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Search results for: shear yield strength
Influence of wood steam drying process on fracture toughness and shear yield strength determination
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wiązkości (energii właściwej na tworzenie nowej powierzchni) oraz naprężeń ścinających w strefie skrawania drewna dębowego i sosnowego na podstawie mocy skrawania przy przecinaniu piłami. Badane drewno było wcześniej suszone w specjalnej eksperymentalnej suszarni w otoczeniu pary. Zaobserwowano, że tego typu suszenie powoduje znaczne skrócenie czasu suszenia, jednakże, wspomniane właściwości mechaniczne...
Fracture Toughness and Shear Yield Strength Determination for Two Selected Species of Central European Provenance
PublicationWhen offcut of wood is formed by shearing, Atkins’s analyses of sawing processes can be applied. Using this modern approach, it is possible to determine the fracture toughness and shear yield strength of wood. This model is only applicable for the axial-perpendicular cutting direction because both of these parameters are suitable for the given direction of cutting edge movement and cannot be considered material constants. Alternatively,...
Shear Strength of Organic Soils Modified by Mineral Materials
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Sawing Processes as a Way of Determining Fracture Toughness and Shear Yield Stresses of Wood
PublicationA new computational model, based on fracture mechanics, was used to determine cutting forces. Unlike traditional computing methods, which depend on many coefficients reflecting the machining of solid wood, the new model uses two main parameters: fracture toughness and shear yield stresses. The aim of this study was to apply this new method to determine these parameters for the tooth cutting edge principal positions and longitudinal...
Estimation of fracture toughness and shear yield stress of orthotropic materials in cutting with rotating tools
PublicationThe cutting force is an energetic effect of splitting material, and might be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Forecasting of the shear plane angle in cutting broaden possibilities for modelling of the cutting process even for thin uncut chips. Such mathematical model has been developed here for description of the orthotropic materials’ cutting on the base of fracture theory, and includes work of separation...
Effect of the Drying Method of Pine and Beech Wood on Fracture Toughness and Shear Yield Stress
PublicationThe modern wood converting processes consists of several stages and material drying belongs to the most influencing future performances of products. The procedure of drying wood is usually realized between subsequent sawing operations, affecting significantly cutting conditions and general properties of material. An alternative methodology for determination of mechanical properties (fracture toughness and shear yield stress) based...
Triaxial compression and shear strength characteristics of twostage concrete: an experimental study
PublicationThe research necessity stems from the need to understand and evaluate the performance of Two- Stage Concrete (TSC) under triaxial compression conditions, as prior studies have predominantly focused on uniaxial and biaxial testing of conventional concrete (CC). This study represents the first comprehensive investigation into the triaxial compressive strength and related mechanical properties of TSC, addressing a critical gap in...
Triaxial compression and shear strength characteristics of two stage concrete: an experimental study
PublicationThe research necessity stems from the need to understand and evaluate the performance of Two- Stage Concrete (TSC) under triaxial compression conditions, as prior studies have predominantly focused on uniaxial and biaxial testing of conventional concrete (CC). This study represents the first comprehensive investigation into the triaxial compressive strength and related mechanical properties of TSC, addressing a critical gap in...
Effects of Contamination with Gasoline and Diesel Oil on Shear Strength of Coarse Grained Soil
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Verification of Selected Calculation Methods Regarding Shear Strength in Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Beams
PublicationThe purpose of this article was an attempt to compare selected calculation methods regarding shear strength in reinforced and prestressed concrete beams. Several calculation methods were tested. This included codes: PN-EN 1992-1-1:2008 [1], ACI 318- 14 [2] and fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 [3]. The analysis also consists of methods published in technical literature. Calculations of shear strengths were made based...
Verification of selected calculation methods regarding shear strength in beams without web reinforcement
PublicationThe purpose of the article was to compare selected calculation methods regarding shear strength in reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcement. Several calculation methods were tested. This included codes: PN-EN 1992-1-1:2008, ACI 318-14 and fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010. The analysis also consists of authorial methods published in technical literature. Calculations of shear strengths were made based on experimental...
