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A convergence result for mountain pass periodic solutions of perturbed Hamiltonian systems
PublicationIn this work, we study second-order Hamiltonian systems under small perturbations. We assume that the main term of the system has a mountain pass structure, but do not suppose any condition on the perturbation. We prove the existence of a periodic solution. Moreover, we show that periodic solutions of perturbed systems converge to periodic solutions of the unperturbed systems if the perturbation tends to zero. The assumption on...
Nonlinear strain gradient and micromorphic one-dimensional elastic continua: Comparison through strong ellipticity conditions
PublicationWe discuss the strong ellipticity (SE) conditions for strain gradient and micromorphic continua considering them as an enhancement of a simple nonlinearly elastic material called in the following primary material. Recently both models are widely used for description of material behavior of beam-lattice metamaterials which may possess various types of material instabilities. We analyze how a possible loss of SE results in the behavior...
Strong ellipticity within the Toupin–Mindlin first strain gradient elasticity theory
PublicationWe discuss the strong ellipticity (SE) condition within the Toupin–Mindlin first strain gradient elasticity theory. SE condition is closely related to certain material instabilities and describes mathematical properties of corresponding boundary-value problems. For isotropic solids, SE condition transforms into two inequalities in terms of five gradient-elastic moduli.
Attractors of dissipative homeomorphisms of the infinite surface homeomorphic to a punctured sphere
PublicationA class of dissipative orientation preserving homeomorphisms of the infinite annulus,pairs of pants, or generally any infinite surface homeomorphic to a punctured sphere isconsidered. We prove that in some isotopy classes the local behavior of such homeomor-phisms at a fixed point, namely the existence of so-called inverse saddle, impacts thetopology of the attractor — it cannot be arcwise connected
Continuum models for pantographic blocks with second gradient energies which are incomplete
PublicationWe postulate a deformation energy for describing the mechanical behavior of so called pantographic blocks, that is bodies constituted by stacking of layers of pantographic sheets. We remark that the pantographic effect is limited in the plane of pantographic sheets and therefore only the second derivatives of transverse displacements along the pantographic fibers appear in the chosen deformation energy. We use this novel energy...
Thermal dewetting as a method of surface modification of the gold thin films for surface plasmon resonance based sensor applications
PublicationHere, we report a quick and simple approach with low, optimized production costs to obtain surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based sensors fabricated through a time- and resource-effective method based on thermal dewetting of thin Au films. From the applicative point of view, the method of detection presented here should be easier to implement, since light transmission measurements seem to be much less challenging than light refractive...
Wavelet filtering of signals without using model functions
PublicationThe effective wavelet filtering of real signals is impossible without determining their shape. The shape of a real signal is related to its wavelet spectrum. For shape analysis, a continuous color wavelet spectrogram of signal level is often used. The disadvantage of continuous wavelet spectrogram is the complexity of analyzing a blurry color image. A real signal with additive noise strongly distorts the spectrogram based on continuous...
Strong ellipticity conditions and infinitesimal stability within nonlinear strain gradient elasticity
PublicationWe discuss connections between the strong ellipticity condition and the infinitesimal instability within the nonlinear strain gradient elasticity. The strong ellipticity (SE) condition describes the property of equations of statics whereas the infinitesimal stability is introduced as the positive definiteness of the second variation of an energy functional. Here we establish few implications which simplify the further analysis...
Implementation of high-precision computation capabilities into the open-source dynamic simulation framework YADE
PublicationThis paper deals with the implementation of arbitrary precision calculations into the open-source discrete element framework YADE published under the GPL-2+ free software license. This new capability paves the way for the simulation framework to be used in many new fields such as quantum mechanics. The implementation details and associated gains in the accuracy of the results are discussed. Besides the "standard" double (64 bits)...
Study of ZrS3-based field-effect transistors toward the understanding of the mechanisms of light-enhanced gas sensing by transition metal trichalcogenides
PublicationExtending knowledge of the properties of low-dimensional van der Waals materials, including their reactivity to the ambiance, is important for developing innovative electronic and optoelectronic devices. Transition metal trichalcogenides with tunable optical band gaps and anisotropic conductivity are an emerging class among low- dimensional structures with the possibility of gate tunability and photoreactivity. These properties...
