PublikacjaGoal of the present research was to apply a solid state reaction route to fabricate bismuth layer-structured multiferroic ceramics described with the formula Bi5FeTi3O15 and reveal the influence of processing conditions on its crystal structure and phase composition. Simple oxide powders Bi2O3, TiO2 and Fe2O3 were used to fabricate Aurivillius-type bismuth layer-structured ferroelectrics. Pressureless sintering in ambient air was...
Influence of dopants on structure of polycrystalline bismuth niobate
PublikacjaBismuth niobate (BiNbO4) has attracted attention as a low-fired ceramics with promising microwave application potential. BiNbO4 ceramics was fabricated by mixed oxide method and sintered at temperature T<1000˚C. As the sintering aids a small amount of CuO oxide was used. The crystalline structure of the ceramic samples was examined by X-ray diffraction method at room temperature. The Rietveld refinement method was used for analysis...
PublikacjaBismuth niobate (BiNbO4) ceramics were fabricated by mixed oxide method and sintered by presureless sintering method. BiNbO4 ceramics doped with V2O5 additive in amount 0.125 wt%, 0.250 wt% and 1 wt% of was sintered at T = 910°C whereas BiNbO4 ceramics doped with 2 wt% of CuO additive was sintered at T = 890°C and T = 910°C. It was found that V2O5 additive improved morphology of the ceramic samples. However, the chemical composition...
Fabrication of La-Doped Bi4Ti3O12 Ceramics
PublikacjaLa-modified Bi4Ti3O12 is a typical ferroelectric, piezoelectric and electro-optic material, having relatively low coercive field, low dielectric constant, high Curie temperature and high breakdown strength. Goal of the present research was to apply mixed oxide method for fabrication of BiTLax ceramics, study its chemical composition, crystalline structure and microstructure. The compound BiTLax for x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 ceramic...
The structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides measured with X-ray diffraction method
Dane BadawczeThe structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides was measured by XRD.
Synthesis and structure of Bi 5 FeTi 3 O 15 ceramics
PublikacjaAim of the present research was to fabricate and study crystal structure and phase composition of Bi5FeTi3O15 (BTFO) ceramics exhibiting Aurivillius - type structure. By means of simultaneous thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis the process of synthesis of BTFO ceramics has been studied. Mixed oxide method followed by pressureless sintering was used for ceramics preparation. Three endothermic thermal effects have been...
Dielectric Spectroscopy Studies and Modelling of Piezoelectric Properties of Multiferroic Ceramics
PublikacjaCompounds and solid solutions of bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3)—barium titanate (BaTiO3) system are of great scientific and engineering interest as multiferroic and potential high-temperature lead-free piezoelectric materials. In the present paper, the results of research on the synthesis and characterisation of 0.67Bi1.02FeO3–0.33BaTiO3 (67BFBT) ceramics in terms of crystal structure and dielectric and piezoelectric properties are reported....
Fabrication of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 Ceramics by Mixed Oxide Method
PublikacjaIn the present study Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 (BFTO) ceramics has been fabricated by solid state reaction from the mixture of simple oxides viz. Bi2O3, TiO2 and Fe2O3. Stoichiometric mixture of the powders was thermally analyzed so parameters of the thermal treatment were determined. The EDS measurements have shown conservation of the chemical composition of the ceramic powder after calcination. Hot-pressing method was used for final densification...
Influence of processing conditions on crystal structure of BiNbO 4 ceramics
PublikacjaBismuth niobate (BiNbO4) has attracted attention as a low-fired ceramics with promising microwave application potential. It belongs to the bismutocolumbite oxides with similarly to scheelite-like stibiotantalite structure (SbTaO4) A3+B5+O4. Aim of the present research was to fabricate BiNbO4 ceramics by solid state reaction route from the mixture of simple oxides viz. Bi2O3, and Nb2O5, and study its phase composition as well as...
A study of the kinetics of bismuth telluride synthesis by an oxide reduction method
PublikacjaThe kinetics of a reduction of bismuth and tellurium oxides in a hydrogen atmosphere, leading to the formation of thermoelectric bismuth telluride is investigated. The evaluation of the reaction kinetics was based on a thermogravimetric analysis performed in non-isothermal conditions. A non-parametric analysis method and the Friedman method were used for the evaluation of the data. Additionally, for a better understanding of the...
