considered a valuable resource of the environment, many technical solutions are implemented that enable effective rainwater management. On the other hand, stormwater runoff from urban areas contains numerous (also toxic) substances, and therefore should be properly treated....
Testing of PTA automatic braze-welding technology for producing absorber joints of solar collectors
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Technology of braze welding absorber tubes to copper foil in solar collectors by the GTA method
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3D Machine Vision System for Inspection of Contact Strips in Railway Vehicle Current Collectors
PublicationConstruction and technical condition of current collectors is crucial to reliability and safety of railway transportation. According to the Technical Specifications for Interoperability railway vehicles in the European Union should be equipped with carbon contact strips. Excessive wear or defects of contact strips degrade the capability of undisturbed power transmission, cause faster wear of contact wire, and can even result in...
Cyanobacterial and Algal Strains in the Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA)
PublicationThe dataset titled Microalgal strains from “Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA)” is a representation of cyanobacterial and microalgal cultures isolated from the Baltic Sea. It is a unique catalogue of strains of the dominant and rare species found in the Baltic phytoplankton and microphytobenthos assemblages. The main purpose of the collection is to extend the knowledge on the Baltic microbial communities by providing...
Early Oceanographical Data Collected by the Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk
PublicationThree data sets entitled Water currents in Głębinka Passage in late spring of 1975, Hydrometeorological and hydrochemical conditions in the Gulf of Gdańsk in the vicinity of Vistula river mouth in July of 1977, and Gulf of Gdańsk monitoring conducted by the Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, in 1981–1994 contain archival field measurement results from the Gulf of Gdańsk (the southern Baltic). The data can be used...