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Search results for: BET
BET adsorption-desorption isotherm of nano-CeO2
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the isotherms of adortion and desorption of N2 at LN2 temperature. The sorption isotherms were obtained using Quatachrome NovaTouch LX1 equippment. The catalyts powder composed of nanoCeO2 (AlfaAesar)
BET adsorption-desorption isotherm of nano-MgO
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the isotherms of adortion and desorption of N2 at LN2 temperature. The sorption isotherms were obtained using Quatachrome NovaTouch LX1 equippment. The ceramic measured powder was composed of nanometric MgO (CA-assisted method of synthesis)
BET adsorption-desorption isotherm of nano-SrTiO3
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the isotherms of adortion and desorption of N2 at LN2 temperature. The sorption isotherms were obtained using Quatachrome NovaTouch LX1 equippment. The ceramic measured powder was composed of nanometric SrTiO3 (CA-assisted method of synthesis)
BET adsorption-desorption isotherm of nano-ZrO2
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the isotherms of adortion and desorption of N2 at LN2 temperature. The sorption isotherms were obtained using Quatachrome NovaTouch LX1 equippment. The ceramic measured powder was composed of nanometric ZrO2 (CA-assisted method of synthesis)
BET adsorption-desorption isotherm of CeO2 pure
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the isotherms of adortion and desorption of N2 at LN2 temperature. The sorption isotherms were obtained using Quatachrome NovaTouch LX1 equippment. The ceramic measured powder was composed of nanometric pure CeO2 (CA-assisted method of synthesis)
BET of TiO2 heated at 400-600 C degrees
Open Research DataThese data refer to the results of BET surface area of TiO2, which was treated firstly in autoclave at 150 C degrees for 1h (sample marked as A150), then was further heat treated in Ar or H2 at 400-600 C degrees. As a raw material TiO2 was used, which was a semiproduct from the industrial production of titania white by sulphur method. The raw material...
BET adsorption-desorption isotherm of nano-CeO2 impregnated with Mn
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the isotherms of adortion and desorption of N2 at LN2 temperature. The sorption isotherms were obtained using Quatachrome NovaTouch LX1 equippment. The catalyts powder composed of nanoCeO2 impreganted with Mn oxide nanoparticles with the usage of BCD (Beta-cyclodextrins) and without addition.
BET adsorption-desorption isotherm of nano-CeO2 impregnated with Ni
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the isotherms of adortion and desorption of N2 at LN2 temperature. The sorption isotherms were obtained using Quatachrome NovaTouch LX1 equippment. The catalyts powder composed of nanoCeO2 impreganted with Ni oxide nanoparticles with the usage of BCD (Beta-cyclodextrins) and without addition.
BET adsorption-desorption isotherm of nano-CeO2 impregnated with Fe
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the isotherms of adortion and desorption of N2 at LN2 temperature. The sorption isotherms were obtained using Quatachrome NovaTouch LX1 equippment. The catalyts powder composed of nanoCeO2 impreganted with Fe oxide nanoparticles with the usage of BCD (Beta-cyclodextrins) and without addition.
BET adsorption-desorption isotherm of nano-CeO2 impregnated with Cu
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the isotherms of adortion and desorption of N2 at LN2 temperature. The sorption isotherms were obtained using Quatachrome NovaTouch LX1 equippment. The catalyts powder composed of nanoCeO2 impreganted with Cu oxide nanoparticles with the usage of BCD (Beta-cyclodextrins) and without addition.
BET adsorption-desorption isotherm of nano-CeO2 impregnated with Co
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the isotherms of adortion and desorption of N2 at LN2 temperature. The sorption isotherms were obtained using Quatachrome NovaTouch LX1 equippment. The catalyts powder composed of nanoCeO2 impreganted with Co oxide nanoparticles with the usage of BCD (Beta-cyclodextrins) and without addition.
Physicochemical studies (BET) of nanoparticles used for 3D printable conductive composites
Open Research DataThis dataset contains physico-chemical examination of fillers used to fabricate new 3D printing-dedicated composites with poly-lactic acid (PLA), carbon black (CB) and nanodiamond fillers. Geometric surface area of the nanoparticles was studied by Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) adsorption/desorption isotherms. Investigated samples: CB Ensaco 250G, detonation...
