Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: DISPLACEMENT
Displacement control in PWK-type pumps
PublikacjaThe most important, strategic goal however is creation of the variable displacement version of the new pump PWK. Thanks to full discharge of it's commutation mechanism from hydrostatic forces the variable pump can be directly controlled by low-energy actuator like proportional electromagnet or stepping motor. It means that costly and complicated hydraulic servomechanism (applied in all present variable displacement pumps) is no...
Displacement control in PWK-type pumps
PublikacjaW referacie zaprezentowano konstrukcję mechanizmu sterowania wydajnością zastosowanego w pompach z rozrządem krzywkowym typu PWK. Przedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań prototypu PWKZ-78 oraz komputerową analizę zjawisk zachodzących w komorze cylindrowej pompy.
Multifunctional Bandpass Filter/Displacement Sensor Component
PublikacjaThis paper presents the design and realization of a multifunctional bandpassfilter/displacement-sensor using an edge-coupled microstrip bandpass filter loaded by a pair of split ring resonators (SRRs). It is shown that while the structure acts as a bandpass filter at its operating frequency, the phase of the reflection coefficient from a movable loading resonator at the resonance frequency of the resonator can be used for displacement...
Design of Microwave-Based Angular Displacement Sensor
PublikacjaThis letter presents a novel microwave-based rotation sensor having a wide dynamic range to detect and measure the angular displacement in terms of the change in resonant frequency. The proposed sensor is based on the microstrip technology, where a rotor comprised of a complementary splitring resonator (CSRR) placed on the ground plane of the microstrip line is free to rotate around its axis. The mechanical rotation of CSRR determines...
Investigations of transverse stability of semi-displacement ships
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki eksperymentalnych badań modelowych poprzecznej stateczności jednostek półślizgowych, których celem było określenie wpływu prędkości oraz parametrów kształtu kadłuba na stateczność poprzeczną. Na podstawie wyników badań opracowano algorytmy, uwzględniające zmiany ramienia prostującego w funkcji prędkości, kąta przechyłu i parametrów geometrycznych kadłuba które mogą być wykorzystane do oceny stateczności poprzecznej...
Distribution of the displacement sequence of an orientation preserving circle homeomorphism
PublikacjaIn some applications not only the knowledge of the behaviour of trajectories of a map is important, but also their displacements. We describe in detail the distribution of elements of the displacement sequence along a trajectory of an orientation preserving circle homeomorphism ϕ with irrational rotation number ϱ(ϕ). The values of displacement are dense in a set which depends on the map γ (semi-)conjugating ϕ with the rotation...
New concept of drilling auger for displacement pile installation
PublikacjaIn 2020, a new version of the screw displacement auger for pile installation in soil was developed and patented in Poland. It was named DPDT (Displacement Pile Drilling Tool). The general aim of its development was to reduce the soil resistances to the auger during screwing into the ground while maintaning a good load-bearing capacity for the screw displacement piles. The “DPDT-Auger” prototype was tested as a scaled-down model...
Displacement piles - classification and methods for the calculation of bearing capacity.
PublikacjaDisplacement piles belong to a group of technologies whose main idea is to install or make a pile without extracting ground material. According to definition, contained in PN-EN:1997-1:2008, displacement piles should be considered as driven, pressed in using vibrators and made with the use of spread augers. The classification of piles used so far with regard to the technology of execution is modified. An additional element is the...
FEM modelling of screw displacement pile interaction with subsoil
PublikacjaPredicting the-settlement characteristics of piles is an important element in the designing of pile foundations. The most reliable method in evaluating pile-soil interaction is the static load test, preferably performed with instrumentation for measuring shaft and pile base resistances. This, however, is a mostly post-implementation test. In the design phase, prediction methods are needed, in which numerical simulations play an...
Geometric working volume of a satellite positive displacement machine
PublikacjaThis article describes a method for determining the geometric working volume of satellite positive displacement machines (pump and motor). The working mechanism of these machines is satellite mechanism consisting of two non-circular gears (rotor and curvature) and circular gears (satellites). Two variants of the satellite mechanism are presented. In the first mechanism, the rolling line of the rotor is a sinusoid "wrapped" around...
