Search results for: water pollutants
Photochemical degradation of pollutants in aqueous phase
PublicationTlenek tytanu (IV) wykorzystywany jest jako fotokatalizator służący oczyszczaniu wody i powietrza z wykorzystaniem tzw. powierzchni samoczyszczających się. Zastosowanie fotodegradacji w obecności TiO2 uzasadnione jest przede wszystkim do usuwania substancji toksycznych i/lub trwałych i jednocześnie występujących w małych stężeniach oraz jeżeli w procesie fotodegradacji można wykorzystać promieniowanie słoneczne. Wyniki badań wskazują,...
Organic pollutants in the Odra river ecosystem.
PublicationW pracy opisano wyniki badań próbek wody oraz osadów dennych pobieranych w okresie 1997-2000, w trakcie 8 kampanii przeprowadzonych w ramach Międzynarodowego Programu Badań Dorzecza Rzeki Odry (IOP). W pobranych próbkach oznaczono: wybrane pestycydy chloro- , azoto- i fosforoorganiczne; alifatyczne iaromatyczne węglowodory; lotne związki chloroorganiczne; wybrane związki chloroorganiczne; wybrane związki siarkoorganiczne;...
Marek Biziuk prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleCURRICULUM VITAE Marek BIZIUK Born 1947 MSc 1969 GUT PhD 1977 GUT DSc 1994 GUT Professor 2001 Membership of scientific society - Gdansk Scientific Society - Romanian Society of Analytical Chemistry - Engineers and Techniques of...
The Application of a Mobile Unmanned Device for Monitoring Water and Sediment Pollution in the Port of Gdynia
PublicationPollution in the Port of Gdynia can encompass various types of substances and contaminants that affect the quality of water and sediment in this region. Ships entering and leaving the port can release pollutants such as oil, fuel, waste, and chemicals into the water. Controlling and monitoring these pollutants is a crucial part of environmental stewardship. In recent years, uncrewed units have been increasingly in use for in situ...
Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other organic pollutants in freshwaters on the western shore of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Maritime Antarctica).
PublicationOrganic contamination in freshwater samples has never been investigated at the western shore of Admiralty Bay. Therefore, the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in five different sites distributed along a shore running from the Arctowski Station to the Baranowski Glacier was studied. Moreover, organic compounds such as n-alkanes, toluene and ethylbenzene were also noted. Increased ΣPAHs in late Austral summer 2016...
The impact of sediment, fresh and marine water on the concentration of chemical elements in water of the ice-covered lagoon
PublicationThe common use of chemical elements by man has been contributing to their extraction for centuries. As a consequence, they have been directly or indirectly introduced into the biogeochemical cycle. In the framework of many conventions, mining and processing of elements are currently subject to many restrictions. However, their large load that has already been deposited in the soil and bottom sediments can be remobilised and...
Role of the Synergistic Interactions of Environmental Pollutants in the Development of Cancer
PublicationThere is a growing awareness that the large number of environmental pollutants we are exposed to on a daily basis are causing major health problems. Compared to traditional studies that focus on individual pollutants, there are relatively few studies on how pollutants mixtures interact. Several studies have reported a relationship between environmental pollutants and the development of cancer, even when pollutant levels are below...
Determination of organophosphorus and organonitrogen pesticides in water samples
PublicationPesticides are among the most dangerous environmental pollutants because of their stability, mobility and long-term effects on living organisms. Their presence in sources of drinking water, essential to life, is a particular danger. In water, these compounds can undergo transformations, leading to the production of substances of even greater toxicity. Legal regulations are in force, stipulating the highest permissible level of...
PublicationIn this paper the particle size of suspended solids in the removing of organic matter and phosphorus compounds from lake water and wastewater treated in the Ecological Treatment Systems (ETS) was analyzed. The invesigated materials were taken from two ETS located in Pomerania Region/Poland. Object in Swarzewo is 3rd stage of biological treatment of municipal wastewater, while object in Kartuzy has task to remove a phosphorus from...
