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A new concept of PWM duty cycle computation using the Barycentric Coordinates in a Three-Dimensional voltage vectors arrangement
PublicationThe paper presents a novel approach to the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) duty cycle computing for complex or irregular voltage vector arrangements in the two (2D) and three–dimensional (3D) Cartesian coordinate systems. The given vectors arrangement can be built using at least three vectors or collections with variable number of involved vectors (i.e. virtual vectors). Graphically, these vectors form a convex figure, in particular,...
Diffraction of a Gaussian beam in a three-dimensional smoothly inhomogeneous medium: an eikonal-based complex geometrical-optics approach
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Positive solutions for three-point one-dimensional p-Laplacian boundary value problems with advanced arguments [online]
PublicationPraca dotyczy problemów istnienia dodatnich rozwiązań dla trzy-punktowych zagadnień brzegowych z wyprzedzonymi argumentami. Zastosowano twierdzenie Avery-Petersona o punkcie stałym aby uzyskać warunki dostateczne na istnienie conajmniej trzech dodatnich rozwiązań.
Three-dimensional hierarchical porous carbon derived from natural resources for highly efficient treatment of polluted water
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Controllable Carbonization of Plastic Waste into Three-Dimensional Porous Carbon Nanosheets by Combined Catalyst for High Performance Capacitor
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Three-Dimensional Gastrointestinal Organoid Culture in Combination with Nerves or Fibroblasts: A Method to Characterize the Gastrointestinal Stem Cell Niche
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Three-Dimensional Thematic Map Imaging of the Yacht Port on the Example of the Polish National Sailing Centre Marina in Gdańsk
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A three-dimensional meso-scale approach with cohesive elements to concrete fracture based on X-ray μCT images.
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki numeryczne dotyczące pękania betonu uzyskane stosując trójwymiarowy model mezoskopowy z elementami kohezyjnymi. Obliczenia trójwymiarowe zostały wykonane dla zginanej belki betonowej. Beton został opisany jako model 3-fazowy. Mikrostruktura betonu odpowiadała zdjęciom tomograficznym. Wyniki numeryczne zostały porównane z wynikami doświadczalnymi. Uzyskano b. dobra zgodność między wynikami numerycznymi i doświadczalnymi.
An facile Fortran-95 algorithm to simulate complex instabilities in three-dimensional hyperbolic systems
Open Research DataIt is well know that the simulation of fractional systems is a difficult task from all points of view. In particular, the computer implementation of numerical algorithms to simulate fractional systems of partial differential equations in three dimensions is a hard task which has no been solved satisfactorily. Here, we provide a Fortran-95 code to solve...
A New Three-Dimensional Space Vector Modulation for Multilevel Four-Leg Converters Based on the Shape Functions of Tetrahedral Element
PublicationThe paper proposes a new three-dimensional space vector pulse-width modulation (3D-SVPWM) algorithm for multilevel four-leg converters. The proposed PWM duty cycle calculation is based on the shape functions of the threedimensional tetrahedral finite elements. The algorithm ensures synthesis of accurate and undistorted output voltages even under significant imbalance or ripple in the DC-link voltages. At the same time, the algorithm...
Three-dimensional geographically weighted inverse regression (3GWR) model for satellite derived bathymetry using Sentinel-2 observations
PublicationCurrent trends of development of satellite derived bathymetry (SDB) models rely on applying calibration techniques including analytical approaches, neuro-fuzzy systems, regression optimization and others. In most of the cases, the SDB models are calibrated and verified for test sites, that provide favourable conditions for the remote derivation of bathymetry such as high water clarity, homogenous bottom type, low amount of sediment...
Three-dimensional modeling and automatic analysis of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses using the computational fluid dynamics method
PublicationPurpose The goal of this study was to develop a complete workflow allowing for conducting computational fluid dynam- ics (CFD) simulation of airflow through the upper airways based on computed tomography (CT) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) studies of individual adult patients. Methods This study is based on CT images of 16 patients. Image processing and model generation of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses...
