Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: student - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: student

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: student

  • Stworzenie systemu wsparcia emocjonalnego studentów zagranicznych studiujących na Politechnice Gdańskiej


    Kierownik projektu: mgr Marta Wojcieszenko   Program finansujący: Programy NAWA

    Projekt realizowany w Centrum Współpracy Międzynarodowej

  • Kompetencje siłą napędową sukcesu studentów Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej


    Kierownik projektu: dr Justyna Kujawska   Program finansujący: Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój

    Projekt realizowany w Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii zgodnie z porozumieniem POWR.03.01.00-00-K304-16 z dnia 2017-02-22

  • Formula SAE Michigan 2020 Rozwój potencjału naukowego studentów Politechniki Gdańskiej oraz start w zawodach inżynierskich Formula SAE Michigan 2020


    Kierownik projektu: dr inż. Adam Dąbrowski   Program finansujący: Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój

    Projekt realizowany w Katedra Mechaniki i Mechatroniki zgodnie z porozumieniem MNiSW/2020/162/DIR/NN4 z dnia 2020-03-13

  • Zespół Teleinformatyki

    Zespoły Badawcze

    Działalność dydaktyczna katedry związana jest z teorią informacji, metodami probabilistycznymi, statystyką matematyczną oraz szeroką gamą przedmiotów z obszaru organizacji pracy , oceny wydajności, zarządzania i projektowania sieci komputerowych. Katedra prowadzi w tym obszarze specjalność Sieci Komputerowe - oferowaną dla studentów kierunku Informatyka.* projektowania i oceny efektywności przewodowych i bezprzewodowych sieci LAN,...

  • Zespół Sieci Teleinformacyjnych

    Dzisiejsza telekomunikacja przechodzi bardzo szybkie i radykalne zmiany wynikające nie tylko z szybkiego postępu technologicznego ale też z potrzeb społeczeństwa informacyjnego. Informacja stała się dobrem, które ma istotny wpływ na kierunek i szybkość zmian kulturowych i materialnych w globalizującym się świecie. Zatem wyzwania, jakie stoją przed telekomunikacją, a tym samym wobec każdego, kto zajmuje się i planuje działać w tym...

  • Aleksandra Parteka dr hab. inż.

    About me: I am an associate professor and head of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology (GdanskTech, Poland).  I got my MSc degree in Economics from Gdansk University of Technology (2003) and Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche (2005), as well as MA degree in Contemporary European Studies from Sussex University (2006, with distinction).  I received my PhD in Economics...

  • Mariusz Szkoda dr inż.

    Mariusz Szkoda urodził się w 1990 roku w Pieniężnie (woj. Warmińsko-Mazurskie), a II LO im. Feliksa Nowowiejskiego ukończył w Braniewie. Studia odbył w latach 2009–2014 na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej (kierunek: Technologie ochrony środowiska, Złota Odznaka Absolwenta). Poza statusem doktoranta, mgr inż. Mariusz Szkoda od października 2017 r. jest także asystentem na Wydziale Chemicznym, a od 2014 roku współpracuje...

  • Marek Turzyński dr hab. inż.

  • Arsalan Muhammad Soomar Doctoral Student


    Hi, I'm Arsalan Muhammad Soomar, an Electrical Engineer. I received my Master's and Bachelor's Degree in the field of Electrical Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.  Currently enrolled as a Doctoral student at the Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland. Also worked in Yellowlite. INC, Ohio  as a Solar Design Engineer.   HEADLINE Currently Enrolled as a Doctoral...

  • Theory vs. practice. Searching for a path of practical education

    The introduction of a three-tier model of higher education (the Bologna model) has led to considerable changes in the 1st- and 2nd-tier technical courses at universities. At present, a student with a bachelor’s degree can be employed in his / her profession after completing only 7 semesters of study. A search is under way for methods of combining theoretical knowledge taught at universities with practical knowledge gained afterwards....

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  • Barbara Klaudel


  • Ways to promote and increase the level of quality at private universities in Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    To exist and develop, universities must first of all have someone to educate. With considerable market competition, they must undertake intense marketing activities to reach the client, i.e. the potential student. Moreover, such activities are the main goals of non-public universities and are taken into account when building a strategy. Research shows...

  • Bohdan Pakhaliuk PhD student

    Bohdan Pakhaliuk received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in industrial electonics from Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine, in 2016 and 2018 respectively. He is PhD student of double postgraduate study, in Gdansk University of Technology and Chernihiv National University of Technology. He is junior researcher of the Department of Biomedical Radioelectronics Apparatus and Systems, Chernihiv National University...