Influence of Processing Conditions on Crystal Structure of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 Ceramics
PublikacjaAim of the present research was to apply a solid state reaction route to fabricate Aurivillius-type ceramics described with the formula Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 (BFTO) and reveal the influence of processing conditions on its crystal structure. Pressureless sintering in ambient air was employed and the sintering temperatures were 850 and 1080 °C. It was found that the fabricated BFTO ceramics were multiphase ones. They consisted of two Bim+1Fem-3Ti3O3m+3...
Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of borate-bismuth glasses and glass-ceramics doped with rare earth ions
PublikacjaIn a doctoral dissertation, new borate-bismuth glasses and glass-ceramics containing AlF3 and SrF2 were examined as potential hosts for RE3+ ions. Experimental studies were conducted to determine optimal conditions for synthesizing transparent borate-bismuth glasses and glass ceramics, with a focus on analyzing their structure and luminescence properties. The introduction of AlF3 into the glass matrix led to an increase in the...
Influence of Phase Composition on Dielectric Properties of Bismuth-Based Ceramics with Scheelite-Type Structure
PublikacjaGoal of the present research was to study dielectric properties of BiNbO4 ceramics fabricated by solid state reaction route followed with pressureless sintering. The samples were fabricated from the mixture of oxides, viz. Nb2O5 and Bi2O3. Apart from stoichiometric amount an excess of 3%, 5% and 10% by mole of Bi2O3 was used. It was found that an excess amount of Bi2O3 oxide caused formation of Bi5Nb3O15 minor phase in amount of...
Effect of hybrid modification by ceramic layer formation in MAO process and laser remelting on the structure of titanium bio-alloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublikacjaTo improve the biological properties of titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr, hybrid modifications involving micro-arc oxidation (MAO) and Nd: YAG laser remelting were carried out in two combinations. The first consisted of laser modification before the production of the ceramic layer by the micro-arc oxidation process, and the second combination involved Nd: YAG laser modification after the MAO process. The creation of developed surface...
Structure and electrical properties of Y, Fe-based perovskite mixed conducting composites fabricated by a modified polymer precursor method
PublikacjaIn this work, samples of Y0.07Sr0.93Ti1-xFexO3-d with 20, 40, 60 and 80 mol% of iron amount were prepared by a low-temperature polymer precursor method. The SEM-EDS analysis proved that analyzed Y0.07Sr0.93Ti1-xFexO3-d samples were composites of two Ti- and Fe-rich perovskite samples. This kind of composite consists of two phases in which one has a good ionic and the other electronic conductivity, which makes such a composite a...
Conformation-family Monte Carlo: A new method for crystal structure prediction
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The structure of vanadate glass-ceramics containing BaTiO3 measured with X-ray diffraction method
Dane BadawczeThe structure of vanadate glass-ceramics doped with BaTiO3 was measured by XRD. Samples of the composition of x[BaO,TiO2]–(80 − x)V2O5–20Bi2O3 where x = 5, 10 and 15 in mol% were prepared by a conventional melt quenching technique. The melting was performed in alumina crucibles at the temperature of 1273 K–1373 K. The melts were poured on a preheated...
The topography of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides measured with SEM method
Dane BadawczeThe topography of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides was measured by SEM.
Crystal Structure, Hydration, and Two-Fold/Single-Fold Diffusion Kinetics in Proton-Conducting Ba0.9La0.1Zr0.25Sn0.25In0.5O3−a Oxide
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The structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing nanocrystallites of Bi2VO5.5. measured with X-ray diffraction method
Dane BadawczeThe structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing Bi2VO5.5 nanocrystallites was measured by XRD.
Structure and thermoelectric properties of Bi–Te alloys obtained by novel method of oxide substrates reduction
PublikacjaA novel method of thermoelectric materials fabrication has been developed. Oxide reagents have been melted at high temperature in air, quenched, milled to powder and reduced in hydrogen to form Bi–Te alloys. Structural and thermoelectric properties of samples have been investigated depending on initial composition and temperature of reduction process. Sample 25Bi2O3–75TeO2 reduced at 340 °C for 10 h has been found to be a p-type...
Structure and optical parameters of Eu doped tellurium oxide thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering method
PublikacjaIn this work the structural properties and photoluminescence of tellurium dioxide thin films doped by europium were described. Thin films were deposited by magnetron sputtering method and simultaneously heated at 200 °C. Presence of Eu ions and their valence states was confirmed by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements. The structure of the films as well as the influence of europium dopant on crystalline structure of the...
