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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: INJECTOR TEST STAND
Test Stand for Metamaterials Dynamic Properties Examination
Publikacja -
Test Stand for Multi-option Stretching of Soft Tissues
PublikacjaThe paper presents the genesis of the design and possibilities of the test stand for stretching soft tissues as well as examples of tests carried out on this device.
Test Stand for Multi-option Stretching of Soft Tissues
PublikacjaThe paper presents the genesis of the design and possibilities of the test stand for stretching soft tissues as well as examples of tests carried out on this device.
The automation of test stand for engine cooling system testing
PublikacjaW rozdziale przedstawiono budowę stanowiska do badań układu chłodzenia silnika samochodowego typu M111920. Układ był wyposażony w obwód podgrzewania paliwa gazowego i układ akumulacji ciepła. Stanowisko wyposażono w liczne termopary do pomiaru temperatur płynów i części metalowych silnika. Ważnym opracowanym zagadnieniem było rejestrowanie wielu pomiarów w czasie rzeczywistym, do czego użyto sieci transmisji danych CAN.
Multi-stage magnetic-fluid seals for operating in water - life test procedure, test stand and research results
PublikacjaThe edge criteria for magnetic-fluid seals durability research are critical for the seal'stechnological usefulness. The magnetic fluid seal technology in water is much moredifficult technological problem in comparison to gas or vacuum environment. There isalways problem with immediate contact between magnetic fluid and the environmentaluninspected liquids. In the paper are presented ways of experiments definitions carried outwith...
In-service measurement of the small wind turbine test stand for structural health monitoring
PublikacjaThis paper presents the research activity performed on a Small Wind Turbine (SWT) test stand. Commercially available turbine was modified towards incorporation of the sensors system for condition monitoring. Installed sensors measure angular shaft position, torque applied from the wind loads, vibration accelerations and last but not least rotational speed. All gathered data are then transferred and processed in Test.Lab by means...
The Control System Based on FPGA Technology For Fatigue Test Stand MZGS-100 PL
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Multi-stage magnetic-fluid seals for operating in water - life test procedure, test stand and research results. Part II Results of life tests of multi-stage magnetic - fluid seal operating in water
PublikacjaThe edge criteria for magnetic-fluid seals durability research were described in previous article [24] and now the tests results are presented. The tests were made with three magnetic fluids using various magnets quantity in magnetic assemblies. If values obtained in the repeated test deviated by more than 10 % from results of the first test an additional control test was made for final characteristics. The characteristics are:...
Adoption of the F-statistic of Fisher-Snedecor distribution to analyze importance of impact of modifications of injector opening pressure of a compression ignition engine on specific enthalpy value of exhaust gas flow
PublikacjaThis article analyzes the effect of modifications of injector opening pressure on the operating values of a compression ignition engine, including the temperature of the fumes. A program of experimental investigation is described, considering the available test stand and measurement capabilities. The structure of the test stand on which the experimental measurements were conducted is presented. The method of introducing real modifications...
Analiza i ocena poprawności działania węzła tarcia w aspekcie II zasady termodynamiki
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono autorską metodę sprawdzania poprawności działania węzła tarcia traktowanego jako układ tribologiczny w aspekcie II zasady termo-dynamiki na podstawie analizy i oceny wyników badań laboratoryjnych wykonanych na stanowisku badawczym. Jako stanowisko wykorzystany został zmodyfikowany węzeł tarcia aparatu czterokulowego T-02. Zaprezentowano algorytm, według którego zostały wykonane badania empiryczne. Wykazano,...
Metodologia badania zaworów hamulcowych
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje metodologię statycznego i dynamicznego badania zaworów hamulcowych. Stanowisko badawcze zaprojektowano i zbudowano na Politechnice Gdańskiej jako część projektu badawczo-rozwojowego pt.: „Zaprojektowanie i zbadanie innowacyjnych podsystemów ładowarek kołowych firmy Hydro-Metal”, dofinansowanego przez PARP w ramach programu „Bon na innowacje”. Ponadto przedstawiono szczegóły konstrukcyjne i funkcje najczęściej spotykanych zaworów...
