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Search results for: LS-DYNA
On the validation of the LS-DYNA Geo Metro numerical model
PublicationThe paper presents experiences gained during work with numerical model of Geo Metro vehicle used for simulations of crash tests with road safety barriers. Attention is drawn to the subject of tire/wheel breakage during collision events. Some methods for improvement of the model are presented in the paper. Several results for the normative vehicle numerical tests are introduced. Simulations were carried out using LS-DYNA finite...
LS-DYNA simulations of the impacts of a 38-ton Heavy Goods Vehicle into a road cable barrier
PublicationNowadays, more and more attention is being paid to safety on roads and motorways. It is due to the continuous development of road and motorway network and a significant increase of the number of vehicles on roads. To meet the expectations of improving road safety in Poland, the Road Innovations Development (RID) research programme was implemented in 2016. The aim of the RID 3A - Road Safety Equipment (RoSE) project is a comprehensive...
Curb-to-Barrier Face Distance Variation an a TB51 Bridge Barrier Crash Test Simulation
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of road safety regarding barrier placement as relative to the curb. A short summary of existing regulations is presented. Numerical simulations using the explicit finite element system Ls- Dyna are shown. In the analysis, variable distance between the barrier and the curb is assumed. The obtained result reveals that the distance has little impact on the working width of the barrier.
PublicationDostęp do mocy obliczeniowej superkomputerów oraz możliwość wykorzystania nowoczesnych systemów, np. takich jak Ls-Dyna, pozwala na uzyskanie niezwykle szczegółowych rozwiązań bardzo skomplikowanych problemów inżynierskich. Zagadnienia te dotyczą zakresu statyki/stateczności jak i dynamiki dla rozbudowanych układów konstrukcyjnych zarówno w zakresie nieliniowości materiałowej jak i geometrycznej. Uzyskanie wiarygodnych wyników...
Numerical methods for the assessment of bridge safety barriers
PublicationThe paper presents a numerical study of the bus crash test for bridge safety barriers. The analysis is conducted with the use of explicit code LS-DYNA. The problem of hourglass effect in shell elements is discussed. The simulations of bus impact against the barrier show that the analyzed barrier withstands the impact forces and restrains the bus trajectory to the bridge road.
Numerical studies on the influence of selected construction features and road conditions on the performance of road cable barriers
PublicationCable barriers are commonly used on Polish roads, including motorways and local roads. Their main elements are pre-stressed wire ropes, which are usually anchored at two ends in concrete blocks buried in the soil. In this work numerical studies concerning the influence of selected construction features and parameters of the vehicle motion on the performance of cable barriers were performed. Numerical simulations are a useful tool...
On the influence of the acceleration recording time on the calculation of impact severity indexes
PublicationThe paper concerns with the analysis of normative requirements pertaining to experimental setup of a crash test and its numerical modelling. An overview of parameters describing the collision of a vehicle with a road restraining system is presented. A short description of a concrete road safety barrier is presented. A brief description of numerical modelling procedures for crash tests is given as well. The parametric influence...
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono uwagi na temat dynamicznych symulacji mostów w systemie LS-Dyna. Przedstawiono wybrane wyniki dwóch dynamicznych zagadnień. Pierwszy przykład dotyczy wiaduktu, który został uderzony przez przejeżdżający pod nim pojazd. Drugi odnosi się do projektu betonowej estakady wieloprzęsłowej poddanej trzęsieniom ziemi o różnej intensywności.
PublicationThe article describes a comparison of two general methods of occupants safety estimation based on a numerical examples. The so-called direct method is mainly based on the Head Injury Criterion of a crash test dummy in a vehicle with passive safety system while the indirect method uses a European standards approach to estimate impact severity level. Numerical simulations in LS-DYNA have been conducted.
Retrofit analysis of florida beam-and-post reinforced concreta bridge barriers
PublicationTematem pracy jest analiza przebiegu kolizji drogowych w przypadku najechania rozpędzonego pojazdu na betonową barierę mostową typu "Florida beam-and-post". Przedstawiono podstawy konstruowania modelu obliczeniowego do komputerowej symulacji zderzenia przy wykorzystaniu systemu LS-Dyna. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników sformułowano zalecenia ewentualnych modyfikacji istniejących barier w celu poprawienia ich własności.
Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) approach in simulating large penetration into soil
PublicationA study of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) approach for predicting large soil deformation is presented. Theoretical basics of SPH method, including the equations governing, discussion of the importance of smoothing function length, contact formulation, boundary treatment and finally utilization in hydrocodes simulations are presented. An application of SPH to a real case of large penetrations (crater creating) into soil caused...
On the influence of shell element properties on the response of car model in crash test
PublicationIt goes without saying that numerical simulations play important role in the modern engineering practice. Contemporary CAD environments combined with FEM solvers, along with computer power of modern processors, give the engineer fast and efficient tool. Ultimately, however it is the user alone who is responsible for the correctness of the results. As long as the FEM calculations remain in the sphere of academic exercise, the inevitable...
PublicationA theoretical base of SPH method, including the governing equations, discussion of importance of the smoothing function length, contact formulation, boundary treatment and finally utilization in hydrocode simulations are presented. An application of SPH to a real case of large penetrations (crater creating) into the soil caused by falling mass in Dynamic Replacement Method is discussed. An influence of particles spacing on method...
