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Search results for: bus
Conversion of a diesel engine bus into a trolleybus
PublicationPrzedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Trolejbusowej w Gdyni od 2004 roku we własnym zakresie buduje trolejbusy w oparciu o nadwozia używanych autobusów. W monografii przedstawiono przyczyny rozpoczęcia tego przedsięwzięcie, jego przebieg oraz techniczny budowy trolejbusu w oparciu o nadwozie autobusowe.
Model of an Integration Bus of Data and Ontologies of Smart Cities Processes
PublicationThis paper presents a model of an integration bus used in the design of Smart Cities system architectures. The model of such a bus becomes necessary when designing high-level architectures, within which the silo processes of the organization should be seen from the perspective of its ontology. For such a bus to be used by any city, a generic solution was proposed which can be implemented as a whole or in part depending on the requirements...
Bus bays inventory using a terrestrial laser scanning system
PublicationThis article presents the use of laser scanning technology for the assessment of bus bay geo-location. Ground laser scanning is an effective tool for collecting three-dimensional data. Moreover, the analysis of a point cloud dataset can be a source of a lot of information. The authors have outlined an innovative use of data collection and analysis using the TLS regarding information on the flatness of bus bays. The results were...
Electrifying the bus network with trolleybus: Analyzing the in motion charging technology
PublicationCurrently, electric buses are becoming more and more popular, and their number in operation is increasing. The range of electric buses is also increasing and solutions that seem to be working almost without fixed infrastructure are being promised. However, this requires the use of high-capacity batteries, which increases the weight and price of the vehicle and causes high costs of battery replacement during operation. Moreover,...
Practical application of in motion charging: Trolleybuses service on bus lines
PublicationNight charging and fast charging are currently the two most common systems for charging electric buses. Despite the fact that numerous trial installations were started, neither of these two systems has obtained unqualified approval of the users. The alternative is to charge vehicles in motion (the so-called In Motion Charging), which combines the advantages of trolleybus transport and of electric buses: the main supply source are...
Electrodynamic interaction in bus bar arrangements during short-circuits.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono skutki oddziaływania sił elektrodynamicznych w układzie szyn zbiorczych rozdzielnic podczas zwarć metalicznych i łukowych. Przedstawiono metodę obliczania ugięć i naprężeń w szynach od sił elektrodynamicznych. Opisano wpływ łuku zwarciowego na zwiększenie sił elektrodynamicznych działających na szynę skrajną. Omówiono wpływ rezystancji niskonapięciowego łuku zwarciowego na ograniczenie pradów zwarciowych....
Measurements of passive components using of an IEEE 1149.4 mixed-signal test bus
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad wykorzystaniem magistrali testującej mieszanej sygnałowo IEEE 1149.4 do pomiarów elementów pasywnych zamontowanych na pakietach elektronicznych. Do badań użyto wyposażonych w magistralę układów scalonych typu STA400. Zaprezentowano metody pomiaru rezystancji pojedynczych elementów z wykorzystaniem źródła prądowego oraz źródła VH znajdującego się w analogowych modułach ABM układu STA400. Pokazano...
Stanowisko laboratoryjne do transmisji danych pomiarowych z wykorzystaniem magistrali M-Bus
PublicationPrzedstawiono stanowisko laboratoryjne przeznaczone do zdalnego monitorowania zużycia różnych mediów użytkowych z wykorzystaniem magistrali M-Bus. Omówiono również aplikację, przygotowaną w środowisku programowania LabVIEW, której zadaniem jest zapewnienie obsługi i odczytu danych z urządzeń pomiarowych, zgodnie z formatem zdefiniowanym w protokole M-Bus. Podano przykładowe wyniki pomiarów uzyskanych z mierników zainstalowanych...
Four level inverter's DC bus voltage balancing with 3-terminal DAB converter
Publication—Multilevel inverters become more and more popular, especially in the medium or high voltage and high power applications. Unfortunately, some of inverter topologies require additional DC bus voltage balancing systems. This paper presents a novel approach to such systems, which is based on a multiple terminal DAB converter. Along with the voltage balancing function the proposed solution enables the connection of energy storage devices...
