Search results for: smart city
Multi-objective Tabu-based Differential Evolution for Teleportation of Smart Virtual Machines in Private Computing Clouds
PublicationWe propose a multi-objective approach for using differential evolution algorithm with tabu search algorithm as an additional mutation for live migration (teleportation) of virtual machines. This issue is crucial in private computing clouds. Teleportation of virtual machines is supposed to be planned to determine Pareto-optimal solutions for several criteria such as workload of the bottleneck host, communication capacity of the...
Creating private and public value in data-related management projects: a cross-border case study from Switzerland and Italy
PublicationThe literature in the field of smart cities shows a continuous emphasis and interest in the topic of big data due to the extensive use of Information and Communication Technologies by public and private institutions within each city. There is undoubtedly value in big data: in data lie insights on the city, its stakeholders, citizens, products, and services. Challenges, though, lie in data’s variety, volume, and velocity, but also...
Dorota Dominika Kamrowska-Załuska dr hab. inż. arch.
PeopleProf. Dorota Kamrowska-Zaluska, architect and urban planner, Associate Professor and Director of mid-career program on Urban development and management of metropolitan areas, at the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning at Faculty of Architecture, Gdansk University of Technology; Visiting Scholar and Research Fellow at several research institutions incl. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2013), Charted Urban Planner...
Bio-inspired Urban Design: Smart Growth and Sustainable Development Frameworks for a New Urban Unit in Cracow
PublicationIn March 2012, architects João Diniz (Brazil) and Dorota Wiśniewska (Poland) answered a call to competition from the City of Cracow, submitting an entry for the redesign of 5600 ha of the Nowa Huta district in eastern Cracow, focusing on economic revitalization within a framework of smart growth and sustainable development. The scenario included an ArcerolMittal Steelworks and incorporated a strong ecological analysis for the easternmost...
Jak przystąpić do wdrażania inteligentnych rozwiązań w mieście?
PublicationNowa kadencja władz lokalnych to wyjątkowa okazja do wprowadzenia zmian, które mogą przekształcić miasta w inteligentne, zrównoważone i przyjazne do życia. Wdrażanie idei smart city nie tylko poprawia jakość życia, ale również sprzyja rozwojowi gospodarczemu i ochronie środowiska. W artykule przedstawiamy kluczowe rekomendacje dla nowych władz, które pomogą w skutecznej transformacji miast w smart cities.
Greencoin as an AI-Based Solution Shaping Climate Awareness.
PublicationOur research aim was to define possible AI-based solutions to be embedded in the Green- coin project, designed as a supportive tool for smart cities to achieve climate neutrality. We used Kamrowska-Załuska’s approach for evaluating AI-based solutions’ potential in urban planning. We narrowed down the research to the educational and economic aspects of smart cities. Furthermore, we used a systematic literature review. We propose...
Smart Materials in Architecture: Useful Tools with Practical Applications or Fascinating Inventions for Experimental Design?
PublicationFor at least several decades smart or so-called intelligent materials, being the result of great advancements in material engineering, appear in architecture in different applications. Most of them are called "smart" because of their inherent properties: a real-time response to environmental stimuli. There are also those considered to be "smart" due to smart design: their original structure or the composition of their materials...
Metody i aplikacje zdalnego szkolenia mieszkańców inteligentnych miast
PublicationSTRONA GŁÓWNAOBSZARY TEMATYCZNERADA NAUKOWARECENZENCIREDAKCJAINFORMACJE DLA AUTORÓWRECENZJAKONTAKT Strona główna > Numer 14/2017 > Metody i aplikacje zdalnego szkolenia mieszkańców inteligentnych miast METODY I APLIKACJE ZDALNEGO SZKOLENIA MIESZKAŃCÓW INTELIGENTNYCH MIAST Jerzy Balicki, Piotr Dryja, Waldemar Korłub, Maciej Tyszka Rozwój nowego rodzaju miast i regionów nazywanych smart cities pociąga za sobą nowy sposób...
Magdalena Ciesielska dr inż.
PeopleMagdalena Ciesielska is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics in Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland. She holds a PhD in Business Economics and Management. Her areas of research and expertise are interdisciplinary and include governance and management of digital government at national, sectoral and local level, open data, digital inclusion, and contribution...
Izabela Mironowicz dr hab. inż. arch.
People -
Piotr Grudowski dr hab. inż.
