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Emilia Miszewska dr inż.
OsobyEmilia Miszewska urodziła się w 1986 roku w Gdańsku. Ukończyła Szkołę Podstawową nr 17 w Gdańsku z klasami sportowymi o profilu pływanie oraz Liceum Sportowe nr 11 im. Janusza Kusocińskiego w Gdańsku. W 2005 roku rozpoczęła jednolite studia magisterskie na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska, które ukończyła w roku 2011, broniąc pracę dyplomową pt. „Analiza i opracowanie wytycznych zabezpieczenia pożarowego oraz planu...
Laboratory test rig for examining aggregate mining from seabed using the AIRLIFT method
PublikacjaThe use of the Airlift method for transporting the mined aggregate from the seabed to the deck of the mining ship is an alternative for presently used solutions, such as suction pumps or scoop transport for instance. Building the laboratory test rig was preceded by tests in natural conditions. The rig was designed in such a way as to model these conditions as close as possible, and to have potential for further development
Optimization of Stabilizing Systems in Protection of Cultural Heritage: The Case of the Historical Retaining Wall in the Wisłoujście Fortress
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to propose new quantitative criteria for selecting the optimal method of securing and repairing a historical object, which take into account Structural, Conservation and Architectural aspects (the S–C–A method). Construction works on cultural heritage sites tend to be challenging and require an interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, they are strictly related to the philosophy of sustainable development which...
PublikacjaThe aim of this chapter is to show the history of biomedical engineering education in Poland, from the beginning till today with special task to underline the role of modern information technology. This story is not very old, just around one century, that may be classified into four basic periods related to important historic events. First are the beginnings before the second world war. Then post-war recovery and development of...
How to fund an additional secular function in the monumental church?
PublikacjaThe implementation of a new public function into the non-used church spaces like attics or cellars in context of revitalizing a lawfully protected historical city areas have diversified aspects. The article describes the financial aspect of adaptation of omitted spaces of monumental sacral buildings by presenting funding possibilities in the European Union countries available in period of 2017-2018 and the funds planned for the...
Gdańsk’s Cultural Heritage. The City Centre District and Municipal Historical Policy
PublikacjaThe current municipal historical policy of Gdańsk focuses on two major museum projects purported to be a unique embodiment of the city’s cultural heritage. Their underlying narrative, which is told from the European perspective, is based on two great events of the 20th century and seems to disregard the cultural heritage recorded in the urban structure of the city centre. However, it is precisely this urban structure that exerts...
Opracowanie technologii naprawy nieciągłości metalicznych w połączeniach spawanych, w konstrukcji podpór przednich pras filtracyjnych położonych na terenie Grupowej Oczyszczalni Ścieków Dębogórze
PublikacjaCelem niniejszej pracy jest opracowanie wytycznych technologicznych, których wdrożenie pozwoli na usunięcie istniejących pęknięć, co przyczyni się do stabilizacji wymiarowej podpór oraz całej konstrukcji pras. Osiągniecie tego celu wymaga podjęcia następujących działań: - ocenę stanu technicznego naprawianego komponentu- podpór przednich trzech pras filtracyjnych, - określenie własności spawalniczych materiału naprawianego, -...
Ocena wpływu drgań przekazywanych na budynek przez agregat prądotwórczy
PublikacjaW artykule opisano zakres badań polowych niezbędnych do określenia poziomu drgań w budynku biurowo-usługowym podczas pracy agregatu prądotwórczego zlokalizowanego na dachu tego budynku. Dokonano oceny szkodliwości pomierzonych drgań na budynek i ludzi, którzy się w nim znajdują. Przedstawiono także krótki przegląd literatury dotyczącej oceny szkodliwości oddziaływań dynamicznych na budynki lub ludzi.
Design of new cholinesterase inhibitors based on phosphorus analogs of tacrine as potential anti-Alzheimer’s disease agents
PublikacjaBased on the analysis of the determined free binding energy (using the AutoDock Vina 1.1.2 docking program), the most potent cholinesterase inhibitors were selected. Moreover, studies of 3D visualization of the results of molecular modeling led to the identification of potential sites for the interaction of new potential inhibitors with amino acid residues building active sites of investigated cholinesterases.
