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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FOOD WASTE FERMENTATION
Effect of process parameters on food waste conversion - dataset 1
Dane BadawczeData obtained during studies (food waste pretreatment and conversion), describing the effect of process parameters (sonocavitation) on food waste conversion.
A novel approach to enhance high optically active L-lactate production from food waste by landfill leachate
Dane BadawczeThis dataset includes data on lactic acid, volatile fatty acids, carbohydrates, proteins, hydrolytic enzymes, ammonia-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, solution three-dimensional fluorescence, and microbial community set function predictions during the co-fermentation of food waste and leachate
Dark fermentation course
Dane BadawczeDark fermentation was carried using biofraction waste hydrolysates. Data were collected from GC and HS-GC.
Determination of the total number of microorganisms in a model food product preserved by CS-2a and CS-2b.
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of determination of the total number of microorganisms in a model food product after the use of the innovative preservatives: CS-2a and CS-2b and control (K) after seven days of refrigerated storage of the product. The test was performed using the surface inoculation method.
Analytical and reliability data from the real-time simulator biogas plant
Dane BadawczeThe dataset represents the results of biogas plant simulation. The described plant is an agricultural biogas system, which can produce electrical energy with power estimated up to 1070 kW and heat energy that can reach 1200 kW simultaneously.
Energy, water detailed usage. Living lab testing for sustainable urban food-water-energy cycle.
Dane BadawczeData set contains detailed, continuous measurements of the usage of water and electrical energy (AC power) in an experimental facility set up in a scientific laboratory (Laboratorium im. B.Niemkiewicza) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ocean Technology of the Gdansk University of Technology. The test bed was established in co-operation...
Energy, water detailed usage. Living lab testing for sustainable urban food-water-energy cycle. Jan. 2022
Dane BadawczeData set contains detailed, continuous measurements of the usage of water and electrical energy (AC power) in an experimental facility set up in a scientific laboratory (Laboratorium im. B.Niemkiewicza) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ocean Technology of the Gdansk University of Technology. The test bed was established in co-operation...
Energy, water detailed usage. Living lab testing for sustainable urban food-water-energy cycle. Dec. 2021
Dane BadawczeData set contains detailed, continuous measurements of the usage of water and electrical energy (AC power) in an experimental facility set up in a scientific laboratory (Laboratorium im. B.Niemkiewicza) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ocean Technology of the Gdansk University of Technology. The test bed was established in co-operation...
The PolarScreen™ Estrogen Receptor Competitor Assays for determination of estradiol equivalent concentrations (EEQs) in sewage and drinking water samples.
Dane BadawczeMunicipal waste waters are one of the main sources of estrogenic compounds in aquatic environments. Feminization of fish downstream of Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs) discharges has been observed worldwide. Some estrogenic chemicals, particularly steroid estrogens, are known to cause disruption of the endocrine system of fishes and abnormalities...
Top 10 Iran Export Goods in 2011
Dane BadawczeIn the structure of Iranian exports the dominant position are different types of fuel (including chemical industry products). The structure of imports is much more fragmented. Positions worth of consideration are machinery and equipment, steel, vehicles parts, cereals and food.
Effects of liquid phase modification on the values of surface tension of trickling liquid
Dane BadawczeDataset presents the values of surface tension of trickling liquid sampled from three running biotrickling filters.
Phenotypic and genotypic identification of atypical L. monocytogenes
Dane BadawczeThe data represent the results of research within the Miniatura 5 scientific activity entitled "Characterization of atypical Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from the food production environment financed by the National Science Center (no. DEC 2021/05/X/NZ9/00143). The aim of this part of the project was (i) to learn about the differences between...
Antiviral activity of bee bread derived from polish apiaries.
Dane BadawczeBee bread is a product of fermentation of bee-collected pollen and revealed a high nutritional value. Other bee products, such as honey and propolis, are known for their antiviral activity, but bee bread is still under investigation, thus its antiviral potential is still unspecified. For investigation antiviral activity of bee bread samples, cytotoxicity...
Microorganisms in the air within the Gdańsk-Szadółki landfill and adjacent area in 2016
Dane BadawczeThe data collection contains the results of microbiological examination of air samples collected at Gdańsk Szadółki Landfill (Poland). The Gdańsk Szadółki Landfill is one of the biggest of facilities of this type in the country. It occupies an area of 75 hectares and serves around 500 thousand of local residents. The landfill receives around 250 million...
Scanning Electrone Microscope images of biochar produced from straw and wood chips
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains scanning electron microscope images of two types of biochars derived from waste plant biomass: straw and wood chips. Imaging was performed using a scanning electron microscope, FEI Quanta FEG250. with a SE-ETD detector (secondary electron – Everhart-Thornley detector), using 20 kV accelerating voltage.
Determination of viscosity changes of protein hydrolyzate solutions depending on shear rate
Dane BadawczeRheological characteristics of connective tissue protein solutions were made on the basis of viscosity measurement using a Brookfield viscometer using LV SC4 - 27 spindles and shear rate of 85 s-1 (Fig. 1). Solutions of protein hydrolysates with a concentration of 2% in 0.5M acetic acid were prepared.
Effects of liquid phase modification on the performance of biotrickling filters
Dane BadawczeDataset presents the effects of liquid phase modification on the biotrickling filtration (BTF) performance of air polluted with toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene and styrene.
SWM for porous hierarchical nanocarbons composites
Dane BadawczeRaw Raman spectra and XRD diffractograms (background subtracted) of 13 among which carbon-derived secondary waste and reference materials.