Nanoparticles displacement analysis using optical coherence tomography
PublikacjaOptical coherence tomography (OCT) is a versatile optical method for cross-sectional and 3D imaging of biological and non-biological objects. Here we are going to present the application of polarization sensitive spectroscopic OCT system (PS-SOCT) for quantitative measurements of materials containing nanoparticles. The PS-SOCT combines the polarization sensitive analysis with time-frequency analysis. In this contribution the benefits...
On the regularity of the displacement sequence of an orientation preserving circle homeomorphism
PublikacjaWe investigate the regularity properties of the displacemnet sequence of an orientation preserving circle homeomorphism. is rational, then ηn(z) is asymptotically periodic with semi-period q. This
Fiber optic displacement sensor with signal analysis in spectral domain
PublikacjaIn this paper, a study of a low-coherence fiber optic displacement sensor is presented. The sensor consisted of a broadband source whose central wavelength was either at 1310 nm or 1550 nm, a sensing Fabry-Pérot interferometer operating in reflective mode and an optical spectrum analyzer acting as the detection setup. All these components were connected by a single-mode fiber coupler. Metrological parameters of the sensor were...
Microwave Alignment and Displacement Sensors in Groove Gap Waveguide Technology
PublikacjaThis paper is aimed at presenting highly sensitive microwave displacement and alignment sensors. With this goal, the method of realizing mechanically tunable cavity resonators in groove gap waveguides technology is presented. The resonance frequency of the cavity is then used for displacement sensing. It is also demonstrated that the symmetry properties of a pair of groove gap waveguide cavities can be used to improve the robustness...
The analysis of soil resistance during screw displacement pile installation
PublikacjaThe analysis of soil resistances during screw displacement pile installation based on model and field tests. The investigations were carried out as a part of research project, financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. A proposal of empirical method for prediction of rotation resistance (torque) during screw auger penetration in non-cohesive subsoil based on CPT result.
Crack Mouth Opening Displacement for EH36 Shipbuilding Steel Measurements
PublikacjaThe dataset titled EH36 steel for shipbuilding (plate thicnkness 50mm) - CMOD - force record, a0/W = 0.6 contains CMOD (Crack Mouth Opening Displacement) - Force record which is the base for evaluation of fracture toughness of structural steel. Bend specimens witch Bx2B section (B= 50mm), and relative initial crack length a0 / W = 0.60 were used. The test was carried out at ambient temperature in accordance to ISO 12135 standard....
Results of the “DPDT-Auger” Research Project on Screw Displacement Piles
PublikacjaThe main objective of the “DPDT-Auger” research project was to test the prototype DPDT auger for forming screw displacement piles in the ground (patented in Poland in 2020). An additional aim was to develop design methods and rules for the making of such piles. The augers and piles were first tested on a model scale, and then more extensively in the real scale on experimental field plots. The results found the overall functionality...
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The methodology of design of satellite working mechanism of positive displacement machine
PublikacjaIn this paper is described a methodology of design of satellite mechanism consisting of two noncircular gears (externally toothed rotor and internally toothed curvature) and circular gears (satellites). In the presented methodology is assumed that the rotor pitch line is known, and the curvature pitch line is necessary to designate. The presented methodology applies to mechanisms for which the number of the curvature humps is at...
Motion laws synthesis for cam mechanisms with multiple follower displacement
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Displacement measurements during load testing of railway arch bridge
PublikacjaThe paper discusses issues concerning load tests carried out on a twin-track, arch railway bridge over the Martwa Wisla river in Gdansk. Currently, it is the bridge with the longest span in its class in Poland. The load-bearing structure consists of three no-hinge arches and an orthotropic deck suspended from them. The studies of the structure assumed the performing of static and dynamic tests. The paper presents the method for...
Methods for displacement and rotation measurements of individual Taylor-Schneebeli grains.
