Search results for: SOCIAL MEDIA FAEBOOK GOOGLE - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Piotr Krajewski dr

    Piotr Krajewski is a librarian at the Library of Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) and a PhD student at the Medical University of Gdańsk. His research interests focus on the standardization of the e-resources usage data and Open Access publishing, especially the role of institutional repositories in the development of the OA initiative and the phenomenon of “predatory publishers”. He works at Scientific and Technical Information...

  • The impact of brand communication on brand equity through Facebook

    Purpose The purpose of this study is to fill the gap in the discussion of the ways in which firm-created and user-generated social media brand communication impacts consumer-based brand equity metrics through Facebook. Design/methodology/approach We evaluated 302 data sets that were generated through a standardized online-survey to investigate the impact of firm-created and user-generated social media brand communication on brand...

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  • Dariusz Dąbrowski dr hab. inż.

    Dariusz Dąbrowski graduated from the Faculty of Shipbuilding at Gdańsk University of Technology and in 1987 began working at the university as an assistant in the Department of Shipbuilding Industry Organization within the then Institute of Organization and Design of Production Systems. In 1990, he went on a TEMPUS scholarship from the EU and spent 14 months at the University of Sheffield, where he participated in the Master of...



    - Argumenta Oeconomica - Year 2019

    The development of social media has a substantial impact on the surge of social engagement of Internet users. It is particularly prominent in the domain of content creation and content sharing. Such communication may contain various references to different products brands and companies. Internet users may refer to them explicitly or brands may be present in the background only. Therefore, it is pivotal for managers and researchers...

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  • The concept of aida applied to online interactive advertisement: an youtube case study


    - Year 2012

    This paper presents an approach of application of the AIDA framework to interactive advertisements presented on social media channels. The first section introduces the definitions of social media and its categorization. It is given an overview of the online video service The second section describes social media marketing. The third section presents a theoretical introduction of traditional and interactive advertisement....

  • Text Mining Algorithms for Extracting Brand Knowledge; The fashion Industry Case


    - Year 2018

    Brand knowledge is determined by customer knowledge. The opportunity to develop brands based on customer knowledge management has never been greater. Social media as a set of leading communication platforms enable peer to peer interplays between customers and brands. A large stream of such interactions is a great source of information which, when thoroughly analyzed, can become a source of innovation and lead to competitive advantage....

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  • Weronika Maria Mazurkiewicz dr inż. arch.

    Jest adiunktem na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej w Katedrze Urbanistyki i Planowania Regionalnego oraz czynnym architektem urbanistą.Od 2018 roku jest również członkiem Zarządu Towarzystwa Urbanistów Polskich oraz stowarzyszenia AESOP (Thematic Group for Public Spaces and Urban Cultures). Odbyła staże badawcze w kilku instytucjach badawczych w tym University of Ljubljana, University of Technology of Wiena, University...

  • Kamila Kokot-Kanikuła mgr

    Kamila Kokot-Kanikuła is a digital media senior librarian at Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) Library. She works in Digital Archive and Multimedia Creation Department and her main areas of interests include early printed books, digital libraries, Open Access and Open Science. In the Pomeranian Digital Library (PDL) Project she is responsible for creating annual digital plans, transferring files on digital platform, and promoting...

  • Fake News: Possibility of Identification in Post-Truth Media Ecology System


    - Year 2019

    Information comes as basic good which affects social well-being. A modern society and a modern state – its administration, education, culture, national economy and armed forces – cannot function efficiently without a rationally developed field of information. The quality of the functioning of that system depends on a specific feature of information, that is namely: its reliability which makes it possible for us to evaluate accuracy,...

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  • Fake News: Possibility of Identification in Post-Truth Media Ecology System


    The main aim of the article is identification of the attitudes towards the processes of identification and verification of fake news in the environment of digital media. The subject of the research refers to the users’ attitudes towards fake news. As indicated by the research, the attitudes towards fake news are not unambiguous. About 2/3 of the respondents claim that they are not able to distinguish fake news from true information;...

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  • Personal Branding and Brand Loyalty, Social Network Users Brand Identification: Polish-French Model


    - Year 2017

    Social network brand sites are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand value creation. The aim of this research, based on a multinational sample, is to fill the gap in understanding how users choose among social networking sites as an act of brand identification. The authors of the paper point to the fact that creating a personal brand is becoming more...

