Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MANUFACTURING METHOD
New Manufacturing Method Of Sensor Oriented Optical Fibers
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Manufacturing Elements with Small Cross-Sections of 17-4 PH Steel (1.4542) with the Application of the DMLS Additive Manufacturing Method
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Manufacturing of Lightweight Aggregates as an Auspicious Method of Sewage Sludge Utilization
Publikacja: Sewage sludge is a high-volume and low-cost waste commonly generated worldwide, so its utilization is a vital issue. The application of this waste in the manufacturing of lightweight aggregates was investigated. The process was performed using intensive mixers with volumes of 5 and 30 L, as well as the industrial 500 L mixer. Then, granulates were sintered in a tube furnace. The influence of composition and mixer size on the...
PublikacjaThis article addresses integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis with regard to: the generic functional safety standard IEC 61508 and the cyber security standard IEC 62443 concerning an industrial automation and control system (IACS). The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) systems, and reduce relevant risks taking into account a set of fundamental...
The In-House Method of Manufacturing a Low-Cost Heat Pipe with Specified Thermophysical Properties and Geometry
PublikacjaVarious types of heat pipes are available to purchase off the shelf, from various manufacturers, but most of them have strictly defined geometry and technical parameters. However, when there is a need to use a heat pipe (HP) with an unusual size and shape or working conditions other than the standard ones, it becomes very costly to order them from manufacturers, especially in small quantities, and only a few producers are willing...
The adaptive spatio-temporal clustering method in classifying direct labor costs for the manufacturing industry
PublikacjaEmployee productivity is critical to the profitability of not only the manufacturing industry. By capturing employee locations using recent advanced tracking devices, one can analyze and evaluate the time spent during a workday of each individual. However, over time, the quantity of the collected data becomes a burden, and decreases the capabilities of efficient classification of direct labor costs. However, the results obtained...
Quasistatic and fatigue behavior of an AISI H13 steel obtained by additive manufacturing and conventional method
PublikacjaThis work aims to compare the mechanical behavior of an AISI H13 steel obtained by additive manufacturing with that obtained by conventional manufacturing methods. The average values of the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and ductility obtained for the specimens produced by the conventional method were equal to 658 MPa and 18%, respectively, which compares with 503 MPa and 0.75% registered for the selective laser melting (SLM)...
Quasistatic and fatigue behavior of an AISI H13 steel obtained by additive manufacturing and conventional method
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A novel method of creating thermoplastic chitosan blends to produce cell scaffolds by FDM additive manufacturing
PublikacjaDue to its remarkable and promising biological and structural properties, chitosan has been widely studied in several potential applications in the biomedical sector. Attempts are being made to use this polymer and its properties in thermoplastics dedicated to 3D printing in FDM technology. However, chitosan can be processed only from acid solution, which limits its applications. The paper presents a new path for the production...
Modeling and simulation of tool cycle in manufacturing cell
PublikacjaThe paper addresses issues concerning modeling and analysis of tool flow within a three-machine manufacturing cell used for small batch manufacturing of a definite spectrum of prismatic parts. The approach utilizes a method for job and tool allocation to work centers with limited number of machines and capacity of tool resources, based on the analysis of formalized relations: job - tool sets required. Selected tool flow control...
Fuzzy logic in controlling flexible manufacturing cell
PublikacjaIn the present work a controlling method based on fuzzy rule base is proposed. Practical approaches are developed and focused on real time problems related to flexible manufacturing cell. Techniques for design and implementation of fuzzy systems in the framework of control production and quality states are presented. Keywords: controlling, manufacturing system, fuzzy logic, turning, burnishingW artykule przedstawiono propozycję...
Application of artificial intelligence into/for control of flexible manufacturing cell
PublikacjaThe application of artificial intelligence in technological processes control is usually limited. One problem is how to respond to changes in the environment of manufacturing system. A way to overcome the above shortcoming is to use fuzzy logic for representation of the inexact information. In this paper fundamentals of artificial intelligence and fuzzy logic are introduced from a theoretical point of view. Still more the fuzzy...
