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Search results for: modele design-thinking

  • Modele 1D i 2D przepływu w pompie diagonalnej


    W pracy przedstawiono nowe podejście do rozwiązania zadania konstrukcyjnego pompy w ramach modelu osiowo-symetrycznego typu 2D. Przykład obliczeniowy cytowany w artykule przedstawia wirnik pompy diagonalnej poddanej obliczeniom 3D.Przedstawiono także nowy sposób prezentacji procesu tłoczenia w pompie diagonalnej w ramach modelu 1D w postaci wykresu energia - straty energii.

  • Modele semantyczne wymiany informacji o stanie systemu elektroenergetycznego


    Zaprezentowano Common Information Model CIM opracowany w Electric Power Research Institute EPRI w USA. Model ten wypełnia brak uniwersalnego języka opisu topologii i stanu sieci elektroenergetycznej. Stworzony został na potrzeby integracji narzędzi stosowanych przez podmioty sektora elektroenergetycznego. CIM wykorzystuje RDF Schema Definition (RDFS) i RDF. Na tle tego standardu przedstawiono własny zestaw pojęć mapujący meta-ontologię...

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    Port cities are having different spatial structure than those located inlands. As a result of their seaside location, they face specific administrative and functional problems on a daily basis. In the economic and settlement structure of the country, they usually play the role of a "gate" through which streams of cargo are distributed further over the whole hinterland. It is the transport and logistics function of port cities,...

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  • Modele budowy wartości dla klienta - charakterystyka i rozwinięcie


    Rozwój form realizacji biznesu umożliwił zbadanie nowych obiektów związanych z generowaniem wartości dla klienta i przedsiębiorstwa. W pracy scharakteryzowano logiki tworzenia wartości będące podstawą modeli łańcucha wartości, sklepu wartości, sieci wartości oraz chmury wartości. Zaproponowano także wprowadzenie nowego składnika do struktury tych modeli w postaci węzła wartości.

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  • Neuronowe modele z atencją w przetwarzaniu języka naturalnego


    - Year 2021

    Celem niniejszego rozdziału jest wprowadzenie w tematykę sieci neuronowych z atencją oraz ich zastosowań w przetwarzaniu języka naturalnego. Rozdział skupia się w szczególności na dokładnym omówieniu architektury modelu Transformer, wykorzystującego atencję jako podstawowy mechanizm swojego działania.

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  • Modele budowy wiarygodności oferenta w internetowych transakcjach detalicznych.

    W artykule omówiono problematykę budowy wiarygodności serwisów WWW obsługujących transakcje detaliczne. Zaprezentowano przykłady modeli opisujących relacje oraz czynniki wpływające na zaufanie klienta do oferenta działającego w Internecie. Przedstawiono również założenia dla dedykowanego modelu budowy wiarygodności serwisu WWW.

  • Surrogate models and automated cad of passive microwave components


    - Year 2007

    W pracy pokazane zostały techniki modelowania złożonych układów elektronicznych wysokiej częstotliwości. Modele zastępcze mają postać sparametryzowanych modeli matematycznych tworzonych za pomocą schematów interpolacyjnych lub skupionych, pasywnych układów zastępczych dedykowanych analizie w dziedzinie czasu. Do konstrukcji modeli wykorzystywane są wyniki symulacji elektromagnetycznych, co pozwala na osiągnięcie lepszej dokładności...

  • Accelerated design optimization of miniaturized microwave passives by design reusing and Kriging interpolation surrogates

    Electromagnetic (EM) analysis has become ubiquitous in the design of microwave components and systems. One of the reasons is the increasing topological complexity of the circuits. Their reliable evaluation—at least at the design closure stage—can no longer be carried out using analytical or equivalent network representations. This is especially pertinent to miniaturized structures, where considerable EM cross-coupling effects occurring...

