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Search results for: END-PLATE JOINT
Buckling Analysis of a Micro Composite Plate with Nano Coating Based on the Modified Couple Stress Theory
PublicationThe present study investigates the buckling of a thick sandwich plate under the biaxial non-uniform compression using the modified couple stress theory with various boundary conditions. For this purpose, the top and bottom faces are orthotropic graphene sheets and for the central core the isotropic soft materials are investigated. The simplified first order shear deformation theory (S-FSDT) is employed and the governing differential...
Psychological adjustment of women after oncological surgery and at the end of treatment
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Are advanced glycation end-products specific biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease?
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Investigation on the edge forces in ball end milling of inclined surfaces
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Tool-workpiece vibration surveillance during slender end milling.
PublicationPraca poświęcona jest nowemu podejściu do nadzorowania drgań wirujących narzędzi we współczesnych frezarkach. Polega ono na sterowaniu programowym w układach niestacjonarnych. Dotyczy zamkniętych układów obrabiarek, kiedy to istotną rolę odgrywają drgania samowzbudne typu chatter. Sygnałem sterującym jest chwilowa zmiana prędkości obrotowej wrzeciona. Rozważano frezowanie czołowe smukłym frezem trzpieniowym na pionowym centrum...
The improvement of axial bearing capacity of open-end pipe piles
PublicationZaproponowano sposób zwiększania nośności osiowej pali rurowych z otwartym dnem za pomocą wewnętrznych pierścieni. Przedstawiono wyniki badań w skali naturalnej i badań modelowych. Przeprowadzono analizę teoretyczną zjawiska metodą analityczną i numeryczną. Badania i analizy potwierdziły skuteczność proponowanego rozwiązania technicznego.
Enhancing the bioconversion rate and end products of black soldier fly (BSF) treatment – A comprehensive review
PublicationFood security remains a pressing concern in the face of an increasing world population and environmental challenges. As climate change, biodiversity loss, and water scarcity continue to impact agricultural productivity, traditional livestock farming faces limitations in meeting the growing global demand for meat and dairy products. In this context, black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) have emerged as a promising alternative for sustainable...
Towards classification of patients based on surface EMG data of temporomandibular joint muscles using self-organising maps
PublicationThe study considers the need for an effective method of classification of patients with a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). The self-organising map method (SOM) was applied to group patients and used together with the cross-correlation approach to interpret the processed (rectified and smoothed by using root mean square (RMS) algorithm) surface electromyography signal (sEMG) obtained from testing the muscles (two temporal...
Unsupervised Learning for Biomechanical Data Using Self-organising Maps, an Approach for Temporomandibular Joint Analysis
PublicationWe proposed to apply a specific machine learning technique called Self-Organising Maps (SOM) to identify similarities in the performance of muscles around human temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The performance was assessed by measuring muscle activation with the use of surface electromyography (sEMG). SOM algorithm used in the study was able to find clusters of data in sEMG test results. The SOM analysis was based on processed sEMG...
Impact of the Confinement Plate on the Velocity of Synthetic Jet
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Wave propagation in plate structures for crack detection
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Wave propagation in plate structures for crack detection.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analizę propagacji fali poprzecznej w płycie z pęknięciem. Do modelowania zagadnienia zastosowano metodę elementów spektralnych.
Viscoplastic analysis of damped vibrations of circular plate
PublicationGłównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie procedury do nieliniowej statycznej i dynamicznej analizy MES z lepkoplastycznym prawem Bodnera-Partoma. Przedstawione są podstawowe równania modelu konstytutywnego wraz z koncepcją implementacji do komercyjnego programu MSC.Marc przy użyciu procedury UVSCPL. Przedstawiono przykład analizy numerycznej płyty kołowej, zweryfikowany eksperymentalnie. Dodatkowo przedstawiono koncepcje wyznaczania...
Elastic Wave Propagation in a Cracked Isotropic Plate
PublicationW pracy omówiono model spektralny izotropowej płyty z peknięciem służący do analizy propagacji fali spręzystej.
