Search results for: Chemistry of Polymers
Foamed Polyurethane Composites With Different Types of Ash – Morphological, Mechanical and Thermal Behavior Assessments
Publicationncorporation of two types of ash particles into flexible polyurethane foams has been investigated, wood ash from gasification process and fly ash resulting from coal burning in power plant. Samples were modified with 5, 10 and 15 wt% of fillers. Structure, mechanical and thermal properties of obtained foams were investigated. Incorporation of both types of ash particles resulted in materials showing...
Biomedical engineering of polysaccharide-based tissue adhesives: Recent advances and future direction
PublicationTissue adhesives have been widely used for preventing wound leaks, sever bleeding, as well as for enhancing drug delivery and biosensing. However, only a few among suggested platforms cover the circumstances required for high-adhesion strength and biocompatibility, without toxicity. Antibacterial properties, controllable degradation, encapsulation capacity, detectability by image-guided procedures and affordable price are also...
Zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-8) modified cellulose acetate NF membranes for potential water treatment application
PublicationIn this study, cellulose acetate (CA)-based nanofiltration membranes, modified with zeolitic imidazole framework-8 (ZIF-8) particles, were prepared with various ZIF-8 contents (0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 wt%), to obtain membranes with improved flux and filtration performance by combining advantages of CA polymer and ZIF-8 metal-organic frameworks. Removal efficiency studies were carried out with bovine serum albumin and two different...
Effect of chemical structure on complexation efficiency of aromatic drugs with cyclodextrins: The example of dibenzazepine derivatives
PublicationIt is widely believed that the hydrophobic effect governs the binding of guest molecules to cyclodextrins (CDs). However, it is also known that high hydrophobicity of guest molecules does not always translate to the formation of stable inclusion complexes with CDs. Indeed, a plethora of other factors can play a role in the efficiency of guest–CD interactions, rendering structure-based prediction of the complexation efficiency with...
Conductive Thermoplastic Polyurethane Nanocomposite Foams Derived from a Cellulose/MWCNTs Aerogel Framework: Simultaneous Enhancement of Piezoresistance, Strength, and Endurance
PublicationHigh conductivity and excellent mechanical properties of composite polymers favors their application as piezoresistive strain sensors. Nonetheless, it is difficult to develop composite polymers with desirable piezoresistance, mechanicaland durable properties. Herein, we developed conductive cellulose/MWCNTs aerogel using the freeze-drying technique. Besides, we explored the application of the highly-sensitive piezoresistive polymer...
Structural Variety of Cobalt(II), Nickel(II), Zinc(II), and Cadmium(II) Complexes with 4,4′-Azopyridine: Synthesis, Structure and Luminescence Properties
PublicationSelf-assembled bi- and polymetallic complexes of CoII, NiII, ZnII, and CdII were obtained by the reaction of 4,4′-azopyridine (azpy) with metal tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates (Co, 1; Cd, 2), acetylacetonates (Ni, 3; Zn, 4), and acetates (Cd, 5). All compounds were characterized by single-crystal X-ray structure analysis, elemental analysis, FTIR spectroscopy, and thermogravimetry. Complexes 1, 2 and 4, 5 exhibit diverse structural...
Application of Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARSplines) for Predicting Hansen Solubility Parameters Based on 1D and 2D Molecular Descriptors Computed from SMILES String
PublicationA new method of Hansen solubility parameters (HSPs) prediction was developed by combining the multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARSplines) methodology with a simple multivariable regression involving 1D and 2D PaDEL molecular descriptors. In order to adopt the MARSplines approach to QSPR/QSAR problems, several optimization procedures were proposed and tested. The effectiveness of the obtained models was checked via standard...