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  • Design process as complex system


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  • Innovations in Polish family firms. Exploring employee creativity and management practices that stimulate innovative thinking


    - Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation - Year 2020

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  • Design. Metodology outline and practice


    - Year 2008

    Na tle - uznawanego za typowy - schematu prac składających się na proces projektowania, pokazano przykładowe tworzenie inicjatywy sprawczej oraz rozwój koncepcji dotyczących sformułowania konkretnego zadania projektowego w dziedzinie budowy maszyn.Temat dotyczył obszaru projektowania turbin wodnych.The origin of project initiative, as well as concept development related to formulating a specific design goal, are presented in the...

  • Knowledge-based models of the organization transformation


    - Year 2007

    W artykule omówiono zastosowanie modeli opartych na wiedzy do wspomagania transformacji organizacji. Organizacje wytwarzające systemy informatyczne mogą wykorzystywać modele oparte na wiedzy (do gromadzenia danych o procesach transformacji i wspomagać te procesy) w procesach zmian zgodnych ze standardami CMMI. W artykule omówiono metody modelowania i wytwarzania takich baz jak również wskazano na ich przydatność dla zróżnicowanych...

  • Interaction Design in Agile IT Projects


    - Year 2021

    In recent years, interactive systems, such as various types of software, online services or mobile applications, have become an integral part of everyday life. Interactive systems and digital services should be easy to use and provide a positive User Experience (UX). For this reason, interaction design has recently emerged as a distinct professional area of information technology (IT). Easy interaction and user experience (UX)...

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  • Computational Approach towards Repetitive Design Tasks: The Case Study of Parking Lot Automated Design


    - Sustainability - Year 2024

    The study aims to develop and assess an algorithm for efficiently generating parking spot layouts within predefined area outlines. The algorithm is an attempt to streamline the decisionmaking process by producing different design variants and optimizing the utilization of available space. The algorithm’s primary objective is to streamline decision-making by generating diverse design variants while optimizing the use of available...

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  • Effectiveness of the robust PSS design


    The paper discusses optimal PSS of synchronous generator synthesis. The optimal controller is an Hinf controller, what means that minimises Hinf norm of transfer function between the exogenous signals such as reference inputs and disturbances, and the error signals which are to be minimised to meet the control objective. The dynamic properties of the plant are shaped by choosing appropriate weighting function applied to the plant...

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  • Wczesne modele opisujące uszkodzenia nici DNA pod wpływem działania czynników chemicznych oraz promieniowania


    - Year 2013

    Od wielu lat kwantyfikacja uszkodzeń DNA, wywołanych przez różne rodzaje promieniowania korpuskularno-falowego, jak i związków chemicznych, jest przedmiotem szerokich badań teoretycznych i eksperymentalnych. Badania te, mając na celu szczegółowe i dogłębne poznanie mechanizmów powstawania uszkodzeń wspomagają jednocześnie rozwój nowoczesnych terapii nowotworowych. Wstępne pomiary wykazały, że wiele z tych czynników może prowadzić...

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  • Design Space Reduction for Expedited Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Antennas in Highly-Dimensional Spaces


    A surrogate-based technique for efficient multi-objective antenna optimization is discussed. Our approach exploits response surface approximation (RSA) model constructed from low-fidelity antenna model data (here, obtained through coarse-discretization electromagnetic simulations). The RSA model enables fast determination of the best available trade-offs between conflicting design goals. The cost of RSA model construction for multi-parameter...

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  • Design of dimensionally stable composites using efficient global optimization method

    Dimensionally stable material design is an important issue for space structures such as space laser communication systems, telescopes, and satellites. Suitably designed composite materials for this purpose can meet the functional and structural requirements. In this paper, it is aimed to design the dimensionally stable laminated composites by using efficient global optimization method. For this purpose, the composite plate optimization...

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  • Rapid multi-objective design of integrated on-chip inductors by means of Pareto front exploration and design extrapolation

    Identification of the best trade-offs between conflicting design objectives allows for making educated design decisions as well as assessing suitability of a given component or circuit for a specific application. In case of inductors, the typical objectives include maximization of the quality factor and minimization of the layout area, as well as maintaining a required inductance at a given operating frequency. This work demonstrates...

