Towards Precise Visual Navigation and Direct Georeferencing for MAV Using ORB-SLAM2
PublicationA low accuracy of positioning using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are not meet geodetic requirements for direct images georeferencing for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry. A majority of UAVs are equipped with a monocular or stereo non-metric cameras for either visual data gathering or live video feed for operator. A cheap positioning techniques used on board commercial UAVs are not that precise as geodetic...
EGNOS-based GNSS receiver for precise positioning in restricted areas
PublicationPositioning accuracy is very important in many areas, whereas the typical GPS receiver accuracy is often not sufficient. The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), Europe’s first venture into satellite navigation, improves the open public service offered by the Global Positioning System (GPS). As a satellite navigation augmentation system, EGNOS improves the accuracy of GPS by providing a positioning accuracy...
Tropospheric delays derived from GNSS observations during the derecho event in Poland of 11th August 2017
Open Research DataPropagation of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) radio signals is disturbed by the current state of the Earth's atmosphere. For this reason, advances processing of GNSS signals can be used for investigation of the atmospheric condition. In case of troposphere, the GNSS signals allow for obtain information of tropospheric delay, which is mainly...
Relationship between GIX, SIDX, and ROTI ionospheric indices and GNSS precise positioning results under geomagnetic storms
PublicationIonospheric indices give information about ionospheric perturbations, which may cause absorption, diffraction, refraction, and scattering of radio signals, including those from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). Therefore, there may be a relationship between index values and GNSS positioning results. A thorough understanding of ionospheric indices and their relationship to positioning results can help monitor and forecast...
Integration and verification of meteorological observations and NWP model data for the local GNSS tomography
PublicationGNSS meteorology applies the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) to derive information about the state of the atmosphere (particularly troposphere). The tomography is one of the methods used in GNSS meteorology. The input data of GNSS tomography are the signal troposphere delays, results of GNSS data processing and additionally meteorological observations and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models data. Different types...
Analysis of Transformation Methods of Hydroacoustic and Optoelectronic Data Based on the Tombolo Measurement Campaign in Sopot
PublicationMeasurements in the coastal zone are carried out using various methods, including Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), hydroacoustic and optoelectronic methods. Therefore, it is necessary to develop coordinate transformation models that will enable the conversion of data from the land and marine parts to one coordinate system. The article presents selected issues related to the integration of geodetic and hydrographic data....
Andrzej Chybicki dr inż.
PeopleA graduate of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at the Gdańsk University of Technology, PhD in technical sciences in the field of IT specializing in distributed data processing in IT . Aimed at exploiting the achievements and knowledge in the field of industrial research. He cooperated with a number of companies including OpeGieka Elbląg, Reson Inc., Powel Sp. z o. o., Wasat, Better Solutions, the European...
Analysis of GNSS sensed precipitable water vapour and tropospheric gradients during the derecho event in Poland of 11th August 2017
PublicationNowadays, one of the techniques that meets the increasing requirements of meteorologist in terms of monitoring of severe weather events is global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), which can provide information about the tropospheric state independently of the weather conditions and even in real time. In this paper we present the usage of GNSS sensed tropospheric data to monitor sudden and intense weather events. Our analyses...
Airborne and mobile laser scanning in measurements of sea cliffs on the southern Baltic
PublicationMeasurements of sea cliffs performed using periodic surveying based on laser scanning is currently one of the fastest and most accurate solutions. Supported with the technology of satellite measurements using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) positioning and photographic measurements with the use of aerial vehicle, they enable an effective monitoring of the sea cliffs affected by the erosion. In case of the coast of southern...
Verification of GNSS Measurements of the Railway Track Using Standard Techniques for Determining Coordinates
PublicationThe problem of the reproduction of the railway geometric layout in the global spatial system is currently solved in the form of measurements that use geodetic railway networks and also, in recent years, efficient methods of mobile positioning (mainly satellite and inert). The team of authors from the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Maritime University in Gdynia as part of the research project InnoSatTrack is looking for...
Application of Least Squares with Conditional Equations Method for Railway Track Inventory Using GNSS Observations
PublicationSatellite geodetic networks are commonly used in surveying tasks, but they can also be used in mobile surveys. Mobile satellite surveys can be used for trackage inventory, diagnostics and design. The combination of modern technological solutions with the adaptation of research methods known in other fields of science offers an opportunity to acquire highly accurate solutions for railway track inventory. This article presents the...