Systemic analysis of a manufacturing process based on a small scale bakery
PublikacjaThe main aim of the article is to present two new innovative concepts of reliability of a functioning manufacturing system in the process of making bread in small-scale bakeries. Reliability is understood as one of the representations of an operator acting on specifc streams in time to - t. One of these represents the global reliability of a system as a function of parallel action of all the streams of the system in time to to...
Selective Laser Melting of Ti Alloy for Manufacturing The Prosthetic Elements
PublikacjaThe selective laser melting (SLM) is the additive manufacturing method of custom-designed parts. The used materials and the applications are various, including medicine. The titanium and its alloys are materials for which the dimensional quality, surface smoothness and no or extremely low porosity are difficult to reach. In this paper, the successful attempt to obtain by SLM the individually designed prosthetic bridges is described....
PublikacjaWelding proces is basic joining technique in shipbuilding. Such method generated welding distortions which cause a lot of problems during the manufacturing process. In the literature it is proposed wide spectrum of suggestions for a correct estimation of welding deformation in particular angular deformation in the fillet welded T joint. In the work influence of oversizing of weld on angular distortions of joint is presented basing...
Application of Rapid Prototyping technology in the manufacturing of turbine blade with small diameter holes
PublikacjaThe article presents the possibilities of using Rapid Prototyping (RP) technology in the manufacturing of turbine blades with small diameter holes. The object under investigation was gas turbine blade with small diameter cooling holes and holes for generating longitudinal vortices. A turbine blade model was produced by means of Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technology and subsequently validated in terms of detection and accuracy...
Functional Safety and Cybersecurity Analysis and Management in Smart Manufacturing Systems
PublikacjaThis chapter addresses some of the issues of the integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management with regard to selected references and the functional safety standards: IEC 61508, IEC 61511, ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061, and a cybersecurity standard IEC 62443 that concerns the industrial automation and control systems. The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial systems that include the information...
PublikacjaThe dynamic development of additive manufacturing technologies, especially over the last few years, has increased the range of possible industrial applications of 3D printed elements. This is a consequence of the distinct advantages of additive techniques, which include the possibility of improving the mechanical strength of products and shortening lead times. Offshore industry is one of these promising areas for the application...
Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) to Enhance Product Manufacturing in Industry 4.0
PublikacjaThis paper presents a system capable of enhancing product development process for industrial manufactured products. This system is known as Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD), and it helps in decision making by using explicit knowledge of formal decision events. It stores and reuses the past decisional events or sets of experiences related to different activities involved in industrial product development process i.e. product...
Using Decisional DNA to Enhance Industrial and Manufacturing Design: Conceptual Approach
PublikacjaDuring recent years, manufacturing organizations are facing market changes such as the need for short product life cycles, technological advancement, intense pressure from competitors and the continuous customers’ expectation for high quality products at lower costs. In this scenario, knowledge and its associated engineering/management of every stage involved in the industrial design has become increasingly important for manufacturing...
Studies on the influence of technological variants of finishing machining on flow of parts in flexible manufacturing
PublikacjaIn the article below the problems of influence of variants of finishing processing on flow of machining parts in flexible manufacturing system were presented. The investigations were carried out the technological processes for piston rods and rams of hydraulic cylinders. There were also presented model variants of technological processes for piston rods finished with the burnishing. In these studies the influence of technological...
Fatigue fracture morphology of AISI H13 steel obtained by additive manufacturing
PublikacjaThe paper focuses on researching the effect of fatigue loading on metallic structure, lifetime, and fracture surface topographies in AISI H13 steel specimens obtained by selective laser melting (SLM). The topography of the fracture surfaces was measured over their entire area, according to the entire total area method, with an optical three-dimensional surface measurement system. The fatigue results of the SLM 3D printed steel...