Emissivity of the one-plate lapping machine tool
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań własnych emisyjności docieraka żeliwnego docierarki jednotarczowej. Omówiono konstrukcje produkowanych docierarek jednotarczowych wyposażonych w system kontroli temperatury lub chłodzenia tarczy docierającej. Podano warunki pomiarów temperatury przy użyciu kamery termowizyjnej typu V-20II firmy VIGO System S.A.
A dissimilar welded joint of grade 92 steel and AISI 304L steel obtained using IN82 buttering and IN617 fller: relationship of microstructure and mechanical properties
PublicationUnfavourable operating conditions of equipment in the energy industry resulting from high-temperature loads determine the need to use special materials and technological solutions, including welding procedures. In this article, buttering using IN82 (ERNiCr-3) consumables was proposed as a method to improve the weldability of grade 92 steel joined by the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process with AISI 304L (IN617 fller). The...
Dissimilar autogenous TIG joint of Alloy 617 and AISI 304H steel for AUSC application
PublicationTo reduce costs and improve high-temperature performance in Advanced Ultra Super Critical (AUSC) boilers, it is necessary to weld austenitic steel to Inconel alloy. In this study, the autogenous tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process was used to join Alloy 617 and an austenitic AISI 304H steel plate of thickness 5 mm. Microstructural analysis showed that the microstructure formation was uneven along the weldments, with columnar...
Sepulchral plate of Dorothy and Matthias Zimmermann in St. Mary's Church in Gdańsk
Open Research DataThe data set concerns epigraphy. It refers to the sepulchral plate placed in St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk which is dedicated to Dorothy and Matthias Zimmermann, a wealthy merchant and Gdańsk mayor, trusted courtier of King Alexander Jagiellon. The data set contains one general photo of the sepulchral plate, transcription of its text in Latin, its Polish...
The resilient city in architectural engineering education: a joint design studio between Gdańsk and Chalmers universities of technology
PublicationChallenges to society, such as those posed by climate change require a new approach to the education of the engineer-architect. Contemporary solutions should serve future generations and that is why the idea of the resilient city should be discussed and implemented, both in theory and in practice. It is necessary to teach students to design urban structures in such a way that they are resilient to dynamically changing conditions....
Effects of FSW Tool Plunge Depth on Properties of an Al-Mg-Si Alloy T-Joint: Thermomechanical Modeling and Experimental Evaluation
PublicationOne of the main challenging issues in friction stir welding (FSW) of stiffened structures is maximizing skin and flange mixing. Among the various parameters in FSW that can affect the quality of mixing between skin and flange is tool plunge depth (TPD). In this research, the effects of TPD during FSW of an Al-Mg-Si alloy T-joint are investigated. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method can help understand TPD effects on FSW...
A novel one-variable first-order shear deformation theory for biaxial buckling of a size-dependent plate based on Eringen’s nonlocal differential law
PublicationPurpose – This paper aims to present a new one-variable first-order shear deformation theory (OVFSDT) using nonlocal elasticity concepts for buckling of graphene sheets. Design/methodology/approach – The FSDT had errors in its assumptions owing to the assumption of constant shear stress distribution along the thickness of the plate, even though by using the shear correction factor (SCF), it has been slightly corrected, the errors...
Study on Microstructure-Property Relationship of Inconel 617 Alloy/304L SS Steel Dissimilar Welds Joint
PublicationWelding of Inconel 617 (IN617) alloy and austenitic 304L SS steel has been attempted using the autogenous Laser Beam Welding (LBW) process. Characterization of dissimilar weldments was performed on either side of the fusion boundaries. The metallographic results showed that the inhomogeneous microstructure formation for weld metal contained columnar and cellular dendrites near the interface, whilst the columnar, cellular and equiaxed...
A Wideband Rotary-Joint-Free H-Plane Horn Antenna With 360° Steerable Radiation Pattern Using Gap Waveguide Technology
PublicationConsidering the limitations of electronically steerable antennas such as limited steering span, gain degradation for large steering angles, complexity, and cost, this article is focused on the design of a simple mechanically steerable H-plane horn antenna. It is shown that since there is no need for an electrical connection between the top and bottom sections of a gap waveguide (GWG), if a sectoral horn is properly designed and realized...
Possibility of thermal imaging use in studies of natural convection heat transfer on the example of an isothermal vertical plate.
