Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: knowledge%20grid - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: knowledge%20grid

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: knowledge%20grid

  • The lemniscate knowledge flow model

    Knowledge is seen as one of the main resources for organizations providing knowledge-intensive services. Therefore, sharing and reusing are the main goals of modern knowledge management (KM) approach, driven by information and communication technologies (ICT). However, one can ask for the details in order to provide means and tools to design and deploy environment able to fulfil these two goals. We observed that occurred interactions...

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  • Knowledge risks - towards a taxonomy


    The paper aims to identify, describe and analyse knowledge risks organisations might face and based on this, proposes a taxonomy of knowledge risks. To achieve this goal, a literature review was conducted. After the analysis of the existing material, it was possible to divide knowledge risks into two categories: internal (originating from the inside of the organisation) and external (originating from the outside of the organisation)....

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  • Knowledge Flows in Cluster Organizations


    - Rok 2019

    This paper aims to identify knowledge flows in cluster organizations (COs). On the basis of a literature analysis on knowledge flows and cluster organizations, the following research question was formulated: What kind of knowledge flows can be identified in cluster organizations and what is their main characteristics? The paper is based on a literature analysis and Grounded Theory methodology, examining four purposefully selected...

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  • Knowledge Risks in the Sharing Economy


    - Rok 2018

    This chapter presents a theoretical analysis of potential risks connected with knowledge that organizations operating in the sharing economy might potentially face. Nowadays, it can be stated that an increasing amount of individuals and organizations participate in sharing and exchanging data, information, and knowledge, as well as physical goods and services (Botsman & Rogers, 2011). The development of the sharing economy has...

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  • Knowledge Risk Management in Organizations


    - Rok 2018

    Purpose – Shorter product life cycles, greater demands from consumers for sustainable and eco-friendly products and services, and thus the need for constant market observation make today’s business environment a rather complex one, the one that is characterized not only by a number of opportunities but also by a number of risks. These risks are increasingly related to knowledge which, in turn, underlines the need for an updated...

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  • Document centric knowledge processes


    - Rok 2022


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  • Managing Knowledge in the new society


    - Rok 2005

    Omiono cechy społeczeństwa informacyjnego. Na tle tych cech wyszczególniono najwazniejsze zagadnienia związane z zarządzaniem wiedzą w tym społeczeństwie.

  • Why set of experience knowledge structure can be considered a knowledge representattion for formal decision events?


    - Rok 2005

    Omówiono zasady reprezentacji wiedzy przy pomocy zbioru dośwadczeń. Uzasadniono wybór takiej reprezentacji na tle badańliteraturowych.

  • The Bridge to Knowledge – Open Access to Scientific Research Results on Multidisciplinary Open System Transferring Knowledge Platform


    The European policy of Open Access to scientific research is now one of the key issues discussed in public debates on the future development of scientific communication. The implementation of Open Access tools has significant impact on scientific and economic growth. On the one hand, Open Access accelerates disseminating new research findings and facilitates recognition of authors on a more global scale. On the other hand, Open...

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  • Hey student, are you sharing your knowledge? A cluster typology of knowledge sharing behaviours among students


    Knowledge Sharing (KS) is crucial for all organisations to better face current and future challenges. It is justifiable to assume that after graduation, students will have to face the coming challenges at societal and business levels, and that they will need the adequate KS skills to do so. Though the importance of KS is established, the understanding of how students pass on their knowledge is still fragmented and underdeveloped....

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    - Rok 2017

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • University of the future: a fractal oganization of knowledge


    - Rok 2007

    W opracowaniu przedstawiono wizję uniwersytetu przyszłości jako organizacji fraktalnej. Pokazano cechy wspólne organizacji fraktalnej i uniwersytetu ewoluującego w kierunku organizacji podporzadkowanej wiedzy.

