prof. dr hab. inż. Lech Bałachowski
- Profesor w Katedra Geotechniki i Inżynierii Wodnej
wszystkich: 73
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2024
Bearing capacity of monotonically installed tapered piles in medium dense Fontainebleau sand
PublikacjaA series of installation of tapered piles in medium-dense Fontainebleau sand were performed in the geotechnical centrifuge at Gustave Eiffel University. The models of piles with three different shapes - straight profile (S), and with taper angle of 0.70 degrees (T1), and 1.4 degrees (T2) were used. The piles were instrumented with fiber optic wires on the shaft and load cell at the base. After monotonic installation, the models were...
Centrifuge modelling of tapered wall jacked into dense sand
PublikacjaA series of static penetration tests of trapezoidal walls in dense Fontainebleau sand were performed in the geotechnical centrifuge at Gustave Eiffel University. The models of wall with three different shapes (straight profile with thickness D=16mm, 0.75 degree and 1.5 degree of taper angle) but with the same volume were used. The soil mass was instrumented with five stress cells located at two levels at 2D, 4D and 6D distance...
Impact of spraying commercial Bentonite Nanoclay on fortification of the mortar as Nano Sprying Technique (NST) in heritages and historical buildings
PublikacjaSpraying Bentonite NanoClay as an innovative idea satisfied an urgent need for conservation of historical brick constructions. This research explores the application of Nanotechnology as a Nano-Geotechnics (NaG) and Nano Ground Improvement (NGI) techniques for fortifying the mortar between bricks in historical buildings against some environmental erosive factors. Bentonite Nanoparticles were selected because of their compatibility...
Micro- and nano-Illite to improve strength of untreated-soil as a nano soil-improvement (NSI) technique
PublikacjaSoil stabilization is a technique of improving the geotechnical properties of soils for various engineering applications. However, conventional stabilizers such as cement and lime have some limitations, such as high cost, environmental impact, and durability issues. Therefore, there is a need for alternative and innovative stabilizers that can overcome these challenges. This study introduces nano-Illite, a type of clay mineral,...
Rok 2023
Micro‑ and nano‑ bentonite to improve the strength of clayey sand as a nano soil‑improvement technique
PublikacjaNano-additives results in the formation of nano-cementation (NC). This process is recently used to improve the durability of various building materials. NC used to improve the strength of untreated soil materials, also known as nano soil-improvement (NSI). In few years, the role of nano-additives in various types of soils were developed. In this research, the role of micro- and nano- size of bentonite as soil stabilizer was evaluated...
Nano soil improvement technique using cement
PublikacjaNano soil-improvement is an innovative idea in geotechnical engineering. Nanomaterials are among the newest additives that improve soil properties. Herein, laboratory tests, such as unconfined compressive strength, direct shear test, and initial tests, were conducted to investigate the geotechnical properties of Kelachay clay with micro- and nanosized cement to evaluate its particles in untreated soil and observe changes in the...
Spray-Based Method for Protecting and Restoring Historic Adobe Walls Using Nanomontmorillonite Clay
PublikacjaRestoringandprotectinghistoricbuildingsworldwideareimportant becauseheritagebuildingsarerecordsofthecivilizationsofvariouscountries.Herein, nanotechnologywasusedtorestorehistoricadobewalls.AccordingtotheIranPatent andTrademarkOffice(IRPATENT)102665,nanomontmorilloniteclayhasbeen selectedasanaturalandcompatiblematerialwithadobe.Furthermore,ithasbeenused asnanospraytobeaminimallyinvasivemethodtofillcavitiesandcracksintheadobe surface.Variouspercentagesofnanomontmorilloniteclay(1−4%)intheethanolsolvent...
Rok 2022
Discussion of “Stress-Displacement Response of Sand–Geosynthetic Interfaces under Different Volume Change Boundary Conditions” by Aliyeh Afzali-Nejad, Ali Lashkari, and Alejandro Martinez
PublikacjaThe influence of normal stiffness of interface on the interpretation of shear box tests
Prediction of pile shaft capacity in tension based on some direct CPT methods – Vistula Marshland test site
PublikacjaThis paper presents different CPT methodologies for the prediction of the pile shaft resistance in tension on the example of three reference screw piles of the Jazowa test site in Poland. The shaft capacity was estimated based on the cone resistance, sleeve friction and CPT excess pore water pressure. Three piles with a diameter of 0.4 m and the length...