Reactivity of Phosphanylphosphinidene Complex of Tungsten(VI) toward Phosphines: A New Method of Synthesis of catena-Polyphosphorus Ligands
PublicationThe reactivity of an anionic phosphanylphosphinidene complex of tungsten(VI), [(2,6-i-Pr2C6H3N)2(Cl)- W(η2-t-Bu2P=P)]Li·3DME toward PMe3, halogenophosphines, and iodine was investigated. Reaction of the starting complex with Me3P led to formation of a new neutral phosphanylphosphinidene complex, [( 2,6-i-Pr2C6H3N)2(Me3P)W(η2-t-Bu2P=P)]. Reactions with halogenophosphines yielded new catena-phosphorus complexes. From reaction with...
The Reactivity of Phosphanylphosphinidene Complexes of Transition Metals Toward Terminal Dihaloalkanes
PublicationThe reactivities of phosphanylphosphinidene complexes [(DippN)2W(Cl)(η2-P−PtBu2)]− (1), [(pTol3P)2Pt(η2- P=PtBu2)] (2), and [(dppe)Pt(η2-P=PtBu2)] (3) toward dihaloalkanes and methyl iodide were investigated. The reactions of the anionic tungsten complex (1) with stochiometric Br(CH2)nBr (n = 3, 4, 6) led to the formation of neutral complexes with a tBu2PP(CH2)3Br ligand or neutral dinuclear complexes with unusual tetradentate...
Effect of nanosized carbon black on thermal stability and flame retardancy of polypropylene/carbon nanotubes nanocomposites
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Effect of Grain Husk Microfibers on Physicochemical Properties of Carboxymethyl Polysaccharides-Based Composite
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The Effect of Citric Acid on Physicochemical Properties of Hydrophilic Carboxymethyl Starch-Based Films
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Influence of the Multiple Injection Moulding and Composting Time on the Properties of Selected Packaging and Furan-Based Polyesters
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Production of antimicrobial silver nanoparticles modified by alkanethiol self‐assembled monolayers by direct current atmospheric pressure glow discharge generated in contact with a flowing liquid anode
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Direct Current Atmospheric Pressure Microdischarge Generated between a Miniature Flow Helium Microjet and a Flowing Liquid Cathode
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Decolorization of organic dyes solution by atmospheric pressure glow discharge system working in a liquid flow-through mode
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Direct current atmospheric pressure glow discharge generated between a pin-type solid cathode and a flowing liquid anode as a new tool for silver nanoparticles production
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Optical properties of phenylene–thiophene-based polyazomethine thin films
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Biodegradable macromolecular conjugates of citropin: Synthesis, characterization and in vitro efficiency study
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Monolithic polydimethylsiloxane-modified silica composites prepared by a low-temperature sol–gel micromolding technique for controlled drug release
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Structural evaluation of percolating, self-healing polyurethane–polycaprolactone blends doped with metallic, ferromagnetic, and modified graphene fillers
PublicationComposites with differently shaped micro- and nanofillers show various, unique thermal, and physicochemical properties when mixed with carefully chosen polymer matrix. Selected composition holds strategic value in achieving desired properties that is biodegradability, thermoelectric conductivity, and shape memory for organic coating. The main aim of this work is to briefly examine structural changes after reaching percolation...
Boron Removal by Adsorption on Cobalt(II) Doped Chitosan Bio-composite
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Rigid polyurethane foams reinforced with disilanolisobutyl POSS: Synthesis and properties
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Synthesis and morphology of rigid polyurethane foams with POSS as pendant groups or chemical crosslinks
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An overview of developments in poly(urethane-isocyanurates) elastomers
PublicationNauka i technologia jest przede wszystkim ukierunkowana na rozwój nowych materiałów polimerowych z pożądanych właściwościach. Takimi materiałami są bez wątpienia poliuretany zawierające w swojej strukturze pierścienie izocyjanurowe, charakteryzują się wysoką odpornością termiczną. Wiele z nich jest wykorzystywana jako sztywne pianki w budownictwie. Coraz większym zainteresowaniem cieszą się elastomery uretanowo-izocyjanurowe.
