Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: detection algorithm
Hardware realization of shadow detection algorithm in FPGA
PublikacjaW referacie opisano problem detekcji cieni w sekwencjach wideo. Na podstawie metod znanych z literatury opracowano algorytm detekcji cieni, działający w czasie rzeczywistym i przeznaczony do realizacji sprzętowej w układzie FPGA. Algorytmy zostały przetestowane i porównane w środowisku MATLAB. Za pomocą języka VHDL zrealizowano system detekcji cieni wykorzystujący opracowany algorytm i zaimplementowano go w układzie Virtex-4. Został...
Octave Error Immune and Instantaneous Pitch Detection Algorithm.
PublikacjaCelem publikacji jest prezentacja odpornego na błędy oktawowe, bazującego na analizie widmowej algorytmu detekcji częstotliwości podstawowej. Zaproponowana metoda dobrze sobie radzi z sygnałami o dużej zawartości sygnałów harmonicznych, jak i z prawie sinusoidalnymi przebiegami. Eksperymenty przeprowadzonno na 567 dzwiękach instrumentów muzycznych. Dźwięki grane były z różnymi artykulacjami, dynamiką i reprezentowałe były w całej...
Analysis of Drone Signals Based on Change Point Detection Algorithm
PublikacjaThe work presents an algorithm characterized by high precision and efficiency in identifying signals related to data transmission between the controller and the drone. Using an efficient change point detection algorithm and parallel analysis capabilities, this method facilitates rapid signal analysis. These features make the proposed algorithm a solid basis for developing an effective anti-drone defense system.
Feature type and size selection for adaboost face detection algorithm
PublikacjaThe article presents different sets of Haar-like features defined for adaptive boosting (AdaBoost) algorithm for face detection. Apart from a simple set of pixel intensity differences between horizontally or vertically neighboring rectangles, the features based on rotated rectangles are considered. Additional parameter that limits the area on which the features are calculated is also introduced. The experiments carried out on...
Ship Collision Risk Assessment Based on Collision Detection Algorithm
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Development of visual evoked potentials detection algorithm for objective perimetry
PublikacjaOpisano nową propozycję algorytmu detekcji potencjałów wzrokowych w zapisie EEG. Nowy algorytm bazuje na dekompozycji statystycznej ICA. Algorytm wstępnie przetestowano na danych eksperymentalnych.
An object-based SAR image iceberg detection algorithm applied to the Amundsen Sea
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FPGA-Based Real-Time Implementation of Detection Algorithm for Automatic Traffic Surveillance Sensor Network
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje sprzętową implementację w układzie FPGA algorytmu wykrywającego pojazdy, przeznaczonego do zastosowania w autonomicznej sieci sensorowej. Zadaniem algorytmu jest detekcja poruszających się pojazdów w obrazie z kamery pracującej w czasie rzeczywistym. Algorytm ma na celu oszacowanie parametrów ruchu ulicznego, takich jak liczba pojazdów, ich kierunek ruchu i przybliżona prędkość, przy wykorzystaniu sprzętu sieci...
Transient detection algorithms for speech coding applications
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Comparison of edge detection algorithms for electric wire recognition
PublikacjaEdge detection is the preliminary step in image processing for object detection and recognition procedure. It allows to remove useless information and reduce amount of data before further analysis. The paper contains the comparison of edge detection algorithms optimized for detection of horizontal edges. For comparison purposes the algorithms were implemented in the developed application dedicated to detection of electric line...
Face detection algorithms evaluation for the bank client verification
PublikacjaResults of investigation of face detection algorithms in the video sequences are presented in the paper. The recordings were made with a miniature industrial USB camera in real conditions met in three bank operating rooms. The aim of the experiments was to check the practical usability of the face detection method in the biometric bank client verification system. The main assumption was to provide as much as possible user interaction...
Efficiency of gas detection algorithms using fluctuation enhanced sensing
PublikacjaEfficiency of various gas detection algorithms by applying fluctuation enhanced sensing method was discussed. We have analyzed resistance noise observed in resistive WO3- nanowires gas sensing layers. Power spectral densities of the recorded noise were used as the input data vectors for two algorithms: the principal component analysis (PCA) and the support vector machine (SVM). The data were used to determine gas concentration...
High accuracy and octave error immune pitch detection algorithms.
PublikacjaW publikacji przedstawiona została metoda poprawiająca dokładność estymacji częstotliwości podstawowej dźwięków naturalnych i syntetycznych. Opracowany algorytm wykorzystuje sztczną sieć neuronową. Dodatkowo przedstawiony został algorytm zoptymalizowany pod kątem błędów oktawowych, operujący w dziedzinie częstotliwości. Przedstawiona metoda jest bardzo skuteczna zarówno dla sygnałów harmonicznych o znaczącej energii poszczególnych...