Prediction of Pile Shaft Capacity in Tension Based on Some Direct CPT Methods—Vistula Marshland Test Site
PublikacjaThis paper presents different CPT methodologies for the prediction of the pile shaft resistance in tension on the example of three reference screw piles of the Jazowa test site in Poland. The shaft capacity was estimated based on the cone resistance, sleeve friction and CPT excess pore water pressure. Three piles with diameter 0.4 m and the length varied from 8 m to 14.6 m were subjected to static load tests in tension. Their...
Rok 2021
Pore Water Pressure Development in Soft Soil due to Installation and Loading of Controlled Modulus Columns
PublikacjaExcess pore water pressure (EPWP) development and decay due to the installation and static loading tests of controlled modulus columns (CMC) in soft soil was measured with piezometers equipped with low air entry (LAE) filters and a piezocone (CPTU) equipped with a high air entry (HAE) filter. The HAE filter allows for detailed detection of EPWP in short time intervals during construction of CMC. The influence zone due to the installation...
Shaft friction from the DMT and direct shear interface tests
PublikacjaThe article presents preliminary attempt to create tri-linear transfer curves for describing pile behaviour under axial loading. Transfer curves would use the parameter measured in dilatometer test, particularly a constrained modulus MDMT. The proposed method is based on concrete rough and smooth interface tests performed in a direct shear apparatus. Based on the obtained mobilization curves, relationships were created between...
Statistical evaluation of physical and index properties of Vistula Marshlands deltaic soft soils
PublikacjaThis paper provides statistical evaluation of physical and index parameters of the Vistula Marshlands deltaic soft soils using three datasets. Soft soils from the Vistula Marshlands are grouped into the four categories: (1) silty/sandy loams, (2) organic clays, (3) organic silts and (4) peats. Variability of basic and derivative physical properties as well as Atterberg's limits and plasticity index is studied. It is found that...
Rok 2020
Discussion of “Axisymmetric Simulations of Cone Penetration in Saturated Clay” by Diane M. Moug, Ross W. Boulanger, Jason T. DeJong, and Robert A. Jaeger
Discussion of “CPT Evaluation of Yield Stress Profiles in Soils” by Shehab S. Agaiby and Paul W. Mayne
PublikacjaVeryfication of the procedure to estimate overconsolidation ratio in sands using the results of mini-cone penetration tests in centrifuge.
Discussion:Horizontal stress increase induced by deep vibratory compaction
PublikacjaDeep compaction control of granular material using the results of field tests. The analysis include the CPTU and DMT tests terformed before and after compaction works.
Innowacyjna metoda wzmocnienia gruntu za przyczółkiem przy użyciu iniekcji geopolimerowych
PublikacjaW obecnych czasach szybki rozwój infrastruktury i nowoczesnych technologii niejednokrotnie narzuca projektantom oraz wykonawcom takie rozwiązania, aby prowadzone roboty budowalne, były jak najmniej uciążliwe dla uczestników ruchu i jak najmniej ingerowały w system komunikacyjny. Dotyczy to zarówno budowy nowych obiektów, jaki i remontu obiektów już istniejących. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono nowatorską koncepcję remontu wiaduktu...
Rok 2019
Application of the ‘CPT 2012’model of AFNOR standard for column design in Poland–Jazowa case study
Publikacjahis paper presents the ‘CPT 2012’ model incorporated into the AFNOR NF P94-262:2012-07, French standard for pile design fully compatible with Eurocode 7, to the wider Polish audience. The bearing capacity of three reference columns for Vistula Marshlands have been calculated according to ‘CPT 2012’ model and AFNOR recommendations. Then, the design resistances have been compared with ultimate column bearing capacity measured during...
Discussion on “Coupled effective stress analysis of insertion problems in geotechnics with the Particle Finite Element Method” by L. Monforte, M. Arroyo, J.M. Carbonell, and A. Gens
PublikacjaAddressed here is the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) modelling of undrained CPTu penetration with regard to a reference analytical solution based on the Spherical Cavity Expansion Method (SCEM). Also discussed is the choice of the soil model and its parameters. The effect of cone interface friction on CPTu simulation is analyzed in a series of penetration tests using Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) and Updated Lagrangian...
Effective Friction Angle Of Deltaic Soils In The Vistula Marshlands
PublikacjaThis article presents the results of laboratory tests on soft, normally consolidated soils from the Vistula Marshlands. Samples of high-plasticity organic soils (muds) taken from 3.2–4.0 m and 9.5–10.0 m depth, as well as peat deposit at 14.0 m, are analysed. Presented case study confirms the applicability of the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH) method based on Cone Penetration Tests (CPTU) and allows for a conservative...
