wszystkich: 764
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SPECIATION OF HEAVY METALS
Land development and forms of heavy metals occurrence (zn, cd, pb) in polish rivers
PublikacjaEkosystemy rzeczne podlegają intensywnej antropopresji. Metale ciężkie występujące w glebie i osadach dennych w różnych formach specjacyjnych mają istotny wpływ na wtórne zanieczyszczenie wody ze względu na takie procesy jak migracja, akumulacja i biowzbogacanie.Przedmiotem badań były próbki gleby, osadów dennych oraz wody pobrane z różnych rzek z południowej części województwa świętokrzyskiego. W trakcie badań próbek wykorzystano...
Calix[4]arenes appended with thioamide moieties as powerful tool for heavy metals recognition
PublikacjaSelectivity of new thioamide derivatives was assessed using those ligands as sensor materials in ion-selective membrane electrodes and tested towards Pb2+ - selectivity. The influence of the nature of the thioamide function (linear, branched or cyclic substituents) on their ionophoric properties was investigated. Electrodes based on cyclic thioamide moieties are promising analytical tools for monitoring Pb2+ concentration in natural...
Bioaccumulation of alkaline soil metals (Ca, Mg) and heavy metals (Cd, Ni, Pb) patterns expressed by freshwater species of Ulva (Wielkopolska, Poland)
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Analytical chemistry in technical approaches: immobilization of biosorbent waste containing heavy metals in cemented materials
PublikacjaAn ecologically safe and economically justified method of stabilization of the used biosorbents was developed. Sorbent contaminated with heavy metals has been successfully solidified/stabilized using a hydraulic binder. The test results indicated that up to 1% of the biosorbent residue used could be added without compromising the compressive strength of the mortar. The compressive strength of the modified mortars did not change...
Partitioning of heavy metals in sub-surface flow treatment wetlands receiving high-strength wastewater
PublikacjaThe retention of heavy metals at two pilot-scale treatment wetlands (TWs), consisting of two vertical flow beds (VSSF) followed by a horizontal flow bed (HSSF) was studied. The TWs received highstrength wastewater: reject waters from sewage sludge centrifugation (RW) and landfill leachate (LL). The concentrations of metals: Fe, Mn, Zn, Al, Pb, Cu, Cd, Co, Ni were measured in treated wastewater, substrate of the beds and in plant...
The occurrence of heavy metals and metal-resistant bacteria in water and bottom sediments of the Straszyn reservoir (Poland)
PublikacjaThe aim of this study is investigate the distribution of selected heavy metals (zinc, copper, lead, cadmium) and metal-resistant bacteria in water and bottom sediments of drinking water reservoir for Gdańsk (Poland). The research area - Straszyn Lake is a dam reservoir on Radunia river, of the total volume of 3 mln m3. Sediment and water sampling took place between May and October 2013 (eight series). Regarding metal concentration...
Concentrations of heavy metals and PCBs in the tissues of European beavers (Castor fiber) captured in northeastern Poland
PublikacjaEuropean beavers (Castor fiber) from two regions were examined to identify exposure to persistent environmental contaminants. A reference group was comprised of six animals from the Forest Division of Srokowo, and an exposed group was comprised of five animals from the vicinity of a former military airport operated in 1918–1986—both from Warmia land in Poland. 137 Cs in beavers' muscles was considered negligible for the overall...
Enzymatic assays confirm the toxicity reduction after manure treatment of heavy metals contaminated soil
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Spider Webs and Lichens as Bioindicators of Heavy Metals: A Comparison Study in the Vicinity of a Copper Smelter (Poland)
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Heavy Metals and Metalloids Leachability from Composite Ground Materials Peat – Fly Ash – Lime
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Heavy Metals in a High Arctic Fiord and Their Introduction with the Wastewater: A Case Study of Adventfjorden-Longyearbyen System, Svalbard
PublikacjaLongyearbyen is the largest settlement on Svalbard archipelago, with 2400 permanent residents and approximately 150,000 tourists visiting every year. The city annually releases approximately 285,000 m3 of untreated wastewater to the nearby Adventfjorden. To date, the environmental impact of this continuous input has been studied mainly regarding the sediments and benthic fauna in the fiord. Here, we present results from a study...
