Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER
Modern Education and Knowledge Transfer Issues in Global Economy
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Evaluating the Internal and External Usability of Mobile Technologies in Facilitating Knowledge Transfer
PublikacjaA worker’s performance and productivity depend on a variety of factors including knowledge, to be essential for self-effectiveness and self-efficacy. In the literature, knowledge transfer is argued to enhance the quality of work, and therefore, its value. When addressing this issue, the latest studies have considered and evaluated the use of mobile technologies, which are evidenced to improve a worker’s capacity and skills. However,...
Impact of Cultural Differences on Knowledge Transfer in British, Hungarian and Polish Enterprises
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The Knowledge Transfer From Headquarter to Local Subsidiaries Through Expatriates - Local Employees’ Perspective
PublikacjaBackground. Knowledge transfer between the HQ and subsidiary has recently been targets of increasing research interest. However, the role of expatriate managers and local staff perspective on this process has not been examined enough. Research aims. This paper has two main objectives: first to develop a conceptual framework (model) of knowledge transfer between the headquarters and local subsidiary, and second to empirically evaluate...
A Study of the Impact of Internal and External Usability on Knowledge Transfer by the Means of Mobile Technologies: Preliminary Results
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Knowledge Transfer Platform FindFISH – Numerical Forecasting System for the Marine Environment of the Gulf of Gdańsk for Fisheries
PublikacjaFast access to expert knowledge is very valuable, especially in the context of decision-making. Fishermen can use this knowledge to diagnose hydrological and hydrochemical conditions in which fish stocks should be the most abundant. In response to this need, a digital service has been developed. It is a service created within the FindFISH project, which pro- vides the results of all developed models: hydrodynamic, biochemical,...
Bridge of Knowledge: an Internet platform for R2R and R2B transfer of knowledge and promotion of cooperation
PublikacjaCurrently, the European Commission puts emphasis on supporting collaboration between universities and business. There are many possible ways to create a strong relationship between both these parties. Positive results of such cooperation lead to increased competitiveness of the global market and, in consequence, bring significant growth of innovation. The cooperation between research-to-research (R2R) and research-to-business (R2B)...
The concept of intergenerational cooperation network - the transfer of knowledge and skills
PublikacjaThe aim of this article is to present the idea of networking with regard to the exchange of knowledge between generations.
Statistical process control in software project management : a way to transfer single incident-related knowledge into organizational knowledge
PublikacjaZaproponowano statystyczne podejście do procesu kontroli zarządzania projektami informatycznymi. Przedstawiono sposób zamiany wiedzy incydentalnej na wiedzę organizacyjną.
Knowledge and technology transfer in the Center for Scientific and Technical Information of the Wrocław University of Technology
PublikacjaKnowledge and Technology Transfer between a university and economic operators affects innovation and growth of competitiveness, as well as the development of a knowledge-based society. In the structures of Wroclaw University of Technology, regarded as one of the best and the most innovative technical universities in Poland, a number of units responsible for a wide understanding cooperation with the economy have been established....
The Development of a Conceptual Framework for Knowledge Sharing in Agile IT Projects
PublikacjaOrganizations must adapt their resources to meet the challenges associated with changes in the work environment in order to remain competitive in the information era. Several research findings identify knowledge sharing as a means for an organization to improve its competitiveness. Knowledge sharing can be defined in a variety of ways, but it essentially refers to the exchange of knowledge from an information giver to an information...
Knowledge Flows in Cluster Organizations
PublikacjaThis paper aims to identify knowledge flows in cluster organizations (COs). On the basis of a literature analysis on knowledge flows and cluster organizations, the following research question was formulated: What kind of knowledge flows can be identified in cluster organizations and what is their main characteristics? The paper is based on a literature analysis and Grounded Theory methodology, examining four purposefully selected...
