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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SMOKING
Smoking: Traditional
PublikacjaSmoking, drying, and salting belong to the oldest methods of food preservation. Meat hung by the fire was preserved by a combination of drying and smoking. Often the raw material was first pickled in brine. In different regions of the world various procedures have been developed, best suited for treating meats and fish for specific purposes. Smoking extended the shelf life and imparted very desirable, new sensory properties to...
Principles of smoking
PublikacjaTreatment of a large variety of foods with wood smoke has been practiced for centuries—predominantlymeats, poultry, and fish, but also scallops, cheeses, prunes, paprika, and themalt used to produce whiskey and some sorts of beer.The process usually includes salting and partial drying; it may also be coupled with heating. The aim is to increase the shelf life of the products, prevent food poisoning, and add a desirable smoky flavor....
The cytokine profile of mature milk from smoking and non-smoking mothers
PublikacjaZweryfikowano wpływ palenia kobiet na poziom cytokin (IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 i TNF-α) w mleku ludzkim w 30-32 dni po porodzie. Badana grupa składała się z 24 kobiet po porodzie, które deklarowały palenie więcej niż pięciu papierosów dziennie. Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 45 niepalących kobiet. W porównaniu do kobiet niepalących w mleku kobiet palących stwierdzono znacznie wyższe stężenia cytokiny IL-1α (P = 0,04). Nie stwierdzono...
Smoking and cardiovascular risk
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Traditional smoking and e-smoking among medical students and students-athletes – popularity and motivation
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Is smoking a causative factor of hypertension?
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Smoking is associated with chronic sympathetic activation in hypertension
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Sympathetic neural responses to smoking are age dependent
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Cigarette Smoking Increases Sympathetic Outflow in Humans
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Heightened acute circulatory responses to smoking in women
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Different effect of smoking on genders in Crohn’s disease
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Microbial risks in mild hot smoking of fish
PublikacjaGorące wędzenie ryb w łagodnych warunkach, w temperaturze nie przekraczającej 65 stopni Celsjusza wewnątrz ryby i przy niskiej zawartości soli w mięsie tylko częściowo inaktywuje bakterie chorobotwórcze oraz w niewystarczającym stopniu hamuje wzrost drobnoustrojów podczas przechowywania produktu. Wymagane bezpieczeństwo można osiągnąć tylko w przypadku bardzo świeżego surowca i wysokiej higieny podczas jego przetwarzania oraz przechowywania...
Maternal smoking Modulates Fatty Acid Profile of Breast Milk
PublikacjaAIM: We hypothesized that the fatty acid composition of breast milk can be affected by a smoking habit in the mother. Consequently, this study verified whether maternal smoking modulates, and if so to what extent, the breast milk fatty acid profile. METHODS: The study included 20 postpartum women who declared smoking more than five cigarettes daily throughout a period of pregnancy and lactation, and 136 non-smoking postpartum women....
The effect of cigarette smoking on the clinical course of inflammatory bowel disease
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Metal accumulation in the human uterus varies by pathology and smoking status
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Smoking and obesity associatedBDNFgene variance predicts total and cardiovascular mortality in smokers
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Metal status in human endometrium: Relation to cigarette smoking and histological lesions
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The influence of the place of residence, smoking and alcohol consumption on bone mineral content in the facial skeleton
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A crossroads between dietary habits, alcohol consumption, and smoking in the clinical course of psoriasis: a narrative review
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Bulky DNA adducts in human sperm: relationship with fertility, semen quality, smoking, and environmental factors
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Acute Effects of Electronic and Tobacco Cigarette Smoking on Sympathetic Nerve Activity and Blood Pressure in Humans
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Cigarette smoking and its impact on weight loss after bariatric surgery: A single center, retrospective study
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The Prevalence of Cigarette and E-cigarette Smoking Among Students in Central and Eastern Europe—Results of the YUPESS Study
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Attitude towards cigarette or e-cigarette use and the smoking initiation year among young European adults
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The prevalence of e-cigarette and cigarette smoking among students in Central and Eastern Europe - preliminary results of YUPESS study.
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Smoking Cessation and Vaping Cessation Attempts among Cigarette Smokers and E-Cigarette Users in Central and Eastern Europe
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Assessment of the Association Between Cigarette Smoking and Cognitive Performance in Patients With Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders: A Case-Control Study
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Activity ofα1-Antitrypsin and Some Lysosomal Enzymes in the Blood Serum of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease after Smoking Cessation
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Changes in the EPA and DHA content and lipids quality parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum) and carp (Cyprinus carpio, L.) at individual stages of hot smoking
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Estimation of smokers' exposure to mercury from combustible tobacco products, based on the approach used in food consumers’ exposure estimation
PublikacjaSmoking has been known to mankind for centuries, but it is only in recent decades that much attention has been paid to the harmfulness of this habit. Mercury inhalation is particularly dangerous in this respect and smoking creates extremely favorable conditions for the emission and targeted delivery of this element into the lungs. Despite this fact, a lack of a clear method for estimating the exposure of tobacco consumers to mercury...