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  • Social commerce - nowy trend w handlu elektronicznym

    Social commerce wykorzystuje media społecznościowe dla potrzeb handlu elektronicznego. Serwisy społecznościowe o charakterze social commerce stanowią nie tylko platformę do wymiany informacji i opinii na temat różnych produktów, ale są także miejscem, w którym konsument może dowiedzieć się o różnego rodzaju wyprzedażach, promocjach cenowych, bonusach, gratisach. Dzięki tego typu witrynom użytkownicy mogą nie tylko kupować najtaniej,...

  • Determinanty kreowania wartości marki poprzez media społecznościowe w gospodarce sieciowej


    - Year 2016

    Głównym problemem badawczym podejmowanym w pracy, jest określenie struktury czynników determinujących kreowanie wartości marki w mediach społecznościowych. Dla rozwiązania tego problemu wykonano dwa badania. Pierwsze z nich dotyczyło określenia relacji pomiędzy wartością marki a jej pozycją w sieciach społecznościowych (model BV). Badanie to zrealizowano w oparciu o metody ilościowe: analizę statystyczną danych wtórnych i danych...

  • Facebook, YouTube, Instagram... jako arbitrzy prawdy. Deepfake – na szlaku dystopii i łasce korporacji


    - Year 2020

    Zidentyfikowano ich w 2019 roku w sieci blisko 15 tysięcy . Zwykle nie dotyczą polityki, choć to przede wszystkim w środowisku politycznym budzą strach i zwątpienie. Strach przed dewastacja resztek społecznego zaufania, jakimi politycy się cieszą, zwątpienie – bo zwalczanie ich przekracza polityczne możliwości władz ujmowanych w kartezjańskim podziale władzy. Deepfake – bo o nich mowa – są przełomową innowacją wyznaczającą...

  • Urszula Szybowska mgr

    Librarian and English philologist, currently involved in academic library services and training of Polish and international users of the Gdańsk Tech Library, and Erasmus+ mobility projects. International cooperation coordinator at the Gdańsk Tech Library (2017-2020) ; since 2020 Erasmus+ program coordinator at Gdańsk Tech Library ; social media librarian: Facebook (2018-2023, September), Twitter (@LibraryPG - 2017, October - 2023,...

  • Brand loyalty creation in the social network. Does the product category matter?


    - Year 2017

    The final goal of all marketers’ effort is to achieve a high level of loyalty toward their brands. Social network brand sites are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand loyalty creation. The aim of this research, based on European sample, is to fill the gap in understanding the product category loyalty and brand loyalty relation as an output of brand identification...

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  • Company versus consumer performance: does brand community identification foster brand loyalty and the consumer’s personal brand?


    - Journal of Brand Management - Year 2021

    This study investigates the effect of community identification in building brand loyalty (attitudinal and behavioural) and a personal brand via social networks. The proposed model explained the main community identification antecedents and how identification can lead to enhanced company and consumer performance. This study adopts the theoretical lens of uses and gratifications theory and identifies three motivational drivers of...

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  • Technological and Media Platforms: Redefinition of Meanings as Symbolic Power over the Discourse


    - Year 2020

    Redefining the meanings of such social terms as “likes” and “friends” on Facebook is a popular practice. In terms of consistency, the (auto)-redefinition of the term “platform” is itself particularly important from a media management perspective. The article proposes to consider the redefinition of meanings as a form of wielding non-transparent power over discourse. From this perspective, redefining a meaning is a form of holding...

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  • Collective angst and collective action for progressive city policies: study3

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Paweł Adamowicz, the liberal mayor of Gdańsk, died on January 14, 2019, after being stabbed by a man who rushed onstage during a charity event. Three studies were carried out to analyze the predictors of willingness to engage in collective action for the support of the progressive city policies he initiated. We conducted Study 3 to test the model with...

  • Different aspects of women’s participation in self-employment with particular reference to the costs


    - Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług - Year 2018

    Over the last twenty years a growing number of researchers have been interested in female entrepreneurship. It is wort noting that being a self-employed person, for certain women, is the only chance to participate actively in social and economic life. Women choose self-employment because of flexibility of schedule and family-related reasons. This study aims to increase knowledge about self-employment as one of multiple labor market...

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  • Gender Disparity in the FinTech Sector: Systematic Literature Review


    - Year 2023

    The main objective of this chapter is to identify research areas of FinTech activity in which gender disparity has been observed. In addition, we shall identify how the development of FinTech reduces the gender gap. A systematic literature review using the PRISMA concept is the preferred research method. Publications were searched in the following databases: Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar using the formula “FinTech AND...