Prediction of reinforced concrete walls shear strength based on soft computing-based techniques
PublicationThe precise estimation of the shear strength of reinforced concrete walls is critical for structural engineers. This projection,nevertheless, is exceedingly complicated because of the varied structural geometries, plethora of load cases, and highlynonlinear relationships between the design requirements and the shear strength. Recent related design code regulationsmostly depend on experimental formulations,...
PublicationIn this paper values of the fracture toughness and of shear yield stress in the shear zone of Scots pine are presented. Tests of cutting were carried on samples of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood of five provenances from Poland. These experimentally cutting tests were carried on the sash gang saw PRW-15M and the values of cutting power were obtained. The values of fracture toughness and shear yield stress based on Atkins’s...
Experimental study of shear strength and failure mechanisms in RC beams scaled along height or length
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Experimental study of shear strength and failure mechanisms in RC beams scaled along height or length
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki doświadczalne efektu skali w belkach żelbetowych bez zbrojenia pionowego. Belki żelbetowe były zeskałowane wzdłuż wysokości i długości. Zaobserwowane 3 różne mechanizmy zniszczenia w doświadczeniach. Wyniki efektu skali porównano z niektórymi wzorami analitycznymi z literatury.
Influence of Soft Soil Samples Quality on the Compressibility and Undrained Shear Strength – Seven Lessons Learned From the Vistula Marshlands
PublicationThis technical article presents the influence of sample quality on the compressibility parameters and undrained shear strength ( c u ) of soft soils from the Vistula Marshlands. The analysis covers: (1) quality of soft soil according to three criteria: void ratio (Δ e / e 0 index), volumetric strain (Δ ɛ v ) and C r / C c ratio; (2) influence of storage time on quality; (3) influence of sample quality on undrained shear strength...
Report for the Short Term Scientific Mission within COST Action FP1101: development of the in-field sensor for estimation of fracture toughness and shear strength by measuring cutting forces
PublicationKnowledge on the fracture properties of materials is essential to assure structural integrity and proper design of mechanical connections in timber constructions. Measurement of this property is, however, a very challenging task. The linear fracture mechanics is usually used for its assessment assisted with experimental data acquired by means of various techniques, usually of destructive nature. The cutting force is an energetic...
PublicationCutting forces (power) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. The developed cutting model, derived from fracture mechanics, includes work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to plasticity and friction, and also dullness of the cutting edge described by the cutting edge radius. Moreover, forecasting of the shear plane angle for the cutting models, broaden possibilities of energetic effects...
Cutting model parameters from frame sawing of natural and impregnated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
PublicationIn this paper, absolute and density normalized cutting model parameters of natural and impregnated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) are shown and a method for the calculation of their corresponding material properties in the principal material directions of wood is presented. The parameters were determined from measurements of cutting power on a sash gang saw, and are in detail the fracture toughness and the shear yield strength...
PublicationThe cutting force is an energetic effect of splitting material, and might be therefore considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. The dedicated mathematical model developed for description of the wood cutting has been developed here on the base of fracture theory, and includes work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to the material plasticity and friction. The effect of the cutting edge dullness is...
Opracowanie procedury i badania wytrzymałościowe połączeń spawanych pomiędzy rurą kwadratowa a elementami giętymi na zimno ze stali S355 oraz testowanie połączeń o grubości 4, 6, 8mm typu S355
PublicationCelem pracy było: - opracowanie procedury badania wytrzymałości połączeń spawanych rozciąganych w kierunku prostopadłym i w kierunku równoległym (ścinanych) do osi spoiny. Spoiny te łączyły elementy rur kwadratowych o różnej grubości z elementami w kształcie ceownika giętymi na zimno. - wykonanie próbek do badań wytrzymałościowych wyciętych z elementów spawanych dostarczonych przez Zakład Produkcyjny firmy Borga obciążonych prostopadle...
