Search results for: DEEP LEARNING, ROBOTICS - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: DEEP LEARNING, ROBOTICS

Search results for: DEEP LEARNING, ROBOTICS

  • Hossein Nejatbakhsh Esfahani Dr.


    My research interests lie primarily in the area of Learning-based Safety-Critical Control Systems, for which I leverage the following concepts and tools:-Robust/Optimal Control-Reinforcement Learning-Model Predictive Control-Data-Driven Control-Control Barrier Function-Risk-Averse Controland with applications to:-Aerial and Marine robotics (fixed-wing UAVs, autonomous ships and underwater vehicles)-Multi-Robot and Networked Control...

  • Jacek Rumiński prof. dr hab. inż.

    Wykształcenie i kariera zawodowa 2022 2016   2002   1995   1991-1995 Tytuł profesora Habilitacja   Doktor nauk technicznych   Magister inżynier     Prezydent RP, dziedzina nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych, dyscyplina: inzyniera biomedyczna Politechnika Gdańska, Biocybernetyka i inżyniera biomedyczna, tematyka: „Metody wyodrębniania sygnałów i parametrów z różnomodalnych sekwencji obrazów dla potrzeb diagnostyki i wspomagania...

  • Abdalraheem Ijjeh Ph.D. Eng.


    The primary research areas of interest are artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision, as well as modeling physical phenomena (i.e., guided waves in composite laminates). The research interests described above are utilized for SHM and NDE applications, namely damage detection and localization in composite materials.  

  • SegSperm - a dataset of sperm images for blurry and small object segmentation

    Open Research Data

    Many deep learning applications require figure-ground segmentation. The performance of segmentation models varies across modalities and acquisition settings.

  • Spotkanie politechnicznego klubu sztucznej inteligencji


    24-10-2019 17:30 - 24-10-2019 19:15

    Pierwsze w tym roku akademickim spotkanie klubu AI Bay – Zatoka Sztucznej Inteligencji, który działa na Politechnice Gdańskiej odbędzie się w Gmachu B Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki (Audytorium 1P).



    - Year 2018

    W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono analizę rozwiązań do rozpoznawania emocji opartych na mowie i możliwości ich wykorzystania w syntezie mowy z emocjami, wykorzystując do tego celu sieci neuronowe. Przedstawiono aktualne rozwiązania dotyczące rozpoznawania emocji w mowie i metod syntezy mowy za pomocą sieci neuronowych. Obecnie obserwuje się znaczny wzrost zainteresowania i wykorzystania uczenia głębokiego w aplikacjach związanych...

  • Optymalizacja zasobów chmury obliczeniowej z wykorzystaniem inteligentnych agentów w zdalnym nauczaniu


    - Year 2023

    Rozprawa dotyczy optymalizacji zasobów chmury obliczeniowej, w której zastosowano inteligentne agenty w zdalnym nauczaniu. Zagadnienie jest istotne w edukacji, gdzie wykorzystuje się nowoczesne technologie, takie jak Internet Rzeczy, rozszerzoną i wirtualną rzeczywistość oraz deep learning w środowisku chmury obliczeniowej. Zagadnienie jest istotne również w sytuacji, gdy pandemia wymusza stosowanie zdalnego nauczania na dużą skalę...

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  • Międzynarodowa Szkoła Letnia na temat algorytmów


    06-07-2020 08:30 - 11-07-2020 17:00

    Katedra Algorytmów i Modelowania Systemów WETI PG organizuje 4. edycję Międzynarodowej Szkoły Letniej na temat algorytmów dla problemów optymalizacji dyskretnej i głębokiego uczenia

  • BP-EVD: Forward Block-Output Propagation for Efficient Video Denoising

    Denoising videos in real-time is critical in many applications, including robotics and medicine, where varying light conditions, miniaturized sensors, and optics can substantially compromise image quality. This work proposes the first video denoising method based on a deep neural network that achieves state-of-the-art performance on dynamic scenes while running in real-time on VGA video resolution with no frame latency. The backbone...