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  • Wykorzystanie mediów społecznościowych do promocji otwartości w badaniach naukowych na przykładzie Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej


    - Year 2021

    Media społecznościowe są jednym ze sposobów na skuteczną promocję zasobów oraz usług bibliotecznych w obecnym świecie cyfrowym. Stanowią również niedocenianą możliwość komunikacji pomiędzy naukowcami, bibliotekarzami a czytelnikami. Biblioteka akademicka może aktywnie angażować się w proces upowszechniania dorobku naukowego uczelni, podejmując w tym celu różnorakie działania marketingowe, wykorzystując takie serwisy jak: Facebook,...

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  • The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the Rise of Urban Social Movements in Poland


    - Year 2015

    The chapter examines the relationship between the use of Information and Communications Technology (ITC) and the emergence of social movements focused on urban agenda in Poland. The aim is to investigate how and to what extent a growing body of smaller activist groups use opportunities provided by the ITC to achieve their political objectives. The research results indicate that Web-based media have helped to raise the profile...

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  • The Impact of Information and Communications Technology on the Rise of Urban Social Movements in Poland


    - Year 2015

    The chapter examines the relationship between the use of Information and Communications Technology (ITC) and the emergence of social movements focused on urban agenda in Poland. The aim is to investigate how and to what extent a growing body of smaller activist groups use opportunities provided by the ITC to achieve their political objectives. The research results indicate that Web-based media have helped to raise the profile of...

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  • Selfie and Personal Branding Phenomena in the Context of the Network Economy. A Literature Review


    - Handel Wewnętrzny - Year 2017

    Self-taken pictures called “selfies” shared in social media have become a worldwide phenomenon. This is due to the increased need of human being to share to other people their daily lives and to build their own personal brand in the networked world. Despite that, the subject of personal branding has not been sufficiently discussed in academic marketing literature over the past decade. The objective of the study is to present the...

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  • Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska dr inż.

    I am currently an assistant professor (adjunct) at Gdansk University of Technology (Department of Differential Equations and Mathematics Applications). My scientific interests include dynamical systems theory, chaos theory and their applications to modeling of biological phenomena, especially to neurosciences. In June 2013 I completed PhD in Mathematics at the Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN) (thesis...

  • Zintegrowane działania komunikacyjne w internecie na przykładzie marki Żywiec Zdrój Smako-Łyk

    Artykuł ma na celu ukazanie przykładów angażowania polskich internautów w kampanie komunikacji marketingowej realizowane dla marki Żywiec Zdrój Smako-Łyk. Analizie poddano treści odnoszące się bezpośrednio do marki oraz wybranych kampanii online prowadzonych w latach 2009–2015. W ostatnich latach w Polsce można obserwować coraz więcej kampanii wykorzystujących potencjał, jaki mają w sobie internauci. Cenne pomysły można pozyskać...

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    This paper examines the potential for media architecture and interactive art installations to stimulate human involvement and activities in public spaces. On the basis of theoretical approaches, case studies and interdisciplinary surveys, the paper provides insight into how screens projecting media and interactive installations in city spaces can inspire people to become active on many levels. The research is focused, both on temporary...

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  • Angelica Pegani mgr


    A graduate of the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. She completed a postgraduate management studies in the field of operational management in enterprises, including formulating an operational strategy and effective management of production and service processes, from the Gdańsk University of Technology and completed the Entrepreneurship Program from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology....



    Celem opracowania jest ukazanie roli, jaką odgrywają media społecznościowe i wypowiedzi internautów w kształtowaniu wizerunku marki wśród użytkowników Sieci. Artykuł prezentuje także wyniki obserwacji aktywności polskich internautów dotyczące jednej z polskich marek spożywczych. Internauci zamieszczają w Internecie różnorodne treści powiązane pośrednio lub bezpośrednio z markami. Zadaniem organizacji, podobnie jak w przypadku pozostałych...

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  • Attitudes to tree removal on private property in rural and urban Polish municipalities.

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access
    • A. Inglot
    • P. Przewoźna
    • M. Mielewczyk
    • K. Mączka
    • P. Matczak
    • P. Wężyk
    - series: Public Participation GIS study on Ecosystem Services provided by trees in Polish case studies.

    The urban-rural divide is an important factor known to affect public opinion on issues related to environmental protection and management. The present data set allows for a deeper understanding of this issue with respect to policies dealing with tree removal on private property in two municipalities located in southern Poland: Racibórz (an urban municipality)...

