Search results for: FTIR SPECTROSCOPY
FTIR spectra of gas mixtures from the methanation chamber filled with 50-50wt.% NiO-GDC
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the FTIR spectra collection of the outlet gas mixtures (CO2, CO, CH4) from reactor chamber filled with 50/50 wt.% NiO-GDC (Gadolinia Doped Ceria 20mol.%Gd2O3) catalyst for perfoming methanation reaction. The inlet gas mixture was composed of 3:1 by vol. H2:CO. Spectra were collected using PerkinElmer FTIR every 1 min.
Effect of bio-based components on the chemical structure, thermal stability and mechanical properties of green thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers
PublicationIt seems to be obvious that conditions changes during polyols synthesis have impact on the polyols properties. Even the chemical formula is the same or similar, physicochemical properties and also molecular weight of polyols might be different and are significant in term of future polyurethanes properties and processing. In this work, fully bio-based poly(propylene succinate)s synthesized at different temperature conditions were...
Carbon (II) oxide (CO) calibration set of FTIR spectra
Open Research DataThe calibration spectra for CO concentration calibration were supplied with this dataset
Methane (CH4) calibration set of FTIR spectra
Open Research DataThe calibration spectra for CH4 concentration calibration were supplied with this dataset
Carbon dioxide (CO2) calibration set of FTIR spectra
Open Research DataThe calibration spectra for CO2 concentration calibration were supplied with this dataset
Assessment of the application of selected metal-organic frameworks as advanced sorbents in passive extraction used in the monitoring of contaminants of emerging concern in surface waters
PublicationWater pollution has become a critical global concern requiring effective monitoring techniques and robust protection strategies. Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) are increasingly detected in various water sources, with their harmful effects on humans and ecosystems continually evolving. Based on literature reports highlighting the promising sorption properties of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), the aim of this study was...
Signature of Oxide-Ion Conduction in Alkaline-Earth-Metal-Doped Y3GaO6
PublicationWe have studied alkaline-earth-metal-doped Y3GaO6 as a new family of oxide-ion conductor. Solid solutions of Y3GaO6 and 2% −Ca2+-, −Sr2+-, and −Ba2+-doped Y3GaO6, i.e., Y(3−0.06)M0.06GaO6−δ (M = Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+), were prepared via a conventional solid-state reaction route. X-ray Rietveld refined diffractograms of all the compositions showed the formation of an orthorhombic structure having the Cmc21 space group. Scanning electron...
FTIR spectrum for biologically pre-treated lignocellulosic biomass
Open Research DataDataset contains FTIR spectrum data for lignocellulosic biomass obtained during the biological pretreatment period with the application of wild red, white and brown Rot Fungi.
Luminescence and FTIR measurements of B2O3-Bi2O3-SrF2 glass and glass-ceramics doped with Eu3+ ions
Open Research DataLuminescence and FTIR measurements of B2O3-Bi2O3-xSrF2+2Eu (x=10,20) glass and glass-ceramics. The emission and excitation spectra of the samples depend on the composition and annealing time.
Changes on the Surface of the SiO2/C Composite, Leading to the Formation of Conductive Carbon Structures with Complex Nature of DC Conductivity
Open Research DataChanges on the Surface of the SiO2/C Composite, Leading to the Formation of Conductive Carbon Structures with Complex Nature of DC Conductivity
Physicochemial data of the faceted anatase TiO2 nanoparticles
Open Research DataRaw XRD, DR-UVvis and FTIR data of the faceted TiO2 nanoparticles, as extracted from the source files. Description of the basic measurements conditions and used quipment included in the file.
FTIR spectra of SOFC with LSCNT layer fueled by biogas mixture at 750 C (pure)
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the FTIR spectra collected during the electrical measurements DIR-SOFC with LSCNT layer. The SOFC was reduced at 800degC in H2 prior to mesurements. The spectra were collected every 10 min.
FTIR spectra of gas mixtures from the process of biogas dry reforming using CLO catalyst
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the FTIR spectra collected during the catalytic measurements of dry reforming of biogas (60/40 CH4-CO2) using Ce0.8La0.2O2 nanocatalyst. The specatra were collected every 1 minute.
FTIR spectra of gas mixtures from the process of biogas dry reforming using alumina catalyst - blank
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the FTIR spectra collected during the catalytic measurements of blank sample Al2O3 for dry reforming of biogas (60/40 CH4-CO2). The specatra were collected every 1 minute.
Green porous benzamide-like nanomembranes for hazardous cations detection, separation, and concentration adjustment
PublicationGreen biomaterials play a crucial role in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases as well as health-related problem-solving. Typically, biocompatibility, biodegradability, and mechanical strength are requirements centered on biomaterial engineering. However, in-hospital therapeutics require an elaborated synthesis of hybrid and complex nanomaterials capable of mimicking cellular behavior. Accumulation of hazardous cations like...