Recent advances in electrochemically surface treated titanium and its alloys for biomedical applications: A review of anodic and plasma electrolytic oxidation methods
PublicationNowadays, titanium and its alloys are widely used materials in implantology. Nevertheless, the greatest challenge is still its appropriate surface treatment in order to induce optimal properties, which facilitates formation of a permanent bond between the implant and human tissue. The use of electrochemical treatment such as anodic oxidation or plasma electrolytic oxidation allows for the production of porous coating that mimics...
Design of metamaterials: Preface
PublicationThis special issue “Design of metamaterials” collects several papers that have presented theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies of metamaterials.
Enhanced trap-assisted recombination in organic semiconductors
PublicationAn analytical model to describe the interaction of excitons and charge transfer states with deep traps is formulated for the case of molecular materials. Here, we have considered the influence of a trap-assisted recombination on this phenomenon. The final expression for the effective recombination rate has been derived from the Shockley–Read–Hall theory and kinetic equations which characterize different photophysical processes....
Degradation mechanisms and protective coatings for ferritic stainless-steel interconnects of solid oxide fuel cells: A review
PublicationFerritic stainless steels (FSSs) are promising interconnect materials for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). However, FSSs undergo fast thermal-oxidation during SOFC operation, generating poorly-conductive oxide scales and volatile chromium-oxides detrimental to cathodes. Developing protective coatings is crucial for inhibiting degradation of FSS-interconnects. This article starts with a brief discussion of the oxidation behavior...
Energy landscape and structural transformations of C38 penta-fullerene: The stabilizing role of octagons and insights into penta-octa-penta-fullerene
PublicationTheoretical investigations were conducted to study the stability and energy landscape of C38 penta-fullerene, a structure comprising six penta-graphene unit cells. Vibrational analysis at the B3LYP/def2SVP level revealed 18 negative frequencies, indicating the dynamic instability of penta-fullerene. Analyzing the energy profiles for these vibrational modes led to the identification of six energetically favourable isomers, featuring...
Systems of differential equations with a singular matrix
PublicationPraca dotyczy układów równań różniczkowych z macierzą osobliwą. Szczególnymi przypadkami takich układów są równania różniczkowo-algebraiczne. Korzystając z odpowiedniej nierówności różniczkowej dla układów równań i metody quasi linearyzacji pokazano, iż odpowiednie monotoniczne ciągi są zbieżne do rozwiązania naszego problemu i jest to zbieżność kwadratowa. O funkcji f występującej po prawej stronie zagadnienia zakładano...
Synthesis of parametric images in the medical active thermography
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia zastosowanie nowej metody syntezy obrazów w termografii dla potrzeb opisu ilościowego właściwości termicznych tkanek. opis taki umożliwia różnicowanie przypadków medycznych. Metodę zastosowania dla licznych pomiarów fantomowych oraz in vitro. Przedstawiono i omówiono rezultaty prac.
Structural and electrical transport studies of reduced in hydrogen surfaceof bismuth germanate glass
PublicationOtrzymano nanostruktury krystalicznego bizmutu w matrycy szkła germanowegooraz warstwę nanostruktur krystalicznego bizmutu na powierzchni redukowanegow atmosferze wodoru szkła Bi0.33Ge0.67O1.83. Zaproponowano prosty model bu-dowy zredukowanych szkieł bizmutowo-germanowych potwierdzony wynikami badańAFM i XRD. Zbadano wpływ czasu i temperatury redukcji oraz topnienia bizmu-tu na własności elektryczne badanych szkieł. Przeanalizowano...
Chemical instability of the cobalt oxyhydrate superconductor under ambientconditions.
PublicationPrzedstawiono badania dyfrakcyjne i termograwimetryczne uwodnionego, sodowo-kobaltowego tlenku nadprzewodzącego: NaxCoO2 yH2O (y=1.4). Materiał ten jest niestabilny już w temperaturze pokojowej i przechodzi w nowo odkrytą fazę = 0.6.
Multiphase separated polyurethanes studied by micro Raman spectroscopy.
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań były poliuretany o zawartości 30% segmentów sztywnych,charakteryzujące się obecnością globul i sferolitów. Badania za pomocą mikro Ramana wykazały różny skład chemiczny w wymienionych mikroobszarach. W globulach stwierdzono zanik obecności segmentów giętkich lub ich bardzo znikomą ilość w porównaniu z matrycą i sferolitami.