Experimental study and numerical simulation of the dynamic penetration into dry clay
PublicationTests of dry clay were carried out in a uniaxial stress state using the experimental setup which implements the split Hopkinson pressure bar method. Based on the results of these experiments, the compressive strength of clay was determined as an important element of S.S. Grigoryan’s model of the soil medium. In addition, the parameters of this model are determined from the results of experiments using the modified Kolsky method...
Numerical crash analysis of the cable barrier
PublicationSafety barriers are used to increase road safety. Their basic task is to prevent the errant vehicle from getting off the road in places which are potentially dangerous for vehicle passengers. Barriers, which are used on European roads, must fulfill the requirements of EN 1317 standards by passing appropriate crash tests. Because of their high cost, numerical simulations are increasingly used to evaluate the properties of safety...
TB11 test for short w-beam road barrier
PublicationFEM (Finite Element Method) is well-suited and widely used tool for simulating a range of phenomena: from these with simple and static behaviour, up to those complicated, highly nonlinear and involving many contacts. In present paper we use one of the advantages of FEM: parametric study could be easily performed and is more economical than series of in-situ tests. If recommended practices is carefully followed, results obtained...
Numerical modelling and analysis of steel specimens subjected to marine immersed corrosion and tensile load
PublicationThe present study develops numerical models to analyse the behaviour of steel specimens subjected to marine immersed corrosion degradation and tensile load. The finite element method with the use of the explicit dynamic solver LS-DYNA, satisfying the quasi-static conditions, is employed. Two numerical models are developed, where in the first one, the scans of surfaces gathered from corroded plate specimens are implemented directly...
Architectural and Urban Planning Solutions for the Protection of Heritage Buildings in the Context of Terrorist Attacks: Following the Example of Passive Protection Systems
PublicationEvents in recent years showing numerous terrorist attacks raise awareness regarding the neces-sity of considering the safety of heritage buildings. The analysis of available data allows us to conclude that it is not possible to fully prevent terrorist attacks. On the other hand, it is possible to minimize the impact of such incidents through proper design of Passive Protection System (PPS) components. One possible architectural...
Experimental and numerical analysis of the modified TB32 crash tests of the cable barrier system
PublicationRoad restraint systems, including safety barriers, are one of the means used to improve road safety. Currently, they can be allowed to general use after passing the specific crash tests. However, it is always important and desirable to evaluate their performance under various realistic conditions, which can happen on the roads. In this study, the behaviour of the cable barrier system in impact conditions different than assumed...
Safety assessment of a concrete viaduct damaged by vehicle impact and an evaluation of the repair
PublicationDamage to lower parts of viaducts caused by impact from under-passing high vehicles is relatively frequent. One such incident, in which a viaduct was damaged by the impact from a truck with an improperly assembled hydraulic crane, is considered in this work. The analysis is based on a detailed object damage evaluation, 3D laser scanning, and numerical simulations. The aim of the study is to accurately model the vehicle impact into...
Modeling, simulation, and validation of a TB41 crash test of the H2/W5/B concrete vehicle restraint system
PublicationThe paper addresses numerical simulations of a concrete vehicle restraint system. The model is described in detail. The advanced material law of the continuous surface cap model was used to analyze the damage locations in concrete barrier segments. The results were validated against the TB41 full-scale crash test. The test was conducted in compliance with European standard EN 1317, and the validation was performed in accordance...
Finite element method simulations of various cases of crash tests with N2/W4/A steel road barrier
PublicationThe subject of this study is performance of N2/W4/A steel road safety barrier investigated in numerical simulations. System was checked under several types of initial conditions, which were assumed basing on the TB11 and TB32 normative crash tests. The main goal of present study is to investigate the relationship between initial conditions (angle and velocity) of the impact and the severity indices (associated to the vehicle occupant) during...
Symulacje numeryczne testów zderzeniowych barier ochronnych
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodykę budowy modelu obliczeniowego ukierunkowanego na badania zderzeniowe w środowisku Metody Elementów Skończonych. Opisano etapy tworzenia takiego modelu, jego modyfkacji oraz sprawdzania poprawności przeprowadzonej symulacji, a także przedstawiono kilka autorskich przykładów zastosowania proponowanych obliczeń do badania barier ochronnych
Numerical simulation of the influence of the selected factors on the performance of a concrete road barrier H2/W5/B
PublicationThis paper discuss the influence of selected factors on the performance of a concrete road barrier H2/W5/B. Modelling techniques of a concrete road safety system were briefly discussed. Comparison to the full scale crash test results has been shown. The concrete road safety barrier has been investigated for evaluation of the overall damage after collision under various initial conditions. The failure assessment criterion has been...
Wpływ miejsca uderzenia w stalową barierę ochronną oraz uwarstwienia gruntu na wartość parametru ASI podczas testu TB11
PublicationBariery stalowe są najczęściej stosowanym rodzajem barier ochronnych. Ich podstawowym zadaniem jest zapobieganie zjechaniu pojazdu z drogi w miejscach szczególnie niebezpiecznych. Bariery stosowane na europejskich drogach muszą spełniać wymagania norm EN 1317. Jednym z najważniejszych parametrów pozwalających klasyfikować bariery ochronne pod kątem zapewnienia stopnia bezpieczeństwa w trakcie incydentu jest wskaźnik intensywności...