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Standardy Profesjonalnego Public Relations
Publication" Standardy przedstawiają wartości i pryncypia uzasadniające konieczność dokonywania odpowiednich wyborów. Public relations ma godzić interesy zleceniodawców, przedstawicieli mediów i różnych grup społeczeństwa, a przy tym pozostawać w zgodzie z normami etycznymi i odwoływać się do takich wartości jak szacunek, godność, rzetelność, uczciwość, prawda, wiarygodność, niezależność, lojalność i zaufanie. Opracowanie "Standardów profesjonalnego...
A system of visualization of operational situation on digital maps for mobile units of the Border Guards
PublicationBorder guards have to be equipped with technology enabling a communication, an acquisition, an exchange, and a visualization of data in different operational situations. This also applies to the staff, which is located on mobile units such as ground vehicles, aircrafts and vessels. Within the project realized for the Polish Border Guard and financed by The National Centre for Research and Development, a system was designed and...
PublicationFew studies have applied a person-centered approach to work motivation using cluster or profile analyses. Thus, little is known about which configurations of work motivations characterize professionals. The aim of this study is to establish the structure of work motivation profiles under the framework of self-determination theory and to examine the relationship between work motivation and subjective work performance. The study...
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Emergency Medical Service
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Motivation Science
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Journals -
Etyczność działań w public relations - między amoralizmem a kazuistyką
PublicationArtykuł jest refleksją filozoficzną dotyczącą problemów moralnych public relations i dziennikarstwa. Autorka stawia w nim tezę, że dziennikarze i specjaliści public relations – wykonując profesje, których fundamentem jest informacja, komunikacja i zaufanie społeczne - współcześnie bardzo wiele swoich działań wyłączają ze sfery tych, które mogłyby być oceniane z punktu widzenia moralności. Uznają też, że ocenie etycznej można...
Service-based Resilience via Shared Protection in Mission-critical Embedded Networks
PublicationMission-critical networks, which for example can be found in autonomous cars and avionics, are complex systems with a multitude of interconnected embedded nodes and various service demands. Their resilience against failures and attacks is a crucial property and has to be already considered in their design phase. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for optimal joint service allocation and routing, leveraging virtualized...
Interoperability Constraints in Service Selection Algorithms
PublicationIn Service Oriented Architecture, composite applications are developed by integration of existing, atomic services that may be available in alternative versions realizing the same functionality but having different Quality of Service (QoS) attributes. The development process requires effective service selection algorithms that balance profits and constraints of QoS attributes. Additionally, services operate in a heterogeneous environment,...
Jaroslaw Spychala dr
PeopleOprócz bardzo dobrego wykształcenia osoba posiada również wieloletnie doświadczenie zawodowe, które jest poświadczeniem tego, że potrafi wykorzystać swoją wiedzę teoretyczną w praktycznych działaniach. Doświadczenie zawodowe jest bardzo bogate i rozbudowane. Ze względu na nabyte całkiem nowe umiejętności zwiększa się atrakcyjność doświadczonego pracownika. Są to między innymi kreatywne myślenie, zorientowanie na cel, odporność...
Embodying Intelligence in Autonomous Systems with the Use of Cognitive Psychology and Motivation Theories
PublicationThe article discusses, on a certain level of abstraction and generalization, a coherent anthropological approach to the issue of controlling autonomous robots or agents. A contemporary idea can be based on appropriate modeling of the human mind using the available psychological knowledge. One of the main reasons for developing such projects is the lack of available and effective top-down approaches resulting from the known research...
Extending Service Selection Algorithms with Interoperability Analysis
PublicationApplication development by integration of existing, atomic services reduces development cost and time by extensive reuse of service components. In Service Oriented Architecture, there exist alternative versions of services supplying the same functionality but differing in Quality of Service (QoS) attributes, which enables developers to select services with optimal QoS. Existing algorithms of service selection focus on the formal...
Simulation of the IT Service and Project Management Environment
PublicationThe authors of this paper present a simulation of the socio-technical system in which teams of students – regarded as low-maturity organizations – were given a task to utilize the (relatively) mature technologies that support IT project and service management. The experiment consisted of the following phases: teams formation, introduction to technologies used during the simulation, performing a set of reactive and proactive service...