Advancements in the Additive Manufacturing of Magnesium and Aluminum Alloys through Laser-Based Approach
PublikacjaComplex structures can now be manufactured easily utilizing AM technologies to meet the pre-requisite objectives such as reduced part numbers, greater functionality, and lightweight, among others. Polymers, metals, and ceramics are the few materials that can be used in AM technology, but metallic materials (Magnesium and Aluminum) are attracting more attention from the research and industrial point of view. Understanding the role...
Manufacturing Parameters, Materials, and Welds Properties of Butt Friction Stir Welded Joints–Overview
PublikacjaThe modern and eco-friendly friction stir welding (FSW) method allows the combination of even such materials that are considered to be non-weldable. The development of FSW technology in recent years has allowed a rapid increase in the understanding of the mechanism of this process and made it possible to perform the first welding trials of modern polymeric and composite materials, the joining of which was previously a challenge....
Recycling of Waste Rubber by the Manufacturing of Foamed Polyurethane-Based Composites—Current State and Perspectives
PublikacjaWorn car tires are disruptive waste, and the issue of their management is crucial for the natural environment. In many countries, the primary method of end-of-life tires utilization is energy recovery. However, more effective and beneficial for the environment is material recycling. Using them for the production of polymer-rubber composites seems to be an auspicious direction of research. Incorporation of ground tire rubber into...
Preparation, characterization, and manufacturing of new polymeric materials for 3D printing for medical applications
PublikacjaThis work concerns the synthesis, formation, and characteristics of new filaments for 3D printing in FDM™/FFF technology for medical purposes. Two types of filaments were developed, i.e. degradable polyurethane and biodegradable polylactide-starch. The influence of the 3D printing process on selected filament properties was investigated. A detailed analysis of the filament formation process by the extrusion method was carried out,...
Development of Technical Creativity Featuring Modified TRIZ-AM Inventive Principle to Support Design for Additive Manufacturing
Publikacjahe design for additive manufacturing (DFAM) processing was introduced to fully utilise the design freedom provided by additive manufacturing (AM). Consequently, appropriate design methodologies have become essential for this technology. Recently, many studies have identified the importance of DFAM method utilisation to produce AM parts, and TRIZ is a strategy used to formalise design methodologies....
A pilot study to assess manufacturing processes using selected point measures of vibroacoustic signals generated on a multitasking machine
PublikacjaThe article presents the method for the evaluation of selected manufacturing processes using the analysis of vibration and sound signals. This method is based on the use of sensors installed outside the machining zone, allowing to be used quickly and reliably in real production conditions. The article contains a developed measurement methodology based on the specific location of microphones and vibration transducers mounted on...
Structural and Material Determinants Influencing the Behavior of Porous Ti and Its Alloys Made by Additive Manufacturing Techniques for Biomedical Applications
PublikacjaOne of the biggest challenges in tissue engineering is the manufacturing of porous structures that are customized in size and shape and that mimic natural bone structure. Additive manufacturing is known as a sufficient method to produce 3D porous structures used as bone substitutes in large segmental bone defects. The literature indicates that the mechanical and biological properties of scaffolds highly depend on geometrical features...
Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 1/2
PublikacjaWind power plants are considered as ecologically-clean source of energy. However, manufacturing processes cannot be treated that way. Manufacturing processes consume huge amount of electrical and thermal energy and significant amount of materials, e.g. steel, polymers, oils and lubricants. All of the above could be potentially harmful for environment. There are not many works and publications regarding life-cycle analysis of wind...
Selected manufacturing difficulties encountered during setup of machining on cnc multi-axis linear automatic lathe and on cnc multi-spindle turning centers
PublikacjaThe article presents the observed manufacturing technology implementation difficulties in workshop practice, resulting from the construction and principles of operation on the DMG’s SPRINT 32/5 CNC linear automatic lathe and on the Mazak’s HQR 150 MSY and QTN 200 MS CNC turn - mill centers, and discusses possible rules for solving the production problems encountered. The article also discusses the principles of dividing the machining...
Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 2/2
PublikacjaThe process of conversion of wind kinetic energy into electricity in innovative wind power plant emits practically no harmful substances into the environment. However, the production stage of its components requires a lot of energy and materials. The biggest problem during production plan-ning process of an innovative wind power plant is selection of materials and technologies and, consequently, the waste generated at this stage....
Evolution of manufacturing systems
PublikacjaZmiany następujące w otoczeniu przedsiębiorstw wpływają na sposób realizacji transformacji zasobów wejściowych w wyjścia w systemach produkcyjnych. XX wiek, a szczególnie jego ostatnie dekady charakteryzuje gwałtowny rozwój technologii i zmiany czynników o charakterze organizacyjnym. W niniejszym rozdziale przedstawiono ewolucję systemów produkcyjnych związaną z rozwojem automatyzacji, technologii informatycznych, komunikacyjnych...
Podstawowe narzędzia Lean Manufacturing
PublikacjaNiniejsza książka powstała w oparciu o doświadczenia wdrożeniowe LeanQ Team i samej autorki zdobywane na przestrzeni dziesięciu lat we współpracy z kilkuset firmami. Książka ta jest podręcznikiem dla poczatkujących, ale wierzę, że i doświadczeni praktycy znajdą w niej kilka inspiracji. Pisząc tę książkę starałam się odpowiedzieć na potrzeby tych, którzy zauważyli, że są na rynku konkurencyjne firmy, które uzyskują lepsze...
WASPAS Optimization in Advanced Manufacturing
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Podstawowe narzędzia lean manufacturing
PublikacjaNiniejsza książka powstała w oparciu o doświadczenia wdrożeniowe LeanQ Team i samej autorki zdobywane na przestrzeni dziesięciu lat we współpracy z kilkuset firmami. Książka ta jest podręcznikiem dla poczatkujących, ale wierzę, że i doświadczeni praktycy znajdą w niej kilka inspiracji. Pisząc tę książkę starałam się odpowiedzieć na potrzeby tych, którzy zauważyli, że są na rynku konkurencyjne firmy, które uzyskują lepsze efekty,...
Środowiskowe aspekty wdrażania koncepcji lean manufacturing
PublikacjaZ uwagi na rosnące zainteresowanie tematyką nowoczesnego i niskokosztowego zarządzania środowiskowego w artykule przedstawiono główne obszary wykorzystania narzędzi Lean Manufacturing w procesie doskonalenia zarządzania środowiskowego w przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnym. Zdefiniowano pojęcie aspektu środowiskowego w ujęciu wymagań normy ISO14001. Opisano budowę środowiskowej wartości dodanej Lean Manufacturing. Podjęto próbę udowodnienia...
Środowiskowe aspekty wdrażania koncepcji lean manufacturing
PublikacjaZ uwagi na rosnące zainteresowanie tematyką nowoczesnego i niskokosztowego zarządzania środowiskowego w artykule przedstawiono główne obszary wykorzystania narzędzi Lean Manufacturing w procesie doskonalenia zarządzania środowiskowego w przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnym. Zdefiniowano pojęcie aspektu środowiskowego w ujęciu wymagań normy ISO14001. Opisano budowę środowiskowej wartości dodanej Lean Manufacturing. Podjęto próbę udowodnienia...
60th anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
PublikacjaThe paper presents the outline history of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation of the Gdansk University of Technology over the span of 60 years - throughout the period 1945-2006.
Expert systems in quality control of manufacturing processes
PublikacjaThe paper deals with quality control in conditions of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). It shows that quality of material stream items have to be analyzed on every stage of manufacturing process. Collecting and analyzing quantity of data with usage of expert systems make it possible to create a system for coordination of cell's work. The system contains error recovery algorithm and adaptive control subsystem based on fuzzy...
