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Dissection of aorta [any part] - Female, 57 - Tissue image [1300630017383591]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 61 - Tissue image [1300630017389901]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 56 - Tissue image [1300630017386771]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 52 - Tissue image [1300630017396931]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 61 - Tissue image [130063001738251]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Atherosclerosis of aorta - Female, 68 - Tissue image [1300630017396181]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Female, 62 - Tissue image [1300630017398761]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Female, 62 - Tissue image [1300630017381571]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Female, 57 - Tissue image [1300630017388851]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 64 - Tissue image [1300630017381501]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Female, 62 - Tissue image [1300630017398971]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 52 - Tissue image [1300630017398181]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Atherosclerosis of aorta - Female, 68 - Tissue image [1300630017399951]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 56 - Tissue image [1300630017387181]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 53 - Tissue image [1300630017385921]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Atherosclerosis of aorta - Female, 68 - Tissue image [1300630017391701]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 61 - Tissue image [1300630017388241]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
New Indoor Positioning Algorithm for Distance Measurements
PublicationIn the paper a new indoor positioning algorithm is presented. This algorithm takes into account selected features of radio wave propagation in indoor environment. This results in improvement in accuracy of calculated position estimates. A comparative analysis of this new algorithm with Chan and Foy algorithms was made and described in the paper. This comparative analysis was made with utilization of real radio distance measurements.
Distortional buckling of thin-walled columns of closed quadratic cross-section
PublicationThe elastic stability of axially compressed column related to the cross-section distortion is investigated. Two kinds of closed quadratic cross-sections are taken into consideration with internal walls and without it. The governing differential equation is derived with aid of the principle of stationary total potential energy. The critical loads for the simply supported columns are found in an analytical form and compared with...
The Point Estimate Method in a Reticulated Shell Reliability Analysis
PublicationThe objective of this paper is to present an application of the point estimate method (PEM) to determine the probabilistic moments for engineering structures. Reliability analysis is illustrated by two examples: an estimation of the critical force in linear elastic buckling analysis and a reticulated shell limit load determinations. Calculations were also made using Monte Carlo method. It has been shown the practical usefulness...
Modeling of Composite Shells in 6-Parameter Nonlinear Theory with Drilling Degree of Freedom
PublicationWithin the framework of a 6-parameter nonlinear shell theory, with strain measures of Cosserat type, constitutive relations are proposed for thin elastic composite shells. The material law is expressed in terms of five engineering constants of classical anisotropic continuum plus an additional parameter accounting for drilling stiffness. The theory allows for unlimited displacements and rotations. A number of examples are presented...
Evaluating the effectiveness of Doppler frequency shift determination using pilots in broadband transmission
PublicationIn underwater communications, reciprocal motion between transmitter and receiver has a significant impact on reception quality. In orthogonal broadband systems that provide high bit rates, this problem becomes more important, especially in the higher frequency range, where the absolute Doppler shift is the greatest. Due to the low propagation speed of acoustic wave underwater, a substantial difference exists between the Doppler...
Efficient uncertainty quantification using sequential sampling-based neural networks
PublicationUncertainty quantification (UQ) of an engineered system involves the identification of uncertainties, modeling of the uncertainties, and the forward propagation of the uncertainties through a system analysis model. In this work, a novel surrogate-based forward propagation algorithm for UQ is proposed. The proposed algorithm is a new and unique extension of the recent efficient global optimization using neural network (NN)-based...
Characterization of corrosion in reinforced concrete beams using destructive and non-destructive tests
PublicationThe paper presents both non-destructive and destructive experimental tests on steel-reinforced concrete beams subjected to electrochemical corrosion. To examine the condition and behavior of the specimens, destructive tests were carried out, i.e., a three-point bending together with a modulated ultrasonic wave test. In addition, a series of non-destructive experiments were conducted, such as the potential measurement method, low-frequency...
A method of selecting light sources from night satellite scenes
PublicationSatellite images carries a lot of data. Very sophisticated methods of analyses may reveal very complicated nature of the observed objects. In case of night images, lights play the role of information sources. In this paper we would like to present results of the research aimed to describe light sources from satellite night images by providing description of their luminosity. The authors point source imaging data from the satellite...
