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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: DECISION-MAKINGPROCESSES
“Project-factor-decision”. Decisive factors in IT projects and their impact on its success
PublikacjaThe aim of this article is to indicate the need for a deepening, systematizing and codifying of the theoretical and practical knowledge on IT project management, in the area of management decision-making processes. The scope of decisions made by managers is constantly on the increase. Project managers make decisions not only within the classic triangle of constraints, which consists of a schedule, a budget and the project scope,...
Pareto Optimal Decisions in Multi-Criteria Decision Making Explained with Construction Cost Cases
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Medical decision making in hypertension
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Fuzzy Gaussian Decision Tree
PublikacjaThe Decision Tree algorithm is one of the first machine learning algorithms developed. It is used both as a standalone model and as an ensemble of many cooperating trees like Random Forest, AdaBoost, Gradient Boosted Trees, or XGBoost. In this work, a new version of the Decision Tree was developed for classifying real-world signals using Gaussian distribution functions and a fuzzy decision process. The research was carried out...
Patterns of Ethical Behaviour and Decision Making.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono propozycję wykorzystania wzorców programowych do opracowania wzorców etycznych, mających na celu wspomaganie prowadzącego projekt informatyczny w podejmowaniu decyzji. Ideę zilustrowano dwoma przykładami.
Decision control of the combustion engines operation.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono propozycję decyzyjnego sterowania procesem eksploatacji silników spalinowych z zastosowaniem modelu tego procesu w formie decyzyjnego (sterowanego) procesu semimarkowskiego. Przedstawiono silnik spalinowy jako obiekt sterowania.Zwrócono uwagę na potrzebę jednoczesnego sterowania procesem zmian stanów technicznych i eksploatacyjnych silników. Zasygnalizowano także znaczenie diagnostyki technicznej w tego...
Chemometrics and Statistics | Multicriteria Decision Making
PublikacjaThis contribution describes the application of Multicriteria Decision Making tools in analytical chemistry. The general scheme of MCDM is presented to show its general steps. The most frequently applied in analytical sciences MCDM techniques – AHP, ELECTRE, PROMETHEE and TOPSIS – are briefly described and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The applications in analytical chemistry are selection of an appropriate...
The preferable ways of decision-making in IT teams
PublikacjaSoftware development team collaboration requires various decisions regarding essential aspects of a project’s progress. General and particular decision-making models are considered, and their main aspects such as team types, problem solving categories, and decision-making ways are analyzed. The research concerns representative groups of IT specialists and their preferences in decision-making are investigated. Four possible cases were...
Optimized Decision Forest for Website Phishing Detection
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Deisgning the Data Warehouse for Decision Support System
PublikacjaRozdział w monografii jest poświecony problematyce budowy systemów z bazami wiedzy dla wspomagania procesów zarządzania. W rozdziale tym przedstawiono metody budowy hurtowni danych Na zakończenie przedstawiono przykład wykorzystania tych hurtowni na potrzeby systemów wspomagania decyzji
A SPC strategy for decision making in manufacturing processes
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Determination of reservoir decision rules during flood
PublikacjaW artykule opisano zastosowania metody sterowanego przeszukiwania losowego w zadaniu operacyjnego sterowania systemem zbiorników Nysy Kłodzkiej. Celem badań było zwiększenie dokładności uzyskiwanych wyników i efektywności obliczeń. Przetestowano kilka form reguł decyzyjnych i zaproponowano modyfikację analizowanej metody.
Advances in soft modelling techniques and decision support
PublikacjaPostępy w technikach miękkiego modelowania i wspomagania decyzji. W edytorialu przybliżono najnowsze osiągnięcia w zakresie miękkiego modelowania opartego na teorii zbiorów rozmytych i systemów z bazami wiedzy. Omówiono postępy teoretyczne w tej dziedzinie, jak również obszary obecnych i przyszłych zastosowań.
Knowledge management - decision support in a workflow system
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono nowatorski model zarzadzania wiedza w procesach decyzyjnych w systemie opartym na przeplywie ''workflow''.