Water and chemical properties of hydrometeors over central european mountains
PublicationAtmospheric pollutants are transferred to the groundby the contribution of various types of hydrometeors. Because ofthe different techniques of measurement, comparative analysesbetween them are often neglected. Hence, the main goal is tocompare water volume and chemistry of different types ofhydrometeors and their role in both: water balance and pollutantsdeposition. The results of water input and atmospheric depositschemistry...
abiotic degradation of chlorinated ethanes and ethenes in water
PublicationIntroduction Chlorinated ethanes and ethenes are among themost frequently detected organic pollutants of water. Theirphysicochemical properties are such that they can contaminateaquifers for decades. In favourable conditions, they canundergo degradation. In anaerobic conditions, chlorinatedsolvents can undergo reductive dechlorination.Degradation pathways Abiotic dechlorination is usuallyslower than microbial but abiotic dechlorination...
PublicationDuring last years an interest in the processes of transport and fate of pollutants to the polar regions located distantly from industrial centers, has significantly increased. The current analytical techniques enabling conducting studies prove that the Arctic regions (in the past considered as a pollution free area) have become an area of highly intensive anthropopresion. Svalbard archipelago stands out from the other polar regions...
Analytical Techniques Used in Monitoring of Atmospheric Air Pollutants
PublicationThe air pollution monitoring is one of the most pressing environmental problems today. The paper describes common air pollutants, their interaction and impact on the environment, and classifies the techniques and methods applied in air studies. Furthermore, the review characterizes the selected collection and sampling techniques used for gas sample analysis. Finally, the schematic diagrams of typical designs of systems applied...
Birds' feathers – Suitable samples for determination of environmental pollutants
PublicationThe intensive development of industry and human population results in large amounts of different xenobiotic emitted into individual ecosystem components. As a consequence, monitoring of the level of pollution of particular elements of the environment by exotoxins has become a common interest. The determination of environmental changes by different types of biological indicators is called bioindication, which is used as one of the...
Historical records of organic pollutants in sediment cores
PublicationAnalyses of sediment core samples are primary sources of historical pollution trends in aquatic systems. Determining organic compounds, such as POPs, in the dated sediments enables the estimation of their temporal concentration changes and the identification of the contaminant origin in local regions. Wars, large-scale fires, economical transitions, and bans on certain chemicals are reflected in the sediment organic compound concentrations....
Mobile system for on-road measurements of air pollutants
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano prototyp mobilnej stacji diagnostycznej do pomiarów stężeń typowych zanieczyszczeń powietrza (C6H6, NO2, NOx, CO i CO2) pochodzących z komunikacji w miastach. Nowością proponowanego systemu jest możliwość przeprowadzania pomiarów emisji zanieczyszczeń wzdłuż ciągów komunikacyjnych i w miejscach, w których nie mogą być zastosowane stacjonarne stacje monitoringowe. W proponowanym rozwiązaniu, urządzenie...
Decrease in Photovoltaic Module Efficiency Due to Deposition of Pollutants
PublicationThe deposition of pollutants on the surface of photovoltaic (PV) modules reduce the efficiency that can be achieved in given climatic conditions. This results in the loss of energy yield obtained from the solar installation. A number of factors determine the scale of this problem. The first of these is the amount of impurities deposited, the associated amount of precipitation, and the speed and direction of the wind. A second aspect...
Airport Runoff Water: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives
PublicationThe increase in the quantity and variety of contaminants generated during routine airport infrastructure maintenance operations leads to a wider range of pollutants entering soil and surface waters through runoff, causing soil erosion and groundwater pollution. A significant developmental challenge is ensuring that airport infrastructure meets high-quality environmental management standards. It is crucial to have effective tools...
Analiza parametrów płukania sieci wodociągowej metodą ukierunkowanego przepływu wody
PublicationEksperymenty prowadzone przez wiele lat podczas płukania sieci wodociągowej metodą jednokierunkowego przepływu wody umożliwiają weryfikację interakcji między jakością wypłukiwania nagromadzonych zanieczyszczeń oraz parametrami przepływu, liczbą cykli wymiany wody, a także zasięgiem płukania. Usuwanie zanieczyszczeń na początku przebiega zgodnie z szybko rosnącą krzywą, a następnie według funkcji malejącej. Taki przebieg jest spowodowany...