Demonstrator testera wbudowanego BIST dla układów w pełni różnicowych
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono demonstrator testera wbudowanego, przeznaczony do pracy na stanowisku dydaktycznym w laboratorium z przedmiotu Zaawansowane Metody Pomiarowe i Diagnostyczne. Na stanowisku studenci zapoznają się z technologią BIST (ang. Built-In Self-Test), która jest przykładem wdrożenia strategii projektowania dla testowania.
Wpływ wybranych właściwości maszyny badawczej na wynik eksperymentu tribologicznego z tarciem ślizgowym
PublikacjaNiniejsza monografia stanowi podsumowanie przekrojowych badań związanych z wpływem właściwości stanowiska badawczego (tribometru) na przebieg i rejestrowane wyniki eksperymentu tribologicznego z tarciem ślizgowym ciał stałych smarowanych cieczą w warunkach tarcia bez efektów smarowania hydrodynamicznego. Autor przedstawia wyniki kompleksowych analiz właściwości dynamicznych stanowiska badawczego w kontekście efektów obserwowanych...
Czasopisma -
Analysis of the macrostructure of the fuel spray atomized with marine engine injector
PublikacjaOne of the main problem influencing the combustion process in the cylinder of the marine engine is an fuel spray phenomena. The parameters describing the shape of the fuel spray are named macro parameters. This article presents the research results of the macrostructure parameters of the fuel spray atomized with the marine engine injector. The research were carried out by optical visualization measurement method of Mie scattering....
Analysis of the structure of the atomized fuel spray with marine diesel engine injector in the early stage of injection
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of the experimental research of the atomized fuel spray with the marine diesel engine injector in the constant volume chamber. The specificity of the phenomena occurring in the marine engine cylinder was the reason to use the optical visualisation method in the studies – the Mie scattering technique. This work presents an analysis of the influence of different geometry of outlet orifice and opening...
Czasopisma -
PublikacjaIn the present elaboration, problems connected with measurements of high variable temperatures of gases are introduced and the impact of dynamic properties of different construction solutions of thermoelements on the accuracy of the measurements is considered. A laboratory stand built within research under doctoral thesis, destined for analysis of dynamic properties of thermocouples is also described. Results of numerical simulation...
Laboratory Stand for Wideband Analysis Radiocommunication Signals
PublikacjaA laboratory stand for wideband analysis radiocommunication signals is presented in the paper. The stand is designed for signals acquisition in wide spectrum and research a field of digital signal processing. Procedures used for simultaneous acquiring many frequency channels in selected wide band are described. The method of detection of direct sequence spread spectrum signals (DS SS) which power spectral density is lower than...
Laboratory stand for wideband analysis radiocommunication signals
PublikacjaA laboratory stand for wideband analysis radiocommunication signals is presented in the paper. The stand is designed for signals acquisition in wide spectrum and research a field of digital signal processing. Procedures used for simultaneous acquiring many frequency channels in selected wide band are described. The method of detection of direct sequence spread spectrum signals (DS SS) which power spectral density is lower than...
PublikacjaThis paper presents a laboratory stand, created as a part of work on the doctor dissertation, intended for investigation of heat and flow processes taking place in the Espholin H3S piston compressor outlet channel. The test stand elements and their configuration within the stand are described. Discussed are also problems connected with the quick-changing measurement technique, solutions which have been proposed so far in that technology...
The experimental results of diesel fuel spray with marine engine injector
Dane BadawczeThe data set presents the measurement of the diesel fuel spray from with marine engine injector. The main target presents results is a study of the time course of macro parameters (spray tip penetration, spray cone angle) of fuel spray in the cylinder of marine diesel engine. The impact of ambient conditions and the geometrical parameters of the injector...
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych, z których wynika, że emisja akustyczna (EA) może być uznana za sygnał diagnostyczny, przydatny do identyfikacji stanu technicznego łożysk głównych i korbowych okrętowych silników o zapłonie samoczynnym. Wykazano w nim bowiem, że parametry emisji akustycznej takie jak: czas rejestracji, energia sygnału, amplituda sygnału, ilość przekroczeń poziomu dyskryminacji, czas narastania,...
Exergy analysis of two-phase steam–water injector
Publikacja -
Measurement Stand and Methodology for Research of the Off-Body and Body-to-Body Radio Channels in WBANs with Different Diversity Schemes
PublikacjaThe concept of an experimental test bed for system loss and channel impulse response measurements for off-body and body-to-body radio channels in wireless body area networks (WBANs) is fully described. The possible measurement scenarios that may occur in investigation of off-body and body-to-body channels are classified and described in detail. Additionally, an evaluation is provided of the standard and expanded uncertainties of...