BET adsorption-desorption isotherm of CeO2 prepared using Pechini method
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the isotherms of adortion and desorption of N2 at LN2 temperature. The sorption isotherms were obtained using Quatachrome NovaTouch LX1 equippment. The ceramic measured powder was composed of nanometric pure CeO2 prepared using modified Pechini method - citric acid and propylene glycol (2:1)
BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) surface area analysis of titanium dioxide coated nickel foams
Open Research DataThe data are presented for the BET surface results of nickel foams coated with titanium dioxide and heated 400, 500 and 600 degrees Celsius in an argon atmosphere. N2 sorption was performed at 77 K pore size distribution was determined by BJH and DFT methods.
Particle size distributions (PSD) and the specific surface area (BET) results for SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d materials
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of particle size distributions (PSD) and BET measuremnt fot SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d materials (x=0.90, 0.95, 1.00 and 1.05). The PSD of the powders were obtained using a Zetasizer Nano dynamic light scattering analyser (Malvern Panalytica). Measurements of the STF70-x solution in ethanol using backscattering mode .
BET specific surface area measurements of bismuth oxide (Bi2O3) and gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) structures
Open Research DataThe BET specific surface area was measured using an N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm (Micromeritics ASAP 2460, Norcross, GA, USA).
Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis of wood and straw based biochars
Open Research DataThis data set includes the BJH and BET analysis results for straw and wood chips-based biochars generated at 450 Celsius degrees.
BET specific surface area measurements of silica-coated bismuth oxide(Bi2O3) and gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) structures
Open Research DataThe BET specific surface area was measured using an N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm (Micromeritics ASAP 2460, Norcross, GA, USA).
BET specific surface area measurements of silica-coated bismuth oxide (Bi2O3)/gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) core-shell structures
Open Research DataThe BET specific surface area was measured using an N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm (Micromeritics ASAP 2460, Norcross, GA, USA).
Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface analysis of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and silicon dioxide (SiO2) used for coating of expanded polystyrene spheres (EPS)
Open Research DataData refer to the results of BET surface area of TiO2 and SiO2 powders used for coating of expanded polystyrene spheres. The detailed measurement and equipment data was described in readme BET.txt file.TiO2 was treated firstly in autoclave at 150 C degrees for 1h, then was further heat treated in Ar at 400 C degrees. As a raw material TiO2 was used,...
Effect of acidification on the chronic toxicity of diclofenac to Daphnia magna
Open Research DataData set of the number of young and parental survival during the course of chronic exposure of organisms to diclofenac at different concentrations according to the OECD 211 procedure. Based on these data, the EC50, LOEC and NOEC value of diclofenac's effect on daphnia reproduction is calculated. The tested modifier of toxicity was pH values (7.0 and...
Interface diffusion between metallic nanoparticles and silicon substrate
Open Research DataInterface diffusion between metallic nanoparticles and silicon substrate was detected by EDX method. Metallic nanostructures were manufactured by thermal annealing of thin films. Gold and silver nanostructures were chosen for measurements. Samples were annealed for 15 and 60 minutes at 550 deg.
Which is better in fat times and in lean times: the macho man vs. the nice guy? Study 1 dataset
Open Research DataThe dataset from cross-cultural study conducted in Poland and Norway in the area of gender stereotypes. Our study was conducted in two countries differing with regard to gender equality indices relating to the extent to which men are allowed to manifest gender-atypical behavior and influencing mate preferences of women. Polish (N = 106) and Norwegian...
Cooperation between NGOs from Tricity and public administration entities
Open Research DataResearch is an element of the Project “Civil Society Development for Participatory Democracy in Shida Kartli Region implemented by Instytut Badań nad Polityką Europejską (Research Institute for European Policy) in cooperation with Information and Socio-Economic Problems Research Center (Georgia), Agria Universitas Association (Hungary) and Civipolis,...
Inventory of the historic fences in Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district, stage between the 2010-2015.