Determination of selected chemical parameters in surface water samples collected from the Revelva catchment (Hornsund fjord, Svalbard)
PublicationSurface water samples (river and lake) were collected from the Revelva catchment every summer from 2010 to 2013. This study concerns importance of the use of some analytical techniques for pollutants and parameters deter- mination in Arctic environmental samples based on the example of total organic carbon, phenols, and formaldehyde determination and measurement of pH and electrical conductivity parameters. Significant...
Application of subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands to reject water treatment in dairy wastewater treatment plant
PublicationThe paper presents the effects of applying subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands (SS VF) for the treatment of reject water generated in the process of aerobic sewage sludge stabilization in the biggest dairy wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Poland. Two SS VF beds were built: bed (A) with 0.65 m depth and bed (B) with 1.0 m depth, planted with reeds. Beds were fed with reject water with hydraulic load of 0.1 m d-1 in...
Microplastics in water resources: Global pollution circle, possible technological solutions, legislations, and future horizon
PublicationBeneath the surface of our ecosystems, microplastics (MPs) silently loom as a significant threat. These minuscule pollutants, invisible to the naked eye, wreak havoc on living organisms and disrupt the delicate balance of our environment. As we delve into a trove of data and reports, a troubling narrative unfolds: MPs pose a grave risk to both health and food chains with their diverse compositions and chemical characteristics....
Some remarks on mobility, bioavaibility and location of pollutants in sediments
PublicationRemediacja osadów jest obecnie palącym problemem w wielu państwach intensywnie eksploatujących wody śródlądowe i morskie. Prowadzone badania sugerują, że zanieczyszcenia obecne w osadach nie są w całości dostępne dla bioty. Zatem zagadnienia mobilności, biodostępności i lokalizacji zanieczyszczeń mają duże znaczenie dla oceny ryzyka wynikającego z poziomu zanieczyszczenia osadów i ustanawiania dopuszczalnych stężeń. Wyniki prezentowane...
The anthropogenic pollutants in urban ponds based on the example of Słupsk
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The Air and Sewage Pollutants from Biological Waste Treatment
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Modeling of behavior of organic pollutants in aquatic and related ecosystems
PublicationW pracy omówiono możliwości wykorzystania różnych modeli do opisu zjawisk migracji oraz przemian w środowisku wodnym ksenobiotyków z grupy trwałych zanieczyszczeń organicznych (TZO). Przedstawiono charakterystykę zarówno modeli otwartych, jak i zamkniętych w warunkach ustalonych, jak i w warunkach nierównowagowych.
Pathways and analytical tools in degradation studies of organic pollutants
PublicationWszystkie substancje chemiczne podlegają różnym procesom w wyniku wielu reakcji chemicznych, biochemicznych czy też fotochemicznych. W zależności od elementu środowiska w jakim znajduje się analit (np.: gleba, sedymenty, wody powierzchniowe i podziemne), może on ulegać powolnym przemianom w wyniku różnych procesów. W pracy przedstawiono niektóre drogi degradacji wybranych substancji w różnych warunkach. Omówiono problem identyfikacji...
Analytical techniques used in monitoring of atmospheric air pollutants
PublicationW artykule opisano najczęściej spotykane zanieczyszczenia powietrza atmosferycznego, ich interakcje i wpływ na środowisko. Przedstawiono klasyfikację technik i metodyk stosowanych w badaniach zanieczyszczeń powietrza. Przeprowadzono przegląd technik pobierania i dozowania próbek gazowych. Zaprezentowano także przykłady typowych systemów służących do analizy zanieczyszczeń powietrza.
The Specific Nature of Chemical Composition of Water from Volcanic Lakes Based on Bali Case Study
PublicationThe research area was localized in the Indonesian Archipelago, at the latitude of eight and nine degrees S on the one of the Lesser Sunda group island provinces, Bali (563,3 km2). Two massive calderas (Mount Batur 1717 m above sea level.; Mount Sangiyang 2093 m above sea level) are one of the most prominent landforms in the chain of volcanic mountain ranges of the Bali Island. Lake Batur (17,18 km2) and Batur Spring (which are...
Influence of Wastewater Treatment Technology on Particle Size Distribution in the Effluent
PublicationSuspended solids in water and wastewater usually carry quite a large load of pollutants (organic substances, nutrients, heavy metals, etc.) adsorbed on the particles surface. Particles of different sizes carry different types and quantities of pollutants. Therefore, particle size distribution is of importance in waster and wastewater treatment. In the article the influence of different treatment technologies on particle size distribution...
