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Search results for: WIND TURBINE BLADE
Assessment of damage causes of a 17 m long wind turbine blade model
PublicationThe subject matter is to verify the stiffness of the steel supporting structure and assess the causes of cracks in the 17 m long wind turbine blade model
Stiffness assessment of the laminate recovered from end-of-life wind turbine blade
PublicationIn the paper the stiffness parameters of the laminate recovered from an aerodynamic shell of a decommissioned wind turbine blade are evaluated. The aim of the work is to assess selected methods for identifying material data, as well as to estimate the level of stiffness degradation during turbine operation. Several practical identification methods are presented and compared. Two concepts of a single laminate layer are considered,...
Analysis of Modal Parameters Using a Statistical Approach for Condition Monitoring of the Wind Turbine Blade
PublicationThe primary objective of the presented paper is the numerical and experimental investigation related to developing a useful diagnostic method, which can be used for determining the site and size of damage in laminated shells of wind turbine blades. The described detection technique is based on the analysis of low frequencies bending vibrations mode shapes of rotor blades. The authors used the commonly applied statistics methods...
Damage Detection in the Wind Turbine Blade Using Root Mean Square and Experimental Modal Parameters
PublicationThe paper presents results of an experimental study related to a non-destructive diagnostic technique used for preliminary determination the location and size of delamination in composite coatings of wind turbine blades. The proposed method of damage detection is based on the analysis of the ten first mode shapes of bending vibrations, which correspond to displacements of rotor blades perpendicular to the rotor plane. Modal parameters...
Application scanning laser measurements and wavlet transform for dmagae detection in composite wind turbine blade
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów postaci drgań własnych kompozytowej łopaty turbiny wiatrowej. Przedstawiono wyniki detekcji uszkodzeń oparte o analize falkową zmierzonych form drgań.
Updating Finite Element Model of a Wind Turbine Blade Section Using Experimental Modal Analysis Results
PublicationThis paper presents selected results and aspects of themultidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research oriented for the experimental and numerical study of the structural dynamics of a bend-twist coupled full scale section of awind turbine blade structure.Themain goal of the conducted research is to validate finite elementmodel of themodified wind turbine blade section mounted in the flexible support structure accordingly to the...
Active Diagnostic Experimentation on Wind Turbine Blades with Vibration Measurements and Analysis
PublicationPaper deals with the key operational problems of wind turbosets, especially offshore, where vibrations are generated by rotor blades, as a consequence of erosive wear or icing. The primary causes of the imbalance of wind turbine rotors have been characterised, the observable symptoms of which include various forms of vibrations, transmitted from the turbine wheel to the bearing nodes of the power train components. Their identification...
Uncertainty quantification of modal parameter estimates obtained from subspace identification: An experimental validation on a laboratory test of a large-scale wind turbine blade
PublicationThe uncertainty afflicting modal parameter estimates stems from e.g., the finite data length, unknown, or partly measured inputs and the choice of the identification algorithm. Quantification of the related errors with the statistical Delta method is a recent tool, useful in many modern modal analysis applications e.g., damage diagnosis, reliability analysis, model calibration. In this paper, the Delta method-based uncertainty...
Spectral Finite Element Method for Propagation of Elastic Waves in Wind Turbine Blades for SHM
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono model łopaty turbiny wiatrowej zbudowany z wykorzystaniem spektralnych elementów skończonych. Omówiono wyniki symulacji propagacji fal sprężystych i ich interakcji z uszkodzeniami w formie pęknięcia i delaminacji.
Detection of Delamination in Laminate Wind Turbine Blades Using One-Dimensional Wavelet Analysis of Modal Responses
PublicationThis paper demonstrates the effectiveness of a nondestructive diagnostic technique used to determine the location and size of delamination in laminated coatings of wind turbine blades. This is realized based on results of numerical and experimental investigations obtained by the use of the finite element method (FEM) and laser scanning vibrometry (LSV). The proposed method is based on the one-dimensional continuous wavelet transform...
Drivetrain of a Wind Turbine
PublicationIn a most commonly met design of a wind turbine the power is transmitted from the rotor to the generator through the system composed of the main shaft, friction connection, multiplying gearbox and a flexible coupling. The driving system comprises almost a complete set of the machine elements being described during machine design lectures and can serve as an interesting illustration...
Pressure Pulsations in Turbine Blade Seal
PublicationThe paper presents the results of experimental investigations into pressure forces generated in a turbine labyrinth seal. The experiments were performed on a single-stage air model turbine of the impulse type. The performed experimental research proved that in a shroud clearance the pressure pulsates and the effects of the nozzle trailing edge thickness as well as the influence of the rotor blades are observed. The exemplary results...