Impact of binary mixtures of diclofenac and on endocrine processes of the model organism Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (using XenoScreen YES/YAS test)
Dane BadawczeData shown in data set highlighte the results of the edorin processes of the diclofenac sodium salt mixture with Methylparaben. S cerevisiae is used as a model organism in the monitoring of endocrine disruptors in environmental and reference samples in Xenometrix® systems - XenoScreen®. Methylparaben have fungicide properties used in food preservative,...
Effects of CO2 and utilization of spent trickling liquid towards plant growth
Dane BadawczeDataset presents the results of biomass yield for Phaseolus vulgaris pot cultures watered with diluted trickling liquid from biotrickling filtration experiments with or without additional CO2 in air by means of introducting post-biofilter air to the plant culture.
Antiviral and cell protective potential of bee bread samples
Dane BadawczeBee bread (BB) is a product of fermentation of bee-collected pollen and revealed a high nutritional value. Other bee products, such as honey and propolis, are known for their antiviral activity, but bee bread is still under investigation, thus its antiviral potential is still unspecified.
Identification of L. monocytogenes and atypical isolates by MALDI TOF MS.
Dane BadawczeThe data represent the results of research within the scientific activity Miniatura 5 entitled "Characterization of atypical Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from the food production environment financed by the National Science Center (no. DEC 2021/05/X/NZ9/00143). The aim of this part of the project was (i) to determine the peptide composition...
Proceeds from value added tax to the state budget as a percentage of the revenues (2010-2014)
Dane BadawczeFrom 1 January 2011, there was a general increase in the rates of tax on goods and services. According to the assumptions, it was temporary, and the amended regulations were to apply until the end of 2013. However, due to government policy, the rate hike was maintained. The changes introduced in 2010 concerned the basic and reduced rates - they were...
Imaging and chemical investigation of silver coating
Dane BadawczeThe recovery of silver from materials such as plates, still used in clinical radiography [1], or scrap jewelery is still very popular. The subject of the research, part of which was microscopic imaging, was to recreate the behavior of an electrochemically deposited silver coating. The copper electrodes were covered with a layer of silver obtained from...
Development of conductive porous media as packing materials for biotrickling filter – microbial fuel cell system (BTF-MFC system)
Dane BadawczeDataset presents values of electrical resistance measured for three developed conductive packimg materials for the application in a BTF-MFC system.
Data used for article "Chemical composition and techno-functional properties of high-purity water-soluble keratein and its enzymatic hydrolysates"
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains data regarding chicken feather keratin isolate (KI) obtained by reductive extraction with L-cysteine and its enzymatic hydrolysates produced by trypsin (KI-T), chymotrypsin (KI-C), pepsin (KI-P) and subtilisin (KI-S). The dataset includes data on the keratin extraction yield (% of feather solubilization), data from high-performance...
Straightening of ship hull structure made of 316L stainless steel - tensile test of water cooled materia
Dane BadawczeThe AISI 316L type steel belongs to the group of chromium-nickel stainless steels. They are determined according to European standards as X2CrNiMo17-12-2 and belong to the group of austenitic stainless steels. Steels of this group are used for elements working in seawater environments, for installations in the chemical, paper, and food, industries,...
Straightening of ship hull structure made of 316L stainless steel - tensile test of reference material materia (transverse direction)
Dane BadawczeThe AISI 316L type steel belongs to the group of chromium-nickel stainless steels. They are determined according to European standards as X2CrNiMo17-12-2 and belong to the group of austenitic stainless steels. Steels of this group are used for elements working in seawater environments, for installations in the chemical, paper, and food, industries,...
Straightening of ship hull structure made of 316L stainless steel - tensile test of reference material materia (longitudinal direction)
Dane BadawczeThe AISI 316L type steel belongs to the group of chromium-nickel stainless steels. They are determined according to European standards as X2CrNiMo17-12-2 and belong to the group of austenitic stainless steels. Steels of this group are used for elements working in seawater environments, for installations in the chemical, paper, and food, industries,...
Straightening of ship hull structure made of 316L stainless steel - tensile test of naturally cooled material
Dane BadawczeThe AISI 316L type steel belongs to the group of chromium-nickel stainless steels. They are determined according to European standards as X2CrNiMo17-12-2 and belong to the group of austenitic stainless steels. Steels of this group are used for elements working in seawater environments, for installations in the chemical, paper, and food, industries,...
Straightening of ship hull structure made of 316L stainless steel - microstructure of reference material
Dane BadawczeThe AISI 316L type steel belongs to the group of chromium-nickel stainless steels. They are determined according to European standards as X2CrNiMo17-12-2 and belong to the group of austenitic stainless steels. Steels of this group are used for elements working in seawater environments, for installations in the chemical, paper, and food, industries,...
Straightening of ship hull structure made of 316L stainless steel - microstructure of naturally colled material
Dane BadawczeThe AISI 316L type steel belongs to the group of chromium-nickel stainless steels. They are determined according to European standards as X2CrNiMo17-12-2 and belong to the group of austenitic stainless steels. Steels of this group are used for elements working in seawater environments, for installations in the chemical, paper, and food, industries,...
Straightening of ship hull structure made of 316L stainless steel - microstructure of water cooled material
Dane BadawczeThe AISI 316L type steel belongs to the group of chromium-nickel stainless steels. They are determined according to European standards as X2CrNiMo17-12-2 and belong to the group of austenitic stainless steels. Steels of this group are used for elements working in seawater environments, for installations in the chemical, paper, and food, industries,...