Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS
Fundamental Analysis – Possiblity of Application on the Real Estate Market
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Impact of Low Switching-to-Fundamental Frequency Ratio on Predictive Current Control of PMSM: A simulation study
PublikacjaPredictive current control algorithms for permanent magnet synchronous (PMSM) drives rely on an assumption that within short intervals motor currents can be approximated with linear functions. This approximation may result either from discretizing the motor model or from simplifications applied to the continuous-time model. As the linear current approximation has been recognized as inaccurate in case when the drive operates with...
Relativity of arithmetic as a fundamental symmetry of physics
PublikacjaArithmetic operations can be defined in various ways, even if one assumes commutativity and associativity of addition and multiplication, and distributivity of multiplication with respect to addition. In consequence, whenever one encounters ‘plus’ or ‘times’ one has certain freedom of interpreting this operation. This leads to some freedom in definitions of derivatives, integrals and, thus, practically all equations occurring in...
Fundamental properties of solutions to fractional-order Maxwell's equations
PublikacjaIn this paper, fundamental properties of solutions to fractional-order (FO) Maxwell's equations are analysed. As a starting point, FO Maxwell's equations are introduced in both time and frequency domains. Then, we introduce and prove the fundamental properties of electromagnetic field in FO electromagnetics, i.e. energy conservation, uniqueness of solutions, and reciprocity. Furthermore, the algorithm of the plane wave simulation...
Measurements of fundamental properties of homogeneous tissue phantoms
PublikacjaWe present the optical measurement techniques used in human skin phantom studies. Their accuracy and the sources of errors in microscopic parameters’ estimation of the produced phantoms are described. We have produced optical phantoms for the purpose of simulating human skin tissue at the wavelength of 930 nm. Optical coherence tomography was used to measure the thickness and surface roughness and to detect the internal inhomogeneities....
Fundamental-harmonic impedance of first-order electrode reactions
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Search for the fundamental solution to the vector acoustic wave equations
PublikacjaCzasowo-przestrzenna funkcja Greena pola swobodnego jest dobrze znanym rozwiązaniem podsta-wowym skalarnego niejednorodnego równania falowego. Wyraża ona odpowiedź ośrodka płynnego na punktowe zaburzenie o symetrii sferycznej. Odpowiedź ośrodka na zaburzenie wektorowe nie jest tak oczywista. Artykuł przedstawia oryginalne podejście do problemu, polegające na systematycznej, szcze-gółowej weryfikacji hipotetycznych rozwiązań skalarnych...
Randomness Amplification under Minimal Fundamental Assumptions on the Devices
PublikacjaRecently, the physically realistic protocol amplifying the randomness of Santha-Vazirani sources producing cryptographically secure random bits was proposed; however, for reasons of practical relevance, the crucial question remained open regarding whether this can be accomplished under the minimal conditions necessary for the task. Namely, is it possible to achieve randomness amplification using only two no-signaling components...
Blur recognition using second fundamental form of image surface
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Fundamental Schemes to Determine Disjoint Paths for Multiple Failure Scenarios
PublikacjaDisjoint path routing approaches can be used to cope with multiple failure scenarios. This can be achieved using a set of k (k> 2) link- (or node-) disjoint path pairs (in single-cost and multi-cost networks). Alternatively, if Shared Risk Link Groups (SRLGs) information is available, the calculation of an SRLG-disjoint path pair (or of a set of such paths) can protect a connection against the joint failure of the set of links...
Some fundamental aspects of self-levitating sliding contact bearings and their practical implementations
PublikacjaIn this study, fundamental aspects and mechanisms of acoustic levitation together with governing equations are presented first. Then, the acoustic levitation phenomenon is considered as a new way to design air suspension systems capable of self-levitation. A particular emphasis is laid on journal bearings and their specific geometrical configuration. A practical feasibility of using acoustic levitation to separate contacting surfaces...
Why they want to be treated in clinical trial -fundamental reasons of patient's decision
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Theoretical description of fundamental-harmonic impedance of a two-step electrode reaction
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Example of tension fabric structure analysis
PublikacjaThe aim of the work is to examine two variants of non-linear strain-stress relations accepted to description of architectural fabric. Discussion on the fundamental equations of the dense net model, used in description of coated woven fabric behaviour is presented. An analysis of tensile fabric structures subjected to the dead load and initial pretension is described.