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  • Poprawa jakości klasyfikacji głębokich sieci neuronowych poprzez optymalizację ich struktury i dwuetapowy proces uczenia


    - Year 2024

    W pracy doktorskiej podjęto problem realizacji algorytmów głębokiego uczenia w warunkach deficytu danych uczących. Głównym celem było opracowanie podejścia optymalizującego strukturę sieci neuronowej oraz zastosowanie uczeniu dwuetapowym, w celu uzyskania mniejszych struktur, zachowując przy tym dokładności. Proponowane rozwiązania poddano testom na zadaniu klasyfikacji znamion skórnych na znamiona złośliwe i łagodne. W pierwszym...

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  • Robotics in architectural education

    Robotics rapidly is becoming an important part of architectural design at all stages, from early conceptual work to construction. In this article is presented the present state of the art in the field related to architectural education, from computer numerical control (CNC) milling tools, through drones to multi-axis robotic arms. Professionals involved in modern design techniques often use them to create precise, complex forms...

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  • Akustyczna analiza parametrów ruchu drogowego z wykorzystaniem informacji o hałasie oraz uczenia maszynowego


    - Year 2018

    Celem rozprawy było opracowanie akustycznej metody analizy parametrów ruchu drogowego. Zasada działania akustycznej analizy ruchu drogowego zapewnia pasywną metodę monitorowania natężenia ruchu. W pracy przedstawiono wybrane metody uczenia maszynowego w kontekście analizy dźwięku (ang.Machine Hearing). Przedstawiono metodologię klasyfikacji zdarzeń w ruchu drogowym z wykorzystaniem uczenia maszynowego. Przybliżono podstawowe...

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  • Viability of decisional DNA in robotics


    - Procedia Computer Science - Year 2014

    The Decisional DNA is an artificial intelligence system that uses prior experiences to shape future decisions. Decisional DNA is written in the Set Of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and is capable of capturing and reusing a broad range of data. Decisional DNA has been implemented in several fields including Alzheimer’s diagnosis, geothermal energy and smart TV. Decisional DNA is well suited to use in robotics due to the...

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  • Efficiency of Artificial Intelligence Methods for Hearing Loss Type Classification: an Evaluation

    • M. Kassjański
    • M. Kulawiak
    • T. Przewoźny
    • D. Tretiakow
    • J. Kuryłowicz
    • A. Molisz
    • K. Koźmiński
    • A. Kwaśniewska
    • P. Mierzwińska-Dolny
    • M. Grono

    - Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems - JAMRIS - Year 2024

    The evaluation of hearing loss is primarily conducted by pure tone audiometry testing, which is often regarded as golden standard for assessing auditory function. If the presence of hearing loss is determined, it is possible to differentiate between three types of hearing loss: sensorineural, conductive, and mixed. This study presents a comprehensive comparison of a variety of AI classification models, performed on 4007 pure tone...

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  • Integracja bezprzewodowych heterogenicznych sieci IP dla poprawy efektywności transmisji danych na morzu


    - Year 2023

    Wraz ze wzrostem istotności środowiska morskiego w naszym codziennym życiu np. w postaci zwiększonego wolumenu transportu realizowanego drogą morską. czy zintensyfikowanych prac dotyczących obserwacji i monitoringu środowiska morskiego, wzrasta również potrzeba opracowania efektywnych systemów komunikacyjnych dedykowanych dla tego środowiska. Heterogeniczne systemy łączności bezprzewodowej integrowane na poziomie warstwy sieciowej...

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  • Sathwik Prathapagiri


    Sathwik was born in 2000. In 2022, he completed his Master’s of Science in  Biological Sciences and Bachelor’s of Engineering in Chemical Engineering in an integrated dual degree program from Birla Institute Of Technology And Science, Pilani, India. During his final year, he worked as a research intern under Dr Giri P Krishnan at Bazhenov lab, University of California San Diego school of medicine to pursue his Master’s Thesis on...

  • Mohsan Ali Master of Science in Computer Science


    Mohsan Ali is a researcher at the University of the Aegean. He won the Marie-Curie Scholarship in 2021 in the field of open data ecosystem (ODECO) to pursue his PhD degree at the University of the Aegean. Currently, he is working on the technical interoperability of open data in the information systems laboratory; this position is funded by ODECO. His areas of expertise are open data, open data interoperability, data science, natural...