Self Organizing Maps for Visualization of Categories
PublikacjaVisualization of Wikipedia categories using Self Organizing Mapsshows an overview of categories and their relations, helping to narrow down search domains. Selecting particular neurons this approach enables retrieval of conceptually similar categories. Evaluation of neural activations indicates that they form coherent patterns that may be useful for building user interfaces for navigation over category structures.
Membranowe przekrycia wiszące -zagadnienia konstrukcyjno-materiałowe. Membrane hanging roof - constructional-material problems.
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia przykłady zastosowania membranowych przekryć wiszących w budownictwie ogólnym. Dodatkowo zwraca uwagę na wybrane zagadnienia konstrukcyjno-materiałowe tego typu obiektów.This paper presents the application examples of membrane hanging roof in building engineering. Additionally, attention to the chosen constructional-material problems of this type of structures has been focused.
Microscopic examination of CuNiFeR pipeline
Dane BadawczeCopper and nickel alloys called cunifers (Cu, Ni, Fe and R – rest of alloy elements) have found wide application in the production of ship pipeline components in contact with sea water, such as, for example, the main engine cooling system. These alloys are characterized by a very high corrosion resistance, which is ensured by appropriately carried out...
Macroscopic examination of CuNiFeR pipeline
Dane BadawczeCopper and nickel alloys called cunifers (Cu, Ni, Fe and R – rest of alloy elements) have found wide application in the production of ship pipeline components in contact with sea water, such as, for example, the main engine cooling system. These alloys are characterized by a very high corrosion resistance, which is ensured by appropriately carried out...
A Method of MOS Evaluation for Video Based Services
PublikacjaThis paper deals with a method for QoE evaluation for the services transmitting large amount of data perceived by the end user in relatively short time periods, e.g. streaming video in mobile operator...
Miniaturized Passive Emission Chambers for In Situ Measurement of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds
PublikacjaThe results of many different studies have demonstrated unequivocally that the quality of indoor air is often much worse than that of atmospheric air. The presence of dangerous chemical compounds in indoor air can have an adverse impact on human health and cause numerous diseases of the respiratory and circulatory systems. Such harmful chemicals get into indoor air as a result of their emission from building and indoor materials....
The selected roof covering technologies in the aspect of their life cycle costs
PublikacjaIn the article is presented an analysis of the life cycle costs calculation for selected roof coverings. The scope of research includes costs of construction, maintenance and demolition of the roof covering structure for two alternative technologies – the traditional and new generation. On the presented example of an industrial building with a roof area of 1000 m², the above costs are taken to consideration for the roof covering...
PublikacjaThe need to create ecological and energy efficient architecture is evident today. In the contemporary discourse on architecture more and more attention is dedicated to the aesthetics that expresses the idea of sustainability. The article is a voice in this debate, concentrating on the architecture that features daylight. Solar light comes from the natural environment and brings some substantial benefits for the architectural space,...
The role and scope of architectural and conservation research procedures in the process of restoring the splendour of an architectural monument created after 1945 on the example of the Suburban Railway Station in Gdynia
PublikacjaModern Movement buildings, despite their relatively recent construction, are sometimes affected by radical transformations of layout and form. The railway stations being one of the most important public buildings in the city are a special group of them. Due to long-term and intensive use they may bear the signs of exploitation of parts of its substance and have secondary transformations disharmony with the building. The subject...
The Impact of Generative AI and ChatGPT on Creating Digital Advertising Campaigns
PublikacjaThe use of AI-based solutions is currently discussed in relation to various industries. The proliferation of tools based on generative artificial intelligence (GAI), including the emergence of ChatGPT, has resulted in testing as a first step and implementations in further areas of business life, including marketing, as a second step. Still only a few studies have analysed and evaluated specific solutions for different areas of...
Video of LEGO Bricks on Conveyor Belt Dataset Series
PublikacjaThe dataset series titled Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt is composed of 14 datasets containing video recordings of a moving white conveyor belt. The recordings were created using a smartphone camera in Full HD resolution. The dataset allows for the preparation of data for neural network training, and building of a LEGO sorting machine that can help builders to organise their collections.