The in situ construction of three-dimensional core–shell-structured TiO2@PPy/rGO nanocomposites for improved supercapacitor electrode performance
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Three-dimensional visualization and measurement of conformal dose distributions using magnetic resonance imaging of bang polymer gel dosimeters
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Continuous three-dimensional radiation dosimetry in tissue-equivalent phantoms using electron paramagnetic resonance in L -α-alanine
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A three-dimensional meso-scale approach to concrete fracture based on combined DEM with x-ray micro-CT images
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki numeryczne uzyskane stosując 3-wymiarowy mezoskopowy model do opisu pękania w betonie na poziomie kruszywa w belce z nacięciem podczas zginania. Do obliczeń użyto metodę elementów dyskretnych. Beton został opisany jako materiał 4-fazowy złożony z kruszywa, zaprawy, makro-porów i stref przejściowych miedzy kruszywem a zaprawą. Kształt i położenia kruszywa przyjęto na podstawie skanów z mikro-tomografu. Uzyskano...
Three-dimensional porous carbon with big cavities and hierarchical pores derived from leek for superior electrochemical capacitive energy storage
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THREE-DIMENSIONAL numerical investigation of MHD nanofluid convective heat transfer inside a CUBIC porous container with corrugated bottom wall
PublicationSimultaneous use of porous media and nanofluid as a heat transfer improvement method has recently captivated a great deal of attention. The heat transfer and entropy production of the Cu-water nanofluid inside a cubic container with a heated bottom wavy wall and an elliptic inner cylinder were numerically analyzed in this study. The container is partitioned into two sections: the left side is filled with permeable media and...
SU‐E‐T‐103: Three‐Dimensional Measurements of Dose and LET from a Proton Beam via Polymer Gel Dosimetry
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Torsional stability capacity of a nano-composite shell based on a nonlocal strain gradient shell model under a three-dimensional magnetic field
PublicationThis paper considers a single-walled composite nano-shell (SWCNS) exposed in a torsional critical stability situation. As the magnetic field affects remarkably nanostructures in the small size, a three-dimensional magnetic field is assessed which contains magnetic effects along the circumferential, radial and axial coordinates system. Based on the results of the nonlocal model of strain gradient small-scale approach and the first-order...
A Fortran-95 algorithm to solve the three-dimensional Higgs boson equation in the de Sitter space-time
Open Research DataA numerically efficient finite-difference technique for the solution of a fractional extension of the Higgs boson equation in the de Sitter space-time is designed. The model under investigation is a multidimensional equation with Riesz fractional derivatives of orders in (0,1)U(1,2], which considers a generalized potential and a time-dependent diffusion...
Three-dimensional fractographic analysis of total fracture areas in 6082 aluminium alloy specimens under fatigue bending with controlled damage degree
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Intumescent flame retardants inspired template-assistant synthesis of N/P dual-doped three-dimensional porous carbons for high-performance supercapacitors
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Discussion on “Dynamic soil-structure interaction: A three-dimensional numerical approach and its application to the Lotung case study”. Poor performance of the HSS model
PublicationThe Hardening Soil Small (HSS) is a constitutive model being extension to the well established Hardening Soil Model (HS) accounting for the nonlinearity of small strain stiffness. It is implemented in commercial finite element computer codes for geotechnical analyses and used widely in research and design. The article deals with a problem known as overshooting after very small load reversals. It induces much higher stiffness than...
A comprehensive study on nonlinear hygro-thermo-mechanical analysis of thick functionally graded porous rotating disk based on two quasi three-dimensional theories
PublicationIn this paper, a highly efficient quasi three-dimensional theory has been used to study the nonlinear hygro-thermo-mechanical bending analysis of very thick functionally graded material (FGM) rotating disk in hygro-thermal environment considering the porosity as a structural defect. Two applied quasi three-dimensional displacement fields are assumed in which the strain along the thickness is not zero unlike most of the other plate...
Numeryczna analiza trójwymiarowego przepływu w polimerowym łożysku smarowanym wodą = Numerical analysis of three dimensional flow in water lubricated bearing with polymer bearing bush
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń łożysk smarowanych wodą w oparciu o metodę CFD - obliczeniowej mechaniki płynów. Wykazano przydatność nowoczesnych narzędzi obliczeniowych do rozwiązywania podobnych problemów.
Expression of metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) and metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) in THP-1 macrophages cultured with three-dimensional titanium mini-plate systems used for surgical treatment of condylar fractures
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Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and What We Lose During Formalin Fixation: An Evaluation of Changes in Macroscopic Resection Margins Utilizing Virtual Three-Dimensional Imaging Techniques with Analysis Based on 947 Measurements
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Technical Assessment of Historic Buildings on The Basis of Information Obtained from a Three-Dimensional Point Clouds / Ocena Stanu Technicznego Budynków Zabytkowych w Oparciu o Dane Uzyskane z Trójwymiarowej Chmury Punktów
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In vitro effect of three-dimensional (3D) titanium mini-plate systems used for surgical treatment of condylar fractures on interleukin 1 (IL-1) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) concentration in THP-1 macrophages
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Krzysztof Goczyła prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleKrzysztof Goczyła, full professor of Gdańsk University of Technology, computer scientist, a specialist in software engineering, knowledge engineering and databases. He graduated from the Faculty of Electronics Technical University of Gdansk in 1976 with a degree in electronic engineering, specializing in automation. Since then he has been working at Gdańsk University of Technology. In 1982 he obtained a doctorate in computer science...
