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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: diagnostic
Diagnostic Model of Crankshaft Seals
PublikacjaT he paper presents a research stand being a diagnostic model of radial lip seals used, among others, on crankshafts of piston combustion engines in order to identify the correctness of their operation. The possibility of determining the technical condition of lip seals on the basis of the proposed coefficient of correctness of operation has been described. T he basic features of seals influencing their correctness of...
Modelling of spirometry - the application for diagnostic purposes
PublikacjaThe process of the tissue oxygen supply is the fundamental process of the human life. The lung functioning consists of three processes: the ventilation, the perfusion and the diffusion. The paper deals with one of these processes which is the ventilation process. The quality of the pulmonary ventilation has a strong influence on the patient's health condition. Numerous limitations are imposed on conditions of the lung quality measurement,...
PublikacjaIn a classical approach to damage diagnosis, the technical condition of an analyzed machine is identified based on the measured symptoms, such as performance, thermal state or vibration parameters. In wheeled tractor the fundamental importance has monitoring and diagnostics during exploitation concerning technical inspection and fault element localizations. The main functions of a diagnostic system are: monitoring tractor components...
Analysis of nonlinear effects as a diagnostic tool
PublikacjaMetody analizy efektów nieliniowych nieliniowej analizy sygnałów na wyjściu testowanych obiektów umożliwiają badanie występowania defektów i uszkodzeń w materiałach i elementach elektronicznych, co jest niezbędne w predykcji niezawodności. W odniesieniu do elementów biernych bardzo skutecznym narzędziem okazuje się być wskaźnik trzeciej harmonicznej (THI - Third Harmonic Index). W artykule bardziej szczegółowo opisano pomiary parametru...
Lipidomics as a Diagnostic Tool for Prostate Cancer
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EIS in diagnostic of cathodic protection systems
PublikacjaZaprezentowano wyniki badań wykonywanych techniką elektrochemicznej spektro-skopiiimpedancyjnej (EIS) na elementach instalacji ochrony katodowej podziemnego rurociągu stalowego. Przedstawiono widma impedancyjne następujących układów: elektroda odniesienia/elektrody pomocnicze; rurociąg/zakopane i przenośne elektrody odniesienia. Wykazano, że przy pomocy prezentowanej techniki można zbadać stan techniczny elektrod odniesienia, co...
Exhaust gas temperature measurements in diagnostic examination of naval gas turbine engines. Part III. Diagnostic and operating tolerances
PublikacjaThe third part of the article presents a method for detecting failures of the automatic engine control system with the aid of an exhaust gas temperature setter, specially designed and machined for this purpose. It also presents a procedure of identifying the operating tolerances and determining the diagnostic tolerances for the exhaust gas temperature recorded in the naval turbine engine during the start-up and acceleration processes....
Fuctional structure of diagnostic system for wheeled tractors
PublikacjaAn application of computer controlled fuel injection systems in vehicle engines and growing demands concerning toxic substances emission and fuel consumption was a main reason for OBD (On Board Diagnosis) development. In spite of a great technological development, only some tractors are equipped in diagnostic systems. On board diagnosis is strongly connected with emission demands and does not concern other important vehicle functions.In...
PublikacjaDiagnostic device monitors the tractor’s technical condition and identifies the location of damaged components during operation. The diagnostic device detects and identifies the following types of defects: functional defects (uf) which affect performance, exhaust defects (ue) which increase toxic emissions and fuel consumption, defects that jeopardize driving safety (us), defects that affect engine performance (ud). The key component...
Diagnostic Models and Estimators for LDI in Transmission Pipelines
PublikacjaThis article considers and compares four analytical models of the pipeline flow process for leak detection and location tasks. The synthesis of these models is briefly outlined. Next, the methodology for generating data and diagnosing pipes is described, as well as experimental settings, assumptions and implemented scenarios. Finally, the quality of model-based diagnostic estimators has been evaluated for their bias, standard deviations...
Spirometry measurement model - the diagnostic purpose support
Publikacjathe paper presents a new model of respiratory mechanism based on the spirometry measurements. the spirometry test assesses the efficiency of the lung ventilation. the respiratory system functioning is based on the ventilation mechanism. thus the quality of the lung depends on the quality of lung ventilation. modelling of the respiratory system supports a diagnostic process. the model parameter estimates are obtained on the basis...
