wszystkich: 41
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: italian literature
Luciano Segreto prof. dr
Osoby -
Transfer of Phraseological Units (Collocations) in Literary Translation. Corpus-based Research in the French Language and its Equivalents in Italian and Polish
PublikacjaThis doctoral thesis aims to examine the interlingual transfer of verbal-nominal collocations in literary translation by analysing in detail 6 578 examples. The corpus of the thesis consists of the first seven novels by the contemporary French writer Michel Houellebecq published over a quarter of a century, namely between 1994 and 2019. The corpus includes the novels in their original language — French — and their translations...
Layered Morphology of Gdansk: Past, Present and Future.
PublikacjaThis study aims to analyze the urban fabric and form of the city of Gdańsk based on the Muratorian and Italian school of urban morphology, to deepen the understanding of the morphological process of the urban fabric. It can be seen that the urban fabric of the city is a juxtaposition of all these layers, and based on Muratori’s approach these are indicative of not just the past, present but also the future. The study sample is...
Italy, an Extraordinary Commonplace? Stereotypes and Imaginaries of Italianness in Online Communication by Fashion Brands
PublikacjaThe paper explores the use of country-related stereotypes associated with Italian identity in the social media communication of 21 Italian fashion brands on Instagram. Focusing on the concept of “made in Italy”, the research employs image content analysis to identify how the selected sample of brands communicates Italian identity globally. The theoretical framework emphasizes the importance of the Country of Origin (COO) concept,...
Secure Italian domination in graphs
PublikacjaAn Italian dominating function (IDF) on a graph G is a function f:V(G)→{0,1,2} such that for every vertex v with f(v)=0, the total weight of f assigned to the neighbours of v is at least two, i.e., ∑u∈NG(v)f(u)≥2. For any function f:V(G)→{0,1,2} and any pair of adjacent vertices with f(v)=0 and u with f(u)>0, the function fu→v is defined by fu→v(v)=1, fu→v(u)=f(u)−1 and fu→v(x)=f(x) whenever x∈V(G)∖{u,v}. A secure Italian dominating...
À la recherche de l’industrie perdue. La désindustrialisation en Italie entre débat public, réalité économique et fragilités structurelles du pays
PublikacjaThe paper outilines the main aspects of the public debate about Italian deindustrialization in the last 30 years
L'Italie. Gagner à tout prix. L'industrie de l'armenent italien pendant la Grande Guerre
PublikacjaThe chapter outlines the economic and technological transformations of the Italian armament industry during the First World War
Unités phraséologiques au pays de la traduction: transfert des collocations nomino-adjectivales avec le lexème «femme» dans la traduction de la littérature houellebecquienne du français vers l’italien et le polonais
PublikacjaThe present paper examines the transfer of nomino-adjectival collocations based on the word ‘femme’ (‘woman’) in the literary translation from French into Italian and Polish. The lexical connection analysed in the article can be defined as the habitual juxtaposition of a word with another word (or words) that has a significant frequency in a given language. The research corpus comprises seven Michel Houellebecq’s novels written...
L'industria e la Storia. La lezione di Giorgio Mori
PublikacjaThe wide contribution of Giorgio Mori for a better understanding of the long-term historical relationships between history and industry is the focus of this chapter. By analysing the long list of books and articles written all along his scientific and academic life it is possible to trace a sort of fil rouge that permits to appreciate the huge effort made by this scholar in offering a fresh and never banal interpretation of the...
Sésame, ouvre-toi: internationalisme phraséologique à contenu universel
PublikacjaPhraseological units, characterised by their opaque meaning, are the subject of multiple theoretical works. The following article adds to this discussion by providing another interesting example. It analyses the case of the Arabic phraseological unit ‘open sesame’ from the “Ali Baba and the Forty Thievesˮ folk tale, permeating into French, Italian, Polish, Turkish and Japanese – languages distant both linguistically and culturally....
Influence of the local building tradition on Renaissance architecture in Royal Prussia
PublikacjaContrary to the southern Europe the first signs of Renaissance in northern parts of the Holy Roman Empire as well as in Poland and Lithuania might be observed only at the beginning of the 16th century. Initially, they were created by Italian teams which came from Florence, Rome and the region of Como. One of the most recognizable marks of that process was the transfer of the Italian craftsmen and architectural solutions, e.g....