PublikacjaW artykule przedtawiono autorską metodę pomiaru przemieszczeń oraz obrotów cząstek ośrodka analogowego Taylor-Schneebeli oraz propozycję interpretacji badań.
Estimation of Screw Displacement Pile-Bearing Capacity Based on Drilling Resistances
PublikacjaThis article presents an engineering, empiricalmethod of estimating the bearing capacity and settlementcharacteristics Q-s of screw displacement piles andcolumns, based on soil resistance encountered during thedrilling to form piles/columns in the ground. The methodwas developed on the basis of correlation analyses of thetest results of 24 piles made during the “DPDT-Auger”research project (Krasiński et al., 2022a). In the proposedmethod,...
Predicting the peak structural displacement preventing pounding of buildings during earthquakes
PublikacjaThe aim of the present paper is to verify the effectiveness of the artificial neural network (ANN) in predicting the peak lateral displacement of multi-story building during earthquakes, based on the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and building parameters. For the purpose of the study, the lumped-mass multi-degree-of-freedom structural model and different earthquake records have been considered. Firstly, values of stories mass and...
Numerical simulation of screw displacement pile interaction with non-cohesive soil
PublikacjaA trial numerical simulation of screw displacement pile interaction with non-cohesive subsoil during the transfer of compression load. The simulation was carried out in an axisymmetric system. The technological phases of pile installation in the ground were numerically modelled using equivalent processes which provided similar effects to real technical actions. The results of the numerical calculations were verified by comparing...
Crack Mouth Opening Displacement for EH36 Shipbuilding Steel Measurements Dataset
PublikacjaThe dataset titled EH36 steel for shipbuilding (plate thickness 50 mm) – CMOD – force record, a0/W=0.6 contains a CMOD (Crack Mouth Opening Displacement) – Force record which is the base for evaluation of the fracture toughness of structural steel. Bend specimens with a Bx2B section (B = 50 mm), and relative initial crack length a0/W=0.60 were used. The test was carried out at ambient temperature in accordance with the ISO 12135...
Method of determining the degree of liquid aeration in a variable capacity displacement pump
PublikacjaThe Author concludes, that there is a possibility of determining a concrete value of the liquid aeration coefficient during the pump operation by finding such value of coefficient with which the increase of torque of mechanical losses is proportional to the indicated torque determined with a fixed value of increase of pressure in the pump working chambers. The fixed value of increase of pressure assumed in searching the liquid...
Stability of an optical displacement sensor using a two-beam polarization interferometer
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów stabilności wybranej konfiguracji dwuwiązkowego interferometru polaryzacyjnego. Przedyskutowano źródła występującej niestabilności.
Influence of instalation of piles with partial and full displacement of the soil on the subsoil strength
PublikacjaZjawiska zachodzące w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie pobocznicy pali przemieszczeniowych mają ważne znaczenie dla ich pracy w podłożu. Zmiany stanu naprężenia pionowego, poziomego, zmiana struktury gruntu, wilgotności i zagęszczenia stwarza nowe warunki oddziaływania w strefie pobocznica - podłoże. Przedstawiono wyniki badań sondą CPT w sąsiedztwie pali CFA dla gruntów uwarstwionych, niespoiste / spoiste. Zwrócono uwagę na dobór parametrów...
Research of hydrotronic variable displacement radial piston pump with electro -pneumatic control
PublikacjaThe paper presents the developed new electro-pneumatic control (pneumotronic) system for hydraulic fixed-displacement radial piston pump. Hydraulic fixed-displacement radial piston pump equipped with the proposed control system changes into hydrotronic variable-displacement radial piston pump. Pump flow rate control is realized by means of programmable logic controller, electro-pneumatic valves, pneumatic cylinders and a sensor.
The sensitiveness of the speed of pile displacement to speed variations of hammer in beating down process
PublikacjaIn this paper there is presented dynamical system described speed of pile displacement during beating down process. Its response is determined by using Heaviside operator. There is introduced the convergence with regulator in partially ordered space. There is given an answer to the question, whetdisplacement is sensitive to hammer's speed variations.
