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Search results for: regional and local development
The development of an underwater telephone for digital communication purposes
PublicationThe underwater telephone HTL-10 has been designed to provide voice and data communication between helicopter and submarines using acoustic waves. It works in a half-duplex mode and uses analogue power-efficient modulation in the form of a single side-band, suppressed carrier, in a wide range of frequencies. It generates the transmitted signal, and processes the received signals. It is implemented with the use of digital signal...
Big Data Analytics for ICT Monitoring and Development
PublicationThe expanded growth of information and communication technology has opened new era of digitization which is proving to be a great challenge for researchers and scientists around the globe. The utmost paradigm is to handle and process the explosion of data with minimal cost and discover relevant hidden information in the least amount of time. The buzz word “BIG DATA” is a widely anticipated term with the potential to handle heterogeneous,...
Outline of marine piston engines' technology development.
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono najistotniejsze wydarzenia mające wpływ na produkcję i rozwój silników o zapłonie samoczynnym. Zasygnalizowano najistotniejsze osiągnięcia w rozwoju tych silników i podano nazwy firm, w których one zostały zastosowane. Podano także najważniejsze fakty związane z produkcją silników w Polsce.
Development of techniques of generation of gaseous standard mixtures
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono informacje dotyczące: klasyfikacji znanych technik sporządzania gazowych mieszanin wzorcowych oraz omówienia technik najszerzej wykorzystywanych wraz z przedstawieniem odpowiednich schematów zestawów aparaturowych. Przedstawiono również informacje na temat nowego podejścia do zagadnienia sporządzania gazowych mieszanin wzorcowych. W tym przypadku strumień składnika mierzonego (analitu) jest otrzymywany w procesie...
Poles Social Capital and Socio-Economic Development
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Stepwise development of distributed interactive simulation systems.
PublicationMetoda krokowa pozwala na budowanie wydajnych i skalowalnych systemów symu-lacji rozproszonej obiektów rzeczywistych jak np. pojazdy terenowe, samocho-dy i śmigłowce. Dzięki uwzględnianiu parametrów operacyjnych oraz parametrównarzędzi wizualizacyjnych możliwe jest znaczne ograniczenie liczby komunika-tów przesyłanych między obiektami.
Soft modelling aspects of complex IT systems development.
PublicationZaproponowano metodykę opartą na teorii zbiorów rozmytych do zakresu wspomagania decyzji na etapie budowy złożonych systemów z obszaru information technology (IT). Omówiono wszystkie elementy proponowanego podejścia. Przedstawiona architektura ma zastosowanie głównie do zarządzania projektami IT na etapie ich powstawania.
PublicationPurpose: Identification of causative factors and the resulting benefits regarding strategic partnerships in developing biotechnology enterprises in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: Analysis of the literature on the subject, in-depth interviews, case studies and participant observations. Findings: Effective strategic partnerships in Poland are few. They intertwine with other forms of cooperation, striving to create an innovation...
Institutionalization of knowledge sharing in a software development organization
PublicationZaproponowano podejście modelowe do problemu wymiany wiedzy. Omówiono implementację modelu na przykładzie instytucji zajmującej się produkcja oprogramowania komputerowego.
Development of a Friction Welding System for CNC Lathes
PublicationDedicated friction welding machines are sturdy in order to handle large process forces but expensive. Thus, it is proposed to equip two axis CNC lathes with an add-on direct drive friction welding system as an affordable solution for occasional use. The first part to be welded is clamped on the lathe chuck, whilst the second part is clamped on a dedicated chuck on the tailstock. The latter is programmed to follow three phases:...
Project DESYME - development system for mobile services
PublicationPrzedstawiono cele, aspekty techniczne i strukturę programu europejskiego DESYME. Przeanalizowano aktualny stan techniki i trudności, na jakie napotykają podmioty usiłujące wykorzystać techniki mobilne w swych przedsięwzięciach. Przedstawiono potencjalne korzyści płynące z implementacji w tych warunkach wyników projektu DESYME. Skrótowo przedstawiono architekturę proponowanych rozwiązań oraz wykorzystywane techniki. Przedstawiono...
Chapter 9. Sustainable development and heterogeneous photocatalysis
PublicationTlenek tytanu(IV) jest efektywnym fotokatalizatorem w procesach usuwania zanieczyszczeń z fazy wodnej i gazowej, fotokonwersji CO2 oraz generowania H2. TiO2 wykazuje wysoką stabilność i reaktywność pod wpływem promieniowania UV, którego energia jest wyższa od szerokości pasma wzbronionego anatazu (3,3 eV). W artykule omówiono mechanizm reakcji w obecności TiO2, obecne oraz potencjalne możliwości zastosowania.
