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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: pipe-embedded structure
Brain Structure & Function
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Catalysis Structure & Reactivity
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Food Structure-Netherlands
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Journal of Social Structure
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Influence of controlled crystallization and SrF2 content on the structure and properties of Eu3+ doped phosphate glasses
Dane BadawczeThe attached data contains the results of measurements of phosphate glasses and glass-ceramics doped with Eu. On their basis, the new material was characterized and the influence of the SrF2 addition on the glass structure was determined. In addition, the influence of the SrF2 content and controlled crystallization on the luminescent properties of Eu3+...
IPNES - Interpreted Petri Net for Embedded Systems
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Knowledge management embedded in software engineering processes
PublikacjaW pracy omówiono systemy i narzędzia wspomagające wykrywanie wiedzy ukrytej w procesach związanych z wytwarzaniem skomplikowanych systemów oprogramowania
Knowledge management embedded in software engineering processes
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono model systemu pozyskiwania wiedzy zawartej w procesach inżynierii oprogramowania.
Graphene hydrogels with embedded metal nanopatricles as efficient catalysts in 4-nitrophenol reduction and methylene blue decolorization
PublikacjaSynthesis and characterization of the graphene hydrogels with three different metallic nanoparticles, that is Au, Ag and Cu, respectively is presented. Synthesized in a one-pot approach graphene hydrogels with embedded metallic nanoparticles were tested as heterogeneous catalysts in a model reaction of 4-nitrophenol reduction. The highest activity was obtained for graphene hydrogel with Cu NPs and additional reaction of methylene...
Experimental analysis of coefficients of local resistance on elbows in multilayer pipe systems
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Analysis of unsteady pipe flow using the modified finite element method
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono rozwiązanie równania przepływu nieustalonego zmodyfikowaną metodą elementów skończonych. Podejście to prowadzi do 6-punktowego schematu niejawnego z dwoma parametrami wagowymi. Analiza dokładności wykonana metodą równania zmodyfikowanego wykazała, że zaproponowany schemat zapewnia wyższą dokładność rozwiązania niż inne schematy. Porównanie wyników obliczeń z wynikami eksperymentu fizycznego wskazuje, że ich...
Influence of ducting geometry on working parameters of pipe type hydraulic turbines
PublikacjaMała energetyka wodna. Omówiono własności użytkowe - głównie, sprawność i adaptacyjność - uzyskiwane poprzez rozwiązania układów turbinowych stosowanych w obszarze zagospodarowywania piętrzeń niskospadowych. Wskazano przyczyny od których te własności zależą. Pokazano też przykład rozwiązania o pożądanych własnościach dla zagospodarowywania obiektów w mało atrakcyjnym ekonomicznie obszarze piętrzeń najniższych.
Arbutin: Isolation, X-ray structure and computional studies
PublikacjaArbutin, an active component originated from Serratula quinquefolia for skin-whitening use and treating skin related allergic inflammation, was characterized by microanalysis, FTIR, UV-Vis, multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, and single crystal X-ray diffraction method. The geometries of the studied compound were optimized in singlet states using the density functional theory (DFT) method with B3LYP functional. Electronic spectra were...
Wytwarzanie oprogramowania protokołu SIP dla urządzenia z systemem typu embedded w środowisku Linux
PublikacjaW pracy został zawarty opis procesu wytwarzania oprogramowania protokołu SIP dla potrzeb urządzenia z systemem typu embedded, którym był Abonencki Terminal Kablowy ATK DGT 7410. Na początku referatu przedstawiono obserwowane obecnie trendy rozwojowe w metodologii i sposobie wytwarzania oprogramowania wykorzystywanego w sieciach telekomunikacyjnych VoIP. Następnie przedstawiono krótki opis urządzenia ATK i podano uproszczony algorytm...
A general isogeometric finite element formulation for rotation‐free shells with in‐plane bending of embedded fibers
PublikacjaThis article presents a general, nonlinear isogeometric finite element formulation for rotation-free shells with embedded fibers that captures anisotropy in stretching, shearing, twisting, and bending - both in-plane and out-of-plane. These capabilities allow for the simulation of large sheets of heterogeneous and fibrous materials either with or without matrix, such as textiles, composites, and pantographic structures. The work...
From Functional Requirements through Test Evaluation Design to Automatic Test Data Retrieval – a Concept for Testing of Software Dedicated for Hybrid Embedded Systems
PublikacjaFrom Functional Requirements through Test Evaluation Design to Automatic Test Data Retrieval – a Concept for Testing of Software Dedicated for Hybrid Embedded Systems
Embedded system using Bluetooth Low Energy sensors for smart farming applications
PublikacjaThe main goal of this Bachelor of Engineering project titled Embedded system using Bluetooth Low Energy sensors for smart farming applications is to create a prototype of a system consistent with Agriculture 4.0 concept using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. Developed solution shall be easy in implementation and its main functionality shall be periodic gathering of data from environmental sensors...