Sustainable Knowledge Sharing Model for IT Agile Projects
PublikacjaIn order to overcome work environment challenges and remain competitive in the market, organisations must adapt. An organisation's competitiveness can be improved through knowledge sharing; however, improvement without responsibility can have a negative impact on the sociotechnical environment which people cannot fully comprehend. According to researchers, business involvement in sustainable development goals remains minimal [51]....
The efficiency of scientific activities and technology transfer in higher education in Poland
PublikacjaThe objective of the article is to measure and evaluate the efficiency of scientific activity and technology transfer to the economy by public higher education institutions (HEIs) in Poland and to formulate recommendations for state policy to increase the effectiveness of the technology transfer process by them. The study measured scientific activity and technology transfer separately in two groups of higher education institutions...
The KLC Cultures' Synergy Power, Trust, and Tacit Knowledge for Organizational Intelligence
PublikacjaThis paper examines the impact of knowledge, learning, and collaboration culturessynergy (the KLC approach) on organizational adaptability. The SEM analysis method was applied to verify the critical assumption of this paper: that the KLC approach and trust support knowledge-sharing processes (tacit and explicit) and are critical for organizational intelligence activation.Specifically, the empirical evidence, based on a 640-case...
Inter-governmental Collaborative Networks for Digital Government Innovation Transfer -Structure, Membership, Operation
PublikacjaDigital government refers to the transformation of government organizations and their relationships with citizens, business and each other through digital technology. It entails digital innovation in processes, services, organizations, policies, etc. which are increasingly developed and tested in one country and transferred, after adaptation, to other countries. The process of innovation transfer and the underlying information...
Knowledge pills in Education and Training: A Literature Review
PublikacjaObject and purpose: Knowledge pills (KPs) are a technique for transferring knowledge through short factual batches of content. In education and vocational training, they can help learners acquire specific pieces of knowledge in a few minutes, through a “microteaching” approach where learners can be involved in active and interactive exercises, quizzes, and games. Thanks to the advancements of multimedia platforms, they can contain...
Experimental study of boiling heat transfer in the stagnation point of water microjet
PublikacjaIn the paper presented is a comparison of computational model with experimental data. Numerical model of liquid film with phase change in the stagnation zone due to impingement of the microjet is more widely presented in authors previous work. The radius on which theevaporation process is taking place can be determined from the energy balance on the element of the plate. That radius has also been confirmed experimentally in the...
Knowledge-Based Management as the Key Success Factor for Research and Development Organizations
PublikacjaA key to achieving success in project organizations lies in exemplary management of processes within those organizations, while the ongoing projects are mainly characterized by their uniqueness. The situation is no different in commercial research and development organizations (R&D) where accuracy and repeatability of elementary processes guarantees efficient and productive realization of all enterprises. R&D organizations are...
Modelling study of flow boiling heat transfer of perspective fluids for refrigeration technology
PublikacjaThere is a gap of knowledge on flow boiling at high saturation temperatures and higher values of reduced pressure. Thus far, the in-house developed semi-empirical model for flow boiling and flow condensation showed a satisfactory accuracy for calculations for various refrigeration fluids for a wide scope of reduced pressures. This study presents results of calculations of heat transfer coefficient of perspective refrigeration fluids,...
Modeling of Passive and Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Channels with Rib Turbulators
PublikacjaThe main goal of the research presented in this paper was the experimental and numerical analysis of heat enhancement and aerodynamic phenomena during air flow in a channel equipped with flow turbulators in the form of properly configured ribs. The use of ribs intensifies the heat transfer and at the same time increases not only the flow resistance but also the energy costs. Therefore, designing modern heat exchangers with optimal...
Editorial, SI EATA2023
PublikacjaThe European Asphalt Technology Association (EATA) is an organisation of leading European engineers and scientists involved in the asphalt material research. Every two years, the EATA celebrates its international pavement conference, with the aim of disseminating the key advances in scientific knowledge related to asphalt materials and technologies, and to encourage the transfer and application of this knowledge worldwide. Since...