A Concept of Thermal Effort for Heat-Induced Metal Plasticity
PublicationThis paper proposes a new concept of material effort that considers heat-induced plasticity for heat-resistant steels. These steels indicate a strength differential effect, a stress shearness effect, pressure sensitivity, and other features. Therefore, a three-parameter, temperature-dependent yield function was presented and, next, analytically and geometrically researched. To validate the accuracy of the formulated yield function,...
Application of fracture mechanics for energetic effects predictions while wood sawing
PublicationIn the classical approach, energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance, which is in the case of wood cutting the function of more or less important factors. On the other hand, cutting forces (power) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Cutting forces may be employed to determine not only toughness...
Application of Fracture Mechanics for Energetic Effects Predictions While Wood Sawing
PublicationIn the classical approach, energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance, which is in the case of wood cutting the function of more or less important factors. On the other hand, cutting forces (or power - more interesting from energetic point of view) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Cutting...
Revisiting The Determination Of Cutting Power While Sawing Of Wood With Circular Saw Blades By Means Of Fracture Mechanics
PublicationIn the classical approach, energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance, which is in the case of wood cutting the function of more or less important factors. On the other hand, cutting forces (power) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Cutting forces may be employed to determine not only toughness...
Propagation of acoustic pulses in some fluids with yield stress
PublicationThis study is devoted to the derivation of approximate equations governing acoustic pulses in flows with yieldstress, including some time-dependent flows with a slow dependence on time of yield stress and apparent viscosity. Themodeling of yield stress and apparent viscosity in the vicinity of a zero deformation rate allows us to consider a thixotropicfluid as a Bingham plastic with coefficients that are dependent on time. The...
Distinctive properties of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) originating from the Carpathian and Great Poland-Pomeranian of Nature and Forest Land
PublicationIn this paper values of properties of Scots pine, the fracture toughness and of shear yield stress in the shear zone are presented. Samples of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood of two provenances from Poland were tested. These properties were determined from the values of cutting power obtained experimentally on the saw frame PRW-15M. The values of fracture toughness and shear yield stress based on the Atkins model for cutting...
Metoda prognozowania mocy skrawania przy przecinaniu piłami polskiego drewna sosnowego z uwzględnieniem wiązkości materiału obrabianego
PublicationW pracy zostały przedstawione wartości właściwości materiałowych tj.: wiązkość R oraz naprężenia tnące w strefie skrawania τy, dla drewna sosnowego (Pinus sylvestris L.). Badane próbki drewna pochodziły z czterech Krain Przyrodniczo - Leśnych Polski: Bałtyckiej Krainy Przyrodniczo - Leśnej (kraina A), Karpackiej Krainy Przyrodniczo - Leśnej (kraina B), Małopolskiej Krainy Przyrodniczo - Leśnej (kraina C) oraz Wielkopolsko - Pomorskiej...
PublicationThe suitability of modern fracture mechanic theory was proved for the estimation of the cutting force and the cutting specific resistance. This paper shows modification of Ernst-Merchant theory and its application for determination some other properties of wood sample. This theory is acceptable for evaluation of shear yield stresses and shear plane angle. Sawing by gang saw machine was used as a process similar to the orthogonal...
Modelling of cutting by means of fracture mechanics
PublicationThe suitability of modern fracture mechanic theory was proved for the estimation of the cutting force and the cutting specific resistance. This paper shows modification of Ernst-Merchant theory and its application for determination some other properties of wood sample. This theory is acceptable for evaluation of shear yield stresses and shear plane angle. Sawing by gang saw machine was used as a process similar to the orthogonal...
Dynamics of cutting power during sawing with circular saw blades as an effect of wood properties changes in the cross section
PublicationIn the paper the effect of the method calculation upon the cutting power is presented. In computations were used models in which fracture toughness was incorporated. The comparison concerned models as follows: FM-CM – classic model in which the sum of all uncut chip thicknesses of the simultaneously teeth engaged represented the mean uncut chip thickness, FM-FDM – full dynamical model in which besides variable uncut chip thickness...