Using an IEEE1149.1 Test Bus for Fault Diagnosis of Analog Parts of Electronic Embedded Systems
PublicationThe new solution of a BIST called the JTAG BIST for self-testing of analog parts of electronic embedded systems is presented in the paper. The JTAG BIST consists of the BCT8244A and SCANSTA476 integrated circuits of Texas Instruments controlled via the IEEE 1149.1 bus. The BCT8244A is a scan test device with octal buffers, and the SCANSTA476 is a 12-bit ADC with 8 analog input channels. Self-testing approach is based on the fault...
Graffiti saves birds: A year-round pattern of bird collisions with glass bus shelters
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A testing method of analog parts of mixed-signal electronic systems equipped with the IEEE1149.1 test bus
PublicationA new solution of the JTAG BIST for testing analog circuits in mixed-signal electronic microsystems controlled by microcontrollers and equipped with the IEEE1149.1 bus is presented. It is based on a new fault diagnosis method in which an analog circuit is stimulated by a buffered signal from the TMS line, and the time response of the circuit to this signal is sampled by the ADC equipped with the JTAG. The method can be used for...
Driving Performance Indicators of Electric Bus Driving Technique: Naturalistic Driving Data Multicriterial Analysis
PublicationThe issue of electric energy saving in public transport is becoming the key area of interest. By improving of driving techniques and the implementation of eco-driving, it is possible to save electric energy. Systems that help to decrease energy consumption and to reduce fuel emissions are becoming popular in vehicles powered by diesel engines. However, these methods have not yet gained popularity in electric vehicles. Therefore,...
Diagnostyka obiektów przemysłowych z wykorzystaniem wspólnej magistrali usług DIAGNOSTIC SERVICE BUS DSB
PublicationKorzystając ze znanego pojęcia magistrali, w pracy przedstawia się sposób przystosowania i wykorzystania magistrali usług w systemie diagnostyki obiektów przemysłowych. Koncepcja takiego środka komunikacyjnego opiera się na architekturze SOA (z architekturą zorientowanej na usługi). Koncepcja ta stanowi metodę rozwiązania problemów wydajnościowych rozwijanego projektu pt. "Sieciowy Monitor Obiektu" (SMO). Wspólna szyna danych zwiększa...
Assessment of value of protraction angle and functional disorders of motion segments of cervical spine in bus drivers
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Assessment of value of protraction angle and functional disorders of motion segments of cervical spine in bus drivers
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Some methods of diagnosis of analog circuit using mixed signal test bus IEEE 1149.4
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wybrane metody testowania i diagnostyki analogowych układów elektronicznych zamontowanych na pakiecie pomiędzy układami scalonymi wyposażonymi w magistralę IEEE 1149.4. Prezentowane metody dobrano pod kątem stopnia skomplikowania układów testowanych oraz specyficznych właściwości metrologicznych magistrali, które ograniczają możliwości pomiarowe i aplikacyjność metod. Rozważono trzy typy układów testowanych:...
Dynamic charging of electric buses
PublicationDespite the continuous development of electrochemical battery technology and the multitude of electric buses on offer, it is still not possible to exploit electric buses in urban transport on an all-day basis without the necessity of charging them. It is therefore necessary to build point-to-point contact charging stations or induction charging stations at the terminals. This results in substantial financial outlays connected with...
Internationalization and Europeanization of Businesses in the Single European Markets
PublicationThe aim of the article is to determine internationalization and Europeization of businesses in the Single European Market, especially the territorial scope of their international activities
PublicationPurpose: This study's primary goal is to present the theoretical concept of family enterprises. Specifically, the results of earlier studies and the issues facing this field of research now will be described. The article also examines the underlying impacts that family control has on business management in order to fill the research gap left by earlier studies on the performance differences between family and non-family enterprises....
State of the Art of Automated Buses
PublicationUrban transportation in the next few decades will shift worldwide towards electrification and automation, with the final aim of increasing energy efficiency and safety for passengers. Such a big change requires strong collaboration and efforts among public administration, research and stakeholders in developing, testing and promoting these technologies in the public transportation. Working in this direction, this work provides...