Villa of Countess Magdalena Łosiowa, Gdynia; Villa of Czesław Antkowiak and Jerzy Prokulski, Gdynia
PublikacjaThe article presents one of the most interesting modern villas of Gdynia, the villa of Czesław Antkowiak and Jerzy Prokulski at 25/25a Korzeniowskiego Street in Kamienna Góra. It refers to the modernistic architecture of the villa as well as the background of its owners and the development of the new residential estate in which it was built in 1938. The author presents the oryginal plans of the building and both the old and contemporary...
PublikacjaEnsuring the safety of ship crews at sea is of the utmost importance. Life rafts are one of the basic components of any seagoing vessel and ensuring their stability is an important component of maritime research. This study concerns the determination of the aerodynamic drag coefficients of pneumatic life rafts in a full range of wind speed and directions. The drag coefficients are based on full-scale experimental studies and numerical...
A survey of automatic speech recognition deep models performance for Polish medical terms
PublikacjaAmong the numerous applications of speech-to-text technology is the support of documentation created by medical personnel. There are many available speech recognition systems for doctors. Their effectiveness in languages such as Polish should be verified. In connection with our project in this field, we decided to check how well the popular speech recognition systems work, employing models trained for the general Polish language....
PublikacjaW pracy omówiono kaustykę jako uporządkowaną formę rozmycia ogniska, tworzonego przez zwierciadło wklęsłe. Zaprezentowano przykład kaustyki powstającej przy odbiciu światła od zwierciadła wklęsłego. Na tym tle wskazano na możliwość powstawania kaustyk w pomieszczeniach. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na duże pomieszczenia o charakterze historycznym, ze względu na częstą obecność w nich zwierciadeł akustycznych w postaci sklepień i...
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono różne techniki CAD (ang. Computer Aided Design) wykorzystywane w inżynierii elektrycznej dla potrzeb komputerowego modelowania 3D przetworników elektromechanicznych. Wirtualne modele 3D różnych urządzeń są użyteczne nie tylko przy opracowywaniu dokumentacji technicznej ale są także wykorzystywane w obliczeniach inżynierskich:...
Ocena stanu technicznego rurociągu przesyłowego zawiesiny popiołów w Elektrowni Ostrołęka B
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem pracy był rurociąg przesyłowy zawiesiny popiołów przesyłanych z Elektrowni Ostrołęka B. Celem pracy było potwierdzenie przynależności próbek yvyciętych z rurociągu do określonego gatunku stali i ocena stanu materiału po eksploatacji. Dla zrealizowania tego celu wykonano: - analizę składu chemicznego materiału pobranego ze stalowych rur, - mikroanalizę warstw wierzchnich na powierzchni wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej, -...
Clinical situations text database for Polish language
Dane BadawczeDataset contains a database of anonymized texts in Polish for the purposes of building a medical speech corpus, for clinical situations in the following areas: medical interview, interview and description of the result of an oncological examination, description of a radiological examination, description of a pathomorphological examination, description...
Detection of the acoustic interferences during AFM operation
Dane BadawczeAtomic force microscopy is a particularly complicated surface imaging technique due to the large number of factors that affect the quality of the resulting images. They are obviously difficult and sometimes even impossible to control at the same time. One of such factors may even be the seismological location of the building or the influence of mechanical...
PA32 aluminum alloy - tensile properties
Dane BadawczeIn addition to steel, aluminium alloys are the main building material used in the shipbuilding industry. Due to its undoubted advantages, such as low density (nearly three times lower than in the case of steel for shipbuilding) and high corrosion resistance, it is often used for hulls of yachts and small vessels as well as superstructures. For safety...
Charakterystyka energetyczna budynków mieszkalnych wielorodzinnych w perspektywie wymagań 2017-2021
PublikacjaOpracowanie zawiera analizę charakterystyki energetycznej przykładowego budynku mieszkalnego wielorodzinnego przeprowadzoną w perspektywie wymagań 2017-2021 r. Wskazano w niej elementy mające wpływ na zapotrzebowanie budynku na energię użytkową, końcową i nieodnawialną energię pierwotną (wskaźnik EP). Zidentyfikowano jednocześnie możliwe problemy ze spełnieniem wymagań określonych w przepisach techniczno-budowlanych oraz wskazano...