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  • Bridge Ergonomic Design: A Review

    Human error remains the most common cause of marine incidents and it is worth emphasizing that navigator’s performance is directly affected by ergonomic factors on the bridge. Studies regarding influence of bridge design and work environment on the operator are rare, thus the main purpose of this paper is to fill in this gap. Documents issued by recognized organizations, research publications and additional sources were reviewed...

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  • Big Data in Regenerative Urban Design

    Why the use of Big Data in regenerative planning matters? The aim of this chapter is to study under what conditions Big Data can be integrated into regenerative design and sustainable planning? Authors seek to answer how – when related to the ecosystem and to human activities – Big Data can be used to: • both shape policies that support the development of regenerative human settlements, • support restorative design for practitioners...

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  • Macroscopic models for quantum systems and computers

    • D. Aerts
    • M. Czachor
    • J. Dehaene
    • B. De Moor
    • B. D'Hooghe

    - Journal of Physics : Conference Series - Year 2007

    Opisano układy makroskopowe realizujące dwubitowe operacje kwantowe.

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  • Safety-based approach in multifunctional building design


    ABSTRACT: The modern trend in design of the public buildings is to create multifunctional environments in one building, hosting a variety of functions. Multifunctional buildings entertain large number of visitors. The complexity and vulnerability of this type of public space are the main reasons to use within their design process the performance based approach including the recognition of hazards. Safety and reliability approach...

  • Aktywne modele wyglądu w automatycznej lokalizacji i rozpoznawaniu twarzy


    - Year 2009

    W pracy opisano metodę lokalizacji obiektów wykorzystującą koncepcję aktywnych modeli wyglądu (ang. active appearance models) i przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentów, związanych ze stosowaniem tej koncepcji do automatycznego lokalizowania oraz rozpoznawania twarzy.

  • Ekonometria - modele jednorównaniowe : Zbiór zadań z rozwiązaniami. - R. Piotrowski.


    - Year 2011

    Zbiór zadań opracowany został na podstawie wykładów i ćwiczeń na studiach dziennych i zaocznych z przedmiotu "ekonometria" prowadzonych w ostatnich latach przez autora w Gdańskiej Wyższej Szkole Administracji na Wydziale Ekonomiczno - Społecznym. Jest on uzupełnieniem pozycji ogólnodostępnych na rynku, związanych z problemami modelowania procesów ekonomicznych. Praca została podzielona na dwanaście rozdziałów. W pierwszych jedenastu...

  • Modele zarządzania systemami oświaty w krajach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej.


    - Year 2003

    Artykuł obejmuje problematykę funkcjonowania systemów zarządzania oświatą w krajach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej. Na tle rozwiązań systemowych krajów UE zostały zaprezentowane polskie rozwiązania systemowe w dziedzinie zarządzania edukacją.

  • Computationally-efficient design optimisation of antennas by accelerated gradient search with sensitivity and design change monitoring

    Electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools are of primary importance in the design of contemporary antennas. The necessity of accurate performance evaluation of complex structures is a reason why the final tuning of antenna dimensions, aimed at improvement of electrical and field characteristics, needs to be based on EM analysis. Design automation is highly desirable and can be achieved by coupling EM solvers with numerical optimisation...

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  • Application tool for IP QoS network design


    - Year 2010

    Despite the fact that differentiated-service-aware network implementation has been a widely discussed topic for quite some time, network design still proofs nontrivial. Well developed software could put an end to network designer's problems. This chapter describes work, which has been aimed at creating a comprehensive network design tool, offering a fair range of functionality and high reliability. The presented tool is able to...

  • THE ARCHİTECTURE AND FASHİON DESİGN – An Examination of the Relationship between Fashion and Architecture Design in light of Technological Advancements


    - Year 2016

    The article focuses on the mutual relationship between two seemingly distant fields of art - architecture and fashion design. It describes a common basis for the process of creating art in the approach to both fashion and architecture. The following considerations, which are based on principles of composition, attempt to reach beyond just the form and analyze also context or perception. The article quotes famous creators and depicts...