Public Spaces - Coexistence and Participation
PublicationThe paper is an attempt to answer two questions: (1) how to develop positive social relations and citizenship among residents of cities in Poland and (2) howsuitable shaping of public space affects the activation and integration of local residents.The specificity of the post-war process of urbanization in Poland - a country traditionally agricultural - was its political dimension (forced 'nationalisation' of agriculture and industrialization...
To donate or not to donate? Future healthcare professionals’ opinions on biobanking of human biological material for research purposes
PublicationBackground Over the last few decades biobanks have been recognised as institutions that may revolutionisebiomedical research and the development of personalised medicine. Poland, however, still lacks clear regulationsregarding the running of biobanks and the conducting of biomedical research. While the awareness of the generalpublic regarding biobanks is low, healthcare professions and medical students also...
Klaudia Skelnik dr
Peopledr Klaudia Skelnik Prodziekan Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku, doktor nauk społecznych w dyscyplinie nauki o bezpieczeństwie, absolwent studiów MBA zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem, mgr politologii w specjalizacji ustrojowo-samorządowej, posiadająca podyplomowe wykształcenie wyższe w zakresie prawa Unii Europejskiej, Edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa, Bezpieczeństwa i Higiena Pracy oraz szereg kursów i szkoleń...
Embodying Intelligence in Autonomous and Robotic Systems with the Use of Cognitive Psychology and Motivation Theories
PublicationThe article discusses, on a certain level of abstraction and generalization, a coherent anthropological approach to the issue of controlling autonomous robots or agents. A contemporary idea can be based on appropriate modeling of the human mind using the available psychological knowledge. One of the main reasons for developing such projects is the lack of available and effective top-down approaches resulting from the known research...
Service-based Resilience for Embedded IoT Networks
PublicationEmbedded IoT networks are the backbone of safety-critical systems like smart factories, autonomous vehicles, and airplanes. Therefore, resilience against failures and attacks should be a prior concern already in their design stage. In this study, we introduce a service-based network model as an MILP optimization problem for the efficient deployment of a service overlay to the embedded network by meeting QoS and resilience requirements....
Distributed infrastructure of self-organizing service servers
PublicationThis paper presents an idea of creating distributed system consisting of autonomous self-organizing service providers. It shows a real implemented system allowing for dynamic service search without interaction with client based on the inter-servers communication. Moreover presented system can be easily enriched with new elements without the need for restarting already existing servers.
Minimising the Churn Out of the Service by Using a Fairness Mechanism
PublicationThe paper proposes an algorithm of bandwidth distribution, ensuring fairness to end-users in computer networks. The proposed algorithm divides users into satisfied and unsatisfied users. It provides fairness in terms of quality of experience (QoE) for satisfied users and quality of service (QoS) for unsatisfied users. In this paper, we present detailed comparisons relevant to service providers to show the advantages of the proposed...
Public relations w działalności szkoły
PublicationTreść rozdziału X książki, przygotowanej pod redakcją Ewy Hope, "Public relations instytucji użyteczności publicznej" obejmuje zagadnienia związane z potrzebami współczesnej szkoły w zakresie przekazu informacji i komunikowania się z zewnętrznym otoczeniem szkoły - środowiskiem społecznym. Praktyka życia codziennego szkoły, placówki oświatowej pokazuje jak celowym zbiegiem kierowniczym jest stosowanie działań public relations....
New Tool for Examining QoS in the VToIP Service
PublicationThis paper is dedicated to the subject of measuring QoS in the Video Telephony over IP (VToIP) service. QoS measurement models in general and then models designed specifically for measuring QoS in the VToIP service are presented. A new numerical tool for examining the quality of VToIP video streams VToIP is described. The tool’s functionality is then put to the test in a number of analysis scenarios. The results and insights gained...
PublicationIn the paper, a service oriented architecture is used to describe various scenarios of human-oriented enterprises. They can be modeled by BPMN to show basic information flow. We consider business scenarios to present another modeling solution called service orchestration or service mashup. That approach gives an opportunity for the right management through taking the best possible choice of services, or composition of services....