Intelligent decision-making system for autonomous robots
PublikacjaAdaptacja może być oparta na różnych koncepcjach cybernetycznych (takich jak algorytmy genetyczne, rojowe, sieci neuronowe, itp.). Główna myśl opisywanej pracy opiera się na wykorzystaniu modeli psychologii żywych istot (człowieka) w konstrukcji systemów sterowania jednostek autonomicznych w celu adaptacji jednostki do zmiennego środowiska (kluczowe dla projektu jest traktowanie elementów motywacyjnych jako problemu osobowości)....
Interactive cognitive-behavioural decision making system
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia wyniki przekształcenia modelu psychologicznego człowieka w interaktywny, poznawczo-behawioralny, system podejmowania decyzji, uwarunkowany zarówno środowiskowo, jak i ze względu na stany spełnienia założonych potrzeb. Model ludzkiej psychologii oparty jest na psychologii poznawczej i psychologii osobowości. Zawiera on emocje, potrzeby i struktury ludzkich procesów poznawczych. Opracowany model i sposób realizacji...
Effective Decision-Making in Supply Chain Management
PublikacjaProper decision-making in Supply Chain Management (SCM) is crucial for an appropriately functioning mechanisms. The paper presents how IT technologies can impact on an organization and process realization. Especially Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) standard and the Cloud Computing (CC) paradigms are taken into account. A general model of decision-making is proposed and based on a specific practical example is analyzed using...
Decision making process using deep learning
PublikacjaEndüstri 4.0, dördüncü endüstri devrimi veya Endüstriyel Nesnelerin İnterneti (IIoT) olarak adlandırılan sanayi akımı, işletmelere, daha verimli, daha büyük bir esneklikle, daha güvenli ve daha çevre dostu bir şekilde üretim yapma imkanı sunmaktadır. Nesnelerin İnterneti ile bağlantılı yeni teknoloji ve hizmetler birçok endüstriyel uygulamada devrim niteliği taşımaktadır. Fabrikalardaki otomasyon, tahminleyici bakım (PdM – Predictive...
Stream Reasoning to Improve Decision-Making in Cognitive Systems
PublikacjaABSTRACT Cognitive Vision Systems have gained a lot of interest from industry and academia recently, due to their potential to revolutionize human life as they are designed to work under complex scenes, adapting to a range of unforeseen situations, changing accordingly to new scenarios and exhibiting prospective behavior. The combination of these properties aims to mimic the human capabilities and create more intelligent and efficient...
Ontological queries supporting decision process in KaSea system
PublikacjaWraz z rozwojem baz wiedzy pojawiły się systemy ekspertowe, które wykorzystują je do wsparcia procesu podejmowania decyzji. Systemy Wsparcia Decyzyjnego (SWD), które są tematem niniejszego artykułu, komunikują się z bazami wiedzy, wypełniając je znanymi faktami i odczytując nowo wywnioskowane informacje. Jednakże istnieją sytuacje, w których SWD otrzymują niejednoznaczną odpowiedź od bazy wiedzy. Wówczas pojawia się potrzeba określenia,...
A concept of a decision function discovery method in a workflow system
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono koncepcyjny model wykrywania zalezności funkcynnych pomiedzy elementami systemu przepływu pracy.
Decision Making Methods for the Selection of ICT Project Manager
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Ontological queries supporting decision process in KaSea system
PublikacjaWraz z rozwojem baz wiedzy pojawiły się systemy ekspertowe, które wykorzystują je do wsparcia procesu podejmowania decyzji. Systemy Wsparcia Decyzyjnego (SWD), które są tematem niniejszego artykułu, komunikują się z bazami wiedzy, wypełniając je znanymi faktami i odczytując nowo wywnioskowane informacje. Jednakże istnieją sytuacje, w których SWD otrzymują niejednoznaczną odpowiedź od bazy wiedzy. Wówczas pojawia się potrzeba określenia,...