Evaluation of Face Detection Algorithms for the Bank Client Identity Verification
PublikacjaResults of investigation of face detection algorithms efficiency in the banking client visual verification system are presented. The video recordings were made in real conditions met in three bank operating outlets employing a miniature industrial USB camera. The aim of the experiments was to check the practical usability of the face detection method in the biometric bank client verification system. The main assumption was to provide...
Modular machine learning system for training object detection algorithms on a supercomputer
PublikacjaW pracy zaprezentowano architekturę systemu służącego do tworzenia algorytmów wykorzystujących metodę AdaBoost i służących do wykrywania obiektów (np. twarzy) na obrazach. System został podzielony na wyspecjalizowane moduły w celu umożliwienia łatwej rozbudowy i efektywnego zrównoleglenia implementacji przeznaczonej dla superkomputera. Na przykład, system może być rozszerzony o nowe cechy i algorytmy ich ekstrakcji bez konieczności...
Impact of Shifting Time-Window Post-Processing on the Quality of Face Detection Algorithms
PublikacjaWe consider binary classification algorithms, which operate on single frames from video sequences. Such a class of algorithms is named OFA (One Frame Analyzed). Two such algorithms for facial detection are compared in terms of their susceptibility to the FSA (Frame Sequence Analysis) method. It introduces a shifting time-window improvement, which includes the temporal context of frames in a post-processing step that improves the...
Genetic algorithm for fatique crack detection in Timoshenko beam.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono metodę detekcji peknięć zmęczeniowych w początkowej fazie ich rozwoju. Algorytm detekcji wykorzystuje metodę algorytmów genetycznych połączoną z metodą gradientową. Funkcja celu oparta została o zmiany w propagujacej fali sprężystej.
Method of selecting the LS-SVM algorithm parameters in gas detection process
PublikacjaIn this paper we showed the method of resistive gas sensors data processing. The UV irradiation and temperature modulation was applied to improve gas sensors’ selectivity and sensitivity. Noise voltage across the sensor’s terminals (proportional to its resistance fluctuations) was recorded to estimate power spectral density. This function was an input data vector for LS-SVM (least squares – support vector machine) algorithm, which...
MiMSeg - an algorithm for automated detection of tumor tissue on NMR apparent diffusion coefficient maps.
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Segmentation for embryonated Egg Images Detection using the K-Means Algorithm in Image Processing
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Advanced genetic algorithm-based signal processing for multi-degradation detection in steam turbines
PublikacjaThis research contributes to the field of reliability engineering and system safety by introducing an innovative diagnostic method to enhance the reliability and safety of complex technological systems. Steam turbines are specifically referred to. This study focuses on the integration of advanced signal processing techniques and engineering dynamics in addressing critical issues in the monitoring and maintenance of mechanical systems....
Neural network based algorithm for hand gesture detection in a low-cost microprocessor applications
PublikacjaIn this paper the simple architecture of neural network for hand gesture classification was presented. The network classifies the previously calculated parameters of EMG signals. The main goal of this project was to develop simple solution that is not computationally complex and can be implemented on microprocessors in low-cost 3D printed prosthetic arms. As the part of conducted research the data set EMG signals corresponding...
Increasing K-Means Clustering Algorithm Effectivity for Using in Source Code Plagiarism Detection
PublikacjaThe problem of plagiarism is becoming increasingly more significant with the growth of Internet technologies and the availability of information resources. Many tools have been successfully developed to detect plagiarisms in textual documents, but the situation is more complicated in the field of plagiarism of source codes, where the problem is equally serious. At present, there are no complex tools available to detect plagiarism...
Electronic nose algorithm design using classical system identification for odour intensity detection
PublikacjaThe two elements considered crucial for constructing an efficient environmental odour intensity monitoring systems are sensors and algorithms typically addressed to as electronic nose sensor (e-nose). Due to operational complexity of biochemical sensors developed in human bodies algorithms based on computational methods of artificial intelligence are typically considered superior to classical model based approaches in development...
Efficient algorithm for blinking LED detection dedicated to embedded systems equipped with high performance cameras
PublikacjaThis paper presents the concept and implementation of an efficient algorithm for detection of blinking LED or similar signal sources. Algorithm is designed for embedded devices equipped with high performance cameras being a part of an indoor positioning embedded system. An algorithm to be implemented in such a system should be efficient in terms of computational power what is hard to be achieved when large amount of data from camera...
Detection of Alzheimer's disease using Otsu thresholding with tunicate swarm algorithm and deep belief network
PublikacjaIntroduction: Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a degenerative brain disorder characterized by cognitive and memory dysfunctions. The early detection of AD is necessary to reduce the mortality rate through slowing down its progression. The prevention and detection of AD is the emerging research topic for many researchers. The structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (sMRI) is an extensively used imaging technique in detection of AD, because...