Destruction assessment of wind power plastics blade
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Control of the wind turbine generator
PublicationWind power system consists of two main parts: wind turbine and electrical generator. Wind turbine converts the energy of the flowing air into mechanical energy, next generator converts this energy into electrical energy that is sent to the power system. These two processes should be realized with maximum efficiency and the following requirements for the control system can be formulated: opti-mal wind power conversion, compensation...
Rotor Blade Geometry Optimisation in Kaplan Turbine
PublicationThe paper presents the description of method and results of rotor blade shape optimisation. The rotor blading constitutes a part ofturbine flow path. Optimisation consists in selection of the shape that minimises ratio of polytrophic loss. Shape of the blade isdefined by the mean camber line and thickness of the airfoil. Thickness is distributed around the camber line based on the ratio ofdistribution. Global optimisation was done...
A Method for Optimising the Blade Profile in Kaplan Turbine
PublicationThis paper introduces a method of blade profile optimisation for Kaplan-type turbines, based on modelling the interaction between rotor and stator blades. Rotor and stator blade geometry is described mathematically by means of a midline curve and thickness distribution. Genetic algorithms are then used to find a global optimum that minimises the loss coefficient. This allows for variety of possible blade shapes and configurations....
Pressure pulsations in turbine blade seal clearance
PublicationThe paper presents the results of numerical and experimental investigations into pressure forces generated in a turbine labyrinth seal. The experiments were performed on a single-stage air model turbine of the impulse type, while the numerical results were obtained by means of CFD Fluent Code. The performed experimental research and numerical calculations prove that in a shroud clearance the pressure pulsates and the effects of...
Suitableness of SLM Manufactured Turbine Blade for Aerodynamical Tests
PublicationsettingsOrder Article Reprints Open AccessArticle Suitableness of SLM Manufactured Turbine Blade for Aerodynamical Tests by Janusz Telega 1,*ORCID,Piotr Kaczynski 1ORCID,Małgorzata A. Śmiałek 2ORCID,Piotr Pawlowski 3ORCID andRyszard Szwaba 1ORCID 1 Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN), Fiszera 14, 80-231 Gdansk, Poland 2 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, Institute of Naval...
Investigation of the aerodynamics of an innovative verticalaxis wind turbine
PublicationThis paper presents a preliminary three dimensional analysis of the transient aerodynamic phenomena occurring in the innovative modification of classic Savonius wind turbine. An attempt to explain the increased efficiency of the innovative design in comparison with the traditional solution is undertaken. Several vorticity measures such as enstrophy, absolute helicity and the integral of the velocity gradient tensor second invariant...
The Method of reduction of aerodynamic forces generated in turbine blade seals
PublicationThe distibution of pressure in the seal gaps does not only affect the so called '' leakage losses'' and the turbine stage overall efficiency but also plays an important role in the generation of aerodynamic forces which may cause self-excited rotor vibrations. The paper describes a chamber seal applied for the reduction of the aerodynamic forces created in shroud seals. This kind of turbine seal was patented and tested.
Flows in turbine blade seals: CFD calculations versus experiment
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy przepływu w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego. Rezultaty obliczeń porównano z danymi doświadczalnymi. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono na modelowej turbinie powietrznej przy różnych częstościach obrotów wału i różnym obciążeniu turbiny.
The Method of Reduction of Aerodynamic Forces Generated in Turbine Blade Seals
PublicationOpisano metodę zmniejszania sił wymuszających drgania aerodynamiczne poprzez zastosowanie nowego uszczelnienia nadbandażowego typu komorowego. Efektywność stosowania uszczelnienia komorowego potwierdzono obliczeniami numerycznymi i badaniami eksperymentalnymi.
Variable Size Twin-Rotor Wind Turbine
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Wind resource assessment and energy yield prediction for the small wind turbine on the Szubieniczne Hill
PublicationThe goal of this study is to preliminary assess the wind resources on the Szubieniczne Hill in order to predict the annual energy production for planned small wind turbine. The analyzed site is located close to the Gdańsk University of Technology campus, in complex urban environment additionally surrendered by forested hills. The assessment is based on Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations which allow to evaluate the wind energy potential...
Wind Speed Probabilistic Forecast Based Wind Turbine Selection and Siting for Urban Environment
PublicationWind energy being a free source of energy is becoming popular over the past decades and is being studied extensively. Integration of wind turbines is now being expanded to urban and offshore settings in contrast to the conventional wind farms in relatively open areas. The direct installation of wind turbines poses a potential risk, as it may result in financial losses in scenarios characterized by inadequate wind resource availability....