Fluorescent spectroscopy of collagen as a diagnostic tool in medicine
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Increase of Diagnostic Capabilities of Voltage Fluctuation Indicies
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Abdominal epilepsy in patient of schizophrenia - a diagnostic dilemma
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Abdominal epilepsy in patient of schizophrenia - a diagnostic dilemma
PublikacjaAbdominal epilepsy is a rare and uncomman cause of recurrent abdominal pain. It is commonly occuring in children, but rarely in adolescent and elderly. Paroxysmal episodes of abdominal pain with neurological symptoms like dizziness, lethargy, and abnormal electroencephalogram and remarkable response to anticonvulsant confirms the diagnosis. Here we present a case of schizophrenia, who has repoted with recurrent abdominal pain...
Parameterized diagnostic module implemented in FPGA structures
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Development and Verification of the Diagnostic Model of the Sieving Screen
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TFF3 as a Diagnostic Biomarker in Kidney Transplant Patients
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Multi gender genetic optimization of diagnostic observers.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiana jest nowa metoda rozwiązywania zadań wielokryterialnej optymalizacji. W omawianej metodzie wykorzystywana jest informacja o genetycznym rodzajniku osobnika w celu odpowiedniego rozróżnienia i agregacji wielu kryteriów. Charakterystyczne cechy mechanizmu są prezentowane na przykładzie wielokryterialnej optymalizacji detekcyjnych obserwatorów stanu.
Control theory methods in diagnostic system design
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy zastosowania wybranych metod teorii sterowania do syntezy al-gorytmów detekcji uszkodzeń. Algorytmy takie, stanowiące istotną gałąźwspółczesnej diagnostyki technicznej obiektów dynamicznych, w swej istocieopierają się na rozwiązaniach odpowiednich zadań odpornego wyznaczania wek-torów resztowych, czyli ważonych błędów oszacowań wyjściadanego obiektu dy-namicznego (nadzorowanego procesu). Na treść pracy...
Diagnostic PCR assay for Microsporum and Trichophyton infections
PublikacjaWe have previously described a highly sensitive 5-hour PCR test for the rapid diagnosis of onychomycosis which detects any dermatophyte and species-identify T. rubrum from patient specimens. We have subsequently developed and evaluated new PCR tests for detection of Trichophyton and Microsporum canis/audouinii infections.58 dermatophyte isolates (21) Microsporum spp. (4 different species), 35 Trichophyton spp (10 different species)...
Guided wave propagation in diagnostic of steel elements
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to numerical investigations of elastic wave propagation in steel elements. The aim of this study is to conduct numerical analysis and experimental investigations on the propagation of elastic waves in steel elements in the context of damage detection. In particular, this paper is devoted to detection of damage occurring in the form of notch or changed thickness. This approach utilized the fact that any discontinuities...
Guided wave propagation in diagnostic of steel elements
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to numerical investigations of elastic wave propagation in steel elements. The aim of this study is to conduct numerical analysis and experimental investigations on the propagation of elastic waves in steel elements in the context of damage detection. In particular, this paper is devoted to detection of damage occurring in the form of notch or changed thickness. This approach utilized the fact that any discontinuities...
Diagnostic Accuracy of Liquid Biopsy in Endometrial Cancer
PublikacjaBackground: Liquid biopsy is a minimally invasive collection of a patient body fluid sample. In oncology, they offer several advantages compared to traditional tissue biopsies. However, the potential of this method in endometrial cancer (EC) remains poorly explored. We studied the utility of tumor educated platelets (TEPs) and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) for preoperative EC diagnosis, including histology determination. Methods:...
PAH diagnostic ratios for the identification of pollution emission sources
PublikacjaPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) diagnostic ratios have recently come into common use as a toolfor identifying and assessing pollution emission sources. Some diagnostic ratios are based on parentPAHs, others on the proportions of alkyl-substituted to non-substituted molecules. The ratios areapplicable to PAHs determined in different environmental media: air (gas þ particle phase), water,sediment, soil, as well as biomonitor...