Test PDF
PublikacjaTest PDF
A Ship Domain-Based Method of Determining Action Distances for Evasive Manoeuvres in Stand-On Situations
PublikacjaA ship encounter can be considered safe if neither of ships’ domains (defined areas around ships) is intruded by other ships. Published research on this includes optimising collision avoidancemanoeuvres fulfilling domain-based safety conditions.However, until recently there was no method, using ship’s domain to determine exact moment when a particular collision avoidance manoeuvre can still be successfully performed. The authors...
Evaluation of the influence of the opening pressure of a marine Diesel engine injector on the results of numerical simulation of the working cycle and their comparison with the results of the laboratory experiment
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of a numerical simulation of the working process carried out in a diesel engine. In the applied utility program DIESEL-RK, the laboratory engine Farymann Diesel type D10 was implemented. A selected inoperability of its functional fuel supply system - reduced opening pressure of the injector pinj - was introduced. The values of adequate diagnostic parameters were determined: working gas temperature...
Voltage Control of a Stand-Alone Multiphase Doubly Fed Induction Generator
PublikacjaThis article presents a multiphase doubly fed induction generator (MDFIG) with a dedicated and unique control algorithm in a stand-alone wind energy conversion system. The algorithm has been developed and elaborated in the case of different emergency modes. Compared with the traditional double-fed induction generator, the MDFIG has increased reliability, reduced current level per phase, and low rotor harmonic currents. The control...
PublikacjaAccurate control of cooling parameters is required in ever wider range of technical applications. It is known that reducing the flow hydraulic diameter to an increase in the economy of cooling and improves its quality (Mikielewicz and Muszyński 2009). Present study describes research results related to the design and construction of the test stand for hybrid microjet- microchannel cooling modules study, which may be applied in...
IEEE Design & Test
Czasopisma -
Fault detection in electronic circuits using test buses
PublikacjaA survey of test buses designed for diagnostics of digital and analog electronic circuits is presented: the IEEE 1149.1 bus for digital circuits, the IEEE 1149.4 bus for mixed-signal and the IEEE 1149.6 bus for AC coupled complex digital circuits. Each bus is presented with its structure, solution of key elements, particularly boundary registers and a set of test instructions. Diagnosis with the use of the described buses is...
The Laboratory Stand for the Evaluation of Heat Dissipation from the Power Cable in a Casing Pipe
PublikacjaThe current carrying capacity of a power cable determines its efficiency, which depends on its capability to dissipate heat produced inside the cable, as a result of current flow, into the surrounding. The studies were conducted to determine how the characteristics of the medium around the cable affected its temperature and, as a result, its ability to transport electricity. The experimentation in the lab and real measurements...
Analysis of application of feed-water injector heaters to steam power plants
PublikacjaStrumienice parowo-wodne to urządzenia, w których zachodzi wymiana masy, pędu i energii między dwoma płynami, pozostającymi w bezpośrednim kontakcie. Mogą one pracować jako pompy, mieszalniki bądź bezprzeponowe wymienniki ciepła. W tym ostatnim aspekcie są one bardzo interesujące do użycia jako regeneracyjne podgrzewacze wody w obiegu cieplnym Rankina stosowanym w siłowniach parowych na lądzie oraz na morzu (statki i okręty). W...
Numerical Study of the Impinging Jets Formed by an Injector with Different Nozzle Diameters
PublikacjaThe collision of two or more liquid jets may provide considerable atomisation and efficient mixing of injected substances at the same time. This phenomenon is used, among others, in rocket engines, where the fuel and oxidiser are introduced separately and almost immediately mixed through self-impingement. Depending on the injection and operating conditions, diverse configurations of impinging jets are used, such as doublets,...
Genetyka człowieka - TEST 14.06.2021
Kursy OnlineTest zaliczeniowy z genetyki człowieka 14.06.2021
Materiały Czujnikowe, Test Zaliczający
Kursy OnlineZdalny test zaliczający z przedmiotu Materiały Czujnikowe
Placement Test - jezyk angielski
Kursy OnlinePlacement Test dla wszystkich, którzy chcą sprawdzić swoje umiejętności.