Investigation of the Aerodynamics of an Innovative Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine
PublicationThe paper presents the results of an experimental investigation and a three dimensional numerical analysis of the transient aerodynamic phenomena occurring in the innovative modification of classic Savonius wind turbine. An attempt to explain the increased efficiency of the innovative design a comparison with the traditional solution is undertaken. A vorticity measure based on the integral of the velocity gradient tensor second...
Research into flows in turbine blade seals. Part I: Research methods
PublicationOpisano numeryczną i doświadczalną metodę badania przepływu w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego. Badania numeryczne przeprowadzono programem Fluent, a badania doświadczalne wykonano na powietrznej turbinie modelowej. Zamieszczono przykładowe wyniki.
Research into flows in turbine blade seals. Part II: Numerical analysis
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań numerycznych programem Fluent przepływów w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego. Badania wykonano przy zastosowaniu różnych typów siatek obliczeniowych, różnych rodzajów "zszywek" oraz różnych metod obliczeniowych (Mixing Plane, Sliding Mesh, Multiple ReferenceFrame).
Strength analysis of the support structure of the offshore wind turbine
PublicationThe global power demand from renewable sources is growing. One of a very favorable solution which meets severe environmental protection requirements are the offshore wind turbines. The offshore wind energy sector has experienced very fast development over last decade. Offshore wind farms, in comparison with onshore applications, can provide increased efficiency with reduced noise, visual, transportation and installation con-flicts....
Wind Turbine Operation in Electric Power System.Advanced Modelling
PublicationW monografii przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z pracą elektrowni wiatrowych w systemie elektroenergetycznym, a w tym przedstawiono wpływ elektrowni wiatrowych na system elektroenergetyczny (jakość energii elektrycznej). Omówiono zasady modelowania elektrowni wiatrowych różnych typów, tj. z generatorami asynchronicznymi i synchronicznymi, pracujących w systemie elektroenergetycznym. Przestawiono wybrane modele elektrowni wiatrowych...
Damage detection in turbine wind blades by vibration based methods
PublicationThe paper describes results of numerical simulation for damage localization in the composite coat of a wind turbine blade usingmodal parameters and a modern damage detection method (wavelet transform).
Application of Rapid Prototyping technology in the manufacturing of turbine blade with small diameter holes
PublicationThe article presents the possibilities of using Rapid Prototyping (RP) technology in the manufacturing of turbine blades with small diameter holes. The object under investigation was gas turbine blade with small diameter cooling holes and holes for generating longitudinal vortices. A turbine blade model was produced by means of Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technology and subsequently validated in terms of detection and accuracy...
Application of spatial neural simulators of turbine blade rows to fluid flow diagnostics
PublicationThis chapter presents the results of neural modelling of fluid flow in steam turbine row. In modelling working conditions of the flow channel varied, thus the aim of the work was to reconstruct the reference state - distributions of velocity, pressure, and losses in flow channel - with high accuracy for fluid flow diagnostics.
Numerical investigation on the performance of a small counter-rotating wind turbine
PublicationThe article presents the results of the investigation on the performance of a small counter-rotating wind turbine. The wind turbine has been simulated using Computational Fluid Dynamics methods. Actuator Line Model has been successfully used to represent rotors in the computational domain. A parametric study has been carried out, taking into account changes in the tip speed ratio of the rotors while maintaining a constant distance...
Parametric Study on a Performance of a Small Counter-Rotating Wind Turbine
PublicationA small Counter-Rotating Wind Turbine (CRWT) has been proposed and its performancehas been investigated numerically. Results of a parametric study have been presented in this paper.As parameters, the axial distance between rotors and a tip speed ratio of each rotor have been selected.Performance parameters have been compared with reference to a Single Rotor Wind Turbine (SRWT).Simulations were carried out with Computational Fluids...
Comparison Analysis of Blade Life Cycles of Land-Based and Offshore Wind Power Plants
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Research into flows in turbine blade seals. Part III: Numerical calculations versus experiment
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych przepływów w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego, przeprowadzonych na powietrznej turbinie modelowej. Rezultaty te porównano z wynikami badań numerycznych z zastosowaniem programu Fluent.
An Innovative Floating System with a Savonius Rotor as a Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine
PublicationIn this project, an innovative wind turbine was designed for a floating plant. A large Savonius rotor was replaced with a double-rotor wind turbine implemented as a horizontal-axis turbine. This double rotor was positioned on the tip of a thrust plate and fixed to the deck of a catamaran. Simple 2D numerical simulations were performed to confirm the effectiveness of the concept. An analysis of the floating system configuration...