Client evaluation decision models in the credit scoring tasks
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Set of experience : a knowledge structure for formal decision events
PublikacjaOmówiono strukturę wiedzy w obszarze formalnych zadań decyzyjnych. Zaproponowano zbiór doświadczeń jako podstawę tej struktury.
Toward smart decision support system for martgage market
PublikacjaZaproponowano rozmyty model inteligentnego wspomagania podejmowania decyzji na rynku kredytowym w Polsce.
Experience based enhanced decision support for business processes
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono koncepcje wspomagania procesow biznesowych poprzez wprowadzneie do modelu zbioru doswiadczen.
Autonomous Driver Based on an Intelligent System of Decision-Making
PublikacjaThe paper presents and discusses a system (xDriver) which uses an Intelligent System of Decision-making (ISD) for the task of car driving. The principal subject is the implementation, simulation and testing of the ISD system described earlier in our publications for the task of autonomous driving. The design of the whole ISD system is a result of a thorough modelling of human psychology based on an extensive literature study. Concepts...
How can analysts use multicriteria decision analysis?
PublikacjaProper decision making in multifacitated situation is very challenging task. It is especially difficult if there are many alternatives and criteria that are often contradictory. Analytical chemistry and related sciences involve many situations where decisions on complex problems are made. The support tools may be the use of MCDA (Multi-criteria Decision Analysis) algorithms. They formalize the decision process, make it transparent...
Decision making techniques for electronic communication: an example for Turkey
PublikacjaCommunication is the way for people exchanging information with each other by using various tools. Electronic communication or Ecommunication is the process of sending, receiving and processing information or messages electronically. Electronic communication that is closely related to the development levels of countries, has made considerable progress especially in terms technology, innovation and entrepreneur. In this study, it...
Intelligent Decision Forest Models for Customer Churn Prediction
PublikacjaCustomer churn is a critical issue impacting enterprises and organizations, particularly in the emerging and highly competitive telecommunications industry. It is important to researchers and industry analysts interested in projecting customer behavior to separate churn from non‐churn consumers. The fundamental incentive is a firm’s intent desire to keep current consumers, along with the exorbitant expense of gaining new ones....
Selected problems of decision making modelling in power engineering
PublikacjaThe paper presents the selected problems of decision making modelling in power engineering specially investment risk evaluation methods. The proposed model can be used in the range programming the development and investing process in power engineering. Decision making problems in power engineering and the evaluation of investment effectiveness in particular are closely related to modelling which relatively accurately reflects...
Organic syntheses greenness assessment with multicriteria decision analysis
PublikacjaGreen chemistry requires a metrics system that is comprehensive by the criteria included and simple in the application at the same time. We propose the application of multicriteria decision analysis for com- parative greenness assessment of organic synthesis procedures. The assessment is based on 9 criteria (the reagent, reaction efficiency, atom economy, temperature, pressure, synthesis time, solvent, catalyst and reactant) for...
The Matter of Decision-Making Control Over Operation Processes of Marine Power Plant Systems with the Use of their Models in the form of Semi-Markov Decision-Making Processes
PublikacjaThe article presents the possibility to control the real operation process of an arbitrary device installed in the marine power plant based on the four-state semi-Markov process, being the model of the process, which describes the transition process of operational states of the device and the transition process of its technical states. All these states are precisely defined for the ship main engine (SG). A hypothesis is proposed...
Decisional DNA, reflexive ontologies, and security: developing decisional trust
PublikacjaOmowiono model osiagania zaufania decyzjnego opartego na decyzyjnym DNA, refleksyjnych ontologiach oraz na bezpieczenstwie technologicznym.
How green are ionic liquids? – A multicriteria decision analysis approach
PublikacjaDue to various desirable physicochemical properties, ionic liquids (ILs) are still gaining in popularity. ILs have been recurrently considered green solvents. However, environmental, health and safety assessments of ILs have raised certain doubts about their benignness, and their greenness status is currently unclear. To clarify the situation on their greenness, we perform a comprehensive assessment of more than 300 commercially...