PeopleProfessor Dr hab. Eng. Piotr Grudowski heads the Department of Quality and Commodity Management at the Faculty of Management and Economics of Gdansk University of Technology. In the years 1987-2009 he worked at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdansk University of Technology, where he obtained a doctoral degree in technical sciences in the discipline of construction and operation of machines and he headed the Department...
Move into the open space – what can we expect from moving artistic interventions to open urban spaces?
PublicationThe paper discuses the role of incorporating creative engagement into the processes of urban and social development using cultural means of action and expression and the potential of artistic interventions in public space. The block of initiatives within the People’s Smart Sculpture EU project, realized by Gdańsk City Gallery, has been named “Move Into The Open Space”. This paper will provide...
Greencoin: prototype of a mobile application facilitating and evidencing pro-environmental behavior of citizens
PublicationAmong many global challenges, climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our times. While it is one of the most devastating problems humanity has ever faced, one question naturally arises: can individuals make a difference? We believe that everyone can contribute and make a difference to the community and lives of others. However, there is still a lack of effective strategies to promote and facilitate pro-environmental...
Media architecture for post-modern society - new forms of participation
PublicationThe article shows the relationship between the characteristics of the post-modern society, and the development of media architecture with the function of interactivity. In this context, the duality of the features of post-modern society was emphasized: taking into account its location between creativity and consumerism, as well as on the border between the real and virtual word. The development of media architecture has been linked...
Estimation of Average Speed of Road Vehicles by Sound Intensity Analysis
PublicationConstant monitoring of road traffic is important part of modern smart city systems. The proposed method estimates average speed of road vehicles in the observation period, using a passive acoustic vector sensor. Speed estimation based on sound intensity analysis is a novel approach to the described problem. Sound intensity in two orthogonal axes is measured with a sensor placed alongside the road. Position of the apparent sound...
Ontologie ram projektowych jako narzędzie wspomagające decyzje komitetów sterujących
PublicationCelem artykułu jest wykazanie przydatności ontologii jako narzędzia wspomagającego decyzje prac komitetów sterujących. Budowa ontologii jako narzędzia wspomagającego decyzje była konsekwencją pojawienia się problemu oceny wniosków projektowych zgłaszanych do projektu Inteligentnych Specjalizacji Pomorza Smart Port & City. W artykule przedstawiono etapy budowy ontologii oraz jej zastosowanie do analizy zgodności dokumentów z przyjętymi...
Oleksandr Melnychenko dr hab.
PeopleOleksandr Melnychenko works as a professor in a group of research and teaching staff at the Department of Finance of the Faculty of Management and Economics, the Gdańsk University of Technology; is a sworn translator of the Ukrainian language in Poland; an entrepreneur with many years of experience in running his own business and managing the companies' finances; has experience working in a commercial bank in a position dealing...
Joanna Bach-Głowińska dr inż. arch.
PeopleI am an architect by education (M.Sc. Arch 1994) and practice (1994-2011), a Town Planner by practice (1999-2017, Ministerial Entitlements 1655/2002), and a Researcher (Ph.D.2012, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Glasgow School of Art 2013 - 2015, also teaching on Gdansk University of Technology since 2014). I have been the Principal Investigator of Era Net Urban Transformation Capacities EmbedterLabs: Better Embedded Labs for More...
Adaptacyjny system oświetlania dróg oraz inteligentnych miast
PublicationPrzedmiotem rozprawy jest zbadanie praktycznej możliwości wykrywania w czasie rzeczywistym anomalii w systemie oświetlenia drogowego w oparciu o analizę danych ze inteligentnych liczników energii. Zastosowanie inteligentnych liczników energii elektrycznej (Smart Meter) w systemach oświetlenia drogowego stwarza nowe możliwości w zakresie automatycznej diagnostyki takich niepożądanych zjawisk jak awarie lamp, odstępstwa od harmonogramu...
Concept of 'Good Urban Governance' and Its Application in Sustainable Urban Planning
PublicationContemporary urban theory and practice in the post-industrial era is increasingly often turning towards an approach based on sustainable development. That concept bearing the traits of a paradigm has grown on the ground of broad quest for an alternative to the existing development model of the industrial civilisation. It has gained wide social acceptance and is the basis for many development and environmental programmes at the...
