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Search results for: INFLUENCE OF TIME
Hypertension and sexual dysfunction: time to act
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Equations with Separated Variables on Time Scales
PublicationWe show that the well-known theory for classical ordinary differential equations with separated variables is not valid in case of equations on time scales. Namely, the uniqueness of solutions does not depend on the convergence of appropriate integrals.
TreeCmp: Comparison of Trees in Polynomial Time
PublicationMetryki filogenetyczne umożliwiają ocenę jakości wyników analizy filogenetycznej oraz wiarygodności algorytmów przeprowadzających taką analizę. Aplikacja TreeCmp oferuje efektywne, wielomianowe implementacje ośmiu takich metryk (dla drzew nieukorzenionych i zawierających korzeń) zdefiniowanych dla dowolnych filogenez (nie koniecznie binarnych). Program ten jako pierwszy umożliwia wyznaczanie nowych metryk, definiowanych w oparciu...
Modeling SPMD Application Execution Time
PublicationParallel applications in a Single Process Multiple Data paradigm assume splitting huge amounts of data to multiple processors working in parallel at small data packets. As the individual data packets are not independent, the processors must interact with each other to exchange results of the calculations with their adjacent partners and take these results into account in their own computations. An example of SPMD is geometric parallelism...
Modeling DAC Application Execution Time
PublicationAn application written in the Divide And Conquer paradigm is more difficult to model than SPMD application because of complex algorithm, causing use of many coefficients in a computational complexity function. Processors are divided into various layers, each layer contains different number of processors. Data packets processed in different layers and transferred between layers have different length. Moreover first layer processors use...
Testing Topological Conjugacy of Time Series
PublicationThis paper considers a problem of testing, from a finite sample, a topological conjugacy of two trajectories coming from dynamical systems (X, f ) and (Y, g). More precisely, given x1, . . . , xn \subset X and y1, . . . , yn \subset Y such that xi+1 = f (xi) and yi+1 = g(yi) as well as h : X \rightarrow Y, we deliver a number of tests to check if f and g are topologically conjugated via h. The values of the tests are close to...
Liquid residence time in vortex separators
PublicationCentrifugal force enhances gravitational separation of suspension (vortex separators), as well as allows regulation of liquid discharge (vortex flow controls). Furthermore, it elongates the effective residence time of liquid inside the chamber in comparison to non-circulative flow. Laboratorz measurements, described in the paper, indicate that average liquid residence time for circulative flow exceeds 50% of plug-flow time,...
Differential inequalities with initial time difference.
PublicationUzyskano pewne wyniki porównawcze pomiędzy rozwiązaniami nierówności różniczkowych startujących z różnych punktów początkowych. O nieliniowej funkcji f (związanej z zagadnieniem) zakładano jednostronny warunek Lipschitza. Podano pewne zastosowanie otrzymanych wyników. Sformułowano też pewne warunki dotyczące stabilności.
Time-of-flight spectroscopy for medical applications.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono korzyści optycznej spektroskopii czasu przelotu, w zastosowaniach medycznych. Przedstawiono także zasadę pomiarów oraz pokazano, jak z danych pomiarowych można wyznaczyć podstawowe parametry optyczne tkanki. Potencjał pomiarowy optycznej spektroskopii czasu przelotu zaprezentowano na przykładzie pomiarów ośrodków silnie rozpraszających światło jakimi są: papier, cicze technologiczne z papierni, wodne roztwory...
Special discrete-time filters and applications
PublicationCelem monografii jest pokazanie głównych kierunków postepu w zakresie nowych technik projektowania cyfrowych filtrów specjalnych i ich zastosowań. Rodzina filtrów specjalnych skupia sie wokół filtru ułamkowo-opóźniającego, tj. szczególnego interpolatora, którego właściwości można scharakteryzować za pomocą opóźnienia grupowego albo opóźnienia fazowego. W monografii pokazano mechanizm powiązań pomiędzy filtrami specjalnymi, wyjaśniono...
Influence of the particle size of carbonate-siliceous rock on the efficiency of phosphorous removal from domestic wastewater
PublicationtThe aim of the study was to determine the influence of the particle size of carbonate–silica rock (opoka)used in rock filters on the efficiency of phosphorus removal from domestic wastewater. The investigationswere carried out in a laboratory using a model consisting of three vertical flow filters with carbonate–silicarock of different particle sizes (G1= 1–2 mm; G2= 2–5 mm; G3= 5–10 mm). The tested rock was subjectedto decarbonising...