Does technology matter in economic development and why?
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Development and Verification of the Diagnostic Model of the Sieving Screen
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Planning documents and sustainable development of a commune in Poland
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Development of the urban rail vehicle acoustic model
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The development of the 3D printing technology in the Radom region
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Logistics Development in European Countries: The Case of Poland
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Sustainable Development and Innovations- How They Work Together?
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The idea of sustainable development in the landscape contemporary cities
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Development of multi-touch panel backlight system
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Development of optical fiber technology in Poland – 2018
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Development of optical fiber technology in Poland 2020
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Development of optical fiber technology in Poland: 2017
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EuCARD2: enhanced accelerator research and development in Europe
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Software for development and communication with FPGA based hardware
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Development of optical fiber technology in Poland: 2014
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Development of optical fiber technology in Poland 2015
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Open Source in Development: Enabling Business and Services
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Digital Innovations for Sustainable Development in the Time of Crisis
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Construction and development of IT Competence Centers - organizational structure
PublicationThe author presents the situation of the current units working between academic environment and business. the paper presents the possibility of using a dynamic structure to develop UCC.
Development trends of automotive engine cooling systems
PublicationDzięki daleko idącym modyfikacjom układów zasilania i zapłonu silników samochodowych oraz udoskonaleniom układów oczyszczania spalin uzyskano znaczne zmniejszenie emisji związków toksycznych. Układy chłodzenia z pompą cieczy napędzaną mechanicznie stają się archaiczne nie pozwalając na swobodne sterowanie obiegiem cieczy. Również różna wartość temperatury potrzebnej do schładzania różnych procesów wymaga sterowanych zaworów trójdrożnych...
Urban development and regeneration in Poland - contemporary issues
PublicationArtykuł obejmuje skrótowe omówienie współczesnych procesów rozwoju i rewitalizacji miast w Polsce. Zaprezentowano w nim zarówno procesy planowe jak i zachodzące spontanicznie, a także typologie obszarów poddawanym współczesnym procesom przekształceń
Technological progress and its contribution to economic development
PublicationArtykuł stanowi analizę zależności pomiędzy poziom rozwoju i wdrożenia technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych w kraju z poziomem jego rozwoju gospodarczego.
Machine learning approach to packaging compatibility testing in the new product development process
PublicationThe paper compares the effectiveness of selected machine learning methods as modelling tools supporting the selection of a packaging type in new product development process. The main goal of the developed model is to reduce the risk of failure in compatibility tests which are preformed to ensure safety, durability, and efficacy of the finished product for the entire period of its shelf life and consumer use. This kind of testing...
Bortezomib induces methylation changes in neuroblastoma cells that appear to play a significant role in resistance development to this compound
PublicationThe anticancer activity of bortezomib (BTZ) has been increasingly studied in a number of indications and promising results for the use of this treatment have been shown in neuroblastoma. As BTZ treatment is usually administered in cycles, the development of resistance and side effects in patients undergoing therapy with BTZ remains a major challenge for the clinical usage of this compound. Common resistance development also means...
Influence of laser processing of the low alloy medium carbon structural steel on the development of the fatigue crack
PublicationThe paper contains the results of the structural analysis, hardness tests and fatigue tests conducted for the medium carbon structural steel with low content of Cr and Ni after its processing with CO2 laser beam. Pre-cracks were made in the round compact tension (RCT) specimen used for fatigue test. Next, four paths, parallel to each other, were melted on both sides of the samples using a laser beam. The paths were perpendicular...
Culturable bacteria community development in postglacial soils of Ecology Glacier, King George Island, Antarctica
PublicationGlacier forelands are excellent sites in which to study microbial succession because conditions change rapidly in the emerging soil. Development of the bacterial community was studied along two transects on lateral moraines of Ecology Glacier, King George Island, by culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches (denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis). Environmental conditions such as cryoturbation and soil composition...
A comparative analysis of methods and tools for low impact development (LID) site selection
PublicationThe site selection for Low Impact Development (LID) practices is a significant process. It affects the effectiveness of LID in controlling stormwater surface runoff, volume, flow rate, and infiltration. This research paper presents a comprehensive review of various methods used for LID site selection. It starts by introducing different methods and tools. Three main methods: index-based methods, GIS-based multi-criteria decision...