Developments in manufacturing engineering and machining process planning
PublikacjaCurrent research conducted in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation is presented in the paper. This includes: abrasive cutting off, grinding with lapping kinematics, rapid prototyping and machining procrss planning. Experimental results and computer simulation are presented and analysed.
Quality control in flexible manufacturing cell.
PublikacjaPublikacja dotyczy procesu produkcyjnego w środowisku komputerowo zintegrowanego wytwarzania. Ukazuje ona aspekty kontroli jakości wykonania części na różnych etapach procesu wytwórczego. W celu dokonania szczegółowej analizy problemu zebrano dane o jakości wykonania części na poszczególnych poziomach wytwarzania. Analizy dowiodły, że jakość wykonania części zależy od jakości użytych narzędzi a sterowanie nią wymaga optymalizacj...
Intelligent integration for autonomous manufacturing systems
PublikacjaW artykule zaproponowano inteligentną platformę integracyjną dla autonomicznych systemów produkcyjnych. Autonomie zdefiniowano w pracy jako samowystarczalne zamkniecie informacyjne. Inteligencje natomiast zdefiniowana jako umiejętność podejmowania właściwych decyzji w zmiennym otoczenie. Platformę integracyjną oparto na technice systemów ekspertowych.
Manufacturing technology of porous ceramic structure
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wybrane metody otrzymywania porowatych struktur ceramicznych w oparciu o istniejące dane literaturowe.
Vascular stents - materials and manufacturing technologies
PublikacjaThe objective of this article is to present materials and technology for the manufacture of vascular stents with appropriate design requirements. The use of the right material is very important in implantology. A biomaterial introduced into the circulatory system must be biocompatible and hemocompatible. At the same time, it should not initiate toxic, mutagenic, or immunological reactions. Currently, 316L stainless steel (316L...
Quality inspection system in flexible manufacturing cell.
PublikacjaPublikacja dotyczy struktury procesu produkcyjnego w środowisku komputerowo zintegrowanego wytwarzania (computer integrated manufacturing - CIM). Ukazuje ona aspekty kontroli jakości wykonania części na różnych etapach procesu wytwórczego, podkreślając jego istotność. W celu dokonania szczegółowej analizy problemu zebrano dane o jakości wykonania części na poszczególnych poziomach wytwarzania. Analizy dowiodły, że jakość wykonania...
Opportunities and challenges for exploiting drones in agile manufacturing systems
PublikacjaDrones have become an advanced supply chain implementation instrument, especially in connecting warehouses to outlet points or even individual customers. However, their potential application in an intra-logistics framework has not been studied, let alone explored so far. Modeling and simulations in virtual environments can help explore and evaluate the opportunities for practical and profitable applications of drones in manufacturing...
Determinants of trade balance in Polish and Czech manufacturing sectors
PublikacjaResearch background: A strong industrial base is essential for achieving long-term sustainable economic growth and export competitiveness. In that sense, manufacturing remains a significant contributor to exports in the CEE countries. However, its role and its influence vary between CEE economies and change over time. Purpose of the article: The main objective of this paper is to compare the determinants of the international competitiveness,...
Decisional DNA Based Conceptual Framework for Smart Manufacturing
PublikacjaThis paper presents the conceptual framework for systematic knowledge representation, storage and reuse of manufacturing information in a production scenario. This knowledge structure is designed for three levels in a manufacturing set up viz. first at the engineering objects level, second at process and finally at factory level. Virtual engineering object (VEO) deals with knowledge at the individual object/component/machine level...
Towards an experience based collective computational intelligence for manufacturing
PublikacjaKnowledge based support can play a vital role not only in the new fast emerging information and communication technology based industry, but also in traditional manufacturing. In this regard, several domain specific research endeavors have taken place in the past with limited success. Thus, there is a need to develop a flexible domain independent mechanism to capture, store, reuse, and share manufacturing knowledge. Consequently,...