Clonal Evolution of Multiple Myeloma—Clinical and Diagnostic Implications
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An Approximation Algorithm for Diagnostic Test Scheduling in Multicomputer Systems
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A Distributed System of Signal Acquisition for Induction Motors Diagnostic
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White-light interferometric temperature sensor for biomedical diagnostic.
PublikacjaW artykule opisano opracowany model miniaturowego, światłowodowego czujnika temperatury z interferometrem Fabry-Perot wykorzystującego interferencję światła białego przeznaczonego do zastosowań biomedycznych. Analizowano czujnik wykonany ze światłowodu wielomodowego o skokowym profilu współczynnika załamania oraz ze światłowodu monomodowego. Zasadniczym celem był dobór parametrów mający na celu uzyskania maksymalnej widzialności...
State observers for diagnostic applications in modern electric traction
PublikacjaW rozdziale 7 monografii przedstawiono zagadnienie diagnostyki czujnika prędkości silnika i przekładni mechanicznej pociągu. Przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z diagnostyką czujnika prędkosci obrotowej silnika oraz układu transmisjii momentu trakcyjnego. Do diagnostyki wykorzystano analizę sygnałów prędkości obrotowej i momentu obciążenia silnika obliczanych przez układy obserwatorów stanu. Analiza chwilowych wartości obliczonej...
Model and laboratory simulation of a induction motor for diagnostic purposes
PublikacjaStatistics say that bearings are this part of induction motors which is most susceptible to damage. The equipment employed for bearing diagnostics usually makes use of vibrations as the criterion for technical condition of the bearings. A faulty bearing results in additional motor vibrations. They are reflected in the harmonic content of stator currents. In certain operating conditions the current signal is the sole source of information...
A new diagnostic method for evaluation of cardiosurgery wound healing
PublikacjaOne of important and still unsolved problems in medicine is the question of objective and quantitative evaluation of post-surgery wound healing. The aim of this research is to analyse possibility and value of using the newly elaborated infrared imaging procedure – Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) – for quantitative description of wound healing processes in cardiosurgery. Both, classical thermal figures of merit as well as ADT...
Usability Techniques Possible to Use in Diagnostic Tools Interface Improvement
PublikacjaThe development of diagnostic tools has caused a rapid increase in the amount of information generated and presented, necessitating the use of computer displays as an interface to data presentation and the use of modern diagnostic tools. The paper presents methods for testing usability that can be used in designing and improving the quality of interfaces of modern diagnostic tools that use communication through graphical user interfaces.
Diagnostic system of wheeled tractors detecting four defect's categories
PublikacjaIn a classical approach to damage diagnosis, the technical condition of an analyzed machine is identified based on the measured symptoms, such as performance, thermal state or vibration parameters. In wheeled tractor the fundamental importance has monitoring and diagnostics during exploitation concerning technical inspection and fault element localizations. The main functions of a diagnostic system are: monitoring tractor components...
Analysis of diagnostic informativeness of the exhaust temperature of a naval gas turbine
PublikacjaThe conducted investigations aimed to carry out an analysis of the possibility that the failures identification in the automatic control system of a gas turbine engine could be worked out on the basis of measurements of the exhaust stream temperature behind the gas generator. The exhaust temperature represents a basic control parameter, enabling technical state evaluation of the engine within the operation process, which is observed...
Application of Diagnostic Ratios of PAHs to Characterize the Pollution Emission Sources
PublikacjaThe paper summarizes the potential of application of parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to identify their emission sources. Four parent PAHs diagnostic ratios are used for this purpose: anthracene/(anthracene + phenanthrene), fluoranthene/(fluoranthene + pyrene), benzo[a]pyrene/(benzo[a]pyrene + chryzene) and indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene/(indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene + benzo[g,h,i]perylene). The compounds of each ratio have the...
Diagnostic pure transgastric NOTES in an intensive therapy unit patient
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C-reactive Protein as a Diagnostic and Prognostic Factor of Endometrial Cancer
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C-reactive protein as a diagnostic and prognostic factor of endometrial cancer
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Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Tests - Indications, Clinical Implications and Usefulness
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Measurements and Analysis of Motor Supplying Current Waveform for Diagnostic Purposes
PublikacjaPodano proponowaną metodę diagnostyki łożysk tocznych w silnikach indukcyjnych poprzez pomiar i analizę prądu zasilającego. Przedstawiono opracowany system pomiarowy oraz wyniki badań na łożyskach o specjalnie wprowadzonych uszkodzeniach.