  • Knowledge-based models of the organization transformation


    - Rok 2007

    W artykule omówiono zastosowanie modeli opartych na wiedzy do wspomagania transformacji organizacji. Organizacje wytwarzające systemy informatyczne mogą wykorzystywać modele oparte na wiedzy (do gromadzenia danych o procesach transformacji i wspomagać te procesy) w procesach zmian zgodnych ze standardami CMMI. W artykule omówiono metody modelowania i wytwarzania takich baz jak również wskazano na ich przydatność dla zróżnicowanych...

  • Knowledge management in SMEs - theoretical considerations.


    - Rok 2010

    The purpose of this chapter is to present an analysis of knowledge management concept with regard to small and medium-sized enterprises. It is aimed to propose an overview for SMEs to apply this above-mentioned concept. This overview can be used by managers and owners of SMEs to introduce knowledge management into their organizational structures.

  • Controlled English Interface for Knowledge Bases

    This paper describes the approach to interface for OWL Knowledge Bases based on Controlled English that is transformed directly to OWL 2 expressions and back. Two possible modes enable usage of the interface to specify Terminology, World Description as well as Integrity Constrains. Knowledge Base then can be validated against the Integrity Constrains to enable its continuous validation.

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  • DBpedia As a Formal Knowledge Base – An Evaluation

    DBpedia is widely used by researchers as a mean of accessing Wikipedia in a standardized way. In this paper it is characterized from the point of view of questions answering system. Simple implementation of such system is also presented. The paper also characterizes alternatives to DBpedia in form of OpenCyc and YAGO knowledge bases. A comparison between DBpedia and those knowledge bases is presented.

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  • Developing sets of experience knowledge structure


    - Rok 2008

    W pracy omówiono zasady tworzenia opisu zwanego zbiorem doświadczeń tworzonego w celu reprezentacji wiedzy

  • Experience-based knowledge representation: Soeks



    Przedstawiono koncepcję i realizację reprezentacji wiedzy opartej na zbiorze doświadczeń z przeszłości.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Knowledge Views and their application in systems engineering


    - Rok 2011

    Wykorzystanie technologii Semantic Web, w szczególności baz wiedzy, w przemyśle informatycznym jest niewielkie. Jest to spowodowane między innymi dużym ryzykiem związanym z wdrażaniem nowych technologii i brakiem wiedzy na ich temat ze strony inżynierów oprogramowania. Aby zmniejszyć ryzyko związane z wdrażaniem baz wiedzy i zminimalizować nakład pracy inżynierów na zapoznanie się z nimi, w niniejszej pracy zaproponowano koncepcję...

  • A concept for comprehensive knowledge management system

    Przedstawiono kluczowe elementy koncepji uogólnionego modelu zarządzania wiedzą w oparciu o przepływy pracy w procesowym widzeniu organizacji.

  • A Knowledge base for intelligent information management


    W pracy przedstawiono zasady modelowania służącego do budowy bazy wiedzy prydatnej w podejmowani decyzji w otoczeniu charakteryzujacym sie duzym natężeniem informacji. Omówiono miękkie oraz twarde podejscie do takiego modelowania.

  • Intelligent information, knowledge, and technology management


    W pracy omówiono najnowsze kierunki badań związanych z inteligentnym podejściem do zarządzania wiedzą i technologiami.

  • A Comprehensive Investigation of Knowledge Management Publications


    - Rok 2021

    Recent trends in knowledge management (KM) have increasingly indicated a lack of agreement, integration and classification between different KM domains. As such, experts are inadequately equipped when attempting to classify KM into their specific areas that could effectively contribute to a technocratic approach behind the organizational strategy. This paper illustrates a method of classifying KM publications by using a scheme...

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  • Knowledge risks inherent in business sustainability


    Since the connection between business sustainability and knowledge risks has not been established in the literature so far, this paper provides a conceptual framework to demonstrate the possible impact of various knowledge risks on business sustainability and offers potential ways to manage and overcome these risks. The aim of this conceptual paper is to address two main questions: What are the potential effects of knowledge risks...