    Mentor&Student Research Lab is a common initiative of the members of Gdańsk University of Technology student research club, Urban Revolution Laboratory LEM-ur and International Society of City and Regional Planners ISOCARP. The aim of the event was to promote collaboration of professionals and the student in the area of research on the city and the region. During three months' Workshop five groups leaded by ISOCARP Mentors performed...

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  • Muhammad Jamshed Abbass Phd in Electrical Engineering


    Muhammad Jamshed Abbass received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Riphah International University, Islamabad. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland. His research interests include machine learning, voltage stability within power systems, control design, analysis, the modeling of electrical power systems, the integration of numerous decentralized...

  • Vipin Kumar Oad mgr. inż.


    Vipin Kumar Oad has a Master of Science Degree in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Agriculture. During his MS studies, he achieved an opportunity to visit the United States of America and study one semester at The University of Utah, USA. Currently, he's pursuing his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and Transport at the Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland. His research interests...

  • Education at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology


    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is one of the largest departments of the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), currently educating about 3 000 student. Lectures are conducted in five Chairs, which include 18 Divisions. In 2000 GUT introduced the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). Each student should get during one academic year 60 ECTS points. Obtaining a diploma of BEng requires the acquisition of no less...

  • Education at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology


    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is one of the largest departments of the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), currently educating about 3 000 student. Lectures are conducted in five Chairs, which include 18 Divisions. In 2000 GUT introduced the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). Each student should get during one academic year 60 ECTS points. Obtaining a diploma of BEng requires the acquisition of no less...

  • Artur Gańcza mgr inż.

    I received the M.Sc. degree from the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), Gdańsk, Poland, in 2019. I am currently a Ph.D. student at GUT, with the Department of Automatic Control, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics. My professional interests include speech recognition, system identification, adaptive signal processing and linear algebra.

  • Wojtek Marciniak Student


  • Rozwijanie kreatywności ucznia w procesie kształtowania umiejętności językowych. Innowacja pedagogiczna z elementami neurodydaktyki w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej


    This text is a ready-to-use pedagogical innovation program combining teaching English and classes developing creativity in early childhood education. Classes developing creativity are a unique opportunity to implement innovative solutions and ideas to develop language competencies and key competencies, which can be difficult during a standard English lesson. The...


    This article presents one possibility to employ Moodle, the free e-Leaning platform, to organize learning understood as a process. Behavioral approach and application to massive courses are assumed. A case study is presented, where the introduction of Moodle resulted in better student performance in homework

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  • Development of Education Tomorrow’s Engineers at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in GUT


    Paper presents educational activity of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is one of the largest departments of the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), currently educating about 3 000 student. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering offers studies in different areas: Mechanical Engineering, Medical and Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechatronic,...



    - Rok 2016

    Apart from education process based on the curricular activities, the whole set of co-curricular activities (CCAs) can help students to develope both expert knowledge and social skills. These activities are separated from academic course, sometimes placed outside of school or after regular school hours. Co-curricular activities such as students' scientific circles, workshops, conferences or festivals of science, publication, honor...

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  • Evaluation of affective intervention process in development of affect-aware educational video games


    - Rok 2016

    In this paper initial experiences are presented on implementing specific methodology of affective intervention design (AFFINT) for development of affect-aware educational video games. In the described experiment, 10 student teams are to develop affect-aware educational video games using AFFINT to formalize the whole process. Although all projects are still in progress, first observations and conclusions may already be presented.

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  • Studia podyplomowe dla nauczycieli przez Internet na przykładzie Gdańska i Warszawy


    - Rok 2003

    W artykule przedstawiono studia podyplomowe dla nauczycieli przez Internet realizowane przez Politechnikę Gdańską w ramach współpracy Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki oraz Centrum Edukacji Niestacjonarnej. Zaproponowano model kształcenia zintegrowanego, który pozwala na lepsze wykorzystanie materiałów pomocniczych (biblioteki zasobów, linki, testy kontrolne, przykładowe prace dyplomowe z lat poprzednich) oraz...

  • Estimation of the uncertainty of the AC/AC transducer output voltage

    The paper presents a methodology for estimating uncertainty of voltage transducers processing function, on the example of CYVS411D07 voltage transducers. The analysis was conducted using the method based on the GUM Guide propagation of uncertainty law and the determination of the coverage factor based on the effective number of degrees of freedom (t-Student distribution). The paper also presents example evaluation results of measured...