PublikacjaIn this paper, we estimate aversion to rank inequality (ATRI) underlying selected Italian income inequality indices, I, notably the Pietra index, the Bonferroni index and the “new” Zenga index. We measure ATRI by the parameter v of the generalised Gini index G(v). ATRI is distinct from aversion to income inequality, as measured by parameter ε of Atkinson’s index A(ε). We propose eliciting v from the equation I = GE(v). As, in general,...
Innovazioni fraseologiche nei titoli della stampa italiana: una classificazione dei motivi delle innovazioni fraseologiche
PublikacjaThe purpose of this study is to investigate the phenomenon of phraseological innovations in the titles of the articles in one of the Italian newspapers La Stampa. In the first part of the article, key terms such as the phraseological norm and the phraseological innovation have been defined, taking into account various terms related to this process. Then, some innovation classifications have been presented. Finally, the analytical...
The International Mercury Cartel, 1928–1954: Controlling Global Supply
PublikacjaThis article describes the features of the international mercury marketduringthe firsthalfofthetwentiethcentury.Itanalyzes the various market agreements made, their effectiveness, and their consequences. The period studied is little understood, although it was one in which mercury production greatly increased. It was also one that saw persistent efforts at market manipulation, owing to a series of agreements between Spanish and...
Zapiski pożeracza ksiąg : o rodzajach i funkcjach marginaliów na podstawie notatek Jana Bernarda Bonifacia = Marginalia of the book devourer : about the kind and functions of marginal notes on the basic of Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio's annotations.
PublikacjaThe aim of this study is to show the rich variety of marginalia written in the books by the hand of their owner, Giovanni Bernardo Bonifacio (1517—1597)‘, also known as "helluo librorum", a "book devourer". Most of the author’s attention has been focused upon recognizing the types and functions of the hand written comments left in the margins of the books by the Italian humanist. The role of the annotations has been seen as a...
Zapiski pożeracza ksiąg : o rodzajach i funkcjach marginaliów na podstawie notatek Jana Bernarda Bonifacia = Marginalia of the book devourer : about the kind and functions of marginal notes on the basic of Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio's annotations.
PublikacjaThe aim of this study is to show the rich variety of marginalia written in the books by the hand of their owner, Giovanni Bernardo Bonifacio (1517—1597)‘, also known as "helluo librorum", a "book devourer". Most of the author’s attention has been focused upon recognizing the types and functions of the hand written comments left in the margins of the books by the Italian humanist. The role of the annotations has been seen as...
L’indistricabile intreccio. Imprese, imprenditori e regime fascista. (An Inextricable Intertwining. Companies, Entrepreneurs, and the Fascist Regime)
PublikacjaThe papers of this section analyse the relationships between the economic and business community and the fascist regime. Their aim is to refresh the interpretations that were established in the 1960s-1970s and remained undisputed in the decades thereafter, becoming a sort of mantra among Italian contemporary historians. The article presents the most relevant contributions of that historiographical season, explaining the reasons...
Infedeltà nel trasferimento delle collocazioni nella traduzione dei romanzi di Michel Houellebecq dal francese all’italiano
PublikacjaBuilding on my PhD project, this paper explores fidelity challenges in the transfer of verb-nominal collocations (VNC) in the Italian translations of seven of Michel Houellebecq’s novels. I examine various kinds of infidelity, such as omissions, errors, incongruence in constituent transmission, incoherence in recurrent VNC transmission, and infidelity at the level of phraseological coverage. The accurate transfer...
Assessment of TFP in European and American higher education institutions – application of Malmquist indices
PublikacjaIn this study we apply Malmquist methodology, based on the estimation of distance measures through Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), to a sample of 500 universities (in 10 European countries and the U.S.) over the period 2000 to 2010 in order to assess and compare their productivity. On average, a rise in TFP is registered for the whole European sample (strongest for Dutch and Italian HEIs), while the productivity of American HEIs...
Dynamics of productivity in higher education: cross-european evidence based on bootstrapped Malmquist indices
PublikacjaAbstract This study examines patterns of productivitychange in a large set of 266 public higher educationinstitutions (HEIs) in 7 European countries across the timeperiod 2001-2005. We adopt consistent bootstrap estimationprocedures to obtain confidence intervals for Malmquistindices of HEI productivity and their components.Consequently, we are able to assess the statistical significanceof changes in HEI productivity, efficiency...