PublicationA new method of infrared (IR) camera use in convective heat transfer studies has been presented. Until now, IR cameras were utilized for temperature field visualizations of flat heated surfaces of solid objects only. Because liquids and gasses do not emit radiation in the infrared range of wave lengths, detection of temperature field in the air was conducted with the use of plastic mesh, which, after heating by hot air, emits infrared...
Comparison of heat transfer from single- and double-sided heated horizontal plate under free convection in air with constant heat flux condition
PublicationThis paper presents the results of an experimental and numerical study of convective heat transfer from a newly designed double-sided heated horizontal plate in air. To ensure equal heat transfer from both surfaces, the plate was equipped with two independently supplied electric heaters and resistance thermometers on each side. Minimizing the plate's thickness reduced lateral heat loss and improved measurement accuracy. The study...
Channel Blockage and Flow Maldistribution during Unsteady Flow in a Model Microchannel Plate heat Exchanger
PublicationThis paper describes the problem of channel blockage as a result of flow maldistribution between the channels of a model mini channel plate heat exchanger consisting of one pass on each leg. Each leg of the heat exchanger contains 51 parallel and rectangular minichannels of four hydraulic diameters namely 461 μm, 571 μm, 750 μm and 823 μm. In addition, a more complex geometry has been investigated where for the sake of breaking...
TOO4TO Course Module: Circular Economy, Economics & Sustainability, Sustainable Production - Joint module
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A fair distribution scheme for joint fingerprinting and decryption methods= Sprawiedliwy schemat dystrybucji dla metod łącznego osadzania odcisku palca oraz deszyfracji
PublicationThe paper addresses the fairness of the security provided by digital fingerprinting methods. It was noted that the digital fingerprinting techniques are designed primarily to protect service providers against the actions of malicious users, while honest users remain vulnerable to acts of malicious providers. The paper describes the customer's rights problem and the unbinding problem, which also apply to joint fingerprinting and...
Lamb wave propagation in a single lap adhesive joint
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Bolted Joint Monitoring Using the Elastic Wave Propagation
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Intelligent artificial joint and regeneration problems in articular joints
PublicationPraca przedstawia zasady działania inteligentnych sztucznych stawów biodrowych człowieka oraz problemy regeneracji chrząstek stawowych w stawach naturalnych człowieka. Postuluje się wagę podjętych badań w powyższym problemie.Zwrócono uwagę na problemy związane ze sterowaniem własności sztucznych stawów biodrowych oraz z identyfikacją impulsów przekazywanych naturalnym połączeniom stawowym człowieka.
Cutting Forces and Vibrations During Ball End Milling of Inclined Surfaces
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Modeling of cutter displacements during ball end milling of inclined surfaces
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The application of response surface method to optimization of precision ball end milling
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The analysis of instantaneous tool displacements during precise ball end milling
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The study on dynamic properties of monolithic ball end mills with various slenderness
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Modelling of in-plane wave propagation in a plate using spectral element method and Kane-Mindlin theory with application to damage detection
PublicationThis paper presents results of experimental and numerical analyses of in-plane waves propagatingin a 5 mm-thick steel plate in the frequency range of 120-300 kHz. For such a thickness/frequency ratio,extensional waves reveal dispersive character. To model in-plane wave propagation taking into account thethickness-stretch effect, a novel 2D spectral element, based on the Kane-Mindlin theory, was formulated. Anapplication of in-plane...
Electrohydrodynamic Secondary Flow and Particle Collection Efficiency in a One-sided Spike-plate Type Electrostatic Precipitator
PublicationIn this work, results of electrohydrodynamic secondary flow and particle collection efficiency measurements in an electrostatic precipitator under positive and negative voltage polarity are presented. The electrostatic precipitator had two plate collecting electrodes and a single spike discharge electrode. The spike tips were only on one side of the discharge electrode, therefore called a one-sided spike electrode. The electrohydrodynamic...
Theoretical and experimental analysis of guided wave propagation in plate-like structures with sinusoidal thickness variations
PublicationGuided waves have attracted significant attention for non-destructive testing (NDT) and structural health monitoring (SHM) due to their ability to travel relatively long distances without significant energy loss combined with their sensitivity to even small defects. Therefore, they are commonly used in damage detection and localization applications. The main idea of incorporating guided waves in NDT and SHM is based on processing...