Degradation of Polycaptolactone Modified with TPS or CaCO3 in Biotic/Abiotic Sewater
PublicationThe polymer degradation process in two types of water sourced from the Baltic Sea was investigated. Polycaprolactone modified with thermoplastic starch(PCL/TPS>85%) or calcium carbonate (60% PCL/40% CaCO3)and PCL alone were incubated for 28 weeks in sea water with and without microrganisms. The experimental results indicated that in each of the experiments degradation occured. The process was more effective in sea water with microorganisms.Modification...
Preliminary Testing of the Influence of Modified Polycaprolactones on Anabaena Variabilis Growth in Seawater
PublicationSeveral new biodegradable polymer materials have recently come onto the global market. Mostly the results on degradation kinetic studies are presented. This paper suggests using one of the tests to estimate the impact of polymer packaging material on sea life. The microorganism chosen was Anabaena variabilis (identified in many waters, including those of the Baltic Sea, especially in the Gulf of Gdansk and Puck Bay; this cyanobacterium...
Degradation of polycaprolactone modified with TPS or CaCO3 in biotic/abiotic seawater
PublicationThis paper is an investigation of the polymer degradation process in two types of seawater (with and without microorganisms) sourced from the Baltic Sea. The chosen polymeric materials were polycaprolactone modified with either thermoplastic starch (PCL/TPS>85%) or calcium carbonate (60% PCL/40% CaCO3) compared directly against unmodified polycaprolactone. All samples were incubated for 28 weeks in seawater with and without microorganisms...
Investigation of Thermoplastic Polyurethanes Synthesized via Two Different Prepolymers
PublicationThe man aim of this work was to investigate the effect of the molecular weight of polyols, mixture of prepolymers, and [NCO]/[OH] molar ratio used during the prepolymer chain extending step on the chemical structure, thermomechanical and mechanical properties, and thermal stability of thermoplastic poly(ether-urethane)s In this work thermoplastic poly(ether-urethane)s were synthesized by using polyols with a various molecular weight,...
A New Approach to Chemical Recycling of Polyamide 6.6 and Synthesis of Polyurethanes with Recovered Intermediates
PublicationA new efficient method for the chemical decomposition of polyamide 6.6 by the glycolysis and amino-glycolysis processes was proposed. The glycolysis was conducted using the mass excess of ethylene glycol (EG) as a decomposing agent in the presence of a catalyst. Also, a mixture of EG and triethylenetetramine was used as another decomposing agent in the amino- glycolysis process. The described process of decomposition did not...
Structure-property relationships in peroxide-assisted blends of poly(ε-caprolactone) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)
PublicationPoly(ε-caprolactone) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PCL/PHB) blends in two weight ratios (75/25 and 50/50) were reactively compatibilized in the presence of di-(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)-benzene and dicumyl peroxide as free radical initiators. Rheological, mechanical, thermal properties and morphological features, as well as the chemical structure of PCL/PHB blends were investigated. It was found that regardless of PCL/PHB blend...
Two-step Conversion of Crude Glycerol Generated by Biodiesel Production into Biopolyols: Synthesis, Structural and Physical Chemical Characterization
PublicationIn this work biopolyols were synthesized via two-step process from crude glycerol and castor oil. For better evaluation of analyzed process, the impact of its time and temperature on the structure and properties of biopolyols was determined. Obtained results fully justified conducting of synthesis in two steps. Prepared materials were characterized by hydroxyl value and water content comparable to polyols industrially applied in...
Thermo-Chemical Decomposition Study of Polyurethane Elastomer Through Glycerolysis Route with Using Crude and Refined Glycerine as a Transesterification Agent
PublicationDue to the increasing amount of polyurethane waste, chemical recycling of these materials is a topic of growing interest for many researchers. The primary pur- pose of polyurethane feedstock recycling is to recover the starting polyol. In this study glycerolysis using glycerine from two sources and two purity grades is proposed as a method of chemical recycling. The main effort of this paper focuses on the employment of commercial...
The study on application of biopolyols obtained by cellulose biomass liquefaction performed with crude glycerol for the synthesis of rigid polyurethane foams
PublicationIn this work rigid polyurethane foams (PUR) were obtained by replacement of 0–70 wt% of petrochemical polyol with bio-polyol obtained via cellulose liquefaction in presence of crude glycerol. The foams with different content of a bio-polyol were prepared by single step method for NCO/OH ratio equals 1.5. The prepared materials were analyzed in terms of their morphology, chemical structure, thermal stability and basic physical and...