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  • Knowledge management in the IPv6 migration process

    There are many reasons to deploy IPv6 protocol with IPv4 address space depletion being the most obvious. Unfortunately, migration to IPv6 protocol seems slower than anticipated. To improve pace of the IPv6 deployment, authors of the article developed an application that supports the migration process. Its main purpose is to help less experienced network administrators to facilitate the migration process with a particular target...

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  • Emotions and Their Relation with Knowledge Risks in Organizations


    - Rok 2023

    The aim of this chapter is to analyze and present knowledge risks from the perspective of emotions. Every year, new studies are published, where novel aspects of knowledge management field are examined and tested. One of such aspects that is worth examination and exploration is the role of emotions (both positive and negative) experienced by employees and managers that can contribute to their behaviors concerning knowledge risks...

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  • Ernst Cassirer’s Idea of the Critique of Knowledge


    The article analyses systematically and historically the specific idea of transcenden-talism developed in the Marburg School of Neo-Kantianism. The unique line of the Marburg’s School interpretation of Kant’s critical philosophy consists in contrasting critical (relational) and dogmatic (substantial) understandings of basic philosophical concepts. This line is characteristic of the Marburg School...

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  • The impact of knowledge risk management on sustainability


    - Journal of Knowledge Management - Rok 2022

    Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of knowledge risk management (KRM) on organizational sustainability and the role of innovativeness and agility in this relationship. Methodology The study presents the results of a quantitative survey performed among 179 professionals from knowledge-intensive organizations dealing with knowledge risks and their management in organizations. Data included in this study are...

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  • Knowledge Risks Arising from Digitalization


    - Rok 2023

    Purpose - This conceptual paper aims to identify and analyse knowledge risks resulting from digitalization. Additionally, the paper tries to present factors influencing knowledge risks arising from digitalization and ways of handling them. Design/methodology/approach – The study is a continuation of the research by Durst and Zieba (2019) related to knowledge risks and their potential outcomes. This present study makes an update...

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  • Knowledge Risks in the COVID-19 Pandemic


    - Rok 2021

    This conceptual paper aims to identify, present, and analyse potential knowledge risks organizations face in external and dynamic crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Until only recently, many researchers and practitioners have perceived knowledge primarily as something positive. This view has changed recently with a growing number of studies highlighting risks related to knowledge. The on-going COVID-19 pandemic can be seen as an...

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  • Ernst Cassirer's Idea of the Critique of Knowledge


    Article is a systematic and historical presentation of a specific understanding of the idea of transcendentalism, developed in so called Marburg School of neo-Kantianism. Their unique line of interpretation of Kant’s critical philosophy which consisted in contrasting critical (relational) and dogmatic (substantial) understanding of basic philosophical concepts is characteristic, from one hand, of Marburg School of idealism and,...

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  • Adding Interpretability to Neural Knowledge DNA



    This paper proposes a novel approach that adds the interpretability to Neural Knowledge DNA (NK-DNA) via generating a decision tree. The NK-DNA is a promising knowledge representation approach for acquiring, storing, sharing, and reusing knowledge among machines and computing systems. We introduce the decision tree-based generative method for knowledge extraction and representation to make the NK-DNA more explainable. We examine...

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  • Towards context-semantic knowledge bases


    W artykule dyskutujemy zagadnienie projektowania kontekstowych baz wiedzy. W oparciu o tezę, że kontekstualizacja jest integralną części procesu konceptualizacji, przeprowadzamy rozszerzenie wybranych pojęć metody OntoClean tak, by choć częściowo uwzględniała ten fakt. Wprowadzamy także definicję ważnego pojęcia semantycznej kontekstowej bazy wiedzy i pokazujemy, że bazy zgodne z modelem SIM spełniają tę definicję.

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  • Knowledge management in SMEs – selected issues.


    - Rok 2014

    The success of a small or medium-size enterprise might be dependent on the way in which this company manages its knowledge. With limited access to other resources like land, capital or labor force, the access to knowledge and its effective application might become a source of competitive advantage for an SME. It is confirmed that organizations, which successfully implement the concept of knowledge management might achieve better...