  • Model-free and Model-based Reinforcement Learning, the Intersection of Learning and Planning


    - Year 2022

    My doctoral dissertation is intended as the compound of four publications considering: structure and randomness in planning and reinforcement learning, continuous control with ensemble deep deterministic policy gradients, toddler-inspired active representation learning, and large-scale deep reinforcement learning costs.

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  • Testing the usability of decisional DNA in robotics


    - Year 2010

    W pracy poddano dyskusji i nalizie obszary mozliwych zastowac reprezentacji wiedzy zwanej Decisional DNA w zagadnieniach zwiazanych z robotyka.

  • Narzędzia i metody obliczeń z użyciem MATLABa


    19-03-2020 10:00 - 19-03-2020 13:15

    Dn. 19.03.2020 w godz. 10.00–13.15 na Politechnice Gdańskiej odbędzie się seminarium w języku angielskim poświęcone wykorzystaniu MATLABa w badaniach naukowych i dydaktyce.

  • Agnieszka Landowska dr hab. inż.

    Agnieszka Landowska works for Gdansk University of Technology, FETI, Department of Software Engineering.  Her research concentrates on usability, accessibility and technology adoption, as well as affective computing methods. She initiated Emotions in HCI Research Group and conducts resarch on User eXperiene evaluation of applications and other technologies.

  • Oprogramowanie Systemów Elektronicznych 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Kowalewski

    {mlang pl} Cel kursu: Programowanie urządzeń pomiarowych, obsługa interfejsów komputerowych, poznanie mechanizmów zwiększania wydajności oprogramowania (Win32 API, DLL, ODBC), projektowanie aplikacji wielozadaniowych. Dla studentów jakiego kierunku/stopnia studiów dany kurs jest przeznaczony: Przedmiot prowadzonych na studiach II stopnia.Obowiązkowy dla specjalności "Komputerowe Systemy Elektroniczne" i "Computer Electronic...

  • Oprogramowanie Systemów Elektronicznych 2021/2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Kowalewski

    {mlang pl} Cel kursu: Programowanie urządzeń pomiarowych, obsługa interfejsów komputerowych, poznanie mechanizmów zwiększania wydajności oprogramowania (Win32 API, DLL, ODBC), projektowanie aplikacji wielozadaniowych. Dla studentów jakiego kierunku/stopnia studiów dany kurs jest przeznaczony: Przedmiot prowadzonych na studiach II stopnia.Obowiązkowy dla specjalności "Komputerowe Systemy Elektroniczne" i "Computer Electronic...

  • Infosystemy Elektroniczne 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Kowalewski

    {mlang pl} Cel kursu: Poznanie zasad funkcjonowania różnorodnych infosystemów elektronicznych, obejmujących zastosowania przemysłowe i komercyjne elektroniki. Dla studentów jakiego kierunku/stopnia studiów dany kurs jest przeznaczony: Przedmiot prowadzonych na studiach II stopnia.Obowiązkowy dla specjalności "Komputerowe Systemy Elektroniczne" i "Computer Electronic Systems" na kierunku Elektronika.Obieralny dla specjalności...

  • Infosystemy Elektroniczne 2021/2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Kowalewski

    {mlang pl} Cel kursu: Poznanie zasad funkcjonowania różnorodnych infosystemów elektronicznych, obejmujących zastosowania przemysłowe i komercyjne elektroniki. Dla studentów jakiego kierunku/stopnia studiów dany kurs jest przeznaczony: Przedmiot prowadzonych na studiach II stopnia.Obowiązkowy dla specjalności "Komputerowe Systemy Elektroniczne" i "Computer Electronic Systems" na kierunku Elektronika.Obieralny dla specjalności...

  • E-learning courses

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Wardziński
    • G. Gołaszewski
    • T. Zawadzka
    • A. Karpus
    • M. Wróbel
    • A. Przybyłek
    • W. Waloszek
    • A. Landowska
    • K. Goczyła

    Strona zawiera zbiór kursów prowadzonych metodą e-learning. Kursy te są skierowane do studentów I stopnia kierunku informatyka na VII semestrze profilu Bazy danych, do studentów na kierunku informatyka na II semestrze studiów II stopnia na specjalności ZAD i ISI.