Temperature influence on tire/road noise evaluated by the drum method
PublicationAmbient air and road surface temperatures substantially affect the road vehicle noise emission. The temperature influence on tire/road noise depends mainly on tire-road combination. It is different for dense and porous pavements, for bituminous and cement ones. It differs also depending on tires. The correction procedures for temperature effect are still under consideration and preparation. Laboratory experiment was prepared to...
Influence of vacuum sublimation deposited metal layer thickness on metrological parameters of the amperometric gas sensor with Nafion membrane
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation on an influence of vacuum sublimation deposited platinum layer thickness on the signal, sensitivity and response time of a prototype of sulphur dioxide sensor with Nafion membrane. The working electrode was made by vacuum sublimation deposition of platinum on a surface of Nafion membrane. Pt layers deposited changed an initial structure of Nafion membrane and that phenomenon was utilized...
Asphalt concrete subjected to long-time loading at low temperatures – Deviations from the time-temperature superposition principle
PublicationThe article presents the observed deviations from the time-temperature superposition principle of asphalt concretes, tested in the bending beam creep test at low temperatures for a long time of loading. In almost all tested asphalt concretes, deviations appeared after 500 s of loading at the temperature of -10 C. Some types of bitumen presented deviations at other temperatures – usually the harder the grade of the bitumen, the...
The study of structure and surface morphology of lithium titanate sol-gel derived thin films
PublicationIn this paper the structure and the surface morphology of lithium titanate (LTO) thin films are presented. Nanocrystalline thin films were prepared by sol–gel method. To examine the influence of the annealing time on as-prepared films crystallization, the coatings were heated at different temperatures in the range of 500 °C–600 °C for 10, 20, 40 and 80 h. The structure of the obtained material was investigated using the X-ray diffraction...
The Influence of Storage on Human Milk Lipidome Stability for Lipidomic Studies
PublicationHuman milk (HM) lipidome stability during storage is crucial in lipidomic studies to avoid misinterpretations. Facing the lack of comprehensive work on the HM lipidome stability, we performed a study on a potential alteration in the lipid profiles of HM samples stored under different conditions. An untargeted LC-Q-TOF-MS-based approach was applied to study the influence of storage conditions as well as the interaction of the storage...
Influence of rhamnolipids and ionic cross-linking conditions on the mechanical properties of alginate hydrogels as a model bacterial biofilm
PublicationThe literature indicates the existence of a relationship between rhamnolipids and bacterial biofilm, as well as the ability of selected bacteria to produce rhamnolipids and alginate. However, the influence of biosurfactant molecules on the mechanical properties of biofilms are still not fully understood. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of rhamnolipids concentration, CaCl2 concentration, and ionic cross-linking...
Traffic Type Influence on QoS Network Performance of Streaming Traffic Class
PublicationFeasibility study on QoS routing proved that the traffic type influence the network performance. The performance is defined here as a number of packets serviced by the network. In the paper additional element - buffers lengths used in service system was verified in terms of dependencies with routing performance. We present results obtained by simulation for many simulation scenarios. Analysis was done for two different network...
Joint time–frequency analysis of electrochemical noise
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The time dependence of pit creation impedance spectra
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Time series - the tool for traffic safety analysis
PublicationGłównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie sposobu modelowania i modeli stosowanych w analizach i prognozowaniu odnośnie zmian śmiertelności w wypadkach drogowych w Polsce. W tym celu zastosowano teorię modeli strukturalnych szeregów czasowych przy założeniu, że zarówno ruch drogowy, jak i bezpieczeństwo na drogach są procesami dynamicznymi, w których przeszłość ma znaczący wpływ na teraźniejszość i przyszłość systemu.
Time reconstruction and performance of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter
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Short-Period Information in GPS Time Series
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Digital hearing aid with time and spectral transposition.
PublicationNastępstwem uruchomienia w Polsce, prowadzonych na szeroką skalę, badań przesiewowych słuchu jest konieczność zaoferowania pomocy osobom cierpiącym na niedosłuch poprzez leczenie i protetykę słuchu. Tymczasem, aktualnie oferowane rozwiązania aparatów słuchowych nie są w stanie sprostać niektórym specjalistycznym potrzebom aparatowania, m. in.: najmłodszych dzieci, osób pracujących w hałasie, pilotów wojskowych oraz osób korzystających...
Digital Innovations for Sustainable Development in the Time of Crisis
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Medical transport of ambulances. Analysis of travel time
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PublicationThanks to the ability to collect information about large areas and with high frequency in time areas threatened by floods can be closely monitored. The effects of flooding are socio-economic losses. In order to reduce those losses, actions related to the determination of building zones are taken. Moreover, the conditions to be met by facilities approved for implementation in such areas are determined. Therefore, satellite data...