Deregulacja polskiego rynku pracy
PublicationHistorycznie ukształtowana regulacja rynku pracy związana jest z jego infrastrukturą organizacyjno-prawną, tzn. przepisami dotyczącymi płac, czasu pracy i ochrony stosunku pracy. W opinii zwolenników deregulacji utrudnia ona elastyczne dostosowywanie się do rozmiarów zatrudnienia w zależności od zaistniałej sytuacji gospodarczej, powodując wzrost bezrobocia strukturalnego i wzrost kosztów pracy. Deregulacja rynku pracy związana...
A study on transverse shear correction for laminated sandwich panels
PublicationThe paper presents a study on an application of the First Order Shear Deformation Theory in a linear static analysis of elastic sandwich panels. A special attention has been given to the issue of the transverse shear correction. Two benchmark examples of sandwich plate problems with known reference solutions have been selected for a comparative analysis performed with own Finite Element codes. Interesting results allowed for drawing...
On the Bending of Multilayered Plates Considering Surface Viscoelasticity
PublicationWe discuss the bending resistance of multilayered plates taking into account surface/interfacial viscoelasticity. Within the linear surface viscoelasticity we introduce the surface/interfacial stresses linearly dependent on the history of surface strains. In order to underline the surface viscoelasticity contribution to the bending response we restrict ourselves to the elastic behaviour in the bulk. Using the correspondence principle...
PublicationIn the present research, Proceed® implant is considered. The system is subjected to short-time dynamic pressure load, similar to post-operative cough naturally occurring in human abdomen. The model refers to a clinical case of 5cm of hernia operated by Proceed implant fixed by 15 joints every 3cm around the orifice. The simulations of the implanted mesh are performed by means of the Finite Element Method. The implant is modelled...
Mechanical Behavior of Bi-Layer and Dispersion Coatings Composed of Several Nanostructures on Ti13Nb13Zr Alloy
PublicationTitanium implants are commonly used because of several advantages, but their surface modification is necessary to enhance bioactivity. Recently, their surface coatings were developed to induce local antibacterial properties. The aim of this research was to investigate and compare me-chanical properties of three coatings: multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), bi-layer composed of an inner MWCNTs layer and an outer TiO2 layer, and...
Using Minimum Actuators to Control Shape and Stress of a Double Layer Spherical Model Under Gravity and Lateral Loadings
PublicationSpherical domes are picturesque structures built in developed countries to attract tourists. Due to horizontal and vertical overloading, the structures’ attractive shapes may be disturbed, and some members' stress may exceed the elastic level. In this paper, the shape and stress of a deformed double-layer spherical numerical model due to simultaneous lateral and vertical loadings are controlled, meanwhile, the number of actuators...
High Resolution Sea Ice Floe Size and Shape Data from Knox Coast, East Antarctica
PublicationThis dataset contains floe size distribution data from a very high resolution (pixel size: 0.3 m) optical satellite image of sea ice, acquired on 16 Feb. 2019 off the Knox Coast (East Antarctica). The image shows relatively small ice floes produced by wave-induced breakup of landfast ice between Mill Island and Bowman Island. The ice floes are characterised by a narrow size distribution and angular, polygonal shapes, typical...
Testing the impact of simplifications adopted in models describing wave loads on ship
PublicationThe wave-ship system in naval architecture is generally assumed to be a linear one. This allows for the computation of a transfer function of ship response to waves including wave loads on ship. The transfer function and the wave spectral density function enable the development of the stochastic process of wave loads on ship, corresponding to the irregular wave generating that loads. If the mathematical models of wave load transfer...
Testing the impact of simplifications adopted in models describing wave loads on ship
PublicationThe wave-ship system in naval architecture is generally assumed to be a linear one. This allows for the computation of a transfer function of ship response to waves including wave loads on ship. The transfer function and the wave spectral density function enable the development of the stochastic process of wave loads on ship, corresponding to the irregular wave generating that loads. If the mathematical models of wave load transfer...
Numerical modeling of sound intensity distributions around acoustic transducer
PublicationThe aim of this research study is to measure, simulate and compare sound intensity distribution generated by the acoustic transducers of the loudspeaker. The comparison of the gathered data allows for validating the numerical model of the acoustic radiation. An accurate model of a sound source is necessary in mathematical modeling of the sound field distribution near the scattering obstacles. An example of such obstacle is a human...
Can we really solve an arch stability problem?