The Influence of Substitution of a Phosphorus-Containing Polyol with the Bio-polyol on the Properties of Bio-based PUR/PIR Foams
PublicationIn this work, effects of incorporating of a phosphorus-containing polyol into rigid polyurethane/polyisocyanurate foams’ formulations developed with use of two different bio-based polyols, derived from crude glycerol or liquefied cellulose were examined. The bio-polyol derived from crude glycerol was synthesized via two-step process from crude glycerol and castor oil, whereas the bio-polyol derived from liquefied cellulose was...
Structure, Mechanical, Thermal and Fire Behavior Assessments of Environmentally Friendly Crude Glycerol-Based Rigid Polyisocyanurate Foams
PublicationIn this work, rigid polyisocyanurate foams were prepared at partial substitution (0–70 wt%) of commercially available petrochemical polyol, with previously synthesized biopolyol based on crude glycerol and castor oil. Influence of the biopolyol content on morphology, chemical structure, static and dynamic mechanical properties, thermal insulation properties, thermal stability and flammability was investigated. Incorporation of...
The effect of high molecular weight bio-based diamine derivative of dimerized fatty acids obtained from vegetable oils on the structure, morphology and selected properties of poly(ether-urethane-urea)s
PublicationIn this work, the effect of the high molecular weight bio-based diamine on the chemical structure and selected properties of poly(ether-urethane-urea)s has been investigated. The ether-urethane prepolymer was cured using 1,4-butanediol and/or bio-based diamine. Mentioned chain extenders were used separately or in the mixture, and their different molecular weight and chemical structure resulted in obtaining materials with diversified...
Cast polyurethanes obtained from reactive recovered polyol intermediates via crude glycerine decomposition process
PublicationIn this work, the possibility of applying intermediates from polyurethane waste recycling in polyurethane synthesis was presented. Polyurethanes were synthesised in a two-step method using a mixture of petrochemical polyol and glycerolysate, used as a reactive component, 4,4-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) and 1,4-buthanediol (BD). Glycerolysates were produced during decomposition of polyurethane elastomer by crude glycerine...
Effect of starch fillers on the dynamic mechanical properties of rubber biocomposite materials
PublicationIn the paper the results of dynamic mechanical study of the biocomposites containing one of two types of (potato or corn) strach used as fillers in different amount were discussed. The composites were obtained from rubbery mixture containing natural rubber (NR) as a main component. Thermomechanical analyses (by DMA) showed that the used quantity of strach fillers only slightly influence on the glass transition temperature of vulcanizates.
l-ascorbic acid modified poly(ester urethane)s as a suitable candidates for soft tissue engineering applications
PublicationIn this paper we created novel poly(ester urethane)s (PESUs) designed specifically for tissue engineering. The PESUs were derived from oligomeric α,ω-dihydroxy(ethylene-butylene adipate) (dHEBA), 1,4-butanediol (BDO) and aliphatic 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) and modified with l-ascorbic acid to improve their biocompatibility. In addition, we determined their mechanical properties (such as tensile strength, elongation at...
A novel method for drop in drop edible oils encapsulation with chitosan using a coaxial technique
PublicationThe presented work concerns a novel one step method for oil encapsulation. In this coaxial system the oil constitutes the core of the capsule, while the chitosan solution is the polymer shell surrounding the core to provide separation of the core from the external environment. The paper contains a diagram of the encapsulation equipment and explains the principle of its operation. The experimental results showed the impact of the...
Preparation and characterization of porous scaffolds from chitosan-collagen-gelatin composite
PublicationNovel porous scaffolds composed of chitosan, collagen and gelatin were prepared and characterized. For preparing scaffolds gelatin and collagen isolated from fish skins with various physicochemical properties were used. In order to reduce preparation solubility glutaraldehyde in the amount of 1%, w/w relative to the total biopolymers weight in solution was used. All obtained biomaterials showed a homogeneous porosity. Protein polymer...
