Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SIMULATION STUDY
Artificjal environment for simulation of emergent behaviour
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono opracowane środowisko dla modelowania zjawisk, w których współdziałanie wielu prostych jednostek prowadzi do powstawania złozonych struktur. Sposób oddziaływania jednostki zawarty jest w jej strukturze, która interpretowana jest poprzez specjalnie zdefiniowany język podobny do Prologu.
Virtual instruments for stroboscopic effects simulation
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono korzyści wynikające z wykorzystania edukacyjnych przyrządów wirtualnych w nauczaniu metrologii. Jako przykład pokazano przyrządy wirtualne umożliwiające zasymulowanie efektu stroboskopowego, m.in. do analizy działania częstościomierza rezonansowego.
Programmatic Simulation of Laser Scanning Products
PublikacjaThe technology of laser scanning is widely used for producing three-dimensional digital representations of geographic features. The measurement results are usually available in the form of 3D point clouds, which are often used as a transitional data model in various remote sensing applications. Unfortunately, while the costs of Light Detection And Ranging scanners have dropped significantly in recent years, they are still considered...
Simulation of the IT Service and Project Management Environment
PublikacjaThe authors of this paper present a simulation of the socio-technical system in which teams of students – regarded as low-maturity organizations – were given a task to utilize the (relatively) mature technologies that support IT project and service management. The experiment consisted of the following phases: teams formation, introduction to technologies used during the simulation, performing a set of reactive and proactive service...
PublikacjaGrowing demands of information society concerned with sophisticated applications could be satisfied by ASON/GMPLS architecture comprehended as Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON) with Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS). The ASON/GMPLS proposition represents the future direction of Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture. Therefore considerable work has to be done to examine this solution. In this aspect...
Grand Challenges on the Theory of Modeling and Simulation
PublikacjaModeling & Simulation (M&S) is used in many different fields and has made many significant contributions. As a field in its own right, there have been many advances in methodologies and technologies. In 2002 a workshop was held in Dagstuhl, Germany, to reflect on the grand challenges facing M&S. Ten years on, a series of M& S Grand Challenge activities are marking a decade of progress and are providing an opportunity to reflect...
PublikacjaThe analyses of hydroacoustics are of high interest at the moment due to strong impact of hydroacoustic phenomena on marine environment; the noises, generated e.g. by marine traffic, may be harmful for sea life. The analyses presented here are focused on one of main sources of noises generated by ships, i.e. cavitating propeller. The goal of the work is the assessment of the cavitation phenomenon, carried out with the standard...
Numerical simulation of hardening of concrete plate
PublikacjaThe paper presents a theoretical formulation of concrete curing in order to predict temperature evolution and strength development. The model of heat flow is based on a well-known Fourier equation. The numerical solution is implemented by means of the Finite Difference Method. In order to verify the model, the in situ temperature measurements at the top plate of a road bridge were carried out. A high agreement between numerical...
Towards Scalable Simulation of Federated Learning
PublikacjaFederated learning (FL) allows to train models on decentralized data while maintaining data privacy, which unlocks the availability of large and diverse datasets for many practical applications. The ongoing development of aggregation algorithms, distribution architectures and software implementations aims for enabling federated setups employing thousands of distributed devices, selected from millions. Since the availability of...
Simulation of fracture process in fibrous concrete
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia wyniki modelowania procesu zarysowania w elementach betonowych zawierające stalowe włókna przy zastosowaniu dyskretnego modelu kratownicowego. Beton był modelowany na poziomie mezoskali z uwzględnieniem 5 faz: kruszywa, zaczynu cementowego, włókien i obu stref kontaktu. Obliczenia wykonano dla jednoosiowego ściskania oraz jednoosiowego rozciągania.
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to study the dynamics of Dengue disease model using a novel piecewise derivative approach in the sense of singular and non-singular kernels. The singular kernel operator is in the sense of Caputo, whereas the non-singular kernel operator is the Atangana–Baleanu Caputo operator. The existence and uniqueness of a solution with piecewise derivative are examined for the aforementioned problem. The suggested...
Study of prototype multi-pole non-salient field winding for high speed brushless synchronous generator
PublikacjaIn this paper a non-salient field winding for a brushless synchronous generator working with high speed in an autonomous energy generation system (e.g. airplane power grid) has been presented. A conception of a six-pole cylindrical-rotor with distributed field winding has been proposed. Comparison study of salient and prototype non-salient field winding has been carried out. Chosen simulation and measurement results of the generator...
Simulation model for resource-constrained construction project
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Modeling and Simulation Method of Precision Grinding Processes
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Numerical Simulation of Duplex Steel Multipass Welding
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Simulation of Flow and Pressure Loss in the Example of the Elbow
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Molecular dynamics simulation of polymerization of p-xylylene
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Simulation of water turbine integrated with electrical generator
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Modeling and simulation of thin-walled beams and frames
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono koncepcję zastosowania superelementów węzłowych do modelowania połączeń słupów i rygli ram zbudowanych z prętów cienkościennych oraz stężeń konstrukcyjnych w belkach cienkościennych. Przeprowadzono analizę pracy ramy stalowej zbudowanej z prętów cienkościennych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem problemu przekazywania bimomentu poprzez węzeł takiej ramy.
