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Modeling of effect of plastic deformation on Barkhausen noise and magnetoacoustic emission in iron with 2% silicon
PublicationW modelowaniu zaadaptowano model Alessandro-Beatrice-Bertotti-Montorsi dla opisu ruchu granic nie-180 stopniowych oraz model Jiles-Atherton dla opisu wpływu plastycznej deformacji na natężenie efektu Barkhausena oraz emisji magnetoakustcznej.
A new approach to modeling of selected human respiratory system diseases, directed to computer simulations
PublicationThis paper presents a new versatile approach to model severe human respiratory diseases via computer simulation. The proposed approach enables one to predict the time histories of various diseases via information accessible in medical publications. This knowledge is useful to bioengineers involved in the design and construction of medical devices that are employed for monitoring of respiratory condition. The approach provides the...
Modeling with the Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 for Enhanced Understanding and Application of Anaerobic Treatment Processes
PublicationMathematical model is a valuable tool for prediction and recovery of resources and energy through anaerobic digestion of organic wastes. The International Water Association (IWA) Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) is the most commonly used structured anaerobic digestion model. However, as substrates become more complex and our deeper understanding of the anaerobic digestion mechanism, both systematic and specific modifications...
Modeling of microstructure evolution during high-temperature oxidation of porous Fe-Cr steels
PublicationResearch on the high-temperature oxidation of metals and alloys is experimentally challenging due to the requirement for long-term corrosion exposure, and in the case of porous alloys, due to their complex internal microstructure. In this study, a corrosion model based on the morphological operations of dilation and erosion has been developed. This approach allows for a utilization of various raster representations of the microstructure...
Modeling of damage interaction due to uniaxial creep and subsequent LCF pure torsional loading
PublicationThis paper presents experimental results of creep-rupture, preliminary creep and low-cycle torsional fatigue of 2024 aluminum alloy. It analyzes the effect of pre-deformation on fatigue life under pure, cyclic torsion loading conditions. Two different pre-deformation levels were considered in the creep process at 200 ◦C and 300 ◦C. A significant influence of creep predeformation on the cyclic properties of the tested material was...
Genre-Based Music Language Modeling with Latent Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Process Allocation
PublicationIn this work we present a new Bayesian topic model: latent hierarchical Pitman-Yor process allocation (LHPYA), which uses hierarchical Pitman-Yor pr ocess priors for both word and topic distributions, and generalizes a few of the existing topic models, including the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), the bi- gram topic model and the hierarchical Pitman-Yor topic model. Using such priors allows for integration of -grams with a topic model,...
Decisional DNA for modeling and reuse of experiential clinical assessments in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment
PublicationClinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) are active knowledge resources that use patient data to generate case specific advice. The fast pace of change of clinical knowledge imposes to CDSS the continuous update of the domain knowledge and decision criteria. Traditional approaches require costly tedious manual maintenance of the CDSS knowledge bases and repositories. Often, such an effort cannot be assumed by medical teams, hence...
Computing internodal conductivities in numerical modeling of two dimensional unsaturated flow on rectangular grid
PublicationW artykule porównano rozwiązania numeryczne dwuwymiarowego równania przepływu nienasyconego z użyciem różnych metod uśredniania współczynnika przewodności hydraulicznej między sąsiednimiwęzłami. Uwzględniono średnia arytmetyczną, geometryczną, "pod prad" oraz całkową, a także niedawno zaproponowany sposób uśredniania oparty na analizie przepływu ustalonego. Ten ostatni sposób okazałsię najbardziej uniwersalny, gdyż umożliwiał otrzymanie...
Submerged objects modeling and storing in a global reference context using multiresolution spline technique,
PublicationContemporary records from multibeam sonars or even elevations from 3D shuttle radar topography missions feature high resolution. On the other hand, bathymetric models of a different resolution from different sensors are available as well, beginning from very high resolution MBS records and low resolution records coming from regular scattered measurements. Approximating and eventually visualizing the high volume scattered 3D raster...