Public relations w służbie demokracji
PublicationArtykuł pokazuje, jak realizowanie zasad demokracji jest warunkowane stosowaniem narzędzi public relations. Wolność wypowiedzi, możliwość współdecydowania o przyszłości społeczeństwa, udział w wyborach to działania charakterystyczne dla krajów demokratycznych, a urzeczywistnianie ich jest możliwe dzięki i poprzez profesjonalne PR. Historia demokracji pokazuje również, że prowadzenie działań PR jest możliwe tylko w ustroju...
Is Digitalization Improving Governance Quality? Correlating Analog and Digital Benchmarks
PublicationThe digitalization of public governance and the resulting concept of electronic governance is a characteristic feature of contemporary information society. Both can be defined as the process and outcome of digital transformation: transformation of the “analog” version of governance into “digital” governance. Measuring both versions of governance against typical performance measures of efficiency, effectiveness, equity, openness...
PublicationThe paper presents a cyberspace model where different categories of IT services are offered and used largely. A general cybersecurity policy is considered and the corresponding cybersecurity strategies are shown. The role of such technologies as: Internet of Things, Cloud Computing and Big Data is analyzed in order to improve the cybersecurity of a cyberspace. A new kind of service oriented cyberspace is proposed and its main properties...
Nebraska Symposium on Motivation
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Psychology of Learning and Motivation (The)
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Comparison and Analysis of Service Selection Algorithms
PublicationIn Service Oriented Architecture, applications are developed by integration of existing services in order to reduce development cost and time. The approach, however, requires algorithms that select appropriate services out of available, alternative ones. The selection process may consider both optimalization requirements, such as maximalization of performance, and constraint requirements, such minimal security or maximum development...
The GovTech Challenge – GovTech and Public Value Creation
PublicationGovernments struggle to harness emerging technologies to improve public services, address social needs, and produce public value. In response, we see a rise in GovTech startups and other non-government actors trying to bring innovative solutions to governments. While some public agencies welcome such help, many are reluctant to rely on external organizations to provide digital identities, data wallets and AI-based services to citizens,...
Influence of the jitter buffer on the quality of service VoIP.
PublicationVoIP (Voice over IP) is a modern service with enormous potential for yet further growth. It uses the already available and universally implemented IP transport platform. One significant problem, however, is ensuring the Quality of Service, abbreviated QoS. This paper addresses exactly that issue. In an extensive investigation the influence of jitter buffers on QoS is being examined in depth. Two implementations, namely a passive...
PublicationThis article presents the problems related to IPv4 to IPv6 migration of applications supporting network services. It summarizes the needs of executing such migration. It shows the basic problems of automating the migration process, having defined the basic terms, i.e.: a network service, a network application. It shows a sample implementation of the automation of the migration process between IP technologies for selected network...
Public relations w organizacji - Nowy
e-Learning Courses -
Public relations - czy to się sprawdzi?
PublicationKsiążka jest analizą najczęstrzych problemów związanych z prowadzeniem działań public relations, ilustrowaną rysunkami Zbigniewa Jujki. Książka zawiera też słownki PR.
Service Recommendation on WIKI-WS Platform
PublicationThe article presents the issues of recaommendation services for users. The commonly used solutions include known classes of recommendation systems and information about their area of use and the most frequently used algorithms. the issue of choosing the services has been described based on the Wiki-WS platform including a model of cooperation with the recommendation system. The conclusion from the analysis of the proposed model...
Looking for New Ideas of Public Space – Public Space Projects in Gdansk Reinforced by Art Activities
PublicationRevitalization of public open spaces is a complex enterprise in Poland in terms of the art, cultural andinformation aspects of this process. Simultaneously the public space should play an important role whenbuilding the quality of revitalization programs and the quality of city development. The new art and culturalactivities are the revitalization tools, which are also the good examples of bottom up ideas helping to start aprocess...