Simulation of compensator of magnetic interference caused by an aircraft .
PublikacjaW badaniach geologicznych Ziemi wykorzystuje się m.in. metodę magnetometryczną. Metoda ta polega na pomiarze indukcji magnetycznej na badanym obszarze. Na podstawie rozkładu pola magnetycznego można zlokalizować różnego rodzaje złoża mineralne. Poszukiwania geologiczne wykonywane są na dużych obszarach z wykorzystaniem samolotu. Samolot w swoim otoczeniu zniekształca pole magnetyczne, dlatego też system pomiarowy musi zawierać...
Stepwise development of distributed interactive simulation systems.
PublikacjaMetoda krokowa pozwala na budowanie wydajnych i skalowalnych systemów symu-lacji rozproszonej obiektów rzeczywistych jak np. pojazdy terenowe, samocho-dy i śmigłowce. Dzięki uwzględnianiu parametrów operacyjnych oraz parametrównarzędzi wizualizacyjnych możliwe jest znaczne ograniczenie liczby komunika-tów przesyłanych między obiektami.
Information management enhancement with simulation: case studies.
PublikacjaW rozdziale omówiono rolę symulacji w procesach zarządzania wiedzą i informacją, wskazując na jej znaczenie jako podstawowego narzędzia w tym obszarze.Przybliżono wybraną platformę symulacyjną opartą na systemie Visual SLAM.
Information management. Modelling, analysis and simulation persepctive.
PublikacjaW książce poruszono zagadnienia związane z zarządzaniem informacją w społączeństwie informacyjnym. Szczególny nacisk położono na metody wspomagania przepływów informacji w systemach złożonych.
Simulation of wood structure geometry after machining
PublikacjaW niniejszym artykule została przedstawiona nowa metoda trójwymiarowych symulacji geometrii powierzchni drewna. Zaprezentowano wpływ parametrów obróbkowych oraz drgań podczas strugania obrotowego drewna. Chropowatość powierzchni była charakteryzowana poprzez parametry profilu chropowatości Ra oraz Rz. Posuw na ostrze oraz średnica narzędzia są najbardziej wpływającymi czynnikami na wielkość nierówności podczas maszynowej obróbki...
The particle method for simulation of self-organization phenomena
PublikacjaThe aim of the work was to design, implement, and use, in a number of experiments, an abstract software environment (an artificial world)suitable for modelling systems consisting of many moving and interactingobjects distributed in space. The environment, named DigiHive, is directed towards modeling of complex systems manifested by processes of self-organization, self-reproduction and self modifications. The environment is mainly...
Degradation of a nano-cutting tool: an MD simulation
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki symulacji wielokrotnego oddziaływania realistycznie ukształtowanego ostrza tnącego z modelowym, nieskończenie twardym ziarnem, przy zastosowaniu metody dynamiki molekularnej. Ostrze składało się z kilkuset tysięcy atomów metalu fcc, traktowanego za pomocą potencjału Suttona-Chena, przesuwane było ze stałą prędkością 20 m/s. Obserwowane deformacje plastyczne pojawiające się na skutek kontaktu ostrza...
Numerical simulation of energy buoy motion in wave
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono opis numerycznej metody modelowania ruchu boi energetycznej na fali. Wyniki obliczeń porównano z wynikami otrzymanymi z badań modelowych przeprowadzonych w basenie hydromechanicznym.
Identification and simulation of shells geometric initial imperfection
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono stochastyczną analizę stalowych zbiorników walcowych ze wstępnymi imperfekcjami geometrycznymi. Imperfekcje opisano za pomocą jednorodnych pól losowych.
Advanced Potential Energy Surfaces for Molecular Simulation
PublikacjaAdvanced potential energy surfaces are defined as theoretical models that explicitly include many-body effects that transcend the standard fixed-charge, pairwise-additive paradigm typically used in molecular simulation. However, several factors relating to their software implementation have precluded their widespread use in condensed-phase simulations: the computational cost of the theoretical models, a paucity of approximate models...
Numerical simulation of laminate composite specimens failure
PublikacjaThis work presents some numerical results concerning simulation of failure of laminate composite specimens. In the article two tests to determine ultimate strength in an orthotropic layer, are considered: tension (TT1) and compression (TC1) test. The outcome is compared with experimental data provided by [9,10].
Simulation-Driven Design of Microstrip Antenna Subarrays
PublikacjaA methodology for computationally efficient simulation-driven design of microstrip antenna subarrays is presented. Our approach takes into account the effect of the feed (e.g., a corporate network) on the subarray side lobe level and allows adjusting both radiation and reflection responses of the structure under design within a single automated process. This process is realized as surrogate-based optimization that produces designs...
Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of the Wavemaker in a Towing Tank
PublikacjaThe paper analyses the problem of experimental identification (frequency response), modelling and optimization of the towing tank wavemaker in the Scilab/Xcos environment. The experimental identification of the objects (the towing tank wavemaker placed in the hydrodynamic laboratory of the CTO S.A. Ship Design and Research Centre (CTO)) and the implementation of the models in the simulation environment, enable to perform: 1. tuning...
Simulation investigation of perovskite-based solar cells
PublikacjaThree models of thin-layer lead-halide perovskite solar cells with different electron-transport layers (TiO2,SnO2,ZnO) were investigatedby the simulation method. The perovskite layer thickness was optimized for all the systems. The analysis of the standard photovoltaic cell performanceparameters at various operating temperatures was performed. The best performance was achieved for the system with theSnO2conductive layer.
Web-based real-time simulation system
PublikacjaThe paper presents the development of a simulation system composed of a real-time plant simulator with real-time controller included in the software-in-the-loop structure using web-based communication. The client-server architecture build in a TCP/IP network environment was introduced, where the server is a computing unit for real-time high temporal resolution plant simulation (and optionally also as controllers' platform) and...
Modelling and simulation of GPU processing in the MERPSYS environment
PublikacjaIn this work, we evaluate an analytical GPU performance model based on Little's law, that expresses the kernel execution time in terms of latency bound, throughput bound, and achieved occupancy. We then combine it with the results of several research papers, introduce equations for data transfer time estimation, and finally incorporate it into the MERPSYS framework, which is a general-purpose simulator for parallel and distributed...
A novel hybrid adaptive framework for support vector machine-based reliability analysis: A comparative study
PublikacjaThis study presents an innovative hybrid Adaptive Support Vector Machine - Monte Carlo Simulation (ASVM-MCS) framework for reliability analysis in complex engineering structures. These structures often involve highly nonlinear implicit functions, making traditional gradient-based first or second order reliability algorithms and Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) time-consuming. The application of surrogate models has proven effective...
Study of the Operation of Synchronous Generator Voltage Regulator During the Creation of Post Blackout Start-up Path
PublikacjaThis paper presents the influence of automatic voltage regulator (AVR) of synchronous generator on the process of creation of post black-out start-up path. Two elements of AVR have a significant impact on this process: underexcitation limiter (UEL) and load compensation (LC). The authors present a theoretical investigation and simulation results that illustrate how the mentioned elements of AVR affect voltage levels in a power...
Application of advanced CFD simulations in seakeeping analysis of ships (case study)
PublikacjaThe novel design process of many types of ships needs estimation of seakeeping properties. Especially ships like Offshore Supply Vessels, Wind Farm Support Vessels, Research Vessels, ferries, military vessels, rescue vessels require extended analysis of ship behavior on rough sea. The main reason for improving ships operability in different sea conditions is need of rising efficiency of propulsion system, reducing hull added resistance,...
Design of battery charging system update for glider launcher
PublikacjaThis paper presents an innovative solution for increasing life of lead-acid batteries used in a glider launcher. The study is focused on upgrading a charging system instead of a costly full replacement of it. Based on literature review, the advanced three-stage charging profile was indicated. The new topology of the power converter was proposed and a simulation model was developed. A simulation study was performed which leads to...
Physical vapor deposition of thin gold film on crystalline silicon
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains supporting materials for the article entitled as "A novel method for realistically simulating the deposition of thin films from the gas phase and its application to study the growth of thin gold film on crystalline silicon" authored by S. Winczewski et al.
Parametric Study on a Performance of a Small Counter-Rotating Wind Turbine
PublikacjaA small Counter-Rotating Wind Turbine (CRWT) has been proposed and its performancehas been investigated numerically. Results of a parametric study have been presented in this paper.As parameters, the axial distance between rotors and a tip speed ratio of each rotor have been selected.Performance parameters have been compared with reference to a Single Rotor Wind Turbine (SRWT).Simulations were carried out with Computational Fluids...
Conditional simulation of spatiotemporal random fields of environmental contamination
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia metodę warunkowego modelowania przestrzenno-czasowych pól losowych w zagadnieniach środowiska naturalnego. Metoda ta może być wykorzystana do prognozy zanieczyszczenia w wybranych punktach w danym czasie na podstawie pomiarów wykonanych w innych miejscach i/lub w innym czasie. Analizę przeprowadzono na przykładzie zanieczyszczenia gruntu metalami ciężkimi.
Simulation of the conformational flexibility of the mycodextran under external forces
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Simulation of Force Spectroscopy Experiments on Galacturonic Acid Oligomers
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Computer simulation of induction heating system with series inverter
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Computer simulation of induction hardening of moving flat charge
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Selected aspects of heat recovery simulation in houseboat installations
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Modelling the set of earthworks machinery with the use of computer simulation
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Simulation of temperature field in cylindrical boiling heating section
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń cylindrycznej sekcji grzejnej. Biorąc pod uwagę geometrię i konstrukcję sekcji grzejnej zaprezentowano rozwiązania pola temperatury dla cylindrycznej sekcji grzejenej. W uzyskaniu rozwiązania posłużono się metodą elementów skończonych.
Modeling and Simulation of Electric Motors Using Lightweight Materials