The Role of Electron Transfer in the Fragmentation of Phenyl and Cyclohexyl Boronic Acids
PublikacjaIn this study, novel measurements of negative ion formation in neutral potassium-neutral boronic acid collisions are reported in electron transfer experiments. The fragmentation pattern of phenylboronic acid is comprehensively investigated for a wide range of collision energies, i.e., from 10 to 1000 eV in the laboratory frame, allowing some of the most relevant dissociation channels to be probed. These studies were performed in...
Numerical model for thin liquid film with evaporation and condensation on solid surfaces in systems with conjugated heat transfer
PublikacjaCondensation and evaporation processes from wetted surfaces are of utmost importance in many technological or industrial applications. In many devices such as home-appliances and air conditioning systems just to name a few, condensation and evaporation processes greatly impact their performance and energy efficiency; The physics of these processes is quite complex, involving conjugate heat transfer among solid–liquid film-gaseous...
Creative sprints: an unplanned broad agile evaluation and redesign process.
PublikacjaWe report how a request for routine usability work rapidly evolved into a novel agile process for evaluation and redesign. This process is described and then analysed to identify reasons for success. This analysis supports realistic knowledge transfer between User Experience professionals by outlining how similar future processes could succeed.
Trophic Transfer of Mercury in a Temperate Marine Food Web, Southern Baltic Sea
PublikacjaMercury (Hg) is considered to be one of the most dangerous global environmental pollutants. The toxicity and bioavailabilityof Hg depend on its chemical form, and the greatest hazard is posed by the organomercurial compounds. Hg is introduced into the human body primarily through the consumption of fish and seafood. Despite numerous studies on Hg in marine organisms, there is still a gap in the knowledge on Hg uptake and...
Open Innovation Competence for a Future-Proof Workforce: A Comparative Study from Four European Universities
PublikacjaDigital transformation is a key driving force of open innovation to capture and transfer knowledge inside and outside of a company’s bounds. New challenges in organizing multiple knowledge flows imply the need for increased competences related to this paradigm of future employees. In this article, we organize and aggregate the competencies required for open innovation collaboration and develop a competence profile that organizes...
Agnieszka Kania Mgr
OsobyUkończyła WZIE PG - kierunek Zarządzanie i Marketing o specjalności Ekonomia i Finanse. Posiada kilkunastoletnie doświadczenie we współpracy z otoczeniem biznesowym. Pierwsze kroki w biznesie stawiała na stanowisku Analityka Finansowego, Doradcy Klienta Biznesowego, następnie zdobywała doświadczenie na stanowiskach manadżerskich rekrutując i budując zespoły jako Kierownik Zespołu w korporacji finansowej, negocjując kontrakty,...
Conducted EMI Propagation Paths in DC-AC Hard Switching Converter
PublikacjaIn order to limit the electromagnetic interference (EMI) in power electronics devices, knowledge about the phenomena connected with EMI generation and propagation is necessary. This papers describes the propagation paths in the 3 phase voltage source inverter using wide-band simulation and laboratory test with the signal processing method Wiener filtering, where the transfer functions between voltage across switches and the perturbation...
Enabling simultaneous redox transformation of toxic chromium(VI) and arsenic(III) in aqueous media—A review
PublikacjaSimultaneous conversion of most harmful As(III) and Cr(VI) to their less toxic counterparts is environmentally desirable and cost-effective. It has been confirmed that simultaneous oxidation of As(III) to As(V) and reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) can occur via free radical or mediated electron transfer processes. While Cr(VI) is reduced by reacting with H•, eaq−, photoelectron directly or undergoing ligand exchange with H2O2 and...
Interactive Prototypes in Teaching User-Centred Design and Business Process Modelling
PublikacjaThis publication describes experiences gathered during the use of interactive prototyping in two areas: design of user interfaces for a touch screen information kiosk and interactive prototyping of business processes. Prototyping is promoted here as a technique useful for both visualizing design concepts and for stimulating communication within relevant teams. Developing interactive prototypes of use interfaces is discussed here...