The first manganese trialkoxysilanethiolates: formation, properties and structure of solvent ligated complexes - [Mn{SSi(OBut)3}2(MeCN)] and [Mn{SSi(OBut)3}2(MeOH)4]
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono otrzymywanie i strukturę pierwszych trialkoksysilanotiolanowych kompleksów manganu(II). Syntezy prowadzone były reakcji 2≡SiSH+ MnCl2 + 2Et3N = (≡SiS)2Mn + 2Et3N.HCl doprowadziły do otrzymania nowych kompleksów: [Mn{SSi(OBut)3}2(MeOH)4] (gdy jako rozpuszczalnik zastosowano MeOH) oraz [Mn{SSi(OBut)3}2(NCCH3)], gdy w badaniach posłużono się acetonitrylem.
Effect of a characteristic length on crack spacing in a reinforced concrete bar under tension.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej obliczenia rozstawu rys w pręcie żelbetowym poddanemu rozciąganiu. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu sprężysto-plastycznego modelu rozszerzonego o długość charakterystyczna mikrostruktury przy pomocy teorii nielokalnej.
A Survey of Fast-Recovery Mechanisms in Packet-Switched Networks
PublicationIn order to meet their stringent dependability requirements, most modern packet-switched communication networks support fast-recovery mechanisms in the data plane. While reactions to failures in the data plane can be significantly faster compared to control plane mechanisms, implementing fast recovery in the data plane is challenging, and has recently received much attention in the literature. This survey presents a systematic,...
Distributed Framework for Visual Event Detection in Parking Lot Area
PublicationThe paper presents the framework for automatic detection of various events occurring in a parking lot basing on multiple camera video analysis. The framework is massively distributed, both in the logical and physical sense. It consists of several entities called node stations that use XMPP protocol for internal communication and SRTP protocol with Jingle extension for video streaming. Recognized events include detecting parking...
Architecture Design of a Networked Music Performance Platform for a Chamber Choir
PublicationThis paper describes an architecture design process for Networked Music Performance (NMP) platform for medium-sized conducted music ensembles, based on remote rehearsals of Academic Choir of Gdańsk University of Technology. The issues of real-time remote communication, in-person music performance, and NMP are described. Three iterative steps defining and extending the architecture of the NMP platform with additional features to...
Toward 6G Optical Fronthaul: A Survey on Enabling Technologies and Research Perspectives
PublicationThe anticipated launch of the Sixth Generation (6G) of mobile technology by 2030 will mark a significant milestone in the evolution of wireless communication, ushering in a new era with advancements in technology and applications. 6G is expected to deliver ultra-high data rates and almost instantaneous communications, with three-dimensional coverage for everything, everywhere, and at any time. In the 6G Radio Access Networks (RANs)...
Substrate Integrated Waveguide-Based Frequency-Tunable Self-Octaplexing Antenna
PublicationThis communication presents the first-ever substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)-based frequency-tunable self-octaplexing antenna (SOA) for wireless communication. The structure is arranged by implementing eight distinct patches with planar 50-ohm feedlines at the top of the SIW cavity, which realize eight distinct resonant frequencies. Independent tuning of each resonant frequency is achieved by incorporating appropriately allocated...
On possible applications of media described by fractional-order models in electromagnetic cloaking
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to open a scientific discussion on possible applications of media described by fractional-order (FO) models (FOMs) in electromagnetic cloaking. A 2-D cloak based on active sources and the surface equivalence theorem is simulated. It employs a medium described by FOM in communication with sources cancelling the scattered field. A perfect electromagnetic active cloak is thereby demonstrated with the use...
High Isolation Metamaterial-based Dual-band MIMO Antenna for 5G Millimeter-wave Applications
PublicationThis article presents a high-isolation metamaterial-based dual-band multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna for 5G millimeter-wave communication networks. The proposed antenna is a pentagon-shaped monopole that provides a dual-band response with a wide operating bandwidth at 5G 28/28 bands. The antenna is printed on 0.508-mm-thick Rogers RT5880 substrate of relative permittivity ɛr =2.2. It exhibits a small physical size...
Isolation Improvement in MIMO Antenna with a Simple Hybrid Technique of Orthogonal and Inverse Currents
PublicationThis paper presents a compact high-isolation multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna developed using a hybrid approach. The proposed technique combines induced orthogonal currents and self-inverse currents to enhance the antenna's performance. Orthogonal currents are generated by strategically etching open slots on the antenna patches, while self-inverse currents are introduced by integration of annular vias. By carefully...
Wireless Systems of Threats Monitoring
PublicationThe concept of wireless system of threats monitoring with self-organizing network of multipurpose data transfer nodes are presented. Two practical applications of this system are also presented. The first of these is the Global Wireless Monitoring System for Containers, and the second is the Mobile Monitoring System for Gas Air Pollution Measurements. Presented practical applications of the wireless threats monitoring system is...