Thickness and structure change of titanium (IV) oxide thin films synthesized by the sol–gel spin coating method
PublikacjaTitanium dioxide is a well-known material in nanotechnology, while it provides new opportunities due to its interesting properties, for example, as a semiconductor with a quite significant forbidden band gap energy of 3.2 eV. In this study, thin films of titanium dioxide (TiO2) were synthesized in amorphous and crystallographic systems using the sol–gel process. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction...
Thickness and structure change of titanium(IV) oxide thin films synthesized by the sol–gel spin coating method
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A study of the structure of mixed micellar solutions based on heptaethylene glycol monotetradecyl ether and sodium (lithium) dodecyl sulfate by the small-angle neutron scattering method
PublikacjaZbadano micelizację w układach mieszanych bazujących na nowym surfaktancie niejonowym, heptaoksyetylenowanym alkoholu tetradecylowym (C14E7) i surfaktantach anionowych, dodecylosiarczanie sodu, decylosiarcznie sodu oraz dodecylosiarcznie litu za pomocą metody niskokątowego rozproszenia neutronów.Przedstawione zostały wstępne wyniki zachowania wodnych roztworów C14E7 (o dwóch stężeniach 0,17 i 0,50%) przy niewielkim udziale trzech...
Thermal properties of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides measured with DSC method
Dane BadawczeThermal properties of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides was measured by DSC.
Fabrication and Study of BiNbO4 Ceramics
PublikacjaAim of the present research was to fabricate and study crystalline structure as well as dielectric properties of BiNbO4 ceramics. In the present study BiNbO4 ceramics was fabricated by solid state reaction from the mixture of simple oxides viz. Bi2O3, and Nb2O5. Stoichiometric mixture of the powders was thermally analyzed so parameters of the thermal treatment were determined. The EDS measurements proved conservation of the chemical...
Balanand Santhosh Ph.D.
OsobyDr. Balanand Santhosh, obtained his Ph.D. (cum laude) in Materials, Mechatronics and Systems engineering from the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, Italy. He is currently working as Research Assistant Professor at Gdansk Univerity of Technology, Poland. Formerly he was working as a post-doctoral researcher at University of Trento, Italy. His research expertise is mainly in the area of ceramic processing...
Tailoring of SiOC composition as a way to better performing anodes for Li-ion batteries
PublikacjaPolymer derived silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) ceramics are investigated as potential anodes for lithiumion batteries. Different SiOC ceramics are prepared by pyrolysis (1000 °C and 1400 °C under controlled argon atmosphere) of polysiloxanes ceramic precursors. Preceramic polymers are synthesized using the sol–gel method. Phenyltriethoxysilane (PhTES) and methyltriethoxysilane (MTES) have been used as starting precursors and mixed with...
Effect of Bi2O3 Excess on Morphology and Structure of BiNbO4 Ceramics
PublikacjaGoal of the present research was to fabricate BiNbO4 ceramics from the mixture of powders by the solid state reaction route and pressureless sintering at various temperatures (TS =8700C and TS =9100C) and study microstructure, phase composition and crystalline structure of BiNbO4 ceramics. Four batches were fabricated and examined, namely the one fabricated from the stoichiometric mixture of reagent – grade oxide powders, viz....
Evaluation of adhesive forces and the specific surface energy of zirconia stabilized by yttria with alumina additions ceramic by AFM method
PublikacjaThe adhesive forces and the specific surface energy of ceramic material surfaces are very important for further tribological and biomedical applications of ceramics. Partially stabilized zirconia (zirconium oxide) is popular for manufacturing various medical products. ZrO2 stabilized by Y2O3 with additions of 5 wt% alumina was produced by slip casting method with a subsequent sintering. Structure and chemical composition of ceramic...
Badanie właściwości czujników wilgotności na bazie nanocząstek tlenku cynku
PublikacjaW celu pomiaru wilgotności szeroko stosowane są czujniki elektryczne. Warstwą czynną, zmieniającą swoje właściwości pod wpływem pary wodnej, stanowią najczęściej materiały ceramiczne lub polimerowe. Tlenek cynku jest jednym z materiałów ceramicznych będących dobrym kandydatem do zastosowania go jako warstwy czynną w czujnikach wilgotności. W tej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań właściwości struktur czujnikowych z warstwą tlenku...