A Parallel Corpus-Based Approach to the Crime Event Extraction for Low-Resource Languages
PublikacjaThese days, a lot of crime-related events take place all over the world. Most of them are reported in news portals and social media. Crime-related event extraction from the published texts can allow monitoring, analysis, and comparison of police or criminal activities in different countries or regions. Existing approaches to event extraction mainly suggest processing texts in English, French, Chinese, and some other resource-rich...
The use of thermal imaging camera to estimate velocity profiles based on temperature distribution in a free convection boundary layer
PublikacjaThis work describes an attempt to assess whether the temperature field from a thermal imaging camera can be converted into a velocity field with an accuracy sufficient for qualitative conducting or describing the phenomenon, i.e. when the Navier-Stokes, Fourier-Kirchhoff and continuity equations are mutually coupled. The consequence of this link between temperature fields and velocity is the possibility to formulate the hypothesis...
Piotr Krajewski dr
OsobyPiotr Krajewski pracuje jako starszy bibliotekarz w Bibliotece Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jako pracownik Sekcji Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej skupia się przede wszystkim na zagadnieniach związanych z ruchem Open Access oraz rolą repozytoriów instytucjonalnych w jego rozwoju. Jest także autorem artykułów poruszających kwestie standaryzacji statystyk wykorzystania zasobów elektronicznych jak również problematykę „drapieżnych wydawców”....
International Trade winter 2022
Kursy OnlineMain aim of the subject is to transfer knowledge on theoretical and empirical aspects of international trade. During the lectures we will cover patterns of international trade, main models of international trade and topics related to trade policy. During labs students will analyze current issues concerning trade flows in globalized world economy.
International Trade - winter 2023
Kursy OnlineMain aim of the subject is to transfer knowledge on theoretical and empirical aspects of international trade. During the lectures we will cover patterns of international trade, main models of international trade and topics related to trade policy. During labs students will analyze current issues concerning trade flows in globalized world economy.
Cloud solutions as a platform for building advanced learning platform, that stimulate the real work environment for project managers
PublikacjaImproving skills of managers and executives require, that during the transfer of knowledge (in different ways: during studies, trainings, workshops and other forms of education) it is necessary to use tools and solutions that are (or will be) used in real world environments, where people being educated are working or will work. Cloud solutions allow educational entities (universities, training companies, trainers, etc.) to provide...
Study of ZrS3-based field-effect transistors toward the understanding of the mechanisms of light-enhanced gas sensing by transition metal trichalcogenides
PublikacjaExtending knowledge of the properties of low-dimensional van der Waals materials, including their reactivity to the ambiance, is important for developing innovative electronic and optoelectronic devices. Transition metal trichalcogenides with tunable optical band gaps and anisotropic conductivity are an emerging class among low- dimensional structures with the possibility of gate tunability and photoreactivity. These properties...
Zastosowanie komputerów w dziedzinie wyszukiwania strategii optymalnych w grach logicznych
PublikacjaProblem jaki stanowi wyszukiwanie strategii optymalnej w grach logicznych jest bardzo złożony. Można go podzielić na następujące podproblemy: obliczeniowy, pamięciowy oraz operacji wejścia/wyjścia. Jednak rosnąca z roku na rok siła obliczeniowa komputerów, ilość pamięci oraz prędkość transferu danych pomiędzy podzespołami zarówno lokalnymi jak i rozproszonymi, a także wzrost skuteczności wykorzystywanych technik algorytmicznych...
Scaling scrum with a customized nexus framework: A report from a joint industry‐academia research project
Publikacjaespite a wide range of scaling frameworks available, large-scale agile transformations are not straightforward undertakings. Few organizations have structures in place that fit the predefined workflows – while once one applies an off-the-shelf framework outside of its prescribed process, guidance quickly runs out. In this paper, we demonstrate how to instantiate a method configuration process using a lightweight experimental approach...
