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Search results for: LOW-CYCLIC FATIGUE
Morphology of damage inflicted on brittle polymer in lubricated contact under cyclic static load
PublicationIn this article morphology of damage inflicted on the polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) plate in static point lubricated contact with a ball made of five different materials under cyclic normal load has been presented. It is argued that the counterface material and lubricating film play an important role in the damage process and the extent of damage inflicted in the PMMA plate.
Synthesis and structural characterization of bio-based bis(cyclic carbonate)s for the preparation of non-isocyanate polyurethanes
PublicationBio-based cyclic carbonates are of significant research interest as monomers for non-isocyanate polyurethane (NIPU) synthesis. This research describes the synthesis of a series of five-membered bis(cyclic carbonate)s using bio-based polyether polyols (PO3G) with different molecular weights (250, 650 and 1000 g mol−1) and carbon dioxide as green feedstocks. The utilization of CO2 as a source of carbon in the chemical reaction is...
Cost Effective Corrosion and Fatigue Monitoring for Marine Transport Products
PublicationW artykule omówiono genezę i główne założenia projektu badawczego "Cost Effective Corrosion and Fatigue Monitoring for Transport Products'' o kryptonimie CORFAT, realizowanego w ramach VII Programu Ramowego Unii Europejskiej. Przedstawiono cele i metodykę badań, zalety nowej nowej metodyki monitorowania statków, zadania projektu, zalety i ograniczenia metody Emisji Akustycznej (EA), opis innych metod badań nieniszczących (NNDT)....
Correlation between Fractal Dimension and Areal Surface Parameters for Fracture Analysis after Bending-Torsion Fatigue
PublicationThis paper investigates the fracture surface topography of two steel and aluminum alloys subject to bending-torsion fatigue loadings, as well as their susceptibility to fatigue performance and failure mechanisms. Using fracture surface topography data analysis, elements with different geometries were elaborated. A correlation between the fractal dimension, other selected parameters of surface topography such as areal Sx, and...
Cyclic behavior of FeCoCrNiMn high entropy alloy coatings produced through cold spray
PublicationeCoCrNiMn high entropy alloy powders were employed to produce coatings on carbon steel through high pressure cold spray (at 1100 °C and 7 MPa in temperature and pressure respectively). X-ray diffraction of the sprayed material revealed a dense coating with the retention of the original crystallographic structure. Once splatted, particles revealed high flattening ratio with consequent excellent adhesion of the coating to the substrate....
Interlaboratory Test to Characterize the Cyclic Behavior of Bituminous Interlayers: An Overview of Testing Equipment and Protocols
PublicationThe performance assessment of multi-layered pavements strongly depends on the mechanical behavior of the interface between bituminous layers. So far, comprehensive studies have been carried out mainly using quasi-static laboratory tests focusing on the interlayer shear strength at failure. However, it is generally recognized that cyclic shear testing will lead to the determination of parameters which are more closely linked to...
Interlaboratory Test to Characterize the Cyclic Behavior of Bituminous Interlayers: An Overview of Testing Equipment and Protocols
PublicationThe performance assessment of multi-layered pavements strongly depends on the mechanical behavior of the interface between bituminous layers. So far, comprehensive studies have been carried out mainly using quasi-static laboratory tests focusing on the interlayer shear strength at failure. However, it is generally recognized that cyclic shear testing will lead to the determination of parameters which are more closely linked to...
Laser Beam as a Precision Tool to Increase Fatigue Resistance in an Eyelet of Undercarriage Drag Strut
PublicationThe article contains the results of tests on a laser-processed eyelet of undercarriage drag strut to increase its fatigue strength. Laser processing concentrated on both sides around the hole of eye for connecting the undercarriage drag strut caused that the material in this area withstood more than twice the number of load cycles established for this material. In order to determine the reasons for the increase in fatigue strength,...
Fatigue resistance investigation of the IC engine MB11 bearings, working under conditions of dynamic unidirectional loadings
PublicationThe slide bearing material MB11 fatigue resistance has been investigated with the application of SMOK - test stand in which dynamic unidirectional loadings to the test bearing is generated. Slide bearing layer consists of the bronze MB11 ( Cu Pb22 Sn 3 ) sintered to the steel shell. Each of the tested bearing has been subject to the standard 20-hour test, under conditions of the full fluid lubrication. Methodology of the experiments,...