PublikacjaCrystal structure and phase composition of stainless steel substrates (AISI 304 type) was studied and it was found that they adopted the cubic symmetry. The calculated elementary cell parameter for the mayor Fe-Ni phase (weight fraction 99%) was a = 3.593 Å, whereas the mean grain size was = 2932 Å. Morphology of the stainless steel substrate surface was studied with profilometry. Mechanical properties of the stainless steel...
Impact of blending with polystyrene on the microstructural and electrochemical properties of SiOC ceramic
PublikacjaIn this work, we present the electrochemical behavior and microstructural analysis of silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) ceramics influenced by an addition of polystyrene (PS). Polymer-derived ceramics were obtained by pyrolysis (1000°C, Ar atmosphere) of different polysiloxanes prepared by sol–gel synthesis. This method is very effective to obtain desired composition of final ceramic. Two alkoxysilanes phenylthriethoxysilane and diphenyldimethoxysilane...
Właściwości elektryczne szkło-ceramiki zawierającej ferroelektryczną fazę BiV
PublikacjaKompozyty szklano - ceramiczne zawierające nanokryształy posiadają właściwości fizyczne, które nie są możliwe do uzyskania w innych materiałach. Dzięki możliwości wytworzenia szkło - ceramik posiadających kryształy o różnej wielkości (nano, mikro...) i różnorodnego typu, można w istotny sposób kontrolować właściwości elektryczne takich materiałów. Stała dielektryczna faz ferroelektrycznych jest bardzo wrażliwa na zmiany rozmiarów...
Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography for ceramic materials inspection
PublikacjaCeramics production is looking for a fast, reliable and non-destructive method that can be implemented on site for defect detection and analysis. In this paper we present polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) as a method for defect inspection. Proposed extensions to standard OCT provide additional information for complete characterization of tested object. We compare OCT and microscope imaging that can easily...
Modelling of dielectric properties of BiNbO4-based microwave ceramics
PublikacjaIn the present paper results of the studies devoted to computer simulations of dielectric response of electroceramics in a frequency domain as well as analysis of the experimental data are given. As an object of investigations BiNbO4-based microwave ceramics was taken. Simulations of the hypothetical impedance response of the ceramic system were performed under assumption of the brick-layer model. A strategy for analysis and modelling...
Mixed ionic-electronic conductivity and structural properties of strontium-borate glass containing nanocrystallites of Bi2 VO5.5
PublikacjaSamples of strontium borate glass containing bismuth vanadate nanocrystallites were prepared. Nanocomposites containing up to 45mol% of the Bi2VO5.5 phase exhibit electrical properties closer to the strontium-borate glass than to the ferroelectric Bi2VO5.5 ceramic. The glass matrix still may contain some part of bismuth and vanadium ions even after crystallization process and there is too little of crystalline phase to observe...
Self-Organized Nanotubular Oxide Layers on Ti and Ti Alloys
PublikacjaTo improve bioactivity of titanium and titanium, the implant surface modification by formation of self-organized TiO2 nanotube arrays with electrochemical techniques is presented. The influence of electrolyte composition and deposition parameters during anodization is characterized. The enhancement of phosphates deposition by titanium nanotubular structure is discussed. The calcium phosphate ceramics is shown to be uniformly deposited...
Study on the wear characteristics of a 3D printed tool in flat lapping of Al2O3 ceramic materials
PublikacjaWidespread and popular use of ceramic products in various industry sectors necessitates the search for methods of their efficient processing. Lapping technology, which enables obtaining high dimensional and shape accuracy and high surface flatness, is one of the basic methods of finishing hard and brittle technical ceramics with a porous structure. This study analyzed the characteristics and wear value of an SLS-printed abrasive...
Study of Phase and Chemical Composition of Bi1-xNdxFeO3 Powders Derived by Pressureless Sintering
PublikacjaIn the present paper studies on Bi1xNdxFeO3 for x =0.1-0.4 are reported. The mixed oxide method followed with pressureless sintering was employed for ceramics fabrication. Thermal behavior of stoichiometric mixtures of simple oxide powders, viz. Bi2O3, Nd2O3 and Fe2O3 was studied by simultaneous thermal analysis. It was found that with an increase in neodymium content the weight loss increased from 0.75% to 3.16% for x =0.1 and...
Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells as novel electrochemical devices
PublikacjaProton ceramic conductors are novel materials which are interesting from the application point of view. For example, Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells (PCFCs) is a type of a solid oxide fuel cell, which uses proton ceramic conductors as an electrolyte. Scientists are looking for the most efficient materials for these devices. In recent years main focus has been put on the search for new proton and mixed proton-electron conductors which...