Protection of historical heritage as part of the development of cultural tourism – a case study of the community of Kamieniec Ząbkowicki in Lower Silesia
PublikacjaBoth literature and economics show a changing approach to historical heritage. It is no longer seen as a resource that generates only high maintenance costs. Analyses of local government units (LGUs) show that historical heritage is a strength rather than a weakness. More and more often, it is considered in economic development strategies as an asset that creates new activities and functions, generates income, and creates jobs....
Educational and cognitive aspects of adaptation of nonuse spaces in monumental sacral objects.
PublikacjaThe area of attics and towers in historic churches in Europe are yet quite inaccessible places for visitors, shrouded in the atmosphere of mysticism, hiding many secrets. Introduction of the new public function into the non-used zones of the monumental sacral objects has many aspects including educational and cognitive ones which are discussed in the following article. The article indicates items that can be found in the zone above...
Layered Morphology of Gdansk: Past, Present and Future.
PublikacjaThis study aims to analyze the urban fabric and form of the city of Gdańsk based on the Muratorian and Italian school of urban morphology, to deepen the understanding of the morphological process of the urban fabric. It can be seen that the urban fabric of the city is a juxtaposition of all these layers, and based on Muratori’s approach these are indicative of not just the past, present but also the future. The study sample is...
Efficacy of modal curvature damage detection in various pre-damage data assumptions and modal identification techniques
PublikacjaThe efficacy of modal curvature approach for damage localization is discussed in the paper in the context of input data. Three modal identification methods, i.e., Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA), Natural Excitation Technique with ERA (NExT-ERA) and Covariance Driven Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI-Cov), and four methods of determining baseline data, i.e., real measurement of the undamaged state, analytical function,...
Lekka obudowa w nadbudowach i renowacjach
PublikacjaNadbudowy i renowacje – wykorzystanie technologii lekkiej obudowy. W artykule przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania technologii lekkiej obudowy do nadbudowy i renowacji obiektów budowlanych. Opisano kolejne kroki przygotowania inwestycji dotyczącej projektowania i realizacji nadbudowy obiektu budowlanego.
Numerical analyses of novel prefabricated structural wall panels in residential buildings based on laboratory tests in scale 1:1
PublikacjaThe paper presents experimental and numerical investigations on novel prefabricated composite building wall panels for residential building constructions. The wall panels were composed of reinforced concrete ribbed elements with the core from the EPS foam as the thermal insulation. The wall panels in the full-scale 1:1 were subjected to vertical loads. In the first step, the experiments were analysed with simple usual static methods....
Test loadings of arch bridges
PublikacjaIn Poland an appreciable developement of bridge building can be seen in recent years. Arch structures are more and more common, because of the original geometrical and aesthetical form, aside with explicit structural system. Paper concerns the applied computational conceptions and researches on an example of two arch bridges. The goal of the studies is to check the correctness of the real construction work and design assumptions,...
Effect of antitumor compounds on the yeast topoisomerase II relaxation activity
Dane BadawczeThe datasets contain results of antitumor compounds* (known inhibitors of human topoisomerase alpha II) inhibitory activity against yeast topoisomerase II. DNA topoisomerases (Topo) are enzymes that catalyze changes in the spatial structure of DNA and play an important role in replication, transcription and recombination. Beyond their normal functions,...
IKE1-IKE3 (C-1305 derivatives) inhibitory effect of the Yeast Topoisomerase II relaxation activity
Dane BadawczeInhibition of Yeast Topoisomerase II were analyzed according to relaxation assay kit from Inspiralis. Briefly, 250 ng of supercoiled pBR322 DNA, 1 mM ATP, 1-200 μM of analyzed compound were mixed with reaction buffer (1 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.9), 10 mM KCl, 0.5 mM MgCl 2, 0.2 % (v/v) glycerol). The reaction was initiated by the addition of an enzyme, allowed...
Architectural project VI 2021/2022 _Erasmus _JB
Kursy OnlineThe design task is to develop a draft revitalisation plan and a conceptual proposal for a complex of architectural objects for an area in Dolne Miasto, Gdańsk. The proposal should include spatial, social and environmental solutions to restore the attractiveness of a historical district and enhance its visual coherence and functionality. Moreover, the aim is to develop detailed architectural and functional solutions for a selected...