Study on polymer modified road asphalt mixture
PublicationThe formulation of ternary asphalt-additives blend composed of crumb rubber : low-density polyethylene (CR : LDPE) and crumb rubber : textile fiber (CR : TF) couples, and quaternary asphalt additives-blend composed of (CR : LDPE : TF) triplets on the virgin asphalt to optimize the asphalt basic and rheological properties and to use the extrusion process of two or three additives to obtain composite materials of them, as well as...
FTIR spectra of VO2 and V2O3 nanostructures
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the FTIR spectra of VO2 and V2O3 nanostructures obtained by the sol-gel with different reaction conditions. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials. The xerogel powder was annealing under argon atmosphere in the temperature range 400-1000C. The results show that the morphology...
Two-sites layered electrocatalysts for ammonia electrooxidation
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of the XRD and FTIR analysis of single metal layered α-Ni(OH)2, β-Ni(OH)2 or double metal layered NiCu hydroxides hydrothermally deposited on nickel foam.
FTIR spectra of gas mixtures from the process of biogas dry reforming using CeO2/Cu catalyst
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the FTIR spectra collected during the catalytic measurements of dry reforming of biogas (60/40 CH4-CO2) using CeO2+10wt.%Cu nanocatalyst. The specatra were collected every 1 minute.
FTIR spectra of gas mixtures from the process of biogas dry reforming using CLO/Cu catalyst
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the FTIR spectra collected during the catalytic measurements of dry reforming of biogas (60/40 CH4-CO2) using Ce0.8La0.2O2+10wt.%Cu nanocatalyst. The specatra were collected every 1 minute.
Change of exhaust gases concentration for LSCNT modified SOFC fueled by biogas mixture at 750 C
Open Research DataThe dataset changes of exhaust gases concentrations (CH4,CO,CO2,H2) over working time for SOFC with La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-s layer. Concentrations were calculated based on the FTIR measurements and calibration files presented in coupled dataset.
FTIR-TiO2 heated at 400-600oC in Ar or H2
Open Research DataData contain FTIR diffuse eflectance spectra of TiO2, which was heat-treated at 400-600oC in Ar or H2. Hydrogen reduced TiO2 revealed new bands due to the adsorption of some species on the titania oxygen vacancy sites.
FTIR spectra of SOFC with LSCNT layer fueled by H2 and 20ppm H2S/biogas mixture at 750 C - cyclic measurements (12h per cycle)
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the FTIR spectra collected during the cyclic measurements of H2S poisoning in DIR-SOFC with LSCNT layer. The H2S poisoning and H2 regenrating cycles were 12 h each. The spectra were collected every 10 min.
FTIR spectra of reference SOFC fueled by H2 and 20ppm H2S/biogas mixture at 750 C - cyclic measurements (12h per cycle)
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the FTIR spectra collected during the cyclic measurements of H2S poisoning in DIR-SOFC without LSCNT layer. The H2S poisoning and H2 regenrating cycles were 12 h each. The spectra were collected every 10 min.
Structure of ammonium vanadate synthesis by LPE-IonEx method
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns, FTIR spectra of NH4VO3 crystals with different morphology obtained by the LPE-IonEx method.
FTIR spectra of gas mixtures from the process of biogas dry reforming using CeO2/5%Cu catalyst
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the FTIR spectra collected during the catalytic measurements of dry reforming of biogas (60/40 CH4-CO2) using CeO2/5%Cu nanocatalyst. The specatra were collected every 1 minute from 800C to 500C. Reagent flow was set to 20ml/min.
FTIR spectra of gas mixtures from the process of biogas dry reforming using Al2O3/5%Cu catalyst
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the FTIR spectra collected during the catalytic measurements of dry reforming of biogas (60/40 CH4-CO2) using AlOOH/1%Cu nanocatalyst. The specatra were collected every 1 minute from 800C to 500C. Reagent flow was set to 20ml/min.
FTIR spectra of gas mixtures from the process of biogas dry reforming using Al2O3/5%Cu catalyst
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the FTIR spectra collected during the catalytic measurements of dry reforming of biogas (60/40 CH4-CO2) using Al2O3 (TMDAR)/5%Cu nanocatalyst. The specatra were collected every 1 minute from 800C to 500C. Reagent flow was set to 20ml/min.
Structural and luminescence properties of B2O3-Bi2O3+10AlF3 glasses doped with Eu3+/Dy3+ ions
Open Research DataThe attached data contains the results of measurements of B2O3-Bi2O3 and B2O3-Bi2O3+10AlF3 glasses doped with Eu3+ and Dy3+ ions in different molar ratios. Glasses were synthesized by the melt quenching technique. On their basis, the structural, optical, and luminescence properties of synthesized samples were characterized. The dataset includes XRD,...