Assessment of Toxicity Associated with Inhalation of Potentially Toxic Elements Present in Combustible Tobacco Products: Cigars, Pipe Tobacco, Bidis and Cigarettes - an Evaluation of Risk Assessment Issues
PublikacjaSmoking-related diseases represent a substantial global health challenge, particularly given the direct inhalation of smoke into the vulnerable respiratory system. This method of consumption presents a challenge in classifying smoking in terms of exposure to toxins, in comparison to other forms of environmental contamination, such as food or air pollution. Combustible tobacco products (CTPs), including cigars, pipe tobaccos, bidis,...
The microbial and sensory quality of mackerel hot smoked in mild conditions
PublikacjaThe quality indices of Atlantic mackerel, hot smoked at core temperature not exceeding 60°C, containing 14–27 g salt and 580–670 g water per kg meat, was determined just after smoking and during storage. The aerobic plate count after smoking, chilling and packing in cardboard boxes was 0–12 cfu/25 cm2of the skin of the smoked fish and 10–240 cfu/g of flesh. It was 1.9 log cycle lower than that in the frozen raw material. At 2°C,...
Folate/homocysteine metabolism and lung cancer risk among smokers
PublikacjaBackground: Folate and homocysteine are involved in DNA synthesis and methylation processes, which are deregulated during carcinogenesis. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between folate/homocysteine concentrations, the functional polymorphisms of folate/homocysteine genes and lung cancer risk among cigarette smokers. Study design: The study included 132 lung cancer patients and 396 controls from...
An evaluation of sucrose as a possible contaminant in e-liquids for electronic cigarettes by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
PublikacjaThe influence of sucrose combustion products on smoking and nicotine addiction is still controversial because the presence of the sucrose may be treated as a source of aldehydes and organic acids. In e-liquids used as refills for electronic cigarettes, which are made primarily of poly(propylene glycol), glycerine and ethanol, sucrose may be present at trace levels, and its impact on mainstream smoke formation, and hence on human...
Recent developments in biological sample testing methods for the confirmation of gestational exposure to tobacco smoke anddrugs of abused
PublikacjaSubstance use is most prevalent in reproductive-aged people also by women during pregnancy. In national prevalence surveys among women aged 15 to 44 years, 10.8 % of women reported using alcohol during pregnancy, 17 % reported smoking during pregnancy, and 4.4 % reported abusing any illicit substances during pregnancy. Virtually all illegal drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, pose dangers to a pregnant woman. Legal substances, such...
Application of analytical procedure based on accelerated solvent extraction and ion chromatography technique for determination of thiocyanate and other inorganic ions in human placenta samples
PublikacjaExposure of a pregnant woman during pregnancy is a special case of exposure to toxic substances. Samples of placenta collected for the studies had been prepared with the technique of accelerated solvent extraction and later analyzed for the presence of thiocyanate ion and other inorganic ions, with the use of the technique of ion chromatography. The concentration of thiocyanate ion in placenta samples collected from active smokers...
Emerging Processes for Sustainable Processing of Food Ingredients and Products
PublikacjaIn recent decades, traditional food processing processes, such as homogenization, pasteurization, canning, drying, and smoking, among others, have been successfully applied to obtain, to some extent, acceptable food items. However, with the increasing food demand, as a consequence of the growing population worldwide, new, tunable, and enriched food products are demanded, requiring the implementation of emerging technologies in...
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Health Systems in The European Countries-Two-Stage DEA Model
PublikacjaThis article compares the efficiency of health systems in selected European countries using two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA), based on data from the EUROSTAT database. In the first step, DEA efficiency scores were calculated for health care systems and, subsequently, the external variables describing lifestyle were used to calculate the truncated regression. Health care resources (physicians, nurses, hospital beds, financial...
Indoor air quality of everyday use spaces dedicated to specific purposes—a review
PublikacjaAccording to literature data, some of the main factors which significantly affect the quality of the indoor environment in residential households or apartments are human activities such as cooking, smoking, cleaning, and indoor exercising. The paper presents a literature overview related to air quality in everyday use spaces dedicated to specific purposes which are integral parts of residential buildings, such as kitchens, basements,...