Analysis of effect of overloaded vehicles on fatigue life of flexible pavements based on weigh in motion (WIM) data
PublicationOverloaded vehicles have a significant impact on pavement fatigue life and distress. As the studies show, the phenomena intensify when the control of traffic is poor. The paper presents the results of the research including analysis of weigh in motion data from eight stations and analysis of asphalt pavement fatigue caused by mixed traffic. Distributions of vehicles axles load including the multiple axles effects are presented....
The energy approach to fatigue crack growth of S355 steel welded specimens subjected to bending
PublicationThe study presents the results of the research on the rate of fatigue crack growth subjected to bending in the ferritic-pearlitic structure. The studies were carried out at a constant amplitude of the moment and at various values of the load ratios R and at the operating frequency of the machine of 28.4 Hz. Flat specimens made of S355 steel and with fillet welds and with double-sided blunt external notches as well as concave...
Experimental research on over-laminated steel sandwich panel connection to determine the form of fatigue failure
PublicationThe novel means of transport need to meet rising both the economic and ecologic requirements. In recent years the International Maritime Organization (IMO) introduced new measure of ship energy efficiency (the EEDI index), as well as new regulations regarding higher quality of fuel (so called Tier limits). It resulted in much higher interest of the technological development of ships. One of the solution having great potential is...
Fatigue fracture surface metrology of thin-walled tubular austenitic steel specimens after asynchronous loadings
PublicationThis paper aims to study the effect of asynchronous axial-torsional strain-controlled loading histories on fracture surface behavior of thin-walled tubular X5CrNi18-10 (304/304L) austenitic steel specimens. Tests under pure axial loading and pure torsional loading are also conducted to better segregate the effect of multiaxiality. The fractures surface topographies were examined through the profiles over the entire surface with...
Fatigue of the ship structure.
PublicationZaprezentowano wyniki prac badawczych zachowania paneli SANDWICH pod obciążeniem zginającym. Prace prowadzone były w Kat. Technol. Okrętów i Obiektów Oceanotechn. Wydz. OiO i obejmowały między innymi badania konstrukcji w skali rzeczywistej. Dokonano porównania uzyskanych rezultatów z wynikami prezentowanymi w literaturze.
The impact of surface slope and calculation resolution on the fractal dimension for fractures of steels after bending-torsion fatigue
PublicationThe article presents the results of the fractal dimension measurements on the fatigue fracture surfaces of 10HNAP and S355J2 steels specimens after combined bending-torsion fatigue. For smooth and ring-notched specimens, three loading conditions were analyzed: (1) bending; (2) bending-torsion; and (3) torsion fatigue. Post-failure surface topography measurements were carried out on the entire fracture surfaces using an optical...
Chromatic scheduling in a cyclic open shop
PublicationPraca jest poświęcona złożoności obliczeniowej problemu cyklicznego szeregowania w systemie otwartym. Autorzy analizując wykazują, że problem jest NP-trudny dla 3 procesorów i konstruują algorytm dokładny dla przypadku dwóch procesorów.Ponadto analizowany jest zwarty wariant cyklicznego systemu otwartego. W tym przypadku autorzy pokazują, że już szeregowanie na dwóch procesorach prowadzi do problemu NP-trudnego.
Compact cyclic edge-colorings of graphs
PublicationArtykuł jest poświęcony modelowi zwartego cyklicznego kolorowania krawędzi grafów. Ten wariant kolorowania jest stosowany w modelowaniu uszeregowań w systemach produkcyjnych, w których proces produkcyjny ma charakter cykliczny. W pracy podano konstrukcje grafów, które nie zezwalają na istnienie pokolorowania w rozważanym modelu. Wykazano także kilka własności teoretycznych, takich jak ograniczenia górne na liczbę kolorów w optymalnym...
Effect of selective laser treatment on initiation of fatigue crack in the main part of an undercarriage drag strut
PublicationThis paper presents the results of material characterization and a fatigue test conducted for a laser-re-melted drag strut used in an aircraft landing gear. The drag strut was re-melted with a CO2 laser beam. Eight re-melted paths were made in the form of spiral lines along the axis of the drag strut. Next, the drag strut was subjected to variable loads on a testing machine simulating loads occurring when an aircraft lands. The...
