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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: heat transfer modeling
Modeling and simulation of thin-walled beams and frames
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono koncepcję zastosowania superelementów węzłowych do modelowania połączeń słupów i rygli ram zbudowanych z prętów cienkościennych oraz stężeń konstrukcyjnych w belkach cienkościennych. Przeprowadzono analizę pracy ramy stalowej zbudowanej z prętów cienkościennych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem problemu przekazywania bimomentu poprzez węzeł takiej ramy.
Numerical modeling of wave-seabed-structure interaction.
PublikacjaPraca doktorska przedstawia propozycję nowoczesnego rozwiązania obciążeń hydraulicznych przy uwzględnieniu nieliniowych oddziaływań pomiędzy falą wodną, przepuszczalnym dnem i porowatą konstrukcją morską. Nabrzeże pionowe, falochron podwodny i falochron kompozytowy były obiektem eksperymentów numerycznych, których wyniki były weryfikowane przy użyciu wyników laboratoryjnych (niszczących i nieniszczących). Krótki przegląd bieżącej...
Modeling of active fiber Bragg grating sensors
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono działanie przetwornika hydrofonu wykorzystującego profilowaną membranę sprzężoną z aktywną światłowodową siatką Bragga. W wyniku modelowania, wykonanego Metodą Elementów Skończonych, stwierdzono występowanie gradientów naprężeń wzdłuż siatki. Opracowano program do modelowania pasywnych i aktywnych światłowodowych siatek Bragga wykorzystujący metodę modów sprzężonych. Przedstawiono charakterystyki widmowe pasywnych...
Modeling of photovoltaic properties of bilayer organic systems
PublikacjaPraca prezentuje teoretyczny opis charakterystyki prądowo-napięciowej i efektu fotowoltaicznego układu zbudowanego z dwóch warstw organicznych i elektrod. Rozpatrywane jest przybliżenie stałego pola elektrycznego oraz wpływ pułąpkowania nośników ładunku.
Fading Modeling in Maritime Container Terminal Environments
PublikacjaIn this paper, an analytical model for slow and fast fading effects in maritime container terminals is derived, from fitting distributions to the results of measurements performed in an actual operational environment. The proposed model is composed of a set of equations, enabling to evaluate fading statistical distribution parameters for different system and environments conditions, as a function of frequency, base station antenna...
Thermal ablation modeling via bioheat equation
PublikacjaWe consider Pennes’ bioheat equation and discuss an implicit numerical scheme which has better stability properties than other approaches. Our discussion concerns Carthesian geometry problems, however it carries over to spherical geometry models and more complicated shapes.
Quality Modeling in Grid and Volunteer-Computing Systems
PublikacjaA model of computational quality in large-scale computing systems was presented in the previous chapter of this book. This model describes three quality attributes: performance, reliability and energy efficiency. We assumed that all processes in the system are incessantly ready to perform calculations and that communication between the processes occurs immediately. These assumptions are not true for grid and volunteer computing...
Modeling of Ice Phenomena in the Mouth of the Vistula River
PublikacjaThe mouth of the Vistula River, which is a river outlet located in tideless area, is analyzed. The Vistula River mouth is a man-made, artificial channel which was built in the 19th century in order to prevent the formation of ice jams in the natural river delta. Since the artificial river outlet was constructed, no severe ice-related flood risk situations have ever occurred. However, periodic ice-related phenomena still have an impact...
FEM approach to modeling of an irregular trabecular structure
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is elaboration of a method for creating irregular scaffolds that can be used to model the behaviour of trabecular bone placed in the proximal epiphysis of the femur. The scope of the study encompasses creating six numerical models of irregular scaffolds (two solid irregular scaffolds, two shell irregular scaffolds and two shell irregular scaffolds with fortification) and performing numerical analysis of the...
Modeling of event trees for the rapid scenario development
PublikacjaThe paper concerns the safety of ships in abnormal/damage conditions. Some conclusions following from the research associated with development of a method for safety assessment of ships in abnormal/damage conditions is presented in the paper. The method called SSAMADC (Ship Safety Assessment Method in Abnormal/Damage Conditions) is a risk-based method and is connected with application of the quantitative risk assessment QRA approach....
Modeling and experimental investigation of the small UPQC systems
PublikacjaIn this paper the basis of analytical modelling of the UPQC arrangements (Unified Power Quality Conditioner) in d-q rotating coordinates, as well as select results of investigations conducted on the simplified small power laboratory model were talked over. In short form power balance as well as fundamental dependences and analytic model with regard of decoupling circuits were investigated. Applied method for DC link capacity selection...
A review of explainable fashion compatibility modeling methods
PublikacjaThe paper reviews methods used in the fashion compatibility recommendation domain. We select methods based on reproducibility, explainability, and novelty aspects and then organize them chronologically and thematically. We presented general characteristics of publicly available datasets that are related to the fashion compatibility recommendation task. Finally, we analyzed the representation bias of datasets, fashion-based algorithms’...