Sparse vector autoregressive modeling of audio signals and its application to the elimination of impulsive disturbances
PublicationArchive audio files are often corrupted by impulsive disturbances, such as clicks, pops and record scratches. This paper presents a new method for elimination of impulsive disturbances from stereo audio signals. The proposed approach is based on a sparse vector autoregressive signal model, made up of two components: one taking care of short-term signal correlations, and the other one taking care of long-term correlations. The method...
Modeling of low calorific gas burning in a deficient oxygen environment and high-temperature oxidizer
PublicationThe experimental research will be performed using the experimental facility with a combustion chamber. The oxygen concentration in combustion oxidizers will be varied from 21% by volume (normal) air to 2%. The test combustion chamber will be fed with propane or methane as the reference fuel, then with low calorific fuels as test gases obtained by mixing various combustible components, e.g. H2, CH4, CO, and neutral gases, e.g. N2,...
Enhanced uniform data sampling for constrained data‐driven modeling of antenna input characteristics
PublicationData-driven surrogates are the most popular replacement models utilized in many fields of engineering and science, including design of microwave and antenna structures. The primary practical issue is a curse of dimensionality which limits the number of independent parameters that can be accounted for in the modelling process. Recently, a performance-driven modelling technique has been proposed where the constrained domain of the...
PublicationAim of the study This study analyses the efficiency of flood protection in a small urban catchment, based on a system of small reservoirs. Material and methods To assess the flood routing and surge reduction, a mathematical model of the river catchment was implemented. This was a lumped hydrological model, based on the SCS-CN method. Channel routing was performed, using kinematic wave equation. The sub-catchments have been determined...
Mathematical modeling of hydrogen production performance in thermocatalytic reactor based on the intermetallic phase of Ni3Al
PublicationThe main goal of the following work is to adjust mathematical modelling for mass transfer, to specific conditions resulting from presence of chemical surface reactions in the flow of the mixture consisting of helium and methanol. The thermocatalytic devices used for decomposition of organic compounds incorporate microchannels coupled at the ends and heated to 500 oC at the walls regions. The results of the experiment were compared...
Highlights from RNDM 2018 – 10th Anniversary Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling
PublicationArtykuł prezentujący relację z workshopu RNDM 2018
Mathematical Modeling of the Impact Range of Sewage Discharge on the Vistula Water Quality in the Region of Włocławek
PublicationThe paper presents results of analysis of the industrial sewage discharge influence at km 688 + 250 of the Vistula River on water quality. During the analysis, two-dimensional models of flow, impurities and temperature transport were used. Hydrological conditions of the analyzed section of the river, characteristic flows and bathymetry of the riverbed in the first instance were defined. Calculations of velocity distribution at...
Modeling of wood frame structures with different insulation materials under damaging dynamic loading
PublicationWood frame buildings are very popular in regions that are exposed to different dynamic excitations, such as damaging earthquakes. Their seismic resistance is really important in order to prevent structural damages and human losses. This paper presents the results of advanced numerical investigation carried out using the FEM. Based on the models of wall panels, the numerical model of real structure of the wood frame building has...
Modelowanie hydraulicznych skutków katastrofy zapory wodnej. Modeling of dam-break water flow
PublicationPrzedstawiono numeryczne rozwiązanie równań przepływu wody płytkiej wywołanego katastrofą zapory wodnej. Przestrzenną dyskretyzację równań wykonano metodą objętości skończonych. Metodę zastosowano do prognostycznych obliczeń propagacji fali wezbraniowej wywołanej katastrofą zapory wodnej w dolinie rzeki Toce. Wyniki obliczeń porównano z dostępnymi (obcymi) pomiarami wykonanymi na fizycznym modelu doliny. Uzyskano zadowalającą...
Accurate modeling of layout parasitic to forecast EMI emitted from a DC-DC converter.
PublicationThis paper illustrates how to account for all parasitic due to the layout of a power converter (inductive and capacitive), in order to forecast electromagnetic interferences (EMI). The method is generic, and is validated here in the simple example of a DC-DC converter, realized on different technologies: insulated metal substrate (IMS), printed circuit board (PCB). In addition, several layouts aspects will be investigated. Conclusions...