Geodezja i nawigacja satelitarna w transporcie 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesPodstawowe pojęcia geodezji i nawigacji. Ziemia jako powierzchnia odniesienia dla pomiarów. Systemy odniesienia i współrzędnych stosowane w nawigacji i geodezji. Instrumenty geodezyjne przeznaczenie, funkcje i budowa. Geneza systemów geodezji i nawigacji satelitarnej. Ruch sztucznych satelitów Ziemi. Globalne Systemy Pozycyjne: GPS (Global Positioning System), GLONASS (GLObal NAvigation Satellite System), Galileo. Odbiorniki kodowe...
Precise Bathymetry as a Step Towards Producing Bathymetric Electronic Navigational Charts for Comparative (Terrain Reference) Navigation
PublicationBathymetric Electronic Navigational Charts (bENCs) contain only bathymetry data and can be used in applications such as underwater positioning, dredging and piloting. According to International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) standard S-57, Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) contain depth information with pure density of depth contours. Typical depth contours encoded by Hydrographic Offices are limited to 2, 5, 10 and 20 m....
Methodology for the Correction of the Spatial Orientation Angles of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Real Time GNSS, a Shoreline Image and an Electronic Navigational Chart
PublicationUndoubtedly, Low-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are becoming more common in marine applications. Equipped with a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) receiver for highly accurate positioning, they perform camera and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) measurements. Unfortunately, these measurements may still be subject to large errors-mainly due to the inaccuracy of measurement of the optical...
PublicationThis paper presents the results of design microcompass for safe sea navigation where navigation, electronic, programming knowledge was joined to make more safe sea navigation. In first part of article presents navigation tools which using in practise. Article underlines that mostly satellite system is used to make navigation, but recommends traditional navigation method like alternative to determinate position in case of breakdown...
Parameters of land reference points in the Gdynia region and the Free-air anomaly grid of the South Baltic
Open Research DataThe data was registered during the campaign to verify the catalog value of the absolute point coordinates [point 5403 (POLREF-GORA DONAS)] of the national gravimetric control network. The data was recorded in two three-hour stationary measurement campaigns at the following points: Rozewie of the EUREF-POL network, Góra Donas POLREF, and mareograph points...
The analysis of tram tracks geometrical layout based on Mobile Satellite Measurements
PublicationIn this article, the results of the research in a field of which uses active global navigation satellite system (GNSS) geodetic networks for the inventory of geodetic geometric tram tracks are presented. The applied measurement technique has been adapted for the designing of the geometric layout of tram tracks. Several configurations of receivers and settings of an active GNSS networks with the objective to increase the accuracy...
Determining horizontal curvature of railway track axis in mobile satellite measurements
PublicationThe article discusses the applicability of a novel method to determine horizontal curvature of the railway track axis based on results of mobile satellite measurements. The method is based on inclination angle changes of a moving chord in the Cartesian coordinate system. In the presented case, the variant referred to as the method of two virtual chords is applied which consists in manoeuvring with only one GNSS (Global Navigation...
A Method for Determination and Compensation of a Cant Influence in a Track Centerline Identification Using GNSS Methods and Inertial Measurement
PublicationAt present, the problem of rail routes reconstruction in a global reference system is increasingly important. This issue is called Absolute Track Geometry, and its essence is the determination of the axis of railway tracks in the form of Cartesian coordinates of a global or local coordinate system. To obtain such a representation of the track centerline, the measurement methods are developed in many countries mostly by the using...
A modern approach to an unmanned vehicle navigation
PublicationA traditional approach to manned vehicles navigation uses a data combined form a variety of navigation sensors like satellite, inertial and time-of-flight. With support of operators perception, chart and sensor, data are analyzed and navigation decisions are made. An unmanned platforms navigation needs an operators support, who is supervising a platforms decision process, basing on navigation data obtained via variety of electronic...
Efficient Usage of Dense GNSS Networks in Central Europe for the Visualization and Investigation of Ionospheric TEC Variations
PublicationThe technique of the orthogonal projection of ionosphere electronic content variations for mapping total electron content (TEC) allows us to visualize ionospheric irregularities. For the reconstruction of global ionospheric characteristics, numerous global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers located in different regions of the Earth are used as sensors. We used dense GNSS networks in central Europe to detect and investigate...