Preferred Benchmarking Criteria for Systematic Taxonomy of Embedded Platforms (STEP) in Human System Interaction Systems
PublikacjaThe rate of progress in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) has significantly increased over the past ten years and continues to accelerate. Since then, AI has made the leap from research case studies to real production ready applications. The significance of this growth cannot be undermined as it catalyzed the very nature of computing. Conventional platforms struggle to achieve greater performance...
Efficient Luminescence from CsPbBr3 Nanoparticles Embedded in Cs4PbBr6
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Assessment of DPPC Liposome Disruption by Embedded Tocopheryl Malonate
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Low-Cost Embedded Control System for Environmental Monitoring
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Decisional DNA based embedded systems: a new perspective
PublikacjaOmówiono nowe kierunki i perspektywy badań w zakresie systemów podporządkowanych opartych na decyzyjnym DNA.
Model-Based Testing of Embedded Systems in the Automotive Domain
Performance Analysis of Convolutional Neural Networks on Embedded Systems
PublikacjaMachine learning is no longer confined to cloud and high-end server systems and has been successfully deployed on devices that are part of Internet of Things. This paper presents the analysis of performance of convolutional neural networks deployed on an ARM microcontroller. Inference time is measured for different core frequencies, with and without DSP instructions and disabled access to cache. Networks use both real-valued and...
A magnetic imprinted polymer nano-adsorbent with embedded quantum dots and mesoporous carbon for the microextraction of triazine herbicides
PublikacjaA magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer (MMIP) adsorbent incorporating amino-functionalized magnetite nanoparticles, nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots and mesoporous carbon (MIP@MPC@NGQDs@ Fe3O4–NH2) was fabricated to extract triazine herbicides from fruit juice. The embedded magnetite nanoparticles simplified the isolation of the adsorbent from the sample solution. The N-GQDs and MPC enhanced adsorption by affinity binding...
Multi-core processing system for real-time image processing in embedded computer vision applications
PublikacjaW artykule opisano architekturę wielordzeniowego programowalnego systemu do przetwarzania obrazów w czasie rzeczywistym. Dane obrazu są przetwarzane równocześnie przez wszystkie procesory. System umożliwia niskopoziomowe przetwarzanie obrazów,np. odejmowanie tła, wykrywanie obiektów ruchomych, transformacje geometryczne, indeksowanie wykrytych obiektów, ocena ich kształtu oraz podstawowa analiza trajektorii ruchu. Ang:This paper...
Application of the X-ray micro computed tomography to the analysis of the structure of polymeric materials
PublikacjaIn this paper the application of X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) as a non-destructive testing method of polymeric materials is presented. Increasing applicability of polymers in variedend-use industries such as automotive, building and construction, consumer goods, and packaging is propelling the growth of the global polymer processing market. However, controlling of the polymer structure is one of the most important...
Nano-structured Pt embedded in the acidic salts of heteropolymolybdate matrices: MS XAFS study
PublikacjaMultiple-scattering extended X-ray absorption fine structure (MS EXAFS) study combined with TEM and XRD analysis of a novel Pt-based catalyst operating at low temperature fuel cells (FCs) is presented. Innovation in the case of the considered catalyst resides in the use of a porous inorganic matrix of acidic heteropolymolybdate salts as a catalyst support. Obtained results show the relation between the matrix composition and the...
Soil-structure interaction effects on modal parameters of office buildings with different number of stories
PublikacjaThe paper summarizes the results of a numerical investigation designed to study the soil-structure interaction effects on modal parameters of three office buildings. The reinforced-concrete 4-storey, 8-storey, and 12-storey office buildings, each with additional two levels of embedded basements, represent low, medium, and high-rise structures, respectively. In order to conduct this research, detailed finite-element structure models...
Derivation of Executable Test Models From Embedded System Models using Model Driven Architecture Artefacts - Automotive Domain
PublikacjaThe approach towards system engineering compliant to Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) implies an increased need for research on the automation of the model-based test generation. This applies especially to embedded real-time system development where safety critical requirements must be met by a system. The following paper presents a methodology to derive basic Simulink test models from Simulink system models so as to execute them...
International Journal of Advances in Embedded Systems
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International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems
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ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems
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Current Trends in Wick Structure Construction in Loop Heat Pipes Applications: A Review
PublikacjaThermal control systems have been introduced as an important part of electronic devices, enabling thermal management of their electronic components. Loop heat pipe (LHP) is a passive two-phase heat transfer device with significant potential for numerous applications, such as aerospace applications, high-power LEDs, and solar central receivers. Its advantages are high heat transfer capability, low thermal resistance, long-distance...