Determination of hormones in water samples using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry
PublicationOver the past few years, many synthetic (ethinylestradiol) and natural (estradiol,estriol, estrone) compounds present in the environment have been affecting the hormonalbalance of humans and animals. Steroid hormones are very often used for medical purposesand have high estrogenic activity what makes them endocrine disrupters. Most hormonalcompounds are released into the water as a result of their incomplete removal in wastewatertreatment...
Reject water and landfil leachate treatment with hydrophyte method - preliminary results
PublicationTreatment of landfill leachate (LL) and reject water (RWC) from dewatering of digested sludge in WWTPs have become one of the actual problems. Treatment of both types of wastewater is in many cases very costly and difficult due to quality and quantity fluctuations in time as well as high concentrations of specific pollutants. In case of our investigation the TSS concentration in RWC was two times higher than in LL. The shere of...
Combination of hydrodynamic cavitation and SR-AOPs for simultaneous degradation of BTEX in water
PublicationHydrodynamic cavitation (HC) is an emerging technology gaining interest in water treatment for use in elimination of a wide range of organic pollutants. The energy released during cavitation phenomenon has number of applications and, particularly, it can be utilized for activation of persulfate (PS) and peroxymonosulfate (PMS). In the present study, hybrid techniques: HC combined with persulfates – HC-PS and HC-PMS were tested...
Occurrence of specific pollutants in a mixture of sewage and rainwater from an urbanized area
PublicationUrban runoff appears to be a pathway for transferring new emerging pollutants from land-based sources to the aquatic environment. This paper aimed to identify and describe the groups of pollutants present in rainwater surface runoff as well as their mixture with wastewater in the combined sewer system from urbanized catchments and to determine the correlations between these pollutants. Four leading groups of new emerging pollutants...
Human hair as a biomarker of human exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
PublicationThe main aim of this article is to investigate the possibility of using human hair as a biomarker with particular emphasis on persistent organic pollutants (POPs). We report previous results of studies of this topic. We critically review the available information on analytical procedures applied during analysis of human hair. Finally, we discuss future trends and possibilities arising from hair analysis.
Bibliometric analysis and literature review of ultrasound-assisted degradation of organic pollutants
PublicationUltrasound as a clean, efficient, and cheap technique gains special attention in wastewater treatment. Ultrasound alone or coupled with hybrid processes have been widely studied for the treatment of pollutants in wastewater. Thus, it is essential to conduct a review about the research development and trends on this emerging technique. This work presents a bibliometric analysis of the topic associated with multiple tools such as...
Thermally activated persulfate-based Advanced Oxidation Processes — recent progress and challenges in mineralization of persistent organic chemicals: a review
PublicationThermally activated persulfate (TAP) finds application in Advanced Oxidation Processes for the removal of pollutants from contaminated water and soil. This paper reviewed the various cases of TAP in the environmental remediation. The pollutants such as individual pharmaceuticals, biocides, cyclic organic compounds, and dyes are considered in this review. It is interesting to note that most of the organic compounds undergo complete...
Neutral pH, multioxidants Fenton oxidation of dimethyl sulfoxide and acetamidophenol as water pollutant models
PublicationOrganic water pollution is calling for advanced remediation methods such as the Fenton process, yet actual procedures involve transition metals at acidic pH, and generate only one oxidant, the hydroxyl radical. Here we used a solution of magnesium ions, bicarbonate ions, and hydrogen peroxide at pH 7.4 to generate reactive oxygen species for degrading dimethyl sulfoxide and acetamidophenol, as models of water pollutants. The performance...
Correlation between chemical composition and the presence of selected groups of bacteria in freshwater samples collected from Isfjorden and Billefjorde
PublicationThe average concentrations of pollutants in the arctic water, snow and the atmosphere are much lower than those observed in the temperate climate. Specific conditions occurring in the polar regions have apotential to accumulate the pollutants transported from other parts of the world. In this study, attempts were made to find a correlation between selected chemical components and the bacterial population. The analysis involved...