Strain-dependent behaviour of cold recycled material mixtures in cyclic compression tests
PublicationThe purpose of the study is to evaluate strain-dependent behaviour of Cold Recycled Material (CRM) mixtures using three frameworks typically applied for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA): linear viscoelastic (LVE) limits; non-linearity directions; changes in rheological model parameters. To this aim, the complex modulus of three CRM mixtures with different bitumen-to-cement ratio (0.2, 0.6 and 1.8) was measured in cyclic compression mode,...
Fracture evolution in concrete compressive fatigue experiments based on X-ray micro-CT images
PublicationArtykuł omawia ewolucje pękania w betonie podczas cyklicznego ściskania betonu. Przestrzenną ewolucję pękania zobrazowano stosując mikro-tomograf rentgenowski. Zdjęcia wykonano dla różnych cykli zmęczeniowych. Wyniki porównano z testami monotonicznymi. Jakościowa ewolucja objętości pękania ze wzrostem zmęczeniowego zniszczenia pokazała silnie nieliniowy kształt.
Roughness measurement results evaluation of 6082 aluminium alloy specimens after fatigue bending tests
PublicationIn this paper, the topography of 6082 aluminium alloy specimens after fatigue bending tests was studied with a comprehensive evaluation of measurement noise caused by vibration. Roughness results were acquired by contactless Focus Variation Microscopy (FVM). Studied data were pre-processed, removing the non-measured points and outliers with regular methods, respectively, and high-frequency noise was considered. The variations in...
Sustainable synthesis of cyclic carbonates from bio‐based polyether polyol: the structure characterization, rheological behaviour and thermal properties
PublicationThe cycloaddition of CO2 to epoxides represents a green efficient method to form bis(cyclic carbonate)s. The main purpose of the work reported in this paper was to examine the effect of the gas flow rate (20, 40, 60 and 100 mL min–1) during carbonation on the conversion yield, chemical structure, rheological behaviour and thermal properties of the prepared compounds. A series of new bis(cyclic carbonate)s was obtained from bio‐based...
Crystal structures of eight- and ten-membered cyclic bisanisylphosphonothioyl disulfanes and comparison with their P-ferrocenyl analogues
PublicationTwo new crystal structures of eight- and ten-membered cyclic bisanisylphosphonothioyl disulfanes, namely 2,5-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-1,6,3,4,25,55- dioxadithiadiphosphocane-2,5-dithione, C16H18O4P2S4, and 2,5-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-1,6,3,4,25,55-dioxadithiadiphosphecane-2,5-dithione, C18H22O4P2S4, have been determined and compared to structures of the ferrocenyl analogues. The eight-membered rings have similar conformations (TBC) but...
Influence of cyclic frozen and defrost on mechanical properties of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-coated woven fabrics
PublicationThis research aims to determine the influence of the cyclic process of freezing and defrosting on the mechanical properties of the chosen glass fibres and PTFE-coated woven fabrics. The specimens were subjected to freezing at about −20 °C for 4 h and thawing by full immersion into the water at about +20 °C for 4 h. The fabric samples after 25 and 50 frozen cycles were air-dried at room temperature for one week and then subjected...
Corrosion fatigue crack propagation rate characteristics for weldable ship and offshore steels with regard to the influence of loading frequency and seawater temperature
PublicationAfter Vosikovsky (1975), the corrosion fatigue crack growth rate (CFCGR) characteristics have been divided into three regions. The region-III rates are very close to mechanical fatigue crack growth rates. CFCGR formulae, including the long-crack length effect (in region I only), the loading frequency effect (in region II only), and the saltwater temperature effect, have been proposed. It has been assumed that CFCGR is proportional...
Dynamic mechanical properties and flexing fatigue resistance of tire sidewall rubber as function of waste tire rubber reclaiming degree
PublicationA stepwise downsizing method of gel particles in reclaimed rubber to a micro-nano scale and its excellent dynamic performance in tire sidewall were introduced by this work. The results showed that the size of gel particles decreased from several micrometers to micro-nanometers with the increase of reclaiming degree, accompanied by reduced molecular weight and widened molecular weight distribution of sol fraction. The addition of...