PublicationThis paper introduces a new rheological model of blood as a certain generalisation of the standard Herschel-Bulkley model. This model is a rheological constitutive equation and belongs to the group of the so-called generalised Newtonian fluids. Experimental data is compared with results, obtained from the new model, to demonstrate that it allows for the best agreement together with Luo-Kuang model. The new model may be easily implemented...
Parametry mechaniczne platformy roboczej na podstawie badań DMT
PublicationNośność platformy roboczej określana jest w sposób analogiczny do nośności podłoża uwarstwionego, w którym warstwa wierzchnia zbudowana z gruntu niespoistego spoczywa na słabonośnym podłożu z gruntu spoistego. Badanie DMT wykorzystano do wyznaczenia parametrów wytrzymałościowych podłoża (kąta tarcia wewnętrznego warstwy górnej i wytrzymałości na ścinanie bez odpływu podłoża słabonośnego) oraz do wyznaczenia modułu odkształcenia...
Experimental study of magnetorheological fluids under large periodic deformations
PublicationMagnetorheological (MR) fluids are smart materials whose properties can be controlled by a magnetic field. They are used in a variety of applications with tailored operating parameters, facilitating broad and relatively straightforward implementation and control of the functional properties of these systems. The aim of the study was to determine the variation in shear stress of MR fluids under varying...
Rheology of potato starch chemically modified with microwave-assisted reactions
PublicationNative potato starch was sulfated, selenated, borated, silicated and zincatated by means of microwave-assisted reactions with varying doses of relevant reagents. Resulting products were characterized involving rheological behavior of pastes, their weight-average molecular weight (Mw), and radius of gyration (Rg). Most of the pastes showed shear-thinning behavior, with the flow behavior index (n) below unity. The pastes of starch...
A newly-developed model for predicting cutting power during wood sawing with circular saw blades
PublicationIn the classical approach, cutting forces and cutting power in sawing processes of orthotropic materials such as wood are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance kc (cutting force per unit area of cut). For every type of sawing kinematics (frame saws, band saws and circular sawing machines) different empirical values of specific cutting resistance kc have to be applied. It should be emphasised that...
Acoustic heating produced in the thermoviscous flow of a bingham plastic
PublicationThis study is devoted to the instantaneous acoustic heating of a Bingham plastic. The model of the Bingham plastic's viscous stress tensor includes the yield stress along with the shear viscosity, which differentiates a Bingham plastic from a viscous Newtonian fluid. A special linear combination of the conservation equations in differential form makes it possible to reduce all acoustic terms in the linear part of of the final equation...
Acoustic heating produced in the thermoviscous flow of a Bingham plastic
PublicationThis study is devoted to the instantaneous acoustic heating of a Bingham plastic. The model of the Bingham plastic's viscous stress tensor includes the yield stress along with the shear viscosity, which differentiates a Bingham plastic from a viscous Newtonian fluid. A special linear combination of the conservation equations in differential form makes it possible to reduce all acoustic terms in the linear part of of the final equation...
Injectable poloxamer/graphene oxide hydrogels with well‐controlled mechanical and rheological properties
PublicationAlthough significant progress has been made in the design and application of injectable hydrogels for biomedical applications, concurrent control of rheological and mechanical properties of injectable hydrogels has remained as an open challenge to the researchers. In this work, we introduce and put into practice a photo‐curable poloxamer (also known as Pluronic)/graphene oxide (Plu/GO) injectable hydrogel with well‐controlled rheological...
New approaches to cutting resistance estimation of wood cutting process with circular-saw blades
PublicationTheoretical and experimental determination of values of cutting resistance belongs to the basic and simultaneously the most developed field of mechanics of this process. Energetic effects of wood sawing process are mainly calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance which, in wood cutting, is a function on a lot of factors. In this paper new method for calculation of cutting resistance is described. The latter method...
Fracture mechanics model of cutting power versus widespread regression equations while wood sawing with circular saw blades
PublicationA comparison of the theoretical cutting power consumption results forecasted with the model (FM_CM model) which include work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to plasticity and friction, and two widespread regression equations while wood sawing with circular saw blades has been described. in and cutting power consumption forecasted. In computations of the cutting power consumption during rip sawing of Scots pine wood...