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to use meconium samples to assess fetal exposure to compounds present in environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Material and Methods: In order to assess fetal exposure to toxic tobacco smoke compounds, samples of meconium from the offspring of women with different levels of tobacco smoke exposure, and the samples of saliva from the mothers were analyzed. Thiocyanate ion as a biomarker of tobacco smoke exposure,...
Mitochondrial DNA copy number and trimethylamine levels in the blood: New insights on cardiovascular disease biomarkers
PublikacjaAmong cardiovascular disease (CVD) biomarkers, the mitochondrial DNA copy number (mtDNAcn) is a promising candidate. A growing attention has been also dedicated to trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), an oxidative derivative of the gut metabolite trimethylamine (TMA). With the aim to identify biomarkers predictive of CVD, we investigated TMA, TMAO, and mtDNAcn in a population of 389 coronary artery disease...
PublikacjaObjectives: Employees of uniformed services (EoUS) were screened for cardiovascular risk factors. Material and Methods: A total of 1138 EoUS (age M±SD 49.9±6.0 years) and 263 controls (age M±SD 54.4±9.7 years) under the care of the cardiology clinic in Gdańsk, Poland,were included in the study. Medical history and blood samples were collected, and a physical examination was performed. Ten-year cardiovascular risk of death was...
Application of ion chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection for the determination of trace cyanide in biological samples, including breast milk
PublikacjaCyanide (CN) is the biomarker of exposure to the components of tobacco smoke, although its presence in biological samples is also due to the consumption of products containing cyanogenic glycosides. In this work, we determine the concentration of the free cyanide in urine, saliva and breast milk matrices, using ion chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (IC-PAD). IC-PAD is an emerging method, with only few documented...
Role of quantitative chest perfusion computed tomography in detecting diabetic pulmonary microangiopathy
PublikacjaAims: Aimof the study was to determine the role of perfusion chest computed tomography(pCT) in evaluation of pulmonary diabetic angiopathy.Methods: 18 never-smoking patients (10 diabetic patients and 8 healthy controls) underwentchest high resolution CT (HRCT) and then pCT scanning. In both groups, blood tests,biochemical analysis, fibrinogen, HbA1c, spirometry, diffusion capacity for carbonmonoxide(DLCO) and body pletysmography...
Powikłania po rekonstrukcji piersi: problem zakażeń i strategii prewencyjnej - przegląd literaturowy
PublikacjaW niniejszej pracy przedstawiono dane dotyczące powikłań po rekonstrukcji piersi. Manuskrypt ma na celu usystematyzowanie wyników badań z ostatnich lat wraz z aspektami, takimi jak: częstotliwość występowania powikłań oraz ich rodzaj, czynniki predysponujące, a także możliwości profilaktyki. Przeanalizowano dane literaturowe z ogólnie dostępnych artykułów z okresu ostatnich pięciu lat, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zakażeń. Do...
Endothelial dysfunction due to eNOS uncoupling: molecular mechanisms as potential therapeutic targets
PublikacjaNitric oxide (NO) is one of the most important molecules released by endothelial cells, and its antiatherogenic properties support cardiovascular homeostasis. Diminished NO bioavailability is a common hallmark of endothelial dysfunction underlying the patho‑ genesis of the cardiovascular disease. Vascular NO is synthesized by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) from the substrate L‑arginine (L‑Arg), with tetrahydrobiopterin...
Evaluation of flavour profiles in e-cigarette refill solutions using gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
PublikacjaMany flavour compounds that are present in e-liquids for e-cigarettes are responsible for specific tastes and smoking sensations for users. Data concerning content and specific types of flavours is often limited and unknown to users. The aim of the research was to define and compare flavour profiles of e-liquids with the same group taste from different manufacturers. Gas chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (GC–MS/MS)...
Modeling of Cardiac Component of Subarachnoid Space Changes in Apnoea Resulting as a Function of Blood Pressure and Blood Flow Parameters - Two Mechanizm of Regulation
PublikacjaExperiments were performed in a group of 19 healthy, non-smoking volunteers. The experiment consisted of three apnoeas, sequentially: 30 s apnoea, 60 s apnoea and maximal, that could be done, apnoea. The breath-hold was separated for 5 minutes rest. The following parameters were measured and obtained for further analysis: blood parameters, artery diameter of the internal carotid artery, end-tidal CO2 in expired air, the cardiac...
Changes in the addiction prevalence in Polish population between 1990-2019: Review of available data
PublikacjaThe 1989 collapse of the socialist political system in Poland initiated an avalanche of modifications regarding healthcare policy resulting with new institutions and programs dedicated to monitoring and preventing addiction. In the current article, we look at the available data allowing to track changes in (1) the prevalence of exposure to addictive substances and behaviors, and (2) changes of addictions prevalence in Poland...