Monitoring of the Process of System Information Broadcasting in Time
PublicationOne of the problems of quantum physics is how a measurement turns quantum, noncopyable data, towards copyable classical knowledge. We use the quantum state discrimination in a central system model to show how its evolution leads to the broadcasting of the information, and how orthogonalization and decoherence factors allow us to monitor the distance of the state in question to the one perfectly broadcasting information, in any...
Asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA) method
PublicationA new method for a location service in the asynchronous wireless sensor networks is outlined. This method, which is called asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA), enables calculation of the position of a mobile node without knowledge of relative time differences (RTDs) between measuring sensors. The ATDOA method is based on the measurement of time difference of arrival between the node and the same sensor at the discrete...
Real-time speech-rate modification experiments
PublicationAn algorithm designed for real-time speech time scale modification (stretching) is proposed, providing a combination of typical synchronous overlap and add based time scale modification algorithm and signal redundancy detection algorithms that allow to remove parts of the speech signal and replace them with the stretched speech signal fragments. Effectiveness of signal processing algorithms are examined experimentally together...
Improved method for real-time speech stretching
Publicationn algorithm for real-time speech stretching is presented. It was designed to modify input signal dependently on its content and on its relation with the historical input data. The proposed algorithm is a combination of speech signal analysis algorithms, i.e. voice, vowels/consonants, stuttering detection and SOLA (Synchronous-Overlap-and-Add) based speech stretching algorithm. This approach enables stretching input speech signal...
Bounds on the Cover Time of Parallel Rotor Walks
PublicationThe rotor-router mechanism was introduced as a deterministic alternative to the random walk in undirected graphs. In this model, a set of k identical walkers is deployed in parallel, starting from a chosen subset of nodes, and moving around the graph in synchronous steps. During the process, each node maintains a cyclic ordering of its outgoing arcs, and successively propagates walkers which visit it along its outgoing arcs in...
Time-domine Dipole Fields in acoustic and Elektromagnetics
PublicationThe ultrawideband (UWB) radio technique presents a challenge not just for technology. The UWB carrier-free pulses act at a close distance, their electromagnetic fields being very different from classic monochromatic plane wave. The author proposes to adapt a time-domian approach to analysis of broadband spherical fields, both acoustic and electromagnetic, in fundamental cases of quasi-point physical sources.
Real-time simulator of agricultural biogas plant
PublicationThis article presents a real-time simulator of an agricultural biogas plant. The project contains biogas and biomass circuits simulation, as well as heating circuit simulation with a complete control system and visualization interface of the whole process. The software tool used to simulate the plant work is CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), which enables a user to create and test simulation objects based on fundamental physical...
Time for temporariness! Temporary architecture - whim or necessity?
PublicationWhat are the qualities of temporary architectural objects that make them helpful instruments for evolving the image of contemporary urban space? Six hypotheses provide rationales for why current temporary architecture seems to be a remedy for dysfunctional city structures. The research was limited to the temporary architectural objects constructed in open-air city zones, including the architecture of events. The temporary objects'...
Travel Time of Public Transport Vehicles Estimation
PublicationEffective prediction of speed is central to advanced traveler information and transportation management systems. The speed of public transport vehicles is affected by many external factors including traffic volume, organization and infrastructure. The literature presents methods for estimating travel time on sections of a transport network and vehicle arrival at stops, often making use of the AVL (automatic vehicle location). The...
Real-Time Skin Quality Assessment System
PublicationThis thesis presents a real-time skin assessment system with the main aim of detecting inflammatory acne lesions and tracking skin conditions. A facial acne lesion detection algorithm was developed, using a pre-trained YOLOv8 model for lesion detection and a Mediapipe detector for face detection. The proposed solution aims to create a system used in smart mirrors to help users self-monitor and monitor their skin condition in real...
Bounds on the cover time of parallel rotor walks
PublicationThe rotor-router mechanism was introduced as a deterministic alternative to the random walk in undirected graphs. In this model, a set of k identical walkers is deployed in parallel, starting from a chosen subset of nodes, and moving around the graph in synchronous steps. During the process, each node successively propagates walkers visiting it along its outgoing arcs in round-robin fashion, according to a fixed ordering. We consider...
Residence time distribution in rapid multiphase reactors
PublicationResidence time distribution (RTD) provides information about average hydraulic residence time and the distribution of material in the reactor. A method for determining RTD for reactors with very short hydraulic residence times is deconvolution based on extraction of real RTD by the analysis of a non-ideal input signal. The mean residence time and dispersion were determined for the spinning fluids reactor (SFR). For the first time...