Systemy Smart Cities - studium przypadku
PublicationThe paper presents the architecture of an enterprise service bus used in the construction of information systems processing large amounts of data for decision-making needs at the City Hall in Gdańsk. The key concept of processes of bus development involves installation of developing environment, database connection, flow mechanisms and data presentation. The issue was supported by models such as KPI (Key Processes Identifier) and...
The potential of urban agriculture in the revitalisation of a metropolis
PublicationIn Poland, the topic addressing urban areas of agricultural production and gardening activity is still viewed in two main blocks: 1) a shift of the urbanized zone’s boundaries, causing dispersion of suburban buildings as well as creates conflict zone between the residential area and the production and post-production zones; 2) a socially contentious issue of restructuring the inner-city complexes of former employee allotments....
The potential of computational methods for the categorization of architectural objects on the example of media architecture
PublicationThe paper presents an example of the categorization of architectural objects and assessment of the characteristics of urban space, based on the analysis of specific features of architectural objects and urban landscape. The conducted analysis refers to media architecture and is presented in the complex context of the development of media solutions. The field of influence of IT on architecture is also stressed, both on the architect’s...
Collective citizens' behavior modelling with support of the Internet of Things and Big Data
PublicationIn this paper, collective human behaviors are modelled by a development of Big Data mining related to the Internet of Things. Some studies under MapReduce architectures have been carried out to improve an efficiency of Big Data mining. Intelligent agents in data mining have been analyzed for smart city systems, as well as data mining has been described by genetic programming. Furthermore, artificial neural networks have been discussed...
Małgorzata Chojnacka doktor
PeopleMałgorzata Chojnacka – doktor nauk ekonomicznych, pracownik naukowo-dydaktyczny, adiunkt na Wydziale Ekonomicznym, Akademii im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim. Jest autorką niemal 70 publikacji badawczych z dziedziny zarządzania i jakości, a także ekonomii. Jej opracowania są wydawane w czasopismach krajowych i zagranicznych. Za swoje główne osiągnięcia uznaje książkę pt. "Zarządzanie jakością. W poszukiwaniu doskonałości"...
An Algorithm for Optimizing the Determination of Cycling Routes on the Example of the Gdansk Agglomeration
PublicationPhysical activity is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. One of the manifestations of the change in a society type from consumer to information one is the understanding of the importance of ecology and a healthy lifestyle. This is evident, inter alia, in the inventiveness and involvement of the society in the start-up and solutions referred to as the Smart City. One example is the development of e-bike rental and local investments...
Analysis of Signalized Intersections in the Context of Pedestrian Traffic
PublicationGdynia is a city in the Pomeranian Voivod e ship of Poland with a population of about 250,000. It faces a growing motorization rate th at needs to be addressed. Car ownership in Gdynia now exceed s 500 vehicles per 1000 residents. Travel by public transport is decreasing and the rate of walking and cycling remains low. It is necessary to reverse these negative trends by implementing solu tions based...
Autoencoder application for anomaly detection in power consumption of lighting systems
PublicationDetecting energy consumption anomalies is a popular topic of industrial research, but there is a noticeable lack of research reported in the literature on energy consumption anomalies for road lighting systems. However, there is a need for such research because the lighting system, a key element of the Smart City concept, creates new monitoring opportunities and challenges. This paper examines algorithms based on the deep learning...
Modern technologies in energy demand reducing of public transport — Practical applications
PublicationCity of Gdynia (Poland) exploits one of the most modern trolleybus network in Europe, which has been involved in many projects related to the reduction of energy consumption. Some of them are connected with the improving of energy breaking recovery usage. An experimental stationary storage system at Północna substation, which was tested in 2012-2014, is a bright example of a system which is connected with the improving of the...
Capacity Transforming challenges into opportunities
PublicationThe Urban Initiative Laboratory (UIL) aims to upgrade the smart city concept in Gdańsk by introducing the Food-Water-Energy (FWE) nexus to the city. It was agreed in the CRUNCH international consortium that projects on different scales would be implemented in the individual countries to test the Integrated Decision Supportive system platform, which would, in principle, concern urban scale. The regular urban scale was to be researched...
State of the Art in Open Platforms for Collaborative Urban Design and Sharing of Resources in Districts and Cities
PublicationThis work discusses recent developments in sharing economy concepts and collaborative co-design technology platforms applied in districts and cities. These developments are being driven both by new technological advances and by increased environmental awareness. The paper begins by outlining the state of the art in smart technology platforms for collaborative urban design, highlighting a number of recent examples. The case of peer-to-peer...