Quasi-discrete modelling of PMSM phase currents in drives with low switching-to-fundamental frequency ratio
PublikacjaThis study proposes a new quasi-discrete approach to modelling the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). The quasi-discrete modelling reflects the impact of continuous rotor movement, which takes place during a control cycle, on the shape of motor current waveforms. This provides much improvement in current modelling accuracy under inverter low switching-to-fundamental frequency operation. The proposed approach may be used...
Experimental frequency-domain characterization of fundamental guided mode parameters in coupled coplanar waveguide
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono metodę wyznaczania współczynnika propagacji oraz impedancji charakterystycznej rodzajów podstawowych w strukturze sprzężonych linii koplanarnych. Metoda, oparta o wykorzystanie specjalnych struktur pobudzających oraz klasyczne pomiary w dziedzinie częstotliwości przy pomocy wektorowego analizatora sieci wykazała przydatność do wyznaczania zależnych od częstotliwości parametrów struktury.
Fundamental Characterization, Photophysics and Photocatalysis of a Base Metal Iron(II)‐Cobalt(III) Dyad
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Engineering Analysis with ANSYS Software Second Edition
PublikacjaThe best way to learn complex systems is by means of hands-on experience. With an innovative and clear tutorial based approach, this powerful book provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental areas of engineering analysis needed on research or commercial engineering projects. With its detailed step-by-step explanations and sample problems, this book will develop the reader's understanding of FEA and their ability to...
Błażej Prusak dr hab.
OsobyBłażej Prusak jest kierownikiem Katedry Finansów na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej oraz redaktorem naczelnym czasopisma Research on Enterprise in Modern Economy - theory and practice (REME)/Przedsiębiorstwo we współczesnej gospodarce - teoria i praktyka, a także członkiem komitetów redakcyjnych takich czasopism jak: Intellectual Economics; Przestrzeń. Ekonomia. Społeczeństwo; Akademia Zarządzania. Jest autorem...
Derivation of motor mean phase currents in PMSM drives operating with low switching-to-fundamental frequency ratio
PublikacjaPulse width modulation (PWM) of inverter output voltage causes the waveforms of motor phase cur-rents to consist of distinctive ripples. In order to provide suitable feedback for the motor current con-trollers, the mean value must be extracted from the currents’ waveforms in every PWM cycle. A com-mon solution to derive the mean phase currents is to sample their value at the midpoint of a symmetrical PWM cycle. Using an assumption...
UE ETS: an in-depth descriptive analysis.
PublikacjaThe European Emission Trading System (EU ETS) plays a pivotal role in the EU’s strategy to address climate change, serving as a fundamental instrument for cost-effective reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Notably, it inaugurated the word’s first major carbon market and it continues to the largest one. Chapter 1 provides an in-depth examination of the EU ETS, spanning from its inception in 2005 to 2020. After providing a descriptive...
Numerical analysis and in situ tests of the Grot Rowecki Bridge in Warsaw
PublikacjaThe paper presents the FEM analysis of the reconstructed the Grot-Rowecki Bridge over Vistula river in Warsaw. The bridge has seven spans and consists of two independent structures with the longest spans of 120 m. After reconstruction the bridge is over 10 m wider. The numerical, nonlinear analysis has been con-ducted on a global and local FEM models. These models are defined so as they strictly comply with global structural bridge...
CFD analysis of fluid flow through the labyrinth seal
PublikacjaSteam and gas turbines are some of the fundamental means of power generation. The energy efficiency of the turbines, however, is not satisfactory. Ever since the start-up of the first turbine in the world, engineers have been striving for their increased efficiency. Multiple solutions to the problem of steam loss in an operating turbine are available. The use of seals is one of them. Empirical methods or numerical calculations...
Anisotropic optical properties of few-layer black phosphorus coatings: from fundamental insights to opto-electrochemical sensor design
PublikacjaFew-layer black phosphorus (FLBP) is characterised by a tuneable bandgap, high carrier mobility and anisotropic optical properties. It therefore has the potential to find applications in electronics and photonics. FLBP oxidizes upon exposure to air, limiting its utility in devices and components. To address this issue, the thesis introduces methods and tools developed for studying FLBP's optical parameters, with a particular emphasis...
Dynamic Headspace Sampling as an Initial Step for Sample Preparation in Chromatographic Analysis
PublikacjaThis work represents a brief summary of the use of dynamic headspace (DHS) as a technique for sample preparation in chromatographic analysis. Despite numerous developments in the area of analyte isolation and enrichment, DHS remains one of the fundamental methods used with GC. In our opinion, interest in this technique will not diminish significantly because it conforms to stipulations of green analytical chemistry. Moreover, DHS...