New Public Governance as a new wave of the public policy: theoretical approach and conceptualization of the trend
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Three-dimensional conceptual model for service-oriented simulation
Publicationn this letter, we propose a novel three-dimensional conceptual model for an emerging service-oriented simulation paradigm. The model can be used as a guideline or an analytic means to find the potential and possible future directions of the current simulation frameworks. In particular, the model inspects the crossover between the disciplines of modeling and simulation, service-orientation, and software/systems engineering. Finally,...
Pozytywne doświadczenia zakupowe w kreowaniu lojalności nabywczej
PublicationDoświadczenie zakupowe to rodzaj mentalnej podróży, pozostawiającej niematerialne wrażenia, w postaci wiedzy i śladu emocjonalnego [69], będące kluczowym elementem w zrozumieniu zachowań konsumentów, jak również istotnych zmian zachodzących we współczesnym marketingu [10]. Cel: Celem głównym badań było ukazanie wpływu pozytywnych doświadczeń zakupowych na kształtowanie satysfakcji i lojalności nabywczej oraz sposobów budowania...
Promocja biblioteki i public relations
PublicationW artykule omówiono problematykę promocji, kreowania wizerunku i public relations bibliotek. W opracowaniu przedstawiono organizowanie działalności promocyjnej na przykładzie pracy zespołu ds. promocji Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej.
Strategie wzrostowe dla Neptun Ship Service Ltd.
PublicationW ekspertyzie przeprowadzono ewaluację strategii wzrostowych dla firmy Neptun Ship Service Ltd.
Public relations - refleksje prawie filozoficzne
PublicationArtykuł podejmuje próbę całościowej analizy zjawiska tak bardzo rozpowszechnionego w ostatnich latach w Polsce, nazywanego potocznie czarnym public relations. W artykule przedstawiono nie tylko różne znaczenia tego pojęcia, sytuacje, w których ten rodzaj działalności jest najczęściej stosowany, ale też stosowane na świecie nazwy dla tego rodzaju działań.Artykuł podejmuje próbę całościowej analizy zjawiska tak bardzo rozpowszechnionego...
Design of a Multidomain IMS/NGN Service Stratum
PublicationThe paper continues our research concerning the Next Generation Network (NGN), which is standardized for delivering multimedia services with strict quality and includes elements of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). A design algorithm for a multidomain IMS/NGN service stratum is proposed, which calculates the necessary CSCF servers CPU message processing times and link bandwidths with respect to the given maximum values of mean...
Communication Networks in the Service of the Environmental Monitoring
PublicationIn the paper selected issues relating to communication networks in the services of the environmental monitoring (EM) have been described. It is divided into three main parts: introduction, wire and wireless networks. At the beginning of the basic definitions were explained. The wire part focuses on a plain old telephone service (POTS), an integrated services digital network (ISDN), a digital subscriber line (DSL) and a fiber-optic...
Travel Time of Public Transport Vehicles Estimation
PublicationEffective prediction of speed is central to advanced traveler information and transportation management systems. The speed of public transport vehicles is affected by many external factors including traffic volume, organization and infrastructure. The literature presents methods for estimating travel time on sections of a transport network and vehicle arrival at stops, often making use of the AVL (automatic vehicle location). The...
Assessing the Risk in Urban Public Transport for Epidemiologic Factors
PublicationPandemics have presented new challenges for public transport organisers and operators. New diseases (e.g., influenza H1N1, severe acute respiratory syndrome—SARS, as well as, more recently, SARS-CoV-2) increase the need for new protection measures to prevent epidemic outbreaks in public transport infrastructure. The authors’ goal is to present a set of actions in the area of public transport that are adjusted to different levels...
PublicationThe quality of voice messages in speech reinforcement and public address systems is often poor. The sound engineering projects of such systems take care of sound intensity and possible reverberation phenomena in public space without, however, considering the influence of acoustic interference related to the number and distribution of loudspeakers. This paper presents the results of measurements and numerical simulations of the...
Public relations jako funkcja zarządzania.
PublicationArtykuł w książce.Artykuł pokazuje ważną rolę działań public relations w każdym przedsiębiorstwie/organizacji, sytuując te działania w sferze zarządzania. artykułm pokazuje strategiczną funkcję działań PR, jako prac związanych z kreowaniem - komunikowaniem dobrej reputacji, opinii.