  • Federated Learning in Healthcare Industry: Mammography Case Study

    The paper focuses on the role of federated learning in a healthcare environment. The experimental setup involved different healthcare providers, each with their datasets. A comparison was made between training a deep learning model using traditional methods, where all the data is stored in one place, and using federated learning, where the data is distributed among the workers. The experiment aimed to identify possible challenges...

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  • e-Learning - user's guide for students

    e-Learning Courses

    e-Learning - user's guide for students

  • Assessing the attractiveness of human face based on machine learning


    The attractiveness of the face plays an important role in everyday life, especially in the modern world where social media and the Internet surround us. In this study, an attempt to assess the attractiveness of a face by machine learning is shown. Attractiveness is determined by three deep models whose sum of predictions is the final score. Two annotated datasets available in the literature are employed for training and testing...

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  • Self-Supervised Learning to Increase the Performance of Skin Lesion Classification

    To successfully train a deep neural network, a large amount of human-labeled data is required. Unfortunately, in many areas, collecting and labeling data is a difficult and tedious task. Several ways have been developed to mitigate the problem associated with the shortage of data, the most common of which is transfer learning. However, in many cases, the use of transfer learning as the only remedy is insufficient. In this study,...

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  • Lifelong Learning Idea in Architectural Education

    The recent advances in IT and technology are forcing changes in the approach to educating society. In the 20th century, life-long learning was understood as educating adults in order to improve their occupational qualifications. Life-long learning allows the needs of the present-day world to be addressed through providing the individual with education at every stage of his/her life various forms. The search for a new model...

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  • Benchmarking Deep Neural Network Training Using Multi- and Many-Core Processors

    In the paper we provide thorough benchmarking of deep neural network (DNN) training on modern multi- and many-core Intel processors in order to assess performance differences for various deep learning as well as parallel computing parameters. We present performance of DNN training for Alexnet, Googlenet, Googlenet_v2 as well as Resnet_50 for various engines used by the deep learning framework, for various batch sizes. Furthermore,...

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  • Robotics


    ISSN: 2218-6581

  • Recognition Of Colours And Collision Avoidance In Robotics Using Optical Fiber Sensors


    - Year 1987

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  • Gaining knowledge through experience: developing decisional DNA applications in robotics



    Omówiono nowatorskie podejscie do zastosowania wiedzy opartej na doświadczeniu i budowie decyzyjnego DNA w obszarach związanych z robotyką.In this article, we explore an approach that integrates Decisional DNA, a domain-independent, flexible, and standard knowledge representation structure, with robots in order to test the usability and suitability of this novel knowledge representation structure. Core issues in using this Decisional...

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  • Knowledge sharing and knowledge hiding in light of the mistakes acceptance component of learning culture- knowledge culture and human capital implications


    - The Learning Organization - Year 2022

    Purpose: This study examines the micromechanisms of how knowledge culture fosters human capital development. Method: An empirical model was developed using the structural equation modeling method (SEM) based on a sample of 321 Polish knowledge workers employed in different industries. Findings: This study provides direct empirical evidence that tacit knowledge sharing supports human capital, whereas tacit knowledge hiding does...

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  • Robotics for human health and performance (PG_00054982) 04.2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Sieklicki

    During this course students will be provided with the knowledge in areas of robotics and biomechanics necessary to design instrumentation for human health and performance, as well as about human-robot interface.

  • Selected Technical Issues of Deep Neural Networks for Image Classification Purposes

    In recent years, deep learning and especially Deep Neural Networks (DNN) have obtained amazing performance on a variety of problems, in particular in classification or pattern recognition. Among many kinds of DNNs, the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are most commonly used. However, due to their complexity, there are many problems related but not limited to optimizing network parameters, avoiding overfitting and ensuring good...

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  • Speech Analytics Based on Machine Learning


    In this chapter, the process of speech data preparation for machine learning is discussed in detail. Examples of speech analytics methods applied to phonemes and allophones are shown. Further, an approach to automatic phoneme recognition involving optimized parametrization and a classifier belonging to machine learning algorithms is discussed. Feature vectors are built on the basis of descriptors coming from the music information...