Open Research DataThe data presents architectural survey and inventory documentation of the historic fences in Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district, stage from the period between 2010-2015. The survey and inventory works of architectural details at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries are documented in the form of inventory drawings prepared by students of the Faculty of Architecture,...
Measurements of the coefficients of current distribution between two generators operating in parallel in a ship power station
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data, expressing the coefficients...
Frequency of neoplasia in the baltic clam Limecola balthica from the Gulf of Gdańsk between 1999-2002
Open Research DataThe presented dataset contains data describing the frequency of neoplasia in one of the most common bivalve species inhabiting the Baltic Sea, the baltic clam Limecola balthica. The frequency of neoplasia was assessed at various locations of the Gulf of Gdańsk between years 1999 - 2002. The dataset contains information describing the sampling areas...
Data on the number of submitted declarations divided into electronic and paper between January 2021 and February 2021
Open Research DataThe following data concern the number of declarations submitted between January and February 2021 to the Polish Ministry of Finance. The declarations concern all taxes, including income taxes and VAT. The data has been divided into particular categories, i.e. paper and electronic declarations.
Data on the number of submitted declarations divided into electronic and paper between January 2020 and December 2020
Open Research DataThe following data concern the number of declarations submitted between January and December 2020 to the Polish Ministry of Finance. The declarations concern all taxes, including income taxes and VAT. The data has been divided into particular categories, i.e. paper and electronic declarations.
The SEM micrographs of the synergistic action between cavitation erosion and pitting corrosion on stainless steel 304
Open Research DataThe dataset contains Scanning Electron Micrographs of stainless steel AISI304 samples made after cavitation erosion-corrosion exposure using a vibratory transducer (in accordance with ASTM G32). The micrographs compare the topography of samples subjected to either cavitation erosion (in deionized water), pitting corrosion (in 8% FeCl3 solution, without...
Transmission measurements between two geometrically small Vivaldi antennas performed in non-anechoic propagation conditions
Open Research DataThe dataset contains unprocessed measurements of complex transmission (and reflection) characteristics obtained in non-anechoic regime for a geometrically small, broadband spline-parameterized Vivaldi structure. The measurement setup comprises two Vivaldi antennas with the same topology where one is used as a reference structure, and another one as...
Measurements of the coefficients of active power distribution between two generators operating in parallel in a ship power station
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data, expressing coefficients...
Non-adiabatic coupling elements between the diatomic silver anion and neutral silver dimer plus continuum electron
Open Research DataThe process of a two-channel decay of the diatomic silver anion (Ag2-), namely the spontaneous electron ejection giving Ag2 + e- and the dissociation leading to Ag- + Ag is theoretically studied. The ground state potential energy curves (PECs) of the neutral silver dimer and anionic silver diatomic molecule are calculated using the single reference...
Data on LEGO sets release dates and retail prices combined with aftermarket transaction prices between June 2018 and June 2023.
Open Research DataThe dataset contains LEGO bricks sets item count and pricing history for AI-based set pricing prediction.
Nitrogen sorption isotherm for V2CTx
Open Research DataData of points for nitrogen sorption isotherm for sample V2CTx (only sorption branch). The V2CTx was prepared via selective etching of aluminium from MAX matrice V2AlC using 50% HF for 96 h at room temperature.
New 3D printable filaments with nanodiamonds, physicochemical additives characteristics and electrochemical activity
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the physicochemical analyses (XRD, Raman spectroscopy, BET analyses) and electrochemical analyses (CV, EIS) for a new 3D-printable composite has been developed dedicated to electroanalytical applications. Two types of diamondised nanocarbons - detonation nanodiamonds (DNDs) and boron-doped carbon nanowalls (BCNWs) - were added...
Adsorption and desorption of N2 measurement of MXenes catalysts
Open Research DataData contain results from adsorption and desorption of N2 measurement of the Ti3C2Tx MXenes produced via acidic etching aluminum from MAX Phase (Ti3C2-Al-Ti3C2-Al-Ti3C2) using different etching agents, HF/HCl and HF/H2SO4 with different weight ratios (1:3, 1:4, and 1:5). The samples were labeled as MXene HF/HCl X:Y and MXene HF/H2SO4 X:Y, where X:Y...