Managerial Energy in Sustainable Enterprises: Organizational Wisdom Approach
PublikacjaThe circular economy (CE) as an idea involves applying the concept of sustainable development that has been gaining worldwide support. This shift in perception of energy and resource-use from its linear to circular forms creates a specific business environment, which constitutes the subject of this research. This article aims to analyze the impact of a manager’s energy on organizational wisdom, focusing on its circular business...
Center for Scientific and Technical Information - Library Services for Business and Science at Wroclaw University of Technology
PublikacjaWroclaw University of Technology is situated in Lower Silesia – the dynamically developing region of Poland. Focusing on adopting its own offer to the market needs had been selected as a strategy. Due to that, a synergy effect has been achieved with the development of segments strategic for the region. The University is strongly oriented to cooperation with the economy and industry. One of the key initiatives was establishment...
Half-Order Modeling of Saturated Synchronous Machine
PublikacjaNoninteger order systems are used to model diffusion in conductive parts of electrical machines as they lead to more compact and knowledge models but also to improve their precision. In this paper a linear half-order impedance model of a ferromagnetic sheet deduced from the diffusion of magnetic field is briefly introduced. Then, from physical considerations and finite elements simulation, the nonlinear half-order impedance model...
ColorNephroNet: Kidney tumor malignancy prediction using medical image colorization
PublikacjaRenal tumor malignancy classification is one of the crucial tasks in urology, being a primary factor included in the decision of whether to perform kidney removal surgery (nephrectomy) or not. Currently, tumor malignancy prediction is determined by the radiological diagnosis based on computed tomography (CT) images. However, it is estimated that up to 16% of nephrectomies could have been avoided because the tumor that had been...
Exploring the cocrystallization potential of urea and benzamide
PublikacjaThe cocrystallization landscape of benzamide and urea interacting with aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids was studied both experimentally and theoretically. Ten new cocrystals of benzamide were synthesized using an oriented samples approach via a fast dropped evaporation technique. Information about types of known bi-component cocrystals augmented with knowledge of simple binary eutectic mixtures was used for the analysis...
Static Load Test on Instrumented Pile – Field Data and Numerical Simulations
PublikacjaFor some time (since 8-10 years in Poland) a special static load tests on instrumented piles are carried out. Such studies are usually of a scientific nature and provide detailed quantitative data on the load transfer into the ground and characteristics of particular soil layers interaction with a pile shaft and pile base. Deep knowledge about the pile-subsoil interaction can be applied for a various design purposes, e.g. numerical...
Static load test on concrete pile – instrumentation and results interpretation
PublikacjaFor some time (since 8-10 years in Poland) a special static load tests on instrumented piles are carried out. Such studies are usually of a scientific nature and provide detailed quantitative data on the load transfer into the ground and characteristics of particular soil layers interaction with a pile shaft and pile base. Deep knowledge about the pile-subsoil interaction can be applied for a various design purposes, e.g. numerical...
Train the trainer course
PublikacjaThis chapter presents the concept, evaluation and evaluation results for the train the trainer. This concept of train the trainers is prepared within Workpackage 5 of EU-funded project: MASTER BSR (Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Programme). Due to the nature of adult learning the content is designed for the use of participatory methods (involved, active). This method uses various techniques of active learning e.g. group work,...
Krzysztof Malik prof. dr hab.
OsobyKrzysztof Malik, professor of economics, heads the Department of Economics, Finance, Regional and International Research at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Opole University of Technology. Prof. Malik conducts research on the regional economy, development strategy, knowledge transfer and specialization of regional development, economic evaluation of regional public programmes and policies. He is the author and co-author...
Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska
OsobyMagdalena Szuflita-Żurawska jest kierownikiem Sekcji Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej na Politechnice Gdańskiej oraz Liderem Centrum Kompetencji Otwartej Nauki przy Bibliotece Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jej główne zainteresowania badawcze koncentrują się w obszarze komunikacji naukowej oraz otwartych danych badawczych, a także motywacji i produktywności naukowej. Jest odpowiedzialna między innymi za prowadzenie szkoleń dla pracowników...