The sensitivity of bacteria to heavy metals in presence of mineral ship motor oil in coastal marine sediments and waters.
PublikacjaThe sensitivity of bacteria, isolated from coastal marine sediments and waters of Sopot beach, Gdańsk Bay (Poland), to heavy metals in the presence of mineral ship motor oil were studied. All isolated heterotrophic bacteria were resistant to the 0.1 mM lead concentration occurring in the environment. Metal resistance of bacteria isolated from coastal water was strongly related to mineral ship motor oil concentration. At 0.1% mineral...
Impacts of heavy metals and medicinal crops on ecological systems, environmental pollution, cultivation, and production processes in China
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Bioaccumulation, antioxidative response, and metallothionein expression in Lupinus luteus L. exposed to heavy metals and silver nanoparticles
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Possibility of New Active Substrates (ASs) to Be Used to Prevent the Migration of Heavy Metals to the Soil and Water Environments
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Determination of Heavy Metals Concentration in Water and Soil at Various Locations in Lahore and their Harmful Impacts on Human and Plants life
PublikacjaHeavy metals poisoning of soil and water has resulted from industrial expansion in Lahore, Pakistan, creating a significant environmental hazard. As a result, monitoring the contamination of soil and water around industrial sites is critical. The fact that higher concentrations of heavy metals have a negative influence on both plants and human life and this cannot be ignored. Higher heavy metal concentrations have a direct impact...
Spatial and vertical distribution analysis of heavy metals in urban retention tanks sediments: a case study of Strzyza Stream
PublikacjaConcentrations of seven heavy metals (HMs): Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr, and Fe in core samples of bottom sediments from four retention tanks (RTs) located along the Strzyza Stream in northern Poland (Gdansk) were measured to obtain a general view of sediment quality. The recognition of contamination and potential environmental impacts is the main aim of this paper. A total of 96 sediment samples were collected from eight sampling sites...
Effectiveness of Removal of Humic Substances and Heavy Metals from Landfill Leachates During their Pretreatment Process in the SBR Reactor
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Modelling assisted phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals – Main opportunities, limitations, decision making and future prospects
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Bioavailability evaluation, uptake of heavy metals and potential health risks via dietary exposure in urban-industrial areas
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Determination of EC50 toxicity data of selected heavy metals toward heterocypris incongruens and their comparison to "direct-contact" and microbiotests
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono czułość organizmu Heterocypris incongruens wobec metali ciężkich. Pomimo iż test Ostracodtoxkit F jest dostępny hadlowo na rynku od wielu lat to brak jest danych na temat czułości i selektywności tego organizmu, a dane na ten temat są niezbędne podczas interpretowania wyników oznaczeń toksyczności chronicznej próbek gleb i osadów. Wyniki LC50 oraz EC50 zostały też porównane z danymi innych handlowo dostępnych...
Silicon occurrence, uptake, transport and mechanisms of heavy metals, minerals and salinity enhanced tolerance in plants with future prospects: A review
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Heavy metals in lake surface sediments in protected areas in Poland: concentration, pollution, ecological risk, sources and spatial distribution
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Efficiency of ozonation process with calcium peroxide in removing heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd) from aqueous solutions
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Differentiation of the concentration of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants in lake sediments depending on the catchment management (Lake Gopło case study)
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Hydrochars as a bio-based adsorbent for heavy metals removal: A review of production processes, adsorption mechanisms, kinetic models, regeneration and reusability of hydrochar
PublikacjaThe spread of heavy metals throughout the ecosystem has extremely endangered human health, animals, plants, and natural resources. Hydrochar has emerged as a promising adsorbent for removing heavy metals from water and wastewater. Hydrochar, obtained from hydrothermal carbonization of biomass, owns unique physical and chemical properties that are highly potent in capturing heavy metals via surface complexation, electrostatic interactions,...