Change of exhaust gases concentration for reference SOFC and SOFC with LSCNT layer fueled by biogas mixture at 750 C
Open Research DataThe dataset changes of exhaust gases concentrations (CH4,CO,CO2,H2) over working time for SOFC with La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-s layer as well as reference SOFEC (unmodified). Concentrations were calculated based on the FTIR measurements and calibration curves presented in different dataset. Longterm measurements of SOFC were performed using in-house...
Provenance studies on Late Neolithic amber ornaments from North-East Poland
PublicationThe area of North-East Poland was in prehistory, and still is today, an area with easy access to amber as a raw material, as is evidenced in part by numerous Late Neolithic (3rd millennium) amber workshops located in the Gulf of Gdańsk and Żuławy Wiślane (Vistula Fens). Given this fact, it is surprising that only a few finished amber products have been recovered from this area. Among them are unique ornaments from the Late Neolithic...
Influence of controlled crystallization and SrF2 content on the structure and properties of Eu3+ doped phosphate glasses
Open Research DataThe attached data contains the results of measurements of phosphate glasses and glass-ceramics doped with Eu. On their basis, the new material was characterized and the influence of the SrF2 addition on the glass structure was determined. In addition, the influence of the SrF2 content and controlled crystallization on the luminescent properties of Eu3+...
Thermal analysis of manganese(II) complexes of general formula(Et4N)2[MnBrnCl4−n]
PublicationBadano termiczną dekompozycję związków zawierających aniony [MnBrnCl4−n]2− (n = 0-4) i kation tetraetylammonium. Wykorzystywano metody DSC i TG. Badania prowadzono w atmosferze argonu w temperaturze 173-500K (DSC)i 300-1073K (TG). Produkty dekompozycji określono za pomocą MS, FTIR, Far-FTIR i dyfraktometrii rentgenowskiej.
FTIR spectra and IGC chromatograms for chemically reduced graphene oxide aerogels (rGOA)
Open Research DataThe effect of selected synthesis parameters on reduced graphene oxide aerogels properties was investigated using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and dynamic adsorption method (Inverse Gas Chromatography, IGC). Samples were synthesized by sol-gel method by reduction induced self-assembly of graphene oxide. As a reductant l-ascorbic acid was used....
Wpływ keramzytu na budowę i stabilność termiczną elastomerów z kauczuku naturalnego
PublicationOpracowano elastomery o podwyższonej odporności termicznej z mieszanki gumowej zawierającej kauczuk naturalny napełnionej keramzytem przy zastosowaniu wybranych zmiękczaczy, a następnie zbadano ich budowę i odporność termiczną. Mieszanki gumowe wulkanizowano w prasie ciśnieniowej zgodnie z przyjętymi parametrami wulkanizacji. Strukturę elastomerów zbadano metodą FTIR-ATR, a stabilność termiczną określono metodą TG-FTIR.
Change of catalytic parameters for SOFC fueled by H2 and biogas mixture at 750 C
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the Change of catalytic parameters for SOFC fueled by H2 and biogas mixture at 750 C (60:40 CH4:CO2). The outlet concentration of the gases from SOFC were measured using novel FTIR-based unit. The parameters are conversion rates, selectivities and yields of products
Zastosowanie spektrofotometrii w bliskiej podczerwieni NIR w kontroli i technologii produkcji leków
PublicationMetody wykorzystywane w badaniach trwałości mają na celu w prosty i stosunkowoszybki sposób ilościowo ocenić zmiany zachodzące w związkach chemicznych będącychsubstancjami czynnymi leków. Właściwy dobór metody analitycznej jest więc niezwyklewaŜnym aspektem pracy. Badaniom fotochemicznego rozkładu poddano chlorowodorekranitydyny oraz leki zawierające tę substancję. Zmiany w substancjach poddanych ekspozycji
Carbon balance of SOFC fueled by biogas mixture at 750 C
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the calculated carbon balance for the SOFC fueled by synthetic biogas mixture (60:40 CH4:CO2). The outlet concentration of the gases from SOFC were measured using novel FTIR-based unit.
Carbon activity coefficients of SOFC and SOFC with LSCNT layer fueled by biogas mixture at 750 C - longterm
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the calculated carbon activity coefficient for the SOFC and SOFC with LSCNT layer (La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-s) fueled by synthetic biogas mixture (60:40 CH4:CO2). The outlet concentration of the gases from SOFC were measured using novel FTIR-based unit.
Morphology and structure of ammonium vanadates synthesis by hydrothermal method
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns, FTIR spectra, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs of ammonium vanadates synthesis by hydrothermal method from different NH4VO3 precursors. The results reveal that a mixture of (NH4)V4O10xH2O and(NH4)0.76V4O10 was obtained for both precursors, however the contribution of each phase was different for...