Architektura przyszłości – przekraczanie granic poprzez interfejsy
PublicationArchitektura przyszłości rozpatrywana jest w kontekście rozwoju technologii cyfrowych, które umożliwiają nadawanie obiektom architektonicznym cech interfejsów. Przekraczanie granic dotyczy więc nadawania architekturze nowych funkcji - funkcjonalności zapożyczonych ze świata wirtualnego, emisji informacji oraz interakcji. W tym ujęciu „interfejs architektoniczny” stanowi płaszczyznę komunikacji pomiędzy obiektem architektonicznym...
Rewitalizacyjny Living Lab jako metoda generowania i wdrażania innowacji na rzecz odnowy inteligentnego miasta na przykładzie dzielnicy Orunia w Gdańsku
PublicationW artykule poruszono kwestię możliwości wykorzystania w uspołecznieniu formuły pracy nad rewitalizacją modelu living lab tzw. żywego (żyjącego) laboratorium. Na tle przykładów praktyki zagranicznej (USA, Niemcy) dokonano odniesienia do doświadczeń polskich zebranych przez Autorkę w ramach współpracy ze społecznością gdańskiej dzielnicy Orunia - św. Wojciech. Zespół naukowy KUiPR WAPG Katedry Urbanistyki i Planowania Regionalnego...
‘The Urban Walk Architecture Talk’— Bridging Socially Engaged Art, Urban Processes and Cultural Development
Publication“Urban Walk—Architecture Talk” is a project based on an elective seminar under the same title organized at the Faculty of Architecture of Gdańsk University of Technology. It aims at getting familiar with the topic of multi-layer and multi-sensory reception of public space, mainly by recognizing the needs of its users. Additionally, it deals with the consequences of such perception and the use of space in order to build more complete...
Acoustic Detector of Road Vehicles Based on Sound Intensity
PublicationA method of detecting and counting road vehicles using an acoustic sensor placed by the road is presented. The sensor measures sound intensity in two directions: parallel and perpendicular to the road. The sound intensity analysis performs acoustic event detection. A normalized position of the sound source is tracked and used to determine if the detected event is related to a moving vehicle and to establish the direction of movement....
Zmiany przestrzenne w miastach wywołane pandemią COVID-19 a przestrzenny wymiar rewitalizacji.
PublicationThe COVID-19 pandemic affects every aspect of the modern world on a global and local scale. Part of the fight against the virus was, among other things, limiting the possibility of movement. In cities, this has resulted in a focus on the spatial aspects of the urbanized environment. The article aims to analyse spontaneous actions taken in cities to mitigate the effects of a pandemic concerning strategic activities...
Urban Mentoring as a new polish management technique in participatory planning
PublicationA decade of experience in implementation of numerous urban modernization projects in Poland resulted in a lively debate on socialization of the planning process, in which the matter of the public space quality has become the center of gravity. In those years, transformation from the classic administrative model of „bureaucracy planning” to the model of „management planning” has not been complete. The socialist primacy of the public...
Detection of Water on Road Surface with Acoustic Vector Sensor
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to detecting the presence of water on a road surface, employing an acoustic vector sensor. The proposed method is based on sound intensity analysis in the frequency domain. Acoustic events, representing road vehicles, are detected in the sound intensity signals. The direction of the incoming sound is calculated for the individual spectral components of the intensity signal, and the components...
Extreme weather layer method for implementation of nature-based solutions for climate adaptation: Case study Słupsk
PublicationOne of the most severe climate risks that is expected to affect all regions is related to stormwater. Climate models, constructed based on long-term trends, show that extreme weather events such as storms, cloudbursts and a large rise in sea level will be significant in the coming decades. Moreover, even the frequency and intensity of “normal” rainfall events, such as microbursts, are expected to be remarkably higher than today...
Spotkanie politechnicznego klubu sztucznej inteligencji
EventsPierwsze w tym roku akademickim spotkanie klubu AI Bay – Zatoka Sztucznej Inteligencji, który działa na Politechnice Gdańskiej odbędzie się w Gmachu B Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki (Audytorium 1P).