Empirical verification in industrial conditions of fracture mechanics models of cutting power prediction
PublicationA comparison of experimental results obtained in the industrial conditions at a sawmill located in the Baltic Natural Forest Region (PL) and theoretical cutting power consumption forecasted with the models which include work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to plasticity and friction has been described. In computations of cutting power consumption during rip sawing of Scots pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) values of...
Methodology for determination of the selected mechanical properties of wood based on cutting tests
PublicationFrom kiln-dried spruce wood (with steam) as well as in natural conditions were randomly selected 8 samples. After determining the average dimensions, moisture content and density of the samples they have been cut on the frame sawing machine PRW15M for measurement of cutting power. Based on those results from a linear rela-tionship of cutting power versus feed per toot mechanical properties of wood such as facture toughness and...
Fluid structure interaction study of non-Newtonian Casson fluid in a bifurcated channel having stenosis with elastic walls
PublicationFluid–structure interaction (FSI) gained a huge attention of scientists and researchers due to its applications in biomedical and mechanical engineering. One of the most important applications of FSI is to study the elastic wall behavior of stenotic arteries. Blood is the suspension of various cells characterized by shear thinning, yield stress, and viscoelastic qualities that can be assessed by using non-Newtonian models. In this...
Revisiting the estimation of cutting power with different energetic methods while sawing soft and hard woods on the circular sawing machine: a Central European case
PublicationIn the classical approaches, used in Central Europe in practice, cutting forces and cutting power in sawing processes of timber are commonly computed by means of the specific cutting resistance kc. It needs to be highlighted that accessible sources in handbooks and the scientific literature do not provide any data about wood provenance, nor about cutting conditions, in which cutting resistance has been empirically determined. In...
Shear resistance of low height precast concrete lintels
PublicationThe scope of the paper is to investigate analytically and determine experimentally the shear resistance of low height reinforced precast concrete lintels. The chosen procedures included in national and international standards applied for the design of structural concrete elements to an estimation of shear behaviour of reinforced concrete elements are described. The characteristic and designed shear strength of precast concrete...
Verification of punching shear outside the shear cap by the direct method
PublicationThe proposition of a method to verify the punching resistance for very large supports based on the EN 1992-1-1 standard is described in this paper. The present standard guidelines for the calculation of the punching resistance for large supports are also summarised. The proposed direct method is compared with other standard methods using an example taken from design practice. This method consists of a direct check of the shear...
Influence of the Shear Cap Size and Stiffness on the Distribution of Shear Forces in Flat Slabs
PublicationThe scope of this paper is to investigate analytically and numerically the influence of shear cap size and stiffness on the distribution of shear forces in flat slabs in a slab–column-connections-reinforced concrete structure. The effect of support (shear cap) stiffness on the calculation of the length of the shear control perimeter according to the available methods is presented. Based on the analysis, the authors indicate in...
Shear band evolution phenomena in direct shear test modelled with DEM.
PublicationA direct shear test is widely used in the geotechnical engineering field. It is an easy and quick test to measure the shear properties of soil. This test often replaces more expensive and difficult tri-axial shear test. Despite that the direct shear test is known and used for a long time, it is still not well investigated at the grain scale. This paper deals with the micro behaviour of the cohesionless sand inside the direct shear...
Analiza porównawcza metod zwiększania nośności i sztywności stalowych, doczołowych węzłów śrubowych.
PublicationInnowacyjna, w porównaniu z dotychczas stosowanym sposobem, metoda obliczania nośności stalowych węzłów została wdrożona wraz z normami europejskimi. Pozwala ona dokładniej odwzo-rować rzeczywistą pracę poszczególnych części węzła, gdyż wynik obliczeń uzależniony jest od znacznie większej liczby zmiennych. Dzięki postępowi technologicznemu w zakresie metalurgii oraz badaniom naukowym obecnie możliwe jest wzmacnianie połączeń...