Performance Measurements of Real Time Video Transmission from Car Patrol
PublicationThe HSUPA technology application to video streaming from moving vehicle to the central server is presented in the paper. A dedicated software for transmission control in case of non public IP address is employed. Quality of video streaming in urban area was measured. Several car routes were investigated in the area of the Polish Tricity. Measurements pointed out that the real time streaming quality during vehicle movement is sufficient...
Perspectives of Telematics Implementation in Tri-City Transport Systems Management and Planning
PublicationIn 2010 the City of Gdynia applied for match funding the project ''Implementation of the Integrated Traffic Management System TRISTAR in Tri-City" under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment. This year the project has been placed on a list approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure. Tri-City proceeds with a tender for the implementation of the system. The project will be implemented in key elements are included...
Performance Evaluation of the Parallel Codebook Algorithm for Background Subtraction in Video Stream
PublicationA background subtraction algorithm based on the codebook approach was implemented on a multi-core processor in a parallel form, using the OpenMP system. The aim of the experiments was to evaluate performance of the multithreaded algorithm in processing video streams recorded from monitoring cameras, depending on a number of computer cores used, method of task scheduling, image resolution and degree of image content variability....
Detection and localization of selected acoustic events in 3D acoustic field for smart surveillance applications
PublicationA method for automatic determination of position of chosen sound events such as speech signals and impulse sounds in 3-dimensional space is presented. The events are localized in the presence of sound reflections employing acoustic vector sensors. Human voice and impulsive sounds are detected using adaptive detectors based on modified peak-valley difference (PVD) parameter and sound pressure level. Localization based on signals...
Hierarchical Estimation of Human Upper Body Based on 2D Observation Utilizing Evolutionary Programming and 'Genetic Memory'
PublicationNew method of the human body pose estimation based on single camera 2D observation is presented. It employs 3D model of the human body, and genetic algorithm combined with annealed particle filter for searching the global optimum of model state, best matching the object's 2D observation. Additionally, motion cost metric is employed, considering current pose and history of the body movement, favouring the estimates with the lowest...
Regional observatory as a part of road safety information system
PublicationEU experience clearly indicates that it is necessary to inform and motivate the public on road unsafety to undertake specific preventive efforts, as well as making road users feel responsible for the state of road safety and seek to improve this state gradually to protect their health and life. The implementation of the Warmia-Mazury Road Safety Observatory project will not only be an excellent addition to the activities carried...
Architecture and Basic Assumptions of RSMAD
PublicationThe study presents the architecture of Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (in short RSMAD) which is used for transmission (realized using GSM, UMTS or TETRA networks, and through the Internet network), archiving and exploring image data of traffic offenses. The paper also presents selected basic assumptions of the RSMAD system, which are relevant to the implemented by the system...
Ionization of tocopherols and tocotrienols in atmospheric pressure chemical ionization
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The role of phoenixin in the proliferation and migration of ectopic epithelial cells in vitro
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Corrigendum to “The role of phoenixin in the proliferation and migration of ectopic epithelial cells in vitro” [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 646 (26 February 2023) 44–49]
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Correction: Slaughtered like animals. Revealing the atrocities committed by the Nazis on captives at Treblinka I by skeletal trauma analysis
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Slaughtered like animals. Revealing the atrocities committed by the Nazis on captives at Treblinka I by skeletal trauma analysis
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Electron ionization induced fragmentation of fluorinated derivatives of bisphenols
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Quantification of key red blood cell folates from subjects with defined MTHFR 677C>T genotypes using stable isotope dilution liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry
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Human Gb3/CD77 synthase reveals specificity toward two or four different acceptors depending on amino acid at position 211, creating Pk, P1 and NOR blood group antigens
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Chinifur, a Selective Inhibitor and "Subversive Substrate" for Trypanosoma congolense Trypanothione Reductase
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Genistein inhibits activities of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and lactate dehydrogenase, enzymes which use NADH as a substrate
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Graphene-encapsulated iron nanoparticles as a non-viral vector for gene delivery into melanoma cells
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Distance between the Basic Group of the Amino Acid Residue's Side Chain in Position P1of Trypsin Inhibitor CMTI-III and Asp189in the Substrate Pocket of Trypsin Has an Essential Influence on the Inhibitory Activity