Modification of the Reloading Plastic Modulus in Generalized Plasticity Models for Soil by Introducing a New Equation for the Memory Parameter in Cyclic Loadings
PublicationNowadays, with the widespread supply of very powerful laboratory and computer equipment, it is expected that the analyses conducted for geotechnical problems are carried out with very high precision. Precise analyses lead to better knowledge of structures’ behavior, which, in turn, reduces the costs related to uncertainty of materials’ behavior. A precise analysis necessitates a precise knowledge and definition of the behavior...
PublicationThis article presents the third and last part of the problem of diagnosing the fatigue of marine propulsion shafts in terms of energy with the use of the action function, undertaken by the authors. Even the most perfect physical models of real objects, observed under laboratory conditions and developed based on the results of their research, cannot be useful in diagnostics without properly transferring the obtained results to the...
Importance of sign conventions on analytical solutions to the wave-induced cyclic response of a poro-elastic seabed
PublicationThis paper discusses the influence of different sign conventions for strains and stresses, i.e. the solid mechanics sign convention and the soil mechanics sign convention, on the form of governing partial differential equations (the static equilibrium equations and the continuity equation) used to describe the wave-induced cyclic response of a poro-elastic seabed due to propagation of a sinusoidal surface water-wave. Some selected...
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Computer modeling of the solution conformation of cyclic enkephalins
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Effect of cyclic deformations on the evolution of localizations in granularbodies
PublicationArtykuł omawia wpływ cyklicznych odkształceń na lokalizacje odkształceń stycznych w materiałach granulowanych. Obliczenia wykonano metodą elementów skończonych na bazie mikropolarnego hipoplastycznego prawa konstytutywnego. Obliczenia wykonano dla dużej amplitudy odkształceń cyklicznych i materiału zagęszczonego.
Corrigendum to “An investigation on residual stress and fatigue life assessment of T-shape welded joints” [Eng. Fail. Anal. 141 (2022) 106685]
PublicationThis paper aims to quantitatively evaluate the residual stress and fatigue life of T-type welded joints with a multi-pass weld in different direction. The main research objectives of the experimental test were to test the residual stress by changing direction along with multiple wielding passes and determine the fatigue life of the welded joints. The result shows that compressive residual stress increases in the sample gradually...
Effect of pavement roughness and vehicle dynamic loads on decrease of fatigue life of flexible pavements
PublicationDue to the fact that pavement surfaces are not ideally even, dynamic loads of vehicle axles deviate from static loads. Higher dynamic loads contribute to faster pavement distress. The distribution of dynamic loads is similar to normal distribution and can be described by static load and factors DI (dynamic impact) and DLC (dynamic load coefficient). With the deterioration of pavement condition its evenness decreases as well and...
Quasistatic and fatigue behavior of an AISI H13 steel obtained by additive manufacturing and conventional method
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Three-Dimensional Fractography for Conventional and Additive Manufactured Steels After Bending-Torsion Fatigue
PublicationIn this study, fracture surface topography parameters were measured to investigate the effects of multiaxial loading. In order to assess the metrological aspects of fracture for notched specimens made of high-strength steels processed by both conventional and additively manufacturing (AM) techniques, an optical surface profilometer was used. Three bending moment to torsion moment ratios (B/T) were studied, i.e. 2, 1 and 2/3. The...
Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted DICOM Images Using Cyclic Binary Golay (23, 12) Code
PublicationIn this paper, a novel reversible data hiding method for encrypted images (RDHEI) is proposed. An efficient coding scheme based on cyclic binary Golay (23, 12) code is designed to embed additional data into the least significant bits (LSBs) of the encrypted image. The most significant bits (MSBs) are used to ensure the reversibility of the embedding process. The proposed scheme is lossless, and based on the receiver’s privileges,...
Field Evaluation of High Modulus Asphalt Concrete Resistance to Low-Temperature Cracking
PublicationHigh-modulus asphalt concrete has numerous advantages in comparison to conventional asphalt concrete, including increased resistance to permanent deformations and increased pavement fatigue life. However, previous studies have shown that the construction of road pavements with High Modulus Asphalt Concrete (HMAC) may significantly increase the risk of low-temperature cracking. Those observations were the motivation for the research...