PublikacjaThis article addresses integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis with regard to: the generic functional safety standard IEC 61508 and the cyber security standard IEC 62443 concerning an industrial automation and control system (IACS). The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) systems, and reduce relevant risks taking into account a set of fundamental...
Piotr Figura dr inż.
OsobyPiotr Figura jest pracownikiem Katedry Finansów na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej, a także członkiem Komisji Wydziałowej ds. Weryfikacji Efektów Uczenia się oraz recenzentem akademickim zadań z zakresu rachunkowości Centralnej Komisji Edukacyjnej. Jest autorem lub współautorem kilku monografii naukowych w tym: Wartości wzorcowe wskaźników finansowych przedsiębiorstw giełdowych; Classical and modern concepts...
Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Electronics II - project China [EE][2024/25]
Kursy OnlineIntroduction and analysis of fundamental electronic components, circuits and applications.
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2 [EE][2024/25]
Kursy OnlineIntroduction and analysis of fundamental electronic components, circuits and applications.
Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Electronics II - project China [2023/24]
Kursy OnlineIntroduction and analysis of fundamental electronic components, circuits and applications.
Comparative Analysis of Text Representation Methods Using Classification
PublikacjaIn our work, we review and empirically evaluate five different raw methods of text representation that allow automatic processing of Wikipedia articles. The main contribution of the article—evaluation of approaches to text representation for machine learning tasks—indicates that the text representation is fundamental for achieving good categorization results. The analysis of the representation methods creates a baseline that cannot...
Analysis of the harmonic structure of the vowel /a/ taking into account the age and gender of the speaker
PublikacjaSound waves are disturbances propagating through an elastic medium that, upon reaching the ear, elicit auditory sensations. Sounds generated by the surroundings can be captured by a transducer (microphone), which transforms them into an electrical signal. The signal from the microphone is then transmitted to a computer, where software allows for the extraction and analysis of individual tones. This process enables the description...
Determination of the optimal curvature of the turnout diverging track for HSR using dynamic analysis
PublikacjaThe paper presents an analytical method of identifying the curvature of the turnout diverging track consisting of sections of varying curvature. Such turnout is mainly applied on High Speed Railway. Both linear and nonlinear (polynomial) curvatures of the turnout diverging track are considered in the paper. Obtained solutions enable to assume curvature values at the beginning and end point of the geometrical layout of the turnout.The...
Functional Safety and Cybersecurity Analysis and Management in Smart Manufacturing Systems
PublikacjaThis chapter addresses some of the issues of the integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management with regard to selected references and the functional safety standards: IEC 61508, IEC 61511, ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061, and a cybersecurity standard IEC 62443 that concerns the industrial automation and control systems. The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial systems that include the information...
The Use of Cluster Analysis to Assess the Wear Resistance of Cermet Coatings Sprayed by High Velocity Oxy-Fuel on Magnesium Alloy Substrate
PublikacjaCermet coatings are one of the best surface protection of machine elements against wear. On the other hand, the most universal and economically justified method of applying such coatings is high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spraying. This method makes it possible to produce coatings characterized by compact structure, low porosity and very good adhesion to the substrate. All these fundamental properties contribute to the high wear...
Strength analysis of a large-size supporting structure for an offshore wind turbine
PublikacjaThe offshore wind power industry is the branch of electric energy production from renewable sources which is most intensively developed in EU countries. At present, there is a tendency to install larger-power wind turbines at larger distances from the seashore, on relatively deep waters. Consequently, technological solutions for new supporting structures intended for deeper water regions are undergoing rapid development now. Various...
Analysis of measurement uncertainty for contact-less method used to measure the position of catenary contact wire, performed with the use of Monte Carlo method
PublikacjaCurrently the majority of main railway lines in Europe are electrified, and electric trains have the biggest share in the entire amount of rail transport. Reliability of electrified railways is closely related to the issue of supplying traction vehicles with energy. The problems connected with diagnostics of energy consumption node, namely the contact line and the current collector, are therefore of fundamental importance for maintaining...
Characterization of 1,3-alternate calix[4]arene-silica bonded stationary phases and their comparison to selected commercial columns by using principal component analysis
PublikacjaTwelve calix[4]arene stationary phases in 1,3-alternate conformation, synthesized in the authors laboratory, were characterized in terms of their surface coverage, hydrophobic selectivity, aromatic selectivity, shape selectivity, hydrogen bonding capacity and ion-exchange capacity. The set of tests commonly used for evaluation of commercially available stationary phases was applied to assess fundamental chromatographic properties...