Geotechnical characterization of soft soil deposits in Northern Poland
PublikacjaThis paper presents a geotechnical characterization of deltaic soft soil deposits in the Vistula Marshlands, northern Poland. It shows the limited applicability of organic soil classifications based on Cone Penetration Tests (CPTU) and Dilatometer Tests (DMT). None of the in-situ-based classifications correctly identifies peat. Analysis of the behaviour of contractive/dilative soil layers according to Robertson's updated classification...
PublikacjaW obecnych czasach szybki rozwój infrastruktury i nowoczesnych technologii niejednokrotnie narzuca projektantom oraz wykonawcom takie rozwiązania, aby prowadzone roboty budowlane, były jak najmniej uciążliwe dla uczestników ruchu i jak najmniej ingerowały w system komunikacyjny. Dotyczy to zarówno budowy nowych obiektów jaki i remontu obiektów już istniejących. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono nowatorską koncepcję remontu wiaduktu...
LDFEM analysis of pore water pressure development in cohesive soil due to FDP auger drilling
PublikacjaThis paper presents the preliminary modelling of FDP auger drilling in soft soil with emphasis on excess pore water pressure (EPWP) development using CEL formulation and Abaqus software suit. The EPWP generation in single points is investigated and the results of a numerical analysis are compared with the field measurements. It is found that numerical model qualitatively reflects the field measurements. However,...
Rok 2018
Determination of p-y curves for offshore piles based on in-situ soil investigations
PublikacjaOffshore piles are subjected to complex loads with considerable lateral component. The pile-soil response to lateral loads can be described with the p-y method. For a given depth the load–deflection relationship is built to simulate the surrounding soil stiffness. This state-of-art paper presents a brief discussion of determination methods for the p-y curves using a standard approach based on the soil parameters derived from laboratory...
Large deformation modelling of CPT probing in soft soil—pore water pressure analysis
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of finite element modelling with Updated Lagrangian formulation of the Cone Penetration Test in soft soil deposit located in Jazowa, Poland. The numerical calculations are carried out for homogenous, normally consolidated, organic soil layer. The Modified Cam Clay constitutive model for soft soil and Coulomb model for interface are used. The study compares the registered pore water pressure distributions...
LDFEM analysis of FDP auger installation in cohesive soil
PublikacjaThis paper deals with large deformation finite element (LDFE) preliminary modelling of Full Displacement Pile (FDP) installation in cohesive soil deposit located in Jazowa, Poland. The detailed FDP auger geometry is applied and the drilling process is modelled with full 3D Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) formulation. The total stress approach and elastic-perfectly plastic model with rate-dependent Mises plasticity is used. The...
Opinia geotechniczna dotycząca odkrywki rury wodociągowej i wizji terenowej w sprawie przyczyn osunięcia skarpy w Gdyni - Kamienna Góra przy ulicy Sienkiewicza
PublikacjaAnaliza przyczyn utraty stateczności skarpy
Strength parameters of deltaic soils determined with CPTU, DMT and FVT
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of soil investigation in soft, normally consolidated organic soil in the estuary of Vistula river. The analysis concerns clayey mud and peat layers interbedded with loose to medium-dense sands. Several Cone Penetration Tests with pore water measurement (CPTU), Dilatometer Tests (DMT) and Field Vane Tests (FVT) were performed on the testing site. The cone factor Nkt was estimated using the results...
Rok 2017
Influence of Installation Effects on Pile Bearing Capacity in Cohesive Soils – Large Deformation Analysis Via Finite Element Method
PublikacjaIn this paper, the whole process of pile construction and performance during loading is modelled via large deformation finite element methods such as Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian (CEL) and Updated Lagrangian (UL). Numerical study consists of installation process, consolidation phase and following pile static load test (SLT). The Poznań site is chosen as the reference location for the numerical analysis, where series of pile SLTs...
Installation of CMC columns in overconsolidated clays
PublikacjaDuring rigid inclusions execution in the subsoil some monitoring data are registered by a drilling rig for quality control. The use of these data can improve the design procedure of soil improvement as they can provide some information about the position of bearing strata and the energy necessary to install the column in the ground. In this paper the parameters registered in a drilling machine are described, the installation...