Methodology for Performing Bathymetric Measurements of Shallow Waterbodies Using an UAV, and their Processing Based on the SVR Algorithm
PublicationState-of-art methods of bathymetric measurements for shallow waterbodies use Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver, bathymetric Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensor or satellite imagery. Currently, photogrammetric methods with the application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are gathering great importance. This publication aims to present step-by-step methodology for carrying out the bathymetric measurements...
Free-air anomaly grid on the Gulf of Gdańsk
Open Research DataWe present an attempt to determine the accuracy of shipborne gravimetry for the needs of geoid determination. The shipborne gravity campaign, is the beginning of a series of gravimetry measurements in the Polish Exclusive Economy Zone. The campaign was conducted in the area where the accuracy of geoid determination is crucial for the safety of navigation...
Research project BRIK: development of an innovative method for determining the precise trajectory of a railway vehicle
PublicationIn the paper the essential assumptions regarding a research project implemented by a consortium of Gdansk University of Technology and Gdynia Maritime University are presented. The project has been commissioned by National Center of Research and Development with cooperation with Polish Railways (PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.). The project is focused in implementation of modern measurement techniques using Global Navigation Positioning...
Evaluation of the Possibility of Identifying a Complex Polygonal Tram Track Layout Using Multiple Satellite Measurements
PublicationWe present the main assumptions about the algorithmization of the analysis of measurement data recorded in mobile satellite measurements. The research team from the Gda´nsk University of Technology and the Maritime University in Gdynia, as part of a research project conducted in cooperation with PKP PLK (Polish Railway Infrastructure Manager), developed algorithms supporting the identification and assessment of track axis layout....
Evaluation of the Possibility of Identifying a Complex Polygonal Tram Track Layout Using Multiple Satellite Measurements
PublicationWe present the main assumptions about the algorithmization of the analysis of measurement data recorded in mobile satellite measurements. The research team from the Gda´nsk University of Technology and the Maritime University in Gdynia, as part of a research project conducted in cooperation with PKP PLK (Polish Railway Infrastructure Manager), developed algorithms supporting the identification and assessment of track axis layout....
Highly Precised and Efficient Robot-Based ESPAR Antenna Measurements in Realistic Environments
PublicationIn this paper, we present a novel approach utilizing a small Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) equipped with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology to facilitate large-scale outdoor automated measurements. The system employs dedicated software and measurement scripts to autonomously navigate the robot along predefined routes, stopping at multiple points for data collection. This method minimizes observational error and...
Evaluation of RTKLIB's Positioning Accuracy Using low-cost GNSS Receiver and ASG-EUPOS
PublicationThe paper focuses on a comparison of different positioning methods provided by free and open source software (FOSS) package called RTKLIB. The RTKLIB supports real‐time and post‐processed positioning. The most important modes of operation tested by the authors are Kinematic, Static, Fixed and Precise Point Positioning (PPP). The data for evaluation were obtained from low‐cost Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver....
Method for determining of shallow water depths based on data recorded by UAV/USV vehicles and processed using the SVR algorithm
PublicationBathymetric measurements in waters shallower than 1 m are necessary to monitor seafloor relief changes in the coastal zone. This is especially important for ensuring the safety of navigation, navigation efficiency, as well as during the design and monitoring of hydrotechnical structures. Therefore, the aim of this article is to present a method for determining of shallow water depths based on data recorded by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle...
Methodology for Processing of 3D Multibeam Sonar Big Data for Comparative Navigation
PublicationAutonomous navigation is an important task for unmanned vehicles operating both on the surface and underwater. A sophisticated solution for autonomous non-global navigational satellite system navigation is comparative (terrain reference) navigation. We present a method for fast processing of 3D multibeam sonar data to make depth area comparable with depth areas from bathymetric electronic navigational charts as source maps during...
Digital Filtering of Railway Track Coordinates in Mobile Multi–Receiver GNSS Measurements
PublicationThe article discusses an important issue in connection with the technique of mobile Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements of railway track coordinates, which is digital filtering performed to precisely determine railway track axes. For this purpose, a measuring technique is proposed which bases on the use of a measuring platform with a number of appropriately distributed GNSS receivers, where two of them determine...