PublikacjaLiteratura opiusuje próby wytworzenia nanokompozytów, w których skład wchodzą matryca szkła i rozproszone w niej nanokrystality fazy ferroelektrycznej. Najczęstsza metoda wykorzystywana do otrzymywania takiej szkło - ceramiki polega na wytopie szkła, a następnie jego krystalizacji. W literaturze można znaleźć dużo przykładów wytwarzania tego typu materiałów dwu lub więcej składnikowych. Najwięcej badań dotyczy ferroelektrycznych...
Preparation of MnCo2O4 and Mn1.7CuFe0.3O4 single-layer, and novel MnCo2O4/ Mn1.7CuFe0.3O4 dual-layer spinel protective coatings on complex-shaped metallic interconnects by EPD method
PublikacjaCeramic protective coatings applied to metallic interconnects play a vital role in solid oxide cells (SOCs) preventing interconnect degradation. In this study, uniform, dense, and crack-free single-layer coatings of MnCo2O4, Mn1.7CuFe0.3O4, and dual-layer coatings of MnCo2O4/ Mn1.7CuFe0.3O4 spinel are deposited onto complex-shaped metallic interconnect using electrophoretic deposition (EPD) method. The porosity of sintered MnCo2O4...
TiO2-based magnetic nanocomposites with core-shell structure
PublikacjaThe main aim of the doctoral dissertation was preparation and characterization of photocatalysts, with particular emphasis on modified titanium (IV) oxide photocatalysts, which can be applied for the degradation of organic pollutants not susceptible to biodegradation. A particularly important aspect of the work was the development of preparation method of nanocomposites with the magnetic core-shell and photocatalyst shell (TiO2)...
Mg2+ Doping Effects on the Structural and Dielectric Properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 Ceramics Obtained by Mechanochemical Synthesis
PublikacjaIn this study, ceramic CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) and CaCu3−xMgxTi4O12 solid solutions in which 0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 were prepared by the mechanochemical method, realized by a high‐energy ball milling technique. The effects of the Mg2+ ion concentration and sintering time on the dielectric response in the prepared ceramics were investigated and discussed. It was demonstrated that, by the use of a sufficiently high energy of mechanochemical treatment,...
Effects of Na+, K+ and B3+ Substitutions on the Electrical Properties of La10Si6O27 Ceramics
PublikacjaDoping of Na and K at La sites and of B at Si site in La10Si6O27 with oxyapatite structure and fabrication of their ceramics were made by solid-state reaction method. It was found that partial substitution of Na+ and K+ on La sites decreased the sinterability of the La10Si6O27 based ceramics, whereas partial substitution of B3+ on Si site imporved the sinterability. Na+ and K+ substitutions in La10-xNaxSi6O27-x and La10-xKxSi6O27-x...
Nanotubular oxide layers and hydroxyapatite coatings on ‘Ti–13Zr–13Nb’ alloy
PublikacjaThe presented research was aimed to determine the mechanical properties of the nanotubular oxide layer covered with hydroxyapatite coating. The Ti–13Zr–13Nb alloy was oxidised in 1M phosphoric acid with an addition of 0?5% HF for HF solution at 20 V voltage. The electrochemically assisted deposition of hydroxyapatite was performed at cyclic polarisation in NH4H2PO4 and CaCl2 solution at 80uC. The mechanical properties were determined...
Effect of Semiconductor Element Substitution on the Electric Properties of Barium Titanate Ceramics
PublikacjaThe investigated ceramics were prepared by a solid-state reaction from simple oxides and carbonates with the use of a mixed oxide method (MOM). The morphology of BaTi0.96Si0.04O3 (BTSi04) ceramics was characterised by means of a scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that Si+4 ion substitution supported the grain growth process in BT-based ceramics. The EDS results confirmed the high purity and expected quantitative composition...
Effects of electrophoretic deposition times and nanotubular oxide surfaces on properties of the nanohydroxyapatite/nanocopper coating on the Ti13Zr13Nb alloy
PublikacjaLoad-bearing implants are developed with a particular emphasis placed on an application of ceramic hydroxyapatite coatings in order, to enhance the bioactivity of titanium implants and to shorten the healing time. Therefore, thin, fully crystalline coatings that are, highly adhesive, hydrophilic and demonstrating antibacterial properties are ly looked for. The aim of this research was to develop and characterize the properties...