  • Toward Human Chromosome Knowledge Engine



    Human chromosomes carry genetic information about our life. Chromosome classification is crucial for karyotype analysis. Existing chromosome classification methods do not take into account reasoning, such as: analyzing the relationship between variables, modeling uncertainty, and performing causal reasoning. In this paper, we introduce a knowledge engine for reasoning-based human chromosome classification that stores knowledge...

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  • Knowledge Management and Resilience in SMEs Sector


    - Rok 2024

    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of resilience in surviving major disruptions, such as pandemic or war. This problem is especially vital for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as they often lack both resources needed for survival during prolonged economic hardship and knowledge management (KM) practices which are useful for developing the necessary business resilience. Methodology: The paper uses...

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  • Knowledge economics and the demand for higher education


    This article suggests that the decreased demand for higher education in Poland is partially caused due to the changes in consumer preferences. The appearance of a cheap and highly accessible form of knowledge offered by the massive open online courses is presumed here to have an effect on the demand for formal higher education. This article proposes an additional perspective to the research on knowledge consumption, especially...

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  • Implementing the Knowledge Supply Chain System


    - Rok 2005

    Omówiono zasady konstrukcji łańcucha zaopatrzenia w wiedzę. Podano zasady implementacji łańcucha w rzeczywistych systemach zarządzania.

  • Journal of Knowledge Management


    ISSN: 1367-3270 , eISSN: 1758-7484

  • Statistical process control in software project management : a way to transfer single incident-related knowledge into organizational knowledge


    Zaproponowano statystyczne podejście do procesu kontroli zarządzania projektami informatycznymi. Przedstawiono sposób zamiany wiedzy incydentalnej na wiedzę organizacyjną.

  • Knowledge engineer – more than only technical position. The concept of knowledge engineering education at the Faculty of Management and Economics


    - Rok 2014

    Organizational learning means an effective knowledge management. Management is nothing more than the constant decision-making. Therefore organizational learning must be seen through the prism of decisions taken at all levels. Unfortunately decisions are never taken within comfortable conditions. Decision maker suffers from a lack of any support. There is often a problem with human resources having right skills, sometimes they do...

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  • Tacit knowledge awareness and sharing as a focal part of knowledge production, Polish-US view on IT, healthcare, and construction industry


    - Rok 2021

    In the knowledge economy era, knowledge production and dissemination are of key interest to individuals, organizations, and economies. Tacit knowledge results from experience, leading to innovation. The learning culture can facilitate the transformation of errors into experiences. This study explores whether mistake acceptance facilitates tacit knowledge awareness and sharing in the information technology, healthcare, and construction...

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  • Projekt UPGRID


    - Rok 2017

    Międzynarodowy projekt UPGRID realizowany jest w ramach programu Horyzont 2020 (H2020). Program ten to największy jak dotąd program Unii Europejskiej (UE) w zakresie badań naukowych i innowacji. W projekcie UPGRID uczestniczy 17 partnerów z 9 krajów EU. Głównym celem projektu UPGRID jest rozwój funkcjonalności, które służą integracji sieci nn oraz SN ze stroną konsumencką. W ramach projektu wybrane technologie Inteligentnych Sieci...



    ISSN: 1384-5810 , eISSN: 1573-756X

  • Global Knowledge Memory and Communication


    ISSN: 2514-9342 , eISSN: 2514-9350

  • International Journal of Knowledge and Learning


    ISSN: 1741-1009 , eISSN: 1741-1017

  • International Journal of Nursing Knowledge


    ISSN: 2047-3087 , eISSN: 2047-3095

  • International Journal of Knowledge Engineering


    ISSN: 0976-5816

  • International Journal of Knowledge Management


    ISSN: 1548-0666 , eISSN: 1548-0658

  • Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge


    ISSN: 0972-5938 , eISSN: 0975-1068