Modelling the time-dependent behaviour of soft soils
PublicationTime-dependence of soft soils has already been thoroughly investigated. The knowledge on creep and relaxation phenomena is generally available in the literature. However, it is still rarely applied in practice. Regarding the organic soils, geotechnical engineers mostly base their calculations on the simple assumptions. Yet, as presented within this paper, the rate-dependent behaviour of soft soils is a very special and important...
Nonreciprocal cavities and the time-bandwidth limit: comment
PublicationIn their paper in Optica 6, 104 (2019), Mann et al. claim that linear, time-invariant nonreciprocal structures cannot overcome the time-bandwidth limit and do not exhibit an advantage over their reciprocal counterparts, specifically with regard to their time-bandwidth performance. In this Comment, we argue that these conclusions are unfounded. On the basis of both rigorous full-wave simulations and insightful physical justifications,...
Web-based real-time simulation system
PublicationThe paper presents the development of a simulation system composed of a real-time plant simulator with real-time controller included in the software-in-the-loop structure using web-based communication. The client-server architecture build in a TCP/IP network environment was introduced, where the server is a computing unit for real-time high temporal resolution plant simulation (and optionally also as controllers' platform) and...
Investigation of noises in the EPN weekly time series
PublicationThe constantly growing needs of permanent stati ons’ velocities users cause their stability level to increase. To this research we included more than 150 stations located across Europe operating within the EUREF Permanent Network (EPN) w ith weekly changes in the ITRF2005 reference frame. The obvious long-range dependencies in the stochastic part of GPS time series were p roven by Ljung-Box...
Traffic risk modelling using time-series
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono metodę prognozowania ryzyka w ruchu drogowym powstałą na bazie analizy szeregów czasowych. W jej oparciu dla danych o liczbie śmiertelnych ofiar wypadków drogowych w Polsce w latach 1989-2000 zbudowano model i wykonano prognozę rozwoju trendu w przyszłości.
Comparison of volume-and surface-detention-time distributions
PublicationCzas zatrzymania ścieków w reaktorze jest bardzo ważnym parametrem projektowym. Jego wyznaczenie jest trudne i kłopotliwe. Z tego względu zbadano możliwość zastąpienia wartości tego parametru, wyznaczonej tylko dla swobodnej powierzchni ścieków. W wyniku stwierdzono dopuszczalność takiej zamiany.
Differential-algebraic systems with initial time difference
PublicationO funkcjach występujących w zagadnieniu zakładano m.in. warunek typu Perrona uzyskując pewne wyniki porównawcze dla zagadnień różniczkowo-algebraicznych startujących z różnych punktów początkowych. Wyniki porównawcze uzyskano również wykorzystując odpowiednią funkcję typu Lapunova. Sformułowane zostały warunki dostateczne na to aby rozwiązanie było stabilne.
Importance of time evaluation in capillary rise method
PublicationBadano zwilżalność układu porowatego przez wodę i węglowodany, mierząc zmianę masy rurki wypełnionej szklanymi kulkami. Wskazano na różny czas i szybkość penetracji cieczy przez złoże.
The time dependence of pit creation impedance spectra.
PublicationPrzeprowadzono pomiar impedancyjny w warunkach chronoamperometrycznych uzyskując zmiany impedancji układu w czasie. Na ich podstawie wyznaczono zmiany rezystancji przeniesienia ładunku i pojemności w czasie opisujące inicjację i rozwój korozji wżerowej. Potwierdzono użyteczność dynamicznej elektrochemicznej spektroskopii impedancyjnej w badaniu korozji wżerowej.
Systems of differential inequalities with initial time difference.
PublicationPewne twierdzenia porównawcze są formułowane dla takich zagadnień.O funkcji F występującej po prawej stronie nierówności różniczkowej zakłada się, że spełnia własności kwasimonotoniczności. Sformułowanorównież twierdzenia o istnieniu ekstremalnych rozwiązań dla odpowiednich równań różniczkowych pierwszego rzędu z odchylonymi argumentami.
Traffic fatalities modelling using time-series.
PublicationReferat zawiera opis jednaj z metod analizowania trendów bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego opartej na teorii szeregów czasowych. Przedstawiono w nim aplikację tej metody do badania związku pomiędzy liczbą śmiertelnych ofiar wypadków drogowych w Polsce w latach 1991-2003 a wielkością bezrobocia w tym czasie.