Geospatial Modeling of the Tombolo Phenomenon in Sopot using Integrated Geodetic and Hydrographic Measurement Methods
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Comparative modeling of shear zone patterns in granular bodies with finite and discrete element method
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numeryczne naporu piasku na ściankę szczelną. Obliczenia wykonano stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych i skończonych na bazie mikropolarnego hipoplastycznego prawa materiałowego. Porównanie obu podejść wykonano na poziomie makro i mikro. Wyniki numeryczne porównano także z wynikami doświadczalnymi.
Dynamics of cutting power during sawing with circular saw blades as an effect of wood properties changes in the cross section
PublicationIn the paper the effect of the method calculation upon the cutting power is presented. In computations were used models in which fracture toughness was incorporated. The comparison concerned models as follows: FM-CM – classic model in which the sum of all uncut chip thicknesses of the simultaneously teeth engaged represented the mean uncut chip thickness, FM-FDM – full dynamical model in which besides variable uncut chip thickness...
Diagnostics of UV Nanosecond Laser Generated Plasma Plume Dynamics in Ambient Air Using Time-Resolved Imaging
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Dipole-driven dynamics for near-threshold electron/positron interactions with pyrimidinic DNA bases: a path to compound formations
PublicationCalculations are reported for electron and positron scattering from isolated cytosine and thymine, where the two pyrimidinic single-ring DNA bases, in the gas-phase at energies near the elastic threshold, they reveal the special features of the dipole-driven scattering states. All molecules examined exhibit, in fact, supercritical (>1.67 D) permanent dipoles which can therefore also support, below threshold, excited bound compound...
Expansion and population dynamics of a non-native invasive species: the 40-year history of American mink colonisation of Poland
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Dielectric and thermal studies of the segmental dynamics of poly(methyl methacrylate)/silica nanocomposites prepared by the sol–gel method
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A systematic approach to understand hydrogeochemical dynamics in large river systems: Development and application to the River Ganges (Ganga) in India
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LF NMR spectroscopy analysis of water dynamics and texture of Gluten-Free bread with cricket powder during storage
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Investigating the Ischaemic Phase of Skin NADH Fluorescence Dynamics in Recently Diagnosed Primary Hypertension: A Time Series Analysis
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Application of Multiplexed Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics to the UNRES Force Field: Tests with α and α+β Proteins
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Self-assembly and interactions of short antimicrobial cationic lipopeptides with membrane lipids: ITC, FTIR and molecular dynamics studies
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Effect of the Catalytic Center on the Electron Transfer Dynamics in Hydrogen-Evolving Ruthenium-Based Photocatalysts Investigated by Theoretical Calculations
PublicationThe light-induced relaxation pathways in the molecular photocatalyst [(tbbpy)2Ru(tpphz)PtCl2]2+ are investigated with time-dependent density functional theory calculations together with the Marcus theory of electron transfer (ET). The calculations show that metal (Ru) to ligand (tpphz) charge transfer (MLCT) triplet states are populated following an excitation in the longer wavelength range of the absorption spectrum, but that an...
MM/PBSA analysis of molecular dynamics simulations of bovine beta-lactoglobulin: free energy gradients in conformational transitions?
PublicationPraca dotyczy pH zależnych zmian konformacyjnych EF pętli beta-laktoglobuliny. Zmiany te są śledzone za pomocą metod obliczeniowych chemii (dynamika molekularna oraz metody MM/PBSA).
Tuning Ferulic Acid Solubility in Choline-Chloride- and Betaine-Based Deep Eutectic Solvents: Experimental Determination and Machine Learning Modeling
PublicationDeep eutectic solvents (DES) represent a promising class of green solvents, offering particular utility in the extraction and development of new formulations of natural compounds such as ferulic acid (FA). The experimental phase of the study undertook a systematic investigation of the solubility of FA in DES, comprising choline chloride or betaine as hydrogen bond acceptors and six different polyols as hydrogen bond donors....
Prediction of Overall In Vitro Microsomal Stability of Drug Candidates Based on Molecular Modeling and Support Vector Machines. Case Study of Novel Arylpiperazines Derivatives
PublicationOther than efficacy of interaction with the molecular target, metabolic stability is the primary factor responsible for the failure or success of a compound in the drug development pipeline. The ideal drug candidate should be stable enough to reach its therapeutic site of action. Despite many recent excellent achievements in the field of computational methods supporting drug metabolism studies, a well-recognized procedure to model...