Numerical Modeling of Cone Penetration Test in Slightly Overconsolidated Clay with Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Formulation
PublikacjaIn this paper the results of the cone penetration test (CPT) modeling with the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulation provided by Abaqus software package have been presented. The study compares the cone resistance and sleeve friction obtained in numerical analysis with values measured in soundings performed in the uniform layer of clayey soil in the Koszalin area. The clay layer was found to be slightly overconsolidated...
PublikacjaThe physical modelling of subsoil behaviour and soil-structure interaction is essential for the proper design of offshore structures and port infrastructure. A brief introduction to such modelling of geoengineering problems is presented and some methods and experimental devices are described. The relationships between modelling scales are given. Some examples of penetration testing results in centrifuge and calibration chamber...
Rok 2016
Large deformation finite element analysis of undrained pile installation
PublikacjaIn this paper, a numerical undrained analysis of pile jacking into the subsoil using Abaqus software suit has been presented. Two different approaches, including traditional Finite Element Method (FEM) and Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) formulation, were tested. In the first method, the soil was modelled as a two-phase medium and effective stress analysis was performed. In the second one (ALE), a single-phase medium was assumed...
Mechanical characterization of a gravel column in a calibration chamber operating as a triaxial cell
PublikacjaA series of tests considering the behavior of gravel columns was performed. A segment of column with a height of 1 m and a diameter of 0.53 m was modelled in a calibration chamber used as a triaxial cell at three different lateral stress applied. The vertical load transferred on the column head was simulated with steady increase of water pressures in the upper and lower membranes. During the loading the volumetric changes in the...
Parametry mechaniczne platformy roboczej na podstawie badań DMT
PublikacjaNośność platformy roboczej określana jest w sposób analogiczny do nośności podłoża uwarstwionego, w którym warstwa wierzchnia zbudowana z gruntu niespoistego spoczywa na słabonośnym podłożu z gruntu spoistego. Badanie DMT wykorzystano do wyznaczenia parametrów wytrzymałościowych podłoża (kąta tarcia wewnętrznego warstwy górnej i wytrzymałości na ścinanie bez odpływu podłoża słabonośnego) oraz do wyznaczenia modułu odkształcenia...
Rok 2015
Analiza nośności granicznej platformy roboczej na podłożu słabonośnym
PublikacjaAnaliza numeryczna nośności platformy roboczej z gruntu niespoistego na podłożu z gruntu spoistego o niskiej wytrzymałości. Analiza parametryczna uwzględniająca wpływ miąższości platformy oraz kąta tarcia wewnętrznego materiału platformy i wytrzymałości na ścinanie bez odpływu warstwy słabonośnej. Uwzględnienie różnych schematów zniszczenia podłoża metodą kinematyczną z zastosowaniem optymalizacji (Distinct Layout Optimisation)....
Bearing capacity of the working platform with kinematic method
PublikacjaBearing capacity of the working platform for heavy tracks was analysed using Distinct Layout Optimization (DLO) method. The platform layer constructed from cohesionless soils is resting on weak cohesive subgrade. Different thickness of the platform, its effective angle of internal friction and undrained shear strength of the soft soil were taken into consideration. Kinematic method permits different failure mechanisms to be analyzed....
Bearing capacity of working platform using distinct layout optimization method
PublikacjaBearing capacity of the working platforms from sandy soil resting on NC and OC clays was analyzed using LimitState GEO program. Different failure modes are considered using distinct layout optimization (DLO) method, which forms the upper bound solution of limit state analysis. Different mechanisms of failure were observed as a function of the platform thickness, angle of internal friction of the platform material and undrained...
CPTU/DMT control of heavy tamping compaction of sands
PublikacjaHeavy tamping compaction method in cohesionless alluvial soil was evaluated with CPTU and DMT tests. Some examples of interpretation of soundings in pre-treated and compacted sands are given. The compaction work was performed in two stages. Compaction control was performed after each stage of tamping. Additional tests were performed two weeks after the compaction works completion to study the set-up effect. While typical increase...
Interpretacja sondowania statycznego w pełnym zakresie głębokości
PublikacjaInterpretacja sondowania statycznego w trzech fazach penetracji, z uwzględnieniem małych, pośrednich i dużych głębokości. Dyskusja głębokości krytycznej. Analiza i porównanie sondowań statycznych w komorze kalibracyjnej i wirówce geotechnicznej
Kryteria kontroli jakości zagęszczania wgłębnego gruntów niespoistych
PublikacjaEtapy kontroli jakości procesu zagęszczania wgłębnego gruntów niespoistych. Ocena przydatności danego gruntu do zagęszczania, wstępny dobór parametrów zagęszczania oraz ich weryfikacja na poletkach doświadczalnych, obserwacja osiadań i badania sprawdzające w postaci sondowań statycznych metodą CPTU, badań dylatometrycznych DMT, badań presjometrycznych PMT oraz sondowań dynamicznych DPT. Dyskusja kryteriów kontroli jakości zagęszczania...