Semi-incremental addition of strings to a cyclic finite automaton
PublicationMaszyny o skończonej liczbie stanów są szeroko stosowane jako słowniki w przetwarzaniu języka naturalnego. Odznaczają się szybkim czasem przetwarzania i małymi wymaganiami pamięciowymi. Przedstawiamy nowy algorytm dodawania nowych słów do języka cyklicznego automatu skończonego. Algorytm jest rozszerzeniem na automaty cykliczne półprzyrostowego algorytmu Watsona dla automatów acyklicznych. Przekształcenie jest dokonane w duchu...
Cyclic Peptidic Furin Inhibitors Developed by Combinatorial Chemistry
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Micro-polar effects under monotonic and cyclic shearing.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń lokalizacji odkształceń podczas ścinania monotonicznego i cyklicznego w materiałach granulowanych. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu mikropolarnego hipoplastycznego modelu konstytutywnego.
Effect of cyclic shearing on shear localisation in granular bodies.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wymiki numerycznej analizy wpływu cyklicznego ścinania na lokalizacją odkształceń stycznych w materiałach granulowanych. Obliczenia wykonano stosując metodę elementów skończonych i mikropolarne hipoplastyczne prawo konstytutywne. Analzę przeprowadzono dla piasku zagęszczonego i luźnego dla dużej amplitudy ścinania.
Fatigue investigation of plain journal bearings
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wybrane wyniki badań nad wytrzymałością zmęczeniową warstw ślizgowych w panwiach łozysk poprzecznych, prowadzonych w laboratorium tribologicznym Katedry Konstrukcji i Eksploatacji Maszyn Politechniki Gdańskiej. Opisano stanowiska badawcze i metodykę planowania eksperymentów oraz procedurę opracowywania wyników testów zmęczeniowych. Przedstawiono zamierzenia badawcze w zakresie przedmiotowych badań zmęczeniowych.
Mathematical modeling and prediction of pit to crack transition under cyclic thermal load using artificial neural network
PublicationThe formation of pitting is a major problem in most metals, which is caused by extremely localized corrosion that creates small holes in metal and subsequently, it changes into cracks under mechanical load, thermo-mechanical stress, and corrosion process factors. This research aims to study pit to crack transition phenomenon of steel boiler heat tubes under cyclic thermal load, and mathematical modeling...
Low-coherence method of hematocrit measurement
PublicationDuring the last thirty years low-coherence measurement methods have gained popularity because of their unique advantages. Low-coherence interferometry, low-coherence reflectometry and low-coherence optical tomography offer resolution and dynamic range of measurement at the range of classical optical techniques. Moreover, they enable measurements of the absolute value of the optical path differences, which is still an unsolved problem...
Comparison of different one-parameter damage laws and local stress-strain approaches in multiaxial fatigue life assessment of notched components
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Energy-based fatigue failure characteristics of materials under random bending loading in elastic-plastic range
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Cyclic Behavior of Masonry Shear Walls Retrofitted with Engineered Cementitious Composite and Pseudoelastic Shape Memory Alloy
PublicationThe behavior of masonry shear walls reinforced with pseudoelastic Ni–Ti shape memory alloy (SMA) strips and engineered cementitious composite (ECC) sheets is the main focus of this paper. The walls were subjected to quasi-static cyclic in-plane loads and evaluated by using Abaqus. Eight cases of strengthening of masonry walls were investigated. Three masonry walls were strengthened with different thicknesses of ECC sheets using...
Fracture Areas Quantitative Investigating of Bending-Torsion Fatigued Low-Alloy High-Strength Steel
PublicationIn this study, the impact of pseudo-random non-proportional bending-torsion fatigue loadings proportion on the fatigue life and the fracture surface topography was analyzed. Investigation was carried out for 24 specimens made of S355J2 steel with 11 different ratios of maximum stresses λ. For these cases, after the fatigue tests, the surface topography measurements were carried out using an optical profilometer, using the focus...
Low-Voltage Low-Power Filters with Independent ω0 and Q Tuning for Electronic Cochlea Applications
PublicationAn acoustic second-order low-pass filter is proposed for filter banks emulating the operation of a human cochlea. By using a special filter structure and an innovative quality (Q)-factor tuning technique, an independent change of the cutoff frequency (ω0) and the Q-factor with unchanged gain at low frequencies is achieved in this filter. The techniques applied result in a simple filter design with low Q-factor sensitivity to component...