Reaction quotients of reforming reactions for SOFC and SOFC with LSCNT layer fueled by biogas mixture at 750 C - longterm
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the calculated reaction quotients of reforming reactions for the SOFC and SOFC with LSCNT layer (La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-s) fueled by synthetic biogas mixture (60:40 CH4:CO2). The outlet concentration of the gases from SOFC were measured using novel FTIR-based unit.
Analytical data on molecular umbrella: cispentacin and molecular umbrella: fluorescent probe conjugates
Open Research DataAnalytical data (NMR, MS, FTIR) for nine conjugates of molecular umbrella with cispentacin, Lys(Mca) or Nap-NH2. The conjugates have been rationally designed as potential antifungal agents. 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra were obtained at 500 MHz Varian Unity Plus spectrometer and the deuterated solvents were used as internal locks. High-resolution mass...
Structural changes of a simple peptide—Trpzip-1—in aqueous solutions and the corresponding hydration phenomena under the influence of temperature
PublicationTrpzip-1, a simple β-hairpin, is a rare example of peptide with stable secondary structure and can be a convenient model to study temperature-related processes that potential prion or amyloid proteins undergo. Although its sequence is simple, the exact processes which the peptide undergoes in aqueous solutions are quite complex and not well understood. The selection of well-established experimental (DSC, FTIR) and theoretical methods...
Determination of the chemical structure of potencial organic impurities occuring in the drug substance opopramol
PublicationThe tricyclic antipsychotic and antidepressant drug opipramol was examined with regard to the chemical structure of its organic impurities. Impurities were isolated from the technical product by chromatographic methods and their chemical structures were estabilished by HMNR, MS and FTIR.
Budowa i analiza termiczna glikolizatów otrzymanych w reakcji odpadów poliuretanowych z 1,3-propanodiolem
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono warunki otrzymywania glikolizatów z polieterouretanów i glikolu 1,3-propylowego przy wykorzystaniu KOH jako katalizatora. Scharakteryzowano stabilność termiczną glikolizatów posługując się metodą TG oraz TG-FTIR.
Analiza TG-FTIR poliuretanów otrzymanych z glikolizatów
PublicationCelem pracy było zbadanie możliwości wykorzystania glikolizatów otrzymanych w reakcji odpadowej pianki poliuretanowej z 1,3-propanodiolem w syntezie poliuretanów oraz zbadanie budowy i odporności termicznej (TG-FTIR) poliuretanów z glikolizatów.
Badania struktury chemicznej (metodami FTIR i NMR) oraz własności termicznych (metodą DSC) materiałów i ustalenie rodzaju tworzywa sztucznego - Numer umowy: 032257
PublicationPrzeprowadzono badania struktury chemicznej (metodami 1H NMR oraz FTIR) oraz własności termicznych (metodą DSC) materiałów pobranych z dostarczonych obiektów i ustalono typ tworzywa sztucznego z jakiego zostały wykonane dostarczone obiekty.
Badania dotyczące ustalenia poziomu polipropylenu i polietylenu w mieszaninie polimerowej - Raport z badań zleconych - Numer umowy: 031664
PublicationBadanie składu chemicznego (metodą FTIR oraz metodą rozpuszczania na gorąco w ksylenie), własności termicznych (metodą DSC) oraz stabilności termicznej (metodą TGA) mieszaniny polimerowej złożonej głównie z wtórnego polietylenu i polipropylenu
Wpływ glikolu na przebieg glikolizy oraz właściwości, budowę i stabilność termiczną glikolizatów i otrzymanych z ich udziałem poliuretanów
PublicationCelem pracy było zbadanie wpływu zastosowanych glikoli na przebieg glikolizy odpadowych pianek poliuretanowych (PUR) w procesach w których stosowano masowy nadmiar odpadu poliuretanowego w stosunku do środka glikolizującego oraz budowy i odporności termicznej poliuretanów z glikolizatów. Glikolizaty otrzymywano w reakcji odpadowej pianki poliuretanowej z glikolami o 3 - 6 atomach węgla w cząsteczce. Proces glikolizy katalizowano...
Effect of crystallinity on structural, thermal, and in vitro dissolution properties of Na2O-CaO-Nb2O5/MgO-P2O5 glass-ceramics
PublicationThe impact of the crystallinity on structural, thermal, and in vitro dissolution properties were examined for Na2O- CaO-Nb2O5/MgO-P2O5 glasses/glass-ceramics. Glass-ceramics were synthesized via a spontaneous crystallization process. The Nb content in the materials increased with melting temperature, furthermore, the crystallinity is proportional to the Nb content. The presence of crystalline niobates and phosphates is confirmed...