Rysunki Parku Krajobrazowego Mata de Busaco w Portugalii
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Model of a telecommunication system for monitoring gas leaks from gas pipelines
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Economic benefits of dynamic charging of electric buses
PublicationDiesel engines buses are still the most used type of buses. Electric buses provide promising green alternatives and a lot of advantages, but their main disadvantages are limited travel range and long charging time. This article is a presentation of innovative solution for charging of electric busses - Dynamic Charging (IMC). The modern IMC system in Solingen was presented. At the end of the article, a proposal was made to introduce...
Fault detection in electronic circuits using test buses
PublicationA survey of test buses designed for diagnostics of digital and analog electronic circuits is presented: the IEEE 1149.1 bus for digital circuits, the IEEE 1149.4 bus for mixed-signal and the IEEE 1149.6 bus for AC coupled complex digital circuits. Each bus is presented with its structure, solution of key elements, particularly boundary registers and a set of test instructions. Diagnosis with the use of the described buses is...
Effect of addition of buserelin acetate to the extender on motility and viability of bovine spermatozoa
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Broadband Buses Based On Multicore Optical Fibres
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Redevelopment of Russian closed towns: The Example of Zato "Zvezdniy"
PublicationThe current economic crisis is having a strong impact on socio-economic processes in the development of Russian cities. The impact of the crisis is particularly strong on city territory where the activity of core industrial enterprises, military units or similar institutions has been stopped. In such cases, the situation is directly related to the functioning of military units or one industrial enterprise responsible for the formation...
Design of hight voltage busbar: trade off between electrical field and stray inductance
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy optymalizacji konstrukcji i technologii szyny doprowadzenia zasilania do pojedynczej gałęzi falownika średniego napięcia. Dla szeregowego układu złożonego z trzech modułów elektroizolowanych (6 par tranzystorów i diod) rozważono warianty geometrii szyny zasilania przy uwzględnieniu wypadkowej indukcyjności obwodu komutacyjnego. Wyznaczono główne składniki indukcyjności rozproszenia oraz wykazano jej wpływ na przepięcia...
Buserelin Acetate Reduces Mortality and DNA Defragmentation of Bovine Sperm Cells Exposed to Oxidative Stress
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Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
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Development of the Construction of City Buses in Terms of Reducing the Curb Weight of the Vehicle
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Terminal charging scheduling of battery electric buses based on vehicle routing problem
PublicationElectric buses are considered to be a viable solution for reducing emission in dense urban areas. However, the greater charging time is a huge challenge for operators. In this paper, charging scheduling method was elaborated based on vehicle routing problem using mixed-integer linear programming model. The main novelty of the paper is the combination of modelling aspect, namely flexible turn sequence and heterogeneous shared charging...
Workaholism and Its Manifestations in Individuals Running Small Family Businesses – Selected Qualitative Research Results
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Problems of analytical determination of journal bearing bush fatigue strength estimates
PublicationProblems connected with determination of stress distribution in sliding layer of thinwalled bearing bushes, investigated in bearing fatigue test rigs, have been presented. Using an example of plain bearings tested in the fatigue machine SMOK (built at the Gdask University of Technology) problems with obtaining a convergence of iterative procedure for determining the fatigue strength estimators of bearing alloy surface layer are...
Best State Estimate for the Phase Angles of Busbars in Power Systems via Circuit Modeled with DC Load Flow
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PublicationWater lubricated bearings find increasingly wide application in shipbuilding or hydro–power industry, the popularity stemming from their numerous advantages. Unfortunately, as it turns out, water lubricated bearings do not always meet expectations, as on occasion they become subject to intense, premature wear which requires costly repair. One of the still unexplained phenomena is the process of excessive bearing wear, in particular...
PublicationThis paper reports on a study of the influence of solid particle contamination on the wear process in water-lubricated slide bearings (steel-acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) and steel- polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)). To compare the wear of the shaft journal and bushes (NBR and PTFE) when lubricated with fresh water and contaminated water, an experiment was carried out to identify key factors that influence the state of wear...