The effectivness of fault detection in common rail injectors examination methods
PublikacjaThe article presents the effectiveness tests of fault detection in common rail injectors. 40 injectors with different wear levels were tested. Testing was made on two test benches of a completely different design. Research includes comparison of accuracy, reproducibility and testability to detect specific defects. A device was created for visualization of the fuel injector spraying steam.
A Stand for Measurement and Prediction of Scattering Properties of Diffusers
PublikacjaIn this paper we present a set of solutions which may be used for prototyping and simulation of acoustic scattering devices. A system proposed is capable of measuring sound field. Also a way to use an open source solution for simulation of scattering phenomena occurring in proximity of acoustic diffusers is shown. The result of our work are measurement procedure and a prototype of the simulation script based on FEniCS - an open source...
Comparison of the impact test and the harmonic test in measurements of natural resonant frequencies of circular saw blades
PublikacjaIn this paper results of measurements of natural resonant frequencies of circular saw blades with the impact test and the harmonic test are presented. Comparison of these two methods revealed that during testing of circular saw blades, in which bodies the open and closed notches (cuts) for cleaning of knives are present, with the harmonic test method it has been observed appearing of quasi-twin resonant frequencies, whereas the...
Application a laboratory stand for multi-symptoms tests for high cyclic fatigue of constructional material
PublikacjaThis paper describes a need of diagnostics present ship plants according to current technical state. In order to reach competent physical quantity describing fatigue of materials by congregated energy. This paper describes using some diagnostics methods (acoustic emission AE, vibration, thermovision, deformation) in order to definition fatigue state of construction material. The author tries to find correlation between measured...
Quality of Test Specification by Application of Patterns
PublikacjaEmbedded system and software testing requires sophisticated methods, which are nowadays frequently supported by application of test patterns. This eases the test development process and contributes to the reusability and maintainability of the test specification. However, it does not guarantee the proper level of quality and test coverage in d ifferent dimensions of the test specification. In this paper the quality of the test...
Test Design Patterns for Embedded Systems,
PublikacjaTest suites for embedded systems are typically created from scratch using dif- ferent, often inadequate methods. In consequence, industry branches dealing with software-intensive embedded systems have to cope with quality problems, even though test processes are particularly time-consuming and costly. Based on an evolving model-based testing methodology we introduce test design patterns for simplifying and accelerating...
Stand thickness of dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2009-2013
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains data illustrating changes in the distribution of dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2009-2013. Dominant species can be defined as the species in the stand with the largest share in terms of area, thickness or number. Stand thickness means the gross thickness of the timber, i.e....
Stand thickness of dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2014-2018
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains data illustrating changes in the distribution of dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2014-2018. Dominant species can be defined as the species in the stand with the largest share in terms of area, thickness or number. Stand thickness means the gross thickness of the timber, i.e....
Stand thickness of dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2019-2023
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains data illustrating changes in the distribution of dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2019-2023. Dominant species can be defined as the species in the stand with the largest share in terms of area, thickness or number. Stand thickness means the gross thickness of the timber, i.e....
The smoothness test for a density function
PublikacjaThe problem of testing hypothesis that a density function has no more than μ derivatives versus it has more than μ derivatives is considered. For a solution, the L2 norms of wavelet orthogonal projections on some orthogonal ‘‘differences’’ of spaces from a multiresolution analysis is used. For the construction of the smoothness test an asymptotic distribution of a smoothness estimator is used. To analyze that asymptotic distribution,...
Cavitation Erosion – Phenomenon and Test Rigs
PublikacjaThe cavitation and cavitation erosion phenomenon have been shortly presented. The main four types of test rigs to investigate the cavitation erosion resistance have been shown. Each type of test design is described and an example of a design is shown. A special attention has been payed to the designs described in the International ASTM Standards: a vibratory design and a cavitating jet cell. There was shown that the design of a...
Modelling and Control of a Brushless Multiphase Doubly-Fed Induction Generator in a Stand-Alone Wind Generation System
PublikacjaThe development of the novel multiphase brushless doubly-fed generator system and voltage controller for stand-alone mode configuration is proposed in this paper. The generator system is based on the new machine construction with multiphase control winding and traditional three-phase power winding. The dynamic model of multiphase brushless doubly-fed generator is presented, and the control strategy for voltage amplitude and frequency...