The distribution of heavy metals and 137 Cs in the central part of the Polish maritime zone (Baltic Sea) – the area selected for wind farm acquisition
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Ecological risk assessment and spatial distribution of heavy metals in surface sediments. A case study of two small storage reservoirs, SE Poland
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Rozmieszczenie wybranych metali ciężkich w ekosystemie oczyszczalni hydrofitowej w Bielkowie.Distribution of heavy metals in ecosystem of free water surface system in Bielkowo.
PublikacjaIn the article the results of investigations of biomass crop and heavy metal contents in bottom sediments and in three species of plants (Glyceria maxima, Typha latifolia)inhabiting a wetland system in Bielkowo, Poland are presented. The measurements were carried out three times during the vegetation season (May, July and October). The contents of metals in different fragments of plants (leaves, stalks and roots) was analyzed....
Simultaneous removal of heavy metals and dyes in water using a MgO-coated Fe3O4 nanocomposite: Role of micro-mixing effect induced by bubble generation
PublikacjaThis study focused on the development of a nano-adsorbent for contaminant removal without the use of any external energy. An eco-friendly Fe3O4@MgO core-shell nanocomposite was synthesized and tested for the removal of a heavy metal, lead (Pb2+) and a dye, rhodamine B (RhB). The addition of H2O2 into the system enabled the self-mixing of the aqueous solution containing Fe3O4@MgO through the generation of bubbles. This system showed...
Health-Promoting Capacities of In Vitro and Cultivated Goji (Lycium chinense Mill.) Fruit and Leaves; Polyphenols, Antimicrobial Activity, Macro- and Microelements and Heavy Metals
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Assessing the influence of sewage sludge and derived-biochar in immobilization and transformation of heavy metals in polluted soil: Impact on intracellular free radical formation in maize
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The results of measuring concentrations of heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons and humic acids in watercourses around the municipality of Gdańsk in 2005
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of a measurement of concentrations of heavy metals (cadmium, lead and mercury), petroleum hydrocarbons and humic acids in watercourses around the municipality of Gdańsk in 2005. The data was collected from January to December, once a month at 23 measuring stations located at 15 watercourses.
Do You Know What You Drink? Comparative Research on the Contents of Radioisotopes and Heavy Metals in Different Types of Tea from Various Parts of the World
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to assess the potential health risks of radioactive elements and heavy metals ingested through the consumption of various types of tea imported to the Polish market (black, green, red, oolong and white). The concentrations [Bq/kg] of radionuclides (40K, 137Cs, 226Ra, 210Pb and 228Th) in tea leaves before and after brewing were measured using γ-ray spectrometry with high-purity germanium (HPGe). The concentrations...
Application of response surface methodology for silver nanoparticle stir bar sorptive extraction of heavy metals from drinking water samples: a Box–Behnken design
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Synergistic effects of biochar and processed fly ash on bioavailability, transformation and accumulation of heavy metals by maize (Zea mays L.) in coal-mining contaminated soil
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Gene expression, DNA damage and other stress markers in Sinapis alba L. exposed to heavy metals with special reference to sewage sludge application on contaminated sites
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Heavy metals removal in the mechanical - biological wastewater treatment plant ''Wschod'' in Gdańsk. Usuwanie metali ciężkich w mechaniczno-biologicznej oczyszczalni ścieków Gdańsk ''Wschód''.
Wwpływ temperatury suszenia osadów ściekowych na specjację metali ciężkich (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb) = Influence of thermal drying temperature on heavy metal (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb) speciation in sewage sludge
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wpływ temperatury suszenia osadów ściekowych na zmiany specjacji metali ciężkich oraz określono stopień mobilności metali ciężkich w aspekcie ich późniejszego zagospodarowania. Ekstrakcja sekwencyjna metali ciężkich została wykonana wg schematu Tessier'a.