Entrepreneurship in Internet Business
PublicationSklasyfikowano przedsięwzięcia elektroniczne. Zarysowano problematykę rozwoju e-biznesu od fazy startowej do formy dojrzałej. Zaprezentowano technologie informatyczne służące do tworzenia, implementacji oraz wdrożenia komercyjnych witryn internetowych. Zwrócono uwagę na możliwości pozyskiwania wsparcia finansowego od funduszy inwestycyjnych podwyższonego ryzyka. Przedstawiono szereg wniosków praktycznych mogących służyć przedsiębiorcom...
Scientists in the world of business
PublicationArtykuł promujący działania badawczo-rozwojowe Zakładu Zarządzania Technologiami Informatycznymi Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej.
PublicationThe issue of excessive wear of shaft journals co-working with a rubber bearing has been unexplained so far. Premature and sometimes very intensive wear of ship sliding bearings in water conditions is the reason for carry out very expensive and more frequent than expected repairs. The authors (E. Piątkowska, W. Litwin) made an attempt to find a case that influences the value of this wear described in the paper “Attempt at Evaluating...
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Methods for Delimitation of the Boundaries of Registered Parcels in the Process of Modernization of Land and Building Registration
PublicationIn the article, a comparative analysis of two methods for delimitation of the boundaries of registered parcels was carried out: the method of direct measurement in the field and the photogrammetric method. One of the analyzed factors was the attendance of parcels’ owners during the development of boundary recognition agreements. Research has shown that in this aspect the method of direct measurement...
Dynamic Charging of Electric Buses as a Way to Reduce Investment Risks of Urban Transport System Electrification
PublicationNight charging and fast charging are currently the two most common systems for charging electric buses. Despite the fact that numerous trial installations were started, neither of these two systems has obtained unqualified approval of the users. The alternative is to charge vehicles in motion - dynamic charging which combines the advantages of trolleybus transport and of electric buses. One of the advantages is the reduction of...
Business process nature assessment matrix – a novel approach to the assessment of business process nature
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Influence of Bearing Bush Geometry on Properties of Water Lubricated Marine Main Shaft Bearings
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wpływ geometrii smarowanego wodą, okrętowego łożyska ślizgowego wału głównego na jego własności hydrodynamiczne.Wykazano, że wielkość luzu łożyskowego, położenie oraz liczba rowków smarnych mają znaczący wpływ na nośnosć łożyska.
Influence of local bush wear on properties of water lubricated marine stern tube bearings
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono propozycję metody obliczania łożysk ślizgowych smarowanych cieczą o niskiej lepkości (wodą) w których doszło do lokalnego zużycia panwi. Proponowana metoda uwzględnia sprężystą deformację panwi (model EHL) oraz zmianę geometrii będącą wynikiem zużycia.
Influence of bush wear in water lubricated marine stern tube bearings with shaft misalignment
PublicationWater lubricated propeller shaft bearings are frequently employed on modern ships due to their advantages such as durability, simplicity and low price. Specific working conditions on ships cause shaft misalignment which often results in rapid wearing of bush and shaft. Shaft misalignment could be an effect of manufacturing or assembly faults but sometimes it appears due to hull or shaft deformation. The wearing process has influence...
Influence of local bush wear on water lubricated sliding bearing load carrying capacity
PublicationOne of main problems concerning water-lubricated bearings is their durability. There are known cases of bearings with life time measured in decades, and some, whose refurbishment was necessary just days after start-up. Obtaining stable fluid film friction plays key role in the durability of these bearings. Unfortunately, their load-carrying capacity is limited due to water's low-viscosity. The conducted experimental...
IT Business Standards as an Ontology Domain
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to report a selection of Semantic Web aspects pertaining to ontology development activities in the domain of the IT business standard (TOGAF 9) such as formulating competency questions, conceptualization of the domain, resolution of the source knowledge deficiency and applying common design patterns in the OWL formalization. Authors also try to determine target groups that may benefit from such ontology...