  • Tomasz Korol dr hab. inż.

    Education Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics (2001) University of Applied Sciences Stralsund (1999) Degree / scientific title Habilitation – Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics (2015) Ph.D. – Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics (2004) Employment Gdańsk University of Technology - associate professor (since 2017); assistant professor...

  • Attitudes to tree removal on private properties in two Polish cities.

    Open Research Data
    version 1.1 open access
    • A. Inglot
    • P. Przewoźna
    • M. Mielewczyk
    • K. Mączka
    • P. Matczak
    - series: Public Participation GIS study on Ecosystem Services provided by trees in Polish case studies.

    Large cities are increasingly faced with declining urban tree cover and related problems, such as increased urban heat islands and flash floods. Reducing these phenomena increasingly has to rely on trees located on private property. However, to effectively engage private landowners on these issues, more attention must be paid to understanding their...

  • S’attaquer à la suprématie du masculin sur le féminin : le français inclusif dans les publications des universités françaises dans les réseaux sociaux

    This paper aims to examine the use of inclusive French in the Internet publications of Paris universities on their social media. Three higher education institutions were selected: Paris Dauphine-PSL University, Gustave Eiffel University, and Sorbonne Paris North University. The publications were obtained from Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Firstly, the groups of people to whom the use of inclusive French referred...

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  • Evolution of End-User Participation in IT Projects.


    - Year 2013

    This chapter is aimed at presenting a review of evolutionary design paradigms which determine the end-user’s role in IT (Information Technology) projects across recent decades. This review covers different perspectives starting from technology-oriented sequential software development lifecycles, through user-centred approaches, ending finally in contemporary service design approaches supported by e-business and social media. Finally,...

  • Move into the open space – what can we expect from moving artistic interventions to open urban spaces?


    - Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - Year 2017

    The paper discuses the role of incorporating creative engagement into the processes of urban and social development using cultural means of action and expression and the potential of artistic interventions in public space. The block of initiatives within the People’s Smart Sculpture EU project, realized by Gdańsk City Gallery, has been named “Move Into The Open Space”. This paper will provide...

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  • Technical Engine for Democratization of Modeling, Simulations, and Predictions


    - Year 2012

    Computational science and engineering play a critical role in advancing both research and daily-life challenges across almost every discipline. As a society, we apply search engines, social media, and se- lected aspects of engineering to improve personal and professional growth. Recently, leveraging such aspects as behavioral model analysis, simulation, big data extraction, and human computation is gain- ing momentum. The nexus...

  • Adaptacja akustyczna pomieszczenia wykładowego - studium przypadku


    - Year 2018

    W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono analizę rozkładu pola akustycznego sali wykładowej znajdującej się w budynku Wydziału Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji Politechniki Gdańskiej. Badania przeprowadzono metodą pomiarową oraz symulacyjną z wykorzystaniem programu Odeon. Wybór parametrów oceny akustyki wnętrz sugerowany jest wymaganiami stawianymi pomieszczeniom lekcyjnym z zaznaczeniem multimedialnego charakteru wykładów prowadzonych...

  • Is it too late now to say we’re sorry? Examining anxiety contagion and crisis communication strategies using machine learning


    - PLOS ONE - Year 2022

    In this paper, we explore the role of perceived emotions and crisis communication strategies via organizational computer-mediated communication in predicting public anxiety, the default crisis emotion. We use a machine-learning approach to detect and predict anxiety scores in organizational crisis announcements on social media and the public’s responses to these posts. We also control for emotional and language tones in organizational...

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  • Analyzing and Visualizing Government-Citizen Interactions on Twitter to Support Public Policy-making


    - Digital Government: Research and Practice - Year 2020

    Twitter is widely adopted by governments to communicate with citizens. It has become a major source of data for analyzing how governments communicate with citizens and how citizens respond to such communication, uncovering important insights about government-citizen interactions that could be used to support public policy-making. This article presents research that aims at developing a software tool called Twitter Analytics for...

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  • Under the Fire of Disinformation. Attitudes Towards Fake News in the Ukrainian Frozen War

    • J. Kreft
    • M. Boguszewicz-kreft
    • D. Hliebova

    - Journalism Practice - Year 2023

    In this article, we examine individual attitudes towards fake news in the extreme conditions of a propaganda war, taking into account the complex regional social and historical conditions. For this purpose, within the mobile boundary zone during frozen war in Ukraine, we conducted qualitative research among representatives of generations X and Z (high school teachers and students). Being accustomed to fake news turned out to be...