Vibroflotation Control of Sandy Soils using DMT and CPTU
PublikacjaVibroflotation is a typical improvement method for the cohesionless deposits of high thickness. The compaction method was applied to densify sandy deposits in Gdynia Port. Compaction control was verified with CPTU and DMT tests. Some examples of interpretation of soundings in pre-treated and compacted sands are shown. The classification diagrams are given for pre-treated and compacted sand. The stress history of the deposits is...
Rok 2014
Badania modelowe w komorze kalibracyjnej
PublikacjaKrótki przegląd istniejących komór kalibracyjnych i przeprowadzanych w nich badań modelowych. Opis badań realizowanych w komorze kalibracyjnej skonstruowanej na Politechnice Gdańskiej wraz z przedstawieniem stosowanych modeli. Dyskusja na temat wpływu warunków brzegowych na wyniki badań penetracyjnych w piasku modelowym. Propozycja interpretacji oporu stożka z uwzględnieniem poprawki na wpływ warunków brzegowych. Opis modelowania...
Deep compaction control of sandy soils
PublikacjaVibroflotation, vibratory compaction, micro-blasting or heavy tamping are typical improvement methods for the cohesionless deposits of high thickness. The complex mechanism of deep soil compaction is related to void ratio decrease with grain rearrangements, lateral stress increase, prestressing effect of certain number of load cycles, water pressure dissipation, aging and other effects. Calibration chamber based interpretation...
PublikacjaFor long duration of the flood the water table can appear on the slope with a problem of out-wash in the case of sand type dike. If the dike corps is covered with less permeable layer some additional push-off forces and shearing can rise in the cover. In both cases the micro stability of the inner slope should be considered at normative high water for homogeneous sand type dike or sand type dike with less permeable covers. The...
PublikacjaThe results of CPTU tests are used to determine the strength parameters of a dike subsoil. Stress state and stress history of the subsoil under the flood embankment was evaluated with CPTU and DMT tests. Normally consolidated soil was found under the central part of the dike, while the subsoil near the dike toe is found to be overconsolidated. Due to consolidation the undrained shear strength of the subsoil under the central part...
Rok 2013
PublikacjaBottom ash from EC Gdańsk and dredged material taken from the mouth of The Vistula were mixed to form an engineering material used for dike construction. Mixtures with different bottom ash content were tested in laboratory to determine its basic physical and mechanical properties. The optimum bottom ash–dredged material mixture, built in the corps of the test dike, contains 70% of ash. The optimum bottom ash content in the mixture...
Rok 2012
Pale rurowe otwarte - formowanie się korka gruntowego
PublikacjaPodstawowe czynniki wpływające na formowanie się korka gruntowego w palach rurowych otwartych wprowadzanych w grunty piaszczyste. Tarcie na wewnętrznej powierzchni rury w części aktywnej korka decyduje o jego nośności. Przedstawiono metodę wyznaczania nośności korka gruntowego pod obciążeniem statycznym.
Rok 2011
Charakterystyka lekkich nasypów zawierających przetworzone kawałki opon
PublikacjaZastosowanie zuzytych opon jako lekkiego materiału zasypowego wykorzystywanego samodzielnie lub jako mieszanka gumowych krążków i piasku. Badanie cech wytrzymałościowych mieszanek o róznej zawartości procentowej krążków gumy w aparacie trójosiowego ściskania. Wykorzystywano mieszanki o dowolnym, przypadkowym ułożeniu krążków.Określono kąt tarcia wewnętrznego mieszanki, zastępczą spójność oraz jej moduł odkształcenia.
Rok 2008
Application des essais au dilatometre Marchetti en sites maritime et fluvial en Pologne
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki i interpretację badań DMT zrealizowanych w strefie nadmorskiej i na wałach przeciwpowodziowych w delcie Wisły.Przedstawiono zastosowanie badania dylatometrycznego do kontroli zagęszczenia, opisu stanu i historii naprężenia w gruncie oraz do kontroli stanu, renowacji i wzmocnienia wałów przeciwpowodziowych.
wyświetlono 3792 razy