Can Evaluation Patterns Enable End Users to Evaluate the Quality of an e-learning System? An Exploratory Study.
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of an exploratory study whose main aim is to verify if the Pattern-Based (PB) inspection technique enables end users to perform reliable evaluation of e-learning systems in real work-related settings. The study involved 13 Polish and Italian participants, who did not have an HCI background, but used e-learning platforms for didactic and/or administrative purposes. The study revealed that the participants...
Mispronunciation Detection in Non-Native (L2) English with Uncertainty Modeling
PublikacjaA common approach to the automatic detection of mispronunciation in language learning is to recognize the phonemes produced by a student and compare it to the expected pronunciation of a native speaker. This approach makes two simplifying assumptions: a) phonemes can be recognized from speech with high accuracy, b) there is a single correct way for a sentence to be pronounced. These assumptions do not always hold, which can result...
Exploring universities' efficiency differentials between countries in a multi-year perspective: an application of bootstrap DEA and Malmquist index to Italy and Poland, 2001-2011
PublikacjaThis study employs data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate relative efficiency of a sample of 54 Italian and 30 Polish public universities for the period between 2001 and 2011. The examination is conducted in two steps: first unbiased DEA efficiency scores are estimated and then are regressed on external variables to quantitatively asses the direction and magnitude of the impact of potential determinants. The analysis shows...
Exploring efficiency differentials between Italian and Polish universities, 2001-2011
PublikacjaIn this study, data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to evaluate the relative efficiency of a sample of 54 Italian and 30 Polish state universities over the period 2001–11. The investigation was conducted in two steps. Unbiased DEA efficiency scores were first estimated and then regressed on external variables to quantitatively assess the direction and size of the impact of potential determinants. The analysis reveals a strong...
Service restoration in survivable networks under malicious attacks
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono porównanie jakości odtwarzania usług w przeżywalnych sieciach optycznych poddanych awariom losowym oraz celowym działaniom niszczącym (atakom). Założenia odnośnie przeżywalności są następujące: ochrona od krańca do krańca, rozłączność węzłowa każdej pary ścieżek: aktywnej i zabezpieczającej.Z powodu NP-zupełności problemu przeżywalnego doboru tras i przydziału długości fali w sieciach optycznych, zaproponowano...
UE ETS: an in-depth descriptive analysis.
PublikacjaThe European Emission Trading System (EU ETS) plays a pivotal role in the EU’s strategy to address climate change, serving as a fundamental instrument for cost-effective reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Notably, it inaugurated the word’s first major carbon market and it continues to the largest one. Chapter 1 provides an in-depth examination of the EU ETS, spanning from its inception in 2005 to 2020. After providing a descriptive...
Dynamics of productivity in higher education. Cross-European evidence based on bootstrapped Malmquist indices
PublikacjaThis study presents patterns of productivity change in a large set of 266 public higher education institutions (HEIs) from 7 European countries across the time period 2001-2005. We adopt consistent bootstrap estimation procedures to obtain confidence intervals for Malmquist indices of HEI productivity and their components. Consequently, we are able to assess statistical significance of the changes in HEIs' productivity, efficiency...
Weakly-Supervised Word-Level Pronunciation Error Detection in Non-Native English Speech
PublikacjaWe propose a weakly-supervised model for word-level mispronunciation detection in non-native (L2) English speech. To train this model, phonetically transcribed L2 speech is not required and we only need to mark mispronounced words. The lack of phonetic transcriptions for L2 speech means that the model has to learn only from a weak signal of word-level mispronunciations. Because of that and due to the limited amount of mispronounced...
Searching for innovation knowledge: insight into KIBS companies
PublikacjaThe paper analyses the activity of research for “innovation knowledge”—here defined as knowledge that can lead to the introduction of service innovations—by Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) companies. It proposes a classification of the possible search approaches adopted by those companies based on two dimensions: the pro-activity of search efforts and the source primarily used. Such classification is then discussed...
Service restoration in survivable networks under attacks
PublikacjaW artykule dokonano porównania jakości odtwarzania usług w przeżywalnych sieciach optycznych, uszkadzanych w wyniku awarii fizycznych oraz na skutek ataków. Przeanalizowano wariant ochrony ścieżek ('path protection') poprzez wyznaczane zawczasu ścieżki zabezpieczające. Z uwagi na NP-zupełność problemu optymalizacji doboru tras w przeżywalnych sieciach optycznych, zaproponowano efektywny algorytm heurystyczny SCNDP. Autorski symulator...