PublikacjaSoftware development projects are usually realized by traditional or virtual IT teams using computing clouds. Team collaboration requires decision - making regarding essential aspects of a project progress. The article concerns methods of decision – making process in the case of traditional and virtual teams’ work. The research results conducted in a group of IT specialists are presented, and to analyze their preferences in decision-making...
The factors influencing the decision on the location of hotels depending on their size in Poland
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Fuzzy decision support system for the control of budget and schedule in SPM
PublikacjaObiektem rozważań jest komputerowy system wspierania decyzji kierowniczych w zakresie zarządzania budżetem i harmonogramem przy realizacji projektów informatycznych. Omawiany system opary jest na dynamicznych modelach rozmytych podlegających bieżącemu dostrajaniu na podstawie danych z obserwacji zarządzanego procesu. Wstępny projekt modeli rozmytych oparty został na danych zarządczych pochodzących z realizacji dwu projektów informatycznych....
Shared Decision-making and Stakeholder Engagement in COVID-19 Tracheostomy
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A Novel Framework for Decision Support System in Human Resource Management
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A Decision Support System for the Planning of Hybrid Renewable Energy Technologies
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Is DAO Governance Fostering Democracy? Reviewing Decision-Making in Decentraland
PublikacjaThis study analyzes voting dynamics and proposal outcomes within Decentraland, a prominent Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), by examining its voting behaviors and decision outcomes. We offer insights into how a DAO is employed to facilitate decision-making and discern the nature of the issues about which decisions are made. DAOs promise horizontal and democratic decision-making. However, our research reveals...
Decision-making under stress: A psychological and neurobiological integrative model
PublikacjaUnderstanding the impact of stress on cognitive processes, particularly decision-making, is crucial as it underpins behaviors essential for survival. However, research in this domain has yielded disparate results, with inconsistencies evident across stress-induction paradigms and drug administration protocols designed to investigate specific stress pathways or neuromodulators. Building upon empirical studies, this research identifies...
Multi-criterion, evolutionary and quantum decision making in complex systems
PublikacjaMulti-criterion, evolutionary and quantum decision making supported by the Adaptive Quantum-based Multi-criterion Evolutionary Algorithm (AQMEA) has been considered for distributed complex systems. AQMEA had been developed to the task assignment problem, and then it has been applied to underwater vehicle planning as another benchmark three-criterion optimization problem. For evaluation of a vehicle trajectory three criteria have...
Conception of interactive information and decision support system - model and evaluation
PublikacjaThis article presents conception of interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management. The emphasis of the project is on real-time analysis and multi-media information, and support of distributed and mobile clients through the Internet.
A solvent selection guide based on chemometrics and multicriteria decision analysis
PublikacjaThe selection of suitable solvents is a crucially important subject in a wide range of chemical processes. This study presents a solvent selection guide where 151 solvents were assessed, including a significant number of recently reported bio-based solvents. The assessment procedure involves grouping of solvents according to their physicochemical parameters and ranking within clusters according to their toxicological and hazard...
Experience-Driven Model of Decision-Making Processes in Project Teams
PublikacjaThis article presents a model of decision-making processes in project teams. Project teams constitute a specific type of organization appointed to implement a project. Decisions made by project teams result from the methods of project management and best management practices. The authors have undertaken the task of formalizing these processes using the classical method of constructing decision trees. It has been established that...
Classification of Music Genres by Means of Listening Tests and Decision Algorithms
PublikacjaThe paper compares the results of audio excerpt assignment to a music genre obtained in listening tests and classification by means of decision algorithms. A short review on music description employing music styles and genres is given. Then, assumptions of listening tests to be carried out along with an online survey for assigning audio samples to selected music genres are presented. A framework for music parametrization is created...
Selection of derivatisation agents for chlorophenols determination with multicriteria decision analysis
PublikacjaThe paper shows very systematic method of selection of derivatisation agents for a given group of analytes. In this study 8 derivatisation agents are assessed for their capability to derivatise 8 chlorophenols. Multicriteria decision analysis is used to combine many objectives of derivatisation agents selection into single, easy to be interpreted numerical value. Three basic analyses were performed to obtain rankings with the aims...