Continuous and discontinuous modeling of cracks in concrete elements
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono różne sposoby modelowania rys w elementach betonowych w warunkach mieszanego sposobu obciążenia przy zastosowaniu modeli ciągłych i nieciągłych. Symulacje wykonano przy zastosowaniu 3 różnych modeli ciągłych: modelu sprężysto-plastycznego, modelu w ramach mechaniki zniszczeniowej i modelu rys rozmytych z rysami obracającymi się oraz 1 modelu nieciągłego przy zastosowaniu stref kontaktu..
Spatially variant PSF modeling in confocal macroscopy
PublikacjaThe point spread function (PSF) of imaging systems plays an essential role in image reconstruction. In the context of confocal microscopy, optical performance degrades towards the edge of the field of view. In confocal macroscopy, the related artifacts are even stronger, as the field of view is much larger. Because the related PSFs are strongly spatially variant, it is essential to be able to model them with few parameters. The...
Modeling of the Two-Dimensional Flow Caused by Sea Conditions and Wind Stresses on the Example of Dead Vistula
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of two-dimensional modeling of flows caused by the sea conditions and wind stresses on the example of Dead Vistula. Based on the available bathymetric data, a numerical model of the river section was created, which was supplemented with data on the position of the water table depending on hydrometeorological conditions. To describe the flow field in steady conditions, a simplified model of two-dimensional...
The Role of Specific Side Groups and pH in Magnetization Transfer in Polymers
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Experimental Comparison of Designed Inductance Coils for Wireless Power Transfer
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Research and Development of Inductive-Resonant Wireless Power Transfer System
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Generation of microbial colonies dataset with deep learning style transfer
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Upconversion energy transfer in Yb3+/Tm3+doped tellurite glass
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Simulating Electron Transfer Attachment to a Positively Charged Model Peptide
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Fast method for the determination of the charge transfer coefficient of an electrode reaction
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Coil Design for Wireless Power Transfer with Series-Parallel Compensation
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Molecular Determinants of Proton Transfer in ATP Synthase FO Complex
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Reversible electron charge transfer in single-wall carbon nanotubes
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Polish constructed wetlands performance and transfer of results into Alpine environment.
PublikacjaPrzyjmuje się, że oczyszczalnia hydrofitowa opisana może być równaniem kinetyki reakcji pierwszego rzędu. Uzyskano z danych doświadczalnych, że współczynnik kinetyki reakcji k jest uzależniony od temperatury oczyszczalnych ścieków w gruncie porośniętym trzciną. Można więc wyznaczyć przebieg funkcji k(T), gdzie k jest współczynnikiem kinetyki reakcji, a T-temperaturą ścieków. Można więc niskie wartości k uzyskane w warunkach...
Conditions of Best Practice Transfer - Results of the Quick IGA Project
PublikacjaThe Quick IGA project supports the development of working and organizational structures in SMEs in order to increase the employment rate of women and elderly and concurrently increases innovation capacities. One of the main project’s tasks was to find best practices from SMEs in Nordic countries in that field (in the first step) and identify (in second step) possibilities and conditions of their implementation in SMEs in other...
Force transfer and stress distribution in short cantilever deep beams loaded throughout the depth with a various reinforcement
PublikacjaDeep beams used as the main reinforced concrete structural elements which taking over the load and stiffening construction are often found in high-rise buildings. The architecture of these buildings is sometimes sophisticated and varied, arouse the admiration of the majority of recipients, and thus causing an engineering challenge to correctly design the structural system and force transfer. In such structures is important to shape...
Modeling the impact of rotor movement on non-linearity of motor currents waveforms in high-speed PMSM drives
PublikacjaMotor current measurement techniques as well as predictive control algorithms for electric drives rely on an assumption of linear motor currents changes resulting from constant inverter output voltages. Recent research has reported that this assumption does not hold in motors with short electrical time constant, and in drives whose rotor position advances substantially during a control period. This paper proposes a simulation model...
Nested Kriging with Variable Domain Thickness for Rapid Surrogate Modeling and Design Optimization of Antennas
PublikacjaDesign of modern antennas faces numerous difficulties, partially rooted in stringent specifications imposed on both electrical and field characteristics, demands concerning various functionalities (circular polarization, pattern diversity, band-notch operation), but also constraints imposed upon the physical size of the radiators. Conducting the design process at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations, otherwise...
Transformation of Energy Markets: Description, Modeling of Functioning Mechanisms and Determining Development Trends
PublikacjaOne of the key contemporary economic and social issues today is the global energy transition. Energy transition processes are having a significant impact on the development of world economies, increasing their TFP and leading to an increase in their level of innovation through the transfer of myriad new technologies. These processes also contribute to an increase in foreign direct investment and, consequently, an increase in the...
Michał Michna dr hab. inż.