Determination of Earth Pressure and Displacement of the Retaining Structure According to the Eurocode 7-1
PublikacjaComparative analysis of standard guidelines and findings given in EC7-1 and in Polish Standard PN-83/B-03010. Discussed guidelines concerning active and passive earth pressure as well as at rest pressure state. Wall displacement causing limit states of earth pressure and resistance. Interactive assumptions concerning intermediate earth pressure and resistance values. Conclusions and final remarks.
Identification of residual force in static load tests on instrumented screw displacement piles
PublikacjaOccurrence of the so-called residual force of an unknown value significantly disturbs interpretation of static load tests performed on piles equipped with additional measuring instruments. Screw displacement piles are the piling technology in which the residual force phenomenon is very common. Its formation mechanism is closely related to the installation method of this type of piles, which initiates generation of negative pile...
Large thermo-elastic displacement and stability FEM analysis of multilayered plates and shells
PublikacjaThe paper concerns the load capacity analysis of thermally loaded multilayered plates and shells. The multilayered body is treated as an equivalent single layer whose kinematics is consistent with first order shear deformation theory. The authors focus on the thermo-elastic stability problem of the thin-walled structures. The equilibrium paths are traced with the use of Riks-Wempner-Ramm algorithm. By making use of the Tsai-Wu...
Habitat displacement effect between two competing owl species in fragmented forests
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Cylindrical surface irregularities presented by frequency spectra of relative tool displacement to the workpiece
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono częstotliwościowe składowe nierówności powierzchni toczonych. Ponieważ nierówności mają charakter szerokopasmowy, trudny do wartościowania parametrami normatywnymi, zastosowano ich analizę amplitudowo-częstotliwościową, opartą na szybkiej transformacie Fouriera. Zaproponowano oryginalny układ pomiaru sygnału przemieszczeń narzędzia względem przedmiotu dla charakteryzowania nierówności wzdłużnych. Dla generowania...
Cylindrical surface irregularities presented by frequency spectra of relative tool displacement to the workpiece
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono częstotliwościowe składowe nierówności powierzchni toczonych. Ponieważ nierówności mają charakter szerokopasmowy, trudny do wartościowania parametrami normatywnymi, zastosowano ich analizę amplitudowo-częstotliwościową, opartą na szybkiej transformacie Fouriera. Zaproponowano oryginalny układ pomiaru sygnału przemieszczeń narzędzia względem przedmiotu dla charakteryzowania nierówności wzdłużnych. Dla generowania...
PublikacjaW ostatnich latach rzadko wykonuje się pale wiercone o bardzo dużych średnicach ze względu na: wymagany sprzęt, transport wydobytego urobku gruntowego, duże ilości stali zbrojeniowej. Konstrukcje inżynierskie na autostradzie A-1, na drodze ekspresowej S-7 i Obwodnicy Południowej Gdańska posadowiono na palach prefabrykowanych. Fundamenty największych mostów na autostradzie A-1 zbudowano na palach Vibro i Franki. W artykule zwrócono...
Energy Loss Coefficients ki in a Displacement Pump and Hydraulic Motor used in Hydrostatic Drives
PublikacjaThe article aims at defining and analysing the energy loss coefficients in design solutions of rotating displacement machines, with a piston machine as an example. The energy losses observed in these machines include mechanical loss, volumetric loss, and pressure loss. The scale and relations between these losses in different machines depend on machine design and manufacturing quality, and on operating parameters. The operating...
Effects of full displacement pile installation on the stress and deformation state of surrounding soil: review
PublikacjaSeveral field and model tests have been conducted to investigate the impact of pile installation on bearing capacity. However, little is known about how piles behave during installation, how they interact with the surrounding soil, and how this affects sandy soil properties. This review paper investigates the effect of pile driving on surrounding sandy soil as it compacts sandy soil near to the pile. For this purpose, various related...