Modeling and control of a redundantly actuated variable mass 3RRR planar manipulator controlled by a model-based feedforward and a model-based-proportional-derivative feedforward–feedback controller
PublicationIn the paper, dynamics of a complex mechatronics system is considered. A redundantly actuated planar manipulator is the base of the mechanical part of it. It is a 3RRR 1 platform based parallel manipulator. To control its trajectory, a model-based feedforward controller is employed. Three aspects are fundamental in the presented investigations. The first focus is on development of an accurate numerical model used to solve the inverse...
Trodusquemine (MSI-1436) Restores Metabolic Flexibility and Mitochondrial Dynamics in Insulin-Resistant Equine Hepatic Progenitor Cells (HPCs)
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Morphology, thermal properties and molecular dynamics of syndiotactic polystyrene (s-PS) nanocomposites with aligned graphene oxide and graphene nanosheets
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Metric entropy and digital image correlation in deformation dynamics analysis of fibre glass reinforced composite under uniaxial tension
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A cohort study reveals different dynamics of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody formation after Comirnaty and Vaxzevria vaccination
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Historic bridge modelling using laser scanning, ground penetrating radar and finite element methods in the context of structural dynamics
PublicationPraca dotyczy modelowania MES zabytkowej konstrukcji mostowej przy użyciu danych geometrycznych pochodzących ze skanowania laserowego oraz georadaru. Z uwagi na brak badań materiału budujcego most, przeprowadza się analize wrażliwości konstrukcji na zmiany modułu sprężystości granitu.
Optical method supported by machine learning for dynamics of C‐reactive protein concentrations changes detection in biological matrix samples
PublicationIn this article we present the novel spectroscopy method supported with machine learning for real-time detection of infectious agents in wastewater. In the case of infectious diseases, wastewater monitoring can be used to detect the presence of inflammation biomarkers, such as the proposed C-reactive protein, for monitoring inflammatory conditions and mass screening during epidemics for early detection in communities of concern,...
Fully Automated AI-powered Contactless Cough Detection based on Pixel Value Dynamics Occurring within Facial Regions
PublicationIncreased interest in non-contact evaluation of the health state has led to higher expectations for delivering automated and reliable solutions that can be conveniently used during daily activities. Although some solutions for cough detection exist, they suffer from a series of limitations. Some of them rely on gesture or body pose recognition, which might not be possible in cases of occlusions, closer camera distances or impediments...
Modeling, run-time optimization and execution of distributed workflow applications in the JEE-based BeesyCluster environment
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje kompletne rozwiązanie do modelowania naukowych i biznesowych scenariuszy. statycznego i dynamicznego wyboru usług z uwzględnieniem parametrów jakościowych oraz wykonanie scenariuszy w rzeczywistym środowisku. Scenariusz jest modelowany jako acykliczny graf skierowany, w którym węzły reprezentują zadania zaś krawędzie zależności pomiędzy zadaniami. Warstwa pośrednia BeesyCluster jest wykorzystana do umożliwienia...
Numerical Modeling of Steel Surface Hardening in the Process of High Energy Heating by High Frequency Currents
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Count Data Modeling About Relationship Between Dubai Housing Sales Transactions and Financial Indicators
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The Impact of Lightning Flashes and Sprites on the Earth’s Global Electric Circuit: An Overview of Recent Modeling Results
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Modelowanie asymetrycznego procesu walcowania blach bimetalowych = The modeling of asymetrical rolling process of bimetallic plate
PublicationW pracy rozważano problem płynięcia plastycznego bimetalowego pasma podczas asymetrycznego procesu walcowania blach bimetalowych. Asymetrię procesu uzyskano w wyniku wprowadzenia różnic w wartościach sił tarcia na powierzchniach styku pasma z poszczególnymi walcami.
Modeling of the L and M x-ray line structures for tungsten in high-temperature tokamak plasmas
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Comparison of single best artificial neural network and neural network ensemble in modeling of palladium microextraction