Proposal of New Starch-Blends Composition Quickly Degradable in Marine Environment
PublicationThe aim of this paper was to obtain a quickly degradable in seawater polymer blend as an alternative proposal for classical polymer packaging. For preliminary studies: poly(lactic acid) (PLA), starch, calcium carbonate (CaCO3), gelatin and glycerol were chosen. PLA was pointed out due to its biodegradability and comparable properties to polyethylene or polypropylene. Whereas starch was chosen as abundant, renewable and cheap polymer...
Preparation and Characterization of Films Based on Disintegrated Bacterial Cellulose and Montmorillonite
PublicationThe food packaging materials from natural polymers including polysaccharides offer an ecologically important alternative to commonly used synthetic, non-biodegradable counterparts. The purpose of this work was to modify of bacterial cellulose (BC) leading to the improvement of its functional properties in terms of use as a food packaging material. Effects of disintegration of BC and addition of montmorillonite (MMT) on its water...
Eco-friendly Route for Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers with Bio-based Hard Segments Composed of Bio-glycol and Mixtures of Aromatic–Aliphatic and Aliphatic–Aliphatic Diisocyanate
PublicationApplication of bio-based diisocyanates with low volatility instead petrochemical diisocyanates has positive impact on environment by reduction of hazardous effects on living organisms and lead to bio-based polyurethanes (bio-PUs) with good usage properties. This work was focused on the synthesis and chosen properties examination of partially bio-based thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers (bio-PUs) obtained using diisocyanate mixtures,...
The Taste of Waste: The Edge of Eggshell Over Calcium Carbonate in Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber
PublicationRubber technology experiences a new age by the use of biowaste or natural fillers. In this regard, taking properties of reinforcing agents from biowaste fillers remains as the challenging matter. Chicken eggshell (ES) biowaste has recently been introduced to substitute calcium carbonate (CaCO3) duo to its superior properties and low price. In this work, composites based on acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) reinforced with ES...
Submicron inorganic particles as an additional filler in hybrid epoxy matrix composites reinforced with glass fibres
PublicationIn this study, the effect of selected submicron metal oxide (zinc oxide, titanium oxide) or non-metal oxide (silicon dioxide) particles on mechanical and thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy/glass composites was investigated. The applied epoxy resin was a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A cured with triethylenetetramine. As a reinforcement twill weave E-glass fabric was used. Hybrid composites (contained particulate and fibrous...
Structural evaluation of percolating, self-healing polyurethane–polycaprolactone blends doped with metallic, ferromagnetic, and modified graphene fillers
PublicationComposites with differently shaped micro- and nanofillers show various, unique thermal, and physicochemical properties when mixed with carefully chosen polymer matrix. Selected composition holds strategic value in achieving desired properties that is biodegradability, thermoelectric conductivity, and shape memory for organic coating. The main aim of this work is to briefly examine structural changes after reaching percolation threshold...
Studies on the Combined Impact of Starch Source and Multiple Processing on Selected Properties of Thermoplastic Starch/Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Blends
PublicationThermoplastic starch (TPS)/ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) blends compatibilized with polyethylene-graft-maleic anhydride (PE-g-MA) were prepared from various native starches (potato, maize and waxy maize) and subjected to multiple extrusion cycles. Source of starch has significant impact on its composition, hence properties of obtained TPS and their blends with EVA. Higher content of amylopectin in waxy maize starch, comparing to...
Injectable poloxamer/graphene oxide hydrogels with well‐controlled mechanical and rheological properties
PublicationAlthough significant progress has been made in the design and application of injectable hydrogels for biomedical applications, concurrent control of rheological and mechanical properties of injectable hydrogels has remained as an open challenge to the researchers. In this work, we introduce and put into practice a photo‐curable poloxamer (also known as Pluronic)/graphene oxide (Plu/GO) injectable hydrogel with well‐controlled rheological...