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  • Annual Review of Control Robotics and Autonomous Systems


    eISSN: 2573-5144


    This article presents one possibility to employ Moodle, the free e-Leaning platform, to organize learning understood as a process. Behavioral approach and application to massive courses are assumed. A case study is presented, where the introduction of Moodle resulted in better student performance in homework

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  • Learning and memory processes in autonomous agents using an intelligent system of decision-making


    This paper analyzes functions and structures of the memory that is an indispensable part of an Intelligent System of Decision-making (ISD), developed as a universal engine for autonomous robotics. A simplified way of processing and coding information in human cognitive processes is modelled and adopted for the use in autonomous systems. Based on such a knowledge structure, an artificial model of reality representation and a model...

  • Learning and memory processes in autonomous agents using an intelligent system of decision-making


    This paper analyzes functions and structures of the memory that is an indispensable part of an Intelligent System of Decision-making (ISD), developed as a universal engine for autonomous robotics. A simplified way of processing and coding information in human cognitive processes is modelled and adopted for the use in autonomous systems. Based on such a knowledge structure, an artificial model of reality representation and a model...

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  • Blended Learning Model for Computer Techniques for Students of Architecture

    Abstract: The article summarizes two-year experience of implementing hybrid formula for teaching Computer Techniques at the Faculty of Architecture at the Gdansk University of Technology. Original educational e-materials, consisting of video clips, text and graphics instructions, as well as links to online resources are embedded in the university e-learning educational platform. The author discusses technical constraints associated...

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  • Designing acoustic scattering elements using machine learning methods


    - Year 2021

    In the process of the design and correction of room acoustic properties, it is often necessary to select the appropriate type of acoustic treatment devices and make decisions regarding their size, geometry, and location of the devices inside the room under the treatment process. The goal of this doctoral dissertation is to develop and validate a mathematical model that allows predicting the effects of the application of the scattering...

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  • Deep CNN based decision support system for detection and assessing the stage of diabetic retinopathy


    - Year 2018

    The diabetic retinopathy is a disease caused by long-standing diabetes. Lack of effective treatment can lead to vision impairment and even irreversible blindness. The disease can be diagnosed by examining digital color fundus photographs of retina. In this paper we propose deep learning approach to automated diabetic retinopathy screening. Deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) - the most popular kind of deep learning algorithms...

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  • Reinforcement Learning Algorithm and FDTD-based Simulation Applied to Schroeder Diffuser Design Optimization


    The aim of this paper is to propose a novel approach to the algorithmic design of Schroeder acoustic diffusers employing a deep learning optimization algorithm and a fitness function based on a computer simulation of the propagation of acoustic waves. The deep learning method employed for the research is a deep policy gradient algorithm. It is used as a tool for carrying out a sequential optimization process the goal of which is...

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  • Explainable AI for Inspecting Adversarial Attacks on Deep Neural Networks

    Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are state of the art algorithms for image classification. Although significant achievements and perspectives, deep neural networks and accompanying learning algorithms have some important challenges to tackle. However, it appears that it is relatively easy to attack and fool with well-designed input samples called adversarial examples. Adversarial perturba-tions are unnoticeable for humans. Such attacks...

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  • Experimental tests of reinforced concrete deep-beams

    The paper presents results of experimental research of the reinforced concrete deep beam with a spatial arrangement. Tested structural elements consist of the cantilever deep beam loaded on the height and transverse deep beam with hanging on it another one. The analysis includes crack morphology, effort of steel and load distribution. The article verified effectiveness of two different kind of reinforcement in both tested deep...

  • Social learning in cluster initiatives


    - Competitiveness Review - Year 2022

    Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to portray social learning in cluster initiatives (CIs), namely: 1) to explore, with the lens of the communities of practice (CoPs) theory, in what ways social learning occurs in CIs; 2) to discover how various CoPs emerge and evolve in CIs to facilitate a collective journey in their learning process. Subsequently, the authors address the research questions: In what ways does social learning...

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