Konferencja NET VISION
EventsWięcej informacji: oraz Fanpage: Instagram: @NetVisionGda Twitter: @NetVisionGda
PROJEKTOWANIE URBANISTYCZNE 3: SMĘGORZYNO. PROWADZĄCE :dr inż. arch. D. Kamrowska-Załuska, dr inż. arch. A. Rubczak
e-Learning CoursesSmęgorzyno – nowa dzielnica Gdańska Zadaniem Studentów jest zaprojektowanie nowej dzielnicy Gdańska o charakterze wielofunkcyjnym z komponentem zabudowy usługowej, która sprzyja rozwojowi lokalnej przedsiębiorczości oraz, dzięki wysokiej jakości przestrzeni, jest idealnym miejscem życia mieszkańców. Projekt koncepcji dzielnicy, która jest zlokalizowana w obszarze o walorach krajobrazowych oraz w sąsiedztwie Parku Przemysłowo-Technologicznego...
Idee inteligentnego rozwoju ( growth) i planowania zintegrowanego w przemianach rozwojowych miast
PublicationCelem pracy było określenie możliwości wykorzystania w warunkach polskich idei inteligentnego rozwoju (ang. smart growth) i planowania zintegrowanego, jako strategii odnowy miast po zbadaniu ich skuteczności dla odnowy miast zachodnioeuropejskich. Idee te zostały opisane w strategicznym dokumencie "Europa 2020 na rzecz inteligentnego i zrównoważonego rozwoju sprzyjającego włączeniu społecznemu", gdzie zakłada się odnowę miast europejskich...
Wzory kreatywności. Koncepcja modelu prawdopodobieństwa działania kreatywnego jako narzędzie badania procesu twórczego w środowisku miejskim
PublicationWspółczesne koncepcje kształtowania miast, takie jak zrównoważony rozwój, miasto odporne, inteligentne miasto, miasto kreatywne, tworzą obecnie ramy urbanistyki o charakterze jednej uogólnionej idei kształtującej środowisko społeczno-materialne. Kontekstualne ujęcie badań kreatywności opisuje zależności między środowiskiem miejskim a twórczością w mieście kreatywnym. Ujęcie procesualne kreatywności stanowi hic et nunc urbanizmu,...
PublicationW 25 lat od powrotu demokracji opierającej się o neoliberalny paradygmat rozwoju kraju, Polska przyjęła Krajową Politykę Miejską 2030. Wraz z ustawą o rewitalizacji w nowoczesny sposób określa ona pole współpracy władz samorządowych i administracji z mieszkańcami, przejście do drugiej fazy rozwoju społeczeństwa demokratycznego – mieszkańców współgospodarzy przestrzeni miast. Powolna ewolucja tej relacji, silnie obarczonej dziedzictwem...
Smart Garden Suburb_Urban design II 2022/23
e-Learning CoursesIn the twenty-first century the idea of living in a perfect place combines the need for beauty&identity of the place with the ecology. Metropolises around the world are waiting for concepts that will expose the landscape values and give life in the suburbs high quality including energy efficiency and climate neutrality. A new concepts of are being discussed. Join this trend and look for solutions which merge expression of beauty...
Urban Design II _ Smart Garden Suburb 2024/25
e-Learning CoursesIn the twenty-first century the idea of living in a perfect place combines the need for beauty&identity of the place with the ecology. Metropolises around the world are waiting for concepts that will expose the landscape values and give life in the suburbs high quality including energy efficiency and climate neutrality. A new concepts of are being discussed. Join this trend and look for solutions which merge expression of beauty...
Blanka Tundys dr hab.
PeopleBlanka Tundys is an Associate Professor at University of Szczecin, Poland. Her research interests span green supply chain, sustainable supply chain, close loop chain, eco-innovation, city logistics, logistics, transport systems, city economics, strategy in logistics, transportation, performance measurement in logistics and supply chain, efficiency in logistics, circular economy, smart city, risk management in the supply chain,...
Urban Design II _ New Urban Living 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesIn the twenty-first century the idea of living in a perfect place combines the need for beauty&identity of the place with the ecology. Metropolises around the world are waiting for concepts that will expose the landscape values and give life in the suburbs high quality including energy efficiency and climate neutrality. A new concepts of are being discussed. Join this trend and look for solutions which merge expression of beauty...
Wiktoria Wojnicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleDSc in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2019 PhD in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2009 (with distinction) List of papers (2009 - ) Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of muscles' behaviour. Part I. The computational model of muscle. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No.4, 2009, p. 15-21 Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of...