The Impact of Combustion Technology of Sewage Sludge on Mobility of Heavy Metals in Sewage Sludge Ash/Wpływ Technologii Spalania Komunalnych Osadów Ściekowych Na Mobilność Metali Ciężkich Z Popiołów
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Light microscopy observation of emergent macrophytes in floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells (FTW-MFC): heavy metals loaded treatments
Dane BadawczeThis dataset presents the light microscope images of emergent plants (Phragmites australis and Iris pseudacorus) used in floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells (FTW-MFC) systems for wastewater treatment and bioenergy generation.
Grzegorz Boczkaj dr hab. inż.
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Nicole Nawrot dr inż.
OsobyDr inż. Nicole Nawrot jest zatrudniona w Katedrze Inżynierii Sanitarnej od 2016 roku. W 2021 uzyskała stopień naukowy doktora z wyróżnieniem w dziedzinie nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych w dyscyplinie inżynieria środowiska, górnictwo i energetyka. Pracę doktorską pt. „Heavy metals in urban retention tanks bottom sediments: distribution, source tracking, and evaluation of phytostabilisation adaptability and performance of P. australis...
Potential fertilizing properties of sewage sludge treated in the Sludge Treatment Reed Beds (STRB)
PublikacjaIn research the fertilizer value of sludge from reed beds is evaluated based on the sampling sludge on different depths from 4 Danish STRB after long periods of stabilization. The dewatering efficiency of sewage sludge in the STRB is comparable to mechanical dewatering. The long-term stabilization of sewage sludge progressively decreases the concentration of organic matter due to the process of humification. The aim of the work...
Renata Tomczak-Wandzel dr inż.
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Membranes for toxic- and heavy-metal removal
PublikacjaSince time ago, membranes have greatly attracted the attention of researchers for different types of water-treatment applications, such as wastewater treatment, water purification, removal of microorganisms, chemical compounds, and heavy metals. Nowadays, one of the current challenges of research community definitely deals with the removal of toxic and heavy metals from water. In this regard, the current chapter provides enough...
Annual variability of heavy metal content in Svalbard reindeer faeces as a result of dietary preferences
PublikacjaDuring both winter and summer, Svalbard reindeer selectively feed on different types of vegetation that are not only a source of nutritional value, but also a place of heavy metal accumulation. In the present study, the content of cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, nickel, manganese, and zinc in reindeer excrement was measured. The main aims were to determine the seasonal content of several heavy metals in Svalbard reindeer...
Short-term evaluation of FTW-MFC efficiency in heavy metal-loaded wastewaters (Cu/Pb) - microscale experiment
Dane BadawczeThis dataset presents the results of short-term experiment of floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells with wastewater loaded with heavy metals - copper and cadmium (Cu/Pb). The experiment took place in a greenhouse and lasted 14 days. The analyses include the determination of nutrients in wastewaters (TN, TP, COD, N-NO3, N-NH4),...
Short-term evaluation of FTW-MFC efficiency in heavy metal-loaded wastewaters (Cd/Pb) - microscale experiment
Dane BadawczeThis dataset presents the results of short-term experiment of floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells with wastewater loaded with heavy metals - cadmium and lead (Cd/Pb). The experiment took place in a greenhouse and lasted 14 days. The analyses include the determination of nutrients in wastewaters (TN, TP, COD, N-NO3, N-NH4),...
Short-term evaluation of FTW-MFC efficiency in heavy metal-loaded wastewaters (Cu/Cd) - microscale experiment
Dane BadawczeThis dataset presents the results of short-term experiment of floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells with wastewater loaded with heavy metals - copper and cadmium (Cu/Cd). The experiment took place in a greenhouse and lasted 14 days. The analyses include the determination of nutrients in wastewaters (TN, TP, COD, N-NO3, N-NH4),...