Advanced seismic control strategies for smart base isolation buildings utilizing active tendon and MR dampers
PublikacjaThis paper investigates the seismic behaviour of a five-storey shear building that incorporates a base isolation system. Initially, the study considers passive base isolation and employs a multi-objective archived-based whale optimization algorithm called MAWOA to optimize the parameters of base isolation. Subsequently, a novel model is proposed, which incorporates an interval type-2 Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy logic controller (IT2TSFLC)...
Architecture in the field of art on the example of author’s realizations
PublikacjaThe aim of the article was to show the place of architecture in the space of art on the example of original projects. In the author's opinion, architecture, using an artistic object as a means of expression, influences the process of living by showing the recipient, who is an inhabitant, important values from the point of view of creating a house that ensures a good quality of life and strengthening the understanding of both various...
Risking It All or Here Comes the Flood
PublikacjaThe professional reality is interdisciplinary! When city transformation and evolution starts, what are the tools for successful strategies for urban interventions? How does digital planning for digital fabrication processes look like? How dedicated are the new professionals? And how does this all influence the future of bridge design? More than 60 students representing various disciplines of built environment and working together...
Evaluating urban identity of Gdańsk historical inner city and Granary Island urban regeneration from a neighbourhood perspective
PublikacjaThis study focuses on the post-socialist urban development that evolved in Gdańsk, Poland. It aims to evaluate the effects of an urban regeneration project implemented in Granary Island, a central historical district, on the city identity. To achieve this goal, the study measures citizens’ identification by comparing both the new urban regeneration project and the historical inner city. The study discusses the relationship between...
Harmonization and Quality Assurance of Income and Wealth Data: The Case of LIS.
PublikacjaComparability of concepts in survey data harmonization is essential for scientific analyses. LIS – also known as the Luxembourg Income Study or LIS Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg – acquires and harmonizes income and wealth microdata to provide the scientific community with a comparable database that is unique in the world in its growing temporal and geographic breadth. Over many decades, scholars worldwide have used the...
An automated, low-latency environment for studying the neural basis of behavior in freely moving rats
PublikacjaBackground Behavior consists of the interaction between an organism and its environment, and is controlled by the brain. Brain activity varies at sub-second time scales, but behavioral measures are usually coarse (often consisting of only binary trial outcomes). Results To overcome this mismatch, we developed the Rat Interactive Foraging Facility (RIFF): a programmable interactive arena for freely moving rats with multiple feeding...
Wykorzystanie obszarów morskich pod zabudowę o przeznaczeniu wielofunkcyjnym
PublikacjaW artykule opisano możliwości zagospodarowania obszarów wodnych na potrzeby rozwoju obszarów miejskich. W kontekście obecnych uwarunkowań ekologicznych oraz bogactwa zasobów obszarów wodnych budownictwo wielofunkcyjne na wodzie ma duże szanse na rozwiązanie problemów dotyczących braku przestrzeni na lądzie. Wiąże się to z rozszerzeniem tradycyjnego podejścia stosowanego przy projektowaniu o elementy związane ze specyfiką konstrukcji...
Investigation of the thermal conductivity of λ gypsum using the hot wire method
Dane BadawczeAn experimental study was conducted to determine the thermal conductivity coefficient λ using the ‘hot wire’ method for a building material. Gypsum specimens measuring 400 x 60 x 50 mm were made for the experiment. Along the long axis of the model, an insulated resistance wire with a diameter of 0.2 mm was poured into the gypsum slurry in the centre...
The origins of the brick architecture in Pomerania
PublikacjaTraditionally, brick is one of the most popular building materials on the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. Although the origins of brick architecture have been the subject of numerous research studies, their results were focused on the Kingdom of Denmark, merchant-towns and the State of the Teutonic Order. Most scholars claimed that Pomeranian architecture had not been as developed as that in the neighbouring countries. Moreover,...
Introducing a Computational Method to Retrofit Damaged Buildings under Seismic Mainshock-Aftershock Sequence
PublikacjaRetrofitting damaged buildings is a challenge for engineers, since commercial software does not have the ability to consider the local damages and deformed shape of a building resulting from the mainshock record of an earthquake before applying the aftershock record. In this research, a computational method for retrofitting of damaged buildings under seismic mainshock-aftershock sequences is proposed, and proposed computational...