Degradation of Kinematic PPP of GNSS Stations in Central Europe Caused by Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances During the St. Patrick’s Day 2015 Geomagnetic Storm
PublicationIn solar cycle 24, the strongest geomagnetic storm took place on March 17, 2015, when the geomagnetic activity index was as high as -223 nT. To verify the impact that the storm had on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)’s positioning accuracy and precision, we used 30-s observations from 15 reference stations located in Central Europe. For each of them, we applied kinematic precise point positioning (PPP) using gLAB software...
Modeling and Accuracy Assessment of Determining the Coastline Course Using Geodetic, Photogrammetric and Satellite Measurement Methods: Case Study in Gdynia Beach in Poland
PublicationThe coastal environment represents a resource from both a natural and economic point of view, but it is subject to continuous transformations due to climate change, human activities, and natural risks. Remote sensing techniques have enormous potential in monitoring coastal areas. However, one of the main tasks is accurately identifying the boundary between waterbodies such as oceans, seas, lakes or rivers, and the land surface....
Concept of an Innovative System for Dimensioning and Predicting Changes in the Coastal Zone Topography Using UAVs and USVs (4DBatMap System)
PublicationThis publication is aimed at developing a concept of an innovative system for dimensioning and predicting changes in the coastal zone topography using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs). The 4DBatMap system will consist of four components: 1. Measurement data acquisition module. Bathymetric and photogrammetric measurements will be carried out with a specific frequency in the coastal zone using...
Detection of the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Signals with BPSK Modulation
PublicationThis paper presents a method of the DS CDMA signals with BPSK modulation detection through the examination of the enhanced signal spectrum density. On the base of experiments carried out on the real radio communication signals the impact of a narrowband emission occurring in the examined frequency band on the detection process effectiveness was shown. The results of the experiment aimed at the detection of the satellite navigation...
Assessment of Adjustment of GNSS Railway Measurements with Parameter-Binding Conditions in a Stationary Scenario
PublicationThe study aims to assess the applicability of the ordinary least squares method, robust estimation, and conditions-binded adjustment in processing the six synchronous coordinate pairs of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The research is part of the research project InnoSatTrack, focused on the enhancement of the determination of geometrical parameters of railway tracks using GNSS, inertial, and other sensors....
Projekt badawczy BRIK: Opracowanie innowacyjnej metody wyznaczania precyzyjnej trajektorii pojazdu szynowego
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące projektu badawczego realizowanego na zlecenie Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju oraz Spółki PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S. A. przez Konsorcjum Politechniki Gdańskiej i Uniwersytetu Morskiego w Gdyni. Projekt obejmuje wykorzystanie nowoczesnych metod pomiarowych, takich jak techniki pozycjonowania satelitarnego GNSS, pomiary inercyjne INS oraz skaning laserowy LS, w procesie...
System wykrywania i przeciwdziałania spoofingowi GPS
PublicationSpoofing w systemach nawigacji satelitarnej jest atakiem elektronicznym, który polega na nieuprawnionej emisji sygnałów stanowiących imitacje rzeczywistych sygnałów odbieranych z satelitów. Powoduje on wyznaczenie nieprawidłowych informacji o czasie, położeniu i prędkości odbiornika. Z uwagi na trudność jego wykrycia, spoofing stanowi poważniejsze zagrożenie niż proste zagłuszanie sygnałów zakłóceniem o dużej mocy (ang. jamming)....
Ochrona odbiorników GNSS przed zakłóceniami celowymi
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy zastosowania algorytmów przestrzennego cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów dla potrzeb selektywnej eliminacji sygnałów zakłócających pracę odbiorników nawigacji satelitarnej GNSS. Omówiono podatność tych odbiorników na ataki elektroniczne typu zagłuszanie oraz spoofing. Polegają one na celowej emisji sygnałów niepożądanych w paśmie pracy systemu. Następnie przedstawiono koncepcję przeciwdziałania tego rodzaju zakłóceniom...
High precision and accuracy using low cost GNSS receivers and supporting technologies
PublicationThis chapter focuses on methods and techniques of positioning, based on the highly accurate and precise Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), which are available at a relatively low price. In this context, a comparison of different positioning methods provided by the free and open source software (FOSS) package called RTKLIB is given. Other aspects related to price reduction are also considered, including availability and...