PublikacjaBrief description of the study and used methods. Brief description of the study and used As part of the preparatory work aimed to create the application solution allowing for the automation of searching objects in data, obtained in the scanning process using ALS (Airborne Laser Scanning) or TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanning), the authors prepared a artificial (synthetic, theoretical) model of space, used for the verification of operation...
A Novel Divisive iK-Means Algorithm with Region-Driven Feature Selection as a Tool for Automated Detection of Tumour Heterogeneity in MALDI IMS Experiments
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Intracranial hemorrhage detection in 3D computed tomography images using a bi-directional long short-term memory network-based modified genetic algorithm
PublikacjaIntroduction: Intracranial hemorrhage detection in 3D Computed Tomography (CT) brain images has gained more attention in the research community. The major issue to deal with the 3D CT brain images is scarce and hard to obtain the labelled data with better recognition results. Methods: To overcome the aforementioned problem, a new model has been implemented in this research manuscript. After acquiring the images from the Radiological...
A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms
Dane BadawczeThis dataset is from my master's thesis "A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms". It contains both raw data and preprocessed dataset ready to use. In the pictures below you can see how images were annotated.
Moving object tracking algorithm evaluation in autonomous surveillance system
PublikacjaResults of evaluation of video object tracking algorithm being a part of an autonomous surveillance system are presented. The algorithm was investigated employing a set of benchmarks recorded locally. The precision of object detection, evaluated with such metrics as fragmentation, object area recall and object precision, is in focus. The experiments aimed at examining the detection quality using various object detection algorithm...
Quality Evaluation of Novel DTD Algorithm Based on Audio Watermarking
PublikacjaEcho cancellers typically employ a doubletalk detection (DTD) algorithm in order to keep the adaptive filter from diverging in the presence of near-end speech signal or other disruptive sounds in the microphone signal. A novel doubletalk detection algorithm based on techniques similar to those used for audio signal watermarking was introduced by the authors. The application of the described DTD algorithm within acoustic echo cancellation...
PublikacjaSymptoms recognition of portal hypertensive gastropathy (PHG) can be done by analysing endoscopic recordings, but manual analysis done by physician may take a long time. This increases probability of missing some symptoms and automated methods may be applied to prevent that. In this paper a novel hybrid algorithm for recognition of early stage of portal hypertensive gastropathy is proposed. First image preprocessing is described....
Performance evaulation of video object tracking algorithm in autonomous surveillance system
PublikacjaResults of performance evaluation of a video object tracking algorithm are presented. The method of moving objects detection and tracking is based on background modelling with mixtures of Gaussians and Kalman filters. An emphasis is put on algorithm's efficiency with regards to its settings. Utilized methods of performance evaluation based on comparison of algorithm output to manually prepared reference data are introduced. The...
Performance evaluation of video object tracking algorithm in autonomous surveillance system
PublikacjaResults of performance evaluation of a video object tracking algorithm are presented. The method of moving objects detection and tracking is based on background modelling with mixtures of Gaussians and Kalman filters. An emphasis is put on algorithm's efficiency with regards to its settings. Utilized methods of performance evaluation based on comparison of algorithm output to manually prepared reference data are introduced. The...
Variable-structure algorithm for identification of quasi-periodically varying systems
PublikacjaThe paper presents a variable-structure version of a generalized notchfiltering (GANF) algorithm. Generalized notch filters are used for identification of quasi-periodically varying dynamic systems and can be considered an extension, to the system case, of classical adaptive notch filters. The proposed algorithm is a cascade of two GANF filters: a multiple-frequency "precise" filter bank, used for precise system tracking, and a...
Performance Evaluation of the Parallel Codebook Algorithm for Background Subtraction in Video Stream
PublikacjaA background subtraction algorithm based on the codebook approach was implemented on a multi-core processor in a parallel form, using the OpenMP system. The aim of the experiments was to evaluate performance of the multithreaded algorithm in processing video streams recorded from monitoring cameras, depending on a number of computer cores used, method of task scheduling, image resolution and degree of image content variability....
Transient detection for speech coding applications
PublikacjaSignal quality in speech codecs may be improved by selecting transients from speech signal and encoding them using a suitable method. This paper presents an algorithm for transient detection in speech signal. This algorithm operates in several frequency bands. Transient detection functions are calculated from energy measured in short frames of the signal. The final selection of transient frames is based on results of detection...