Synergistic effects of a swirl generator and MXene/ water nanofluids used in a heat exchanger pipe of a negative CO2 emission gas power plant
Publikacjafocus on optimizing heat exchangers contributes to improved temperature control mechanisms, ensuring the sustainable operation of innovative power plants working towards negative CO2 emissions. In the realm of oxy-combustion within Negative CO2 Emission Power Plants (nCO2PP), the temperature of combustion products surpasses 3000 (K). Addressing this challenge, the imperative arises to reduce these elevated temperatures to a manageable...
The effective elastic properties of human trabecular bone may be approximated using micro-finite element analyses of embedded volume elements.
PublikacjaBoundary conditions (BCs) and sample size affect the measured elastic properties of cancellous bone. Samples too small to be representative appear stiffer under kinematic uniform BCs (KUBCs) than under periodicity-compatible mixed uniform BCs (PMUBCs). To avoid those effects, we propose to determine the effective properties of trabecular bone using an embedded configuration. Cubic samples of various sizes (2.63, 5.29, 7.96, 10.58...
Electromagnetic properties of a dielectric slab with an embedded silver nanowire grating
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Electromagnetic characterization of a silver nanowire grating embedded into a dielectric slab
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Structural studies of bismuth nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 or GeO2 matrices.
PublikacjaW wyniku wygrzewania w atmosferze wodoru szkieł bizmutowych i germanowych otrzymano warstwę nanogranul bizmutu w otoczeniu amorficznej matrycy oraz powierzchniową warstwę bizmutowych granul. Grubość i struktura tak otrzymanych warstw silnie zależy od czasu i temperatury redukcji.
Deterioration and Protection of Concrete Elements Embedded in Contaminated Soil: A Review
PublikacjaCoating materials are considered one of the most antique materials of human civilization; they have been used for decoration and the protection of surfaces for millennia. Concrete structures—due to their permanent exposure to different types of environments and contaminants—require the use of coatings that contribute to its preservation by reducing the corrosion of its components (steel and aggregates). This article intends to...
Effects of Welded Pipe-cutting on the Residual Stress Re-Distribution and Engineering Critical Assessment
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Janusz Kozak prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyDr hab. inż. Janusz Kozak Dziekan Wydziału Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa Politechniki Gdańskiej Urodzony: 04.07.1953 w Pucku Absolwent Technikum Budowy Okrętów „Conradinum” w Gdańsku, 1973. Absolwent Instytutu Okrętowego PG, 1978. Po ukończeniu studiów praca w Stoczni Gdynia, a od roku 1980 w Katedrze Technologii Okrętów Instytutu Okrętowego a później Wydziału Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa Politechniki Gdańskiej kolejno na...
SnO2 nanoparticles embedded onto MoS2 nanoflakes - An efficient catalyst for photodegradation of methylene blue and photoreduction of hexavalent chromium
PublikacjaIn this work, a molybdenum disulfide/tin oxide (MoS2/SnO2) composite was successfully prepared via a hydrothermal method. The MoS2/SnO2 composite was used as a photocatalyst for photoreduction of hexavalent chromium and photodecomposition of methylene blue. It exhibited higher photocatalytic performance under simulated solar light irradiation than MoS2 itself. The obtained material was characterized by several spectroscopic and...
Electronic structure of intertwined kagome, honeycomb, and triangular sublattices of the intermetallics MCo2Al9 ( M = Sr, Ba)
PublikacjaIntermetallics are an important playground to stabilize a large variety of physical phenomena, arising from their complex crystal structure. The ease of their chemical tunabilty makes them suitable platforms to realize targeted electronic properties starting from the symmetries hidden in their unit cell. Here, we investigate the family of the recently discovered intermetallics MCo2Al9 (M=Sr, Ba) and we unveil their electronic structure....
Assessment of Toxicity Associated with Inhalation of Potentially Toxic Elements Present in Combustible Tobacco Products: Cigars, Pipe Tobacco, Bidis and Cigarettes - an Evaluation of Risk Assessment Issues
PublikacjaSmoking-related diseases represent a substantial global health challenge, particularly given the direct inhalation of smoke into the vulnerable respiratory system. This method of consumption presents a challenge in classifying smoking in terms of exposure to toxins, in comparison to other forms of environmental contamination, such as food or air pollution. Combustible tobacco products (CTPs), including cigars, pipe tobaccos, bidis,...
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Motion equations of the dynamic theory of consolidation from the point of view of the theory of transient pipe flows