Evaluation of Street Lighting Efficiency Using a Mobile Measurement System
PublicationThe issue concerns the initial stage of work on a method for performing a rapid assessment of the energy efficiency and illuminance of a street lighting installation. The proposed method is based on simultaneous measurement of illuminance from three lux meters placed on the roof of the vehicle. The data are acquired in road traffic, while the vehicle is driving. The proposed solution will allow in the future to quickly and reproducibly...
Satellite navigation [EMSS]
e-Learning CoursesThis course is designed for M.Sc. students of Space and Satellite Technologies, including Computer Science and Aerospace Technologies, within the specialty Engineering and Management of Space System [EMSS].
Satellite navigation [EMSS]
e-Learning CoursesThis course is designed for M.Sc. students of Space and Satellite Technologies, including Computer Science and Aerospace Technologies, within the specialty Engineering and Management of Space System [EMSS].
Improved Empirical Coefficients for Estimating Water Vapor Weighted Mean Temperature over Europe for GNSS Applications
PublicationDevelopment of the so-called global navigation satellite system (GNSS) meteorology is based on the possibility of determining a precipitable water vapor (PWV) from a GNSS zenith wet delay (ZWD). Conversion of ZWD to the PWV requires application of water vapor weighted mean temperature (Tm) measurements, which can be done using a surface temperature (Ts) and its linear dependency to the Tm. In this study we analyzed up to 24 years...
Interannual Variability of the GNSS Precipitable Water Vapor in the Global Tropics
PublicationThis paper addresses the subject of inter-annual variability of the tropical precipitable water vapor (PWV) derived from 18 years of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) observations. Non-linear trends of retrieved GNSS PWV were investigated using the singular spectrum analysis (SSA) along with various climate indices. For most of the analyzed stations (~49%) the GNSS PWV anomaly was related to the El Niño Southern Oscillation...
Integration Data Model of the Bathymetric Monitoring System for Shallow Waterbodies Using UAV and USV Platforms
PublicationChanges in the seafloor relief are particularly noticeable in shallow waterbodies (at depths up to several metres), where they are of significance for human safety and environmental protection, as well as for which the highest measurement accuracy is required. The aim of this publication is to present the integration data model of the bathymetric monitoring system for shallow waterbodies using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and...
Badanie i analiza efektywności pracy naziemnego, samoorganizującego się systemu radiolokalizacyjnego
PublicationJak wiadomo, klasyczne systemy hiperboliczne posiadają strukturę łańcuchową, i pracują w trybie synchronicznym. Taka hierarchiczna struktura tradycyjnych systemów hiperbolicznych, zwłaszcza zaś wymóg zapewnienia synchronicznej pracy łańcucha stacji stanowi istotne utrudnienie jego pracy. Poza tym uszkodzenie stacji głównej skutkuje wyłączeniem z eksploatacji całości łańcucha i tym samym pozbawia dostępu do usługi radiolokalizacyjnej...
Determining the Seasonal Variability of the Territorial Sea Baseline in Poland (2018–2020) Using Integrated USV/GNSS/SBES Measurements
PublicationThe Territorial Sea Baseline (TSB) allows coastal states to define the maritime boundaries, such as: contiguous zone, continental shelf, exclusive economic zone and territorial sea. Their delimitations determine what rights (jurisdiction and sovereignty) a given coastal state is entitled to. For many years, the problem of delimiting baseline was considered in two aspects: legal (lack of clear-cut regulations and different interpretations)...
Creating Polish space language dictionary - lessons learned
PublicationPolish space industry suffers from lack of space vocabulary. Since joining European Space Agency in 2012, the sector has expanded rapidly now employing over 1000 specialists focusing mainly on space sustainability, space debris detection and tracking, robotics and propulsion systems. The Polish Space Agency together with The Polish Committee for Standardization have committed to creating the first lexicon of space language, along...
Hourly GNSS-derived integrated moisture in the global tropics for the years 2001-2018
Open Research DataGlobal tropics are essential in formulating weather patterns and climate across various latitudes through atmospheric teleconnections. Since water vapour is an essential parameter in atmospheric convection and, thus, latent heat release, its tropical variability on different time scales is crucial in understanding weather and climate changes. The provided...