Modeling of damage in a circular plate subjected to dynamic excitation
PublicationSzereg różnych dziedzin nauki zajmuje się problemem zniszczenia ciśnieniowych metalowych zbiorników (mechanika, termodynamika, mechanika płynów). Tylko niektóre prace ujmują wszystkie aspekty analizy. W prezentowanej pracy przedstawiono numeryczna analizę metalowej płyty poddanej obciążeniu dynamicznemu, aż do momentu zniszczenia. Do analizy zastosowano program MSC.Marc, element powłokowy, i prawo sprężysto lekoplastyczne uwzględniające...
Active Damping of Impulse-Excited Flexible Plate Vibration
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje metodę aktywnego tłumienia drgań podatnej płytki wzbudzanych impulsowo. Układ sterowania składa się z aktywych wzbudników piezoelektrycznych przymocowanych do przedmiotu. Efektywnośc metody została potwierdzona badaniami eksperymentalnymi.
An enhanced method in predicting tensile behaviour of corroded thick steel plate specimens by using random field approach
PublicationThe present work investigates the possibility of using random field techniques in modelling the mechanical behaviour of corroded thick steel plate specimens. The nonlinear Finite Element method, employing the explicit dynamic solver, is used to analyse the mechanical properties of typical specimens. A material model considering full nonlinearity is used to evaluate the stress-strain response. The influence of major governing parameters...
3D model of osteoarthritic (OA) knee joint for analysis of the medial meniscus biomechanics - input text file for computation
Open Research DataThe finite element method was used to simulate the stance phase of the gait cycle. An intact knee model was prepared based on magnetic resonance scans of the left knee joint of a healthy volunteer. In the OA model thickness of articular cartilage and material parameters of the cartilage and menisci were reduced to simulate degenerative changes in the...
Monitoring of crosslinking of a DGEBA-PAMAM adhesive in composite/aluminium bonded joint using mechanical and ultra-sound techniques
PublicationAdhesive cure is an important and determining aspect of strength and stability of bonded structures. Crosslinking of the polymer leads to the adhesive strength, stiffness and durability. Depending on the resin and curing agent used, cure time can vary from minutes to weeks, even then 100% crosslinking not being guaranteed. Standard methods based on dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) or calorimetric techniques (DSC, DTA) are valuable...
Microstructure and mechanical properties of a dissimilar metal welded joint of Inconel 617 and P92 steel with Inconel 82 buttering layer for AUSC boiler application
PublicationThe application of the novel dissimilar metal welded (DMW) joint, utilizing Inconel 617 and P92 steel, was showcased in the advanced ultra-supercritical (AUSC) boiler. The work has been performed to investigate the effect of Inconel 82 (ERNiCr-3) buttering layer on microstructure and mechanical properties (high-temperature tensile strength, impact strength and microhardness) of gas tungsten arc welded (GTAW) dissimilar joint between...
Buckling analysis of piezo-magnetoelectric nanoplates in hygrothermal environment based on a novel one variable plate theory combining with higher-order nonlocal strain gradient theory
PublicationIn the present investigation, a new first-order shear deformation theory (OVFSDT) on the basis of the in-plane stability of the piezo-magnetoelectric composite nanoplate (PMEN) has been developed, and its precision has been evaluated. The OVFSDT has many advantages compared to the conventional first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) such as needless of shear correction factors, containing less number of unknowns than the existing...
Analytical predictions for the buckling of a nanoplate subjected to non-uniform compression based on the four-variable plate theory
PublicationIn the present study, the buckling analysis of the rectangular nanoplate under biaxial non-uniform compression using the modified couple stress continuum theory with various boundary conditions has been considered. The simplified first order shear deformation theory (S-FSDT) has been employed and the governing differential equations have been obtained using the Hamilton’s principle. An analytical approach has been applied to obtain...
Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care
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Journal of the Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses
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Number of foreigners registered for pension and disability insurance by citizenship - at the end of the year
Open Research DataThe data from the Central Register of Insureds indicate that the number of individuals who were subject to retirement and disability insurance and who had citizenship other than Polish increased from 65,000 in December 2008 to nearly 570 thousand in December 2018 (table 4 and figure 4). This means a nearly 9-time increase, while the number of foreigners...