PublicationThis paper introduces the innovative modification of the Savonius wind turbine being able to significantly increase efficiency in comparison with the classic design. This innovative design is equipped with a stator directing the flow. The presence of the stator increases the active surface area and generates higher torques acting on a shaft. Additionally, it makes it possible to take better advantage of wind energy and compensate...
Strength analysis of a large-size supporting structure for an offshore wind turbine
PublicationThe offshore wind power industry is the branch of electric energy production from renewable sources which is most intensively developed in EU countries. At present, there is a tendency to install larger-power wind turbines at larger distances from the seashore, on relatively deep waters. Consequently, technological solutions for new supporting structures intended for deeper water regions are undergoing rapid development now. Various...
Analysis of Failures of High Speed Shaft Bearing System in a Wind Turbine
PublicationDuring the operation of wind turbines with gearbox of traditional configuration, consisting of one planetary stage and two helical stages high failure rate of high speed shaft bearings is observed. Such a high failures frequency is not reflected in the results of standard calculations of bearing durability. Most probably it can be attributed to atypical failure mechanism. The authors studied problems in 1.5 MW wind turbines of...
Verification of algorithms determining wave loads on support structure of wind turbine
PublicationThe offshore wind turbines require determination of wave loads on their support structure. This structure is fixed and, therefore, this problem is reduced to solving only the diffraction problem, which is determined by Laplace equation and conditions on the following boundaries: on the support structure, on the sea free surface and on its bottom, and at infinity on free surface. The linear problem was applied to determine the wave...
Maximum Safe Parameters of Outbound Loaded Vessels for Wind Turbine Installation
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Revalorisation of the Szewalski’s concept of the law of varying the last-stage blade retraction in a gas-steam turbine
PublicationThe article presents the implementations of the free vortex law to the blade of the last stage of a gas-steam turbine. First, a thermodynamic analysis was carried out, determining the parameters at the inlet, then the number of stages of the high and low-pressure part of the turbine was constructed, together with the kinematics and velocity vectors for subsequent stages of the axial turbine. The last step of article was to take...
Real-time hybrid model of a wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator
PublicationIn recent years renewable sources have been dominating power system. The share of wind power in energy production increases year by year, which meets the need to protect the environment. Possibility of conducting, not only computer simulation, but also laboratory studies of wind turbine operation and impact on the power system and other power devices in laboratory conditions would be very useful. This article presents a method...
Diagnosing wind turbine condition employing a neural network to the analysis of vibroacoustic signals
PublicationIt is important from the economic point of view to detect damage early in the wind turbines before failures occur. For this purpose, a monitoring device was built that analyzes both acoustic signals acquired from the built-in non-contact acoustic intensity probe, as well as from the accelerometers, mounted on the internal devices in the nacelle. The signals collected in this way are used for long-term training of the autoencoder...
In-service measurement of the small wind turbine test stand for structural health monitoring
PublicationThis paper presents the research activity performed on a Small Wind Turbine (SWT) test stand. Commercially available turbine was modified towards incorporation of the sensors system for condition monitoring. Installed sensors measure angular shaft position, torque applied from the wind loads, vibration accelerations and last but not least rotational speed. All gathered data are then transferred and processed in Test.Lab by means...
Low speed permanent magnet synchronous generator for vertical axis wind turbine
PublicationThe paper presents design process and tests of a prototype low speed permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) dedicated for the innovative vertical-axis wind turbine. The rated data of the designed generator are following: power - 15 kVA, voltage - 400 V (Y), rotation speed - 93.75 rpm. The design assumptions, chosen results of the design process and experimental tests of the prototype PMSG are presented. The considered PMSG...
Recovering Sound Produced by Wind Turbine Structures Employing Video Motion Magnification
PublicationThe recordings were made with a fast video camera and with a microphone. Using fast cameras allowed for observation of the micro vibrations of the object structure. Motion-magnified video recordings of wind turbines on a wind farm were made for the purpose of building a damage prediction system. An idea was to use video to recover sound & vibrations in order to obtain a contactless diagnostic method for wind turbines. The recovered signals...
Report on investigation of turbine blade from main engine turbocharger 420.34 from M/V "Nordstraum"
PublicationWykonano badania pęknięcia na łopatce turbiny turbodoładowania silnika głównego. Ustalono, ze przyczyną pęknięcia była korozja międzykrystaliczna.