Rozkład naprężeń mechanicznych w łyżce o szerokości 500 mm, przeznaczonej do koparki podsiębiernej
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano optymalizację kształtu łyżki koparki przedsiębiernej z wykorzystaniem analizy wytrzymałościowej. Analizę oparto na trójwymiarowym modelu konstrukcji łyżki z zastosowaniem metody elementów skończonych (MES). Opracowanie wspomnianej metody pozwoliło na modyfikację konstrukcji łyżki, która dała w efekcie obniżenie naprężeń złożonych w newralgicznych obszarach konstrukcji łyżki. Przedstawiona analiza okazała...
Wykorzystanie tomografii komputerowej przy analizie jakości zacementowania - migracja gazu
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia opis zjawiska znanego w wiertnictwie otworowym jako migracja gazu. Opisano główne przyczyny powstawania tego negatywnego zjawiska polegającego na przepływie gazów a także płynów w zaczynie cementacyjnym lub kamieniu cementowym. Przygotowano próbki imitujące zacementowany odcinek rur okładzinowych. Skupiono się na wykorzystaniu tomografii komputerowej, oraz analizie zrekonstruowanego trójwymiarowego obrazu, w...
Analiza drgań kładki kompozytowej wywołanych działaniem wiatru
PublicationW pracy omówiono sposób przeprowadzenia uproszczonej, numerycznej analizy drgań kładki kompozytowej wywołanych działaniem wiatru. Rozważaniom poddano swobodnie podpartą konstrukcję o rozpiętości 16 m i przekroju w kształcie litery U. W pierwszej kolejności przeprowadzono dwuwymiarową analizę opływu niepodatnego kształtu przekroju kładki w poziomym strumieniu wiatru o prędkości 10 m/s. Obliczenia numeryczne przeprowadzono programem...
Opracowanie technologii naprawy nieciągłości metalicznych w połączeniach spawanych, w konstrukcji podpór przednich pras filtracyjnych położonych na terenie Grupowej Oczyszczalni Ścieków Dębogórze
PublicationCelem niniejszej pracy jest opracowanie wytycznych technologicznych, których wdrożenie pozwoli na usunięcie istniejących pęknięć, co przyczyni się do stabilizacji wymiarowej podpór oraz całej konstrukcji pras. Osiągniecie tego celu wymaga podjęcia następujących działań: - ocenę stanu technicznego naprawianego komponentu- podpór przednich trzech pras filtracyjnych, - określenie własności spawalniczych materiału naprawianego, -...
Dyskretno-ciągła metoda modelowania układów dynamicznych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono oryginalną metodę modelowania układów dyskretno-ciągłych. Metoda polega na dyskretyzowaniu układu trójwymiarowego jedynie w dwóch wybranych kierunkach. W trzecim z kierunków układ pozostaje ciągły. Otrzymany w ten sposób model jest modelem dyskretno-ciągłym. Opisany jest za pomocą równań różniczkowych cząstkowych. Ogólne równania różnicowe układu dyskretnego otrzymano, wykorzystując metodę sztywnych elementów...
Modelowanie wymiany wody w zbiornikach hodowlanych przy użyciu zmodyfikowanego modelu tłokowego na przykładzie basenów hodowlanych dla fok
PublicationNiniejszy artykuł opisuje sposób prostego modelowania wymiany wody w basenach hodowlanych fokarium Stacji Morskiej Instytutu Oceanografii Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. W celu rozpoznania warunków wymiany wody oraz udziału stref zastoiskowych w basenach posłużono się dwiema uzupełniającymi się metodami. Były to badania traserowe z wykorzystaniem znacznika fluororescencyjnego oraz komputerowe obliczenia rozkładu linii prądu z użyciem...
Towards Understanding the Health Aspects of the Processing of Lignocellulosic Fillers
PublicationHealth and safety issues should be addressed during the development and investigation of the industrial processes. In order to develop a sustainable process and fully evaluate its benefits and drawbacks for its optimization, it is crucial to determine its impact on the surrounding environment. This study aimed to assess the emission of volatile organic compounds during the modification of lignocellulosic fillers with passive dosimetry....