Surface irregularities as a complex signal of tool representation together with uneven displacement in respect to the workpiece
PublikacjaIn a dynamic machining process, distortion in surface irregularity is a very complex phenomenon. Surface irregularities form a periodic representation of the tool profile with various kinds of disturbance in a broad range of changes in the height and length of the profile. To discern these irregularity disturbances, interactions of the tool in the form of changes perpendicular and parallel relative to the workpiece were analyzed...
The influence of water and mineral oil on volumetric losses in the displacement pump for offshore and marine applications
PublikacjaIn this paper volumetric losses in a positive displacement pump supplied with water and mineral oil are described and compared. The experimental tests were conducted using a prototype of a satellite pump (with a non-circular tooth working mechanism). In this paper the sources of volumetric losses in this pump are characterised. On this basis, a mathematical model of these losses has been presented. The results of the calculation...
PublikacjaIn this paper mechanical losses in a positive displacement pump supplied with water and mineral oil (two liquids having significantly different viscosity and lubricating properties) are described and compared. The experimental tests were conducted using a special design (prototype) of a satellite pump. The design of the satellite pump is presented in the article. The pump features a non-circular tooth working mechanism. This pump...
Retrievable strain measuring system in screw displacement piles - readings and results interpretation problems
PublikacjaStatic load tests on foundation piles are generally carried out in order to determine load – displacement characteristic of the pile. For more detailed information, e.g. force distribution along the shaft, load transfer mechanism and characteristics of soil-structure interaction (unit resistance curves t-z, q-z) additional pile instrumentation is required. Most popular techniques focus on direct concrete strain measurements and...
Relation between benchmark displacement velocity and seismic activity caused by underground longwall exploitation
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Measurement of relative tool displacement to the workpiece for the assesment of influences of machining errors on surface profiles
PublikacjaZaprezentowano układ pomiarowy promieniowego i osiowego przemieszczenia narzędzia względem przedmiotu dla identyfikacji oddziaływań układu obróbkowego na formowanie struktury geometrycznej powierzchni toczonej. Zawiera on dwa analogowe tory pomiarowe przemieszczeń względnych z bezstykowymi przetwornikami i przetwarzaniem a/c oraz cyfrowy tor pomiaru obrotu przedmiotu, jego znacznik i interfejs z komputerem. Pomierzono sygnały przemieszczeń...
Displacement Sensors Based on the Phase of the Reflection Coefficient of a Split Ring Resonator Loaded Transmission Line
Publikacja— In this paper, novel displacement sensors using a microstrip loaded with a pair of split ring resonators (SRRs) are proposed. It is shown that the phase of the reflection coefficient from the loading SRRs can be used for displacement sensing. The paper also proposes a differential version of the sensor that benefits from a higher sensitivity and reference zero, which is useful for alignment purposes. It is further shown that...
The methodology of design of axial clearances compensation unit in hydraulic satellite displacement machine and their experimental verification
PublikacjaA new methodology of calculating the dimensions of the axial clearance compensation unit in the hydraulic satellite displacement machine is described in this paper. The methods of shaping the compensation unit were also proposed and described. These methods were used to calculate the geometrical dimensions of the compensation field in an innovative prototype of a satellite hydraulic motor. This motor is characterized by the fact...
Application of thin diamond films in low-coherence fiber-optic Fabry Pérot displacement sensor
PublikacjaThe novel fiber-optic low coherence sensor with thin diamond films is demonstrated. The undoped and boron-doped diamond films were elaborated by the use of the microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (μPE CVD) system. The optical signal from the Fabry–Pérot cavity made with the application of those thin films is sensitive to displacement. The sensor characterization was made in the range of 0–600 μm. The measurements...
Mathematical model defining volumetric losses of hydraulic oil compression in a variable capacity displacement pump
PublikacjaThe objective of the work is to develop the capability of evaluating the volumetric losses of hydraulic oil compression in the working chambers of high pressure variable capacity displacement pump. Volumetric losses of oil compression must be determined as functions of the same parameters, which the volumetric losses due to leakage, resulting from the quality of design solution of the pump, are evaluated as dependent on and also...