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  • Tutoring - dlaczego edukacja spersonalizowana ma sens

    W artykule autorki przedstawiają koncepcję tutoringu akademickiego. Ostatnie lata przyniosły wzmożone zainteresowanie nowymi formami pracy z uczniem. Wielu specjalistów z zakresu edukacji twierdzi, że osiąganie wysokich rezultatów jest możliwe, ale wymaga zindywidualizowanej pracy z drugą osobą. Tutoring wpisuje się właśnie w ten nurt zindywidualizowanej pracy i relacji mistrz - student.

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  • Primum non necere, czyli jak uczyć, żeby nie szkodzić

    Niezbędna dla projektanta znajomość teorii kompozycji, stylów, kierunków,mód architektonicznych musi stanowić element wspomagający wciąż kształconą i pielęgnowana wrażliwość i umiejętność ekspresyjnego wyrażania emocji, przy użyciu form przestrzennych. Każdy student jest jedynym właścicielem i dysponentem swojej osobowości. To ona określa wrażliwość, ustala granice prywatności, rządzi emocjami i kreuje sposób ekspresji.

  • System ewidencji wspomagający pracę dziekanatu bazujący na środowisku DELPHI i SQL.

    Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia projekt systemu bazy danych na przykładzie aplikacji Student 2003'. Przedstawiono w nim m.in.: charakterystykę tworzenia oprogramowania w Delphi, funkcjonowanie aplikacji na serwerze Interbase, tworzenie bazy danych w języku SQL (tworzenie pliku bazy danych, tabel), tworzenie zapytań, procedur zapamiętanych, obsługę procedur zapamiętanych w Delphi, mechanizm transakcji.

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  • Konkursy studenckie jako narzędzie w określaniu potencjału rewitalizacyjnego miejskich terenów zdegradowanych.

    Zgodnie z zasadami prowadzenia działań rewitalizacyjnych określonych w ustawie o rewitalizacji obowiązującej od 9 października 2015 r. oraz horyzontalnych wytycznych w zakresie rewitalizacji w programach operacyjnych na lata 2014-2020 faza przygotowawcza procesu rewitalizacji powinna zawierać wielopłaszczyznowe analizy zakończone wnioskami aplikacyjnymi ujętymi w gminnych programach rewitalizacji obszarów zurbanizowanych. Artykuł...

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  • Moduł Warsztaty - narzędzie w procesie edukacji na uczelni wyższej


    Obecnie istnieje bardzo szeroka gama narzędzi informatycznych, które wspierają proces edukacji przy wykorzystaniu internetu na uczelniach wyższych. Wśród nieodpłatnych narzędzi powszechnie znana jest platforma Moodle. W artykule zaprezentowano jeden z jej modułów – Warsztaty. Przedstawiono jego funkcjonalność. Opisano jego zalety i wady w nauczaniu łączącym techniki online i tradycyjne na uczelni wyższej (blended-learning). W artykule...

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  • Changing Attitudes in Cross Cultural Diversity through International Senior Capstone Projects


    - Rok 2015

    In this global world, today’s engineer is likely to have to work in global international teams with colleagues from other nationalities. The challenge for many engineering curricula is how to include, in a realistic way, this global dimension and increase the student’s awareness of the issues that are encountered. In the Purdue University Engineering Technology program, an international capstone project was created to increase...

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  • Internet photogrammetry as a tool for e-learning


    - Rok 2015

    Along with Internet development, there were interactive applications which allow for remote sensing and photogrammetric analysis. An example of an application that can provide Earth images and make it possible to measure distances in these images is Google Earth. The authors, who have experience from 2001-2015 argue that it is possible and it is important to create more advanced photogrammetric network applications. In this there...

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  • Employing Blended E-Learning to Improve Rate of Assignments Handing-In


    - Rok 2011

    It has been observed that students hand in homework assignments at a notably low rate in introductory C programming course. A survey has revealed that the real issue was not student learning but instructor work organization. Based on survey results, the physical course has been complemented with an e-learning component to guide the homework process. Assignment handing-in rate significantly improved, as e-learning allowed the homework...