PublicationWe bring attention to the problem of solving nonlinear boundary-value problems for elastic structures such as arches and shells. Here we discuss a classical problem of a shear-deformable arch postbuckling. Considering a postbuckling behaviour of a circular arch we discuss the possibility to find numerically a solution for highly nonlinear regimes. The main attention is paid to the problem of determination of all solutions. The...
Analiza konstrukcji nawierzchni asfaltowych oparta o teorię lepkosprężystości
PublicationPrzedmiotem artykułu jest analiza przykładowej konstrukcji nawierzchni drogowej podatnej w oparciu o liniową teorię lepkosprężystości. Do symulacji pracy warstw asfaltowych wykorzystano model Burgersa, a obliczenia wykonano przy użyciu programu VEROAD (Visco-Elastic RoadAnalysis Delft). Autor poddaje analizie odkształcenia na spodzie warstw asfaltowych oraz ich deformacje odwracalne i trwałe, a także bada wpływ temperatury.
Integrated Application of GPR and Ultrasonic Testing in the Diagnostics of a Historical Floor
PublicationThe paper presents the results of integrated ground penetrating radar (GPR) and ultrasonic testing (UT) measurements conducted on a historical floor in St. Nicholas’ Church, Gdańsk, Poland. The described inspection was the first stage of the technical state assessment of the building. The aim of the study was the detection of underfloor air gaps, which were observed in a few trial pits. The condition of the ground under the floor...
Computational fluid dynamics simulation of heat transfer from densely packed gold nanoparticles to isotropic media
PublicationThis work aims to determine and compare heat generation and propagation of densely packed gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) induced by a resonant laser beam (532 nm) according to the Mie theory. The heat flux propagation is transferred into the materials, which here are: silica glass; soda-lime-silica glass; borosilicate glass; polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA); polycarbonate (PC); and polydimetylosiloxane (PDMS). This analysis aims to...
Kompleksowa ocena nośności ramowego wiaduktu żelbetowego. Uaktualnienie parametrów modelu na podstawie badań eksperymentalnych
PublicationW artykule opisano stosunkowo prostą metodę aktualizacji parametrów modelu na podstawie obciążeń próbnych. Podczas ponownych badań obciążeniowych, przeprowadzonych po 12 latach eksploatacji, stworzono model, którego parametry, w tym wytrzymałość betonu na rozciąganie oraz pozioma sztywność podpór, zostały zaktualizowane na podstawie testów odbiorczych. Przeprowadzono analizę parametryczną, uwzględniając nieliniowe obliczenia z...
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Female, 76 - Tissue image [1300630017386521]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Female, 22 - Tissue image [1300630017387711]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Female, 76 - Tissue image [1300630017382481]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Female, 22 - Tissue image [1300630017388741]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Female, 22 - Tissue image [1300630017387871]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Female, 76 - Tissue image [1300630017388381]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Female, 76 - Tissue image [1300630017384981]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Mechanical properties of Precontraint 1202 S2 based on uniaxial tensile and creep tests
PublicationThe purpose of the paper is the estimation of the polyvinyl chloride – polyester-coated fabric (Precontraint 1202 S2) mechanical properties under uniaxial tensile tests as well as short- and long-time creep tests. The uniaxial tests are the basis of non-linear elastic description while the creep tests are used for the evaluation of the stiffness parameters in time and for the identification of the standard viscoelastic model. The...
A Monte Carlo Strategy to simulate Positrons and Positronium in biological Materials
PublicationWe present an algorithm for Monte Carlo simulations of positron tracks in biological materials. The algorithm takes into account the cross-section data for elastic and inelastic collisions between positrons and molecules and processes like direct annihilation, ionization and positronium formation. In the case of positronium formation, the algorithm considers the interactions of positronium with molecules. The algorithm can be used...
Power Transmission for Millimeter-Wave Indoor/Outdoor Wearable IoT Devices Using Grounded Coplanar Waveguide-Fed On-Body Antenna
PublicationThis paper presents for the first-time evaluation of wireless power transmission (WPT) for sustainable low-powered Internet of Things (IoT) devices in realistic indoor/outdoor scenarios using empirical propagation models at 28 GHz. The used empirical propagation models have shown that using an on-body 9×9 mm-wave rectenna array based on a proposed mm-wave antenna is able to charge IoT devices at a distance of 57 m for line-of-sight...