Performance of Watermarking-based DTD Algorithm Under Time-varying Echo Path Conditions
PublikacjaA novel double-talk detection (DTD) algorithm based on techniques similar to those used for audio signal watermarking was introduced by the authors. The application of the described DTD algorithm within acoustic echo cancellation system is presented. The problem of DTD robustness to time-varying conditions of acoustic echo path is discussed and explanation as to why such conditions occur in practical situations is provided. The...
Robustness analysis of watermarking-based dtd algorithm under time-variable echo conditions
PublikacjaA novel double-talk detection (DTD) algorithm based on techniques similar to those used for audio signal watermarking was introduced by the authors. The application of the described DTD algorithm within acoustic echo cancellation system is presented. The problem of DTD robustness to time-varying conditions of acoustic echo path is discussed and explanation as to why such conditions occur in practical situations is provided. The...
Photoplethysmographic Time-Domain Heart Rate Measurement Algorithm for Resource-Constrained Wearable Devices and its Implementation
PublikacjaThis paper presents an algorithm for the measurement of the human heart rate, using photoplethysmography (PPG), i.e., the detection of the light at the skin surface. The signal from the PPG sensor is processed in time-domain; the peaks in the preprocessed and conditioned PPG waveform are detected by using a peak detection algorithm to find the heart rate in real time. Apart from the PPG sensor, the accelerometer is also used to...
Silence/noise detection for speech and music signals
PublikacjaThis paper introduces a novel off-line algorithm for silence/noise detection in noisy signals. The main concept of the proposed algorithm is to provide noise patterns for further signals processing i.e. noise reduction for speech enhancement. The algorithm is based on frequency domain characteristics of signals. The examples of different types of noisy signals are presented.
Tool Wear Monitoring Using Improved Dragonfly Optimization Algorithm and Deep Belief Network
PublikacjaIn recent decades, tool wear monitoring has played a crucial role in the improvement of industrial production quality and efficiency. In the machining process, it is important to predict both tool cost and life, and to reduce the equipment downtime. The conventional methods need enormous quantities of human resources and expert skills to achieve precise tool wear information. To automatically identify the tool wear types, deep...
Detection of vehicles stopping in restricted zones in video from surveillance cameras
PublikacjaAn algorithm for detection of vehicles that stop in restricted areas, e.g. excluded by traffic rules, is proposed. Classic approaches based on object tracking are inefficient in high traffic scenes because of tracking errors caused by frequent object merging and splitting. The proposed algorithm uses the background subtraction results for detection of moving objects, then pixels belonging to moving objects are tested for stability....
Layered background modeling for automatic detection of unattended objects in camera images
PublikacjaAn algorithm for automatic detection of unattended objects in video camera images is presented. First, background subtraction is performed, using an approach based on the codebook method. Results of the detection are then processed by assigning the background pixels to time slots, based on the codeword age. Using this data, moving objects detected during a chosen period may be extracted from the background model. The proposed approach...
Extraction of stable foreground image regions for unattended luggage detection
PublikacjaA novel approach to detection of stationary objects in the video stream is presented. Stationary objects are these separated from the static background, but remaining motionless for a prolonged time. Extraction of stationary objects from images is useful in automatic detection of unattended luggage. The proposed algorithm is based on detection of image regions containing foreground image pixels having stable values in time and...
A framework for automatic detection of abandoned luggage in airport terminal
PublikacjaA framework for automatic detection of events in a video stream transmitted from a monitoring system is presented. The framework is based on the widely used background subtraction and object tracking algorithms. The authors elaborated an algorithm for detection of left and removed objects based on mor-phological processing and edge detection. The event detection algorithm collects and analyzes data of all the moving objects in...
Detection of moving objects in images combined from video and thermal cameras
PublikacjaAn algorithm for detection of moving objects in video streams from the monitoring cameras is presented. A system composed of a standard video camera and a thermal camera, mounted in close proximity to each other, is used for object detection. First, a background subtraction is performed in both video streams separately, using the popular Gaussian Mixture Models method. For the next processing stage, the authors propose an algorithm...
Methodology for Performing Bathymetric Measurements of Shallow Waterbodies Using an UAV, and their Processing Based on the SVR Algorithm
PublikacjaState-of-art methods of bathymetric measurements for shallow waterbodies use Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver, bathymetric Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensor or satellite imagery. Currently, photogrammetric methods with the application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are gathering great importance. This publication aims to present step-by-step methodology for carrying out the bathymetric measurements...
Resolving conflicts in object tracking for automatic detection of events in video
PublikacjaAn algorithm for resolving conflicts in tracking of moving objects is presented. The proposed approach utilizes predicted states calculated by Kalman filters for estimation of trackers position, then it uses color and texture descriptors in order to match moving objects with trackers. Problematic situations, such as splitting objects, are addressed. Test results are presented and discussed. The algorithm may be used in the system...