LDFEM analysis of pore water pressure development in cohesive soil due to FDP auger drilling
PublicationThis paper presents the preliminary modelling of FDP auger drilling in soft soil with emphasis on excess pore water pressure (EPWP) development using CEL formulation and Abaqus software suit. The EPWP generation in single points is investigated and the results of a numerical analysis are compared with the field measurements. It is found that numerical model qualitatively reflects the field measurements. However,...
Molecular Heterogeneity of Papillary Thyroid Cancer: Comparison of Primary Tumors and Synchronous Metastases in Regional Lymph Nodes by Mass Spectrometry Imaging
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Development Of Dynamic Method For Evaluation Of Corrosion Rate On The Example Of Organic Corrosion İnhibitor
PublicationMeasurements of the corrosion rate belong to the most important aspects of materials science. In order to reduce material loss corrosion inhibitors are used. However selection of proper inhibitor should be based on evaluation of its mechanism and effective concentrations. Mechanism of inhibition usually has dynamic character so physicochemical parameters are changing in time. Most of actually used methods...
Potential Impact of Waterway Development on Cultural Landscape Values: The Case of the Lower Vistula
PublicationThe northern (“lower”) section of the Vistula is on the route of two international waterways—E70 and E40. However, the current condition of the riverbed prevents larger vessels from passing through. Plans for the waterway date back to the beginning of the 20th century. Following Poland’s ratification of the European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance in 2017, the general concept has been transformed...
Comprehensive thermodynamic analysis of the CAES system coupled with the underground thermal energy storage taking into account global, central and local level of energy conversion
PublicationA key aspect of CAES is the optimal configuration of the thermodynamic cycle. In this paper, the situation of cooperation between the current conventional power plants and wind farms is analyzed, and then, based on thermodynamic models, the process of storing thermal and electrical energy in the CAES system coupled with a heat storage and recovery is developed. Therefore, three levels can be distinguished, namely: the global level...
Ensuring sustainable development of urban public transport: A case study of the trolleybus system in Gdynia and Sopot (Poland)
PublicationElectromobility is a vital tool in reducing the environmental impact of transportation. A technologically mature means of public transport is the trolleybus. Based on a case study of the Polish cities of Gdynia and Sopot, this paper explores the factors that influence the development of the trolleybus system. Recent developments of in-motion charging (IMC) technology are analysed what provides a new analytical framework for the...
Hybrid Finite Element Method Development for Offshore Structures’ Calculation with the Implementation of Industry Standards
PublicationIn the design process of offshore steel structures, it is typical to employ commercial calculation codes in which simulation and evaluation of results are performed on the basis of the available standards (e.g. API, DNV, Lloyds). The modeling and solution rely on finite element methods and cover the simulation of the structure’s properties along with the influence of the marine environment – sea currents, wave and wind loading,...
Planetary roller extruders in the sustainable development of polymer blends and composites – Past, present and future
PublicationScrew extruders as continuous flow reactors allow the synthesis of new polymers, preparation of polymer blends and composites, and modification or functionalization of commercially available polymers. Literature data shows that the twin screw extrusion is the most popular solution used for this purpose. In contrast, the number of scientific papers on alternative methods, such as multi-screw extruders, is somewhat limited. This...
Improving Output Performance of the Ultrasonic Multicell Piezoelectric Motor by Development the Multi-Rotor Structure
PublicationIn recent years, many researches have been carried out on piezoelectric multi-rotor structures. This paper describes the analysis, development and experimental process of an ultrasonic multi-cell piezoelectric motor using a multi-rotor structure. In this design, three independent cells have been integrated into a mechatronic system. Analytical model and finite element method are used for modal and dynamic analysis of the proposed...
SafeCity – a GIS-based tool profiled for supporting decision making in urban development and infrastructure protection
PublicationThis paper presents a system for analysis of municipal Critical Infrastructures, which offers integrated tools for target analysis, hazard scenario simulations and spatial analysis within a remotely accessible Web-based Geographic Information System. The system has been applied to research conducted in the city of Gdansk with the aid of blast attack, chemical leakage and flood hazard scenarios, as well as a spatial density algorithm,...
Development of nanoscale morphology and role of viscoelastic phase separation on the properties of epoxy/recycled polyurethane blends
PublicationA novel and cost-effective approach towards the modification of epoxy matrix has been developed using recycled polyurethane for the first time without sacrificing any of the intrinsic properties of the resin. Polyurethane, recycled from waste foam by glycolysis process (RPU), was found to be very effective in improving the properties of the thermosetting resin based on Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A (DGEBA). The effect of the...