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  • Standardy Profesjonalnego Public Relations

    • J. Barlik
    • E. Hope
    • J. Olędzki
    • K. Wojcik

    - Year 2020

    " Standardy przedstawiają wartości i pryncypia uzasadniające konieczność dokonywania odpowiednich wyborów. Public relations ma godzić interesy zleceniodawców, przedstawicieli mediów i różnych grup społeczeństwa, a przy tym pozostawać w zgodzie z normami etycznymi i odwoływać się do takich wartości jak szacunek, godność, rzetelność, uczciwość, prawda, wiarygodność, niezależność, lojalność i zaufanie. Opracowanie "Standardów profesjonalnego...

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  • Wybrane aspekty zachowań internautów a skuteczny proces komunikacji marketingowej


    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie sposobów pozyskiwania internetowych treści związanych z organizacjami lub produktami oraz dzielenia się nimi z innymi. W publikacji zwrócono uwagę na potrzebę zmiany postrzegania roli internautów w procesie komunikacji marketingowej. Ponadto, artykuł nawiązuje do koncepcji inbound marketing. Koncepcja ta dotyczy nie tylko przyciągania klientów do firmy i jej produktów. Chodzi w niej o by poprzez...

  • Siedmiokryterialny miernik oceny niepotokowych procesów produkcyjnych


    Growing expectations of clients, who demand products adapted to their individual needs is inducing the development of batch processes. The author developed a model of batch processes rating based on the following criterions: • Economical criterion applies to evaluation of the productions’ cost levels connected with the process subjected to analysis and necessary investment funds. • Ecological criterion is about means of natural...

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  • “The Guardians of the Truth”: Journalists’ Resistance to the Algorithmization of Journalism

    • J. Kreft
    • M. Boguszewicz-kreft
    • M. Fydrych


    Regardless of the term used, be it “robot journalism,” “automated journalism,” “algorithmic journalism” or “machine-written journalism,” the process of automatic content creation and distribution is progressing in the newsrooms. Meanwhile, exercising control over the creation and distribution of news is considered a fundamental element of journalists’ professional identity. The article presents the results of research on the perception...

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  • Non-places in the centre of the historic Main Town in Gdansk? – Design Thinking as a method of solving problems in cities

    The interiors of reconstructed extensive blocks of the historic Main Town in Gdansk are nowadays degraded areas, full of cars, with “holes” after never-finished archaeological excavations. It is not surprising that inhabitants avoid them. These are NON-PLACES. This situation prompts social movements to act. The first step towards the change was the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary project of revitalization of one of the...

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  • Forecasting risks and challenges of digital innovations


    - Year 2020

    Forecasting and assessment of societal risks related to digital innovation systems and services is an urgent problem, because these solutions usually contain artificial intelligence algorithms which learn using data from the environment and modify their behaviour much beyond human control. Digital innovation solutions are increasingly deployed in transport, business and administrative domains, and therefore, if abused by a malicious...

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  • Władza misjonarzy. Zmierzch i świt świeckiej religii w Dolinie Krzemowej


    - Year 2023

    "Władza misjonarzy" to książka o misjonarskim zapale zmieniania świata i o kryzysie świeckiej religii towarzyszącej liderom nowych technologii, o ich świętokradztwach i sprofesjonalizowanej pokucie mającej przywrócić harmonię technologicznego raju na ziemi z Alphabetem, Metą, Apple i TikTokiem w roli głównej. Także o skruszonych inżynierach, żałujących każdej chwili, którą poświęcili na wymyślanie uzależniających algorytmicznych rozwiązań...

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    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Popowska

    The aim of the course is to acquaint students with entrepreneurship as a phenomenon,  increase their pro-entrepreneurial attitudes and develop skills necessary in entrepreneurship process. Special emphasis will be placed on fashion business as representing creative industry. The main objectives are as follows: Learn how to prepare a business model canvas and business plan. Know the backstage of the fashion industry. Identify...


    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Popowska

    The aim of the course is to acquaint students with entrepreneurship as a phenomenon,  increase their pro-entrepreneurial attitudes and develop skills necessary in entrepreneurship process. Special emphasis will be placed on fashion business as representing creative industry. The main objectives are as follows: Learn how to prepare a business model canvas and business plan. Know the backstage of the fashion industry. Identify...