Kinetics of pollutants removal in hybrid treatment wetlands – Case study comparison
PublicationRecent years have seen an increasing interest in hybrid constructed wetland (HCW) systems for domestic sewage treatment. This paper is focused on kinetics of removal of the main pollutants occurring in wastewater i.e. organics expressed as chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand and total nitrogen. The purpose of the article is to compare different HCW configurations in terms of mass removal rates (MRR) and removal rate...
The efficiency of pollutants removal and concepts on improvement for single-family TWs
PublicationIn the rural areas building of sewerage systems and central wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) often brings too high costs, due to high distances from one farm to another and terrain configuration. Individual treatment systems for each farm are a good solution. Theteratment wetlands for nine individual farms were constructed in Kaszubian Lake District in summer and autumn 2009. Three configurations of hydrophyte beds were chosen....
Impacts of inorganic/organic pollutants on agroecosystems and eco-friendly solutions
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Analysis of Uncertainty of the Emission Measurement of Gaseous Pollutants on Chassis Dynamometer
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The application of an open tubular trap in analysis of organic air pollutants
PublicationOpisano możliwości wykorzystania odcinka handlowej kapilarnej kolumny chromatograficznej do pobierania próbek analitów z powietrza w celu ich chromatograficznego oznaczenia. Opracowany sposób opary jest na wykorzystaniu techniki równowagowej. Stężenia analitów w badanym medium mogą być obliczone na podstawie znajomości wartości odpowiednich współczynników podziału wyznaczonych w trakcie badań modelowych.
Electrochemical sensors of air pollutants. Elektrochemiczne czujniki zanieczyszczeń powietrza.
PublicationPrzedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy na temat elektrochemicznych czujników gazów. Opisano najnowsze rozwiązania konstrukcyjne czujników amperometrycznych i potencjometrycznych a także ich zastosowania w ochronie środowiska.
The effect of surfactant composition on solubilization and emulsification of hydrophobic soil pollutants
PublicationZbadano solubilizację tetrachloroetylenu i dichlorobenzenu w roztworach surfaktantów niejonowych (oksyetylenowanych alkoholi tłuszczowych i alkilofenoli) oraz w roztworach biosurfaktantu (mono i diramnolipidów). Obserwowano liniowy wzrost ilości zsolubilizowanych związków ze wzrostem stężenia surfaktantu w roztworze. Solubilizacja tetrachloroetylenu przebiegała ze znacznie większą efektywnością niż solubilizacja dichlorobenzenu....
A review on hydrophobic electrospun nanofibers-based materials and membranes for water treatment: Challenges, outlook, and stability
PublicationMembrane technology is well recognized as a dependable means of supplementing the availability of potable water through processes such as water purification and desalination. Electrospun nanofiber membranes have garnered significant attention because of their advantageous features, including a greater specific surface area, increased porosity, reduced thickness, and popularity. Consequently, ENMs have emerged as an up-and-coming...
Lead In drinking water: Adsorption method and role of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks for its remediation: A review
PublicationDue to various characteristics properties lead(II) metal is utilized in many applications like lead ion batteries, water pipes, ammunition and paints. For this reason, concentration of lead(II) ions in water is increasing days by days which is alarming for water pollution. Water pollution is a major problem worldwide which affects biosphere badly, and causes continuous reduction of accessible sources of fresh water and ground water, available...
Application of dispersive liquid - liquid microextraction for determination of pesticides from various chemical groups in water samples
PublicationPesticides are a global risk because they move with the wind, rain and sea currents from other regions, which makes getting to places which were never used before. Their presence was detected in all types of water circulating in the ecosystem, which is an easy source of exposure to life and health of all living organisms. Currently, it is considered one of the most dangerous and toxic pollutants, which fate and function is still...
The potential interaction of environmental pollutants and circadian rhythm regulations that may cause leukemia
PublicationTumor suppressor genes are highly affected during the development of leukemia, including circadian clock genes. Circadian rhythms constitute an evolutionary molecular machinery involving many genes, such as BMAL1, CLOCK, CRY1, CRY2, PER1, PER2, REV-ERBa, and RORA, for tracking time and optimizing daily life during day-night cycles and seasonal changes. For circulating blood cells many of these genes coordinate their proliferation,...