Evaluation of new diagnostic procedures of medical thermography - invivo experiments.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono analizę możliwości i ograniczeń metod termograficznych w diagnostyce i klasyfikacji oparzeń. Przeanalizowane termiczne modele numeryczne tkanki oparzonej pokazują, iż zastosowanie nowej metody aktywnej termografii dynamicznej z termicznym wymuszeniem zewnętrznym, może znacząco poprawić skuteczność klasyfikacji oparzeń do dalszego postępowania leczniczego. Zaproponowana metoda wymaga dalszych badań, zarówno...
Measuring system for analysis of motor supplying current for diagnostic purposes
PublikacjaProblemy, jakie pojawiają się przy interpretacji wyników pomiarów prądu silnika dla celów diagnostycznych wynikają z różnicy częstotliwości składowych obliczonych teoretycznie i uzyskanych w badaniach eksperymentalnych. W przedstawionym systemie pomiarowym problem ten rozwiązano w ten sposób, że pomiar częstotliwości sieci zasilającej i prędkości obrotowej jest wykonywany w tym samym przedziale czasowym, co pomiar składowych widma.
Determining diagnostic coverage of elements and analysis of subsystems` architectural constraints
PublikacjaWypełnienie funkcji bezpieczeństwa przez systemy E/E/PE łączy się z niezawodnym działaniem podsystemów, których struktura i właściwości muszą gwarantować skuteczne i szybkie wykrywanie uszkodzeń. Do określenia przeciętnego prawdopodobieństwa niewypełnienia funkcji bezpieczeństwa na żądanie (PFDavg) niezbędna jest znajomość pokrycia diagnostycznego w odniesieniu do wszystkich podsystemów. Najlepiej, aby podsystemy były zaliczane...
Third harmonic index as a diagnostic tool of high-voltage varistors
PublikacjaThe recommended methods for standard testing of high-voltage varistors demand application of high voltages and intensive currents that is inconvenient and needs extensive power consumption. These methods require metallization of the prepared ZnO structures that increases costs of testing. Another method of varistor quality and endurance evaluation by the third harmonic index measurement at relatively low voltage range has been...
Diagnostics of the drive shaft bearing based on vibrations in the high-frequency range as a part of the vehicle's self-diagnostic system
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MCSA with Normalized Triple Covariance as a bearings diagnostic indicator in an induction motor
PublikacjaStatistics of bearing failures in induction motors indicate, that they constitute more than 40% of IM damage, therefore bearing diagnosis is very important. Vibration methods for bearing diagnostics have one major disadvantage - they require the availability of the machine for sensors installation. This is the reason for seeking new methods based on motor supply current analysis. Diagnosis of induction motors, conducted remotely...
An application of simulation model of fuel consumption in diagnostic system of wheeled tractors
PublikacjaAn application of computer controlled fuel injection systems in vehicle engines and growing demands concerning toxic substances emission and fuel consumption was a main reason for OBD (On Board Diagnosis) development. In spite of a great technological development, only some tractors are equipped in diagnostic systems. On board diagnostic is strongly connected with emission demands and does not concern other important vehicle functions. In...
Identification of diagnostic parameter sensitivity during dynamic processes of a marine engine
PublikacjaChanging some parameters of the engine structure alters the emission of harmful components in the exhaust gas. This applies in particular to the damage of charge exchange system as well as fuel system and engine supercharger. These changes are much greater during the dynamic states and their accompanying transitional processes. The different sensitivity of diagnostic parameters to the same force, coming from the engine structure, but...
Calculations of labyrinth seals with and without diagnostic extraction in fluid-flow machines
PublikacjaLabyrinth seals are essential components of steam turbine unit constructions. Two types of labyrinth seals can be named, the first of which is the seal without diagnostic steam extraction, and the second – with extraction. The distribution of flow parameters along the packing is affected remarkably by the average seal clearance. The presence of diagnostic extraction leads to the equation system which is determinable and can be...