  • Design and investigations of the ethanol microturbine

    The paper presents the results of the design analysis and experimental investigations of the microturbine set consisting of the microturbine with partial admission and permanent magnet generator. The microturbine was designed for operation with the vapour of ethanol as a working fluid. Microturbine unit was tested for different parameters of the working fluid and varying the electrical load. The examples and the comparison between...

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  • Footbridges. Dynamic Design – Selected Problems


    Modern footbridges create challenge in esthetic and structural design. Breaking the proven canons is a recipe for architectural success. However esthetic form has to be also a functional pedestrian bridge. Therefore a good FEM modeling is a key element in engineering part of design. The paper presents selected problems related to the modeling of the dynamic construction of footbridges. Several basic dynamic problems concerning...

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  • A Generative Approach to Hull Design for a Small Watercraft


    In the field of ocean engineering, the task of spatial hull modelling is one of the most complicated problems in ship design. This study presents a procedure applied as a generative approach to the design problems for the hull geometry of small vessels using elements of concurrent design with multi-criteria optimisation processes. Based upon widely available commercial software, an algorithm for the mathematical formulation of...

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  • Artificial Intelligence Aided Architectural Design


    Tools and methods used by architects always had an impact on the way building were designed. With the change in design methods and new approaches towards creation process, they became more than ever before crucial elements of the creation process. The automation of architects work has started with computational functions that were introduced to traditional computer-aided design tools. Nowadays architects tend to use specified tools...

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  • Test Design Patterns for Embedded Systems,

    • J. Zander
    • A. M. Perez
    • I. Schieferdecker
    • Z. R. Dai

    - Year 2007

    Test suites for embedded systems are typically created from scratch using dif- ferent, often inadequate methods. In consequence, industry branches dealing with software-intensive embedded systems have to cope with quality problems, even though test processes are particularly time-consuming and costly. Based on an evolving model-based testing methodology we introduce test design patterns for simplifying and accelerating...

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  • Design optimisation of air-fed full pressurised suits

    • P. Edwards
    • K. Tesch
    • T. Karayiannis
    • M. Collins
    • M. Atherton
    • P. Young
    • M. Large
    • R. Brade


    Opisano szczegóły złożoności zjawisk cieplno-przepływowych pomiędzy wewnętrzną powierzchnią kombinezonu ochronnego i zewnętrznego ubioru. Komplikacja polega na jednoczesnym rozważaniu wymiany masy i ciepła wraz z realistycznymi, trójwymiarowymi geometriami. Dodatkowo rozważany jest ludzki metabolizm. Zrozumienie tych zjawisk i umiejętnośćich symulacji jest konieczna w celu właściwych prac projektowych nad nowymi typami kombinezonów...

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  • Equivalent temperature for design of asphalt pavements in Poland


    The paper presents application of equivalent temperature for design of asphalt pavements. The calculation methods of equivalent temperature: the Shell method, the French method, the methods that use the AASHTO and the Asphalt Institute fatigue criteria were presented. The results of calculations of equivalent temperature for Polish climatic conditions were presented and discussed. It was shown that different asphalt pavement design...

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  • Design of compound curves adapted to the satellite measurements


    The paper deals with a novelty related to the design of a region for an alternative railway track direction adequate for mobile satellite measurements. The new approach may become particularly useful in the design of the existing track axis control when the determination of both the main track directions becomes impossible. The only solution in that case is to apply to the geometrical system two circular arcs of a different radius,...

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    - Year 2018

    The following paper investigates the idea of reducing the human digital intervention to a minimum during the advanced design process. Augmenting the outcome attributes beyond the designer's capabilities by computational design methods, data collection, data computing and digital fabrication, altogether imitating the human design process. The primary technical goal of the research was verification of restrictions and abilities used...



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  • Design principles for creating digital transparency in government



    Under pressure to fight corruption, hold public officials accountable, and build trust with citizens, many governments pursue the quest for greater transparency. They publish data about their internal operations, externalize decision-making processes, establish digital inquiry lines to public officials, and employ other forms of transparency using digital means. Despite the presence of many transparency-enhancing digital tools,...