Effect of starch fillers on the dynamic mechanical properties of rubber biocomposite materials
PublicationIn the paper the results of dynamic mechanical study of the biocomposites containing one of two types of (potato or corn) strach used as fillers in different amount were discussed. The composites were obtained from rubbery mixture containing natural rubber (NR) as a main component. Thermomechanical analyses (by DMA) showed that the used quantity of strach fillers only slightly influence on the glass transition temperature of vulcanizates.
Insights into modification of lignocellulosic fillers with isophorone diisocyanate: structure, thermal stability and volatile organic compounds emission assessment
PublicationThis study presents an analysis of the structure and properties of different types of lignocellulosic fillers modified by isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) to provide insights into the possibility of their application to the manufacturing of wood polymer composites (WPCs). Moreover, it deals with the environmental aspects of modified fillers, by assessment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted during modification, as well as...
e-Learning CoursesProgram Content:Over the course of lectures, student familiarizes himself with methods of spatial element recreation in a the drawing plane, theory of engineering design recording and methods of computer-aided systems designing. The scope of program includes, in particular:- Introduction to the subject (formats, lines, scales, technical writing),- Methods of imaging three-dimensional objects on a drawing plane (object projections,...
Insights into Compatibilization of Poly(ε-caprolactone)-based Biocomposites with Diisocyanates as Modifiers of Cellulose Fillers
PublicationThis study aimed to analyze the impact of cellulose fillers’ modification with diisocyanates on the performance of composites based on the poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) matrix. Four most commonly used diisocyantes (isophorone, hexamethylene, toluene, and methylene diphenyl) were applied as modifiers of cellulose fillers (5 and 15 wt% per mass of filler). Modified fillers were introduced in the amount of 30 wt% into the PCL matrix....
Mechanical, durability, depolluting and electrical properties of multifunctional mortars prepared with commercial or waste carbon-based fillers
PublicationCarbon-based fillers from industrial wastes and commercial ones were compared to improve the properties of lime-based mixes. As commercial fillers, graphene nanoplatelets and activated carbon were used, whereas as industrial wastes a char obtained by the gasification of biomasses and a used foundry sand were chosen. Carbon-based wastes were found to be a good cost-effective alternative to commercial carbon based fillers to increase...
Effects of Basalt and Carbon Fillers on Fire Hazard, Thermal, and Mechanical Properties of EPDM Rubber Composites
PublicationDue to growing restrictions on the use of halogenated flame retardant compounds, there is great research interest in the development of fillers that do not emit toxic compounds during thermal decomposition. Polymeric composite materials with reduced flammability are increasingly in demand. Here, we demonstrate that unmodified graphene and carbon nanotubes as well as basalt fibers or flakes can act as effective flame retardants...
Thermomechanical and Fire Properties of Polyethylene-Composite-Filled Ammonium Polyphosphate and Inorganic Fillers: An Evaluation of Their Modification Efficiency
PublicationThe development of new polymer compositions characterized by a reduced environmental impact while lowering the price for applications in large-scale production requires the search for solutions based on the reduction in the polymer content in composites’ structure, as well as the use of fillers from sustainable sources. The study aimed to comprehensively evaluate introducing low-cost inorganic fillers, such as copper slag (CS),...
Ground lemon and stevia leaves as renewable functional fillers with antioxidant activity for high-density polyethylene composites
PublicationThe development of new sustainable material solutions in the processing of thermoplastic polymers concerns both the application of biopolymers and the use of valorized plant derivatives as fillers and modifiers of petrochemical polymers. Herein, the possibility of using unprocessed raw parts of two commonly used in the food industry leaves, i.e., lemon (LL) and stevia (ST), as active and functional fillers for high-density polyethylene...
Synthesis of the zeolites on the lightweight aluminosilicate fillers
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Three Seas Economic Journal
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High-Temperature Tensile Behaviour of GTAW Joints of P92 Steel and Alloy 617 for Two Different Fillers
PublicationThis study explores the high-temperature (HT) tensile rupture characteristics of a dissimilar gas-tungsten-arc-welded (GTAW) joint between P92 steel and Alloy 617, fabricated using ER62SB9 and ERNiCrCoMo-1 fillers. The high-temperature tensile tests were performed at elevated temperatures of 550 ◦C and 650 ◦C. An optical microscope (OM) and a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) were utilized to characterize the...