Multi-Criterial Design of Antennas with Tolerance Analysis Using Response-Feature Predictors
PublikacjaImperfect manufacturing is one of the factors affecting the performance of antenna systems. It is particularly important when design specifications are strict and leave a minimum leeway for a degradation caused by geometry or material parameter deviations from their nominal values. At the same time, conventional antenna design procedures routinely neglect to take the fabrication tolerances into account, which is mainly a result...
Analysis of Lombard speech using parameterization and the objective quality indicators in noise conditions
PublikacjaThe aim of the work is to analyze Lombard speech effect in recordings and then modify the speech signal in order to obtain an increase in the improvement of objective speech quality indicators after mixing the useful signal with noise or with an interfering signal. The modifications made to the signal are based on the characteristics of the Lombard speech, and in particular on the effect of increasing the fundamental frequency...
Analysis of volatile fraction of sweetie (Citrus maxima × Citrus paradisi) and its parent fruit using proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry
PublikacjaThe quality of the fruit is affected by several main ingredients and the aroma plays a fundamental role during the selection of fruit by consumers. In the case where several fruit have similar aromas and only one of them has specific health properties, it is very important to find the differences in the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) composition to distinguish these samples. Such situations are often found for hybrid fruit....
TQM tools in crisis management
PublikacjaThe current article is concerned with basic aspects connected with improvement of crisis management activities employed by economic operators. The work presents the crisis management model with its fundamental phases and identifies TQM tools that might be applied in all of these phases. The analysis included in the work has been supported with research conducted on companies located in northern Poland
Error analysis of calculating average d-q current components using Regular Sampling and Park transformation in FOC drives
PublikacjaIn electric drives using voltage source inverters, motor currents contain ripple component resulting from pulse-width modulated (PWM) voltage. The frequency range of the ripples is much higher than the bandwidth of current control. Therefore the control is performed on the basis of a fundamental current component, i.e. average value with the averaging time being the PWM period. In majority of cases the average current is measured...
Analysis of Residual Stresses and Dislocation Density of AA6082 Butt Welds Produced by Friction Sir Welding
PublikacjaThe Friction Stir Welding (FSW) method was employed to join AA6082 sheets. The welds were produced with different tool traverse speed (200 and 250 mm/min), rotational speed (1000 and 1250 RPM) and tool tilt angle (0 and 2 deg). Based on the analysis of XRD patterns, the total precipitation volume fractions in the nugget zones and the base material were calculated. The FSW process resulted in a reduction in the fraction of precipitates...
Time-domine Dipole Fields in acoustic and Elektromagnetics
PublikacjaThe ultrawideband (UWB) radio technique presents a challenge not just for technology. The UWB carrier-free pulses act at a close distance, their electromagnetic fields being very different from classic monochromatic plane wave. The author proposes to adapt a time-domian approach to analysis of broadband spherical fields, both acoustic and electromagnetic, in fundamental cases of quasi-point physical sources.
Laplace domain BEM for anisotropic transient elastodynamics
PublikacjaIn this paper, we describe Laplace domain boundary element method (BEM) for transient dynamic problems of three-dimensional finite homogeneous anisotropic linearly elastic solids. The employed boundary integral equations for displacements are regularized using the static traction fundamental solution. Modified integral expressions for the dynamic parts of anisotropic fundamental solutions and their first derivatives are obtained....
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
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Comprehensive thermodynamic analysis of steam storage in a steam cycle in a different regime of work: A zero-dimensional and three-dimensional approach
PublikacjaDue to the current trends aiming to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by increasing the use of renewable energy sources, changes are required in the operation of coal-fired steam units. The unstable nature of renewable energy sources, depending on weather conditions, means that the amount of energy produced varies and is not always in line with peak demand. To ensure the security and stability of energy supplies in the energy system,...
Risk Management in "Agile" methodologies using the example of Scrum and the IBM Rational Team Concert tool
PublikacjaProject risk is one of the key areas which should be subjected to a thorough analysis in any IT project. Project managers undertake steps to minimize risks, both in terms of organization (matching people to tasks or roles) as well as in terms of technology (using appropriate tools for the management and execution of tasks). Every method of project management defines and describes the processes and techniques related to knowledge...
Evaluating experimental molecular physics studies of radiation damage in DNA*
PublikacjaThe field of Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMP) is a mature field exploring the spectroscopy, excitation, ionisation of atoms and molecules in all three phases. Understanding of the spectroscopy and collisional dynamics of AMP has been fundamental to the development and application of quantum mechanics and is applied across a broad range of disparate disciplines including atmospheric sciences, astrochemistry, combustion and environmental...