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  • New Generation of Water lubricated Foil bearing - Numerical Models and Experimental Verification


    In the paper a new idea of foil water lubricated bearing and methodology of hydrodynamic characteristics calculations is presented. To assesses the theoretical characteristics of these bearings two different computer models were built. First is structural model coupled with fluid model. It takes into account: fluid flow in the deformed fluid gap, specific design of bearing support and friction in bearing support. The second is...

  • Innovative design of hybrid powered inland vessel


    - Year 2013

    One of the most demanding task for European countries is rational transportation system taking into account fuel efficient and ecological propulsion. The paper presents innovative design of hybrid powered inland vessel. The most important aspects regarding new design and technical solutions are being presented, including numerical and experimental research on hull form. Combined diesel-electric propulsion supported by solar panel...

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  • Analytical design method of reverse curves


    The paper deals with a new approach relating to the design of the region of railway track direction alteration adapted to Mobile Satellite Measurements technique. The method may be particularly useful in situations when both the straights of the route directions cannot be connected in an elementary way using a circular arc with transition curves; this also refers to the application of a compound curve. Thus the only solution becomes...

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  • Hybrid design approach in education using a progressive rule-based digital design development. Sopot College experiences.


    Budynek sam w sobie może być uznany za hybrydę inżynierii i Beaux-Arts. Obecnie istnieje wiele narzędzi, które mogą pomóc architektom w opracowaniu i optymalizowu ich innowacyjnych koncepcje. Artykuł opisuje projekt hybrydowego podejścia opartego na połączeniu tradycyjnej architekturze i Komputerowego projektowania na podstawie programu studiów w Sopocie College, Wydział Architektury. Artykuł bada dziedzinie współpracy i interakcji...

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  • Refurbishment of a historical building - design issues


    - Year 2013

    Over a 10-year modernization of the main building of Gdansk University of Technology is coming to the end. The ever increasing number of students requires not only the development of the campus with new facility buildings, also the existing buildings are subject to adaptation and modernization. In addition to high-impact solutions, as restoring the former glory of the building (reconstruction of the clock tower), or introducing...

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  • Automated Design of Linear Phase Filters


    This paper presents a fast technique for an automated design of microwave filters with linear phase. The proposed method exploits the cost function defined using the location of complex zeros and poles of the filter’s transfer and reflection function. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is presented with two illustrative examples.

  • Multi-Criteria Approach in Multifunctional Building Design Process


    - Year 2017

    The paper presents new approach in multifunctional building design process. Publication defines problems related to the design of complex multifunctional buildings. Currently, contemporary urban areas are characterized by very intensive use of space. Today, buildings are being built bigger and contain more diverse functions to meet the needs of a large number of users in one capacity. The trends show the need for recognition of...

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  • In silico design of telomerase inhibitors.

    Telomerase is a reverse transcriptase enzyme involved in DNA synthesis at the end of linear chromosomes. Unlike in most other cells, telomerase is reactivated most cancerous cells and, therefore, has become a promising new anticancer target. Despite extensive research, direct telomerase inhibitors have yet not been introduced to the clinics because of the complexity of this enzyme. Structures of this protein from simple organisms...

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  • Matematyczne modele urbanistyczne - nowe narzędzia wykorzystywanew zrównoważonym zarządzaniu rozwojem miast


    - Year 2007

  • Modele zastępcze i automatyczne projektowanie wspomagane komputerem pasywnych elementów mikrofalowych

    W niniejszej pracy przedstawiony jest zarys nowych technik wspomagających projektowanie układów wysokiej częstotliwości rozszerzający obszar zastosowań dotychczas używanych narzędzi projektowych. Zaproponowane techniki dotyczą metod tworzenia sparametyzowanych modeli zastępczych układów wysokiej częstotliwości oraz tworzenia pasywnych schematów zastępczych i ich wykorzystania do projektowania pasywnych układów mikrofalowych.