Concentration of Potentially Bioactive Compounds in Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oils from Various Sources by Using LC-MS and Multivariate Data Analysis
PublikacjaHigh quality extra virgin olive oils represent an optimal source of nutraceuticals. The European Union (EU) is the world’s leading olive oil producer, with the Mediterranean region as the main contributor. This makes the EU the greatest exporter and consumer of olive oil in the world. However, small olive oil producers also contribute to olive oil production. Beneficial effects on human health of extra virgin olive oil are well...
Machine-aided detection of SARS-CoV-2 from complete blood count
PublikacjaThe current gold standard for SARS-CoV-2 detection methods lacks the functionality to perform population screening. Complete blood count (CBC) tests are a cost-effective way to reach a wide range of people – e.g. according to the data of the Central Statistical Office of Poland from 2016, there are 3,000 blood diagnostic laboratories in Poland, and 46% of Polish people have at least one CBC test per year. In our work, we show...
Colour Terms in Five Linguistic Images of the World: The Semantic Perspective
PublikacjaSocial and cultural factors shape the linguistic perception of colour. At the same time, colour terms co-create the linguistic image of the world, which allows us to interpret reality and profile our statements and beliefs. This paper presents six basic colour terms: white, black, red, green, yellow, and blue (both as adjectives and as nouns) in the five different linguistic images of the world of the following languages: English,...
Climbing university rankings under resources constraints: a combined approach integrating DEA and directed Louvain community detection
PublikacjaOver recent years, scholarly interest in universities’ allocation and effective utilisation of financial resources has been growing. When used efficiently, financial resources may improve universities’ quality of research and teaching, and therefore their positions inworld university rankings. However, despite the relevance of financial efficiency to university placement in academic rankings, universities’ total available financial...
KM Challenges in Small KIBS Companies: Multi-case Analysis in Two Countries
PublikacjaKnowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) – i.e. companies like e.g. computer services, consulting, engineering, business communication, and R&D support - are key players in the modern economies. They stimulate the innovativeness of businesses and societies. Their competitiveness is based on knowledge, which is their key production factor and also the kind of “goods” they sell. The large majority of KIBS companies have a small...
Computer-assisted pronunciation training—Speech synthesis is almost all you need
PublikacjaThe research community has long studied computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) methods in non-native speech. Researchers focused on studying various model architectures, such as Bayesian networks and deep learning methods, as well as on the analysis of different representations of the speech signal. Despite significant progress in recent years, existing CAPT methods are not able to detect pronunciation errors with high...
The Main Buildings of Technical Universities in Lviv, Warsaw, Gdańsk and Wrocław. Neo-Renaissance „Architecture parlante”
PublikacjaThe article compares the buildings of historical campuses of four technical universities located in areas related to Polish culture. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, several new technical universities were established in Central and Eastern Europe. In 1844, the Technical Academy was opened in Lviv. In 1899, the Russian who were occupying the east and central part of Poland established the Polytechnic Institute in Warsaw....
Knowledge management strategies in KIBS companies: A preliminary analysis
PublikacjaPurpose – The aim of this paper is to perform a preliminary analysis concerning the detection and examination of two possible opposite approaches to KM planning which will be referred to as deliberate and emergent KM strategies. The goal is to enhance our understanding of the variety of features KM strategies possess and, accordingly, to formulate categorisations that are in line with such characteristics. Design/methodology/approach...
Searching for innovation knowledge: insight into KIBS companies
PublikacjaPurpose – The paper analyzes the patterns of research of “innovation knowledge” (i.e. knowledge that can result in introducing innovations in the company that can be observed in KIBS (Knowledge-Intensive Business Services) companies. Particularly, it identifies and classifies the possible approaches adopted by companies on the basis of two dimensions: the intensity/proactivity of search efforts, and the source primarily used. Design/methodology/approach...
Querelle Des Femmes. Male and Female Voices in Italy and Europe, Szczecin, Volumina Pl, ISBN 978-83-7867-2
Publikacja -
Daniele Cerrato
OsobyResearcher in Italian and women studies