OsobyJest absolwentem Wydziału Elektrycznego Politechniki Gdańskiej (1998). W 2004 r. uzyskał stopień doktora. Od 2004 r. zatrudniony w Katedrze Energoelektroniki i Maszyn Elektrycznych Politechniki Gdańskiej (asystent, adiunkt, starszy wykładowca). W latach 2010-2015 zastępca kierownik katedry. Jego zainteresowania naukowe i dydaktyczne obejmują szerokie spektrum zagadnień związanych z projektowanie, modelowanie i diagnostyką maszyn...
Impact of surface skin temperature change on blood flow characteristics in palm
PublikacjaHeating a human palm during 3 minutes period causes changes in superficial skin temperature and leads to thermoregulation system response. The response time and level of flow characteristics change depend on the subject hand size and health of his vascular tree. A solution of Pennes bioheat propagation model was analyzed in order to see how much heat has to be transferred into the tissue to extort the observable reaction. The reflective...
Agnieszka Krawczyk-Kłos mgr inż.
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An Example of Using Low-Cost LiDAR Technology for 3D Modeling and Assessment of Degradation of Heritage Structures and Buildings
PublikacjaThis article examines the potential of low-cost LiDAR technology for 3D modeling and assessment of the degradation of historic buildings, using a section of the Koszalin city walls in Poland as a case study. Traditional terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) offers high accuracy but is expensive. The study assessed whether more accessible LiDAR options, such as those integrated with mobile devices such as the Apple iPad Pro, can serve...
Bounding approach to parameter estimation without prior knowledge on modeling error and application to quality modeling in drinking water distribution systems
PublikacjaW artykule rozważana jest estymacja parametrów modelu autoregresji z ruchoma średnią i sygnałem wejściowym (ARMAX) z wykorzystaniem przedziałowego modelu błędu. Zakłada się, że granice błędu struktury modelu są nieznane, bądź znane, ale bardzo konserwatywne. Dla zmniejszenia tego konserwatyzmu proponowane jest idea modeli punktowo-parametrycznych, w której występują zbiory parametrów i błędu modelu odpowiadające wszystkim wejściom....
An advanced tool integrating failure and sensitivity analysis into novel modeling of the stormwater flood volume
PublikacjaAn innovative tool for modeling the specific flood volume was presented that can be applied to assess the need for stormwater network modernization as well as for advanced flood risk assessment. Field measurements for a catchment area in Kielce, Poland, were used to apply the model and demonstrate its usefulness. This model extends the capability of recently developed statistical and machine learning hydrodynamic models developed...
International Journal of Heat and Technology
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Elimination of Impulsive Disturbances From Stereo Audio Recordings Using Vector Autoregressive Modeling and Variable-order Kalman Filtering
PublikacjaThis paper presents a new approach to elimination of impulsive disturbances from stereo audio recordings. The proposed solution is based on vector autoregressive modeling of audio signals. Online tracking of signal model parameters is performed using the exponential ly weighted least squares algo- rithm. Detection of noise pulses an d model-based interpolation of the irrevocably distorted sampl es is realized using an adaptive, variable-order...
Analysis of the possibility of creep damage detection in T24 heat resistant steel with the help of magnetic nondestestructive testing methods
PublikacjaThe paper presents the result of an analysis of applicability of various electromagnetic methods of nondestructive evaluation for creep damage detection in a novel heat resistant steel - T24 grade. Two sample sets, cut out from membrane wall tubes, were investigated – the as-delivered one and another exploited for 36,000 h in a power plant. There are described results of magnetic hysteresis loops B(H), Barkhausen noise (BN) and...
On the tolerance modelling of heat conduction in functionally graded laminated media
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Contribution of small heat shock proteins to muscle development and function
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Heat calculations for water-cooled radiators of the inverter for induction heating
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A Comparison of the Exergy Efficiencies of Various Heat-Integrated Distillation Columns
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The influence of air humidity on human heat stress in a hot environment
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Optimization of the geometry of the crankshaft for an internal combustion engine with heat regeneration
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Numerical Simulation of Operating Parameters of the Ground Source Heat Pump
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Heat treatment of ultrasonic electrodeposited Ni-W/ZrO2 nanocomposites
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Zniszczenie korozyjne wymiennika ciepła = Corrosion failure of a heat exchanger
PublikacjaPłytowy wymiennik ciepła ze stali 316L uległ zniszczeniu po trzech latach eksploatacji, wskutek perforacji po czyszczeniu nieodpowiednim środkiem czyszczącym.
The influence of fuel type on heat balance of medium-speed engine
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano analizę wpływu rodzaju zastosowanego paliwa na bilans cieplny silników średnioobrotowych stosowanych w energetyce stacjonarnej. Przedmiotem analizy są silniki ZS i ZI zasilane gazem ziemnym oraz silniki ZS zasilane olejem napędowym. Dodatkowo analizę uzupełniono o wyniki obliczeń wykonanych dla silników dwupaliwowych, tzn. silników, w których zapłon mieszanki paliwowo gazowej realizowany jest przez pilotażowy...