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  • Software Tools to Measure the Duplication of Information

    Data stored in average computer system usually is not unique, portions of stored data are duplicated. When duplicated data are stored in separate files containing source code of computer program of student homework, a possibility of cheating should be seriously considered. This paper presents software tools built, in order to detect re-use of pieces of code in supplied text files. Three aspects of information atching are considered:...

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    This article presents aspects of the cooperation between university and the company, on the example of Polish technical universities, which educate students, in the field of geodesy and cartography (among many others. Nowadays scientific development is one of the most important elements affecting the economy of the country. This involves continuous contact between the two parties, the business community and the scientific societies....

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  • Lessons learned during SRAD hybrid motor development

    Student Researched and Developed (SRAD) hybrid rocket motor H-15 with total impulse of 15 $kNs$ was built. First version of the engine has average thrust of 3 $kN$, the second, improved one is prepared with an aim to have average thrust of 5 $kN$. Engine development was started from scratch and went through phases of: definition of design assumptions and constraints, numerical modelling to predict engine performance, CAD and CAM...

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  • Team Roles and Team Performance in Small Virtual Software Teams

    The article presents the results of research on the composition of team roles conducted in 24 student software teams. An adaptation of M. Belbin’s model by B. Kożusznik was used. The model of team balance according to Belbin and Haaf is presented and correlations between team balance and team performance are analysed. Team performance is measured at three levels: result, satisfaction and team climate. The selected constellation...

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  • Introducing concurrent engineering to space and satellite technology undergraduate course


    - Rok 2018

    In recent decade concurrent engineering has become a de facto leading methodology of work in space, aeronautics and sometimes even automotive industry. It has been used in designing ESA space missions for 20 years now, with rst Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) built in ESTEC in 1998. Still, it has not become a universal standard in engineering, and universities are specically reluctant to adopt it into their curricula. As a result,...

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  • Aleksandra Nabożny dr inż.


  • The ancient formula of master-apprentice relevance in contemporary architecture education.

    The universalization of the methodology for determining the quality of European higher education exposes the aspect of supporting the student in the education process, which takes the form of tutoring or supervising - a modern form of ancient master-apprentice relationship. The 'master' in architectural education has lawful building qualification and is a member in national architect association - a sine qua non with respect to...

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  • Sustainable monument preservation in architectural education

    The aim of this article is both to present the need for changes in architectural and conservation education in a modern, rapidly changing world, as well as to outline solutions to this problem. In the modern world, the field of objects that one intends to protect is expanding. It is necessary to adapt the architectural education to these changes. Due to the current pace of social, political...

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  • Alicja Karaś mgr inż. arch.

  • Justyna Gołąbek mgr inż.



    The authors present a relatively easy way to extend the quality of education in professional studies (engineering) on major “Geodesy and Cartography”. They indicate the possibility to deepen students’ knowledge by using in the educational process proprietary software enriching education. The authors use their own experiences, results of the cooperation with employers, as well as the effects of scientific research to introduce...

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    The authors present a relatively easy way to extend the quality of education in professional studies (engineering) on major “Geodesy and Cartography”. They indicate the possibility to deepen students’ knowledge by using in the educational process proprietary software enriching education. The authors use their own experiences, results of the cooperation with employers, as well as the effects of scientific research to introduce into...

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  • Affect-awareness framework for intelligent tutoring systems


    - Rok 2013

    The paper proposes a framework for construction of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), that take into consideration student emotional states and make affective interventions. The paper provides definitions of `affect-aware systems' and `affective interventions' and describes the concept of the affect-awareness framework. The proposed framework separates emotion recognition from its definition, processing and making decisions on...

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  • Intelligent Autonomous Robot Supporting Small Pets in Domestic Environment

    In this contribution, we present preliminary results of the student project aimed at the development of an intelligent autonomous robot supporting small pets in a domestic environment. The main task of this robot is to protect a freely moving small pets against accidental stepping on them by home residents. For this purpose, we have developed the mobile robot which follows a pet and makes an alarm signal when a human is approaching....

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  • Zastosowanie AutoCAD Civil3D w nauczaniu projektowania dróg szynowych


    Na Wydziale Inźynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej od kilku lat głównym programem typu CAD wykorzystywanym w procesie kształcenia jest AutoCAD Civil 3D. Wersja edukacyjna tego programu jest zainstalowana w uczelnianych laboratoriach komputerowych, a studenci i pracownicy uczelni mogą go instalować na swoich komputerach w ramach programu Autodesk Student Engineering & Design Community. Jednak sposób rozwiązywania...